PAflit tvra The Unvarying Quality n Only Thirteen Against Peace Pact. of delicious SALADA II Bias is a continual joy to users. Note the rich flavor of the tiny leaves & buds. Try SALADA. The Daily News PHINCE HUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published .Every Aflernoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month f 1.00 By mail to all part of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year .' $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Km lay. November 20 l9iZ Only thirteen people voted against the Locarno Peace Pjjct in Hie lfritili lliue of Luminous yesterday. It was praclically unanimous. There, had lo lie some opposition, of course, hut it was negligible. OfToursO everybody wants peace or professes lo want it. The only difference is as to ways and means of securing il. Finger Print Plan 'Proposed For All. The (iraud Jury a Vancouver ha a new scheme for annoying the people. It woulJ have, finger prints taken of even person tn the country and Ihe individuals u recorded to pay the cost. This is another recommendation made without cousider-ing the -cotieo;ih'!!ce-. NVe have, enough laws or that kind, especially laws accompanied by Tees. The tendency would be to Iry to escape it and tho-e who escape beiiife' logged wiiuhl be Ihe ones to whom it should particularly, upply. It is easy enough to sit in a.jurj roo'm and make recommendations but much more difficult loget law parsed and have them properly enforced dealing with, iie mailer. Already there, are too niany laws and sotne'of them tue not enforced in. Hie extent desirable. , . V Protect Consumer As ' Well As Producer, -rf--'- 'jft&tari"L-. Wo hear such a lot Todav ;ilonl liriifei-lintr ih" The manufacturer wants prdleeflomwrHl' Ihe farmer want pro-teclion and the fruit grower want prolec'lftui and so doe everybody else if he can make a dollar by The consumer i not heard from in all Mil medley of demand, lie suffers in silence. He is roblied on every hand, He is made lo pay high prices for food and clothing and car and .is never heard beyond an occa-i fional miillfr. Now and then he decides to start a co-operative association and he voles against the high protectionist . caudi-1 dale hut that is Ihe e.xlenl of his protest. Pity the consumer, lie is the goal. . . ' '. ' Where Is Heaven? . . ) People Asking. . 1 . ' A despatch lo some jif (Jie newspaper says England i agitated today over Ihe. pifislhle lowijioii 'of heaven. Dean Inge, seems lo have started he furore by staling in a recent book thai (here is no u-li place hill that It i simply a spirilual condition. The Dean says that for year people thought Ihe Earth wa Ihe centre of Hip universe, that hell wtf bencnlh Ihe ground and that heaven was above Ihe sky. Thi wa purely imaginary, ' he says. Aflorall Ihe main Ihing to consider is what wo are iruiusr to make Ihe preenl existence. I il (o be heaven or hell? To many il seems to be hell but to hundreds of Olhers it i heaven. Then Ihere are those who live in Hie intermediate stale Todav they are lifled lo Ihe sevenlh heaven and tomorrow Ihev are cast down to I He ullermil depth of despair. jfrtd ui your uiievs Supplies name end vWsf uiI iend you Wisffv this illuclrnA: numes uvtv WslHbulors 'fori K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3.I Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply or Nanaimo-Welling--ton Coal now Albert & L, McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 Is from New York and Chicago. 1 1 the country district I footxi there the me spirtl penaifiii flie people thai nioveil the Pilgrim father ami President Lincoln." That was Ihe opinion ot the speaker in regard lo rendition to the soulh of the boundary line. Just Like Ourselves , Mr. Mefilymont gate a Ions and irilerrstin? talk about h' trip.- He aM he foil ml Iiahlty any difference lwen people south of Ihe line to those nor!' of it. He was well treated iri crossing anil in Vironin the alike. Passing on lo Ontario. Mr. Mr Olyiuonl saiit Ibal while Hie prairies were spoken of a the breadbasket of Canada. Ontario he Ihouzlit was Ihe garden of Eden. When he was Ihere the country was very le-auliful with Ihe leave's liirnin color, the vineyards and fruit nrehard in bearing and with cattle all around (he farmyards. Thev gave it a homelike appearance. Power of Advertising Buffalo was the nicest city. Mr. McHlymoiif said he visited ir his travel. He visited the Ho. lary Hluh there ami heard Ihe singer from Bosomtiiifo at th? luncheon. He ale at table with eight Bulfalo men and limy never heard of Prince Itupert. However they knew somelhing about Al aska and all wanted lo visit thai territorj'. .That showed what ad vert iiiiir did. The speaker also told ot visit ing in Ihe country where people went lo Church on Sundays and where, the type of people were Just like ourselves, he did nut feel likea foreigner there. There were no indications of gron' wealth ami neither was Ihere auv sign of poverty. All seemed com fortable and happy. Liked New York The speaker said lie liked New York ami was more impressed with il than on a former visit years before. The traffic hand ling wa wonderful. He was ir-lereled in Irailsportallon and was (old Ihere were 30.000 taxi owned by the larger companies irresperlive of the smaller one. I'hey charged 25c for the first half mile and l.'c fnr each ipiar ler of a mile afterward. He saw the houses Hr Ihe millionaires mid Ihe. rliurches-and oilier Mill lie buiblipgs, several of which he described One place in which Mr. .McCly monl was interested was International House,, Ji cost Ihree million dollars and was preset)!' ed by one of Ihe Vanderblll. II was for the ue of slmlenls from every land, Ihreo-fourHis oilier than Ihe United Stales. Ther-worn In all 5.15 resident at all lime comprising (17 nationalities. A Canadian girl wa In charge and a girl wa there from British Columbia. The student were divided Into groups, among which was the Brlllsh Empire ifroiip. These gave entertainments, concerts, debates, and stunts. Mr. McClymonl Inld of Albany, of meeting Governor t this. country- thirty or forty years M 'iV.V"- .i .i if uiti. ins Kiiunni mill l H r i - wn a flow of population south een in lhoe days. He would not have Known which country lie had been in if he had not had lo pa Ihe customs ofHCers. All looked 7SR RAttf iTkT5 9? Local Police Magistrate Sees Little Breaking of Liquor and Other Laws in United States Tells or His Recent Trip at Luncheon of Rotary Club Yesterday Afternoons Americans Much Like Ourselves "Durinir nv recent viil to the tinted Slate 1 kept my eye upon lit see if I could delect any signs of J he breaking of the prohibition low or see the crime wave spoken oi so inuih in the press mid I could find none of it. Pros reports to HiCj contrary I nv no indication's of it and a a result the people oi the United Stale are prosperous and happy." Thai (lie ver did In-ought liy Thohias MrClymont, police magistrate 'his ritv, who recently penl a good deal of time at New York. I'.lr cago, Buffalo anil Other Aniericnn oilies and who also explore: (lie country district "During all the lioie I was o' Die olber side I saw only thrw person who route Im said to he under the influence of liquor. Two of I hose were in New York ami one in Buffalo and there wa not much Hie matter with them. Only one wa I aked In have a drink and that wa from a lHl!e flask in the smoking car of e train ami it I refused. There 1 no sign thai drinking is preval-enl or thai crime Is rampant in Ihe rminlry. Probably if I wa looking for it I rnuhl find it. I' Smith, of PracMe lloue w 1 1 : sirl learnivl lnui-ek'-'-pnig ns pari of their work in t tie 'ram-ins as leacliers an. I wliere in o r were adopted so thai Hn-v .u.' tie traillCil iU motherhood. Nearly Equal to Skeena The sfonery along tlir lluilon from New York to Altiany. I b speaker saiil. raniiel next lo ll'e Skeena for scenery. Ai Tonoilo -Mr. ami .Mrs. Mcr.lymonl enler taliMI Ihe Kerpin hoy and Miss Uirna Tile lea at Hie lodel nhlr b Jndge the peop!, . . . . , l allows. Also in N inr ihel Ihe nipeg Ihe henrd llev. Fre Kerr, wlm wa formerly hi eliarge of Hie Pre-hyterlan ehnroli liere. He wa one nf the hig:el men in hi line in Hie wet. In Unit city however he no! iced a lot of em-ply stores right near the centre of the city and he did not think H looked welf for hnine. Upturning lo Prince Itupert, Mr. .MrClruinnl s.n.l he would not say he would rattier Ihe her" Hi a n any other city for would not he true, hut he until! say that il wa nitr to make dollar here than acy place lr knew. Thai may mil he good fn moM of the p.-ople were eilh.-ij,,,,, 1W11 lHr(1 , ,,,,,.,, tuiiiiiioiins or mi- iit-srf iioiiio s "i Canadians who hail crossed from it to lie true. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: a it TIME pases Hke llgliloinn afler Jim have sighed a note for tliirly ilars. JAKE says Oarwlli was alt wrong. Man neter aeendel. THE difHcully i that so ulan; people have a Holts HovCe l...' vcHU only a Fonl "flivver income. A COIIIIIPONIHJNT Intlinatei that all the rhymes in llii column are clipped from funny paper ami other newspaper. He HalleTs me, I did not know I could he. o funny. He als challeuges me lo wrlle a vers on some local topic so thai h miuhl sure it was original. AT Vancouver are. Iwo hikers. Sure enouvh lliey are no! piker. I'orlhey Iramped Ihe whole loin way. Week by wrek alul lay by day. Ililtfmr lie ami dirty road, Carryiiur all the Unie their load. I'p Ihe lordly Skeetia going Past the Bulkley swiftly flowing. NerharjKinnv- 'Hii-ydli.'ii1, along W h i li m Jfniilif if f wl II erl il; . ' .yo'ii'g', 'nil lliiiJ-' Di'vfovk'iWiJ. TheylRMlnw Hi. nilnw Hllf ihFifff mouth often do. belter (flan Ihat. each "lie Here's ti-them, the hikers bold Tramping on through wind ami cold ' Prince Huperl girl have proved I heir w orlh Like many here salt of Ihe earth At.I' lhoe laijv hikers needed was a press iiucnt? with ,lheni lo have immorlalied their trip. 'NIK most expensive loud speaker I Urn Kind you marry. UiV CHOSS word piules and roU Ion stockings have, been In the discard (his long while. KVKflV family seis tin lis own court of appeal !iml''ll ruling Is usually fihsohile, fF I were an alligator On a farm h Florida I should be H real eslaler Celling farms In llorida. .... ' ui 1 1 IF anyone knows what Ihe l.icl verse means I will, 'ivo llicm a lilllilliliHl JH Save Time hundred liter' flie lawyers say. Easu steps to i'S. us. Ten Years Ago Hi t'rtnce Rupert November 20, 1615. : In an effort In prevent Prince j Huperl and Ihe li I P. HailwaVj from yelling Ihe Alaku fresh j 'ish trade. American shipping: rompame trading between Alas-J ka and Seal lie hate reduced their, freight rate on boxed fresh flshj from Wrangell, Petersburg. Jrtn ! eau ami Kciehtkaii from 7 to 5 per ton. Mr. and Mrs. Kj. fJlillwell are leaving for Hosehurs, Oregon." where they expert to take up' (heir residence. I.asl night at farewell parly w a given in I lien-honor at Ihe Mclnfvre Hall and a presenlation whs made hy I .en Bell. v 1'dwurd l.etnes, nine year nl I son of Mr. and Mrs. I.eine of Porl HiflEMin, wa admilied x Ihe PHhce Huperl Ueneral llo-pilal last niglit stufering (rout u broken leg snslnined wiien sleiijll ridiior. . i LAND ACT. NOc of InWntlon to Appl t Li) Ln lo I'M- nert Mod nmirdlnr OU i inn. ami inulc tt &. Srer luiul. ; tlKWl . rftain Miilhealerl)- fnl ih eilrcow fWrOrtl end of Spirrr Ulaiil (Ikl alMiut fl.H0 ritin r. rrfifll SrtKsin ' T !'. Tike tuilUe Owl WllUre FOhrrlrl l.fnilli-d, ot Vortrr, Hi:,. rriipl.m rnwrymrti. IBlerwl 14. ti4y fr a lf of Hie r"lkl prmrritird UihI - CofMM-ni-IMir l a rM Uuteil itxnill WO chain in a WMiilwiorrly dim 11. u fnn il eimne nnrthel rtid of Sptrrr lUfnl. and fl.0 chains cii rrmn! SdHviwr raw; ttiHMr w mi Hi Lit rbaln. Ihfhre rat LSI rhaln; Ihenr norlh lrrly iDraikktrlna alxnr Hie lln of hlh tide In p of -ismiirnr-nini. and rmitalnlnr I. Ilo irrr, nwire or le, . wvixvck risiicniM umitf.0. VneHranL Oilxl. ntnh Tlh ISH LAND ACT. Nolle f InUntien to Applf I Lti Land. In I'rlitr lluiwrl Uod nernritinr PU Irlrl. and iiiuip ai Vn.nil lUrtsir ! lilt lUiid. almul im mile norilwatl front loe eniraiir In prlrrl Ounnrl, and almui Mic mile wMittierly friii ilw nortliraii ronicr nf i.m soup. 1 Take notice that Willie rilicrlci I lllillt. of Vincoutcr. B.I' . nrrupilt'W rinner)iiirn, Inlrmli lo ipi'ly fur a lrl of It follotilns pmcrttipd firno- i ij.rnnMiirini al a pl planted ilxiil: one iiiIIm In a mmlicrlr illrm-llon from' Ihe nnrllieit corner of noiip; ttwnrr mith f.U luln; thenre ne .(0 rhiiix; tlM-nre norlh 0.70 chilni: Ihence' eilerljr meannlrrlnf ilonr Ihe hlrh wilerl mark to Ml nf roimnriirrnient. nidi -rontitnlnt t.Oft icre. more or le. WALLACE FIIIKIIIF IIVITFO. ! Applitantl LAND ACT. Notk ef InWnllan lo Applf to Lull Land in Queen rharlntte iiimriet Land lie eordlna DMrin of prlnre Huperl, and mule at Shannon fiv. TVkF. JOITICK Dial floliert C. 0oe of Vancouver, nr., ocriiiiaiion cannrrvman. Intend lo apply for a leie nf the fol lowlnr deicrllied land": Coimnenrlnt at a pnt ptanleil nti an iinnaineil Inland S.n der, V. (II chalni. more or lcl from lmillim'tl rar. A SKATri.F paper says one ofinr' "f i"i m. O.c i . nanre s-. ihence 11.. ...... i- i i ' in"v tt'm iiM-miisv-T mi ii piri r iif? its wmni the weaknesses Of their school Ulaml e. i.inl of rommenreineni, and system is that a teacher has 0 1 ""'"- n, '"nrr c' oo"r. iry iwo or ihree schools herore lamllmr a husband. That Is in the U.S. of course. Here they APKlleant Ter Win. O MlirheM, A rent rtle1 "ctr.lw" h LAND ACT. Nolle f Intintlon to Apoln to Li Lin In Prince luiprrt Land llrrnrilinr fil'lrlrt nf iohm riaitite s. and mnale on rth narhael lulamt. T.UK JOTICK ihnt Alfrcil sanon, r.f rrinrf iiiiprri. occupainin Minner., in ifv tn iil'ly for a lea nf Ihe follow In desrrilMil lands: Ci.rnmrncinr al ll ptinird on Hie oil I n point hi ,-wirni nariiael land then armiiid nirn water tuirk to the IKiim nf cnintnrncrtiietit, and fonlainlni j acree, more or ic. Ai.rnr.n awa.vaok. . .. ... . - Appllranl. A. k. Wrirtu, Akint. Dale.1 OcMier tdlli. I, l'Hnw 'litrwf n r LAND ACT. Nolle of Intintlon to Appl, to Lin Land In iTim-e imtiert liecnrillnir OUlrlcl Jr fi'"1;' .. Ulilile on Soiiili liarharl Inland. ...TAKEin"Tl.f;K """ Alfr,", wnnii, Of ITltirts- Iliirrl. iwriipallou MiMner.. In- (kiiniiieiirlnir II I poaf t.lan lf1 Mi Ihe ,.llh IM.Ilit of South ,Vr,c aland then ari.uiid hlfh ftjicr inik to Hi SO arfea, more nr ie. ALrntn swamsum. . ... . Applhanl naied nnotar ieih.R-,,l,h'' ",' i'lluca Itupert, B.C. Good looKin Effect Economy (CANADIAN Oxo Cubes give the taste and save the waste of fresh meat. Add Nourishment In tini of 4 cubes . 15c, 10 " .30, Restore Nivy Flavour cW Steamship and Trai Service .. PRINCI RUPIRT lll Iriv eiONCI RUPIRT VAUCOIOM. VIOTORI. tIATTLC jiimI n termmtMIr sMi raiDAV M I t n I S, PRHCI RUetRT for ITIWART 4 ANVOX, WtOKtlDtr t tM. PIUCt JOHN fi.rtiiilhlly for VAftCOUVCft i QUIIH ChAAiOni ItLANOI. PAItlftQCft TRAIN! ItAVl fRINCC RURIRT IVIRV WONOAT, WIDNIIDAV ami (ATUROAV m ' rftmct 0I0ML EDMONTON, WINNIPIO, ill - inl. I -lrni aiu.U AOINCY AIL OCIAN ITKAMIHIP LINKS. City Tltt Otfk. 2S Thlr Alt, Prlitc Reet. rs, t4 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert r utcoiut, nnout a sunu UmUf It. M IomiII rf biui, smMi , f ii. os rn. N, tv i, Cmpkl due, n VuMmif lf Slrf 11 cm, AKf for (II SlMintRI tln. rll lrn(U W. a ORCHARD 0fl Aftnl. err t Oi SU( tft A !, Prist Rrrt. SC. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OFB.C,LT0. Siiiint frooi Crioc Roprl. r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SM Si, Alrt , T..., I PA r VANCOUVIR. VICTORIA, Altrt Ji, Smm y, .lfl. Par ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON nd Nim Rltf Cri, TKvrf A rf PORT SIMPSON, ANVOX. ALICt ARM. STIWART, tuaaif, S US l4 AiMni. 4. r(lf, AfMU PMiw MtfH. IS E. H. Shockley Planing Mills no-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, With additional nia- bines ror lh niaur.i 1 ' ' SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also earned in stock. Save handling charges by buying dire t from Ihe supply. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED lo building neat door to Knxiell Butcher Shop, t." from the Kmprcss Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll proprietor t standard oi runty fir over' loOyearSy zmri )J4f QheGinyouwiH ask for again J his ndverlisonifiiit Is not pulills lied or ilisplflydl W ll Liipior Control llourd or'hy the novorniiicnl ot j lirilish Columbia