ii7, October 20, 1025, EEP FIT! KEEP FIT! $1.50 Play Badminton Nil Hut indoor Rami1 afford- - mi mm! ioivii V ii get real pleasure loo- vvh-ii v.,,,,. c 1 1 1 'inc 11 f i- r.f 1 WRIGHT AND DITSON BADMINTON RACKETS Miiilc ill K 1 1 k I f 1 1 i . ip I Quality Ali, Superior Kngli-li (inf. 'erfnl Hahnm: Prices $5.00, $7.00, $8.50, $10X0 eMflaeMvs.Jjd NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast mrmm n r i w ri. m i w - m m m anaaian hisn & i.om Morale 1.0.. I in. - W 1 W 7 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. worth for Special Offer $1.00 INTRODUCING. PARKE DAVIS A CO.'S TOILET CREAMS i :x r fillv piirhaei ot two or any of the will lie pri'etilcd with one I ret1. I" ' ' T fJih te, very large lube 50c I' tV I .. Uolil Oeam lor imiuge and as a skin cleanser 50c I' l Vanishing (Jreum, h greaoU's cnum Ihut rubs 1 1 1 "Km m.-i f. .!; .ii '(mi kly 500 ' ft. . VIiiioihI lcani tor lnrd hand ami roughness 1 -km 50c PI" I. Shaving Cmitti. germicidal Shaving Soap. ' g' :lt'. live nionlh- of dil have 50c Ormes Limited The Retail Store. The Pioneer Druggists a I'd Avenue trinl ill Ii Hired Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE It PRINCE RUPERT (nit PRINCE OCOROE Mil tM.m PRINCE RUPERT VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, aiul llit.-rii.'.liile llitf rtrh SUNDAY UK) THURSDAY (I 1000 p.m. ANVOX Wadnaada, 10.00 p.m. I' ITEWART Saturday, 10.00 p.m. . PRINCE CHARLES t-r KETCHIKAN, WRANOELL, JUNEAU, SKAOWAY, Mill WEDNESDAY, 4 p.m. t. PRINCE JOHN fotlnlllilly f VANCOUVER Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENOCR TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT "ILY auapl Sunday H i" t lx r PRINCE OEORQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEQ, all t. ill- i-i. i n iipH I i ; I -tin- H . H U I .1 .UBIII. I IMffl Ci Tlctai Offlca, BIS Third At4 Print Ruptrt. Phont 260 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. .alllnr lrim Irtnre liuptM, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Saion Ba,, and Alart ,, Tuaadaf, S P . VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AlaM Ba,, and twanaen Bar, Salurda,. 10 A.M ANVOX, PORT SIWPSON and Naaa Rlar Oannarlaa, Thurada p.m. PORT SIMPSON, ANVOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday, S p.m. Hl d Aianua. J. Barnala. AtaM Auaart. " O LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED " I'uilding next door to Frizzell Htilcher Shop, across from the Kmpress Hotel We enrry n full line ot CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION "met Zareltl Proprietor ft- J ! Local and Personal U C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Try 057. Valentin Dairy. Iliiplist Church Ladies' llanaar, November 20. I'honc tf WalkliiN Products. Itcpre-scnlalive 1'. C. Miller, Jllue 2'J5. tr A'l-ounlx up lo Oclolicr 10, lotalliiiK 8,2J'J.0I wprc r.asie.l for iiaymciil at I In; ineeliii& or llii! rily council last night. Tin' Canadian Fish & Cold Slot-aye Co,' irawler (i. IV l-os- I't entered dry dock litis nidrn-iiik for cleanlnK and ainting. J'lie Liberal coiittuillei: rooniH i-orncr SecomJ Ave. and Fourth HI reel, next to the Walker'? Munic ntoro are open every after noon and evening. 251 Edward llwanU. Indian, " Jiai-Ke.l with 'intoxication, was fined t'M and eoln in thu oily ixdiee eourl yeslenlay afternoon. A eliarge of nuiidyinx aKainst I ilwards was withdrawn. .. -. r I'eriiiUfion wax uiven the Ureal ;War Vetera n i' Ak.ocuIkiii y tin- i ily i-iiuiu-il laol iiikIiI on inolion if Aid. Mi-Mordie and Aid. I'em in riinilui-l the u-ual Poppy Day wif on ovtniher 7. Calliolir liaxaat- will oen to-ni'irrow Wednwiday afternoon at ...in. uniler the l'.iiiiu-ei Theatre ti Sixih Street and will continue until Thurxdny evening when the IikI of iriie winnerti will be an noutii-ed. A reiirl from the finance eitiiiinillee reronininndiu? thai Hieek for 35t which had been i.-i e.l mk a loan lo I'olice Con lulile Alex. Macdonald be can celled wa adopted by the cily eotint-il lanl nijrhl. Comdahle Macdonald refuted to accept the :hcck. Mi. Mary Kllen Sniilh, M.L.A.. fur Vancouver, i a iaintr gi.itiK Milh on the Cardena this afternoon after a sueeessfu'. eaiupaivn trip lo Any ox, ..Alice Vi ni, stpwart and Premier In Ho i!eieu of Freil Stork, tbe Libera! eaiididate for Skwia riding. Mr-. Smith j to addresn a iiieel- i;ig m (lie etnolnie Ibfalr- iln afleriKion at wltirh Mr I- red Pyie will act a chairman Ata. .Mc.Momie sugseieit a lax! nifhl'H council meflina tli.i M was not convenient for work injr men lo repisler fr the matt. ioipal election Itetwren (he hours of i and S and asked that the offlc of the city clerk be kep' open during Hie evening for the purpose of receiving regitdra (tons, rity Solicitor Jone.s re plied lhal it was the intention to keep the office open evenings the last Ihreo days of the month ANNOUNCEMENTS opera! ic atxl tnisi-ellatieou- program. Westholme nexl Mon day and Tuesday. Catholic Church llaiaar, Octo her 21 and St. Hospital Hallowe'en Hall, Oct ober 30. Hill Sixty Chapter I.O.D.lv. I tar.ji.-i r. Oclober 31. K. of P. whifl drive and tlanee, .November 2. Anglican Church llaaar .No vember 5. Minstrel Serenade. United Church, November 5 0. Presbyterian November ' 12. Church llaiaar Hoyal Purple Bazaar Xovcin- ber 13. Moose mil 18. llaiaar November I' AM . Si. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary I llaiaar. December 2. j Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid Km v onoiiit,f. lixj I T.W 0k to ItrWw CATARRH of tha BLADDER US fortuul Eh Cannula MI0Y) belli rami. x,T,uy TUB DAILT WRWB PAGB THRKP Commodore Cafe THIRD, AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Ilrcakfasl, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinner and after Theatre Hefrcghntcnts Our Specialty is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Itetail. You will be pleased with our uervice. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Two cars at yur service Sneddon Taxi. I'honc 1 31. tf Tlie Liberal commit lee room eomer Heeoud Avjj. and Fourth Street, next lo the Walker's Music store sire open every after noon and evening. 251 Judgment was reservetl by Judgr Young in the County Courl Ibis inoniiuz in the case of A I. Pi udlioniine e al vs. Frank MacDonuld. Hoom rent and loan of money "was involved in the case. Joseph Martin, charged with I lief I of good 4 from the gasboal. Olory al Cow Hay, appeared b- lore Juuge voting in i lie couulv Court this morning and elected for speedy trial which will com mence lomorrow. Mitas Irene Motince. It.Sc, of Hie llanical branch of lite federal depart ineut of agriculture, after spending the past month in this district on official duties. will (tail by tbe Cardena this evening for Vancouver en route to her headquarters in Oitawa. An application from sain llaudenochild to purchase tax sale lota S ami 6, block 20, sec tion 8, on which he proposes Id erect a -house was received Jo die cily council lat night. II. ftJvff nl i.tinlic.! fj, iniw.lia.ii FISH PRICES HIGHER TODAY Over Twenty Cents Paid Several American Boats For Their Catches Fish prices were higher again today, twenty cent and over be- in K paid lo several American boat. Details of the aale American Daley. 22,000, to Iljoyal Fish Co at 20.30c and 8c. Venus 8.300, (o Hooth Fisher-ion at 21c and 8c. Yellowstone. 7.000, lo Uoolh Fisheries, at 20.50c and 8c. Superb-, lfi.000, to Atlin Fish- rie! al 20.10c and 8c. Iladio, 11.000, to Cold Storage at I'J.Sllc and 8c. Canadian Volunteer, 3,000. to hooth Fisheries at 18.f0c and Cc. Marzalice. 0,000. lo Cold Stor age at 18.70c and Cc. Selma, 1,000, and Cape Spen Ver, 2,000. lo Atlin Fisheries al 18c and 7c. D.S.T.. 5.000. lo Cold Storage nt 111.50c and 7c. Scrub. 1,500. to Cold Storage al 18c and Cc. lot II, block 27. seetfon 0. Ilnihl,.,f.,l"j;Ue.!,.,i0n ,,lch r..t ... ri.. "'" uirougii an aiiiciiu ..... ......... ... ...7 ........... ..,.....! i... ti.i ii.n ommillee for the usual court i "Tl. IV. . ..f ..linn a,", .WUWCM imj v... I . , , ... , . Union stonier Cardena, Capl. . K. Dickson, is making a call in Ibe Skeena lliver today to load salmon at North Pacific Cannery ami i due lo arrive here .at 4 o'clock Ihia afternoon. Tho ves- sel will clear al 5 o'clock for Vancouver having among her passengers for Vancouver: W. J. Murray. C. F. Gilbert. J. Littler. W. II. Chase and Miss Irene Mouiice. WIRELESS REPORT 8 Lm. DIGMY ISLAND. Ilaining, fresh oulheasi wind; barometer. 30.10; temperature,' 51? sua choppy; 7.15 a.n. spoke steamer Cardena left Wales Island oulh bound. . DRAD TUKF. POINT. Over cast, calm; barnmcrlcr, 30.00 temperature. 12: .en smooth. HULL IIAUHOIt. Cloudy, light southeast wind; baromcler, 30. 17: temperature, 50; ; moderate swell: 8 p.m. spoke lug Lome off Harold Point bound for Powell Kiver; 8 p4)i, spoke steamer Mogul, Slewsin for Any- ox, 1 1 miles from stcvurt. Noon DltlMY ISLAND. -1 JIAtiilnsr. moderate soullieast ffalc: para meter, 30.01; temiieniture, 31: sea rough.. Dl-iAD TUKi: POINT. .Ilaining I'nlm; barometer, 30100; temper ature, 17; sea smooth, HULL IIAUHOIt. Clear, light southeast wind; barometer, 30.- n; leniperalure, 51; nmderaU swell; 8.30 a.m. s.ioke tug Cape Scott abeam llaildittgrlou Islamt souttibound; 0.:io a.m. spoke sleamer Venture at Telegraph Covo 'soutliliouud; 0.30 a. m.l spoke tug Pacific Monarch towing barge Uiseayeu (:lefj Holla Holla southbound. . HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Sunderland. Ketchikan; .Mr. and Mrs. .1 Wynne and Dick, Sliekeen: C. W. Swanson, I sk; Mrs. J, Kirkaldv unit A. King, Terrace; M. Dahl-tjuisl, LVdarvale. I Central I s. Shef'sky and .1. L, McKwen ,C.N.lt.; II. Ik Myers, Alliii; P. Sheehan and W. Murray,' cily. PARKING BYLAW FINALLY PASSED Clause Inserted Prohibiting Parklnn of Cars Within 25 Feet of Corner Viththe addition of a clause prohibiting the parking af cars within 25 .feet of any corner in the cily except when loading or unloading freight or passengers' the nw Parking Ilylaw was put through ils final readings at the meeting of the city council lasl night. Mayor Newton brought up the matter of parking al the corner Instead of singling out the Alder Illock corner which had been decided upon last week he felt Ilia it would be, best lo extend the 25 foot rule to all corners in the city. If the principle was sound nt the Alder lilock Corner lie thought it should apply to ail corners. Aid. Casey, Aid. Sleph ens and Aid. MeMordie approved iu. oasey was ocsirous oi setting some speed limit in pass ing intersect ion but was informed by the city solicitor that (he council could not deal with (his point which was covered by the Motor vehicle Act Aid. Perry suggested that cars should not be permitted to park within eighteen incites . of any curb so thalXcongeslion could be avoided. Oilier members of Ibe council felt that such a rulin was not necessary since the by law already provided that car could not park within six feci of each other MNDERHOOF Thomas G. Mcliride, Ipdepen- denl candidate for Cariboo in the forthcoming federal election, ad-J dressed a meeting in the Com- iiuiiiily Hall lasl Friday evening. Dr W. Iloss Stone presided. A bee was hcM here on Sunday to clear the site which will be used for a skating rink this wittier. llev. h II. Arrol, afler three years' service here, will leave a' I lie end of the month for Wellington. Vancouver Island, lo which church ho has been appointed. Work on the telephone line to Stuart Lake is now finished fori Hie season and Vanderhoor now' has direct communication wil.lt I Fort St. James. The work will bo! mimpleted nexl year. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TO HF.NT. Four roomed house and bath, close in. Phone 81. USB- 2in1 ShocPalish For your shoes l( saves the leather and - 210 Improves your personal appearance Fred Stork, M.P. Liberal Candidate respectfully solicits Your Vote and Influence at the forthcoming Dominion Election on Thursday, October 29 BED UNIT SPECIAL 1" CONTINUOUS POST WHITE ENAMEL DED, Width .1 feel, Braced Woven Wire Spring and good quality all Fell Mattress 3 Piece Unit, complete $24.00 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue Phone 123 E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with additional nun-hiiies. lor the manufacture of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried in slock. Save handling charges by buying direct from the source of supply. mMmmmmWJ M RANT'S Best ProcwraMe i lot mxl mt oaiciKAu Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINrST HICHLAND MALT tloolad mmi n,imJ Ljr Witluai O.m , Son, Umitvi CI.ftlUKli t EUlxKM-CUnlml OwiJknM, Dull-annii Clutvo. ScotUad. A M jmmWm JmfmS This advertisement Is not. published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by. tho Government of British Columbia. -hi