25 TAXI VOL. XV., NO. 1 03, and Ambulanr Service , Anywhere at Anytime. -'s Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. tEI,... 1 ,, I i -.., ..ii mously jiasted. These motions recommended fair Height rules fnr all tiiii-Ih iif (lie llmiiminii y .. . - . ." expressed uie opinion Mini it was the duty of the Dominion ami provincial governments lo secure an adequate tail outlet from tire Peace Hiver lo the Pacific, ap- roved the immediale eomple- I Ion or the UUtlsun nay railway, favored the building of an all Canadian highway from Winni peg via Mukatoon anu r.umouion and supported the principle oT filler-provincial co-operation In wards securing the use of Can adian transportation luciiiues, ports and jjoous in preierenre in those of u compel nig mil ion. T 1-1 T11I71IA11 hi . . ii in nU ELLU1U11 FOR WHILE YET Premier King Made Statement Last Night Aftor Cabinet Meeting OTTAWA, July 10.- Premier King said last night Ihat there would bo no. decision regarding an election for some lime in come, lie made Ihls slaiemeni nl I he mnr nslnn of a can lie! meeting. When asked regard in an election decision, the premier laughed, lie said: "You may be quiie sure in inn- mum. jhi won't be any decision in reguM in an i' cc oi lor a koou nine in cmue. FINAL STAGE BISLEYSHOOT Elovon and Possibly Twolvc Canadians Will bo Entered DISLEV, July 10. -Eleven and r..,,.int.u Ui.'iitt-f. tn ii mil ii n a julll enter Uie second stage for Ihe King's 1'rir.e at .rifle shooling liere. 'Sergealit lleauinont of Ihe right lo enter. Last year ftixic.cn uimnllaiis eniereii uie fill 111 .III (TP If ' ANCHOHAGE, July 16. He-newal of the pelagic sealing treaty with Canada when it expires in 39:10, will be urged in congress by Senator C. C Dill of Washington, he declared here yesterday following an inspection Irip lo the seal rockeries iu Ihe PribilolT' Islands. Dill was impressed by Ihe number and condition of Hie herds. lie also declared himself in favor of, legislation encouraging Alaska coal operators and preventing Ihe government from buying llrilish Columbia coal for tise iu Alaska. Feeder lines should be built from the present Alaska railroud to milling regions, he said. MAN IS KILLED IN GRANBY COAL MINE Joseph Lavln, Shift Boss, Succumbs to Injuries Rocelved on Tuesday NANAIMO, July 10 . Joseph l.aviu, ated 45, shift boss iu Hie Orauh coal mine al Cassidy, died yesterday as a result of in juries sustained iu the main slope of Ihe mine when he was rauglil by trip cars Tuesday mnrniiM. STOCK MARKET Hid Asked H.C. Silver 1.00 1.35 lla.elloti .02 H- iSilvercrcsl .17 Surf Inlet 05 .05 U Dunwell 3.50 1.00 I'lrinier 2.20j 2.SH Howe Sound 17.50 Selklrks Daly Alaska O run by Terinlnus ... I.. & I (lladsloue Hufus Hnyvlew IncbHn .03 .25 13.00 .11 .20 V& 24Vj .05 .06 .03 .20 .30 .20 .20 .00 Mi .07 by any Provincial assay er here, and 25 per Cent of the ore values is iianl immediately upon his report being received. Then on shipment from Vancouver a further payment of DO per cent will be made. The rsJahllsliinMit&fW'uiiore purchasing geinjy hero'" is of the utmost importance . to j the camp a it will allow' the producer of ore in small lots lo I shin on the same basis as the TREATY IS ADVOCATED lre '., United States Senator would Ban British Columbia Coal from Alaska STRIKERS AND POLICE CLASH Sixteen Men Wore Injured Today at Mine Near Cardiff, Wales CAIUUFF, Wales, July 10. - (s"ixleen men were injured today in a collision between strikers and polire at Hock Colliery in rfJIeaiiinralh. Five thousand. strikers' surrounded the juts where seven hundred miners re mained at work. One humlreii police were called lo disperse I hem and Ihe clash followed. Af ter llie trouble, the remaining iniiiers uit and Ihe mine closed. FAILS AGAIN TO SWIM CHANNEL Mist Lillian Harrison Forced to Give up'WIthln Five Miles of Dover DCAEH, July 16. When with in the miles of Dover, Miss Lillian Harrison, Ihe youthful Argentine swimmer, was forced lo abandon her third al tempi to swiiii across Ihe English Chan nel, ' Miss Harrison fried twice lasl yrar lo swim Ihe channel but she was unsuccessful. This lime she started from Capo llris-nei, France. HEAVYWEIGHT BATTLE 1926 Tex Rlckard Announces that Jack Dompaoy and Harry Wills Will Meet NEW YOHK, July 10. Tex Hirkurd uunouueed today llial Jack Dempsey had been (signed to meet Hurry Wills, the negro, for the world's heuvywoighl championship. He said, however, lliul il was unlikely Ilia' Ihe fight would take place before Sieplcuiber. 10S6. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE HL'l'EIlT, RC-, TUl RSDAY, Jt'LY 10, 1023. In less Mtaii seven, hours Victor LaForce, CN R. rur hecker. constructed a working radio sH in a bot'le. lie used only a pair of pliers, i rew driver and a few pieces of wire, aim made all the pieces except Ihe .? binding posts. V.(ttrdi'i Circulation 160T ResidentsLof Fort Simpson, . 1 . Northwest Territory, Just EIGHT MORE HULLS Received Their Xmas Mail FOHT SIMPSON, N.W.T., July 10. Residents of this fur north iost recently had a second "Christinas celebration" when the first mail boat of the season, the "Pioneer," arrived bearing forty-two socks from the outside. It was the first mail siipie last fall, and consisted chiefly of Christmas,, presents, and the first newspapers of the. season. Though six mouths lale, the receipt of the Christmas mail was a gala event for the while settlers of the jost. , - The "white folks" of the, settlement were not the nnly'tuie REDUCTION OF TARIFF ASKED FOR Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Afraid Rupert Will be Closed PETERSBURG, Alaska, July 16. The Petersburg Chamber of Commerce last night adopted a resolution directed to the United States tariff commission asking that the duty on Canadian halibut entering the United States be reduced to one cent, equalling the Canadian duty. The change of tariff would prevent the closing of the port of Prince Rupert against American fisherman by an order-ln-oouncil it was explained. FOR LOG CARRYING Experiment With Blngamor. Leads to Extonslon of This method of Transport The hull JJisrayuu, first or a Heel or eight old sailing ships bought iu Sealtln by the 'British American Transport Co. for log carrying on Ibis coasl, has ar rived in Vancouver and is now at a repair yard. II is the Intention' untie own ers In fit these ejht hulls for carrying only at the present lime, usiii;ir Ihe barge Bingumon with its derrick for loading at northern pnints und discharging ul Vancouver by crane. '!n benefit by the arrival of the Pioiieer. Treaty -money, in charge of W. Harris, Indian agent, was brought in a Irunk-ful oT 111-1(11(1 new one dollar bills. Mr. Harris, accompanied by a Hoyal Canadian Mounted Police officer, will visit all Indian re senati'ju.s between here alid AU- lavik. Each Indian, man, woman or child, receives five dollars yearly In treaty, money. Traders from their far north ern trap lines Have been lecenl visitors here, disposing of their wiuter'scalch. 1'ele McKcown, Hie last while trapper to reach Hie post, runs a line 80 miles north of Fort Simpson and brought ju the (iesj catch of pells received during Ihe season. Many Indian trajipers have Hsposeil of Iheir furs, and, as In 'Ye Oble" days, do their trading with the llmNon's Hay Company ric ior. However, once -in a while they hold out the vdd skin to "swap off al some other establishment where something has' 'aken their fancy. SCOPES CASE CONTINUING Argument About Scientific Testimony Taklnn up all the Time Today DAYTON, Tennessee, July 10. Argument on Ihe question of whether or not scientific testimony should be udniltled In the t rial of John Scopes occupied all Hie morning session in the" case of I lie young school teacher who Is charged with teaching evolu tion theories contrary Jo l!ie 'J'ennesse stale laws. The matter was still being argued nl Ihe af tiv"firi adjournment. 6trt SalM El 6 BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dlnmg Hall, willr newly laid dancing f'.oor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wed-ding parties, For rates, 'apply tn Boston drill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVR RENTS. EXCESSIVE HEAT IS INJURING WHEAT CROP SPIRIT OF CO-OPERATION BETWEEN PRAIRIES AND COAST TO BE DEVELOPED i Grain Prospects not so Good in West Prairies; Manitoba Outlook Fine Hail does much damage in Saskatchewan 14 bushels an acre in Alberta WINNIPEG, July 10. Early season nrofixjcls for a record kvlieat yield in Western Canada have malerially changed us a result of the excessive heat and piulonged drought in Alberto hi i id the damage by hail in Saskatchewan. In Manitoba alone is the outlook comparatively favorable Kind, with beneficial rains, u lm 111 tr cioji is expected. It is predicted that Alberta will not harvest more thaii fourteen bushels In the acre. -r - rv CONFERENCE RESOLUTIONS? an po riant Recommendations Un animously Made Yesterday at Edmonton Conference EDMONTON, July flfi. -Con JderaUou of ic;?oluliousuliinii,-t ru to lliu western foufcrence by snenal rninmillcp fenlm-eil I lie! CANADA Rfiriorning session yesterday. He-, " WON BISLEY CUP fined as par. of an assert ment ; RENEWAL OF SEALING uu u imii ui iiiiin mr i ne wrsi D1SLEY, July I C Canada won Hie MacKinnon Challenge Cup open lo teams of twelve members al 1)00 and lOOUO yard ranges today wild a score of 1 .08 1 oul of a possible oLJi-01. s INDIAN ORE TO SWANSEA Fifty Tons Delivered at Wharf and Is Ready for Shipment STEW A Iff, July 10. The Indian .Mines Corporation Lid. report lliul the jirese.nl, shipineul of ore is -being taken over by ore buyers for Ihe Swansea smeller", and Dial they are negotiating for further sliiiuiienls in life near future. , . The shipment coiisists.of aboul 00 Inns and is all .. delivered- al the wharf. The nurchuse was made by Capl. tnTud'hiaiiaging engineer of I be Victoria mine, for Herbert 'Carniieliael t Victoria, who is agent tor u group of smellers in Swansea, with which in associated a number of Belgian and French smeller, lie has the, option of sending ore to any one of them. The purchases are firs! sampled and analyzed Good Work Started at Edmonton Convention is to be Carried on EDMONTON, July 10. The spirit of co-operation between Ihe prairie provinces and the Pacific coast which has developed at the conference of western mayors and other civic officials here diiring lhe jiast three days is lo be carried inlo a permanent organization as a result of a decision rnude yesterday afternoon. An executive committee of six members including Mayor Taylor and Kx-.layor Harry Hale of Vancouver was named with power lo add lo its-numbers and was instructed to continue the work begun this week and to arrange fur further conventions al fu- lure dales. rr - ------- After a lengthy discussion, it i rrp II 1 in nnn was decided thai the government W 11 IV I HAII-t rHK be asked lo abolish the permit system for the shipment oT grain west'. FISHERMEN ASSESSED FINES AT ESSINGTON Seven Convictions Obtained Result of Activities of Planes Yesterday, at Port Essimglon Mini a. ui &iu j. iii NEXT GOVERNOR TAGGED FISH CAUGHT !0.t tMZt BY AMERICAN VESSEL This Suggestion Made at ' j Vancouver It Is not the First, However, as Despatch From Seattle To days Says HON. CHARLES STEWART LEAVES. FOR EAST VANCOUVER,, J uly 1 0. Field An erroneous -despatch receiv- Marshal Eail Haig completed his ed today from Seattle -iays thai visit to the Pacific Coast last llif"ftrst halibut-tagged y ltevh:lit1'mj ';ItyWwfldnrgMiverV International Fisheries Commit- (he Canadian National Hallway sion. inVoiinectloh willih'e 'sludy6n his return EiTst. Yesterday he of the lialiils or Hsli, has been visited the Shaufrhnessy Military rauglil by fishermen of a Seattle Hospital, opened the Hed Cros schoou'er southwest of the Oueenjwoikshop, was a guest of honor ''hurlolle 'Islands. ut a Canadian Club und Military Nearly a mouth ago. the Dailyjlnstilule luncheon, visited South News reported that the Canadian Vancouver, Ilurnaby, New West-schooner Scrub bail caught one minster and Point Ore.y and was of these taigged fish in Hecate Straits. Since that lime, a number more lagged fish had been brought in by local fishing last night tendered acivic banquet at which 2,000 representa- : live citizens of (ireater- Yancou- i ver attended. V Z Al the civic banquet the hope s was expressed that Eurl llaig J might lie the next (iovernor Den- -eral of Canada. This suggestion 5 IS VISITING JASPER f"T aid.s aroused great enthusiasm. Minister of Interior Taking Rest and Looking Into Highway Situation JASI'EIl PAItK, July 10. Hon. Charles Slewart, minister of the interior, lias been a guest here this week. He staled that his purpose in coining to Jasper was to rest after Ihe session ami lo investigate Ihe possibili ties d( the completion of the Jasper highway from Jasper lo Entrance, the eastern boundary of Ihe park. This would complete the highway to Edmonton. TURNBULL GETS NEW POSTION Former Prince Rupert Man la , Appointed Assistant Deputy ' Minister of Lands VtCTOHIA, July 1(5. William Turjibull, formerly of Prince Huperl, has been apiMiinled assistant deputy minister of lands. .Mr. Turnbull has been with the department for several years and more recently has been tiniber commissioner. His experience makes him well qualified for the Inew post. The deputy minister a8,is Oeorge II. Naden, also for merly of Prinze Hupert. At one lime Mr. Turnbull was .manager of the Prince Hupert Daily News. before Dr. fisher-; Sugar, seven mifAntFTAtT 1 llTV men were found guilty or minoi'i I HIIkIV AIM 11 violations oT the rishimr resula-l 1 111llM 1 lll ill 11 lions and Tines ranging from lrtj In $25, were imposed by the magistrate. All (he informations were secured by sea danes oji-1 nrnliiiir In Hit fiiliuiu n p it n Mrtu ' HENRY FORD WANTS AMERICAN.SHIPS Offers Nearly Two Million Two Hundred Vessels to Scrapped be HIS POSITION Minister of Railways Denies that C.N.R. Head Is Yet ,U-cn- gaged OTTAWA, July lO.VThcrc h jnolhing to the report that the (government's cotitruct with Henry Thornlou htii been, re- newed for a terln of five years from October next at an annual salary of tf?5,()00i and yearly ex- WASHINGTON. July 10. penses of HS25.000," staled Hon. Henry Ford today offered l,-(leorge P. (iralialn, pilnisler of 700.000 for Iwo hundred shipping, railways, last night. The inin-board vessels that had been set isler said the quest lun had not Hidn for srrapping. v-' bee- t-Mef.