"AOK SIX THE DAILY rTCTWB We save you MONEY QUALITY 1 IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices are no higher ihan any oilier store in Gunailu. (ooils marked in plain figures nrrnriliiiR lo grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Etc. Save Your Eyes Our Optician lias liad over 95 years experiences testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North Preserving Special Now is the time to book your order for Apricots, Cherries and Strawberries. The season is (jetting short. Apricots for delivery on Friday, per crate . . $1.95 PRESERVING SEALERS '"Perfect Seal,' quarts, per iloz S1.60 "Perfect Seal," pints, per iloz. S1.25 "Economy" Jars, quarts, per do , . $1.75 "Economy" Tops, per doz. 40c "Economy" Clips, per iloz. ... 25o Mussallem's Phones 18 and 84 You can't afford to walk Time is too important. We take you any place, Day or Night, for 50c. Nice clean Sedans, driven by polilc drivers. Special rales for parly gatherings. Kindling We arc .juiyc again- in a position to supply this well known fire starter. If you need a hurry up fire order this Kiln Dried Wood. "The only wood worth bothering with." We also deliver ice and coal, and will quote on moving your furniture. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones 189-112 DANCE At the Auditorium THURSDAY EVE., JULY 16, under direction of Mrs. II. O". Crewe. During the evening u skipping rope dance by Miss Edna Ireland accompanied by l'iper Sturgeon, ;tnd Itussian Dance by Miss Winnie Thompson. Refreshments served. Doors open at U. Gouts $1.00. Ladles SOc. Dancing Class as usual, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, -7.30 to 8.30, followed by dancing front" 8.30 lo 11, and Saturday Evening until 12. P.O. Box 235. Phono 209 Richard Garrett representing W. H. M. ROLSTON & CO. irilieciallsiiiR in PofUand Canal Minlnig Slocks, Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals TWO SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNICS AT DIGBY Children of Baptist and Anglican Churches are Having Their Annual Outing 'Two Sunday school picnics are; taking place on Digby Island this afternoon. The Uaptist children and their parents to the number oT nearly 100 started out al 10:30 this morning in charge of; llev. E. U. Turner aifd at, 1:30 Uhis afternoon the children of 'SI. Andrew's Anglican, Church 'and Iheir iiarenls 150 strong left' with E. . Tucker, superintend ent of the Sunday School in charge. The launch "23" ami private boats are handling bulb excursions. KITCHEN SHOWER Miss Gladys Kemp Honored Last Night at Home of Mrs., j Macey j A very delightful evening was spent at the home of Mrs. II Maccy in the Wallace Work UU Tuesday, the occasion being a kitchen shower for Miss Gladys Kemp, who is to be married shortly.. About a dozen friends were present who presented Miss Kemp willi a large number of beautiful and useful gifts for use in her future, home. The evening was very enjoyably spent with games and music and the gathering broke up with many good wishes for the bride-to-be. I TIMBER SALE X7077. There will tic offered fur wile uli I'lililll' Allrll.Hi ul Ilium fill tliu 4'li-it ri:ivi A Hint For Summer Keep the stomach sweet and the bowels regular with "Fruit-a-tWes" the great fruit remedy for con-stipation and kidney and liver troubles. "FRUIT-A-.TIVES" The Fruit tonic laxativo WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m DIGIIV ISLAND. Part cloudy; il OT . I i'ii calm; bar. o,,.-,, ,l.h,i. u nf July, 105, In the office of tlio KoiTsrN.W . .wind; bat' manhood who had played his M;.ir smooth. 8 p.m. spoke Amur itj.ii.i.i r..,v A,....' I., v.. .............. I'WUIIU 111111 .iii;ua 111 U!ll-lJU I 1 '518 miles from Vancouver. HUUt -1'lll.M.. IWitV'l' .11 .1 iiaiiKH', uurns i.HKe. ii.c. tn Licence, , .,,,, .11, 4, ,,,.., ..,..L v..i. slllOOth. XW7, to rut tB.OUl) Jackplne Ties on an sea. At IlOOIl spoke CII-arca roverlna portions or i.i,tj tu and,ur,. aP Millbank Sound, tlorth-SMSI, about 4 miles south of Hill lis Lak, , , . , ,, , ', Hauire t, const District. . bound. II. JO a.m. spoke Louise niui,r iUyt?iniier " re"!t Provh ed thill any one unalne to attend n the auction In person may submit a waled tenner to ue opened at tnc Hour or auc- tlon am) treated as one bin. runner particulars or me. umer fores ter, Victoria. U.i;.. or District Forester. rlnce Hupcrt. ll.C. TIMBER SALE X7005. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 83rd (lav foe of July, IUK5, In the office of the forest iimifrcr. liurns Lake. B.C., the Licence X7UII1, to cut l&.titlu Jarkpluc. Ties on an i area situated S miles north or Savory Station, Kaiifrc 6, Coast District. j ' Two () years -will be allowed for re- moval of the timber. Provided that any one tillable to attend the auction In iierson may submit a sealedi tenner 10 oe opened ai ine nour or auc-: tlon and treali-i, as one bid. Further particulars of the Chief Fores ter, Victoria, U.C, or District Forester. rlnce ttuiiert, n:c. TIMBER SALE X6919. of of Sealed scaien Tenders lenuers will will be no received received by uy the me .i,,,i .i n,,nlv riir a "a leas " or 0f the 19 fol-Mlnlsler of Lands, at Victoria, not In ter i. iS'XP. l?Lf. than 1111011 on the 3uth day of July. lUin.l !Zr, l"vCT."rrLtl"e M',019,- L!hnately tlx miles north rrrom the mouih cut 1.135.000 reel of Hemlock,, - Spruce, lf wiiiler Harbor, Pearso Island; thenw lalsam and .rdiir mi an area United tiuptliwpst two (2) chains, more or !cg, the north end or Moore Lake, Pitt Island,: , 1)W wnt(.r mtrk; thence northeail ltanire 4, Omst HHtrlrt alonir low water mark one hundred and Three (:n years vll be allowed for rc-Ulxty (160) chalin; thence southeast inovai of inniier. -flintier particulars or the toiler Fores-' ter, v irtoria, 11. c, or District Forester, rlnce nnpert, ll.C TIMBER SALE X7172. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, not later than noon 11 lh :ilith dav or Julv. ltiiS. for the purchase of Licence X7I72, to cut1 14. null Jaenpini.' Ties on the mnitli 1-2 or I Ail &Mt and the southeast 1-4 of Lot nS22, t mile south nr Hose Luke Station, Itamrn i, Coast District. Two (Si years will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Fores ter, Victoria. U.C, or District Forester i-Hiice liunert. n V. LAND ACT. Notfc of Intention to Apply to Lat Land In Skeena llanire 5 Laud District. Ile- eordhiK District Prince llupert. B.C.. and situate y, mile north ir Wales. Island Cannery, on Wales Island, B.C. TAKE mit CF. that the Canadian F s i- ttifr Co. Ltd., of Vancouver, U.C. ocrupa-1 tlon, salnnin Canuers, Intends to apply fur pcrmlsgion to lease the follnwliiff cle-! srrlliccl liiiHls: , Ciiiiiiiionclnir at a mist ulanlcd at IiIkIiI water murk, nenr point V, mile north! frwm Cannerv on Wales lslunit! thence north one rlia'n; tlienee west ' ten rhalnn; inenre foiith to shore line nne rhnln; thenre east fnllnwlnir the lmre line to point of commenreiiient, and .eontalnlni one acre, more or lesa. THE CANADIAN FISII1NO CO. LTD. tiateit anih May. tos. I'iiau im.i. rui.u. iiiuuu.v; calm; bar. 30.28; temp. 57; sea smooth. BULL HAHHOIl. Overcast; light northwest wind; bar. 30.17; temp.' 00; sea smoo'lh. 8 p.m. spoke Mina Urea at Millbank sound southbound. U.30 p.m. spoke Pacific Monarch and barge Itingamon at Warner Hay south-hound. Noon DIOllY ISLAND. l'art cloudy, calm, bar. 30.31; temp. 05; sea smooth. DEAD THEE l'OINT'. Cloudy ; lightsoutheast wind; bar. 3U..'8, Icjtip.-G i ; sea smooth. BULL HAllItOH. Clear, fresh 30.15; temp. OS, J'ino Island southbound. 11.50 m mmtn Pi-hipi. Itimorl :il im ' .. . . isiu.uu iioniiuuuiiu. iii nuwu spoke Admiral Rogers at l'ine Island northbound. The pity taxes are coming in very satisfactorily jmd returns so pnmimt-n verv fnvriraliiv vvilb ' .. , uuicr uuis auiruruuin iu i. o. -Uallieson 1 11. UlL ,, Lll ,.jiv Lri'u'siii uc.lsuill. , LAND mn AL.I. 1- Nolle of Intention to Apply to Ltiu Land. iu the Land according District or Prince liupert, and situate on the northwest coast of I 'curse Island, U.C. approx-matcly six miles uurth from the mouth Winter llarbur. Take iNotlce that Gosse-Mlllerd Limited Vancouver. U.C. occupation packets. ,.'.r... ........ ..i ni.m.H (two lit chiiln!': thence snulhwest im hundred hUii,.(i and nd sIMv sIMy item item chains, more or H'M, to point or commencement ami con latum? thirty-two (32) acres, more or '"' ' , TlOSSE-MILLF.nD LIMITED, . Name of Applicant. Dated viav 1ih. 0 DEPARTMENT OF WORK8. Notlci to Contractors. SKA LED TKMiEBS, endorsed "Tender for iN'ew llazelton school," will be received by the Honourable the Minister of public Works up lo 12 o'clock Noon or Friday, the 31st day -or July, 1U25, ror the erection and completion or a one H00111 School and out liiiilillnK." at New llazelton, In the Kkeena Electoral District, 11 X. Plans, Specifications, Contract, and Forms of Tender may be seen on and arter the tilth day or July, 195. and riirther Inrormatlon obtained at the De partment or ruunc .wonts, rarinun'iii liufldinas. and at the rollowlnic offices.: tlovernment Airtiits at Vancouver, Prince lluiiert, Sinllhers. and Dr. W. Sarifent, Secretary to School Hoard, New llazelton, ll.C Copies of Plans. Speciricatlons. ettt., can lie nliUincd frum the Iii-imrtiiiiMil mi liy ........ ..r .. .., ..f T..,. ti..lliir failh iiit'II. ii n i t..' wlili'li will lie rpriinitPtl m return of the pluiis, etr.. In itoikI comlitloii. The towext or any tenner uoi iiei-en-surlly acniiled. r. piuur, liepiitv ,Mlnller amt I'uhilc Work KiiKlneer. I'ulilli- Work) tieimrtiiient, VleK.rla. ll.C, -July 7th, I0S5, Ainouiit joti suve ..2u .50 1.00 2.50 5.00 $10.00 no BROS., LTD. Cor. 3rd and 7th OUR JULY Clearance SALE Offers you Discounts from 15 per cent to 50 per cent, an average of about 25 per cent. The table below shows you the price of goods, amount you have to pay, and the (loods lo the 1111 1 IX t it t of $ 1.1(0 $ 2.00 .$ 4.00 $10.00 $20.00 $'t0.00 Amount you have to pay .7o $ i.r.o $ :t.U0 . 7.130 irio.oo tiiiio.nn AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER All Litdieft' and (Jhiklrcn's Millinery at half price, exception'. All lints are marked with plain figures. JABOUR Phone 645. ROBERT DOWTHER IS LAID TO REST Many Persons Paid Last Respects at Rites this Afternoon There was a very large attendance at the funeral serivc-for the late Holier! Dowdier it. the Presbyterian Church this afternoon, Hev. Dr. II. 11. (Irani, in con dueling the service, tiaid tribui" In the high qualities of tnauliooil by which the deceased would tic j remembered und made filling re ference lo the general esteem in which he was held by all who 'had been privileged Hi make hi" .acquaintance. Deatli had com I again to the home and there . were lefl behind to mourn those who had known him as husband and father. To Iheni the sympathy of the whole communis would f il- out in this sad' hour There was lo comfort them the sweet memory of a sterling typi pail well in (he game of life. Dr. (irant further expressed tin genuine sympathy oT Christianity in the hour of bereavement and spokeof death as being but the release of the soul for a belter sphere. The whole service was of a very solemn and impressive character. Mrs .larvis McLeod, during the service, sang very, sweetly "Heauti-ful Isle of Somewhere." II. (lord on, Bruce Love, J. I.amhie, S. D. Macdonald, A. I'iniiie ami Holf Walker acted as pall bearers. ' The funeral corelge proceedt'il to l-'airview Cemetery, where interment look place in St. An drew's plot. The casket was covered with flowers front the many friends who wished lo express their sympathy and respecl. Among those sending flowers ' were: Mrs. II. Dowlher and family, Mr. and Mrs. V. It. Penney and Audrey, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sleen and family, Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. 1). C. Sluart, Mr, and Mrs. Hubert McKay, Aid. and Mrs. (leo. U.Casey, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Krnest hove. Harry and Hay hove, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc-(illncliy, Mr. aiid Mrs. Uruce hove, Mr. and Mrs. O. Slegavig, Mr. and Mrs. .). .). Little, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Murray and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cordon, Mr. and Mrs. l'ele McCorinick, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, Mr. and .Mrs. T. HeaT't'.v1, Mr. atul Mr. .lames Currie and family (Aa-ttaimo). J. S. Nel.-on and family, Mr. and Mrs. .1. fl. Sleen, George Sutherland, liileriiational Itro-Iherliood of lileclrical Workers, Local No. 3Vi; Mr. and ;Mrs. Jon Hrown, Mr. and Mrs. D. 'McLeod and family, the Table Supply stalT, Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Hen-uing, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Siginund, Mr. and Mrs. Hen Self," -J'pi-ployees of the Light and Telephone Dept., Mr. ami Mrs. Hrnesl Valentine, the Hoyal Purple, Mr. and Mrs. II. Killin; Mr. and Mrs. M. McArlhur, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hehl anddaughler, Mr. and Mrs. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Appl to Lean Lands. in the Land Ilccordl'ig District of i-i ore liunert. ami slliutk on the north ui.m iMiini or I'enrkj lnhind. U.C. an:iro. Inialelv three mllei nurlh from the inoUih uf Winter Harbor Take Kotire mat r nzzeii a uiiiiiieu ui l-rlnce lluwrt ll.t:.. ucctipallon puckern Intend lo apply ror a lease ot the fol luwinit deserilied lands: coiiiineiie in a- al Dos" n amen aunrox linately three miles north from the niiiiitb of WUHer Harhor. I'name Island; tlienc northwest two () mains, more or teas, low wuter iitarK: inenre aoiiinweHi nln hit low water mnrk one linndred mid alxty (toil) chains; incnce aouuieaai two ( rhalns; thence ii'irlheast one htindreu and al.Tty (tOOi chains, more or lcs, 10 point oi I'liiiinifiireiiii'iii uou tun talnlnif thirty-two 3 acrca, more or lesa. . FHIZZEI.I.'S tjniir.ii. iN.ime or viipiicant. tiatert May Iglh. tPit. LAND ACT. CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT hlstrlct of Cassiar. Sllklne fllvlslou. TAKE NOTICK ihat I. Waller Jiillntl flieiorneri Solriierl. of Teleirranll Creek li l' orriuiailon Miner, lulends to annlv for pennlfilon to purchase the follow inn ilnriprlticil limris- Coiniiienrlnit It a post planted alioiit one mile east if Mel.eniU SlniiKh near the Stlklne lllver and ahnut 3K ml lei southwest of Telegraph Creek; tlienee north 80 chains; thence east 40 chains; thence south 80 Chains; thence west 40 chains to point of r.mmumicfineHt and contalnlnir 390 acres, more or less, WALTEIt JULIAN. Applicant. tnth o LAND ACT. Notloa of Inttntlon to Apply to Loaa Land Hi Cassiar Laud nistrirt, Hecordinir Hlstrlct Prince Import, H.C., and situate north nr HoiTlsh liar, Portland Canal. TAKE N0TICK lhar the Canadian Fish-Inir Cn. Ltd., nf Vancouver, U.C occupation. Salmon Canners; Intends to apply for permission to- lease the fnllnwlnir de-frcrlhed lands: CnmmencliiB' at a post planted at ! ttti water murk, 100 yards south nr Indian smoke houses; thence northeast one chain: thence southeast one hundred and twenty chains; thence southwest to shore line one chain; theive norlhwest follow Inir Um Mhofn linn lo Tioint of eoinuience , inent, one hundred and twenty chains, and I containing twelve acres, more nr less, THE CANADIAN KUHl.N'i d LTD, 1 Dated autu MaylH. Thursday, July 16, 1925, WESTHOLME : THEATRE Tonight at 7.45; One Show The Man Who Has AM Prince Rupert Thinking S2 The Beatilifiil Temple geously staged, beautifully Unsolved mvsleries of Scene of India with the Orient coslumed! Hie Orient thai turned India iipside-ilown, ami broke shackles of lieallieu siiperstilion. Ask MURDOCH the question nearest your liearl. Spirit i'ictures of any pel-son. living or dead! Challenge slate writing. Also Regular Picture Program RICHARD D1X in "A MAN MUST LIVE" Hasetl on Hie "flood Housekeeping" s-erial "Jungle Law" by 1. A. H. Wylie. 'pi drama of a man who had lo decide between starving lo death yr ruining the family the girl he loves. Does the law of the jungle eal or be ealt-n also apply lo civil x. lion? See how Dix faces this problem. The story of a young fellow wlirr had p';i, around wilh ihoriis girls yel preferri'tl In be down and out physically lo being d'w and out morally. The most powerful picture in which Dix' has ever appeared, l'r minenl supporting cast. Jacqueline Logan, Goorge Nash, Charles Beyer, Arthur Housman, Edna Murphy and others. COMEDY "A RASPBERRY ROMANCE." TOPICS OF THE DAY. Admission 75c and 25c "LADIES ONLY" MATINEE, THURSDAY, 2.30 p.m. WARNING! Girls under the age or Id POSITIVELY NOT ADMITTED to Ui. Matinee. Ask Murdock your Private or Personal Qui -tions at this lime. A !!! ' number of Murdock's Oriental Crystal Gazing Halls. Ilornsrupes. Hook-. eb, given ,vj FREE during this --perui! niatiuee. II. I). .lohnson; Kinjiloyees of the Universal Trudintr Go'., Mr. and Mr. E. McKcuzie, Mr.i. llildilch, II. and P. Order of Klks, Mr. and Mm. H. K. Hciikoii, Opl-rator at the Shawallaiif Power Plant, Mr. and Mrs. .1. (J. (lavl?iin, Mr. and Mrs. .Jarvl.s Mcl.eod, C.tU.T. of Presbyterian UtiUich; Waller Mcleod, Mr. and Mr, (ieo. Hich-niond and family, Mrs. 11 McF Sniilh, Mr. and Mrsr W. E. Wil- liscrofl, .1.. W. llayinond and mother, -Mr. and Mrs. IU uavje, Mr. and Mrs. iieo.'jMunro, Mi;i. Jas. Moss and .family, James Dick, II. McCartney, Mr. and Mrs. S. I). Macdonald, Mr. antl Mrs. .1. I.ainbie, Mr. and Mrs. I). Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Xick, Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. A II. Ilaib-y, Mr. and Mrs. Joint Watson, Mr. and Mrs. William Mcltae and family. Mr. und Mrs. N. Mussallent, Mr. and Mrs. 11. i-'.. Walker, Mr. anil Mrs. Christopher, Mr. and- Mrs. M. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. John llremner, U. McCbrkindalc, Mr. and Mrs. (J. Ahlioll, Mr. and Mrs. Chrislison, A hi. and Mrs. J. McKechnie, Mr. . and Mrs. 1. McMeekin, JMr.'and Mrs. H. Dal-Kurno, Ladies' Auxiliary of SU Andrew's Soeiely, 1'. .1. Fortune, Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Dopdsell, Mr. and Mrs. A. Finnic, Isl. Andrew's Society, W. F. Cameron, the City Fire Deiiarlment, Mr. and Mrs M. M. McLachlaii, .1. Andrew, J Wilson, -Mr. and ;Mrs. A. Clap- perlon, Mr. and Mrs. P. Lind-selh. Mr. and Mrs. W.allcrsi and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jao. llanip-t on, Mr. und Mrs. Jas. Uuiup'hell. Mr. and Mrs. Ja. Sturgeon and Mr. ami Mrs. (ileiinie. FATHER OF LOCAL LADY PASSES AWAY The Lato Edward Thomas of Lulu Island Was Father of Mrs. , Alex. Mackenzie Mrs. Alex. Mnckenzie t)f this eily is liereaved by the death of her father, Hie Into I'.dwnrd riionias. which look placo at his home on litilu Isbimf" near Stevoslon last Sipidny moruliiK The late Mr. Thomas, why was . i t. li it'..!... jp lioril III fsouiii mui'uJ yi - ut - H. SEE- Sealed Tenders addressed to the under ulirned and emlorsed for the ' ' nii-lrin lion and hdiilpinent f one 1 I r,in, fool motor launrh" will lie rti:eived up to iKHin, July :m, 1 1 a r. . 1 Plans, ."ix-rlflralloun and rorm temlei may Ih nlitalueil at IIh: i.rrio-. of the tiller r'mwter .Vlrlnria; the Jilstrn-i I'wi itKter, Court lloiisn. anc oiivim . und Hi, liHlrlit Koiester, Prune Import, on de IHiit of llu.uii, wlnh will he reriiuded on III)' return uf (ilans'aud fx-:irirallon.i. The lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. li. It. -XAHK.V ; licputy Minister of .Laiid.-1. , . LAND ACT. j Nolle of Intention to Apply to Laaat I Lands. li; the Land llerordlnK Hlstrlct or, t'rlnre IIiiimti. and Hluate on the north-' west coast of I'earse KIhiiiI, ll.C... approx ! Hualely three mllea uurth trom the mouth, of Winter Harbor. ; Take Notice that i. FleldInK 3traiii? or Siimivsldi!, ll.C. oi-ciiiation cuiuieiyiiiiin.l lulends. in apply lor a lease uf the fol-. lowing dtscriliitd lauds: Coiimiencinir at a post planted appro ! imalely lliree mllea north from the moiitli or Wfninr Harbor, I'earse Island: thence I northwest twn (Si chnlns, more or less, lo low water mark: thence nonhead alonir low water mark one hundred and sixty ICUl chains; thence touiheiisi two (if chains; thence southwest one hundred and amy (llioi chains, tuoie or' h-M, to point uf couiiiienceineiit and eon ' lalninit thirty two 3D acres, more or lesa. JAMKS IIKl.til.NO RTIIAKn, Nuiim or Anpllcanl. Hated Mav tit Hi, 1 0 a r. . LAND ACT. Notles of Intention to Apply lo Lean Land In skcena llmifrn r Land lilstrlrt, lie-rordlnv Hlstrlct Prince llupert, and situate southwest point of Wale Island. TAki: MiTIDi: that the Canadian Fish-Inir Co. Lid. , of Vancouver. ll.C., occupa lion, Salmon dinners, Intends to apply for permission to lease the rnllowluir ilc fcrllied lands:-- Commeiiciuir at a post planted al IiIkIi water mark on southwest point on Wales Island, ll.C; thence norm one rhaln; thenre east ten chains; thence south one chain lo shore Hue; thence west alongshore line to point of roimuenreninut, and contalnlnir me acre, more or less.. THE CANADIAN F1SIII.NU 0. LTD. naien vanit May, tu i. LAND ACT. , Nolle of Inttntlon lo Apply to Purchstt Land In Skeena Itanite S Land necordlnir IHs trlri of prince Hupcrt, t,c, mid sltuali Haystack Island, south of Wales Island, n.c. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish Inr Co. Ltd., or Vancouver, ll.C, occuri lion, Salmon dinners, Iniends to annly for permission to purcliiise the following descrlhed lands: ' Commeiiclnir 'at a pnst planted al lilah waier inarx on wesi snore or uh"si,hk island: thenre norm aeven chain thence east seven chains; thence, south seven chains; thence west seven chains, and contalnlnir five acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN I'lsllINO CO. LTH Dated nd Mav. 1095 LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply to Latt Land In skeena llanire B Laud District, Prince llupert, U.C, and situate I no yards north or winter iiiirnor, I'narse island. ll.C. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Fish . .,. i v. ..iu., ,.u,i , .i..,, ,,i,.iiiiii- tlon, Halmoii Canners, Iniends to apply itli'o, was liridjre leittlei- al lvlturnCj riiiert iilnrili -- ,ol,"w,n foe seventeen years ami, III tliuli Cominenclnir at a post planted at lilith ... . , ,.i l witter mark 40 feet from rock (in shore rapacity, was known ami popular, ime; thence east one chain: thence north in n wide circle of friends nnir"1".111"111"'11 "'."I twenty chains; thence in a wiut hi i ii. oi n Rims nun w(,,t ,h()r, ,lne tn nn r,1l(n, ,nrl M lieiiuaillllliu-es. The funeral J anutherly direction rollnwlnr the shore . , ,, . .., ,i 'line to point or commencement, nnd con- look place OH 'lliesday lit the laintur twelve arres, more nr less family homo on Lulu Island. I 0ll,uT,MtttAMiVr'Aiii,'!8mNn ,:a ,TD 'urc i D; urers. d i.iie CASH and CARRY CLOCK Specials For Friday From 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. only, Tins xlarts mi tune an finishes i in lime. i St. Charles Milk, tall tin 'J for 26c Limit J lo each cusloine This is an opporiuii'v for you In watch the clue , and save real money. The I'uiversal lllearanr Kale is wit liotil a dnuhi ' event of t lie year in re! an circles. Watch the clock from 11 a.m. to 12 noon on Friday und- be there on lime. will take cash ordei for delivery only on tin-special. Bulk Granulated Sugar, . lbs. ... $1.35 Limit W lhs. to each cn-lonier. () days to iuiise $l().(l(Hl and tlie entire stork lo h enrnhed mil and sold at cos1 or less than cost. Watch our windows and advts. A real sale. Afternoon Clock Special from 2 to 3 p.m. Friday. 'ash and uriy' only 0,1 this item. Quality Brand Corn, 2 tiu for 25c Limit ll tlufi lo each ous lomer. Quaker Brand Peas, S lui for 25c Limit (1 tins to each, ctis lonjer. Note: A clerk from tin' Urucrry ileparlient will handle all Kroery speciub You may liny dry (foods bu' no restrictions)- alonn thouc lines will ever privail at the sale. Clock Special from 4 to 6 p.m. Friday Fig Bars, fresh slock, 2 It's for 35o ' (.'.ash ami Garry only. UniversalTrading Company