day July lo, 1925. We Didn't fMean to Shout Rudely EBut you don't have i to fasten a Congo- i leum bold-deal Rug. lit lies perfectly flat t to the floor and never I kicks up or wrinkles ; in any way. IV Let your dealer It tell you about the Irmany other practi- K cai qualities ot this I i beautiful, easy to-c clean floor-covering. 'nglish iponge Cloth ! n INrm. . li'Uise or Itr -e' I i !:. V-rv suitable or U ld'Tii s wear, iC Re urn Comes in and. la s Jade, 'ii'i'j , Cocoa, tali' Copen. Mauve, etc. Bry special, per yard 45c est of England Store IThlrd Ave. Phone 753 One cannot burn the . candle at both ends SYou wouldn't light a earn lie at (mtb ends and cx- ct i( to lastt very long. , inn you can i niiena your- inny duties as wife and , ftplher. then pilo on wasb-i fsy lator, and expect to pep yourself fresh and Igorous why not 101 us( ke enre ot washday toil , id trouble? One of our : nany services will fit' ex.-. ;tly both your needs and jur purse. And you can-jeep the homo fires burn-' ig wiihout nurning uio indlo nt both ends. nanadian steam Laundry Phone 8. BIG REDUCTION SALE . Runs all This Week ti 1 at i Demers" House of Quality GENERAL FURRIERS LC. FUR Co. Third Avo. lepairing, Remodelling on the premises, Hazing and Cleaning $9.T0 hones Day: Green 120 fv N ant: Black 709 TO CONVERT Novel Method Adopted In Paying Over of Two Million Dollars HONOLULU,- July I ft. The cargo of $2,00,000 in unld which .the United SI altM fleet i- taking lo Australia, to pay tho men and defray some, of I ho expenses of re-fueling and re-provisinniiig. 'will he transferred hotlily In. the I i.i.i.ii . gw.-, llllirill III ' rt'- Inrn, for Australian gold coinage at an nunee-for-ounce rate. Tin American money will then Ixv melted ilown and transformed Jnlxi Au&imlian- e4nager exchange an the deal, naval olll-cers estimate. If American d-d- ilnrs were exchanged for Aus pound, while the present ounce-for-onnre arrangement rlus Ihe small mintage charge renills in la saving both lo Am'rolia and 'the United Slates, it wis pointed The gold arrived, from the mainland aboard the iransporl Chaumnnt, and t,20i,000 was : transferred lo Ihe fiairship Call-jfornia of Ihe battle licet, Hie re-Imaining $800,000 to Iho I'.S . Omaha, flagship of tli.t .leslioyer I squadrons. It is expected Ihr.t l( dis-fhurseinpuls of IM. American fleet in both pay and payment for supplies will exceed Ihe S2,-000.000 considerably, but s,nh excess will be covered in the ii.-ual manner of exchange. KRUPP INTERESTS IN SPAIN KSSKN. July 15. The Krupp Works in I heir expansive policy have become Ihe partners and organizers of a locomotive .and machine factory in linrcelonia, Spain. In Valencia and Tara-izona thpy have acquired an in- (ere.-l in the dock-yards nnd in several coal mines and melting furnaces in the province. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land Recording District of l'rince and situate about one and a half miles east nf .Massetl Lighthouse at Ihe mouth of .Mas-sett Inlet, Oraham Island, Urit-ish Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Victoria, H.G., occupation. Packers, intends to apply for a lease nMho following described lands: Commencing- at a post planted at the northwest corner of Lot Seven, Graham Island, British Columbia, about one nnd a half miles east, ot .Massed Liahthouse at the mouth nf Massclt Inlet, Graham Island, British Columbia; tbenro northerly fivo chains, more or less' to low wnler mark; Itjence westerly, along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; tlcpco,tiaslerly one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, lo point, ot commencement, nnd containing eighty acres, more or less, I.ANGAHA FISHING & PACKING CO. LTD., Applicant. Per K. H. Simpson, Aent. Daled June 10th. 1925. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Lnnd, Hf cording District of Princo Ru pert, and situate at Rooney Point, Graham Island, llrilisb Columbia. Take Notice that Langara Fishing A Packing Company Limited, of .Mnssett, H.C, occu pation Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following do scribed 'lands: Commencing at a post planted at Rooney Point, Graham Island, Hrilish Columbia; thence northerly five chains, moro or less, lo low water mark; thenco west erly along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; thonce easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, or less. LANGARA FISHING & PACKING PACKING UO. LTD. Applicant. Per K. II. Simpson, Agent Dated June 12th, 1025. ttfler Ihe barren n .. I 1. n I I 11 . i : Odor rfi Mad In tm-Pjjnta U H b.c. Mosquitoes 1 llemnAKTS Developed World "TTTtJ )B hnmt Sdntlflo yJB Induttrlat Krch 1 hIf hutltut. Will not SKm tln. PtMaantodor. TT tUrmlw to human XOVWUtOCft' pdnlrnU. QT DtVjljtSt m TBI? DAILY H F!Wfl " PAOK FTVT? Drum Lummon and Other Mines U.S. MONEY! - Down Coait rom here Referred to in Mines Department Report (Hy fieorge Clothier Ilesident Fiiigiiieer; The Drum. Lnmnfoir Mines, Ltd. property has had a rather hard fight for existence. In 1015 the Drum" Liuiimoii Copper .Mines, i.muieii, was organized and work started on the property, wiin;n c.msixieu oi uiieen ininej-ni claims. A small compressor pium was qreMe(jroild a crosscut tunnel was driven from the surface, ptUnfT.iiie quart? vein, cropping above, nt 305 feel from Ihw portalynn,d continued a further (JO feet toward the No. 2 vein, also cropping ht the surface. This work shows a pegmatite vein varying in width from 1 to 15 feet in solid granite i-uuiiii-y-rocK. Hie -mmeraliza lion consists - of chateopyrile, bornile .arid eovelllte occurring in pari as small mass- enclosed in (he segregated duarlz and feld -Tlie-par, Inif TrminryloTriHrToTior- Arriprican government will pay der of fhe vein and interlatnin-a mintajre .fee of Ihree peneo nnjnted with ihe riiasses of mica. It ounce, lint will save :if,O0O in lis. therefore diilicull. from . the nature of the mineralization,.; lo tralian currency, I lit rat? would by the sloping of over 1,000 Ion he approximately fl.lU to the of ore, which from which former small shipments were taken. The veins, which vary in width front a few inches lo 2 feeicamd sisl of pyrilized quartz in a granite country rock.. The values are in gold, which varies wilh the. pyrile content. I b- Mieve thai if a number of these compute definitely any lnnme;rilall Mll.a0, v(1,nH w,.re opPne) of ixed values, this was proven U, ., ,u,Uci(.n nnnajre cou,(1 developed lo feed a small mill and make the properly a paying qua.,. ...... imm-m rouguy sor.e. onP. TP simo,P4, nf , out. was irealfd on the KronnJ .,u. ..' .... in a.nnll ,.,0. ..... .... ....! .ll,r " " ' V """!0e ore needs is crushing and creeled producing 37 ton ot'KrimIill? fjnp ou, , f co H-e.dra es wIueh yielded 020j rj ., sclieine , gold, 5I3 silver,. and . W.U30 .in , epai.nlc ()l0. from , ! copper; a total of ' 18,093. about quafl.-gravi.y'concen.ralion or ?K a ton 6f mntrun ore slop- iu,ation. 'l'l ., I Very favorable, terms could be In 1021 the company was re- had from lP UWIp , organized mlo- the .Drum .Lum-!(ir,0,lf an(, , in wp wnp. " VV , V r. 1!,"nvMllgallnK for a small pro- ' ;, ' ' ; '"aide undertaking requiring Ha lins. of r the (ilenville A. CoUin!snia i.uilal otillity. i.llSllirn.-, I.llllll t-J, ill T-'l'.'MMI , incorporation, wilirhead otlice in Vancouver. Well Equipped A srood. pileiUdoek with an approach 1,000 feel long was built: a slandard-gauge railway-lrack 3.600 feet long laid lo the foot of Ihe hill and equipped will, a 2-lon Ford i truck; HULK, l. . a U Practicable Working The Wright group includes iho four mineral claims I.X.L., I.X.L. Fraction, Nabob and Klim "dtualPd south. of and adjoining Hip Patterson, group. The vein and miireral occurrences are similar lo those, of Ihe Pat terson, but sullicient work, which JlK-llLK,la Kaph irtli(P(t In uiiamimU ramway was construe ted from;,,,, no, A 1(Pen (or)P , ,pve, , the end of (he track to Iho mine; , any ot surf((Cp ,w and a 000-cubic-foo compressor fn,ln wuic( , ,aCPH , ,(, driver, by a 120 horse power valu(M )(avp ,,(l.n IobtajnPlJ T(0 D.esel mow erected; engine pi.opPrtjpS eouIl, ,,p WHrkpi commodious, convenient eamp'lo;P1Pr n , advaillafrP wllIl was also built; in fact, every-1 ,.. ,.,mf.enlr!,,n,. fnp ,.,,, IJ.ins done lo put the none on u- T,1P j.glp clail is lwnw , shippniK basts except, .levelopintf . ,nn I)awMI, am, u ,iUa,e(, WPst sullicient ore. )of ani, ailjoining 'the Trixie .1 UTJ I.I...H-.. U...UM.-,pIaj,n of ,hp paU(u.SOI, jfro,,,, lonnajte of snipping ore ami :inA,lont ,8n fpP, of uni(.rffr0llnil unuu1" '"'-' work has been done in yearly ceased in 1023. Ihe May eom-;asspssIU,ntiI Tp vda VM, pany went into bankrupcy and in,UPH so far as Mposed a,.p aimj November last year lenders wer; ,ar lo p pa,Prson am U'riRbt called for the purchase of the Rowings mine and equipment by Ihe Can-' Thp s,'aniJard 0roup of fjvft a.lian Credit 'Men's Trust Assoc-iclaim;is, ,,..,, Nos 2 3 4 iation, Limited. Arrangemenls!.(niI 5 am .onam(vsilIa,Pl! on have now been made wliereby!0jbon ,s,an(i ,,a(, somp 0(ien some of the old shareholders;-.,, slrinnin ,,nn(, .... will resume operations at thehp ... s, ...,. ', ",inp- . , I Prince Rupert. The properly could possibly he . . -- mane proiuame in a smaii wnyimA by sloping nut the central, pracri 1 1 1 PT I AkII 1 MTT ITT lh I ically .bamm ; portion of the v u A IXUM.UM.UU vein, and I lion sloping Ihe richer ore on Ihe walls of the vein for milling, or possibly shipping. Patterson Group The Patterson group now con sists of five mineral claims Trixie, Jeanie, Western Hope, King Hird ami Old Kentucky owned by Frank Patterson, of Refuge Hay. . The workings are situated about a mile from the beach at Welcome Harbor, from which there is a good corduroy road, built wilh Ihe assistance of the Mines Department Small shipments have, been made yearly for several years, this year's being It-Ions, yielding DO oz. gold, approximately $130 a Ion. This was (aken from an open cut about 35 feet long on a vein a short distance to the southeast of arid parallel to Iho vein FRENCH FRANC People May Have to do Financial Penance If This Is to be Accomplished PARIS, July lft. The holders of French government and city bonds and other Frenc.h obligations payable in paper wiliiiwin-tribute, in addition to the taxes they pay, something between 50,000,000,000 and 100,000,000,-000 francs lo Ihe financial sel-llemenl of, the war if the franc is stabilized and revalorised ns now contemplated by the minister of finances at aa rale somewhere between 25 and 10 per cent of Iho gold value. This wil1 be Ihe permanent shrinkage in the purchasing . value of the paper franc from which there will be no appeal. The peasant, servant, clerk. retired , merchant, retired ollieer wbosp savings are, as a rule, invested in government securities will be no wonse off I hah I hey are today, but their loan will be definitely consecrated. M. Caillaux ro'ses lo fix any , specific rale at which lie hones Ho stabilize Ihe franc,1 hut the "average Frenchman" has final ly become convinced lliat the .Minister's warning to the. French people that "Iho hour of cial penance is at hand" is fraught wilh dire consequences in ineir pockcis ami io meir investments, Rumors persst that M. Caillaux is re.ady to accept the present Value, of the franc in relation, lo gold of about 25 centimes, This woubtmean that the 277,000,000,000 francs of gowrnuient bonds outstanding would be really worth only C0,-000,000,000 francs; that is to say, tho purchasing power of the Don't Judge A A JL franc being reduced lo a fourth of. its face value, Ihe income from Ihe bonds would suffer a permanent depreciation of 75 per cent. All the information ubtainable in ollicial circles, however, indicates that the re valorization of the franc will he undertaken only after a serious elTortiias 'been made do improve its exchange value lo approximately 70 to the pound and ti 0 the dollar. These rales are recognized in French financial and economic circles as repre- senlinsr the real:, value of tin paper iranc. i it uiai cum; 277,000,000,000 francs of government obligations would be Worth 92,000,000.000 franc? gold. In the most favorable hypo thesis Ihe peasant, servant, retired ollieer or clerk will contri-In navmenl for tho war (wenty limes morftjhan has been received 'from Germany on reparations account arid manv times more' than ' the. "average Frenchman" expects Oerniany wil ever pay. The principal victims oi me revalorization are awaiting; their fate wilh the resignation of the heloless. The peasants, who are generally supposed lo bo the When The Children Are Troubled With Summer Complaints GIVE THEM And you will bo aarocably surprised to find out how quickly they will be-eome relieved of tliir troubles. This preparation has been on the market for the past eighty years. Put up only by the T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. Read them regularly ! greatest, losers in such an operation, and who thus far have paid little in Ihe way of diree1 laxes, are guaranteed in a way by the readjustment of prices. onr ALICE ARM Reports have reached here Dial a new strike of steel galena ore has been made on Ihe Standard property on McClruth Mountain by the (iranby Co. Development work is being started by Ihe Kilsatilt Mining & Development Co. on the Matil da properly in Ihe Kilsault glac ier district. Oscar Flint is in charge. S. C. Jackson, chief operator at - Iho t. Digby Island wireless station. Prince Ruperl, and fam ily were lieie last week in. the course of a cruise along the coast on their gasoline boat. ' Collateral "What do you borrow trouble 'Insecurities." Pittsburg Post GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. Notice of Application for Beer License Notice s hereby given that on the tlth day of June next, the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control. Hoard for i licence in respect to premises being part of the building known ns Jludson Hay Hotel, Telegraph Creek. H.C. upon the lands described as Lots 3 and 4, block 2 map 'J75, Princo Ruperl Land Registration District, in the Province of Hrilish Columbia, for lllo sale pi beer by the glass ,or by open boltln for consumption 'on tho premises. Dated this 25th day nf May, 1925. ERIC McOEER, Lessee, Applicant. from ranees: TTHE earth looks flat enough! That's why so many thousand years came and wenc before our ancestors even suspected the terrestrial globe of being round. Their eyes deceived them! Don't depend on appearances to guide you right. Don't buy goods on the strength of looks alone. Merchandise with a well-known name has the call. Only the maker of a good product can afford to advertise his name. Attempts to popularize unworthy goods cannot succeed. Wise merchants and manufacturers seek the good papers to tell the stories of their wares. The publishers seek the reputable advertising for their readers guidance. Well-informed buyers seek news" of good merchandise through the columns of the best papers. This proves the value of advertising. Neither advertiser nor publisher can prosper without your patronage, 'i heref ore, it is to their advantage to cater to you. They do it, too. It is distinctly to your advantage to be guided by the messages they lay before you the advertisements. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load .. $3.00 Large sacks ... ... . SOo DRY BIRCH Per load ... ... $6.60 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES, And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK. One way via Vancouver or direct rail both directions. For full information, apply: R. F. McNAUGHTON, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tf. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or , Motor 8ervlce. Uoal. Sand and GraveL We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Roving.