r November 6, 1925. - TUB DA.LLT KEW1 HRISIMS CA Are now on Display in our Store. RDS Y it will find ii ciin I to Miil your even ri-(iim-..i..,.i ,.i ,,, , v i iuigiHK fi'"in " I.) $1.(1(1. (. Hi t- nlxi iMiokiiiir or- !,.; ii I'nvaU' UiriMinii Uml willi u Hr-liuii r,uni . ., K'vrluiK "nil imr own niiim: and n.hlrc iirinli'it ,, i ) I w.lli envelopes to nmleli fmm s.hu iter dozen We have Colored TinMie Paper. Tug. Kuala and lb xr for wrapping "d parking our Cliriatniu d i nun nr. ii our Clirilmi Shopping i-jiih. Ormes Limited ' I MMIt I I'l 1 3rd Ave. and Bin SU Fancy Tlx- Hcxall Hlorc Phone 82 and 200 NEW -:- SEASON'S r rozen bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast anauian Hisn v Inn Mnrapp In HH m W lS J LI PRINCE RUPERT, B.C Prince Rupert RYDOCK AND v HIPYARn kJL 111 X .X JL.JL TlJLS Opruing Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Hfl riliAM U.t.l..l.l. Drill m L RL-... b.tt... III' af urmwi MIHVr. f Mllll V pIV II makeri, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELD I HQ. Our plant ie equipped tu handle Ml kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 TUGBOATS Day Phone 423 530 Gr. 238 Black 738 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. Night Phone 687 539 Gr. 238 Dlack 735 Canadian Pacific Railway IcanadianI d r r.i Sailings from Prince Rupert F UTCMUN. WttAKCtlL Jl'KUU. SUCH At KmkWr 16. 30 DtWr 14 f VANCOUVER. VICTORIA ui JUTIU KamaWf J. 20. DiwauVr 4. 18 . , IX MIHCtU ItAUICE Buladala, Swanaon Dir, latt Ball Dlla. Ocuan Ftl, Namu, Alart Bay, Campball Ritar, and Vancouvar ar Saturday 11 am, lny for ill Blaamahlp Lint. Full Information from w. o. oncHnnp oanarai Aoani, Oornof of 4lh Straal and rd Atanua, Print Ruparl, B.O. CORBY'S SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY bottfod ia Bond under Dominion Government supervision The Quui Whisty of Cunodu- sinccl859 is is advertisement is nut pulilishoil or displaced ly the wquor uonlnil Hoard or by the Uovernmoul of v British Unlit u Ina, Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. try 057. Valentin." Dairy. Phone tf D'". II. K. Treniayiie left for iii-iivir'oii lliiM nioriiiii(! H truih. Watkiiw tentative I'. Product". Hepre-U. .Miller, lllue 2U5. If bedroom, Dining i-iMhit Himiiii urnitu til nir m Tile'. 11(10111 v. 20 at i'l per Social and dance at the Regi mental Armoury on Friday. Nov. 13. Gentlemen EOc. ladle fr. CltlTic'i fterx ice. lav and Caff. to Taxi nnd Mcukenpor l'lym! 07. .Service night. Stand, Car! Ion and 7 to tf pjn. tf UiililriMi f. Si-wink- etnKei! will ic held (.i.y Saturday from p.m. al Mm. J. I ioIJ'b 132 Hi'iiuml Avi'iiuc. o'-cii. J inn i the coal you Willi!. .n iliMv hluck HOioks Ut I In- pipf. ll.no per ton Prun e Itupert TiHiiftr anil Taii. IMioite 1 1 1. 2C0 Mr. ami Mr. Viclwr lleuKtitun . a a "1 .Maple i my were paitoeiuziir ftiiiliiitc thin miMiiiuK ou the I'r.inee It u perl fur Vancuuvttr en ii.ule In i he I' piled stntea. Call 1 1-' for h.mkI i-oal. 1 1.(10 per Ion delivered. Why pay inure fr eoal when you ran buy fo (In- pru-e. Prime ltuert TraiiK-fer and Taxi. Phone 112. 280 l-t Hallalion North U.C. Iteiri-meti!, I'diureh Parade next Sunday morn in? Kanit Andrew' n alhedral. I'nirurma Uaued al UiiHiiei-niMMter'o SI ore baturduy. iiv Kdward LipMU, totW "of I he firm of Lionel I .V Cunnintrhain. airnwl lnl night Un the CalPi to pay a regular vinit of iiite-- tion tu I he local buaiiienn. Mr. Lip"fM in a guent at the Prince Itupert Hotel. l.isrhlhoue lender ftewiiialoit R'.apl. Marry (Vmitsfon. after lie- iiik al tbe dry dock for a mould n-.eiMim annual overhaul ami rtjiaii. Ifl I he plant tlii morii-Itia for her lieiilgUHrler at ll:( Diahy Ulaud marhie itepM. .Monday iieinar I'haiikxKivina Day the pom off Ire reilralioii and general delivery wu-keln will he open from 9 a .in. lo 1 1 a.m. only. Heeeul inul ruction untued h !he pout offjee ileparlmeiit advoe that on all latulory holiday the puhlir lobby of lite poti orriee i to le open from 8 a.m. lo H p.m. SOU M. I'. MnCaffery nailed for aneouver mi Hie t'jX.H. ateamei I Inn morning on iwtraonal bui- iii-s.n. While in Hie aoutli Mr MeCaffery. a ehairiuaii o the . irii Itoartl, will take v maMm aliacliny the cxportina of Kiaiu theuiuth tin- port, and will interview offieiaU of the C.ii.M.M with a view tv havitur i heir rreighlem pioneer the norlliern uniiii route. II oval her 13. Mqoac ami IS. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' Min-trel Serenade, Unite, f.liui cli. NoM-iukei- 5 V C. ilihllellows' whist dance. November 10. I'redliyterian Nuveiuher 12. !?t. Andrew's Ladies' Hiuaar. December 2. Lutheran Church fSf .'. i a ft FIT drive uiul Olmroli llaxuar Purple llaxaar Nueiu Scrt!auilii(l.v funny farce, ".fano." Wcatholtne, Nuveniber 10 Mannar November IT,i lliiptisl Church Daxnnr, November : Ladies' !0. Aid Auxiliarv Ladies Aid: CATARRH l the BLADDER rifhfin.n; mirvl boararanlf atlifAI'HllT-flS Do Your Bowels Ever Become Constipated? A free motion of tlio bowel, every day, ahouJd x tbe aim of. every on who aopire to perfect health, for orire the bowel become clogged-op all the other orpann of the body get drtranRfcil, and all kind of dineaie and diaurdem are liable to attack the ytem. If you take our ad rice and um Milburn's yon will find that they wDl rejpilata and ki-ep your bowel and liver la proper Minpe, and when this it done there i not much chance of you ever being ii:lt. This valuable remedy ha been on the market for the p:ut 32 year; Lut up only by The T. Milbura Co., united, Toronto, OnU Two cars at yiur eervicc Shuddon luxi. Piioi.e 134. tf Hi (clearance Bul- if l urni lure al J lie h. ZD iht rent re- ilueliou. '00 We dancer og hopper, Hall, Saturday n'ght. Llnd-seth'a orchestra. Don't forpef In inipeel ou alork. Openins loil.iy. tfeuly & 1 oo(loli. Sixth . it reel . J. A. Mould reached the city am ami Mailed for Vancouver. V. of How Ijike on yeaterdav'ii I hi morning liaxter MoCallum Muilod lhi iinirninp on the i:. N. I'. aleamer fur Vanouvr lo upend a holiday with HI parents. ' Jit i. The fire departifienT had a call at 6.15 U-.I evejliny to 83i Tlnri! Avenue Went wmw Hiere was a1 chimney fire. o liumae wu done. Have you triad oiu Iteeo eoal? Nut aixe $11.00 ir ton delivered. Rero aluve coal Ji'J.50. Jteew iuuip 1 3.50. Prince l'.Upert Transfer and Tajd. l'lione 112. ttlMtke lur Lome in Otter 2GU Allien Farrow, flfauiboat iu aiieetor. who ha ween here for the pat couple of day on de part men I duliex, returned l-, Vancouver mi l.'ie I'nuee Itupert tbic tuorninp. Mr, lie tluje arrived on ye-teiilay afteriii'iin'. train from Vancouver lo viaii, . with hur Uiollier. Mrx. H. Ooliltdooiii. vh ii .iiortly leavinpr Uie city in the intei-exl of her health. Conjuror And now, my little man. 1 will transfer (hi f.'O pold piece frnm under this liat into your coat iiocket. : Small Hoy I'll bet you a iiickel; you i-an't. i Conjuror Very wsll; we hull iee. Small boy .1 ain'l jsot no pocket in (hi it up caiine o' cruinlirt, .8 a.m. DIiiHY ISLAND. Cloudy. IlKhl snuluea! wmd liartimeter. 80.28: tiuiiperalur?, 4t: xea moolh: 8 p.m. pfte xteuiner Hi ray al Naden llarhur: 0 n.nt. puke Kleainci Yukon, 43; mile" from Seattle .oi:lihoQml; 8 p.m. ioke Meanier City of Vancouver, bound for Vkuluma. 1 108 miles from Vam-ouvtif; l2:Sf a.m. spoke HtiMtm-i- .l'pinee llu-, perl in Ohseivalioy Inlet hound for Prince lluiier!. DEAD Tltlii: POINT, - Rain ing;. miuthcHsl nale; liaroine-ler. 30.00; .IpmperniiirfL -15; sen rough. HULL UAlllKilt. -CIotHly. Icesh ftOUtheiiHt if ale; haromoler. :t(.lt, Dinpeiiilur. 17; sea moderate;! 8 p.m. spoke steamer Admiral JUuiers, Ketchikan fur Seattle. I J05 miles from Seattle;' 0 a.m.! Jmund fnr I.opan Inlet; 0.30 p.m. poke ulttaiuer l'nnces Heat rice itbeuiu Pine Island ilflrtliliouiul. Noon DUiHY ISLAND. OloTuly. liKht outhua,'t..wind: liaroineler. an.- SS: leuiperattire. I0:,16 a.ni. apokc Hupert abeam Koullihouml. '.'I; sea smooth;; steamer .Prince I Lawyer Island DKAD TlllIK PiUXT. Itain- iiiK. stroiiK foullnast wind; bur-! omeler. 80.00; li-mpucature. 10:! ea rough. HI LL ILMH"lt (Jlcar, trontt! houlhenal wind; : itOmuler, ao.-j llf: tioioteiMi i in... so. r.oF;ii I 1 1 1 I Here and Th ere "Canada has the greatest opportunity of any community on the face of the earth," aUted St. Loe Strachy, editor and proprietor of tbe London Spectator, in the course "of a recent address before the Canadian Club. He stressed the advantaces the country enjoyed in her large wheat, area, electrical energy, wood pulp and mineral assets. Between 20,000 and 25,000 men are expected to work in the forests of the Province of Quebec during the coming winter, according to the chief forester of the province. It is anticipated there will be a good season in the pulp and paper products, but that the cut of lumber will not be eo heavy owing to the low price prevalent for sawn lumber. Cordial relations between the ports of Quebec and Liverpool were emphasized recently by tbe exchange of cables by the respective Chief Magistrates of the two cities. The accasion was the Civic Week Celebration at Liverpool when the Lord Mayor, Thomas Dowd, sent Mayor Joseph Samson, of Quebec, greetings to which the latter responded. A record for October weddings was esUblished at the Windsor Station, Montreal, early in that month, when twenty couples invaded the Concourse on their way to Boston, Quebec, Ottawa and Toronto. Two of the bridegrooms were bounced following time-honored custom. It used to be the fashion to subject brides to this usage, but since the advent of short skirts the practice has been frowned upon. Establishing what is easily a world record for movement of wheat, grain poured into Fort William and Port Arthur elevators at the rate of nearly thirty bushels a second for the whole of the 24 hours of October 5. from Canadian Pacific Railway cars. In all, 1,704 cars were unloaded during the day and each car carries an average load of 1,500 bushels, representing a total of 2 556,000 bushels. Driving into stationary trains on level crossings seems to be a favorita sport on the part of a number of motorists judging by reports coming in recently from different sections. The latest is from Gait, where an automobile, in broad daylight, ran into a freight train consisting of 18 loaded and 15 empty cars standing in plain view on a crossing. Fortunately no one was hurt, but the instance Is another of cross carelessness on the part ef motorists. The Grand Challenge Cop, emblematic of the First Aid championship of the entire system of the Canadian Pacific Railway, was won by the Weston Shops team, of Winnipeg, champions of the West, against McAdam, N.B., team, champions of the East and last year's winners, after a searching test of the two teams conducted at the Place Viger Hotel, Montreal, recently. The margin between the two teams was coal. Mh sewed so narrow as to be in doubt to the altera had it full WIRELESS REPORT. last moment. Weston took points out of a possible C72 McAdam had 499. 607 and Tourist traffic development throughout Canada has reached such proportions as to equal the value ef a fairly good wheat crop, and such development has only just 'begun, is the opinion of Colonel Phil. Moore, of Yohe Valley, B.C., interviewed recently. He thought that an estimate of three hundred million dollars spent by tourists annually in Canada was not too high. Growth of interest in the Canadian Rockies was very noticeable and although the majority of tourists there were Americans, yet Canadians, too, were beginning to discover thera said the ColaneL The sreal bloom of sweetpea. chrysanthemum, pansies. mignonette, nasturtiums, daisies an. I marguerites at the pate at the Dry Dock lias been exciting coin-J inenl from out of town visitor to the ltg plant about the ch-nrale of Prince Itupert. Resident Pass ; from both north and souMi of ill.C. have expressed I heir envv of weather conditions so favorable for horlii-uliui'e al this, time of I lie year. Sometfiing elsetobe ThanWul for 2 1 ShocIWish" am.,1,7,1 Trrrv Sho RECORD! Beciricalli Recorded i Oftese JM&mmm tJZecordinPs Head in Drtusical Qualities TMEY ARE GUARANTEED '. JUST LISTEN TO THEM 2950 "Brown Eyes" "You Told Me to Go" With Carl Fenton's Orchestra and Vocal Charm, 2949 "Angry" "In the Purple Twilight" Fox Trots by Bennie Krueger's Orchestra. 2951 "Just One More Waltz With You" "Remember" For Dancing Regent Club Orchestra and Chorus. 2944 "Drinking Song" From "The Student Prince, by the Brunswick Male Chorus. "Oh; Miss Hannah" By the Criterion Quartet with Orchestra. 15107 Albert Spalding The mont widely-acclaimed Violinist In . manr otays Moszkowski's "GLTTARRE" and "NOBODY KNOWS THE TROUBLE I'VE SEEN," a composition of While's. D't m!aa calliac jr Bnu.lck Dtalar ial karia( Um rial hIum. Messrs J. Lome MacLaren, Ltd "J-w-v VXfrf it Jllutays StmrtHng. ' ' v WICKER Chairs and Rockers -and- Wicker Library Tables We must make mom for Fall Uouds and arc bulling off tins line ol furniture ut Reduced Prices BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. Steamship and Train Service 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT tout PRINCE CHARLES will leavi- PRINCE RUPERT 1". VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE ami luli-rmi-dUli- piililts vacti FRIDAY at 8 a.m. ai.U SUNDAY, 11 p.m. 6.8. PRINCE RUPERT Fur STEWART anil ANYOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 pjn. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES r.n STEWART, SATURDAY, 10 p.m. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN Tui luiglllly fur VANCOUVER Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY cpt Sunday S.III. Tur PRINCE QEORQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, ull phiiiis Eastern i invlt. I nilml Slalt-.. AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlektl Offlca, 828 Third Aa, Prlnc RuparL Phona 260 UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailing truni I'rinre Rupert, er VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaen Ban. and Al.rl Bar, Tuaadar, 8 P.. 'or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. A I art a, and Swanaoii B. Saturdaf, 10 A.. For ANYOX, PORT 8IMPSON and Naaa Rlr Cannarlaa, Thuradaf pjn. For PORT SIMPSON, ANYOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday, 8 p.m. 18 arid Atanu. J. aamalay, A mil Print Ruparl, 8.0. E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, witli mklitiunul machine!! lor the niumifui-Uire uf SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS v LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER ulso curried in stock. Suvo handling charges by buying direct Troiii llio source W supply.