I AQE SIX TUB DAILY rTEWB Saturday, September ,0- 1923, 1 T ' Watch Sale FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Kxlra spt'ciiil Ilednelion on all LADIES' WRIST WATCHES Large assortment to clioose from Eye Glasses Must fit perfect. Our "Optician lias had over 25 years' experience in the larpe centres testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North Just Arrived Silk Brocaded Morocaln DressLengths $7.75 Colors in It lack, Navy, Cuckoo, League lireen, H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9 Banana Specials SATURDAY ONLY We have liananas at 50c per dozen. Tokay Grapes, per lb. 25c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 18 PHONES 84 417-423 Fifth Avenue East. Fine Value $50 Diamond Ring We have just set up our special value Diamond Minn which are heauiies. The Klones ate Mile white and perfect and uf u good color. The selling is the new 'style pierced whilo gold uinl makes a nice little engagement ring. Made lu fit any finger or net in n different styled netting if desired. John Bulger Jeweller FLOUR MILL outside even more than here. A Vancouver man, Urucc Urown, writes suggesting thai efforts be made to secure one. Here is what he says: Kili lor, Daily News: As one who has followed the development of your city from its bcigiuniiig, I may be pardoned for making suggestions whieh may benefit the city. First. I would advocate a strong effort being made to secure an up-to-date flour mill. I sec no reason why such a venture should not pay. provided ihey turned out a first class article. It is cheaper to ship wheat than flour and Ihey would have access to the finc.l wheat in the world. What is llie use or importing (lour, bran, etc., frum Vancouver and Edmonton when it can be manufactured in Prince llupert? j The city is well located for a distributing point. The north pountry, the Islands, east as far as Prince Oeorge, and last but not least, the city itself. Another thing to be considered is. wnai. ireigui is n, me Dig Oriental steamers require for l he bulk of their load. From observation I would say, saw togs, lumber, flour and wheat. Kraiin.iiia .. scpL S6. scvihla .. on. S iriii.iitm m i. 17. iv. 11 TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON IJUIUIIU .. SfM. ao. Or. fl. !Sov. lirri-nirarla orl t, t. ov. I Manri-taula on. H. 4. TO LONDONDERRY AND OLASOOW I'mitM'traiUa Sfpl. J Tii-riiia .. Oct. 3 Cauwriiiiia. . Orl. Ill TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURQ-LONDON . I.aiira.ina si-pi. r,. orl. t TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURQ-HAMBURO Audanla i iri. to. ,Nuv. II FROM BOSTON TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Siyihla .. orl Cannatiia . (in. ID Mniiey orrterf ami rtraru at lowed rain, run inrnrmatlon rrnrn Arnt it: Company' orrirra. Ri ll'tinr St. W. Auditorium Will open for a month's Skating Beginning Tuesday Eve., Sept. 15. Arieriioous ... 2 to ' Hvenings .... 8 to 10 Good Music both sessions Competent instructors lo teach beginners. L. J. Marron - Prop. Phone Black 449. NERVOUS WRECK NEEDED HERE from boweltrouble Vancouver Man Writes Suggest' ing Efforts be Made to Secure One The Daily Xews has oflen suggested the possibility of a flour mill in 1'rinco llupert. This needed mill is noticed on the Ten Years of Suffering Ended b; "Fruit-a-tires" Prince llupert can furnish all - - except flour. I would suggest a FARMER IflPAI PIRI f.ip n fhiiip mill ) ai snarl Ull!lLI LUWiL UlIUl on the walerfrout. I would also suejfesl that Prince llupert, Ed-, munton and Vancouver M. r. M. SULLIVAN "For OTer ten yean, I was a complete nervous wreck, owing to rvere Bowel Trouble and Acute Indigestion. Though a big man, I could hardly lift the smallest weight without suffering pain. Ai a last resort, I started usinr; "Fniit-a-tives." Like a cloud, the nrrrousness left me after using the first box. I use the tablets according to directions and follow carefully your diet rules. The result is, today I am free of Indigestion and Bowel Troubled, and cannot recommend the wonderful Frrit Treatment too highly- Thus writes Mr. Sullivan of 19 Pine St, Genera, N. Y. "Fruit-a-tirrV are made from intensified Juices of luscious fruits there is no other medicine like them. 25c & 50c at all dealers. I'aylor of Winnipeg was brides-'f"rd Logging Go. arrived from maid and Jtert Smith was best Ocean Falls on (he Prince man Mr and Mrs Powers will eorgc this iimrning. He is on reside in Hyder Alaska, '"' way to Alice Ann. CANADIAN SERVICE FROM MONTREAL. TO PLYMOUTH-CHRBOUROLONDON . MiMinii s-il n 'h i n. mv. si Maunia .. orl. it. Aw 11m, , mi. 1 11 numli ..... net. IT, Nov. II TO LIVERPOOL Annul .. I" t l' Alaimu .. Oct. 31 TO QLASQOW. I.HI1I4 Srpl. 15. Orl. S3 Silurnla . . M L i. AIIk iuh . . . Oct. FROM NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL MARRIES IN SOUTH! i I.. Jesien, manager of the Hoy. le Urns, diamond drilling con-I'eni. is a passenger on the I'rinre" (ibirgo today going 'through rrom Vancouver lo Stew art. i:. L. Darker, assistant mill manager for t lie Pacific Mills at Ocean Fulls, is a visitor in tlx city on business, having arrived on the Prince Oeorgc this morn ing. He will return south lo- nforrow night. Oeorge liushby, tlonservutive nnili(late in the - fori hcomiiiii federal election, left on thi morning's train' for the interior on a ten day speaking tour which will lake in all points between i'crrjire, where he is lo address a meeting tonight, and F.ndako. L.onseivaiive committee rooms will shortly be opened in the old Killas confectionery store pre mises on Third Avenue. WATER NOTICE. Dlxrilon and Uit TAWE M'Tll.t that Oleanrr Cuimotl dau-il liuld .Mli', LIiiiIIimI, lmne adilren. .tf yiiw inrk.ii fit nil 1,11111. viikin.iit.R it f Will ilil.ly for a llri-lira ' V lake anil iin all nr leu arroml fed or walrr out of i.icinir i:tTfk, ai.o kimwii at liullrr Crrik. wlilrli rinwa wolcrlv ami ilralut lulu Tiku Arm alMiut Villi fwl tnulti of Kiiilmrr Mine duck. Tlie wlcr will tic iitrrii-n rii.m iiii. dream at a point alxml :0D feet anulliwe! of t ! iioi t IichkI ror- nrr or tlio MyoHotla mliirral claim, Lol civ, ana win im nurd ror liiliilnir on thi- (ilemii-r lirolirrly. Lota Noa HO and HI. Thi. nnllrp. waa oitn 'in i or Krounu on inr irn nay or auituhi, ivia. a roiy or una noine ana an a plication piiri;aiii tlirrrlo and to t "Watrr Art, 1914," will ! film! In tlaf nrrire or urn watrr llrronlrr at Atiin. Olijrrllona Pi llm appllratloti may l rilrd Willi 1 1 in mill vValrr Ilrrordrr or Willi the Comptroller of Water lllvht), parlla-meiit llnll-lliiiri, Vlrlorla, ll.C, within thirty rtaya arirr llir rirl aiH'aranre of ltil nollrr In lural liewiimper. The dale or tli rirnl pulillratlon of IhU notice It th day of Auriml, IBS 0,l,K..NKH CO.KSOI.ltlATt.il OOI P MINES. I.IMITKIl, Applicant Hy 0. B, Suttb, Aleut IS DECLINING District Potatoes and Vegetables Now Filling Local Demands Price and Quality Good ( I lie flour market lias, declined j!. 20 per barrel or I'JG pounds during the past two weeks. The market is due for further declines as it is anticipated that . the W25 wheat crop will be considerably better than last year's. I Potatoes rrum the interior country aru now cuining in auT- ' ficienl quantities to supply all local demands. It should not be necessary to Import from Soulh- , eni ll.C. Local conjumcrs should demand Northern It.C potatoes and vegetables thus keeping their money at home. Prices are i lower than imported stocks and quality is far superior. j Turnip, carrol. beets, c.Kb-iiage. etc. are all coming' in from the interior as well and prices will decline further when car-loail shipments commence to arrive. I The butter market advanced another two cents Ihfs week and (he retail price will gu up further advances occur. Butter liniokfield. Shamrock and Wood. L--..r. Krafl i.. ...i ii. lie amri iifni m, iruiliu iiiu ai- - iiuiinFunu ... ... ... lention of lliose interested in of Walter L. Eggcrt at the milling business to the op-l Vancouver Last Wed- porlunily Dial exists for a flour. nesday. mill in Prince llupert. -"ova-' days a city is like any other big jiss Muriel Frances Mav Owen. business, what it wants it must ,augliler or Walter Owen, as-aro after and the best way lo make jsant superintendent or provin-known your wants is to advertise, eial oolice, am Mrs. Owen, was UIU.I.I-. imuw. .married in St. Paul's .Anglican MISS ELEANOR PECK Church, Vancouver, on Wednes day evening lo Waller Lewis Kg- Minnirc it PTninnT Sl' son of Mr- a"'1 Paul lIlrtntVlEO AI JlCTTAlAI Hgert or Allin and nephew of Dr. G. A. Kugert of this city. Th? Kormnr Local Girl Become Bride ceremony was performed by llev. of Thomas Powers, Assistant .Harold King. Miss Dolly Pres-Superlitendent of ro'l was bridesmaid and Waller Premier Mine I Owen, brother of the bride, was jgroomsman. AHer Hie ceremony The wedding took place lasl reception was held at the home Monday at the home or Mr. and of Hie bride s parents, Thurlow Mrs. Dale L. Pill, Premier pf'reel, ami the couple left for Miss Kieanor Peck, daughler oril'oi'J'ooon arier which they will Mrs. Jlaliburton Peck ot New j reside ill San Francisco. Westminster and former member' of the Prince llupert hospilaDT T T T staff, ami Thomas Powers, as-1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES sistant superintendent of the Premier Mine. Miss Florence! J- K. Taylor of Ihe Abbols- Norwegian float ... . Napoleon Limbcrgcr . Hoipjefort . . . 4 . ... Edam, lb. . ., i-wills' llullereup, lb. oorgonzoia, iu Cheese recti peppers, z Ins. rcen ouious, per doz. ocal Itadishes, bunch 'elery t errace potatoes, sack IK Meets, 0 lb. ..... ... 280, RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Has produced Minerals' n follows: Placer Hold, $77,JI8'J.nr;i; Lode fi(i, tita miOO; Silver, $08,821,5711; Lead, $70,548,578: Copper, tK?. tMti.:t8: Zm' $ 171, 107; Miscellaneous Minerals, $i,toi,3'l; Until uuil Coke, fSflO.HHiUMX. ,. t Sfone, Itrick, Cement, etc., $V.V--&iNH; making it Mineral Prodm lion to t,e e'-wi ' 01 ftr 1021 show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining lAws of this Province are more liberal ami the fees lower than idine 0f any other Province in the Dominion, or tiny colony in I lie llrilish Empire Mineral locutions are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing Mich properties, the security of win. h u guaranteed by Crown (lruut.s. Full Information together with Mining lleptrl n-d Maps, may he oldamed gr.t - i,v addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. N.lt. I'ntrlimlly all llrilisli Uoliimliia Mincrnl Properties npoii wholi -ifMi .,, ,if , work has been done nre describe! in some one of the Annual HeporU of 11 M ,, of Mines. Thoe considering mining iiivelniciii should refer lo -inh report- T' r are available witioul charge on triplication lo the Department of Mm. ., , ( , , j,, Heports or Ihe fieologiral Survey of llanaila. Parific Hnihlnig. Vainonvcr. , e r mended as valuable sources of information. Nuts If Almonds, shelled Jord.ms. , $1.00 llraiils and filberts 2ic 'Walnuts, broken ftliflWsl ... 50c 1 (III llllk "f " . Iv U si now beliw realured in loeal Walnuts, shelled halves . . . . l.oc slores including a wide mifso of Sugar choice apple slock. Concord Wlille, I't'r 100 ,.5j grapes are due at the end or Ihls.VeHow, per I0 7.00 week. I F,0UI The following list slwws tlMv.FIoir. llTs. No. 1 hard wheal market nrice nrevalllnsr today: M.Hj Pastry Hour, iu oac, Pastry flour. ttJDQ Fish White salmon 12 Vic . spring .... j. (. j, j0o VanderiiJof 7.V.'.'.' 7..' 00c '!'?.. T1'.1? mU,,on "e Lard liiaiinui, iu 106 1,0 sc Smoked Kipper, lb I bo i i;i i ii' 1 h 11-11 1 ? ... ... ... iou . .... . . . .. ... Miss Muriel Owen Became Bride!.. 'Mpperri salmon. . ... 20c Smoked Ulack Cxl. lb 20.. IPInnan llnd.lles, lb 25c tll.... I.. . tln ..... . .. iiwiia nu3 m, . v snll .M.irkorpl. Hi ... Ontario solids 35lUistern Salt Herring. 2 for . . 25c Stilton, lb. .. 35e and lOe Sall Codfish Fillets, lb 30c 1'..'.. . noneiew sail J Dricfcs. 11. zac, COc Miata ! "HfwI, Xo. i. iu aoc 750 Iloasting Chick vn. lb. (Oo ami 45c Ham. slice.1, ftrnt gra-le ... 55c 5e Ham, wbttlf, Hrct grade .. tOc 75c utenn. Iwek. liceil .. .. .. flOe McLaren's Cream, jars tOc & K5ejjiaCun side ISo lo 60c .auyere ... .k wo Ayrshire bacon, lb 3c (olden Leaf, lb 5 a1. shoulder 0cl E90 hal. loin 33c Alberta fresh seconds .. .. (So al lee IHc ll.C. rresh Hrjls 000 p0rtf ,oubler 28c H.C. rresh extras ft5l Pork. Iftin U)e, Local pullwls 05c prfc Wfl 3Hoj .oeal new tani 70' n-r ,1 nn.i i 1.. in Vegetabh . ltjH.f rMiillnn Hn l t? .-weet H.liitoes,.2 lbs 35e uP0kt ,.v -6c , m arsley, bunch "Oilleer. rtMil i.riinn rib 30e! Mini, bunch lOe imi. sni 3jl.mb, Ibwilder 32c! 2e Mutton, leg tOc W I nmli Inrr llal l" IV n ... ... ... .... lOe and l&ojMuUtMi. ebop oc ... ti.i't XI ..I ,,n )ulAm 5nV 35e Feed lerrace llutebagas, H lbs. .. 25c, wheal Xo 5 3 on Cauliflower, H.(J., bend tGc lo t5e, (ajH 2 (iri :abbae, loeal II.C lb. le llran H.C. head lettuce. 10c, 3 for 25c Slorl ?L' 15 i.arnc, importeii, per iu. .. oio Mi.i.Hina 82 50 tomatoes, 5 lbs .. 75c o u. :ucumbTs, (.arh .. 5c. 10c. 15c p,,.,!....' !','. ' i.V&n llaiilam do. 5to mm. s,,PPlal hh,..,), .i r.n ,'ilr"1. Ko.Ovlnr shell AT.II1 Ptituiikln. lb '! Scratch ro.nl 13.75 (Ireen lomaloes, 5 lbs -o.Wf sera 5.50 S.iuash. lb Mo (;r4inii u nv n r, Pickliuy cucumbers, lb. Pickling onions, 2 lb Spanish onions, lb. . Fruit I no 35c 10c (Iraniges, Sunkist, doz. 35o to fl Lemons, Sunkisl, ibk 10c liananas, lb 15c Comb Honey (0c Kxlracted Honey, lb. 5o A 35c Cantaloupes 15o and l'0c Peaches, doz 10c ami 50j Plums', lb 25c NValer melon, lb. . . , 7c Pears, basket ;. .. 50c and (0b Casaba melon, lb 7c , Haby chick rceil l.fiO. Fine oat chops Crushed oats 2.75 1 S2.75; Crab apples, erntc. ... ... 83.00 l,!Vi,7liTw,,',r" '" '"' r"'r,rr'' e (rapes, MulaKiis, lb. . (rapes, Tokay.4. lb. . . Fine bailey cho L'.U5 VViiote corn $3.50 1 Cracked corn 3.f0 Fine fiirmueHt $.1.60. Advnrlle In lb Imllf NV- j TIMBER SALE X 7399. ZIIC llm ttl day of lolrt-r. tin Iin Hln,P,MTliay lit l.lrHirr X7JSW. altliatrd IHI " ,w umi afinr or iim. f ...i Apples, Macintosh llcds, fancy, i," t- iswrd mwnr (. " ... ... in (ti ear win ir aiiiiweil for re- Apples. Macintosh Ite.l,, Jumble, : u1 , ,.., ,,,rM. pack $2.15 JVf '''.i", 'T. '"'"' ."retier. Apples, Weallhies $3.25 Apples.'cravenslelus .... $1.'J5 -No Cooking apples $1.75 Nolle of Inttntlon lo Apply le purthaM Dried Fruits Dales, bulk, 3 lbs hOe Dales, Dromedary 25c llaisins, bulk, 2 lbs 25c llaisins, package, lb 20o Lemon and Orange Peel .... 35c Citron Peel .'50c lllack Cooking Figs 25o and 30o While Figs, 2 lb, ror ... Currants .. . , Prunes . . . ; , Apples , 25o pcaihcs, peeled v.. .. ... 25c Apricots, lb, t . , 30o Land. Ill Ihe land llerordlnir tHtlrlrl n prlnre llnperl, and annate ml In r KalU Creek wnirii riowt into lliii fcraiall Klrr ImhiI I a milea from lit mouth, TAKK MOTICK thai Prlnri, Muprrt Sprue Mill, l imited, of I'rlnra lliiiert, irf-rniii-lion liimlier inaniiraeturert. Inlendt lo i.i"j n.r i'i iiiiM..i.,n in imrrna.f ia fol lnwliir 1c.rrll.Kit Ijfwl. Oilnnii-nrlliir at a luml rit.niiwl m i .i ...........I.. i own. ii-fi iii.ti. iroin hip antiiiiea! her of Ijit Alt. Iiaiim r..n. ,..... , ... 35c V'tialm norlherly; ihrnre in r'hatnt rader-4(1 rhalm aiHillwrlyi Ihenre (0 . Va O . ftialim weatrrlr lo mint uf n, , . 20C-25C I'"""1, r,"""'l"a- lo arret, mora or flinr.K titrpKHT Kfiii'ct: mm Mil i . Dated Auiud filli, Itll l., MMlTKlS. Arilillranl fcr C V Ill f Aleut WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9.00 1 lit UlUltUUO XIUIUl J-JML Zeebrugge The -lirrmg lr uf Hie niot d.irnig r. lorv. priwltn eii with the u-imthIiiiu ol (hi- II mirnlly and endorsed by Their Mnjrtie the K (Jtieen. The fafiioo- ulli k vmtll) reppMln. . i iiiiuulct detail. AmotigM lite nmny Ihrilliug - are the torpedoing ut niercbaill his b) Ui- i actual films capture) I on Imkii h (Iprtniui ubni ing the war., Ilnlih dcslro)er lo Ihe reiur 1 armed victim, the planning ami preMiriNg "l n lo bottle up Ihe jura let. in their lair, the (irinl.: ohips, (he telling out, (he smoke-screen, and 1 1 a You will see Ihe "Viinlielive" run herself ugam-' M Ihe (1-3 blow- horoJf up miller the bridge, the bluejacket ami marine. I he actual entry ami - f the block-ships in the canal and the willidr.iw ) ' appeuraiice of Ihe fleet, its lk Accompihcl I coiislruclioii uf Ihe cvenU of SI. tleorge' I . t ' i moving achieveiiienl. Pathe Review Comedy - "All Night Long" Admission COc and 2Go TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 630 Or. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. Nig" Phonei 6S7 539 Or. 601 Dlack 735 HOUSE SLIPPERS For LADIES, MEN AND CHILDREN. Kverv link, iiiuti or child needs a pair of '' '" Fell or Kid HlippetM to put on when llm day's wm After being up all iluy, your reel are cnlillcd c rest Mini coin fori. Our Nosey Korner Slippers will give von Hi ' (mil t est. Kverybody likes lliein nml everybody tli urn. ' We huve lliein In 2 . different ylw niiigin J ' from-- iiitt' tnlofl ,1 i.H'l 85c to $3.00 Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phono 645. Cor. 3rd Ave. and I 7th AgctilM for Holeproof Hosiery. Ur-i,, J ' , lleview Pntlcrn. Tiirnbiiir nml WiiImhi's I 'H Arch llcfftnler Shoes ami Dominion Itnbbers.