" ; ; ; -aT Ipaoe tvto - " " ?HK TlAtuY iTrtNTB "Tit,, nr,.rM.,a S(! 1J3J by a large The Daily News PRINCE" RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert iDaily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLK.N, Managing Editor. in Britain for ensagins: SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Deliver-, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts or the British Empire and the United , . . . States, in advance, per year . 'fQ.Q.Q To another countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion 'Transient Advertising on Front Page. $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion ... .25c ner line' Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per won) 'Legal' .Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line uoniract Mate on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 (j Editor and Reporters Telephone - - '- 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4n m on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject 10 approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Atiiriian In lifl the Ka.l. t,,,r,'OH of enough no ratue any onlinar mortal's chest to expand: "To put a sou! into so inanimate a thing as a railway system, ami make it a living, vital entity, may seem an iiniMibl task. It has, however, been accomplished in three short years by Fir Henry Thornton, who has returned from his first visit !. London sinee lie left to Ink. Tuesday. Dec. 20. 1925. id urpuov ic mHDi tymrcn .... ......... .......... . w mi me army or loii.t-ino men London Head of Canadian National t Railways Although is seems a ronsid-.erahle time aso since Lord Claud Hamilton was- severely rensured I employed - the railway, ha apnere fays Trmuie lo. impressed wire):: into his ser--l vice, and. in addition lo eori- certs, often himeir adilresne Die men and Hie Canadian iubli on what hat Iwen done hy t Iih company, and the things which should be done better, thus eom- erlion or Hie Dress'" ,nM' alu"1" Personal enniaer ! i ui i up ttimip smn ana a prea: the clientele or II r em Railway system out or the )l-lhvs- rather uncomfortable economic ,. Appelated Here position into whirh it had ratten, i ,r ,fenr" rhwnlon does nt it seems almost as Ions sinre hisl"a,c '"-nam ... ne up critics ! fran to discover that Sir Henry Thornton could be called a real railway "find" rajtable of j preeialed. Even Hie leader f the Conservative Parly in Canada affiees that he is an exeel- doln ail thai his employer j'?nt ma? rr u,e k with whir', were assured he could do. .w!'" ,s '""-Usted. The general it., vieineia ii,.... Miii..nis.iK- r. jpublic of this country, or course. Is not sun'risinp. Ihejefore. Uiallha a prHl" 'ruc ''" nt it. e.i.liD- Inornni. i it.e oi.ti""0 an,l diffirull nature or that Country were lavish in theiri praises of hb al.ilMy when pain a visit to Hie oilier si.te o the Atlantic recently. This tribute, selected from The London Sphere, whose alitor, by I be way, fcnows Canada and Canada's rai! job and thev rernjmire in the bej siaiemenis iMieil nj ,fiin- uuiiunai .Mi'ui a siaie. o' ntTairs whirh is rapidly rhans-intr fur the better. They also appreciate the human equation which ha entered into the ikl-. WAV nrtt-k.tl.e nrnhlems tuMl,rr T H.l...lr.l ami tniin.aielv ......iini..f irftrard Hie personal touch as? of jjust as nmeh value in the con duct of a great organization ar if is in the conduct or a small private or raniily concern. 'ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Linselt of Vancomer announce the engagement or their daughter, jhvelyn Beatrice, lo Dr. Clarencoi cnnimaml of . the Canadian Na-!A,I,m "an ' rlhville. Miehtl tional Ilailways, the largest nil-!1" '"arriage will take place in ways system fn Ihe wiwld, eveept (Detroit on January K. The iin.le-the Ueriiiasi .Slate Hailw-?, 1iich known in Prince rtu- ui.iiles all the railway systf ni of !l",rf. having viilel here on vr-tlKit rpunlry under Uovernment I'011'1 eeaions. She is a grad roatrfuV The Canadnn Aalionali',al of MeHII I'niversily. Railways system ha a nulea'-'e of more than 3?.0o0 miles; it also controls and operates an express company, a telegraph rotii. pan" of over 100,oon mile o'f wire, and a merchant marine HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert (Seorge Keep. Mrs. J. Adams and Miss Marion Maso! Hann-, Ileet of more than sixty vessels. Smithers: J. 1. Kssrlel;iw TeeJ baill fiuring the war ror eron- race; II. Ixer and Miss lorolh otitic purposes. All these are! Ball, Vancouver. ' under the administration of Sirj Henry, whu, to keep in touch J. W. Buil&ers jsna us y7ur iuuu?onit9 oiD STtd vou mi? iiwuta. ...... ,v-f islributory fort (fdhnm K9L9RED 3HIN0LE3. 4 tes Central KHnatriek, C.X.rt. Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply oi Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phonts 116 and 117 MARRIAGE OF MUCH INTEREST Miss May Prlnq'e Became Bride of Cec'l Q. Nason at Pretty Ceremony this Afternoon Amid a scene of beautiful sea soiial tlevoralive effeel and in Hit presence of an assemblage i friends and interested spectators that filled the First Presbytia1 Ctiurch almost to rapacity, noe flf the season's prettiest ami most interesting -weddings took place at 2:30 this afternoon. Rev II. C. rrasrr oftlcialing. when .Miss Mabel .May Fiebla Princle daughter of .Mrs. T. HL Pritigle. Hmmerson Place, 1'rlnfet' Hupef was united in 'Inarria? 4n flee!' f!poi-e .Hon, son of Mrs. "J. II. Xason of Port 'Moody The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her brolhctf J. Howard Prlngle. who gave lift in marriage, presented n miU charming picture in her we,IJirm own of ivory crepo-baek sain with seetl pearl trimming. She wore tne eoaveolional veil aA carrie.1 a bosquet of Ophelia roses and frfresia. The brides maid was Miss Dorotiiy Tre piayne who was dainty indent In i tres of XHe.. sren georgette with tulle strf ant silver green hat tn match. She carrie.l u bouipiet uf pink eArftalions and mauve chrysanthmnms. The bride's mother was elegani'y gowned in rQst flelored cut velvet with hat tn match. lie wedding march was played by Mis Blanche Curlm and. dur ing the signing or the register Miss ,ada JoIirsIoihs sang "At. Joy he Thine." The groom wa attended by Xorris W. Pringte, brother of the bride, and Ike iiher wer' David Barlow and V. .orm.-in Chatw. Fallowing the eeremony, a re; ception is beinp held at Uie home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nason will sail this alter-noon on the 'Jardena for Van couver and Seattle, hjbviilg Seat ¬ tle on the slenii!r JL. fi. Alex- a inter for San Francisco where the hneyimofl will be spent. They will later return to Vancouver where they will Like up their residence. The bride's travelling lres Is or ruchsia chanielmne trimmed with fawn- and fuchsia embroideries and with coal of fuchsia shade flanneline with fawn fur and hat to match. The happy couple are wi.Ielv known ami very popular n Prinee It u pert. Jlrs. Nason ha lived here since sch.Kd girl day ami has ever been active and highly esteemed i the younger oeial cireles. For several var.. she has ten atlacbetl to the sla(T of Williams. .Man son tl fSnnales. harrislers and solicitors. Mr. Xan wa for a cou pie or years on Hie local sUitf or the Hoyal Bank or Canada'. having been transferred lo Van couver about a year ago. Congratulations are being ex-j tende.1 to the couple by a host rtf friends who will wish them happiness and prosperity in their marrie.1 lile. DRY DOCK ACCOUNT PRESENTED TO CITY Bill for Power Supply In Novem ber and, December Is Rendered At the meeting of the cit council last nijjrht a report was read from Hie iiperiuleiidenl of utilities making observations op the account rendered to the eity by 'the Canadian National Drv Dock for current supplied be tween the peri rrorti .November 7 and Decern. 11. while the city plant wat .ose.l down. The account had been based on a 3 day period although actual operating days had been 35 and l-Gtti days the deference ii time being accounted for in the breaking in of crews and adjust, menls. There was a credit of operating on this account of !M0 Jor oil which had been used through th turbines but whirh could be use.! again aflcr Tillering. On motion or Aid Casey Hie report was laid on the table tor a week. FRIEDA HEMPEL TO RESUME SINGING Opera Star Has Had Five Years' Vacation; Against Women Smoking . XKW YOHK. Dec. 29.-Frie.Ia Hcmpel, concert and opera singer, returned on the White Star liner Majestic with the an- Manufacturers Announce a New Tire Warranty Effective January First, 1926 Tire Manufacturers of Canada are putting into effect THE on January 1st a nevv policy of great importance ami advantage to the motorists of Canada. Thereafter, every pneumatic tire will be guaranteed for 90 days solid tires for JSO days from date of first roadwenr, against defects of material and workmanship. The unfair basis of adjustment, which has survived from the early days of the industry, is abolished. Tires of standard make now give such high average mileage-two to three times the maximum mileage of tires in the days when the old basis of adjustment was established that the 90-day warranty, with its benefits to the public and to the industry, now becomes possible. If a tire contains n defect, it will show within 90 days. A standard make of tire which discloses no defect during the first 90 days use, will give long mileage barring uccident or misuse. The old adjustment basis developed flagrant abuses. Unprin ciplcd merchandisers used it as bait to sell poor tires. Unprin ciplcd motorists imposed dishonest adjustment claims upon tire dealers and tire manufacturers. The honest motorist paid for these, because adjustments have always been a factor io making tire prices. To-day you buy standard tires with confidence, knowing that the manufacturer has no doubt as to their quality. Vou buy tires as you buy shoes, clothing, furniture knowing that you get enduring value for every dollar you pay. Manufacturers of the United States sell tires only under 90-day warranty, and have done so for the past 18 months. The twentyfive million motoristsof the United States buy their tires under this plan. They arc satisfied with it. They have been freed, as you will be, from the adjustment burden of the dishonest motorist, and of the motorist who shortens the life of his tires by abuse. Hereafter you will pay only for your tires; you will no longer , : be penalized by the operations of the professional adjustment seeker. The manufacturer will continue to take care of genuinely de ,, fective tires; the 90day warranty period will enable htm to do so. Tire Manufacturers Division The RUBBER ASSOCIATION of CANADA noun.-euie ill that after a re' year vacation xhe expert, to, appear in opera , nel year mi LAND ACT. Notltt f InUnClen to Appl U Iho Land. iermany and willi Ihe statement; 'n it "tn Lixt Bwjinr Di- nr . nil. j nr n mn 1 i ' nnrlb Otttn thurr Dotr or r Xhtnnun biz drive aainwt women fiuokim:." ...wit. I r',tV ?! , 1..TI. 1: ihil limrt ri.kllnr j lrH IM Hobrrt :. .kir. of Viaruvvrr, l ileiHl. before laiiiirlnni .tfjr rr i or i r-ihramt d tier Btlaek on women MHokeriO Trt.' " "w- Vup emplie.l tier imrr of msarelte. i jwhwiii i fUnud i tw, aing lie wa jrolnjc into trail-1 twiikwr.ieri) tUrr.ti.Mi mn on!ii mis: ror her annual eoiieert Ion. i n,rn-r . Mid mt twi.u, or the r.mntry horll)-. SniokinM .;' nidnt nirat; nirr , ., t . . x . ulhrlrrl) roll.nami hlrri lir niark' he nat.t. wn bad for tn?rr j.rf hnn. tt um too r-i r-..i, ihl-OHt iid bail for -u.oi.ie.i' ,rr1 ""tU tna f'"' " iiiniHiii Kim na.i ior women ,rwr f lM thrn, hfVilMi. I lt. fel i On- birh lrr mark r art' Mi,. Ilempel wa,h,et by he W: Wtl'i&rfr'iJ,' , t.Hfcban.1. ViUi..r -.Kahn. New Xt,rlVat V-m Norkitttiiktn! StieMenJe.1 the r-! n rei t uf a..mh.. Irf jir a feprt ration. : , ih.re tiwlh ssa ft. mora irwtw-' "My Inisbamt aiM I Aire Iwrtht.'."" . '.. ' P"im hapl-i5' !..eJlieT,' itl'lai.l. "and the e. iei ilia! we both havi our career." TOBACCO TRUST IS CHARGE OF REPORT American and Imperial In Re-traint of Trade, President Coolldga Is Informed WASHINGTON, Iter. -.'9. .-Tin federal trade commi.in in n report to President Coolidve today, with nil or it member! in agreement. Informed the exn-eulive ii ha levelo-i evidenre whirh partly otjpporl the ehnrKe lhat the American Tobaeeo l!o. or New York an.l Ihe Imperbil Tobaeeo ., London, vere a monopoly and were in restraint of trade." The report wa made follow-fiiK a leii'inoiitli inveatfsraliofi ordere. iy Hie senate to determine ir the tobaeeo eorporation were ronapiritiK lovelher to boy-roll loliai'eo Krowem who Kold Ihe nutiHil or their plantation ihroith eo-operaliu' marleiin innoelatlnii. Union ateamer Hacdena. f!apt. J. A. I'in.llay, returned lo port at I0.tr, oVloek Hilt morninK from Anyov, Allee Arm and Slew-art and will Mail on her return b Vanrouvei- nnd way muix at " o'clock (tu allcrnoon. 4MnrMmuil. ami rimt.mht a rrM I nwr vr ana. RBT. f. noiF a.t ruiati IVr Wm "I M imHlrr loin. It M1lM-anl cnrii, trrxu WTtH NOTICE. Dltaralan and Uia. TVI.E MHiri: oM n.Mr MllUrd. I.lnillrd. ! a0.lm I. Jtl Mnwr "irri. t in'-ontrr. n.r... IU ipj.ljr f,,r a; .rrnrp in jkp IS0.US0 (alhMI. ("r .lay .r water .Hit of I nkm.mii. alM kiKin a l nknnn. wtiirh rinw mirlhrrlr and dram, tntu lMnia. lujr. O.c.l.. a .: , llMWI I i-halrra. im.re ur If... WMtartr irn nnniMja.l n.nw .. taia (T.I..I tiRI'i. TlMTuatrr will 1 dOMteil friH.il "".,rr,,n l,",n, '"'"I ril rl.altia' outli fwHii Hlnnnun a xtut l rhiin-l S!'frl n"rll',l l tali, anrt -IL'.'T T!: r?" prpia bJnr,,r iipi.n th mrTrr'ti;",.,': m Ttila iMIrr a n,..tr, mi he rrmiml Mi llw tnili day of" Si.rml.r. I'M. A i.j of IM. iK.tlr. hhI an appllratlon MI M filed tn tlorrim or m Wiier Ihe aalil alr Hm-iM-rtit or llli ihr H,SS'rv,J. 'i,, p ,l,h,,l '"" Himdiiifa. Vrrturla. p,c . wlihln thirty LAND ACT. Farm of Nollea. TrZPif1 ,,,'r,r, liT'r J'"i,K ''? 4Vallare n.trle l.tit. .if Vanciiifrr. It..: iktijiiiu,h nn. l.rji.H-n. Inlrnd to a .ply fr 'a ' ,V... Sf f Ilia rclhmliir daarrlliiil I.Jll.l IA rl?.i'T,...",.., HHt "" 1 V. ,""'",'"' rlialna, more nr 1... 4. lo Ii tli watrr mark of nkwna tuvrr- M ntyer j.. rx.lnl i.r PMiiriwirrmrnt. WALLAfR IKIIKIUKA I.TIl., Artdi'anl. IJtled I it) Nomultt, (tl. llCAHADlAN PACinc Canadian Pacific Rai B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Ruper! W . n . . . .. . . W.M.1M . . 1 M 1 - 71 JM1L,I r. i.uwiii rmitMi ,J uinti kik It Jl l"', . . . .... ..... ..... a.... tail.. .. Canakall Hltt, M Vaxr attff atrf U . a..... ... ... ......ii- i fall lafarwalM re W. C. OaCHAaO Oaaral nl. . . Darn af 4Ul atraat u4 ir4 Alaawa. Pnaa BaraM. aTaTaTaaTMSBBl MM .aStasBBk i aTaTaTaTaTaTaV .ataw m. V Day Phones 423 S30 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. "aTMTICCTalMnr rr a Mir ro.ticnr' m A KIT' - a I I I I K I I A I J If Best Procurable (Tire ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky TlCHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BmiM mJ ftrfi a. WJUaa Caat k 9m Ijmit.J dttlMntt .ClaaaiMi OmIIm, Volt- A M This ndvortisenient In not published or displayed M Urjtiib Colupibia,