r Sealy 8 Qoodsoo The Home of Bulkley Valley Produce. 11 ranch from Smilhprs. Sixth Street. Phone 455. NOTICE We have just been appointed Si-lhiiK a.-nta for Lacq HOUSEHOLD LACQUEROID Ka.sy to apply. Watch It Dry Dries reaily for use in half an hour. The new Lacquer finish for Floors. Furniture, and Woodwork.. Kaien Hardware Co. 608 Third Ave. Gentlemen Why Not? Why nut have a tailor-made suit fi.r Ctiritma? We make you a present of $5.00 100 Suit Lengths to choose from. We give a difceount of f5.00 on every soil purehas.-d for Christmas. Our sloek include I'.Ine Series and all kinds of quality materials. Fit and finish jniaranleed. ORDER NOW. LING the Tailor 821 Second Ave. Phone 649 Wood! Yifood! Now is your chance N DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Hair load $3.00 Large sacks 50c DRY BIRCH Per load $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES., IMPROVED Ford Models Will he on exhibition about November 10. Prices 1'indiatiged- S. E. Parker Ltd. Phone 93 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phana CI. Cailaae, Warehousing, and Distributing Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Coving,. I II FINE PROGRAM AT CHRISTMAS TREE Many Little Girl and Ron Took Tart in Affair Held by Pythlsn Lodges Last Night A deliglilfful program under the di- f.-climi of Mr. P. II. Limey ami Mr. Sid llamblin in which many little girls uii.l boys participated was the feature f the Christmas Tree entertainment f (he Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sisters which was held last evening in the Boston Hall. The affair was .ittendcd by some 80 children and a xd representation of parents. He- 'rrshments were served and the UMial errmonies in connection with the ar- ial uf Santa (Sails and the unhiding r I he tree took place. Mrs. V. X. I loss ami Mrs. Fred WermiK comprised he eoraniitlee in Kenerul rharce of the affair. The program a as follows: Ipeelatkiti tbH jwr. rrt A. 4. Ill-Piano Solo - Marjaret Gilchrist. I kington. eilv eMnpt roller. Vocal Solo- Mabel 1 1 arson. t TK -i,;. Itrcitation - Eva Morris Eileen drwen and Advlia Thurber. Dialoxur -The loetor." Eileen llamblin and ftrace Allen. Tableau, "Star of Bethlehem," by fourteen K'iris of I Be Sunbeam Claas f the Baptist (Jturch- Helen Hampton, Helen Harke. Olh-e Foss. Edith i,hn- . .S ,rHT Amur McImI; Star ? f Bethlehem.' Megan Morris: candle wartn, tktrothy Ortmbte. Lillian Jones. Adelia ThurUr and Eileen liarnbliu; tittle angel, Betty Arthur.. Hotly Drill by 12 girls of the Sun-brum ('lass. Playlet, "A Slrike in Santa Claus tjind" Santa ( laus, I. II. I.iurey; Mrs. Santa Claws, Niss Thelma liawn; fairies. May Jones, Peggy Smith, Kmd Morris and Viola Carr; Jack Frost, Ralph Johnson; Brownies, Tom Johnstone and Kenny Green; little, girl, Joan Arthur: doctor, itobert Gflker.- M. I.. Stepp was chairman. a In The Letter Box BOY'S BAND Editor, Daily News We would appreciate a port Ion of your space to publish this letter of appreciation to those who contributed to the formation of the Boys Hand. The band was organised on August I and a splendid response was nuole to oar solicitation for funds for Instruct nts. AVo have delayed publishing the names of those contributing as several instUito:ss promised to assist ami vr haw been waiting for their promise to be fulfilled. Tin.- following dotation urv wry gratefully acknowledged: :. C Bobbins, Chicago l(J0.(Xl :. C. Gibbons 5flJ) Cyril Orme 30JM City of Prnce Hurt . ISO.!) IIQnd Battalion Baml Fund . IIKliM Klks iproceetls of dance) .. 61.10 Sons of Canada .. 7iM M1CIU Oilontl S. P. McMordie genermtsly lonateil a ery fine silver plated cornet. & Cnvanelle bik! F. Dibh each purchased instnuiieiils for their boys, aud other parents we understand are r-ilt rWig. or have ordrrad InstniineHts. The Notary Club has guaranteed I Ik-mi in of t2Ti In meet formation and in-st rumen 11 cXhiims. Tle first ncital held on December 2 netted ninety-eight dollars. The wholtr of the ahovr cash contribution lus been expended on instruments, and arrangements are nun pleli- to engrave the instrument with a ilonor name. J. W. NICIIOI.LV W. I). VANCE. II. II. LITTLE. Bo.vs Band Conimitlfc. TRAIN FARMERS IN ENGLAND BEFORE COMING TO CANADA UINDON. Dec. 29. A meeting iu supimit of the Empire league fi.r Training and Oversea Settlement wa-. held at (jixtou Halt, Westminster A. A. SOmrrvillc, M.P, who presided, said the scheme was not calculated lu interfere with any existing scheme jtirral llritain wanted room and lh j Doininiotis wantrd peoptr, but whereat 'he latter wanted agricullurists, the, Hfnilation England could spare win i it-! ilustiiul. The prnldnn was to make tliiit snurr M)pulalioa acceptablu to the Dominions, 'and these people would have a very much grcalf chance If they had Mime degree ol training lie fnre leaving this country. Tliat wai; the uim of the l.'nilr league, which I proMscd to take laud -lhey had a farm i ) in view 2Ti miles from lindnn ond ; preiarv the farm for the reception of I a niiiiiber of families, mid young men a well. The War Office could provide i them wilh hutments at a very reason- l ante cosi, ami unaila and Austnilla 1 were prepared to supply Instructors. A man would thus go out, after six months' or a year's training, to the Dominions with wine tlcgrrr of familiarity with ngriritllural work, while bis wife would be tralntd iu Milking, mak- in butler, krciang poultry, and cook- The upkeep f the farm would, he thought, he fairly simple. Hoard f guardian had slated that the; would he prepared to send families and pay for their maintenance: the British )e-fion, if I hey sent families or young men, were also prersm-d to pay for maintenanee, and no doubt if thev nde jraod some rnntrilMtioM would come from the Kwtcrnment. The ini tial cost, however, was about l.r0JKill. VANCOUVER TO HAVE DEFICIT Liquor Profits and Race Taiea Away Below City's Expectation VANGOrVEIL Dee. 29. - Vanenuver face it rr-mue sitortaKe of 7VW - illf lo I tw failni itl liw MtvV .tr of ll .vriiu,..i iimM.r ..r.m. K mrLmnhul I.. I un ,-. will arat help Mr. HiaieiKt'm to avoid the llireatened deficit on the year's operations. They ahnvr that the total receipts to the city from liquor profits will amount to rilSJV while the anllei- paieu revenue irom int course was 7i,(.ll. leaving a short a e of iM receipts from the nari-mutuel tas. Based on the figures of 19JI. when flOlfim was reeeivtil from thi sowrce, the sm of 73JiO U Wii was coi-sMfflnl a conaerswlive rtimnte. Vet the receipt amouiitnl only to M94gl leaving a shortage of K6JMt. City revenue from the I not or tax which is ear-marked for rood improvement amounted to within 1K) of the estimate which was MIMMI. City Faring Iteflcit As expenditures during the year were hasrd on these estimate Ihii'tn-tal slmrtage of 479.UHJ, eoinbinnl with Urge ovrr-ripciKlilurf in the relief department, i expectnl to nuke the task or atoNling a deficit mi the years ! operatious almost Impossible, although i there is much peculation at the CJty Hall as to the possibility of the de-! ficiency being made tip fron: uiitxiert- ed sources such as Hie uutaken tax re- bales wutch in 19JI amountnl to j OKML I - i STEAMER MAY QUIT SERVICE IN cm itu 1 I Well Known Boat Her Taken Off Itun - and Plan For Future Uncertain NEW WESTMINSTKB. Dec. 23. Steamer Skecna. oM lime stern-wheeler on IIk' Skeena lliver atul for the last several years on the Fraser service between New Westminster atnl Chilliwack. lias bceti taken off the ran tinlil further notice. Shareholders la the company are eodravoriisg to nuke new arrangements as they df not want to see the last of the veteran tye of ships in rivi-r serviea leave the run. (iitain Charles Seymour, matter of this bt, was taken to the hospital in J New Wcslmiiistt-r several nights ago, ill. Capiuiu Seymour has been a river nuiflrr for Xt years, und is known to eviry farmer ami settler along the rher. e government of Canada guarantees usjige 8 YEARS OLD HI 1 ' n t nr illUUC III .UllUUU lcanr WMMHHHHMWMiaHMMMiaaM '!'! h iidvertineineni i- not. published or displayed hy Illf! Liitior Control Hoard or by t tie Government of llrillsli Columbia. DOINQ WELL IN PEACE RIVER People Who Left There To Year Ago Are Planniag to Krtara WINNIPEG, Man. Dec. 29. i lly Can- adian Press). Canadians In the l nllru Stale who altandoned their Pro re itllrr ImniMlwIl two SMIW aXfk. wlteil times were inrtioilarly hard, arc mk-1 iug constant inquiries concerning con ditions for nuking a return nugrtin there next spring, according to II. N. Munroe, a wis t an t divisional eonuivis-sioinr af immigration for the western district, who has lust cwnnMed an (inspection of the Peace Blser letrilary. Peace lliver fanners who two yaar ago were heavily in debt, today have between Mm) ami 600 in the bank. Mr. Munru stalest. There was general iprosierlly ami everjone was olimi-tic about the future and in a mood to stay. Anything could be grown in the Peace Hitcr mm I. Mr. Manro assert -d. Intpniremritt of rtsndilkm in the district was due to several factors, the chief among which he cited a material reduction iu the freight rates. Other contributory factors were the plentiful harvest garnered without nthrittft, better grain and cattle price. The reed of the community was for more trackage leading directly ottt than at present, while settlers in the southern areas were sorely in need of adequate transportation facilities. He was certain that the generally improved conditions in the Peace lliver district would lead to a great influx of new as well as former settlers. RICH VEIN IN CARIBOO FOUND John lrsea, Sourdaagh Prospector, Negotiates Sale to English firm Assay SUM Ton A big gold strike, with values running as high as all) a ton. Is report ed from Ihc Cariboo country. The dis- rovrrrr is John l-arsen. an oM llotr rospeclor with exptrience extrodmg lover tnany vears In Brllish Columbia. Mexico and tile Yukon. VW of the property is iwwr being negotiated vrilh Urge English mining firm. The discosery Is located about 90' ..Ari l. . ... -t fiiit.., i .t. . ul I (.'. W -. ,,,..MM. OT.M. lies on Keithley Creek. It is known 'e Yank's Peak claim, ami is 'on f mountain of the same name. , WD I t U l. .11 toe Iinilj-IOT IWM level free milling gold to the extent of .V) ounce to the ton has been taken out. About a dozen claims are bound up In the sale negotiations. Ijirsen, who is in Vancouver at Hie present time making arrangements for Ihc sale of the property, claims Hut he lias discovered the mother lode of Hie right placer gold claims on the crrek. His property is about three-quarters of a mile above the rich "l.uey placer claim. FLORIDA SEASON IS NOW OPENED Ilravy Program For Toarlsl and ! Plrasare Keekers In. the 'Boom State" PALM BEACH. Fla, Dec 29. Tlie "Florida scaKiii" lias bciin and from now until. mid-March Ihc Peninsula slate will Mug- heavy on the 'mail with winter .nurWtv. . ' v. Thanksgivl ug was the official oien ing of the winter season at a number of the semi-tropical resorts. Others, more or Irs popular centers of social ami recreational activity, have no sie-cial djtes for he k lining Ihc whirl ami rush of receiving vacationists, but rather keep opcii house." This commenced from the turning of the first Irar in the North and will last until the last tourist departs in the Spring. Actual tenure nf the social season is determined by the whims of society. In late year Ihcrr has been evidenced a decided trend to synVhronlie the Florida season with that of the French Itivlcra, to which the local salient 1 proving a mighty rouqictllor. While Fifth Avenue taillrurs ami modiste are showing what Ihc beau iiioihIc will wear at Palm llcach and on the Ode d'Axur, this concession to the foreign playground Is bring sharply offset on the Hue de la Paix, where mrsi'amr are viewing Hut which will be chic at Palm Beach this year. Honeyed Air Closely following Yulrlide holidays, ii.in. ii i. - i ..i t , , I win, uriii m snj wnosc viiici Heritage Is a honeyed air, a strip of palm- 1 rin . Kit! sand, a shining sun ami , I singing sea. begin lo acquire all the jBCtuulreitieiils of a mdroH.ls. Here ""' me iiosi-s iii sonny, nere come ( I the men ami women of big and little fame; the legl on of rich and newly-rich all to romp on Hie beaches, to trot ic In Hie surf, to relax In the shade . i"""-"""," V" -'nr inc capuai 1.1 society lor a SCnSOII. Although Palm Uracil Is the heart f Florida winter vacationing area, oiorr resoris ami even nou-rrori sec- tors tK'ur. their share in providing amusement and recreation to the In- coining itigitivr irom cnuiir ami barer Kerne. , From John's nu Ihr cast coast, down around the litlU key and up BRINGING UP FATHER What About ( tX - DO "TOO VyAjsT TO i P1 ' "V ( 1 GOOOriej cold, cow aroono r WELL-YtfaL L . J Hcr-t sRr rmvr DREbEO LIKE THNT? 13 IT? e'j II 7 A New Year? 1 to o.ntr like of I'LL TELL r- y;gp - V VA"V THAT I . If you (vnnt n jrsiil tur- Itey or ', we have ii! Shipment of- freli killed beef, pork ami teal twit"' weekly. i J r For Wanted S!e DAILY For Rent iiwmj By George McManus 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c IVwNTUB MH.N WANTF.Il to l-arn Aulo-tractor. Mattery ignition. Oty-acrtleii webtlnc mil vulrnnl. In. alMi laeli hricklor-inft. pUslprinp nnl lile-splllna Wrile or rail, llempfull Aulo KnKinecrinR Hehool, 10 llttut ins; Street Kh1. Vancouer. It.C. tf LMllKS WA.VTF.I) In Iwirn Hen uly Culture. Write or oalS for frwe entlnxu. Mtrier Iteatity Shop. 10 Hasting Ft. KiMt, VaneotvT. H.C. t( WAXIKIL I'lain wlna. I'lione &H0. t FOR SALE FOH SAI.K. Her th firt or the year, complete danee out fit of drums and aeeeorte ami set of 2 Mi oetave leain orchenlra bells). For details ami further information, tee ft. L. Ilorie. ins FOIt SA1.K. Ihntnesvick nhono-a-raph, upright wtyla, in futuswl nak, altnosl new. coat f IH5. Price lfM). I'Mllen. I Mil Newn Otftre. M FOll SAI.K. Knap. 3 h.p. h-Kl. I eytinder, I ejrele, with eiiMiienl. IJ50.00. For two lays) inly. Northern Ejuhanire TO RENT FOIt IlKXT. MiMtern for room-etl flttl with Momtreb ratine, Clnpp llloek. Weslenliaver I !. ff FOIt IlKXT. Pianos, player piano, pbonoarapli anil sewing" niaeliitt!t. Walker" MuhIc Slore. It I'OI'lt Itoom -Suilo for Hent. Hot water beat. Apply Sniitli si Mallelt. Ltd. tf MODKIIX FLAT for ltent-Aiply Max Heilhroner m BOARD HOARD The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 1 .17 IIOAItlt AND ItOOM iu Private liutim. I'lione JIM '1)1, If LOST I.OSTwl.aily's pumo eoalftinlm; sum of money, in r near (It post offue. Finder please notify Daily News of fire. He ward. LOST. tinlil wrUt waleli. Finder pleae return lo Daily Xew offiee. Hewanl. MISCELLANEOUS KXPKHT Window (".leaner olTfti serviriw to slnrrx, apnrtmen! iiml reHidenl'. iiy job or ron-Irael. Phone (ireen IH. nn to Ihr bend of the Culf on Hie west roast the tlslinr rests, as well as In lake towns and oilier interior rrsorls. A number of out-of-state millionaires maintain alare-like homes along the coast ami In (he Interior, while other wealthy visitors locate their magnificent bungalow on little coral -bused keys, Just large enough In give sjiaee lu a house and "elbow room." Seen from aim .1 1 . 1 .. .... It. t.l-f- bill. 1 1. - .1... I .niiis- iiic-to isinit, Willi IIIC KSJ as a background and a llghl-fnloml base, have the falry-likc apK-nraiice nf Island floating In the air. Augmented Hertlcc To meet Hie aiitlcliwlrd Increase In tourists Oil season new tie luxe trains have been added In Ibe already heavy regular scnoiuie Irom iinrida lo New York and Chicago. A coastwise stcam- Itlilll tin,- hat rllniliu.1,,1 . of-state Mirt of call and extruded It ' southernmost terminus from Jackson- ville to Miami, while a new lliw l.s. been lnfliKnrnir.1 l..i Havana. Hotel have been refurnished and exiauded, and iiinnerou collage for tourists' use bavr sprung up in readl-neii for th big rutli. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. i AUCTION SALE. I "IU. Sl.l.l. by I'lllill.' Alli-lHMI tipon mslriK li'ti nf K. H tiarrelt, al the FfIeral Hlnck. Third Avenue, on W eetnaeday. Deeeniber SO ul 1.30 p.m , Hih roittplHe fnrnisbinir nf li euile of five rooms. Failinv t. ell the furnish insja rnmpleli-I will proeeeii lo Mil sepn rally the articles fnllowa. whieh have been in ue hut lw motilhs: Heauliftil five pir-i walnal hilnm uHe. (ii-gnletim rug V x 9, selti, fli-. lev table. Riahn?an nmiv eahinet, Iwo wirkcr arm ehair. wfa, tiplidjlm in eretoun". fumes! oak library table, 7ol4 n oak sefsiee taldr. Murrla chair, KdiMiw pbnnnitrapH, reeofsr. jatdiiiieres with stands and plant. Cnngnletiin ruF 9 t I?. W lltnn' rHf 9 i II AitrHntr arfet 9 i It, illataW ebalrs,; elretrie plate, all enina. kit-ehen table, refrisssrator, eler. trie plate and nuuny other ar tielua of value. (1. V. I trine. AiMd4oiHar. CARS FOR SALE. I I0SS Oblimobile (. S paMf. ger tourins teofken I 1920 Nash i paasetfrer loJr- hlg - InaiUW I 1931 Overiaml edan I70jn I IVI Ileo sev jNiwnfe Imirwt? $700 41 I I9S& Ford fupe, balloon tires ear like new laWl (MV I lOJt Fortl Todafifl, -SU. Mtiati I lOSt Font Coupe IJIO.nr, I I9SI Fartl one Ion' tiaek. panel boi)y 1371.00 I Ford liKhl delfter1 chassis. refcullt .. ll7a.(Hi All earn Kuarantees In good uieejianirnl eonilltioa. lenns can be nrraneasl. KAIEN QARAQE I'nril anl Olrevrolal ?nfiee Station. Aaents f ir Mnltlin Oakland. Otdsiiinbile iiikI Ohev- rolol ears, lien, O..M.U. and Feflernl Trueks. WHKCKINO SKIIVIcn DAY AND MOIIT. FURNITURE AND RANOES I1IK Holiday Season a if on! at opportunity lo convey my ap-prelialion of the splendid Uf.- porl I Imve reeeived In Inial-ness. In the future as- in Ihr pal, I shall endeavor lo prtve Ibe best servlee, and wish you all a Merry Clirisiman and a Happy and Prosperous Nf v Year. A. MaeKeniie. Furnilure ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Wagxnxc and Kxpra. Hifwuhl.iillo'N Npws Rland, Phone 3!i2. He4. Phone Ureen 02- CAMEnON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baogage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything tenl for. or delivered, phone us. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ' 4 Tuesday, December 29 Hiali 1:15 a.m. IH.O fl... 12:51 p.m. 20.7 " Low ( AH a.m. 8.3 " 10:1 p.m. 3.0 " Wednesday, Dooember 30 Hiuh I:5t a .ii i. IH.I ft. I3.SU p.m. S0.fi " Low 7:37 a.m.. 8.2 ' SO: 17 p.m. 3.0 " Advertise In tbe Daily Newt . lSTls TAXI Phona fj Tta (Call Hit- un.l bakers .i SOc Sc?: ROSS 6R0S. POOL Won 5ecke ft FURxlTUHr, N a a cb.nie N. tinmls. QE0, PaPs.DOIC.M HVI 11, : TRAPPERS I-9rRF.li ' price. . ell buy ' W. OOLDBL00X, 1- PRINCE RUPERT SlC 173 303 Th rd Avei ui fhoi' u MAIL SCHEDULE far t T Vsir 1 1 i.la "ii'inhi IMfMl l mt Ta , Uf &'m ae. Ssnasi Wrimr'i Ta aii, eft Tpx eswt 1 1 TS AlMli P!U Iksr Ii T dioi Chr. ( !i!Jr'!'l la-co!""-rm tss tt -Mswtastv W at From Vtu aarnst)-Wsatsy Tajf"!!' 1 1 Frm si, al TlNMuiat' flVL.I. t . rrsm ii, rtn i- -Rtftf rsist-Slnnli- rrsm aih roiMt. rrsm cmrte'1 fin rntl ft STEAMSHIP MOW rr VntsuN- TMMdO rruUy 1 SslunMi ' " l'r I I frm VcMff-suads; Vednl -Tharwlo Slunli Asnii-.li" lK- IS 1 , -1 . ..4 NUI 1-" I For rori impson - Thurs.U w rrom Port lmpi " Sliir1v For AUsis Pm- tn From Al ;n. I r r.i " A' For SUwtrl, A Surnlsy ' Ve.tne.l- ., From SUwtrt. Anroi Tnt4V rrlitd.vs . : For Anyi Thttril From Anyi 8tiirdv - ' '..nit. For QUO" Chrl pm. ii " tire. 1 f1'"' i.i,.f From Qustn CtmrWM I"' " !'. lot Vritl Pee. It-