Start The New Year Right J)(1i : overload lite mmd a (i v .nne.c--ury ,Uil Use a Diary One flip in Uie 12 months niuy cost you leu time Hie j, o Unities (IcmiH forgcl; ieu)lu do. For the Offlcej No. :7t Sxtl $3.00 Nu. :W5i x7 v! 1.25 No. 5187 1 H xK ylj ... 1.65 No. 52 .VixH ...... 1.35 No. XVi , V4x7 75 For the Pocket: No. .Mil 2 duy lo page, ;JxO . . . . ... 52.00 No. :,'iS ilavs u page, Jtxt .... .... 1.50 No. :il : day lo jingo, nsriH 75 These uml numerous olheriT nmging iu price from 25r I' (, in (jiilmdnr Pads 75 in Hi (juk'iidur Stands $1.00 eMflaeMvs.Jjd TAPESTRY Table Runners for your library table, buffet or dresser Many patterns to choose from in making your selection BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Third Avenue Phone 123 And That One Word Is "VALUE When .HI article ol iiut-l, noting merit I- offered to the ii N -nn e hcninc immediate. Vol ... ,1 with our lile-l "FAMILY SKHVICKS," oue wo I Lin explain their piiek acceptance and stic-ind thai one word i "V.M.l'K." rt Thrifl-T and Soft Finish here are rs ihul s'nijd tirltii over with .'II the fwliirv of . Convenience, and FniMimy nol one but all three. (.oipptti-fou and demonstration prove the nltic of our n v Services. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kipper; "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by ii Canadian psh & fold Storage fo., Ltd. Prlnco Rupert, B.C. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door lo I'rizzoU Hulcher Mhop. across from the Km press Hotel Wo carry a full line of CIGARS. TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION jam T.r.111 rrupnuiur CHAMPION GROWER OF HEAVY CROPS Horace Johnson has Farmed Twenty Years with Average 28 Bushels to Acre CHAMPION, Alia., Dec. Canadian Press) Western Canada's agricultural history abound with reeords of cnor- mon. wheal yield per acre, bu Ihis district advances the naina of Horace Johnson, an old liuier of ihr .Champion community, foi l lie title of the must consistent producer of good crops. For more than twenty years Mr. Johnson has farmed in t li it district ami according to figures lie lias kepi, ban averaged a yielil of about twenty-eight bushels to die aere during the entire period. Mr. Johnson has never experienced a crop fa mm f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 , lie lia suffered 1ossp similar lo other farmers from natural causes. WONDERFUL AIR STUNT. A'rplano Takes off and Lands on Dirigible Li IN I HiX, Dec. 29.-The air -mp H:i:j made a short flight 'mm I'iiIIiuiii, leaving thjs hangar .it l.'i.i.l inn. Sbe was seen vi' Norwich and returned to : 1 1 ! I . i, i lioiily ufler 3 o'eloek n aer(iilane was iletaclied al a height of about 2,((iu feet and wii' successfully rebooked about five minuter afterwards. The Air Ministry stated Hint the unhooking and rebooking ie.i were both carried out Sucre. .fully without a hitch. Afte. climbing several thousand feet lt.;i flew steadily along, and the pilo; then descended from the airship to his seat in the cock pit of I be' aeroplane. The trapes lo which the aeroplane is fixed wan fully unwound and tin machine was swinging in the air aliou! fitly feet below the air- .liip. Siiuajlron Leader Itaiir the: imlleil i he release levers, dived In- machine, then freed from tin ' rapc.e. until he picked up his etiai-ie. HCurnin? lo the unigh- lii.ihoott of the airship the air man adjured a far so possible. I: i- .peed to that of the airship i. -ii thi. was accomplished th- aeroplane pilot, who was flying at ali.iut !be .aute level as (lia. of Hip lowered Irapeni1. point'1! lie ikiso of Ins machine directly al Hie bur "f the trapee. lmokinu-on nuiile, which is car-rie, mi Die l.. of the aeroplane, made cpnlrael wild the bar a; once ami. after Hie sWitiHiK oi the machine had inmewliat sub-siiled. the trapeze wa slowlj wound in, bringing the aefoplana lo Us normal poMtiou. AROUND VANCOUVER ISLAND TRIPS IS PLAN OF HOTEL MAN DEAD. C.P.P.. VlCi'OIUA. Dee. 28. According lo announcement made here by Hie Canadian Pacific" hallway Co. r iuim's around Vancouver I -land up the west coast Hint Ni:i., ll.C, lee. 28. John Swedle' .Nelson, aged sixty, trustee of the Koolenay Hotel and a resident of that hostelry for thirty years, dropped dead in the lintel. He vu. a pulienl in hospital three weeks, but left the iu Million at noon ou the uay ol his deal It. .iv..r'tM in I In. Iiil'i New LANO ACT. Notlct of Inltnllcn to Apply to Purchit Una In I'linre liueert Land Itecurdlna- Oil I rid or I'rlnre liuperl and rltuate on Uie catl nlMr of Parnird Uive, PrlucMi lii.val Inland, luime four. Cnal Plalrlrl TAki: .Noflit thai Sooiervllle (.annery Coimmio l.iimiea or vaneouvrr, n.i;., ne ruiuilioii parkrra. Inlciida to apply for srinissiini to purchase Uie follow tug d.-.rril-i'd lands: . Coiiiineiirliii it a pnal planlel oil the liiirllii'asl sh.'ie of Hainard Cove, PrltieOM Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. 75 Taxi. 50c service, day and night. If Largo safe for sale, cheap Max llcilbioncr. If 99 Taxi and Transfer. OOi (service. Day and nighl. 1. Dybhavn. tf Pipes, Pouches, C'flarette cases, Cigars and box candy at cost. Oil's Clear Store. If Provincial nonstable F.ggh shaw of Terrace returned on las! night's train to the interior. Kusixn Dorin of the Salvation Arniv was a passenger for Ket chikan on the Princess Mary last night. We can once asaln supply dry kindling by the bundle. Prince Hupert Transfer and laxi. Phone 189 and 112. 30J John Heid of Usk, who lias ben visilins iu the city on butd mo. returned to the interior on last night's train. K. II. Simpson, manager of the Massed cannery, and Mm. Simp son, will nail tonight ou the Car- dena for Vaneouvei, Miic WoWcley, who has been holidaying in the north, pnsced through on Hie Canleiia today eil route to Vancouver. Account up to December ii. totalling- Jin.72l.ll were pa sen or payment at the meeting of he city council last night. W. (lolilhloom returned to the city this morning on the Cardetia from a fur buying, trip al Port Sinipon and surrounding points. the Park Avenue local im provement by-law p a s s e ii through it first reading at tin meeting of the city council held last night. Paftensrers booked to sail for the south on the Cardena this afternoon inclu.le Mr. and Mrs. I'.. H. Simpson, and Mr. and Mrr. C. . Nason. John Stromtieeh. well known Alice Arm mining man, is a visitor in the city, ?u business. He arrived fromi tf?y north on Hie Cardena this morning and will rvlurn to Alice Arm on the Prince Hupert tomorrow night. Parlit'M who have beard the new Itrunsvvick Phonograph pro nounce it an amazing instrument, lileclric process through out. Hear it before you buy. We exct our samples early in January. .Macl.aren's Music Store. 307 Passengers arriving from the north on the Caiilcnl this inurn- ilown the east wiil be instiluleiHins included D. C. AulL J. l.atn- nexi year as a tourist atlraclion. The Princess Mary will a Hit UHctl and the voyages will be eight days' duration. ieli, il. Zarilia, J. Stroinbeck, Mrs YYync.x, H. H. Adams, Mr. and Mrs, George Clothier, W. Gold-bloom, Miss Wolseley, Ml', and Mrs. Varrel and Mr. Hobbs. Dominion Constable K. G Xewnham arrived from the Naas Itiver district on the Cardena this morning having iu his cus tody Paul Allen an Indian, who is lo qpme up for Iriul ou a chargn of assault, three native witnes ses in the case also arrived. Felice liomben left on las: night's train for New ork en route to Genoa, Italy, lo visit h:s old home, lie will sail from New Ynrjk on the SS. ('.onto Hosso. of the l.loyd Sabaudo line, mi January 3, the boat calling at Madeira. Gibraltar and Algiers. Mrs. Thomas Heme, formerly or Prince Hupert but now livin in Vancouver, spent a few days in .New Westminster last week, the guest of Mrs. W. A. Patchcll, !!;;?nrfl V"r,V SSs'TiSSS'prlor to leaving for ..Honolulu S'L'k vi Pmi.I the remain- iiliit or leis, to hull water mark; Ihriiiti del' of t ItC Wllllei'.- NatlCOUVer f..iinwfn hi tli water mark in an eWerly : ,..;,. and northerly iIIimIIoii to .lnl of coin- 1 r" uu e. men. tneut. and eooialnlnt une hundrt ai re. more or les. s.)mi:iivu.i e c.N.tnv co. ltd Alfred M. Cox, who -has been natsd per W telnb' aaio LulUiJ J Thorn, xreni u patient in the general hospital Of f ,., la latw-Owt h trim CATARRH f the BLADDER StKSacmihl 'Cach Capsule lit art naint trwartefcnunlerfytU !:or sumo lime, ten on Ins ntghrs train, accompanied by his brolher, for his homo-in Winni- ipeg. Mr. Cox was particularly .pleased with the efficient treat-iiienl alTorilcd him at Iho hos-pilal ami so expressed himself to j several business men In Iho "city 'before departure. BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1824. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $77,382,053; Lode Gold, $1 18,-73,IP0; 9tlver, $8,82i,57l); Lead, $70,548,578; Copper, $187,580,378; Zinc, $32,-171,107; Miscellaneous Minerals. $l,i31,3'iJ; Ckial and Coke, $2l!0,880,0i8; Huilding Stone, Hrirk, Cement, etc., $12,225,814; making its Mineral Production lo the end of 1024 show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal ami" the fees lower than those of 'any oilier Province in the Dominion, or anj colony in (he British Umpire Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing -urli properties. Hie security of which U guaranteed by Crown Grants. t'ull information together with Mining deports ard Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES 'Victoria, British Columbia. N.H. ('radically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described iu some one of the Annual ltcnorl- of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining investments should refer lo sm li reports. They are available without charge on application lo the Department of Mines, Victoria, II. C. Ilcporls of (lie Geological Survey of Canada. Pacific Building, Vancouver, arc recommended as valuable sources of information. Currie s Taxi and Messenger ' Pbone 5t0 night or day. U Closing Out Sale. Everything at cost. Oil's Cigar Store. tf Two cars at your service iheddon Taxi. Pbone 134. If Alex. Itabicb forfeited -'5 bail in Hie city police court this morning on a charge of TOO LAT TO CLASSIFY 4,4 sss4-4 HOAIth & JIDO.M in eomfortabb home. ApHy Uox 287 Daily Xevvis office. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Nolle to Contractors. Hluli.Klral hullriinr. I rllirr lluiN-rl. SKALLIt TKMIMIS, (lrl "TMKler fi.r liiiilorlral Bullilinr. I'linre IIuimtI will lie wrlml by llw Ili.iiuuriliU 11k- Vlnlstrr or I'uIHl. worn uii in iz u'rlurk IKMili if Tufsday llw fUUl diV Jsnuary. I6. f iu Meinm ui i Bttlesl SUlliiU 11 I'rluri- Hlls-rl In ti, rttarr HWt-rt wrrmni insmri. CUas. sjwririntlou, (Umlnrl, ami loni: ir Tender may In- "l ami Mrr th l?lh dy u( ltcrnuLr, IViS. ami rurttirr. lari.niwtlun .HjIimimI al ttv lirpartiiiriit ..r I'ull.. vv'urk. I'arllaniMII BullJlUI. aa'l at Tin- fill vrlnir off i.e. f Unr iiornimeiit Atm al VaiMiiiin-r ainl frtuce Hupert. emu-, f.f ulaus. sucrifliaUiMi. "li . tan I oMaliwid fnii the leiariniriit ! pay- niMil ( a illll r leu uonar iii -u will U' rrriHKJi-d ou rrtuni r Hie plaiis. rtr- III tftot rMMlitksn. Thr loeM or mi IMKler 1I mw-Mrlly ' irrrpled. P. PIIIIJP. I'epuly .Minister ami Piilillr Works tiiC"M-r-Uriwrtnieul of Publlr Work?. Parliament BulMnit. Xlrlorla. B.C. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Applf to Lcaaa Land. In PHnre Rupert Land llrrordmr tl trtrt of rrinr liufiert. and tltuatft al shannon Ray, Ouern Charlotte lilandt. TAkt NOTICE that Gose-V:!lerd, I imKnl ir V'annuiver. R.C.. ItitFIliH t ipply rr a lease of the following described. land: . . . . ... Cianinrlirlnir at a post planleit about I Si chains, more or less, west rrwm norlh-ea-.t ruiwr nt Lt IS18 (T.I. 8z&&P); lieiire north Hi feet; thenre south, GSdeir. wtt 900 reet. more or less; Iheltre south 400 feel l Hie liirli water nark. In a mrlh-eaterly direction oi eet. iiKire or less, to the point of eonv 'iieneement. and contalnlnit U ( acre. imM-e or leS. 0OS3E-MILLERD. UMITED. Applicant Per Wm. 0. Mltrtielt. A rent ; LAND ACT. Notlco of Intention to Applf to Purchatt Land. i In Laml lleeonlinir tilstrlri or Prlnci'l lluieM. ami Mluale on the South Shore, of C.aptaiti lluve. Pitt IslaiHl, Province of( Uruish r.idiimbla TAKE NOTICE that William Joseph' Jerreci n of prince lluert. B.C.. iM-.Mipa-, tlon fjimiery-inan. Inlrnds lo apply Tor. js'riii.-i. n to purchase the, follow tut de scrll-d lands: Comuienclnr at a p"t planlel on the MWth shore near Uie tn-ad of captain Cote. Pllt Island, ftanttc I. fins! Plstrlcl.1 Province of Hrltlsh Columbia: thence, south twenty chains; tlMwe west twenty, chain: tlH-nce north twenty chains, more or less, to tilth water mark; theme east-1 elv a lour hiarli wiler mark to po'ol of ci.nunencetiient, and i-.mtaln.lna- forty t arr'. or ies. WILLIAM JOSEPH JEFKEIISOX. Applicant. Per W. J. Thntnas Agent, fated Pecember lllh. 9ii. WE DO BETTER HERE IKa IJAeWuilTrft LMTlK l Among those wlio have usedj Pacific Milk Tttr many years ii Mrs. F. W. Charles. Heeenllyj she was across the border for' two months luiil was compelled t Ui use strange brands of mi!k.! She says she was glad to find oul that llritish Columbia pro duces one thing, at least, that. is belter Hutu their het. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. Candy Special Walnut Stuffed Dates Fresh llallowi Dales sfulTi'd with sweet Knglish walnut meals, llegular 75c, Special 55c. per lb. 5 lb. box $2.75 Full CVCream Caramels Pure and Tasty, made with fresh cream and butler. Special 45c. lb. Ormes Limited The HeXall Slore Pioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and Gth Street. Phones 82 and 200 Store open 8 a.m. lo 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 lo 2, and 7 lo 9 p.m. IMPORTANT Announcement During I lie last two weeks we were deluged with requests lo remain a little longer lo enable our customers to stock up willi needed materials. We are pleased to announce that we have gained permission to remain another month. ALL GOODS AT SALE PRICES. WEST OF ENGLAND STORE 753 Third Avenue. UNION STEAMbHlP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. sallinn from Prince Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Baa, and Alart Baj, Tuaadaf, B PA, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bar, and Swanaon Bai, Saturday. 10 A.av For ANYOX, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlr Cannarlaa, Thurtday p.m. For PORT S.WPSON, ANYOX. ALICE ARM, STEWART. Sunday, S p.m. 121 2nd Xihi'i. J. Barnalay, AftnL Prinv rtuacrv. BO standard o Purity Tor ovtr 1 60 years SsC f TTZ7 X XN. QheGinyouwill ask tor again r-r- r i w v x i t .Ann Diy lAt $3.25 Gin the bottle This advertisement is not published or displayed y the Liquor Control Hoard or by the flovernmeu of British Columbia. J