M V'llk. Dee. 20. -YfltonR j i lv i. HliiwlnHrr ., . .iirtHlnl ol on of . - .ve.lll and nldl II" today hi hi M Iwi (.-.lln- tMTI l' u'i.1 l i.f tlieui wrt-e . . t favw ot Mm. Itliine- lli.- luds"1 vull I"! . t rule Hint Hip in- nnultt. tt , . l.ni.tct will Inds-e a': ng 1 i! -I the d-iion r-... mil lie itiarriir. ' W'il I''"- 'I1' I 1 !n- i p. unit of I ANCUUVKK HAS ITS WORST FOG PAYMENT MADE "w ui win i.ruBD M,l' Paper Enterprises on Coast May Develop VvAUJlVKIt. Der. 21.-Will. 1- ..f the Heaver Cove 1 lie: & l'uln Co.. anolher step u' akru towards recapilal m of what proinlocs lo he uir din' of the largest pulp and V ipi'i- entei-prises in llrilisli tlol iiutiiu, BOARDING HOUSE BURNS AND FOUR LIVES ARE LOST MONTHKM,, Dor. 2U.- F. Lo Fehyi-e and his wife, .MIh lllunelie I.ai-rnlx and Alphonse SI. lean were hurneil (o death when roonniiB house al (Sukot, (Juo- nee was desliojed by fire on Sunday iiinrtilnp. Two -other pi'f- er serluUl.v Injured. (CONTINUING WORK ON LA ROSE MINE 'Shipping from Promising Alice Arm Property Not to be Undertaken th'a Winter Tin- La llo-e mine in Ui Alice Arm district will not ship ore this winter a had been original ly Intended but development work will be aonliutied slates Joe, W4lt .,He of Uie principal ijl the inns: ronpany. wiio vfeiliiu Ui city lulncr I Minns the suiiinw a ISO too! '""'""'"(luimel v.. driven on the oun.l ol in- wife at-( u pfnkr M. WT (l p.,. ,! xio.ltlmwl. I ' u .uii r 11.- w,ri ii,e best eK-Utioni vterr rculued a far a iiualitv of ore i eMKered Onr of the iiaons why Ihe La lloe will not lnp ore thi n aler i lit I the llolly Vnixlen Hallway irrade has had ooine bad wnliouL Hiix fall and freightiii" over il io a diffieult matter ju I now. PLANE PATROLS Air PROVE SUCCESS Police Checks Unlawful Practices, Says Ottawa Report OTTAWA. lee. 2U. Arro i.liine pat role, working fmm ugcv sounn ana uuo ui iMr 111 vanrouvrr mimj rnntr Blanketed Transportation iKuoert hae broushl aleiul a Ire Interfered with N.'il M il. I us-. :'. I'Uftol tt' il ihe liuir of (leorpia j. k h d linlay by Iho worl vi-ai-n. Sinee Saturday-n of vreeU have tiwii :n aid 111 Vanr'iiT lal ii.i ular and i i-t ear wa-4 badly i ri sainted. I p.H. jt-aiii-i I'liiHi'f ap; li. alnle, which .1, ul m o'rloeV lat di'layi'd eomiiiK up th' 1 ii i-i tint of for- EAVER COVE nieitdiHi ret I notion 111 the 1111111- 11- nf ieron who break the Federal fisheries reputations Aeconliug to informal ion !fi". out hen' today, Ihcrc is now inm-li lss fislmin KoiiiK on in etn.eil waters, and very Utile ficlnn? in closed mnisoii. Likewise, tin- Use of unlawful appliances ha been greatly checked iiy the uir police. On the whole. Ihe department has Amid that the hydro-plane arc much more eitlcient than urfaee craft. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat 0. 1'. H H.C. Silver-Daly Alaska Dun well Howe Sound A 1 -Marmot I'reuiier nid. .118.00 . 1. 02 1 .28 . 27.50 . .12 2.10 I'orler Idaho 0t Silxercresl ' ' Surf tnlel 011 Ittitli Hope 3 !JlaiMone -33 Vi iranl.y Ilufus Lucky Jim 13 li llazellon TertnJnus tndliiu "" niacler 08 U nayview 0i Knllonnl Silvor... .14 Selkirk 04 Bilversmilh Asked 1 .01 .1 i.yi .13 .10 2.23 .10 .12 Mi .It .30 .35 'ii .18 .15 .019: .50 .00 .10 .09 14 .15 .04 .24 ti PULP MILL IN TERRACE Si:rplu. THEIR LAST XMAS. DINNER. Condemned Prisoners Dine Atone In Death Cells at Okalla mxln AREA? There i (alk -uf a large timber development undertaking in I tie vicinity of Terrace as a result of an extended cruise, which was made tlii; full of tba KiUumkiilum Lumbar Co.' holding. A pulp mill in one of- the projects that i mentioned. The sanm party which uiade the cruises this year will return in thi spriti; io continue it wort. ! 4i 4i I 4 4 4l 41, 4. 44444444 4444444444 SMALL SURPLUS IN UTILITIES OPERATIONS j Phone Department Showed Pro fit of S461.34 In November Light, $272.54 1 Aeeordin? to a report made by 1 the Mtperititetideul of utilitie at 1 ihe council meeting la.-l night a1 urplu of ?10U1 wan made by Ihe city telephone dcparlmept 1 during the month of -,Novem!e- and a -urplu! of 272.5l by the eleelrie lishl dejiailiuent for the Telephone DepL h 1 1 mt til enue .... 3.570.W Expetue - 3.IO.ft5 .Surplu- ? ICI.3I Electric Light Department K.limaled Hevemie 8.. iy.RU Kxpefle .U7.i5 IU ItXAltY. Dec. 2V. Owen Canonball Maker. Harry So- wash alias Meyers. Charles Mor ris, II. Herenlsen and Charles Henry (Sonny White, all condemned iu die 011 tlie scaffold next month, were silent partak- . .. . j.i...:.., , I ers 01 a mihijmuoup viiriMiiins fcat iirovided for inmates of Okalla prison. The eotideinned men were no' allowed from the dualh cells und each partook of Ihe special fare in contemplative silence. Hake und Sownsh, who recently were notified thai Ihetr appeal to the Supreme court had failed, main-lain a quiet demeanor. Morris, who was convicted with Haker and Sowash for the murder of Captain W. .1. Oillis and his son oti the Jteryl (L, ha a chance of a respite as his oli- cilor has appealed. Sonny While may also hue sentejice pO'lponed peiiilinjr ou'-rotne of ah appeal. He was con temned for the murder of 1 rank llosso. North Vancouver fruit merchant, on .tunc 21. 1 Hetenlsen, who was sentenced to death less than one week after he murdered a shipmatu on u freighter In Vancouver harbor, is evidently destined lo pay the death penally on January 18. Morris, Haker. Sownsh and White are under senieuce to ute on January 14. PROMINENT NELSON MAN PASSES AWAY George 8. Hawthorne, President of Nelson Brewing Co., Lbed In Kootenay 24 f Years NELSON, Dec. 2l. (ieorge S Hawthorne, president oT Hie Nelson Hrewlntr Co. and resident ot Ihe K'oolenay country for 21 yi-urSj'lled yesterday. PEOPLE HERE TOTAL 6,464 Census of Cltf !s Completed by Assessor Acoordlng to a report made to the city council last night by J. C. McLennan, city assessor, who had been asked to compile a city census last August, the total population of the city 6,464 made up as follows: Section 1. Section 2 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Section 8 Total December 13 2,122 233 2.017 , 1.01S 796 277 VANCOUVER, Dec. 20. 6,464 Only actual dwellers In the city had been enumerated In the report. FOUR YEARS AND LASHES FOR JAP Vancouver Court Deals Severely With Man. Who Held up Two Women on - Il Katniuota, Japanese, who pleaded guilty to a charge uf. rohhinu with violence two women on December 13 obtaining a small sum of money, was this morninr sentenced to four years' Imprisonment with ten lashes. C.I'.R. sleamer Princess Mary. Capt. li. (1. Sainley, arrived in port from Vancouver at 10 o' clock lust nielli and sailed at M o'clock continuing her voyitye t Alaska ports. The vessel is due back here southbound on Friday afternoon. .Mr. and Mrs. Oeoive Clothier who having sjent the ChrUlma' vacation with friends at Slrwarl rejunicd lo (he city on the Car-detiu im niovnui?. . TAXI Boston Grill 25 and Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere tt Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper y.il XV NO, 301 IMtlNCE RUI'EHT, B.C., TUESDAY DECEMBER 28. 1925. Yi-.tridayi Circulatiuu, IJit Slrrft Sales, 4117 PRICE FTVK CENTS :i PERMAi'iENT POPULATION 0FQTY1S 6,464 PLANS BEING MADE FOR OPENING OF COMMONS AT OTTAWA JANUARY 7 n I a. i nr i rrea ororR mentioned as Deputy Speaker in House of Parliament D. m a ddi a i; i: In .'i-j for Hie post. m lull. preparation- J- C Elliotl, newly elected , a week r,.,n, "";","-r f,r will move I lie address in reply ua.v n.. fifli..li iwrlia- w t((. M)W1 fru ,hrrie v mi are proceed iiib a, Liguori l.aeombe of Laval- - -..tin- rfir ii, .' Tw. Mn!.iaiii! will second il. ' tmirr n a iieputy j Vnnounrentmt l this effect wa I-. , Stork of Kkf-iia j MiiMlc lal night by I'retiiier A i men! iouet King. NOT ANNULLED Leonard Rhlnelander Falls Appeal Before New York Court In 444444444444444 4 I'mlfd Stale- Flolilla Praclice Torpedo fired hy llu dejilroyec "l'reiton. ohowii at I lie intlant of striking Ihe: waler. Hired hits did not damage the torpedoes. co!lmg 8.000 each, a tficy eoutuiiied no explosives NORTH COUNTRY IS NOT YET VERY COLD A UUIIIas lutivi liv ni.au east of Cow Hay was the freigh ler Robert 11. Merrick which ar ..! ...I fa...... VunniillinH lu.l Itlf.lll Alf Ecan. Oscar Oendron an.t Jack Couture, well known Kit sumkaluni prospectors, Electric Torpedo Fish Which i Gives Shock on Being Caught j Exhibited at Seattle Meeting Will F. Thompson, who conducted the investigations here this year, is President of Pacific Society SKATTLE. Dee. ill. At the annual iwelin;? of Hie t'aeifie Fihe.rtei Society yeMerday af-Ipnioon an !e,trif torjietlo fih. a denizen of the dep vvliicii give an !( l!ork af!er biMim rauii!. wan evii;bitd. The fih. whieh i flat with an uply snout, wa caught 200 miles off t he Waihinytun i-oat. The fis-her-men wl.o cauglu it ciHimed that il had kr.oeked him over with 1 44444444 4 444444444 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4 WEST ORAWA 4 MAKES PORT 4 4 4 4 l'OHTLAND. Dec. 2U. The rudderlesH freighter WM Orowa, aTler battling, nearly a month with storms in the North l'aci-ric, arrived yesterday at Hakodate, Jaiac, where Columbia Pacific Shipping On. has been advised. PLANE WRECKED 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444444444444444 IN HEAVY GALE iFI'Qht of Count Casa Blanca tc South America Is Delayed CASA HLANCA. Morocco, Dee. Interior Reports Mild Weather 2'J. the airplane witli wliicli and In .Yukon Average 13 Count Hlauca had hoped to make 10 Above Zero la flight to South America, was blown from ils moorings hei (liovernnient Telegraphs) during a heavy jrale. and so ser- The eold wave, whieh is re- iously damaged as to be enlirelv ported to be sweeping the con-lout of commission. All efforts tinent, has nol yet arrived in llu obtain spare parts suilalile for this part of (he rounlry. Weathei lrepair purposes failed and there in the interior is still reporledlts no plant in Casa Hlatira cap- mild and the thermometer Is far able of making them above the average in the Yukon I An urgent message lias been for this time of the year. Ised to Italy to rush the neees Today's 8 a.m. reports were a sary-parts with t!ie least possible follows: Idelay. but under tlie best coihii l'rinee ltupert clear, calm; Hons il will be impossible for temperature, 10 above. ICasu Hlauca lo resume Ins air Terraee clear, windy, 30 trip for more than two or three above. weeks Aiyansh cloudy, calm; 2J above. MINISTER OF LANDS Alice Arm cloudy, calm; JO J COMING NEXT MONTH above-. Uuiellon cloudy, calm; nilW. will Meet City Council In Con fjlllitherseloudy. calm? mild. -rttn with Transfer of Hums Lake - ciouuy; camy; tAa,.rf,nnr.-.H num. Telegraph Creek cloudy calm; 10 above it!.;,.. llr..u OTi.iti.lv .ulm? A tetter from the Minister of II, amis, Victoria, was read at the lMr.ii,t.il ntiitm I11.I rilvlil ill luuui'.v. 1 ,. r 1. 1.. I nlC-oiilH'i-i 11111 wiin (in iiiii-i vi .. 10 Dawson - cloudy, calm; wuttrnut uiltt , ,,p fPMB ullu,e. Ir..-...l I.. II... -II.. J... II... nnoin ... 1 ,.. I ltl 1 1 u 1 " tur t.,i, 11; tv ...v.... lUkoll ttvcrur ciuuiij, i.auu,i . , , , . ... . . ed that the minister would be in It... . I .- ..n.u.illlA ... Iut1ll.1 e-roMCB "T IWir VII.' Jiur".r "'.' nni . . . . , ,. . ...,,, m. r-iAV TBOTIFR nnCIClun" "iini i iii-ii i.iivr- uv umttvi up personally vmiii me ciij cuuu- :l 'l'l... .......... it. . 1.. ul iitt. .t'ua ,m -e, - r:.. .1 ........... 1,. llvli. 1 1 1 ' "ft ".' """ ,. .v- 1 lie ill SI M'Ulllt-i il, mvv n.l t r,.i:....-. i,.,r i.w.ireiveu aim nn-u. BANK ASSETS ON INCREASE Annua Statement of Royal Bank 1 11 1 1 - Jj and discharged some tons 01 r.....i 11. ...... 11.U ...nriilntr or uanaaa was issucu ibs- terday MONTREAL. Dec. 29. Tho have I annual statement of the Royal been visiting in the eity during Hank of Canada which was made the past few days. Mr. Egan til public yesterday shows an in slill here and is registered al the crease of assets of ?20j,ooo,000 Savov Hotel, Mr. Oendron re- of which $105,000,000 is atlrl turned lo tho Interior last nlgln huled to Ihe purchase of the and Mr. Couture is paying a visit Union Hank of Canada and tho o Alice Arm before returning t Hank of Central and South Ti na'-e al Hie end f the week. lAmerna. shci-k an hour after it had been captured. Will F. Thompson, who IFi i- year condueledexteiiisite survey work i-eKardiii halibut fishing out of l'rinee llupert. was elected president of the Society. Oilier officers include 0. MaeLean Fra-er of the L'niversily of Hrltish Columtiia. Mi-e-pres.denl. and Dr. W. A. Clemens of Nauaimo, director. :!S,0.S. MESSAGES : BELIEVED FAKES Rum Runners Plays Trick to Attract Attention of Coastguards NEW YOllK. Dec. 29. Coas:-.tun)aivn. who. hayjjicfti jpn.4b!. -qni vivr for many hours ovv-injr'to the receipt of a number of S.Oiv signals now believe that tliev were sent out by a rum runner as a ru-e to attract the attention of the navy boats. The coastguards hav been unable to trace any S.O.S. to a definite ship Theso signals have been ref-elved on . other nights. One message purported to have come from the big liner Melagama. BOAT PILES UP AT VANCOUVER Motorshlp Hits Stanley Park Just Outside First Narrows YANCOt EI. Dec. 29. While attempt ii.;: to enter lha: harbor this morning in a dense fog, the Pacific Slcanihip Co inotor-ship Booby Alia went ashore on Ihe Stanley Hark blutl just outside the First Narrows. The ves sel, w hich is loaded with general cargo, is expeeled to be released this afternoon. BOYS' PARLIAMENT OPENS IN VICTORIA Conduct of Boys Met With Approval of Large Number of Spectators Last Night VICTORIA. Der. 29. -Willi al, parliamentary ceremonials, Iho 1025 and third session of tho Hritish Columbia Hoys' Parlia ment opened in the legislative buildings last night. Hon. Dr. J. D. McLean, minister of financo and education, acting as lieuten ant governor, read the. speech . from the throne. 'The boy's car- ied themselves with a respect and seriousness t Hut eiieiled approval from ihe targe number of spectators wlnvtrowdetl the gal leries. WOODWARD ROBBERY LOSS IS $7,500 VANCOUVER, Dec 29. Tbs loss as a result ofjtho rtibbery of Woodward store on Sunday morning was placed today at 0.0U0 in addilh i U damage tc tin" safe aiid ofTlcjjstiinated at fypQ. "-ML v , . .... Advert!? tn '-teitt: ,Niwi. j! i '.IS Ml 1 s