COIBYS SPECIAL SELECTED CANADIAN RYE WHISKY ft.',-. ' Bond untAri .mir, ,r, liowrnmcnl 'supervision Tlic Quality Whistyof Connda- DRYBOCK sincc!859 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tho I .' a. I.'. I I). ...... I I... 11.. t , iiiquui uiimiiiii nwuiii ur uy we, uovcrmiieui ol Two Candy Specials! Banquet Jelly Wafers Tv.idcr Jt'Uy I'aUics in Mint und assorted Fruit Flavors iif 40c lb. Purest Milk Chocolate T . PI HII Milk. I'r.HIIlt Milk. .ill. I .Mlllnml .Mill t -i Milk. 50c lb. "ORMES LIMITED The ftexall Store. The Pioneer Druggists. 3rd Avenue and 6lh Street. Phones 82 and 200 - ; - d-vr'uprd .iiitl i-1 1 1 1 1 lur .mi.iIi M.i I ! "I i!ri - hivi' jii i.nijil alfrnl on. Saturday Specials $19.45 Simmo .s' Mattress $12.95 $21.50 Simmons' Ivory Steel Bed $16.15 Fur Hale nl BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Aienue. Phone 1 23. One IhHir l-it luuiy News Olfn-e Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock tuglntcrs, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Found-, Woodworkers, tc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDIHQ. Our n"il "I kindf of plant is fi.n." .i ti- : MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF E. H. Shockley Planing Mills ne-locoted at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, Willi additional Inm - mr 'In "i . . . . : i t uix of SASH, DCORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER llll i ,IITl( il III 1 Si,vi' It . Hit Miuiro of iiMi.- 1.,,1'ki's .v ,VM .lo-r. i n MIJll . -1 1 Day Phones 423 630 Or. C0t nlack 73G Rupert Marine Products Ltd. CEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. swiin I TUGBOATS Nlubl Phonos G87 530 Gr. G01 Black 735 ! Local and Personal H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's I'axi, 5oc. Phono 078. tf Two cars at your service. Shcddon Taxi. Phone 13i. If loolhall tonight, Acropolin Hill at d.'JO. Storage vs. S.O.E. When hack from the holidays, try Valentin Dairy. Phone 057. t' For the busy man or woman. a Ilrown car saves money. Phone o. If Jai-k Mi-Neill of Telkwa wan an arrival on yesterday afternoon's Irani on a business trip. ' fteductlon on prlco of lumber. Albert & McCaffery offer shlplap ai 15 per thousand. Phone 11R, tf Howard Frizzell, who has been on a busmen trio lit im-rivei - f ----- point, returned home, on yesler- lay afternoon s train. Professor I'ryeo ban resumed leaching. Puiiils now belli;? ca rolled for new season. Violin and piano. Phone 071. 190 J. S. Rogers of the lluperl Marine. Products Co. Milled tbis morning on the Prince. Louise for Ketchikan on a business trip Member and visiting mem hers of liupt-rl Legion Ijiidge, Xo, 5. an- invited lo attend a meet- iiiK in the Mflrojiole Hall io n ifli I. II. A. Harlow, roaduiaster for I be, arrived ho on ye terday afternoon's train from a departmental imsiueia trip in tin interior. The Grading of Graham Ave. which lias been in irogrt foi the past two months, will be louipletril tomorrow afternoon it is expected. Mrs. Dr. Large and family will arrive on I be train tomorrow altcrnooii from llaiellon and! mail for Vancouver on Ute steam er Prince George. Ask our driver for Ueel-i they will explain bow lo win, the 1 5.00 on Saturday, i'rinee Ku pert Transfer and Taxi. 'Phones I8tf ami 113. ' I 'J 5 W. II. Jones of anai mo, grand liani'i'llor for llritisb Columbia if the Knights of Pythias, ar med in the city from the south on the Princess Louise lhl morning, Mrs. Jonas accompanying him. Mr. Jones will pay an olllcial visit to lb local dodge tonight. Mrs. James Clark, 501 Mc- P.rnle Street, who has been pending Ibe past six months at her old home in Dundee, Scotland, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train. Mrs. Clark was arrompuuied by her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. lames Scott, who will In future reside here. I niiMi steamer Calala, Cap!. A. Johnstone, arrived in port at ::! this morning from the south and sailed at U for the Nans lliver. The escl has made ,1.1 ...'u I'.it-J. V. ill ........' Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. llreakfast, Lunches. Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specially is Home Made Iec Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Ilclail. Professor Pryce's String Orchestra will render special music Saturday evening KILLAS& CHRISTjDPHER Phone 17 Sheddon'a Taxi Die original ouc. taxi. Phone 134. tf West holme tonight the great est show of tho year " The Ten. Commandment. 1'J5 Our low rates have been an oufslanding success and we shall :;ontiuue on this basis. iJrowu last. - j'lione 80V tf Why not use our ears and gel a ticket? You have only two more days to win the $15.00.1 Prince Kupcrt Transfer and Taxi. Phones 189 and 115. 1 05 Col. McLean, Salvation Army revivalist who has been conduct ing meetings here this ' week, sailed on the Prinees Louise Ibis morning for Ketchikan. Sid Webb, of the Daily News statf, returned home mi yesterday afternoon's train after attending a convention of western advertising intjn St Jumper Park. Passengers sailing this morn ing on the Princ Louise for the north included Ol. McLean J. A. Moore, J. S. Rogers and P. .ol wiu for hetclilfcaii and K. Ooultbard for Carero-. Knights of Pythias special meeting on Friday Bight, August 21 at 8 p.m. to meet Graud Chan collor W. II. Jones.' All' Knights and visiting Knigiils in cily please attend. Jt.rre.-huienl. F. W. WKSCH, K.llS 191 Clyde Heller, president of Ibe Itclmont-Surf Inlcl Gold Minine Co., returned lo the city yester day afternoon after having in-specli 1 the company's properly at Surf Inlet and left on tbis morning's train returning to bis home in Philadelphia. Just two minor eases came be fore Magistrate McUlyniont in the police court this morning. Xels Johnson charged with intoxicated was fined JS5 and Al bert Lindquisl on a similar charge pleaded not unllty and his ease will be tried tomorrow. Prank K. Henderson, circula tion manager of the Vancouvei Province, who has been attending a convention of western circulation managers at Jasper Park, will arrive on this afternoon's train en route home. Mr. Henderson stopped oil at Prince George on business. Basket Picnic to Port Esslng- tOn by train on Sundnv Annuel her calls at Claxlou and Car- 23. Train Irav.. i m ; and will' finish the ;keenaturnlng papty eaves Port' Es- .m e.i ,u.i....r. mui-mii wiio slngton at 7 D.m. Return fare sailing from here Tor the south , ncludlnn fCPPy Aduu $2 Q0 at 10 o clock. I he l.alala had '.mm,.,, k9i r,- c.i-.. . .... half a dozen round trip passengers aboard this trip. FUNERAL NOTICE. The funeral of little Willie Smith who was aeeldenlly drown- on the Skecna River undor the auspices of the B.P.O.E. 105 G. C. MacKay, district engineer for the provincial department of public works returned on last night's train after a ten day I rip ; "7, '""; lo the interior on deimrlmenlal rom the C nnrh He W0I oV y. , oinorrow af ei uoon at 2.30, Dr. roat, ,,e,vmm Kluak ("-itnl "nU,,i" Lake and also visited Smilhers. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1... 1. 1 . .., . , i . i JMUM'II" III -,llllilS Ills', iDiive and Dance, August :il. llulklcy Valley Fair at Smith era. September 3 and t. llazelton and Terrace, Ho re ports Very warm weajher up the tine The ltnlkley Valley Fair at Sinlthers which was so iniieh enjoyed by l'rint'o lluperl visitor last yeas, t4lkos place on September a and 1. There, are more entries this vear Hi .'111 itvm fnf llapllst Church Ladies' Aid the two days of horse racing and Ibuaar, .November '.0. fj(.. sporls. There will bo the usual flriiml Hoxing concert on SI. Andrew Ladles' Auxillnryllhe Thursday night and tho Fair lhuaar., December S. 'will be closed with the llulklev (Valley nil 'on the Friday even- Lulheran Uhureh Ladles' Aid. Inn. Iledut-ed fare ;ir., an th railway, Special meetlnq of Trades and Labor Council tonight. Business: Labor Day, Miss Helen Tremayne, arrived on the Prince (ieorjfe this morn ing from Mimico, Out., lo spend- i holiday with her uncle and mini, Dc. and Mrs. H. E. Tre mayne. Miss IJessio Campbell, a mem ber of the cily telephone depart mcnt staff, returned home on the Prince (Seorge this morning af ter holidaying In Vancouver and Seattle. Miss Arlcne Kirkpalrick and Miss Huberts of Smithers, who have been holidaying in the south, returned north on the Prince George this morning and left on the eastbound train. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Oavigan and daughter returned from Vancou ver on the .Prince George tbis morning. Mr. Gavigan has been in the south on business in con nection with the Vancouver Huy er's week. Mrs. Clay, mother of Miss Her- nice Clay of the hdspilal nursing slalT, arrived in the cily on the Prince George this morning from holidaying in southern cities. Mrs. Clay will return to her home in Anyox. on (he steamer this afternoon. Alex.' McDermolt, president of Ibe Pacific Stevedoring & Con; trading Co. which operates here and also of the Victoria and Van couver Stevedoring Co. is a visitor to the city today the guest ol his son, Irvine McDermolt of this city. Mr. McDermolt is here on one of his regular inspection trips and experts lo leave for the south tomorrow. LORD CHIEF JUSTICE OF ENGLAND COMING ON VISIT TO CANADA WINNIPEG. Aug. 21. Ela- liorale preparations are being made for the annual meeting ol the Canadian liar Association which is to be held in Winnipeg on August 26 and 28 inclusive, It is expected thai about 501) judges and barristers from dif fereut oarls of the dominion will be in attendance. Among the prominent visitin delegates will be Lord Hewarl ol Hury, Lord Chief Justice of Eng land. Lord Hewarl has had a very distinguished career and be fore his appointment as Lord Chief Justice- in 1922, was al lorney-general of England and a member of Hie war-time coali tion government. It will marl the first time thai a Lord Chiei Justice of England has attended a meeting of the Canadian par association. The Hatonnier of Paris, Maitre 'oureardo, one of Ibe most cele brated advocates in France, may attend as representative of the bar of Paris. There will be also list ingui shed represent alives from I he United Mates, the nam's of whom have not yet been announced. CLASS FOR TRIPLETS Cold Medal and Money Prize For Best Three Babies TOltoXTO, Aug. 21. There will be a class for triplets at the baby show at the Canadian National Exhibition this year. It came about through the zeal ol the mother of a trio of chubby babes lo have her offspring entered in the competition. They told her there was no class for rplels. "All right," she said. "I'll enter two as twins, then, and all three as singles." There's no healing a mother with that' spirit, so the managing director' of Hie fair gave orders there! should be a triple! class. The p.rize is a silver medal and 825. SALT LAKES SERVICE Launch "23" will leave the I'rince lluperl lloalhouso on Thursday', Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour fromi 1 p.m. and on other week daysj every hour from 2 p.m. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale or hire. j l'MLNOF. lll l'MIlT llOATHOUSH j Vhone 381. 111 kVAl mm iij H TtW-Owk I tttm CATARRH ef tht BLADDER PACTS THREl Out of bed and into Kellogg's! Boy! What a breakfast ! Each cracldy crisp flake is chock-full of flavor supreme W challenge the World! Tut that wonderful flavor found onlr In Ktlloft' Com FUkes. Comparo It with ib, rdy-l-t crrfHiL Youll know wlir millioo. demand KtUoit'. FOR SALE ORN fUKES ! Tomorrow, for breakfast, a flavor surprise, a flavor feast a big, happy serving of Kellogg's Corn Flakes a pitcher of milk or cream perhaps, fresh or preserved fruit too! Just the ticket to start the day right! Served and sold everywhere. CORN FLAKES Oce,.lt J, ALWAYS Kifltg't pmttmttd isM-mU wmMlttt wrmpptr tfKrt A fsw mmi ktf ikt tmkn tsMlfyrisp, This m ct- m 51s uiii Halibut Gear t $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and.hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian Pacific Railway CANADIAN! R p Pncf ? Ll UMTi Sailings from Prince Rupert for ICTCMIAN, WtUNCEU, JU.11AU, StACWAY rr tancouyer. YiaoRU nd sunu SS. PKINCISS MAKY A.(i 7. 10, 17, 21, 28. 31 A:4 S. 8, 12, IS. 22. 26 For BuUdnlt, 8wtnion B, Etit Boll Bll, Ocn FalU, Ntmu, AUrt U, Campbdl Rlr, and Vncpur ry Stturdt 11 .m. Agoncy for all SUamihlp Lln. Full Informitlon from W. C. ORCHARD Otnoral Agtnt. Corntr of 4th trt and 3rd Atnu, Frlnc Rupart, B.O. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Siiliii- frum I'riDco Rupert, or VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA, Swanion B. and Aim Bay, Tuaidif, 6 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart By, and twanton Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M. Foe ANYOX, ALICI ARM, STIWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naai Rltar Cannarlat, Friday A.M. US tnd Ayanua. 4. Barnalay, AanU Prlnc Rupart, B.O.