AOE SIX THE DAILt rTFWS We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices arc no higher than any other store in Canada. Gocwls marked in plain figures according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Elo. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant the North Phone 178. of PATRONIZE HOME PRODUCTS Itoiling Hcef -. 6c l'ot Itoast 10c Oven Hoasl 12'2c Hound Steak 20c Shoulder Lain!) 25c Iloasl Veal 15c I'urc Lard 25c Economy Huron .. 30c Bulkley Market Phone 178. Geo. V. Kerr, Mgr. 'Deniers Have All Wool BATHING SUITS from $4.00 to $8.00 P.O. Box 327. Phone 27. DANCING At the Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, S to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from 8 to 12 midnight. b Piece Orchestra. 1 Dance lor. 3 for 25c Free Admission. L, J. MARREN, Prop. Phone Black 449. Phrenology MAY LEE, the tfri-at lady phrenologist from Ji-ru-alem. will read your ln'ud like an open hook. She will tell you all about your past and present. Don't miss this great op-porlunt iy. 820 Third Avenue West. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Holgorson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Officii Hours-9 to G. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening! CANADIAN FISH HIGHER PRICES Cent More Than American Paid for Boats Under British Register With over three hundred thousand pounds of halibut in port today Canadians sold their catches for about u cent a pound more than American at the fish exchange this morning. There was 21(5,(100 pounds of American and 02,000 pounds Canadian of fering as follows: American Lansing, 14,000, at 'J. 40c and 6c to Cold Storage. . Druthers, 10,000, at 10c and 6c to Doolh Fisheries. Uniniack, 7,000, at 9.80c and 6c to Dooth Fisheries. Ilepublic, 58,000, at He and 5c to Atlin Fisheries for Ketchikan delivery. Radio, 50,000, at 8.J0c and 5c to Pacific Fisheries. Zenith, 24,01,0, at 9c and 5c to Moyal Fish Co. Western, 10,000, at 8.70c and 5c to Cold Storage. Democrat, 27,000. at b.HOc and 6c to Cold Storage. Canadian Nuba, 6,000, at 10c and 6c to Cold Storage. Pair of Jacks, 13,000, at 10c and 6c to Cold Storage. Marguerite, 16,000, at 10c and 6e to Atlin Fisheries. Grant, y.000, at 10c and 6.70c to Cold Storage. I White Lily, 1,000. at- 10c and 80p t0 Iloyal Fish Co. Tillie S.. 7,000, at 10c anl 6.50c to Iloyal Fish Co. I II. & II.. 7.000. at 10c and COOc. to Atlin Fisheries. Seal Cove. Dated July BIRTH. At Prince llupert General Hos pital 20th August, a sou was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Siverl, LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttnllon to Apply to Purchaa una. In prince Ilupcrt Land District Itecordlnir Titr mititf iht imiM ri.ditirl more or lei. JAS. FIELDING STRANG. Applicant. Per Wm. 0. MIIUielL ArenL th. 19H. ! LAND ACT. Nolle of Inlanllon to Apply to Laait Land In Prince Rupert Land Hecordlnir Di- trlcl of Prlure linprt, and miuale at llartlett point, Wales llaud, British r.iihunhta TAKE MiTICE that Analo-BrlUh Col umbia farkinif CKiitany Limited, t Vancouver. ll.C, occupation Parkers, Ill-lend to apply for a leae of the following described land: Conimenclur at a pot ,lantel on the mil) hore of llartlett point. Walea l- and. at hlrh ualer mark: thenre In an easterly dlrecilon alonit hlah water mark mrty-eirnt iimnireii reel, more or m-m, to a poM marked No. I.E.; thence kiuiIi-erly 10 rluln, more or Ich., to low water mark; thence In a westerly direction alonr l'iw water msrk forty-eight hundred reel, more or iej tiiwice northerly in rlialn to point of roMiioriic em-ni, and contalnlnir 7H arren. tunre or !". ANOLO-uniTisii coi.i;miiia I'.ACkl.NO CIL I.TIJ. Applicant. Per Walter E. Walker, Arenl. fiated July ID. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Apply to Lai Land In Skeena lianre & Laud lilttrlcl. Prlm-e niiierl, Ii.c. and ltuate Inn yards north ul winter Harbor. Pearse Island. B.C TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Hh Inr Cn. Ltd., of Vancouver, II.C. occupa llm, Salmon Canners. Intends to apply ror iiermission lo tease ine rouowinf av scribed lands: Coinmrncinr at a tost planted at hlrh water mark 40 feel from rork on shore line; thence east one chain: thence north one hundred and twenty chains: thence west to shore line one chain; thence In southerly direction following the thore line to point of commencement, and contalnlnir twelve acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN riSIIINft CO, LTD futed nih Mar. mtl This Is your last chance for Preserving Peaches! Alberta Peaches The Uesl for Preserving Special price per crate $2.00 l'ears, per doz . . . , 40c finipes, per lb. 20o drain's, per basket 76o Apples, 3 lbs. for . . 25c Apples, per box SJ2.65 Walermeloii, per lb. . . 7o Casaba inelou, per lb. , . 8o lluy while they last. Mussallem's Phone 18 or 24. Fifth Ave. E. YEAST CAKES For Perfect Bread NOTE: If you take YEAST for your health, try this: Soak a ROYAL YEAST coke over night in tepid water with a little sugar. Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Delicious when taken in orange juice. i 1X11 Kuriwcll llazcllon L. and I STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR MORE THAN 50 YEARS C.W. GIllCTT CO.IT0. TOiONTO. CAN. STOCK MARKET Silvercrest Surf Inlet ITerminus Premier Porler Idaho ...... ll.C. Silver !a!y Alaska Indian v Marmot Metals .. ltufus Uranby Selkirk ........ .. Howe Sound Gladstone , lusirin or rnure unpen, inn siuia e ., ... , I Shannon Biy. B.C., Massrlt Inlet, I'ajVICW OX. Island. I debarked from I he vessel here. Advertise in Hip tJaily News Hid Asked 1.75 i.yo .02 .25 . .58 .16 .05 Vt .06 M: .25 2.0'J 2.13 .18 .22 L20 .24 .01 .00 .15 .18 I34J0 .01 .01 Vt 20.00 JJ414 .20 .05 .oim strnr. or snnnynde, B.C., occupation, With 225 passenger aboard. rZi''o of U.em round trip lot.risls. "onnmr "famor Princess Louise, ch.inj,pH- .t . post planted II south 35d-(r. west, more or less fpr ; Captain Arthur Staler drnveil southwest corner or Lot ISIS; thrtire! o ,.'i,..l- ii.i the SOUtll at 8 Clock till", uitb 30 chains; thence west 30 chains; m O more or less, to water's fdie; tlienre,norninK a, sailed at J for rnllonlnir meandering of beach to point ..... of commencement, and containing 45 acres. Alaska, poinis. four passengers LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Apply to Laaia Land In Prince lluiwrt IjivI liecordinr PUtrlrl or British r.nlutnUla. and situate at tlte moulh of Massrtt Inlet. aln..i. I chains north fnn the norlheast c Iter of Indian lleserve 'o. One Qrahaui Island. TAKE .NOTICE that I, Eurene II. Simpson, of Massetl. Rrlllrli Dulumbla. occmim- II'si packer. Inieiwis to apply for a lue if the followilir dfcrlled hmls: ruitiiiurnclnir at a l pUnlel about I chains rnirih fnrfii the northeast r"r: of Indian ltere No. One, Graham l-liiirt. thenre iKirlherly 3 cliam to low wawc; thence follow inir low water mark ts chains In a westerly dlreetlmi; theiictj southerly 3 chains; thenre easterly IfiO rnains. io mhih or roiiiinrnreuiPiii, alio contaUilDK 48. aires, mure or less. LLUE.lE II. SIMrSH.. Applicant. listed Jnn nih. '0& LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Apply to Purchaa! Land. In the Land llerordinar District of Prln-c liupert. and situate at Awum lilver. Aw urn Hay, Maisett Inlet. U.C. Islands. TAKE NOTICE thai Sin. James rield- Inr stranir, of .Stnmyslde. Il.r., ocruatloii married woirtau, iniruiH to aj.i.iy ror er mission to purchase the follow Imr de srriliel lands: . i:omiiienrinr at a post planted at lilKh water mark. Awum lover; thence S chains north: thence 10 chains weal, more or less to northwest corner Uil 1547; thence mi main soinii; t Heme i chains east: llw-nre 40 rlnltis north; thence & chains west: I hence It chains south lo mint ol coiiimeiiceinent. and contalnlnir 50 acres, more or . MUD. JAMES IIFI.IiI.0 STflANO. Applicant, Per Wm. 0. Mitchell. Ayenl, tuted lute ih itlf. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Apply to Lais Land In Casslar I.an1 District, flerordlnr Pis trlct Prln'-e lliiert. U.C. and situate north or Dotnsn nv. mniaiid i-anai. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Ftsti Iiii Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver, nr.. occur ion, Salmon Canners. Intends to apply or permission to lease mo pillowing ue scrilied lands:- - r.oriiinenrinj- at i post planted al htrh water mark, 100 yards south of Indian siiKike houses: tlicnre northeast on rhain: thence southeast one hundred and twenty chains: Um-hcr southwest to shore lino one chain: Uk-iicc northwest follow-Inr the shore ilne to polnl of commencement, one hundred and twenty chains, and ''ontalnlnr twelve acres, more or less. THE CANADIAN FISIIINO CO. LTO. fisied AOlh Mir iocs LAND ACT. MIXED FARMING NOW GENERAL ON PRAIRIES No More "Wheat Mining" Going on Thoro For All Have . Gardens WINMPKG, Auk. 21.-Slraig-ht train farming or wheat s milling as it is called in western Canada is gradually but surely becoming a thing of (he past on the three prairie provinces. No longer is it possible to find the traditional mound of tin cans in the back yard of each farm home for the lime when such a slate of affairs -ifjiufied that., the farmer was lependenl upon the returns from his wheat crop for his tfaily food is nearly gone. I Almost every farmer in West ern Canada today has at least a few pigs, cows or poultry and tunic sort of a vegetable garden mm which he secures food tot mily for himself ami family but ilso sufficient returns to look ifler his current expenses on n rash basis. Manitoba and Alberta indonbleilly lead in this develop-' tnent but even Saskatchewan, the srreal wheal mining province of the wesl. has an evcr-increasin umber of farmers who are fol lowers of the mixed farming ilan to the exlenl thai they tire living upon the products of their farms. ; LARGEST GRAIN CROP IN BULKLEY VALLEY REPORTED BY VISITOR Splendid crop rmidition-t in the early lit the season, largest grain crop he cn in the Hutkh'y etable and field splendid shape, About (ho. lias ever being cut says Mr. .McNeil. Ve?- crops arc in CRUEL DEATH OF LAD MOC CASIN DESCRIBED IN COURT THIS MORNING. (continued frun page one) King. Davidson. W. II. Derry, K. A. Hood, l.ongwill. J. .1. liillls. (i. A. Kelsev and 1 1 nun n I Creek I Is 'it up person to- finr Mocas- Mit A lei; id l bill Han (KdU brother i had said "no" and iMoeaxsin was buried the confession went on. The inpeloi said (hat Ilie was very slroou woman, capable of carrying tti HI pouiMl pack wild a two-ye:i t old baby on top of it a dilaiu' of 75 miles. Under cross-examination by Mr. Jones. Inspector Wunsrh Sleen. The jumnen who acled gave particulars as to the cos- in the ci se of Illg Alee yesterday toms of the natives and the iso- were stood aside as well as the laletl illsirici in which mey liven. following: J, Nnylor, J. W. Ax- "These are Ihe most ignorant ley, J. Hunter, S. Wood and V. natives I have seen in the world. II. Montgomery. Mr. Hmily he said. "Thy seem tu have no Morris was challenge! by the tie- tribal lawn or eusloms. They fence. (have no marriage laws. The mat. After L. W. I'atinore, counseljjiisl asks the girl to go and she for Ihe crown, had outlined his rim-s." case to the jury, I.ticy LimjI was (Hem l.noi and lred, Allen gav-railed lo the stand. .She had been evidence similar lo that wlin ii brought' to tin Thirty Mile bar they olfered in the Ilig Ab-r ra."- encaiiiimeul by her brother tJleni yesterday. on account, of her father's ill-1 ncss. Her father died soon after ATHLETE AND MISSION WORK her arrival and subsequently i Hdie look her to the place where!. F.I UNUUIttiH. Aug. 21. --After Mocassin was tied, llilie had winuiiiK several events al an said "Father dead. Now lellallilelie meeting recently, line Mocassin go dead, too. I don't l.iddell, the "Hying Scotsman.' care." isbe suldlhat IMg Alec and Scotllsh Ulympie 100 inelre had induced her to tie Mocassin eliampion. left lMiiiburgh on hi" up. 1ien l.uey (old I-lie that 'way lo China for inissionarv she would gel in trouble when 'work. l.iddell, was hauled the while men; found oul she' through the streets in a deeoral- (Kdiel said: "Xobody I el I some-'ed carriage by fellow student body." Mocassin had enquired and a large rrowd al Ihe statioi from Lucy as lo whv he had been 'sang a hymn, "Jesus shall lied up. A demonstration was then given in the court as lo Ihe manner in which Mocassin had been lied and was lying. He was on his side Willi his hands bound behind him, his feet also bound together wilh Ihe knees under the chin. Kdie had picked up a slick and was going lo strike Mocassii) on iho head but l.uey look the slirk 'away from her. Lucy took olT (ho moose hide thongs with which .Mocassin was bound and a Tire was HI lo warm him. He could not walk and his eyes were fro.en'so lhat he cou!d not see. Later Mocassin died.l his death Jicin reported to Lucy' by Kdie. Inspector Saiidys-Wunseh told of the special (rip lhal had been made inlo tin' dlslricl lo invest gale the iiiurdi'p News of it had leaked out through lllg Alec telling a Hudson Hay factor thi.t Notlc of Intention to Apply to Last LandrAlocassin bad 1 ln i'ii L" killed hl,,L" and nuu '" llC In Skeena Iianrn t Land luslrlrl. He-1"' cordlrtj lilitrli't Prince Unpen, n.C. ami situate Vt ni" norlh or Wales Island Cannery, on Wales Island, lu:. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian run-Inr Co. Ltd., of Vancouver, H C. occupation, Salmon Canners. Intends to apnly for iiennlssion to lease the following de-crUied Jands- CKMimeiicliiir at a planted at lilrh water mark, near noint v, imle north from Cannery on Wale Island! thence north one cha'n; thence wed ten chains; thence south to shorn line one chain; thence eait following the shore linn to point of commencement, and rontallilny one acre, more or lest. THE CAADIA?I FISHING CO LTD Dated 30tb May, 1085. was airaiu uc in nirii woiiki m. killed. Hi? A I re- later denied thN lo the police ollicers. saying Iba: Mocassin had died from pneumonia. Edlo's Confession Particulars as lo Ihe finding of Miicassin'. lny ami Hi" arrest and preliminary trial al Liard 1'osl by Inspector Wunscli wet'u then :.eii. After iioi'.ir reign," as his Irani moved out of the station. j sWaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaBMBi4lsaaiBaaaaaakl aMsaiBaaaaaaaanM RAIN ON PRAIRIES KIIMONTON. Aug. 21. Thr-n has been mer an inch of ram in (his district within a week find il is having a good effect in fill iug out Mo' tale (train. ASK FOR Blue Ribbon Tea "Aftor all It's tho Dost.1 John L.Christie Wales Agent Prlnco Ruport, 0,0, Friday, August 5, i9?. Get Behind the Students! in the Ticket Selling Campaign WATCH THE RACE! for the $500.00 Scholarship Itulkley Valley are reported by , . Jitck McNeil of Telkwa who is! in the elty on business. Thfi"- wur ' ",a"" ' Imv rmn wlillft not n.ii.m.llv MaiOIIH-ni I IlIU tier !ulfl Ifift. li-id t in t ii .if AftVftdttKkttl mitt I ! !. lt(l,T UU I t-l I III III IJ wa - ily and was matured rapidly as result of the warm weather 1 The following is the line up Miss ADELINE HENRICKSEN Miss ALBERTA RICHMOND Miss LAURA FR1ZZELL Miss CATHERINE HARVEY . Master ARTHUR J0HNSEN They arc out to sell you a ticket for the Prince Rupert Fair. One of them will certainly win the Scholarship and you may win a valuable prize PICK YOUR WINNER and HELP THE SCHOLAR Fair Dates - Sept. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 For more particulars get Prize Book and call at the Fair Office W Hi.- Aire had dreamed Hi J (Mocassin was a wileli wr.nli w i Ibad for her father, he had Ihm'-I I be fore at the Indian Mel James had tied i . . .... , . I ... supposni ... ' ''" VhHpv I .w.vv tt. i. 'Ililll lll!U .uin:iiill. sin had died, burn him up WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 7 and 9.10 p.m. MTURDAV MATINIC, 9 P.M. CECIL B. DtMILLC'S CtfttMAITCRritCC "The Ten Commandments" A nitit dramaii, .-t, i ,.r n hr mrisnii- r,. u Six) 'tfw ul Ok l-harc.h. t the Hum m tm lrssd 1 II phitl., la)V Willi sellings IimI. ul atd iivst, ni viair. Ilil.c . a il witii aiuaiiia lailhliiine .,r iU uil (.nci .1 .-r . i' of Hie i hll.lrrii of 1-rsH fni t avpl ""! l"'l "i'Hien m r riir... also tin ir i of inr Hrt ami Use ehtiil. l'hr'4i. Thiitl of pcilr trr mraatsl in lbi iaiil-annuals inrludr horses, ;no Utiir. te rtmmi. I.- H and !. 3ou fiwl ami duk atsii d-fs l wll. mer j.imxi r. stuntrs and i imi m tratiarr icadt- up fi i-ih. s pn lur IkMl will Keter rW fruta Iter iM'Wuiiy. II lr all I. mi rati rented. Ilute rt'l at plinrlils: Blkhar Ola, flr4 La ens, Th4r c Charlr d Rosh. Jam N III. Chart 01, Ttrriet kar, Mokcrt laws, Laalrlt , CttU Ttlf, Julia Tar, Ages A, rat, Nil NaW Ufi Chapman and loanv idhrts. TOPIC! OF TMC DAV. Afmltalofl TS antl Mttl to t4 Planning That f irn nfrin w MVVit.lVll A a r lion I ovt rlook Ihe fai l lhal you will need l"'-i lolh. ilenl nf.i Iiaiigc, to Uc rool ami conito) ' b'ok your best Let us take IM delaileil preparation off your li jnsl Imiiille up ovrrlliuig yon are likely lo iieed. ' it (o us. We will Iihvo il back proiuplly. Iieotilifitlly wa U iromtl ready In park. You will feel Iteller, loo, if vtitl hVO n nice rlc lo ciiuie Iwk lo. Heller Iihp us look nfler your lies linen now. so it ran be put nwny, ready for vonr rt" Phono No. 8 ami we will -end our tlrivcr. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Art Silk Floss H-nlalile for knitting Silk Hwenler- us ill " in M'uiai'i-h Kintling Hooks. Wo have lliein m "if' ing i'oIor: Purplo, Nlggor, Scarlet, Mahogany, Sky, Ollvo Crecn, Golden Drown, Malzo, Tucksla and Nilo Qreon. Al Hie rt'iisoiinlilc price of- Phono 045. 50c. A skein JABOUR BROS., LTD. Corner Third and Soye'H'"