. Ajv. 21. 1025. (AnADIAN NOTIONAL RAILWAY! Wottern Bee Ion. , f t YiMiHis lii I" received at lilt- miibi l.Hlllirrr WHIIII ,. uiiiil lele it'rtink nnon. ' " " : ..- ."lib day I'f Aliau.t, ui 'f rrplceliieil IUl roll- ihiriy'fr wiaxien rulrrrt ' ...i-mii, and roii.irnrllim i,f , rt, '.-Infum-it riiiicrrl Ixa rut 1 , WU 6.J awl Mile 4.t. '' - atuiiu mil form of eon MZ ' n ii and form r UMrt , t!j. oioree mi .inr rnini.nr, . ,i liUlrlrl f.liiliu-rr. Van. fii'lrn-t r.nrllirer. f diiiinili.il, ivi i.iipiimt. 'riiM-v imprri, Ini-incer. Calrary. Alta. ( imiI be runaidrrrd unlet. in .upplirij ly the hallux n .enliiiiwi ly an arrrMMj irl::, ,Lu "Hinii". i.iiiiuior .f lan.u' ...... ... -...a, . , irr 'if III Treasurer, l.an-liallnayy i ant tinder not lierea W Man ; am, a. ki.om.AVi, Oertrral Miiiarer. Ktl. WATCR NOTICE. Ute and Sloceae. t i:e Dial William C. Kplan. ,-. ii l.ix kea.rl Canary, null apply tm a llmirr u x niiiKT inrnra dally ami gallon, of atrr ii of an mi Vtilrh fl ao'llurrl)i, l ami itr iwrtlun mruiH. y.;j , b.c. Tth-i 1 hr loralnl at IIk M.urr: hi' ra(i-ii)- or iim r '.slid la alMMjt a Ami ! v j i iiii l Miwral i:iikn. fttwraralf MrTMw rurrlbed aa Uw H(rnre ', xlr) nn ttaa nl arrMad day erf Jnb' t ihi amttrw and aa apl ml ihrrelo and la U. will b ftUJ la the nffM i.f-ror at .Mlia "J' apf.ti.'alwi may I" hUm 1 1. r nnirdr or ith ta wi ii niait or nrttKn iwiini in..-. . . i.i.,. iirriiiiauiill eai :ii i i, ... '"""' in atiply for lr "'"'"I laiwU fulluwlnt do ' IIIHIH.I...I... . Imr ," '!''. final rilanteit amirnil 1'," miii..."?' r.'ee ';: '?. .fni" f aa. ' r I .III I All IllPIIfas a.... .a. - " hi "'' .1.-1.. flirfxl about trtr of MlrtlCl r riiiineatw UK land iloarniinl at I.I 4ii ni'H-k A. Vum-ii rharlott m,i iH.lr. a inMilnt n lath iliv i.f July Kit. i,., lire atxf an airliraili . i. ami Hi lh "Walr Arl. rili d III thr i.fflra tlv . al I'Murr liurt. DC. hi aiiiitlralUm nur 1. ninl (T.l S in in .l.,v-. l,ilM l: '' At in 'J""' '' I rlialna: ""i Iheiice, r.1,n.'' "mr" nr I i n h Mow In nipan.WIn f "HUInlu ' ia ; .ill. r,"''l'H-tlcriiieil, ud n,"K mii.i.i.,,1, limitko, lr Wm, c,'i Jul lit, ,,, Aiitillrant 0, Mtlrhell. Aitnt. SUBURBAN LAND Walir Hmmlpr or llli!(Ianaiiail ii maM-r iinnn. rarua 1 1 i.i i TO BE OPENED First Steps Taken to Make Small Acreage Available for Local People A special committee f 0 Hoard i,f Trade appointed for I III litirpOM tncl linn T l Ii-i H.iy iiiicrnouil and (lUrijaorilJ wiim iiiii) mo suggestion that some of tin' provincial lands held in Urn district should be surveyed oml placed on t lie market, making I hem available for market garden, poultry farm. vlahl garden ami suburban residences. Tin- mailer was discussed at miiim' length ami lh. iniiiiMd'r expressed ngeemenl win, Hid idea ami said In- would on lua return lo Victoria al hum in. Ilie stirvevor irotinrnl In. iu i - ....... . i - ; .i it. .,rVa7,.i proceed with tli, preliminary and cannery, work. Mr. I'uttullo explained that all lln- land mi (In- island ni'w mud sccHon with the exception nf a portion reeerved for park purpose was Ihi prury of lli Haled ttnit National Ilailwav. r- vi'inrla, H.C.. vltMii "ii'j iiiii, oiniiiinir inn iiotn-l "iVw-T"Vi!inion "wnniifnl ami Imlian r. i.iiration ol i in nutlet ta t', IiiIhiuin lo the firovinrp W C. 'fKI, aptiiiraM, WATIN NOTICE. Oliaralan, and Ua 1 for dmimllr Mihx ili. ribril a la lttnr . . a Mlrd Ml thr tt.nl) arriaBit ilar of Jul), , t tht Oulir. aiuf an ali- ami no diil thi clrHeti of Umi I.i'Iwitii SliAwiLlariM hake and HuUi Haiid on tlir opposiip nnilf from Kairn inland. . Tln'e ' T I'-?! .fM "lifbl bi Kiiitublo for ullivii-v'--" aiHirr i t.nriiturr ; .... . . ... ill aiifil fur a llrraar. UMI. lllKwimlr ntall'T would Ik r VjtoraK l II" eoiniiiitlw ii." h na wratrrly and would t l-olixlllll-il imh riii aiaaai at it alrr will l dlrrt -raw a l a (auUtl Ut lh .f ll Mlrky rlaim. i lo what wiuili m Hip mom nuitalilr trarl. Tin ain ritiiHiill will n-(rrvifw A. K. Field, who is in rharr of llio land drtiarliiiiHt of Ihf (Unadun National Hallway. i tim. and to i!,ln-ii vinil I fir rily with a "-'i.rai AinaV. iHyw view lo having om of Ihf nuli- ::! all. in mat Ij flhi', ,,i.,. .. I taltil oil I laA taalulaal iiltAnilll Wi.. lir.,ur W villi ta-i " " " Wali-r Hlatila. rarilaiMratl' lor B ' . itHm tlnriv' Wlli'lll(Mll . t aitvaraftr tJt ihiv -CROWN DECLINES TO j,' 11 .OLD Will I Til C. Aw4lraol r ) Hrlrvl1 Pro-t, wart" notice. Dltertloa and Uaa AtOt : lint lnriner rttd i - adtlr la inriHMr i win aifwy rar s lireeirw the total ur trei rwltfr frra Inaiiwwr 4 rewk wih r.',.l drama rata Wrel Tltn i.iwt iant Th aier i rn.cn ttw atrr-am at a - uibmrai nariarr f the. MEET EXPENSES OF DEFENCE WITNESSES! AjiiiIk iiI i-ifl nf I S M ill! if Siinlhi'ra. roiliiwi'l fT All"ri Ktt -on, Mho will apiifar al I hi Su preme' fHirl Aie tomorrow iiioniiiic in anwei lo a rharye thai hr lnle IT0 from lirl Frrlrirk"n al llaollon on June S, that the rrown pay the exrene of four ih-fenre wilne m' whom Hie hcmmimhI. n "r rounl of lark of fundi wan un- nhle In lirlnff to Hie I rial, wa .r.r!lrtifUM.I by Mr. JuMire l. A. Mr- jV'al.iTTt!? tfUl'lnabl ye.lerrlay aflerntvon. The MmiBHi uf (His bourcutiornpy evnwai ueimruiieni .ii.n MIII'S I.TP IHiOriHI. " ' "'rlltaliJ liryi.k. trral. LAND ACT. Pe af Intention ta Apply to Leeta Land n rt land rtrenrdinr M r I'ntiro liuprrt. auU allual ui IM-. has aireauy reuieu n inn-i no- LAND ACT. Notice af Intention to Apply to Leaea Land In IYHm linrl Laml llnrlliir liutjlr if rrlnre lmtri. and alluatr at r i.ii.ji Hiv Vall Inlrl. TtkK MtTM I: that r H rnw II. Hlnipurfv. nf Miwell. Il.r... iireiipatrnn rannerjman. anal, ami lirlni al noil inirwH lo apulf tnr a leaw r tl nM- - lUnd inal. ami bmrinr.tnwhia iWrriii land: I' iriiiu. fnen Tree Poml.l riKumrwlna at a tl Hanlrd about inif. 1m riuin otrHv fnini tlx- .K. roriHir vi : ihii tnatn nrin.h f i.' I ..r i ..i nsn liana a. Ouil IHalriet k f eniny l.lnUto.1, it hrr taral al rhaln; tlw-IKf mirth llin n vniiiatinn raraeM, m rhiliin, rnnr or io. " . ' f r a lVa of Hi foilnw I tlienrw ri.lrHr abnir Wrh wnter mark In ' l imit ' iaHW u( ri4iuiruri'iiinl. ami nmlainlria r at a imii tlaninl at MeTi.fc arrra. nKir r w. J at -,u point, l-ortlatul ranal; ' iicriv ahinr lilarti water . ! "flit hniulrril frel lo a ' ! Sri J H i:.; tiwn amillirrlti t " hp la. In In walff i n rihp.,rl ali.ne low ' "t lartit hundred fi-t. nioni hnrilierly to eliaine, rmr nt nf rmiimeiwriiHTil, arvl ai rv nir r l. AN I " HIUTIMI CO I I Vim PACkoa rti. ltd.. AppHrant fi-r Waller r. Walker. Atml. ' ''rd. Ut. LAND ACT. tliriKXF. II. MMi'SOS. Aptllrant. jgaiod nrd July, ittl. LAND ACT.. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purcnaie Land n krna Han 1 l and nemrdlnr r'-trie! of rrlnrf llurl. HT. and altuale lUT.Ii-k Ulaml. iMith of Vali Hiaml. "'TAKE MlTK-TC lhal ih Canadian nt-ln in lid nf Vancouver, H.C, ureur llJn, 'saliw t amwra. InteiHl " PpJ; nr lniilMh.n to urrhae III followln M lat .. . lirm I in . 1 .. a .a t,l.t - - muBieon to Apptf to Imm Lnd I i .untnrnrinr M P" 1 iiA..:;L V llllaswr'I I OHt tt.,.tit Said. . . - n..ear fall Va 1 SlllirB SI llIia' ,r Si:. l?"r'"" nArih .even rhalna: l ..I hwM ,hre nf Wala la- nine rt vn rhalna; "r,0'h ' north maynell frim n rhaln; llH-nr '.""'J. i rnr eat rmm lnd miimrinr "'"."i'Vl ViS 7n i tn r1 l1 nl aiihi.n i.i.h.i i' Ti r out i..i,..H.in.k rot ' "'Hr .iinpany l.linlled. f i , , . "enipallim I'arkera. In- r,ir a k-a nf the follow- Hi' d laiiiln ...ien nr at a tuMt Manleil at hlh ai 5.1..? i 1 "'lhi Hv.r of siand in a pnntton liearlns nrih t r m i"!" '''vnork lland ami inn .,0. .''"'"'i Sllkl-n Mi j r .!,"'"' " '"" ' i . . hundrHl frel. tnnrr or . 'rn- in'"i n'd I.K. tlH-nro in i. ,.lL r.h,n- nmrs or !, In love in - ... . ' nnriiieriT iu mam. m i iimiii in nuilllir irrnirni. amolo nniTiu r.oi UMiUA I'ACkl.MI CO. I.TO.. n.. ... . Applicant ficd JlliVr..VK,,,r:.r' W.I.r,'Ar,.nt. natlca -'. 1119, tANO ACT. Inlantlon la Aonle to eueehaaa li Ilia i .. Land. "'l"l nf rrlncr Ii lliit.rt !' U an n' i t'il at Alianmui Bay TaVi.- ,!J " I. nl'l, O.C. l.lamla. B.C. I I ; '., "'i' r. mat noaao-Mlllerit l.lm. i,. " am iiiivkf nr ..i ii,r ' '"imll 1T. I " i ,, .., I, LAND ACT. I Nolle af 'n'nl,0,lnd ,)", l PurthM! ileii'rilint' lllrlcl of I'rlncB 1 th miilnrt land a id lt"" '" ,r '" ,n'fk, ffi r I"' IfMatl luvcr ri.ni ti mil" f"M ''",ihi tA? villi:" llwl fr""-' 'l,"Tr' !ipr"7 .mi. Mill. I I.ln ln.lll.ll men. ilf ''';"... I'rlllC HII"TI, tni.-ii.t. irriii- to iWv wtirn i ,he "" H.wina .ii-i i.i lluilir inni ..... m iiHnmen. .n ! l- ! " V.r. """, i'.'T'riv lliTn'-w 10 rlulH. m-Vliicr-Iter nf lid f' i ' , "'".a'.i-rti-: thclic 10 in rlialn. nulherly; .. ii..n. 40 chain. el Ac ' 'H"" ..ii.incnM-tiirnl. and run rlV In "lll "i . . i... rcr r..i..i tneii.l l'',JtL-, IN PROBATC l.s. MMITF.n. Appiirani P. Kiel. Ayent. 0F BR,T,$H IN T lUfRV." C,0rAUmln.Mr...on Act; , ,h M.licr ..rllallcr Kf Jck Chrts- , n, ,h TALK TI- J'i",,,; th I llli day lloliur I, M.'I' .VJ 'J "'i wl" appnlnlcd Ad-i.f July. A.l- '.!.; i.'rk ChrUlnff. mlnllranr of V.'f harlnr clalnia itprrawd. !"' " ,rr, linrcliV rr- atalii'l lb' ,.r,'no nrnnerly veririnl .I..II-...I in fnrnlh VI ;.r inmi lit m nn nr liefiice ",',1 ',1,1 hied In the A.p, !;.. ',,,,,J, ntnnmit of ,,v th ..i.i. .r rpiiulrcd II ln V...n...iih Ihclr liuti'Mcdlic--' Ji? A WATT, o "lit Ailtnlnlalrilor rr nr" rui.trl. H.C dim it. ion. dr '" I IWI ateyourown sfard Ifcwes Home-made mustard pickles. How delicious and how easy to put up. Here's the recipe: MUSTARD PICKLES I qt ami!! onion a I targe cauliflower 1 qt. cutwnbrra 2 kcadt celery 2 red peipera Peel on ion t, cut vtjretiblrt in imlll piecet, coter with eik brine and let aland overnifht. In the morainf brinf to a bwl aa drain off. Tale 2 cope brown uiir, 1 cap floor, tibleipoonlnlt Cotmu'a D.S.K. Vlutard, I taUeipoonful turmeric and 2 qnarta Tinegar. Boil this mialnrt for twenty minutet, ttirrinf cooti-aually. Pour oter teaeiiblet luit. Let atand tea daya, atirriog erery day, Itirn buttle. (olmans Mustard lids dic5ien expend, on ilm ground thai the wiIiii'.hm'h arc not npcennary lo the rue. IIih I.on.hip xaiil be ' ii" a.'""J reaMin to lake tlin renpoiinihilUy of overruling ibe alii.in.iy cenernl'ii department. Mr. Mrliill explained thai the pui Miii of lhee wilni"-e would he lo give cvidenre an lo money earned from I hem hy accused during Ihe four monlliK preced-ins Ihe allegoil iTien. 'Mr. I'al-iiiore. erowii prtineeiilor, iaid thai, if Ihene wilne.o could nol idenlify Ihe money, they would he irrelevant lo Hie cane. He Ainilil un atlempl o coiilradirl any i-Milenee lhal inlhl bo presented uk io Ihe amount of Ihe money that hail been earned by rrur.ei. The uitnee4 referred lo are .1. Mi-Neil of Telkwa; II. (. QUen anil iii'ar l.iiiidn'nun nf Smith- its. and S. Audi ioii of I)ieker l.aki-. PRESBYTERIAN PICNIC HELD AT DIGBY ISLAND Enjoyable Time Spent by Child ren of Sunday School and Parents on Beach Di-porllnif themehea on Ihe teeaeli al I lie by Inland Ihe children of the I'reibyterian Sunday SoIkhiI, aceonipiinieil by parent and friend bad a tunt enjoy able II ml yesterday afternoon. They enl over in boats loantd for Ibe oeensinn by (JeorKC llryanl. Kx-Alderman John Cur-rle. lieorjie llorie, John Mcllae. and Charles Slnrr. and the "Z3" was a I mi encased by Ihe rotnniil- tee lo carry a jiumbor. The rares were in charge nf Murray Fuller, Dr. Granl and .1. I,. Christie. Mr. Fuller beinjr slnrler and Hie other I wo Judges. (eneral arninpemels for Ihe lay were in the bands of .1. I.. Christie. Wilson Murray. lr. Irani, Frank Moore and .1. MeKinley. W HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert C. A. Heller. I'bila.lelphia: J. MrNeil, Telkwa; .lark llamillon and A. M. Kipp, Port hsslnjilon; Mrs. W. F. Iliiins. Ilalmontl; V. I'ruuRlilon, Vunderhonf; Mrs. .1. II. it ma I, Mr. J. . Klrkpalrick and Mrs. .1. Huberts. Hmilhers; , Knulsen and .1. Hansen, rily. Central II. M. Willson, Terrare; F. Cndwin. I'rinee ltiiierl. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention Is Apply to Purchaia Land. In Ih land Hecordlnr plmrlcl or Prince ltuH-rl. ami aitnai al Ills lall Crick whkh fluwa lulu Kr-lill Itlvrr abnul IH inllea rnsn it. inuulh. TAki: vnr.K that ciirimi i. mi t iTInc liiiirrl, tt.t:., iH-riipallou luiuhcr-11 kin. Intriid. in apply for ixrnilnaliin to pun ha. th fnlliiwJur (li'.crllx-il laml.: Cidiiiiieiirlnir al a punt plantr.1 at Hie aoiilhup.t nirni-r or Lot Hi, llicncc 0 chillis rHiiillicrly; 1lirnr 10 chain, westerly; Ihcnc ii rlialna niirlherly; thence fu chain, ra.terly In piiint of mtiiinrnre.- 111111, and nmlaliiliis to acre, imirc nr I. a, C. I. I1IKL. imii-ii ..iiyu.i i .in, iwra. LAND ACT. AppllcanL Notice of Intention to Apply t Purcha.a i-ana. In Ih Land lleinrdlns M.trlrt of prince ruipert. and aitnat at th iiHUMh of Ills Kali. Creek which flnwa Inln Uh Kmlall Itlvrr ahmit IK miles from II IIHHIIII. T A k K MITICK that John A. Smith of rriiicr iumxti, n.i: iH-riiiatinn liimurr man, intend, to apply fur pennl.ln tu piirrnaMi inn nuiiiwinr iii'.crittril laml.i (.iiinnipiicinir at a iki.i planird al the aniilhural cuiner if l.nt da J; thence aO rnani. iinrthriy; tinnce 30 chain, westerly, iimiii nr lr, in th F.r.tatl lllvrri thclic 30 rlialna inmlherlYt llieni 30 main ra.tcriy. ami cixitaiulnr so acre inure nr lcaa. JOIIX A, SMITH. Aiipllcanl ... . . Per C T met, Atriit Dited Aurutt l.lh. Hlj. 1 CANCER CURSE KILLING MANY Dp. Ernest Hall Tells Victorians of Advanoe In Msthods of Treatment "ll is estimated by a distinguished London surgeon that of those now living in Hie United KitiKdom 5100,000 are doomed In die of rancer if they do 110II1-iiiK lo prevent Hy Dr. Krnesl Hall, I..H.C.I'., Klin.. said on hit return lo Victoria arrordini; In the Times .of that rily. "In the United .Slates the number doomed lo die nf eaneer i. ten million, lhal is, one in len, and possibly one in five." Dr. Hall declared that Ibe larjre attendance al Dr. HolT-iiian'n centre in Memorial Hall this week ipdicnted Ihe importance wbirh Ibe ranrer situation is assuming in Ihe minds of the. public. "The public reasonably loo"ks lo our profession for nuidanre in such mailers," Dr. Hall wen I on "As corroborative evidence of what Dr. Hoirman states about the prevalence of, cancer, I may say lhal I have lost three patients during this last week from Ibis disease. "Out of 100 cases operated Upon with Ihe knife hy the best available skill, sixty will be dead or dyinp at the end of five years, and Ibis, remember, is Ihe result after Ibe ablest latent of Ibe profession has been overshadowed in attempts to save the situ ation. No wonder, then, that con sternation reigns where cancer rules, and terror strikes botnd when a diagnosis of malignancy is given. wny all llilsT Were we rrealed 1n die from cancer? Why Ibis wide-spread prevalence which indicates a cause as far- reaching in its . malignancyi s active Emphasize Causes' "You ask what we. are doing tu prevent cancer? Little. True, Dr. HolTman mentioned certain fart of causation of great im- iporlanre, but Miese need to be leinphasized, and over-emphasii eii. f- "We need a socTely for the prevention of cancer as we have for prevention nf consumption "Sir A. Lane has developed Ibe 'New Ileallh Society' in London whose purpose is to educate the public along the lines of action that will lend to limit the intensity of Ibe disease. He says if Ihe public would eat proper food and attend lo elimination, that in 100 years cancer would be a scarce as leprosy. Cancer is nature's protest against disobedience, the penalty which nature imposes upon those who disobey her laws. " "I shall not die of cancer, cries Sir Arthur Arbulnot Lane, 'for I keep my blood clean and see that my elimination is free.' What be does Ihe people of Drills!! Columbia may do. Civilized Habits Blamed Dr. Mayo says, 'We have come lo Ibe conclusion lhal can cer lin In do with lite, soul of IhtCindhidual Ibe. war lie lives. And wtih thlsi'n'rri' seejns to be general agreement nmong those of Ibe greatest experience. Again he says, "Cancer of the stomach Includes three-quarters of all cancers in men." And then be asks, Ms it not possible that Iberi) is somelhins wrong in the habits of civilized man, either in bis cooking or in other prepara tion of his food, thai acts to produce the pre-cancerous con- I it ion. Meal ealing has in creased 100 per cent, within Ihe last 100 years. If we. ever liope lo cope with cancer we must go hack lo its cause.' " Dr. Hull has just returned from Ibe Mayos, the great cen tral depol for Ihe surgical lre.il men of cancer. Hut willi all Ibe unrivaled skill of modern surgery Ibe mor- talily rale from cancer is yet a least fifty per' cent-r-a most discouraging factor so discourag ing that some surgeons nre abandoning (be knife and adopt ing oilier means, Dr. Hall went on. 'X-rays and especially radium lias been beneficial in many cases, but Ibe latest advance ment in the treatment is by the cautery, mid a word nf )tope can be extended lo our cancer Cautery System Dr. Hall has spent a great deal of time ami money Insludylng cancer, having spent a time In Dr, Masey's hospital in Phils- Are You Strictly Up-to-Date? EVERY day new inventions appear to save you time, money and effort. All the time new comforts, new conveniences and new pleasures are being thought out for your individual benefit. Do you know about them? Are you up to the minute on this vital news? The advertisements bring you information of all this progress. Read them and you will know about the very things that concern you most things that have a very direct influence on your life and that of your family. The advertisements tell you where to get these things, how to get them and how much to pay. For advertising is a daily directory to wise buying. Don't rob yourself of the benefits that come from regular and systematic reading of the ad-, tier Using columns. Advertising is altogether too important to be missed. Read it every day. ilelphia studying Ihe ionization system and subsequently Ihe Abrams system only lo find dis appointment. Hut recently he' was associated with Dr. Percy in Los Angeles, who has for thirty years tested Ibe application of Hie cautery in all malignant conditions with the satisfa'clion of reducing the death rale al least Iwenty-five per cent. Dr. Hall remained with him for several weeks and left convinced that the supercedonee of the knife by Ihe raillery has marked a decisive advance in Ihe treatment of can- irVenTylW per cent re main cured after five years, riirely Ihe outlook need not be painted so black, and Ibis is what Dr. Percy claims," Dr. Hall Went "Hemeinber that wo know of no treatment but ex-Iirpalion, but for that Ibe elect- ical cautery is apparently the est method up-to-date, ami Dr. Percy is anxious that this information be extended as widely as possible." Dr. Hall also expressed willingness to give a public address on tin .subject of cancer at any time he was called upon, and will deal exhaustively with Ihe apparent cause, and Ibe most up-to-dale system of treatment. He js also anxious lo start un anticancer crusade, or co-operate, in the development of an anll-can-cer society for lltitish Columbia. MORE OFFICIALS CO Ml NO' TO LOOK OVER POWER POSSIBILITIES OF CITY (Continued from Page One). lull Columbia is moving uhead witli stolid indifference to the difficulties of. Ibe limes; is. in creasing in population; is turn ing its natural resources into liquid assets and is solving its political and fioal 'priiblotUH.' Mental Attitude Mr Pattullo said (hat having felt- that way himself for some It's a profitable practise lime he was particularly glad to see an opinion from the Kasl that agreed with bis. The men-j lal attitude was a(l that was working detrimental to Canada 1 The only thing to clear up the, situation just now, he thought,; was an .election.' In Prince llupert people wor-rieil because things had nol come as fast as they should. He had, since lie ctime lo Ibe city, visited the elevator and some of the other improvements, and he had been asked half a dozen times if any grain wtis likely In go through il. This was the wrong mental altitude. He Iben read Ihe editorial article from the, Vancouver Sun' about prince llupert gelling everything when Vancouver got nothing, which was published in this paper yesterday. He thought il unwise to cultlvale th,o spirit of self-depreciation. Appearance of City -Mr. Pattulln spoke pf improvement- he saw going on in the city. The city councils of the pant few years were to be con gratulated on the improvements I hey had made. Prince llupert now hail a cily-like appearance. Much of ner prosperity he considered was due to the class of people, here. He would nol hesi tate to say that he knew nf n lown, and he knew a good many, where there were so many higb class businessmen as in this. All that was needed now was power and plenty of it lo insure steady progress. ANCIENT TOURISTS. VVIN.NtPF.n, Aus.' 21. An age record has been set for au tomobile, tourists registering here Ibis year. J. A. Sargeril of Crnokston, Minn., aged 70 and Mrs. Sargent, nged 77, arrived in their trusty car, aged ten Mr. Sargent is a veleran nf the American civil war. Advcrtls. .n the Daily News p a or riv Kindling! When you are buying kindling why nol get something that will start the fire in a hurry? Wo handlo only the best there is "Bone Dry Kiln Dried Wood." Should you order a load of this you get value. Full load $6.00 op nicely tied bundles, E for $1.00. Oup Taxi number is easy lo remember, "112", and 'Service" is our moUo. If you use our cars today you will use them aain. 50c is our charge day or night "all the lime." Dray work of all kinds attended to promptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. Wood! Wood! 1 Now Is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load 16.00 Half load S3.00 Large sacks .. 60o DRY BIRCH Per load $0.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. i