¥rong Guess Lands Drunk 0 Boys in Jail—Again | ' : MATCHLESS QUALITY i and speedy to use ad SSS SS ey <= et rs ape PIONEER SETTLEMENT Second Murder Case cn “tee, Mead tel ah iTS PEAx strengy | rack | Can: h Continued. from Page 1) Julie and said she was a crack’ ment: in the United States was| oo —e Air Soin in b | — Shot . .\at Jamestown, Va., i Ond World War y.. mM beet under cross-examination Duncan James sat motionless ob wamesio ¥ in 1607, 4ncluding 14.000 oe OVey Fee { n said in the witness box throughout — ie Omen, i jby Mr Bi ph tht torn ‘ che trial | On ote aaah Wirt -s_4 say Matthias James Was) the trk : c intox " d emis were feeling Vernon Miller is foreman of meet re “1 1 couldn’t say any, the jury. Other members chosen N } . . drunk out of 44 jurors called are: J. J. WO00 -dmitted that he sold two' Payne, L. J. Rennie, Soy V. 2 tt f whisky to Matthias) McDougal, R. W. Hutchison, W. ; Heed : a n route from the cabin} H. Dell, C. Roberts, Eugene F DOUBLE KNITTING, 2-02. ball "Se i Lake and later sold a/| Jacobson, John M. Eby, George KROY SOCK YARN, 1-oz. sas fe | bot to Duncan James on the|s. Kearley, E. Parent and Ger- ARGO, 1-07. - at ; ‘ 3}, Lor ; ; c They ea | ret irney ald G. Lord KROY BABY YARN, 1-oz. “ (AY |) » disclosed that when sak : : 50e \ | bn ' ned tian Burns Lake NYLON CRIMP SET, 1-02, 52¢ Wy lithe group we BEEHIVE BABY WOOL, 1- the yup went to the Lolly , l-oz. 50e . where they proceeded. to PAINT A ROOM rhe | dri whisky WITH ’ ; | said they arrived at iP ton Bay about 1 a.m 0 VAN ; | $ € | iid everyé was happy ; | 1 ul W 10 trouble” dur- f ; ee , Ht TONKIN DELTA—French tank troops wait for infantry to flush |; Ms TZ 53) ‘ , . . ir SF, iy’ + ) out a pocket of Communist-led Vietminh infantry in the Tonkin 1s James and David FOR THE PRICE Cg eM 03M) Delta in Indo-China. Neutral observers say the civil war has iG eft the party fil em OF TWO. PAIRS OF NYLONS Ls TD aa , r stalemate The Red ized Vietminh army is i le Mrs. Charlie, it was! % j ( ed to exceed 300,000 men ‘ them are 600.000 |< i by witnesses F 1 and anti-Communist Viet Names¢ (CP PHOTO) | RIED SUICIDE US. Senator Outlines Pian For Korean Peace OTTAWA nt Tit (CP)—A ‘Republican Senator from outlined to the Commonwealth Parliamen- ry Association a plan he said would settle the Korean War. —— ermo the Korear to choose 1s should be al- lowed their own form of government Representative State 2s of the United Ss Congress and of the Re- Ireland, associate mem- the association joined in the discussions yesterday for the first time. Ireland's representa- tives called for support of their the requests for an end to partition i of Irel mublis of public of bers of land Canada’s Claxton said the failure of Russia to work with other nations and its record of ag- gression had made it clear that the only course by which free nations could achieve peace was to build up their strength together. Each appropriations were the paid to was ni defence minister years premium Tr fe peace 2€Te part of Russia st be no slackening jlelegation, said | ble evider of Soviet ag h gression Bive- I gari | t ier I iiminished. Soviet military fe of the f : Ar poe seus 7 Minto] : ri kere caieti tor KeboGaperpteciate ite nowdalpent” too! No FAMILY H E T RE ‘ q WO Speakers Coiled i Dr COL +a ppreciate s nourishment, too Vo Skinny Giris! tion of the Communis\. g rnSgether spread is richer in year-round : bs. Round out bony limbs Fit! up | mént of China Rt. Hon. Arthupipeitemin A you! ike ite convenience ok ex T i 4 : oe each 167 : ae to lack of | Henderson, Air Minister in Brite'*® 4 «| P M te a s0 food