ft" . ... r- B- PAdK f wo ns palrioliiv abtntl llieirinleresls us are nil the oilier widespread points, of r.nip're Ihey .may visit. Seattle Meeting Important Here. " " White Dressing Keeps White Shoes WHITE The perfect dressing for Canvas Shoes and Belts It doe not rub off or soil the clothe A substitute will disappoint you. The Daily News PHINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince : Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. ! H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per mouth $J.OO By mail to all parts .of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - f - 98 . S6 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. IMtLv KD1TIOH Wednesday, July 1925. Poor Time For National Crisis. While Lord Burultnui, in Vancouver, paints a picture of unsatisfactory conditions in t lie Old Country with the nation being a'dled ujion for, the firsl lime lo draw on its own capital against an unfavorable trade balance, (ircal ltrilain is facing another coal strike which, because -of Hie industrial lie-up it 'might eduse, is feared might he a national disaster. farutii Mrilniii fun ill iifCiwil In liiivi 1 1 1 1 jl liimiieoinir nl Ihi to thV .halibut tariff coiiference btbe held iii Seattle on Anunsl 1 10 nud iirgihir that slnhtg renresenlalion lie sent from PHnee ninety oh o MH'uiiiiiions hit prcpiiriug io lie represented at the meeting. W M ES.M0THS pfosquitoes RbachesrHouBeAnts WEDDING WAS PRETTY EVENT Miss Gladys Kemp Is United Marriage to James R. Mitchell , Many friends of Die conlract ing collide attended the weddingjroine from stepping on a banana in- Ihe Anglican Wiureh yesier-jpeel. day afternoon of . (iladys, only-' daughter of Mr. and Mrs, G. F.I ()MK nen yel a kick out of Kemp, and James Mitchell, eJdesl 'coloring a pipe and some women son f llr. and Mrs. John R. get a kick out of oolorinjr their Mitchell. Arcliileacon Ilix read Hose Hie --rvic and Miss Marjorie Lancaster presided at the organ. K. J. Siiiilh supiaiKtetl the brde-4 gnmm as x best man and W.joa a Ford car Mitchell and . Mitchell acted as lsllelsr,' 'IT seeiiied as though a numle The choir was present ambpf Mark Sennell's. halhing beau rendereii the hymns The Voice iies had come to life al Ihe jsnlt That Mrealhed tier Ldeu. and l.aLfs on Sunday "O Perfect Love." "fhe bride, who was gien in marriage by her falher. was a picture of girlish beauty attired n a' pown of -ivory brocaded satin trimmed with seed pearls, the long veil being held in place with a coronet of orange blossoms. Her slippets were of silver brocade and Ue boiiipiel was of Otdielia ruses and Iffies of the. alley. Miss Caroline Mitchell, sister of the bridegroom Tnid bridesman, was attractively aUired in a cltarmhig frock of orchid georgetle And gold lacc and peach ostrich tufts, hat. and shoes en suite. She carried a shower bou-quet of while and pink carnations. Miss Irene Mitchell, flower girl, was dainty in a frock time. The economic condition in the Old Country, ... it may. bcf"r .1 ,',al? W"f fiil.k" safely judged, is not as healthy as it might he. instead or standing resolute with a breach between, it seems lime for patriotic Britishers, be they mine owners or mine workers or any other class, Jo gel together and negotiate, their differences without obstinately challenging each oilier. . . Resolution js a British virtue but it is different from ob-' stinni'v m;i wreck .a. nation which is claimed, even' bv its J Ikormi? Wii-iiiK Mm Mid signing olmiiiict . of the reg ister. Miss Ailene Advant sans "Ave Maria" with violin olilijrijtuM Ity Balagno. Reception Held Following lite ceremony, a reception ,was held al the home of grei.le.ft patriots, lo be in none' Ino healthy a condition at ' tliis1"' hridegroom where the guests T;n,a ' were received by Mrs. C. F. iiiii& Traffic Accidents Are Preventable. There are too many motor car fatalities in Canada. Almost every day bring in despatches of people being . killed tlirougli collisions unci even -Prince Btiperl has -had lis' owii traffic ac;i-ilcnls Sunn' .-ii'i-iilenls are 1111:11 niil.ilile bill iilhei's " m.'iv lii' in n- iii,l ir .1 . i.l.tei-v.wl Tln.si. .-lin fnll In HtKivikH Hull congratulations, wore a ' -1 1 ..... ..,i.. (some dress of rose silk lllltr .-iiiriuii ipi: iii 11 iik 11 iiiki iiiiiiiii ii 1 ivivi. The law provides severe punishment for people guilty of negligence afler a fatality or serious accident has occurred, but u 11 ft rt 1 1 nit I t-ly there is no adequate penally to insure against such accidents. The man who, driving a cue, kills someone, is liable to long iuiprjsoument for iiiuiiMaiigiilcr while the man, driving tit the. coinnwni danger but no! having killed anyone, may gel off with a light fine or jail, term, la many cases his license is not even rescinded. It seems something like "locking the barn door airieV-jthe cow has gone.1' ' '"' AVhnlfcver ..Hie. law may lie, however, it should be exercised nios stringently in Hie prevention id traffic accidenls. Even in Prince -Rupert there are rules being daily violated. The citizens generally fee Ihe- violations even if Ihe police do.. .not. Rounding the loleni pole on Second Avenue is an instance. A' passerby, llierefYwalching cars -proceeding-in the wharf, might think the left hatid side of Ihe road riile is slill in vogue. H.M.S. Capetown Welcome Visitor. The visit lo Prince. Rupert of il..LS. Capetown with II officers ami men is a welcome one ami citizen generally will extend their efforts lo niuke pleasant the slay in Ihis outpost of the Empire of these ;represetnlalives of ; Britain's aiilhorily on the seas. While they are members of a grim' organization wlijcli is slill necessary for the uiaiulenau.ee, of the Empire's Integrity mid welfare, lhe.se. .lack Tar.s and their superiors we find Kemp, mother of the bride, wear ing a gown of black satin willi orchid ostrich chaux, a large black hat wild oprey plum'" and a flat stole of uncurled ostrich. Mrs. Mitchell, mother of die -bridegroom, who shared-' the hand- crepe with silver appliiiue and large hliick hat with osprey. Under a floral arch, in Ihe drawing room. which was laslorully decorated for the occasion, the prinf'ipals received Hie congratulations oT the guesls. ' Mrs. (i. A. Ilix and M;rs. II. II. Orant presided at Ihe ' urns and Mrs. II. Maeey cut the ices, while, acting as scrviteurs, were Miss May lleid. Miss Jlela Johnson, Miss Violet Taylor. Miss Willa Dyer. Miss Dorothy Thomson. 3liss Winnie Dihli. Miss Hazel Cunningham and Miss Vi (Cam eron. Honeymoon in South Al 5 o'clock Mr. and Mrs 5(lMilchell left oil the Cardena for la trip to southern cities. Jiie ! bride travelled in a richly em L'broidered cinnamon brown satin ill-ess. (her tlils-wa worn a handsome fur trinrmfd fawn coal. Her hat was of fawn sttk lobe 'a inTll v-lol mid U glvesiv pleasure tifmnke llieir slav nlfTe velvet antirrhfnums. Ttleasanl one and shhwUticinjiai Princif nMrft!w6hienrelisiK'A,M Mitchell is. -a -popular I nieimier 01 me younger sei 01 Prince Rupert where she has lived for h nunlier of years. The bridegroom is 'a graduate of the U.B.I'. and is assistant principal Elsewhere in lodavV tuner Is. published a letler referrii.ir "r t,(,l00 l Anyox. , J ' . ii, . . 1 '11. .... ........ n. ....:.,!..! r .. I II' J WVI I' IIITT MTIfirill 1.M UIC1 iHMiutiful gifts. On Rupe't o fight for u. reduction' in lite present Inrirf on Canadian ll"'ir r,,"rn 1,orl11 t'1' lalJC fish enlering Ihe Unileil Slalcs. The suggestion made is a: limelyi ""ir resblcnce at Anyox. one jrtnn -one that the Daily '.News agrees wtlh ns Ihe mailer lo be taken up is vital lo litis eily. Representatives of local packing concerns will, il js understood, be present ami some local business men will also be there.. Besides these people, the fishermen of Ihe inirl should ntso ne represented. ALICE ARM NOW HAS CHAMBER OF MINES Lasl sprjng Ihey cried for a closing of the - . port: now it seems (here may be means of attaining the end, trT ?I'J b. Hill,- ilnii.u .fill.nial ..1. ...... H'l...!- ii, .in., iim; niiniMii kiii.m mrn'iirt. i ncir rcprcseiiiaitvesi should be there lo carry on Ihe fight. Probably, local fisher-f (Special to Daily News AI.ICH ARM, July 2U. direct outcome of Ihe vfs T. W. Falconer, Vice-President; A, D. York, Seoretary lhi camp by Prank Woodside. pri'sideul of Ihe B.C. Chamber of Mines, a local branch wis nr-Ranl.eil here- willi 35 paid members. It will 1m affiliated with! the B.C. Chamber of Mines, andj will work for a wider and heller dissemination of Ihe mining news of the province. Al a called meet-; ing of the prospectors ami mining men of the camp the following offieers were elected: I l'residenl : fieo. W. Brugy. Vlee-presldeut: T. W. Falconer.1 Secrelary: A. 1). York. i Advcrlise in the Dally News S eun.-sda.v. Juu K- TUti DAILY RKWS ; - JaB-l. i The Man in theA Moon J ' Mil Vm j J. A little higher in price , but- HB I I il.e week for twenty dollars lo N C L f - S J S .01 N sJ2Mfim in., : o... ...... .,;h ;u W U CLU UeillH IIIUUW ROW- a CI 10 St&iifl, 'dpmn? .of all t lio fun Hial 'J f t tiW $ I B S fl jffl'H 1 :: c I II JCmllp Sfiftelfi TDK l.unn.s in Ihis life often J, KB KZLtS J J? I? S fi !lf&r 55 IK the. fisherman had only actually caught Ihe I rout he said got awiay from his line the slreams would in future have lo be made for the fish. THKHU nrf maByood IhinSf Ihis world. That tasje and look quite nice: But Ihe thin?. that goes in sum rnertime, lis simrkling lieer on ice. IP we .ever made milakes lbere wftuJtd be no rubber lipped tpejiclls; A YOl'XG man with his firs' moustache is lik.e'a good baseball 'pitcher beeause he is alwavs Hvirling. I rA Ten Yeats Ago In prince Rupert The Prince (le.orge baseball team i-eturui'd home on this luornitis's;!.! ram after winning the third (game from Prince Rupert Us( evening. The visitors won two and Prince Huperl one in I lie series played. The last game was featured bv a home run by MeUnire of Prince (5eor;:e who lamtncd the- pill way out to centre field when Ihe bases were full and brought in' three men ahead of him. Over i'.ttoo.noo pounds of ha!i- but have-hven landed so far this nioiilhAvlifcfi' Is in excess of pre vious months. The funeral service of Ihe late Frank Mor?an was held yester day aflenioon at Hayner' chapel. The remains are beiiv shipped east accompanied by the fat her of I lie deceased. A post card has been received fu the cilv from Cant. Clayton of the Dnnlal Corps, dated from Miorncnile. on the trip over, the shin he was. travelling on narrowly escaped being tor pedoed by an enemy submarine NEW DOCTOR FOR ANYOX-HOSPITAL -T7 t , Dr. H. 8. Trefey Arrives to Join Staff Dr. Whalehr.Colng Sou'ih Next Month ''" ANYOX. July 21. Dr. II. P. 'IVefey, accompanied by Mrs. Trefey, has aPrlved in Anyox lo join the Anyox Hospital staff filling Ihe position held by Dr. Learoyd whrt"Aill lake charge of Ihe hospital on Ihe departure of Dr. YVhnlcn for the south early next month. 'HelloDoddY'doH't Vse Uyoorjfif afler Jtmoklnd or nhm vrarkdr4i. It grrtt little fmkeser Slip ft peks4e In -your pocket when yon bo hone tonight. Give the younjj.len lhi YvHolesam.lon$-latting eweet-for pleatareaJ fenwlll. i h trn mi m m i wj' i ONK of M,e most useless K J3W- WWW , I . tfl IIP tlunrssin this world is the horn --jF 5ImW if til 1 U Ja?fe : R W ? I.! NAVY CUT 1 1 CIGARETTES S l LAND ACT 1 1 ' ' Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte Land He-fording District of ' Prince Rupert, and situate at Hooncy Point, i i rati a in Island, British Columbia. Take Notice thai Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Manetl, B.C., occupation Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands:- Commencing at a post planted at Hooncy Point, Craham Island, British Columbia; thence northerly five chains, more or less, lo low water mark; thence westerly aloixg low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing, eighty acres, mote or loss. j LANOARA FISHING & PACKING, PACKINO CO. LTD. LAND ACT Applicant. . Per E. H. Simpson, Agctik Dated June 18th. 1625, Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Quoeu Chatiolie Land He-cordiug District of Prlnco Hu-ierl, and situate about una and a half miles east of Massctt Lighthouse at the mouth of Mas-sett Inlet, Graham Island, British Columbia, TAKI-; NOTICE that Langara Fishing & Packing Company! Limited, of Victoria, B.C., occu-j palion, packers, jntends to apply) for a lease of Hie following described lands: Commencing at a post planLed at the norlhwesl corner of Lot Seven, Graham Island, British Columbia, about one and a half' miles east of Massett 'Lighthouse al the mouth of Massett Inlet, Graham Island, British Columbia; thence northerly five chains, more or lesg to low water mark; thence westerly, along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chuins, more or Jess, to point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. L.VNGAnA FISHING & PACKING CO. LTD., Applicant. Per E. II. Simpson, Aenl. Dated Juno 10th, 1025. PICTURES Just arrived a large assortment of framed pictures Prices range from $1.85 to $12.40 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Phone 123. 3rd AvenudJ Boat Builders! We have 20,000 feet of 1-2 Inch, 5-B Inch, 7-8 inch nnu i men Cedar Boat Lumber which we must sell os we reipuro the ynnl space u "r fioriv. DON'T MIS8 THIS OPPORTUNITY ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. SALMON TROLLERS Before outfitting H will pay you to inspect our ul Trolling Gear. We have n now line 0r Salmon HooMi Swlvells, Cuttyhunk and Gear of nil kinds In our slock you will find everything von reiiuirr ,; Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of all kind: Hull and Copper Paints, Galley Stoves and Utensils. If it s for the boat wo have it, Boats are lost every year by firs hova you got "r Pyrene Fire Extinguisher yet7 Wo el "hem, Call and see us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 8econd Ave. (Near Post Office)