World Over Discriminating Men prefer it Hills & fit a' i London Dry The Gin you will i r asK iui iiyaiii LUC standard of purity for over 160 years. -MB v. Underwo o SLUM d in $3.50 a bottle This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Coutrol Hoard or by the Government of Rritih frdumhin You need a new DdUIMg hdU season We have a wide aMirlti1eiit of colors and styles Hk s! Lap. Helmet, Avialion, Diving some prettily deeor-alfn other quite' plain. Some have chin straps like the Sin in nue style which lias Ihe strap built inlet ear pockets,, .,: 'lie water mil aiid lakes the pressure off Hie nrs. !' i .uge lroiii,ca,eh . 25o to 32.00 Rubber Bags to ntrrj: lluOiiiig. Suit and Towels from $1.75 to $3.75 Ear Stopples, to protect the e.;n while in the water, per 25c Water Wings, to ve'n while learning lo swim, f.'ir ...... 50c i until you wanf to use these things, the :: ni be eloed when you need Ibem. lluv now. ORMES LIMITED Wholesale and Retail Druggists 3rdAvc. and 6th St. Phones 82 and 200 vaamcvzt COAST STEAMSHIP 8ERVICE 8.8. Prince Rupert Prince Qeorge Prince Charles Sailings from Prince Rupert For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle mid intermediate ports, Monday ul -1.1)0 p.m., and Wednesday and Saturday, a (1.00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Monday and Friday, -i p.m. For Skagway and Alaska Ports, Wednesday, i.OI) p.m. S.S. Prince John Tor Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver, Fori tiighlly. PASStMOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY aietot Sunday 1 1.30 aju fur I'min lu-orm.', WINNIPtO, til ptjinl- Usl-rn, I iilliil suic AQENOr ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cll Tlokl Offlct, B2S Third Am, PrlRC Ruptrt. Canadian! EDMONTON, Phon 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert fr r.ramti, wrauell, juneau. skacway Mr 6. 10, u r:. zo. 24. 27. 31 f mi, ooia. riCTom J Seattle n. . . ia. 2, 2s, 29 8 B PFIrtCESS BEATRICE. For Dut.d.u, Swanton Bay, East Bella Bella, Octan fallt. Namu, Alart Bay, Campball Rltr, and Vancouvtr aary Saturday 11 a.m. ncy tor all Staamahlp Llnat. Ful1 Information from W. C. ORCHARD Oanaral Agtnt. Cornar of 4lh Strut and 3rd Aanua, Prlnoa Rupart, B.C. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. G01 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED 10 budding next door to Frizzed HnMier Shop, aeross from the Hmpress Holot We carry n full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES Jame, 2aP0lf C,AL R00M ,N CONNECTION 1 1 - - r Local and Personal H.G. Undertakers. Phono 41. You'll like our joall Coal Co. Phone 7. tf Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's laxi, 50c. Phono 078. tf La Parisieiino lienufv simn Fourth St., phone 301. tf Two cars at your service. Sheddun Taxi. Pliono 134. tf Walch for our Sae List in Thursday's paper. Wallace's. 175 1'or t lie busy man or wnman. a llrown car saves money. Phone u. It Mrs. Penning, Sr., returned lo Hie city on the Prince George nils morning. Frank Halt was fined msri.nn in the police court this morning for heing drunk. ii. i iwau our au. it may mean lo you. Prince Huperl iransfer and Taxi. Phone 189 111'. if Our low rales have been au outstanding success and we shall continue on this 'basis. Drown laxi. I'honc 80. tf The JIac and Mac, a powe launch with a parly of cummer oial men from Vancouver, arrived in port at noon today. CP. II. steamer Princess Char lolte, Capl. It. D. Dennett, is due from the north at I o'clock thin afternoon and will sail at 0 for the south. W. H. Tidings and P. (J. glial cross, who have been in the north in connection with adjustments made necessary by the fire at Port Kssington, returned soulh on the Cardeua last Harold Dlauloii, who has been at llyder Tor llii" past few years and who while there attracted a good deal of attention as a boxer, was a naw.-enuer coinK south mii the Cardeua yesterday Jo Seattle where it is his intention lo locale. II. Atkins is leaving on for a holiday trip and, should a change of climate prove bene ficial to his health, he may de cide lo locate at some other point. Al the present lime he will secure medical attention and advice and bis plans after thai are ralher uncertain. The j'harge against L. Kirk- ham o: obtaining money under false pretenses was dismissed in 'lie police court this morning. The mailer referred lo collection of money for (be l.W.W. Tin accused showed bis aulhorily t' act as a delegate lo the court This gave him power to collect money for dues and initiations. SALT LAKES SERVICE Launch "23" will leave the Prince Itupert Doathouse on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. and on other week days hour from 2 every p.m. . . . Launches, rownoals and canoes for sale or hire. PHLVCt: HL PF.HT DOATHOUSH Phone 38t. NOTICE. Wong Hoy and 'Wong Yuen hereby nulify (he public they have this day taken over the business of (he Washington Cafe. 753, Ninth Ave.. West, formerly known as Deo- onsr's. We will not be responsible for any incu rs owing by said leo Wong af ter this dale. . WONG. HOY. WONG YUF..V Prince Huperl, D.C., July 21). 11125. I7P Stops Summer Odors The heavy smell which warm weather brings to many people Is largely prevented by regular bathing with a free lather of Baby's Own Soap. The delicate aroma dispelsall unpleasantness and the skin feels so re freshed ,cool & sweet. Baby's Owns sells at 10c. a cake at dealers everywhere. " " "But lor you and Baby loo" THE DAILY TOWS Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Dreakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Ucfreshments Our Specially Is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Retail. You will he pleased with our service, Let us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phono 17 Sheddon's Taxi the original 50c. laxi. Phone -134. tf Prince Huperl C per cent bonds for sale, due 11)2(5 lo 11)35. Thos. .McClyniont. tf All Brother Elks are requested to attend a special meeting called for tonight at 8.30 sharp. Month Hud Clean-up Sale. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. See our windows. Wallace's. 1 IO Miss Trances Hiley, a sister of Mrs. Fred llejining of this city, arrived from Die south this morning on the Prince George We started our taxi business on a 50c basis, knowing full well it could be done and pay. You get value for your money and above all, "service'' from 112 Taxi. 174 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. K. MeMullen. Stewart; John Maedougall and C W. McTaggart. Nelson; J. 13. Swanson and Mrs. M. Dloom Anyox: Miss Hila 11. Johnston and Fd. Lindscl, Prince Huperl; K. G. MrCullagh. Winnipeg; Mrs II. 13. Bowing and Miss 13. Knud- sen, Ketchikan: John MaeSwim Ocean Falls; S. 11. Partridge and F. T. Curry. Vancouver. Central I. Crawdel, Vancouver. STEAMSWVMNTS For Vancouver Monday as. Prince George, 4 p.m. Tuesday ss. Cardeua, 5 p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Charles, 0 p.m. Saturday ss. Venture, 10 a.m. ss. Princess Dcalricc, 11 a.m. ss. Prince Huperl, G p.m. From Vancouvor Smiilnv ss. flnrilcnn Monday ss. Prince Charles, 10.30 a.m. Wednesday ss. Prince George, 10.30 a.m. Friday ss. Prince Huperl, 10.30 - a.m. ss. Venture, a.m. Saturday ss. Princess Dcalricc, a.m. For Port Simpson and Naas River Friday ss. 'Venture, p.m. From Port Simpson and Naas River Saturday ss. Venture, a.m. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Loaso Land In Queen Charlotte Land He, cording District of Prince Huperl, and situalo about two miles in a northerly direction from Hooney Point. Masselt Inlet. Graham Island, British Columbia. lake iSotico that Lnncrnrn Fishing & Packing Company Limited, of Masselt. B.C.. nnen. pation Packers, Intends to apply lor a lease" or the. following described lands; Commencing .at a post planted two miles in a northerly direction from Hooney Point, Masselt Inlet, Graham Island, Drilish Col umbia; thence easterly five chains, more or loss, to lnw water mark; thence northerlvi .. i . . . ' uiong mw water mark one hun dred and sixty chains: thence weslerly five chains; thonce southerly one hundred and slxtv chains, mnro or less, to point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. LANGAIIA FISIILNG & PACKING PACKINO CO. LTD. Applicant. Per 13, H. Simpson, Agent. Da'ed June tStth,- 1025. H ere an dTn ere During; July thousands of osteopaths and members of allied professions gathered in Toronto from all parts of the United States and Canada to attend the International Convention of Osteopaths. Several of the visitors toured the country is the interests of osteopathy. Final figures showing the total live lobster catch on the Nova Scotia coasts, for the season ending June 1st., show a total of 8,586,904 lbs. valued at $1,364,141, an increase over the 1924 season of 3,687,400 lbs., in quantity and approximately half a million dollars in value. During his tour of Western Canada over the Canadian Pacific lines, Field Marshal Earl Haig was received on all sides by cheering; and enthusiastic crowds. At towns in northern Ontario and elsewhere he shook hands and exchanged reminiscences with local ex-service men, many of whom he recognized. . Having concluded his visit to the Pacific Coast, His Excellency Lord Byng, Governor-General of Canada, has returned East. Before leaving the West His Excellency stayed off for a few days at" Banff to meet Earl Haig, and the two famous soldiers spent some, time together talking over old times. Considerable interest has been aroused in London, England, over the arrival there of 8,000 peony blooms for exhibition in the Canadian Pacific pavilion at Wembley. The peonies were grown iy W. 6r-miston Roy of Montreal, and 'have been sent to England , to dispel the belief that Canada's climate is ex-cessivtjY; cold. A delegation of prominent newspaper proprietors and journalists from Great Britain passed through Canada recently on their way to attend the Third Imperial Press Conference to be held at Melbourne, Australia, during September. Besides the delegates from the British Isles, representatives of Canada and the other Dominions have been invited and will attend the conference. Two automobile accidents occurred in Montreal over the week-end at railway crossings, in both of which it was proven that the car struck the train. In the first accident, the car ran into the first ear behind the engine and in the second struck the side of the engine itself. Public attention has been directed to these accidents as illustrative of the results of negligent driving. Early in July a party of one hundred French-Canadians associated with the University of Montreal 'departed from Windsor station on a three-weeks educational tour of the country under the auspices of the University. Mayor Duquette of Montreal, Monsignor A. V.- J. Piette, rector of the University and Professor E. Montpetit one of his associates accompanied he party. They were seen off at the station by E. W. Beatty, K.C., chairman and president of the Canadian Pacific Railway and other officials. A similar excursion to the abort left Toronto, July 20th, for the benefit of English speaking schoolteachers. This tour, also' lasting three weeks and covering all principal points of the Dominion was conducted by Dean Sinclair Laird of MacDonald College under the auspices of the Teachers' Federation oi Canada. Mrs. Geo. M. llenuing of Chi cago arrived on t lie Prince George this morning and will spend sometime visiting with he nephew, Fred llenuing of this city. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inlantlon to Apply to Purchaaa kano In Skeena name t Land nernrillnr hl trlct far rrlme Ituperl, II. C, and sltiiatr llnyMark Island, south or Wales Island, it. i.. TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Flsh-Inir Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occima- linn, Salmon Connors, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following tiesrniit-H lanos; Commenrlnir at a post planted at hlRh water mark on west shore of Haystack Island; thence north seven chain; thence east seven chains; thenre south seven mains; thence west aeven chains, and containing five acres, more or less-. THE CANADIAN FISIIINO CO. LTD Dated ttnd Mav, 10SS USE STMONDS SAWS Their teeth are of a toughness which make them hold their keen cutting edge under every usage. SMoros cms saw co. Lmntn MuntniHh vaMdouvt venNT t . wm. ft.. PAOR THRU m u soak themselves snowy white in Rinso One of the hardest basics on washday used to be the washing cl big, heavy sheets. You had to rub and rub away at the sheets and afterwards you were so tired that the rest of the day was spoilt for you. Today, no more of that back-breaking labour is necessary. Just let the Rinso so-ip-suds do this work for you! It soaks dirt right out. Rinso dissolves instantly and completely in boiling water. Always use sufficient Rinso to get a lasting suds after the clothes are put to soak. aft Lever Brothers Limited Toronto Kinso IUSS FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT.tB.C. Akaori Planning That VV lien Vacation Trip Don't overlook the fact that you will need lots of clean cloths, plenty of changes, to be cool and comfortable and look your best. Let us take this detailed preparation off your hands just bundle up everything you are likely to need, and send it lo us. . . . , ' We will have it back promptly, beautifully washed and ironod ready to pack. You will feel better, too, if yoij have u nice clean house lo come back to. Heller have us look ufler your household linen now, so it can be put away, ready for your return. Phone No. 8 and we will ?end our driver. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD - Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dooh -Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle nl! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38.