5 TAXI and 'f.'.v Arabula. komo fop Trln by Dlrlfllblo 1927 Given Soviet NT. GEORGE ASHE .,. t ''Hi. aervica ''it,,. .1 . k.M it Invllmt. - Ji,.."f. j ! uni""'1 w i ind Royal Hotel, 3rd Av. ' and 6th BL WATT VIOECK, Prop. ). XV., NO- 74. Wlnle there nmy be buslnes In MOSCOW. July 20. Capl. Uller ltniiis nf I lie N'orw exian force has arrived here from Hoi and submitted lo exiiells ''I i for a Moientlfle air ex- i'itloti to the Arctic in IU27 to t'd iiy Dr. FrldlJof Nansen, lied Norwegian explorer. IA ilU'lUible nf IMlllllll melies paeily 2 metres long, with a lmg capacily oT 53,000 kilo-Imns mid a. crew of. fifty men'. "hi he used. (The mule would he from Kur- nsk to Fjuiii Josef Land, via If IIO l-lli ,o l Alnskii i.r Anil. and hack. t" s esliiimted thai the Jlighl Knrnuinsk to Anadir will up.v friy hours. - M WILL BE ATTRACTION fir Board Closes With Famous ow Boy Rider, etc., to Come "r0 During Exhibition Week i he l air Hour. I ii mum uniiil I lit u '(''noon Hint nrraiigcineiils had !,'u closed to bring Capt. (leorge sl'" famous cow bov rider. l III lllU i.l I .1 ii... r..:.. " hi iiiiiioif ine iuii. I'lesencc will be a feature of ' liianv ,i 1 1 1 1 . .1... i "iiinv iUJUS ' nun arranged to Inke nln fmvfciioi) with th competition between Kcl- . II... I II ' I... II. 1 1.1 iiti and runic iiuprri uivru nu ixummi wnj inure miuuw . a II.. . m I .. ! Ii il. .. i . I." ii- (icorge afler u two months' trip oust. or halibut lauded at other than Anvericau ports. Fiirllierinoie, he expresses objection at halibut lit' 'lie mosi ineuuiy ui reunions neiweiii wiu iwu puns. j lore:- r.nwara .Morrissey, euuor oi me ivctcniKau L.nron who is u passenger going through today on the bleu in or; j Mr Morrissey is quite frank about his (Jo? ire and that 0L fr hetehikau business interests that there he no reduction in El. on Canadian halibut turiff entering the United Stales. HAVE TEST FUEL OIL TAX ilnclal Government Asks Court of Appeal For De cision on Thl Impost J' f Hll A. July 21). The n r. ill ha decided to ask j i : slon y the uouri oi t a to the validity or me i in u tux on fuel oil, which llif iBtge consumers like the y y have been refusing to under protest. An EiiMiig 'he federal government ' ( nv the act was made by inmiie or these consumers. 'i .allowance was refused and " ei was left to the courts 'le: : .sion In government cir- f confidence Is felt that the I wtl) i eel it in (lie tax tier I' good, ha 11 was nol Im l un'ii the question had been lly looked into by tin1 "ncy General's department. CTIC FLIGHT FOR FIFTY IS. PLANNED I lie goes further than tins and (says Ilia) lie thinks that steps- I should be taken tn oppose the I markcl ing in the United Slates.). Mr. Morrissey is returning home after having attended the recent Rotary Oluli International roiixenlion at Cleveland and vis-lled his old home in Massachus- sets. His trip also Iook mm '0Worst Washington, New York, Hoslon, Montreal, Toronlo, Buffalo, Se-allle and a number of other important cilies. exhibit it.. Indian STOCK MARKET ll.C. Silver ... Ilazellon Howe Sound . Surf Inlel Dunwell .Premier Ruins Purler Idaho L." and I Daly Alaska Selkirk Sllvereresl .... Terminus flranby urclflladslonc Hid Asked 1.00 1.20 .01 .02 21.00 .0 1 .0(5 3,25 L00 3. 20 2.25 .12 .? I Vj .22 ,30 .32 .21 .0 1 .03 .17 .50 n.oo to.oo 21 H -20 .05 .00 Vi .00 .07 SKEE.HA pack 71,000 CASES The total salmon pack for the Skeena River up to tin; end of lasl week was 71.000 cases of which 30,-000 cases was cockeye. The figure show a considerable decrease when cojupared with last year's ul a similar date. At the end of the corresponding week in 1121 the pack totalled 'Ji.300 cases oT which' 70,300 was sock-eye. The pack in 1023 at similar dale was 82,9i0 eases including 47,000 eockeye. ! friim Atiii.eiejiii linlloin lnileil j. . j. J. A. A X J. A.X J. 4 4 ami packed al I'anadiap ports for : shipment to the Stales being still irtniWM fV UIIClV termed American halibut. lie rtlVIMlrtL Uf HUJI1 says that. tliTnush the process, it has changed its status and is not properly to be treated as American fish. .Mr. Mnrrissev does not exnect DOG AT PENTiCTON ii.,. i .i.in.ii iii rn.liin,. PkNTIITTON. July 21) The ar- thc tariff oin Canailiau lialibulJ rival of a regular Alaskan As un instance nf the difficulty "husky" - the wolf-dog which :..r .. 1. 1. ,1. iUi.irr n,.i .,w ones i ne snow sweni wasn-s ui (VI iiiiiiiiiiiii). ) ,at.,, ti iiiiviiwii.i w - Mr. Morrissey points to the ro-IHie inen norm :reaico iiuue cent ease where the larifr com'- a stiiat the Penlicton station mission recommended a reduc-'bist week. 'Hie d( is the pro-tion of R. T. Iltrfberlson, mid on the sugar tariff, the re-'pi'ity n,.mn.en.lntion l.eins iiviecled bv caiuo in the baggage car from i . i.i i lOreifon Tuesday morning. Mrs. Robertson a so armed on be Ultimate Benefit Mr. Morrissey thinks that it ""' "ro! wl,t'" '!e will ultimately work to the bene- "HHlor ml milrc8M after HI of l'rinee Rupert and Kclclil- . .. , .... Liii w...,iiJlonK trip, his excitement ... i.i i.v tlii iwP EFFICIENT METHODS 1 ! ! 1 :! CAUSES EXCITEMENT this was ho' la er C Z -W-rtnl to large crowd of ,,. ,., ilereslod witnesses as he greeted UllOIMl'll. ' UK lUUTIIHW lUL- 111 -I . tlieill. . r .. ..... r A augimilioil tu II "r iriiy Btmit between Ketchikan and here his Mr. Robertson stales that un. ider I he influence of great ex- ;mr" u " ,'" , ' cite.nei.l lhe wolf nature in these the Cniudian ,r sh.pn.ent oyer Ttr.,,CMni,lfltr.s. ,, lliat tlie National Ra "y "' , animal's pleasure at aai,, se-ouant.l.es of l.alil.ul but also of. w w)(s IlHlura canne.. sai. on a,... .....v. i demonstrative tMin!i.eiaMy more mod t es. Relations between the.,, ..... ' . i man iiihi oi nu oruumry uuk, . , ,, , , , .. 8 por s would Im improve,! the ri-( , ec than slra. ned. Ketch.- hy rather , , , t .... .....i .Un.,. Miwkn imrlH nre.' Ami ' , .. land Mrs. Robertson, who are desirous oMiavliiK he, however, holp lmm(i jn ,lenlico packing Industry wl.icli rea ly be- Mp Mag , ,.cprc. lonirs lu tlii'in. lie lliinks tnai ii' .,,..,., ... ., . . J.III". llllll I.I nnj iilillKUIKlia tiuu WOUIll IIOl lllll'lll HO.' .IIIII.-I lliUII fishermen. ing Maohlne Co. ON ROADS OF B.C. Roads In this Province are 'Better than Best In Alberta Vlt;rt)RIA,'July 2ff. Owing to the modern and otllcic-nt methods adopled ly the Depurlinent of Public Works- during lhe past few years lhe cost of supervision of roads has been reduced materially, and in most cases it is now lower I ban the percentage of lotul . expenditure which the engineering profession consider reasonable in the case of private works. In a letter Just received hy lhe Department from a pro inineul Vancouver businessman on his return from a motor trip which look him as far as Alberta II Is slHled thai the roads of the Province are in excellent condi tion. As compared Willi the sis ler province, the worst roads here are better than Ihu best Ithere. be tolj n department. YOUNG BRIDE STABS HUSBAND IN QUARREL OYER THEIR FINANCES MILWAUKEE. Wis., July 29.- (tporge Krueger, 25, with n deep knife wound in bis chest. Tighliug for his life in a hospital here today, while his bride of less than a month, hysterie.il with grief, is held by police for the assault on her husband. The young couple shoved of Into the sea of matrimony will high hopes less than a month ago. They equipped a small apartment from meagre savings and attempted to meet house hold expenses on a salary of 25 a week. Expenditures exceeded the in come and the quarrel which re sulted' in the stabbing, was over household finances, police gathered from the incoherent story told by Mrs. Kreuger. The wound was inflicted with a butcher' knife recently purchased as a part of the house hold .equipment. It penetrated lhe left side of Kreuger's chest about six inches anil may have punctured his luiitf. Physician vd hi" ft'tidilinn -as i f i . .! . PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper pniNUK- klu'KUT, n.c., wiixeshay. jilv 2, VMltrdtr'l Circulation 1S7B Decorating the "May Fly," the comic plane which provided the amusement at the llendon display of the Royal Air Foree ! 111. H M 111. S J. f WiLlflUrVU &PFTOTN former aid more American ruirc miiy runu uncr . 114 IVlll'l V Int.. "Ml IV.I British Warship Arrived Here T.: .. J" Today for Several Days' . ! ': ''-' - ... .. u ' isislant chief of the L.S. Arniv visit major urcevs Commander I it. -its lo spenu several nays in mis u( port in the course nf a cruise or the Pacific coavl, -li'.M5V Jape. ion. cruiser of the Ilerniuda-Wesl Indies squadron, moved into the harbor al 2 o'clock this afternoon. There was a big crowd along the walerfrunt lo witness the. warship's arrival. and official greetings were conveyed to Captain (i. 11. Kjiowles, D.S.O.. commander of the vessel by Mayor Newton. Considerable entertain live n I lias been arranged for the visiting naval men during their stay here. The- (Sreat War Veterans'' Association will give a smoker tonight, tomorrow there will be a football game between a local learn and one from the ship and the city authorities are arranging a dance which will take plaee in (he Exhibition Hall 1 lie Capetown, which came here direct. from. Honolulu, is taking on certain supplies and from here will proceed al the end of the week lo Vancouver and Victoria. While al Prince Rupert, a number of the members of the Capetown's personnel are plan ning to enjoy angling jaunts lo nearby waters. MEETS FILM STAR mineral waters or carbonized walers, and drink, of every description, j This new Art has been giving the retail confectioners and grocers and I lie vendors of soft drinks all over Ontario a great deal of i'muble and worry. A !special committee of retail con-ifectioners in the City of Ottawa 'recently consulted with K. M. Trowern, dominion executive director and secretary of the Re- itail trade Hureau or Uauaua, a newly formed dominion -wide oiv; ganizalion .with headquarters a ( It f :iw:i Mr Trowern. after care- Air Service, alighted ... at Crillilh fi i.i....ii.. f n, ....i ...i Park landing lield Los Angeles. vj!i(i Uu fin,u tlu ll0l,mon tin a huge plane the other day,ifn. ,,. f(,ii..w. in. een nimuie,s ..ier : "The i.urehasci-of a beverage ,v calling on Douglas M''t4iw1Mrta)a-mMiuirl:liyth by-the. ,r his llullywvtiiilii v"" . : . u 0 lhe ax whpn ,,e ,,ur. "We've never met before." lhcliaM. ITlail 1D aamp f.om ,lH lighling flyer told Doug, "but l;,..,....,, mercharV or .... .......i.... vendor, and .....i lhe the re- re fcel thai we have a lot in com-moii, and are a good deal alike." Mitchell, who recently waged an unsuccessful battle for a strong United Stales, air force under a single head, told DoUg of tin; country's needs in llie aviation line, and said thai the citizens of this laud should in sist on adequate air forces,, properly supervised. Doug confided to the general his secret ambition, to be Mho first airplane commuter, and travel from studio lo a remote beach home daily by airplane. FISH SALES Fares at Exchange This Morning Totalled 94,000 Pounds Halibut arrivals, marketed at Hie Fish Exchange this morning, were as follows: Amerloan (ilacier, 19,000, to Canadian Cold Storage Co. at 1 2.50c add (Ic. Sirius. 10,500, to Dootli at 13.70c and 7c. Sherman, f 1,000, lo Atlin Fisheries al 13.80c and 7c. I',. Xeilson, 8,500. lo llooth Fisheries at 13.50c and Oc. ' Rambler, 0,000, to Atlin Fisheries at 13.00c and 7c. Canadian Fisher. 13.000. LI Jloyal Fish Co. at 12.20c and 7.30c. Toodie, 9.000, to Canadian Cold Storage Co. at 11.50c and 7c. GOLDEN WEDDING WINNIPEG, Man., July 29 (Canadian Press). --Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Matheson, residents of Stony Mountain, Man., this month celebrated their 50lh wed- ling anniversary. Mr. Mathesoit is a brother of Archbishop Malhcson of Rupert's Laud, and is descended from the Lord Selkirk settlers. Mrs. Matheson was born in Simcoe County, '.On lario, in 1853, and came to Manitoba in 1871. C..V.R. steamer Prince Ocorvr, Cupt. Harry Nedden, arrived from the soulh this niornintr with 2't0 first class passengers of whom about thirty disembark ed here. lhe remainder an inakin the roued t-'p to Alaska (tail merchant is required to col lect the same as a trustee for the government. In tlte case of soft drinks of any sort, whether from a bottle or from a soda fountain, al the rale of taxation as set out in the Act, it would mean thai the purchaser or the customer is required to pay a tax of three and one-eight mills on "every glass, and one quarter of one cent on every bottle oT son drink purchased. In other words, the Ontario government has passed an act specifying thai the purchaser must pay the lax and the retail merchant must eoiioci it, but they have made no provision whereby the purchaser, can obtain the necessary three and one-eighth mills or one-quarter of a cent in currency in order to pay Ihu retail merchant the same. If the merchant charges lhe cuslomer one cent for the' lax he is overcharging the customer six and seven-eighth mills on the glass, and three-quarters of a cent on the bottle; tr the customer olTers a cent in order to nay the lax the merchant, as tax collector for the government, i overcliar-ing the cuslomer if he does not give him the proper change. ' "The government has issued stamps of small( denominations, to be purchased' by the retail merchant in advance, to be plac ed on soft drinks in bottles and who, in turn, is suposed to col led the amount of the stamp from the customer. We advise that retail merchants endeavor to collect the tax from their customers by the sale of stamps, and where this is found impos- tail merchant legally bound lo pay the tax to the government." LEPEMNGLASS CAGE, TO BE TRIED ON MURDER CHARGE NEW ORLEANS. July 29. --George lleaurepaire. negro leper, charged with wife murder, is expected to go to I rial as soon a a glass cage, in which he will k11 confined, with speaking lube has been built. The trial has been postponed from lime to lime for fear of spread of the discaM'. BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dar.ces, banquets and wedding parties. For ratis, apply to Boston Grill, 'Third Ave. Phono 457. tr..t !.. 822. PRICE FIVE CENTS. TAND OF KETCHIKAN PEOPLE CONFIRMED JTISH WARSHIP, ON COAST CRUISE; ARRIVED IN PORT THIS AFTERNOON llaska Editor Declares That People of Territory Wish to Capture Fish Packing Trade hard G. Morrissey thinks, however, that Prince Rupert and Ketchikan should get along New Ontario Beverage Tax is Worrying Soft Drink Vendors; Customers Being Overcharged OTTAWA, Out.-, July 21). '(Canadian Press). At the last session of the Ontario Legislature an Act was passed to supple- ; men I the revenue of the Crown in the Province of Ontario, and known as "The Luxury Tax Act of 1U2.V The object of the I tax was to secure a revenue on the sale of beverages, which includes beer, ale, porter and any hialt liquor, wines and other drinks prepared or manufactured from grapes or any other ; fruit, or from any plant or vegetable, also "soft" drinks of various descriptions, and other compounded or mixed drinks; and and aeraleil a era led BIG GAME HUNTERS VISITING CITY TODAY Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Edwards and Party of Upper Lake, Cal., Passengers on Prince George Mi. and Mrs. Win. 11. Edward. oT Upper Lake, Cal., are in the. city en route to the Yukon counlry where they will join their guide Clias. Haxler who will escort them through the big game counlry.' Mrs. Comym. wife of L. V: Coniyrn, one. of the largest exporters' of lumber on MlieJ Pacific CQast and two sons, ,MK amJ -MKKarasi have been entertained during their stay, prior to' the sailing of Iho Prince George by Mr. George Arnold, who has shown them the interesting features of the city including the sawmill and the Cold Storage plant. WAR WIDOW STILL DREW PENSION AFTER SHE MARRIED AGAIN WINNIPEG, Man.. July 29. (Canadian Press) Suspended sentence was given iiutlie Pro vincial police court to a war widow, charged with obtaining 2.I38 in pension money from, lhe Dominion government by false pretences. Restitution was made, and it was showiujlhat 1110" offence was committed in ignorance of the regulations.' After the death of her first husband, killed overseas, the woman in the case continued to draw a pen sion afler she had married again. HAPPY THO' MARRIED, IS DAME CLARA BUTT Wore Wedding Dress at Twenty-fifth Anniversary Concert LONDON, Eng., July 29. (Canadian Press . "If anyone wants a recipe for happy marriage I can give it to them. It is love and understanding especially undorstandi,ng." Thus said Dame Clara Hutt, the' famous contralto, who celebrated her silver wedding with Kennedy Rum-ford recently. "My married life sible we do nol consider the re- has been -i .dream of blissful happiness, she said. Al lier anniversary concert where she and her husband sang, Dame Clara wore lier wedding dress, Lady Duff Gordon havhuz altered tho 19-inch waist to a mo re modern jline. v'ftm " The lighthouse lendcnKslevan, Capt. II. Hilton, relumed ' to port yesterday afternoon ".from Cape St. James where she went with equipment and men f. the new lighthouse keeper's house which is' lo be built there iand will leave tomorrow for Laughra ls- land where further heavy equipment for lighthouse work is !o i'i u'll iiel d.