.dnffday, OdoT 7, 1025. "men's Comfortable and Sturdy BOOTS 3rd Atenue Goods - I J, LUKIK tt). I.lVJIifcU vvxcoirv ji a.c . r iL.aafriHr Ruffles! Ruffles! Ruffle Curtains are the very latest in window decorations; we have a wide range of patterns and colore in stock; your choice, from $1.45 to $5.75 per pair Wo are supporting Gyro Carnival BARRIE'S Home Furnishings rree Phone 123. Sale - - One Can PALM-OLIVE TALC POWDER FREE v. n imiIi tiibi' ! I'iIi i iiU Shaving Cream 35 cents One GILLETTE RAZOR and Blade FREE with each till .i It' ill Shaving Ocam 10 cents Ormes Limited T-,s I' ii i rr imggit. II. vail Store. 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phone 82 and 200 hole-ale and Itelad inigg.l "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" S-!!B Harry Lander, mill on v..li.l.i irnmR ou probably feet like singing 'he s um' thing. So why not end that nin n'iil dnnlgerv In-day? TARIF-T SERVICE J l mil for our TMIUrr-T SF.HVICK which will do every I' 1 of the washing and nun ihe Hit work Imi. Willi I lie a li out of wu-h day tint " h.ii. I" ge' up m H' morn-lllg feeling will be gone inr gnud and all. THRIFT-T SEnVICE. 5c a lb. and 1c a piece. Minimum Charge $1.00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8, E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Ro-locatcd at 230 Central Strcot, Vancouvor, Willi mlililUUial inarliiiie- for Hie innimfaclilio of . SASH, DCOnS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also ciuTjoil in slock. B'tvu handling charges by buying direrl from Uic source of supply. Local and Personal i B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. 'try C37. Valentin Dairy. Anglican ember 5. Presbyterian November 12. Ilo.val jlier 13. I I Moose and 18. 1'horic tf Ooldbloom jut bringing back fur coals. Wait till you see llieinl tf I. I Martin, Iloyal Hank inspector, in a visitor in the city having arrived last night from A lire Ann. Hceo. 'fhis z the coal you need for VOIIr utnvi. til hup Inn .l.Princc Hupert Transfer &. Taxi. Phone 1HU-M2. ' 23 4 Von can get llio "Province' Ihrough the mail or at Little's ews Miami for l.00 for four months or :0c a inonlh. 235 .ever ocner value offered in Ituperl Hum our lleeo Goal 811 per Ion. Prince Ituiiert Transfer & laxl. Phone lH'j-112. 23 1 I. J. bhenlon, inspector of 'mine, returned on the Cardeua yesterday afternoon after a lri lo Slewart on departmental bus ines. The Liberal committee room ii'iiier Second Ave. and Fourth SI reel, next lo the Walker''. Music store are open every after noon and evening. SSI Mrs. (irlffilh of Allin Avenue accompanied by lnr graiuldaugli ler. returned to the city on the Cardeua yesterday afternoon af ter visiting in Anyox. Mrs, (IriffHH. Allin Avenue and her little granddaughter Pearl Dunbar returned on the Carriena yelerdr from Any ox where he had been visiting two weeks. W. F. Walker, manager of Ar ranuaie cannery, wan a passen ger going south on the Cardena vi .ii-rday afternoon bound for iiii oiiNcr. The cannery in no i limcd for the reason. ! It. Silvester, who has been MaU'luuan al Ihe Orattby Co.' flux mine al Swamp Point, and Mr. Silve-ler readied the city in -the Cardti yesterday after 1 1.. on bring with them Ibeir household r Heels nd livestock including a number of goals. Fred $lork. Liberal candidal i in Ihe federal election, and liiHirge Nlckerson. I'mgre.sivn. relumed on the liardena yester day aflerniMin after rainpai?niirt at Anyos and Stewart, their paths having crossed al the latter point. Mr. Slorfc was assisted bt Aid. lieorpe Casey and Mr. Nlck erson by W. II. Montgomery. Mr. Slork expreel a real pleasure as lo Ihe reception he had re-reived in Hie mining camps and Mr. Niekerson was also optimis tic. FUNERAL TODAY. Tin- funeral of Frank (ieorge. Ma-sett Indian, who died al l'or Simpson on Sunday, look place :1ns afleriHMMi from the ll.C. I n. M inkers' Parlors lo Fair- Iview r.enielery. Archdeacon U. A. 'IllX oflieialed. ANNOUNCEMENTS I lijro Carnival and Dance Oc-lolier I.' and 13. Ilebekah llaiaar Saturday, Do loher 17. Calliollo tMiureh llaxaar, Oolo-bcr 21 ami Hospital Hallowe'en Hall, Ool-ober 30. Hill Sixty Chapter IKuaar, October 31. I.O.D.K. Church Hazaar No- i It.inilst Church Hazaar, November Church Hazaar Purple Hazaar Novem- Hazaar November 17 Ladies' rt. All. Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Breakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Hcfreshments Our Specially is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Retail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. K1LLAS& CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Two cars at your service Shcddon Taxi. Phone I3t. tf Mr, Hester Allen was fined 25 in the city police court this morning for drunkcuuess. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Farrow ind family returned! to their liome in Vancouver on the Car tena last evening. Mr. Klondel appeared in i lie city police court this morning on a charge of vagrancy and Wa remanded until Monday. Archie lleattie, who has been, suffering from a severe at (ark of hlood poisoning, is sufficiently recovered to tie around HigJin. How about that coal order ? Try our Heco stove coal. ?ll ler Ion. I'rinee HuperU 'Fruitier & Taxi. Phone I8U-I12. 23t Daughters of Ilnj-'land Whist The Liberal committee rooms. corner second Ave. and rounli SI nvt. next lo Ihe Walker's Music store are open every after noon and evening. 51 Mis L K. M aaj of Port Simpson reached the city fmm Siewarl on Ihe Cardcna yestenlay aflernoon and is registered at die Prince Hupert Hotel. ict your order in now for Kiln Dried Kindlins. One load will last you all winter. Sole Agents for Hie P. II. Spruce Mills 'one dry kindling. Prince Hupert t ransfer .V Taxi. Phone 18J-1 1 2 231 Arthur Collison, Indian, charg ed with driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of llipjor, appeared in the city police court this morning and had his cae adjourned until Monday. K. F. Jones is prosecuting the ease and S. V. Taylor is defending. Molor-hip Fairbanks arrived at 11:30 this morning from Sail Chuck mine. Alaska, with 3d tons of palladium concentrate ore for transshipment Fast ,uvlr u,e Canadian National Hallways. The vessel Is iliscliarniiiy (his afler noon and will relura nurth this evening. Joe Itowall appeared in Ihe city police court this morning before Stipendiary Magistrate H. F. Mel.eod charged with n breaeh nf the. I raffle bylaw lb ron ffh not having properly turned n silent policeman at the corner of Third Avenue and Second Street. He pleaded no' guilty and (he case was adjourn ed until Saturday. Hon. II. II. Slovens, formerly piinisier oi irane ami commerce in the Meighen cabinet, member of the House of Commons for A'ancouver in the last parliament and candidate for ro-eleotion in the forthcoming contest, arrive from the south on thu Prince Ituperl Ibis aflernoon accompanied by (5. 0. Husbby, Coiiserva-live candidate for Skeena, who has been eatnpaiguing al Ocean, Falls and ltella Coola. They will address a meeting here tonight and will then proceed lo Anyox, ' and Stewart. APPOINTED TO SENATE. OTTAWA, Del. 7. -Dr. J. P Mollv of Mollis, Manitoba, for- MANY LONDONERS LEARNING TO FLY Many People Planning to Pur chase Small Machine for , Own Private Use LONDON. Oct. 7. The London Flying Club is having a very satisfactory experience of public interest. It recently completed its hundredth hour of instruc-llon on Hie two De. Uavilland Moth aeroplanes 'al the tslag-larie acroilrome. Not only was this period without an accident or even a replacement, but both machines were in almost continuous use throughout the day. They have been occupied to capacity for three weeks, and Ihe advance, bookings are heavy riv lit up to the end of October This is an encouraging evidence of the desire of people resident in the London area to learn (o fly. and there is a prospect of some of the pupils, when they have taken their "tickets," ser iously considering whether they can purchase a Moth for their own private use. Incidentally careful records have been kepi of the petrol and oil consump lion for these two machines dui Ing the first hunderd hours. They hov thai the consumption, in eiunuig every possmie use o: fuel and oil on the ground and wale, amounts lo three and h half gallons per hour for petrol and just under a pint an hoy ror on. t lie pupils are shaping well, bul no one lias been allowed lo try for a "ticket" yet. as at least ten hours dual flying is insisted Upon in every ease. ANCIENT BLACKING FIRM DISAPPEARS Drive in Ho-lon Hall. Friday. Oct. LOMHIN. hngland, Del W. at 8.30 p.m. in aid of the Sol-1 More than a touch of .senlimen' diers' 50c. Memorial Fund. Admission Day A Martin, Just Dissolved, Is Mentioned In Dlckenc' Pickwick Papers is aroused al the passing of- the ancient firm of Day & Martin. makers of shoe polish, or black inp, as it is commonly known in this country. The stockholders have Just resolved on a voluntary winding-up. They all "set out" very well, and the pood-will, etc., of the old house is taken over by another firm. Day and Martin got into dir-ficullies some years ago. and it wa admitted openly that the falling behind in Ihe race for public favor was almost entirely due lo the failure to adequately advertise their goods. How Ions the firm has existed it is im possible lo slate with accuracy. Headers of Ihe Pickwick Pa pers will remember thai ivim Wellcr was using Day & Mar tin's blacking on Mr. Jingles Itoots when Mr. Pickwick first made his acquaintance at the While Hart in the Horough. We know, tod", thai before the Pick, wk'k Papers appeared Charles Day, founder of the firm, had died, leaving what was then I lie large fortune or 1 100,000, a imarler tf which he bequeathed lor the relief of those who, like himself, were blind. And the firm has another claim on the admirers of Dick ens, for it absorbed the still ohler business of Jtinatliuji Warren, in whose "craiy, breakdown old bouse, abutting on the river and swarming with rats." at Old Hungerford Stairs, where the District ltailway Station al I'.liiirinir Cross now stands. Dick ens himself worked as a lad of,sli' eleven. Probably it was I he I jend us your nam? endow uiJ! send, you uildeivf' Supplies this illustrated; bod of beaulil ulY" 5 iitmes a -m Distributors for: (fdhnm K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3. ...lections of his bit.e.- ex-MkRLX SIX MILLION penenees at w urreu s ouu-Kni factory which led Dickens to give Day & Martin such a hand some free "ad," in the Tick- vi'u'k Papers. PACK TFRTTF . H. , -.: ,'i..,.' ,r H .,"J PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA MF.I.HOrilNF., Oct. ".Statistics recently completed show (hat on Al.'iroli 31 Viiati"ilii liml i PLEASURE SEEKING population or's.'JOO.OOO, and in- CAlUIDCc',,rt,a!0 or 3,-00u in Hiree months LAUjL TAHCr Ur nr rAlLUKtO Saving bank deposits on the' - same day aggregated 800.5.,5.-; Chairman of Vermilion School,'000- The total industrial pro- j ducliou of Australia for the RrnrH" win Frown Down year ; I eit.ded June I, is shown to have Dances, v.oncervs or oo- ,,ecn ? , -,0oo.OOrt. clal Gatherings MODERN LIFE INSURANCE YF.H.MILLJON, Alia., Oct. 7. -- Life Insurance Agent - One I'he pleasure-seeking proclivities moment, sir. before I fill in your of the present generation is re-Jappliealion. What ninke of car sponsible for Ihe failure of the do you drive? average scholar to pass his) Client I don't drive any. I school examinations, in the hale them) opinion of J. W. (i. Morrison,! Life Insurance Agent Sorry, chairman of the Vermilion school but our company no longer inboard. Isures pedestrians! Yorkshire Al a recent meeting of the Post. ratepayers of this community, he V Imor Liberal member of the House announced that during his term Charles Kallstrom. while man. SI. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary ir Commons for Proveneher, b.ns.in office, dances, movies, con-(was fined $10 ami cosis, by In-j Hazaar. December 3. Ibeeu appoinled to the Senate lo certs or social gatherings, would dian Agent W. Ks Collisou in tho ' fill flic vacancy caused by IhV, be laboo -o far as their conduct provincial court yesterday for, Lutheran Church Uaaar, Dt';ember 4 Ladies' id death of Ihe lute Smator Hra'd-itu local schools was coueciped. Hieing intoxicated on Ihe Metlu-buey ot Selkirk. ... I'he insatiable desire tor katla Indian lleserve. ' Lumber ' Bricks Cement Lime Plaster Stock ydariwlnler's supply of NandimO'Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Coli Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. worldly pleasure, Mr. Morrison maintained, was becoming a serious menace to the intellectual advancement of the rising generation. Quoliu? departmental returns, he pointed out that of 500 pacrs turned in durimg the summer examinations, only 255 had passed. ; One of the outstanding reasons for the failures, be declared, was the lack of proper handling by parents. Hard, diligent ap-i plication to studies was csseu-i lial to successful student life, hei Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 Garss Mackinaw ii STAG Shirts Goats Pure Wool - lleasouablo Prices ENGLISH TRENCH COATS Just Arrived We are Supporting Gyro Carnival Steve King Phone Green 85. Wood! Wood! Now is your chanco DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load $3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per load C50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avonue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES.