Blthcp Bldwoll of Drops Out When Church :i .ili.;f( fruit combine wa :s d- d uutil Thursday when 1 1- will be cnlorcd or a tie made by K. P. Davis,' "un8e, lu iiuath llie, iiirni A 11 1 nil ha arisen as to ' in "Used were entitled lo 1 ' ; ji a county court judge i' 'iiei. as the crown insist.. It uld tic heard before llic' 'uet petit jury. BOMBS EXPLODE ON FRENCH SHIP llOHDIM ,, (n i. ship with bomb destined for I neb toi rs in Morocco es-: 1 in the harbor here. It I xeil that many of lliose is ''"I the ship were wounded. LUMBERMAN DROPS DEAD AT VANCOUVER VANCOl Vl;il, Oct. 7. Hurry "I'liitmdi. iirominent Vancouver 'tunberiuan, itropprd dead In the 'Durllmiise yeslerduy as he was running Ihrough Ihe corridor in 'espouse (, u consliibb who was filling bun I,, take his place on "ic jury at the hearing of a maiiblaughlor cae. MrKenwii ami CommUnione: Oliver affectum grain and flour. Xifr before com in 2 to llrilili new of Ihe very miion mir m iiiiis 1lr mlnkrt .ui ,,a ,P uie uiocer 1 remp. a enalig " a ee;llll!' "i or ihe Aiwnran; ,... ihs .1 .iLiKoni. r ihe ' "l 4 rlu. IVMHervafive leader and Ihe poll- - . I. lenderrd In- re- of ,hl. flon-ervalive wrly": I .II..W111R the aii-(,hr .rpuftd w, - diMrtbute in ' Unit Mr-. HidwelLj, form j,,,, fktl rtl enoonh lo "VrHed to the Unman) ?me9l f, rrinnuul eoe a serle hiireli. jf kfihi Involving unenleulateil I million l brown mil a a reward j fur uoverninenl support, " n1"' jtbird "lo kep the air filled with l,i1 . of virtiir rmanatiiiz 4 hotly fnini the government and iiipiHer."' MlllTH IIATTLKHHID. Ilrt. 7. I rgently pleading fur Liberal support from the West Premier Mac-k en lie King . Ial night again pressed his cause in Saskatchewan. "I hobl out no' haml or fellowship from Ihe Knsl :iml I nk 'u to clasp il," he exclaimed. "I plead with you for a larger voice from Ihe vvesl in Ihe government of our Dominion because I want to see a united Canada.'' 4. 4. 4. AMUNDSEN'S MAUDE It.C. Silver Duuwelt .... llnclltin ... L, A I.. Premier .... SI I ve re rest Surf luld flludtono . liunbia bad be referrwl lo that' Ian l.ake iHiwer plant for ovcr-i order and Ihe only utterance, haul. Il will be out of operation Kingston smut then had lieen lo the ef-.for two or three week and Ibr Wife it fe- that the basis on which Ihe dry dock iMiwer . plant will be """"" " nwnier or 1101 iuc Conirted to Calhollo I faMreu. j qsc-f-nitiniw ana irroiHminiini ny PiiHwauans piani win im nuie 10 ilhe railway roHiiiliti and that; handle the elevator will depend a.tittMt! llHnrfnrMirdl K.' nmtjtw Sii!um nlh iUmsn.L Wl.lLJll.l II. n 11 ' Mlt., Oct. I. --l lie -41 ... ,.l li.rui.u j...i.l,l ..nil' ii.lll -I...M.I r... .. ,.f I IMKbOi r. J. injure ... ...r- 1 llir 1, ..m.I orenlice 1 ... .f of IL. the com. .,,il ll. ... i . . ..... I ... f II. ilt. : uiivrrnnwni Kvrnmnfi. campaign rmiipnitm had iiau lllg" of lHWMHIj,,W. fMr.B nn, Hy im.. accepted " f - ac. flr UM i misrepresent FRUIT COMBINE 'llimllle . .LiikiiI ! ui.,1 u liitlal UP THURSDAY rit win Da tniered or motion to Quash Indictment Heard by Judgo j V.;n VI H, (tel. 7 The case l yen individuals and 1 iiarped by the government HAND OF EAST IS HELD OUT TO WEST BY MACKENZIE KING ATTACHED FOR DEBT SIlATTLi:. Oct. 7. Amund sen' exploration ship Maude was yesterday attached for debts to the amount of 5.oon at the instance of various supply houses. STOCK MARKET Hid. Asked. I .OS 1.15 1.10 1.50 .l 2.2l 2.311 .07 M .10 .07 .07l .25 .27 iManl will be abb to lukr rare of the nilualion including Ihe ele vator, Mr. Howe is aNo preiiifig on Ihe railwu) rompany Ihe neceM-ily of havinc Ihe work on neres- ary ur lines lo Ihe elevator completed n lim o at lo cause no delay to .-dripping. Bunkering Ships had lwn al first thought il I bunkering raiu boat) with coal might hae preseuleil a difficulty here but il i learned that Ihe m0t of the aratn ships call ing on Ihe I'acifir roast burtker with clieap roat in the Urb'iit or on the Allantie eoat before eomiitg here. There is caid to be little tiunkeriiU of grain ship veil at Vancouver. Xo doubt arrangement will be made lo take care of uuy boat here that may require bunkering. Ily the lime it i necejsary. arraugeiuents for lining ship at Mil port will also probably have been made. GRAIN BOARD Government Officials to Make Preliminary Arrangements For Operation of Elevator Here To make preliminary arrangements for the operation of the terminal grain elevator al this port which is now ueariiiig completion, 1'. C T. O'llara. deputy minister of trade and commerce, Leslie Hnyil and James llobinson, members of the grain 101111111.-slou, and II. Hellieringtou. igen- T " O , Boston Grill AmbulaK'll' Large Cpstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing l - I Bm I Unl.l O-J .. . II floor for hire. OllUU MUf"l awvi wiu nili NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and Oth St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VI DECK. Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper YDI XV. NO, 233. I'HIXCK It LP K I IT, H.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOHKIt 7, 1U25.'. ciui.ii.., istz atfMt tttM 803 PBICK FIVK CENTS. WASHINGTON WINS FIRST BASEBALL GAME VARIED VIEWS OF CONSERVATIVE AND! PROGRESSIVE SPEAKERS AT MEETINGS Meighen Declares Self Against Equalization Freight Rates Order ELEVATOR TO HANDLE GRAIN END OF MONTH C. D. Howe Arranges With City ' j For Supply of Power From TAnfJC (ImlPrnmPnt shmtltl hnilo tnhon nn nntinn November 1 lllllinw v w s.v ftMVb iuni.ll III Utlllll but left matter wholly to Railway Board H gniiii and liur rule at a meeting here last night. j ui'l uf hi- speech In Ihe iiiesliou of freight rale , . ,cd of ini-rejiiesentatiiiii of the Conservative policy -H i. from the "l-'abriralion factory" of Ihe Liberal P !e "busiest farlory in Canada today." - Mr. Mew lien said he had been nrOir'M A TIAUT !sr-ui or opposing the recent KPMIi IMIX I II 1 order of Chief lommi-sioiwr IS ACCEPTED Preparations are acUtcly under way wan a view lo liaviug tile I'lfkHlur ImlKlllliu III. MlTOlUA, Oct. 7. If tin principle ol Iretghl rale fixuliou most immliaiey alier it is, h ii)lied to tin- whole Domiiiion i! annul lie applied u I completed next monlii. It is an-j j li-.n. Arthur Meighcn. relerriug to a recent order! lleinaiud bv c. Ij. Iliiut Hull (he plain will be in operation ouj a shipping bans Mil n after the; Contractor are released and hc ix already tanking arrangements) to that effect. ' Mr. Howe bus been assured by Hie ulilitirs rummillee uf the til) i that it will be ready to furmslij power to the plant on .No. ember' I. Ou that date il I the city j intention to close up the Shawat- i. m' Miuiiieiuui ub 'hroogli the lree( tenliired the annual fall and winter fn-liion show 111 Berlin, (ierniany. The fla-i- for Ihe fuller skirl is t-hown . Washington Winner of First Game in World Series Baseball Played this Afternoon by Score of 4 to 1 lUTTSIUiltli. Ort. 7. Waller Johnson pit. hed the world's i-liampioii Washington .Senators to a brilliant virion, over l'ill- luit.'T l)ir:il.ft laulm' fulii lib mi! ill lilt firl V11I110 uf I 11 I 117. ferred mure particularly lo local problem such as the railway and fiherie and iort develop- cliaintiionhi' i-er$eiii before a cruwd urttJ.DtiO .llrp!c,, miluf iRSfnwnl. He aertd that the Mae- field lo tapanly. I he gaiiu saw the lNickerson Campaign is Opened Here Meeting in Empress Theatre Answers criticisms of his record and atlac s Liberal policy in maiden speech here last evening j "I am going to tell you if you eld t Hushby or Stork, on j October a I know you will not do, you will be saying ihut 'we like Ihe treatment ou have been giving u. Hive us some ; more. Take all there i Iefl in l'rini e ittipert to Vancouver. ' lledure Ihe train -ervice further. We like you o well thai we ! send you back another supporter.' " Thus did (i. W. Xitkersoii, Progressive eaudidale for Skeena riding in Ihe forlhcomiug I federal election, close his first address to the electors of Prince j Ituperl al a meeting held lat evening in the Hnipres. Thealre. I Mr. Xickerson was greeted with an auilience that filled tb-liTirr l ATiHTf TITn tloatre to rapacity and be wa Wll I I lllMlliNllr given a very attentive bearing., lie zave a rreditable addres and, i while dealing with the political situation in Canada generally, re kenzie King government had for- downfall of Ihe favorite National, aken Hie Laurier jiolicy vvilh 1 1 AMU VV1UU1VU CLOSED SEASON Two More Years Provided for Under Terms of Treaty and In Meantime Report Expected League tUiam-noiis. who were harried and held to rive hils by: respect lo the development of the, VAXCOl'VEIL Oct. 7. The Johnson, while Ihe Senators luniniereil Lee Meadows, the be-T. P. llailvvay and Ihe port ;,..,,., season for halibut, which spectacled Pinile fliuger and his Miceesor safe blows, inosl of lliem where they counted inoL (Jovernor Pincbol threw (lie - first ball, Washington going to bat niakins no run and no hits. J idin -on larted for Wasluntun with a fast ball and walked llarey but no one else got lo liases, he being put out when he tried lo steal second. There were no errors. Washington got Hie first run and firsl bit in the second inn-ins when Joe Harris hit a lung drive into the lileacliers which went for a home run. Traym r hit a single for Pittsburg but Iherc wa no scoring for Ihe Pirates. Then were no errors. SNOW AGAIN FALLS PRAIRIE PROVINCES WIXM PI.O. Oct. 7. Snow was general throughout Ihe vcleni provime again lust V.VXCOt Villi. Oct. 7. Indictment charging Wong Ponn Sing with murdering Janet Smith will be presented to .the (Irand Jury Thursday morning. BOAT IS LATE. Delayed by heavy fogs down Ihe con I, C.N. 11. sleamer Prince Ituperl. Cant. D. Donald, is not expected in port until l.t5 this afternoon. The train for the era! manager of government! Last will await the arrival oT the elevators, ale due in the city by j boat. train Ibis afternoon from Ihe llasl. It is expected that Ihey will proceed to Vancouver ou Ihe steamer Prince Ituperl tomorrow night. The officials- will be met here by C. D. Howe, head of the firm designing the local elevator, and probably by Ihe grain committee of Ihe board of I rude. It I expected Dial Ihe commission will be In a position, before leaving here, to give some de-lulls a to the method rtf management and personnel of the, local grain bundling plant. r J. Morrison for eight, Jf Prince Ituperl and dial tlie,vva, Pnforced for the first lime BIG PARTY OF HUNTERS HERE Pennsylvania Men Were Successful In Casslar Region Motorshlp Prince of Wales Arr'ves ! night and this morning, putting. Willianisporl, Pa.; a further operalions. hull lo COMES TQDAYjanet smith murder 1 harvesting tieise of Sunbury, Pa.; Dr. I.ewts INDICTMENT THURSDAY After having spent some six weeks in the Uassiar region on a successful big game hunting expedition, a large parly of Pen-iisylvaniaus arrived 11 the "city on t lie niotorsliip Prince ol Wales from Alaska this morn-in? and will proceed Knst li) C.N. II. train this afternoon. The parly consists of II. L. Itiley, l. W. Hell. J. August Peek, (ieorge Welker and S. H, Wurman of Dr. S. 11. Hullon or SI. Louis. Mo.; R. N. Hums of Hostoti. Mass.; X. K. Hess Of the Slate College of Pen nsylvania, and John Hess of Al- toona. Pa. Arriving here with the parly was .Mr. lion man, a u...n. mov ing niclure man, who is taking picture around the town today and will go tonight to Anyox and Stewart before proceeding south The Prince of Wales also brought here the following per soi's who expect lo sail for I lie south on Ihe Prince lluperl lo morrow night: Mrs. C. Hurganne of Wrangell; Albert Mac and (eorge Xess of Ketchikan: C W Ketch of Seattle and Herbert Johnston of Los Angeles. dvrll In th Dallv Nw PUBLIC MEETING Westholme Theatre TONIGHT, WEDNESDAY At 8 o'clock sharp Speakers: Hon. H. H. STEVENS and GEO. G. BUSHBY Seal? reserved for ladies. Everybody welcome only hope for that policy as'ia veaP um)er lUe iaiibui well a oilier true Liberal aims! was lo pui Me progressives 111 power. He criticized the manner- in which the fisheries had been conducted by Ihe government and defended his own ac tivities of the past ou local mai lers. W. H. Montgomery spoke in support of Mr. Xickersoii's candidature and the meeting was presided overy by P. H. Linzey. Good Audience In opening his address, Mr. Xickersou observed I hat he had at least Hie assurance of a good audience. A week aao he had been severely attacked from the ame platform. There was lo be observed a great difrerenre between the manner in which Ihe campaign was now being con ducted as compared with the campaign four years ago. Then the grcal cry of the Liberals' had been thai I hey should be put in office" so Ihey could continue the work that hud been started by Sir WiHrid Laurier. Now the Liberal campaign was principally against Xickersou. He coufd 1101 but feel flattered. . To those who had followed and supported Liberalism in the pasl it was indeed sad lo see Ihe great old party which hud had such wonderful leaders in the past being reduced lo Ihe level of personal "Mr. Pat more took a great fall out of me lust week." said Mr. Xickerson. "Lei me I ell him if he is in the audience tonight that when he has spent as much ef fort, time and money as I have in Ihe development of tins con stituency it will be lime Tor him to get up on the platform and start abusing me. My all is in Prince lluperl district. I bad faith in the city when I came here first ami 1 still have faith In il. It is different. I venture lo say, with Mr. Palniore, who I" gradually unloading here and investing Ihe money he earned from local citizens in Ihe city of Vancouver. Does it behoove him lo question why I offer mysell as a candidate in this election? Have I nol the rigid lo do as I see fit in order lo protect the future of this city as well as my own?" Political Criticisms Mr. Nlckerson declared that ho (continued on page two) treaty will be continued for the next two years in compliance vvilh the lerrus of ItuV treaty, it was decided at the final meeting of Hie international halibut com mission. The closed season will be from Xovember 15 to February 15. (iood progress ; is reported front the investigations- made so far. More than 3.000 fish have been tagged and the ear bones of 3,000 more, by which Ihe age of Ihe fish is determined, have been secured. According to ". A. Found, director of fisheries for Canada, Hie commission hopes, will present a fairly comprehensive report within three years. ASK NEW TRIAL FOR MURDERERS Baker and Sowash Cases Are Now Before Appeal Court in Vancouver VANCOL VKH. Del. 7. 4 Vi no ment on an appeal of II r dei-i'j sentence or the two nujn Baler and Sowash, CjOuyicded y tut-court ol murdering' Cap; n Oil. lis and Ins son on no. 1 fw schooner Heryl (., near Huino. under which a new;trial asked, opened yesterday and is ikely to continue lor two days. Counsel for Haker hi fifty rounds for appeal am 'oitn,,,l for Sowash will pneii' ttilrlj. BODY FOUND AFTER . SEVERAL YEARS ON BANKS YUKON RIVER DAWSON. Oct. 7 The body of Joseph Wilson, furl agent roe lite While Pass anil Vlikon flail-way who wa drowned on September 23. H2I, vvhen Ihe launch wu wrecked near Mink llapbl wa round on the banks of the Yukon near the scent, of the ae-ridenl by a prospector. The body of Wilson's companion D11-montier. also ip'owued al - the sanie unie. was found a year or two ago.