Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. FiveRoses Flour for BREADS, CAKES, PUDDINGS, PASTRIES Thriving children prefer I he bread you make wit lithe Roses Flour. It, is stored with the flavor, vitality and easily digested nourishment of prime Manitoba wheat. John L. Christie Agent WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for AJAX HEAVIES Pronounced by experts lo be the greatest advancement made in shot shells in Hie past 40 years. 12 gauge only. Kaien Hardware Co. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phono No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready at any lime to receive your phone call, to take your instructions, to take personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. Tillage, Warehousing, and OUtribuling. Team or Motor Bervfoa. Coal, Band and Gravel We Speolallxa In Piano and Furniture Coving. 'C1M5 ar UTt. Future .Inc. C, Bm.. 9" ' been mayor of Prince ltupert iiurn than tiny other citizen and has ervcd six terms, will to remain (here some time Inn ger. On account of his absence from Ihe city he has been in tending (o resign. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert n. Wilson, X. Mufrhie. A. A Cox, and Dr. O. A. Pelrie, Van. miner; Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hri lol, Shelley; Mr. and Mrs. Holy- oake, Winnipeg; Kd. Anderson Inverness; Mrs. Rome O. Hrown Minneapolis; 11. A. Horstmati, 0" Moor and H. I.a llosse, Stewari Martin Running and Edwar. Running, city. Central K. Honallo, Harold F. RhawH and R. L. Dickson, city; T. Van Djk, Pnnre Cenrge; J. Roberts Masselt. Advertite in the Dally .Vewi. IHILL 60 BAZAAR SIMMERS SOON! WAS SUCCESSFUL Local People Will Now Interest Sum Slightly In Excess of S100 Themselves In Arena of Municipal Politics , With the bigger federal eleo- ion kettle off the sluve for (he Reallzed at Affair Held on Saturday Afternoon Hill CO Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Kmpirc, held a ime being at leasl, the civic successful bazaar on Saturday election pot will soon begin to! afternoon in the SI. Andrew's imnier. To start with there is) Hall, a sum slightly in excess of a good deal of uncertainty and iUIfli being realized. The hall s difficult U) say just yet who was very tastefully decorated in will be in the field for tlicwhcnor hallowe'en colors for the occa-of the chief magistracy although sion. there is said to be more than one Mrs. John Manson, regent of prominent citizen who has de-.IIill CO Chapter, was in general igiis on that more or less cov-. charge and also acted as cashier. ted position. v II is generally understood that Mayor !. M. Newton, who has Various committees were as fol lows: .Sewing Mrs. J. II. Macey, Miss Itila Johnstone and Miss Hartin. Candy Mrs. A. 1). 1'lant, Miss not be a candidate again. The Kdith Kelsey and Miss Frances names of three of (he aldermen are connected with the forth-coming mayoralty contest Aid Casey. Aid. McMordie and Aid. Stephens. If either of the first two mentioned run, they would have to resign from the council for they were elected for two year terms. Outside of the conn cil Wie names of Kx-mayor Harry Rochester and Owirge W-. Nick- erson, president of the. Prince Hupert Hoard of Trade, are mentioned. The Jailer, (h6ugh recently defeated in Ihe federal field, his supporters say would make a much stronger hid in the civic arena. He is said to have a number of ra'ther important matters concerning Ihe development of this port "on his chest" and he believes he might eret some action on them if he held 'be prestige of the mayor's ehair. Another possibility for ihe mayoralty is mentioned in the..person of V. HMnntgomery, who retires this year from the police commission. Heside Aid. Casey and Aid. McMordie-, (he two other two- year members of the council are Aid. Hrown and Aid. McKcehnie. The one year aldermen, who retire at the end of (his year, are Aid. Perry, Aid. Larsen, Aid. Stephen and Aid. Smith. It is expected (hey will all seejc The' school trustees retiring this year are C. II. Orme and V. E. Williams, the' latter of whom resigned on leaving (he cHy ome time ago. As said before, W. H. Mont gomery retires from the police commission this year. II is pos sible thai there will be an elec tion for Iwith police commis sioners next January for James Coombs, who was elected for two years at the last election, has been In (he military hospital at Shaushnessy -Heights, Vanrou ver, for some months and the latest word was that ii would probably foe necessary for him Cummiugs. Home cooking Mrs. 11. H. Smith. Raffles Miss Huldah Craham Decorations Miss Weather-head, Miss Marsh, Miss Martin and Miss HiveL Tea rooms Mrs. J. McAulay, Miss Mary Sim, Miss Wealhcr-head, Mrs. M: C. McAulay, Miss Donaldson, Miss Caroline Mit chell and Miss McKenzie. Drawings for raffles resulted as follows: Luncheon set Edith Kelsey. Hox of candy won won LADIES' AID HONORS It. Dalgarnn. by Miss by Mrs. Waller Hume. Pillowslip won by Miss Agnes DonahNon. Child's dress, donated by Mrs. Sieve King, won by Miss Agnes Donaldson. Table cover won iiy Mrs. Harold Held of Anyox. MRS. H H GRANT Presentation of Beautiful Ster ling Silver Toilet and Manicure Set Made at Tea on Saturday It. firant. Mrs. JK McD. Huhler acted as hostess, Mrs. William Millar presided at the lea tables and those assisting in serving were Mrs. A, Finnie. Mrs. J. L. Lee and Mrs. After lea was serveif, Mrs. SPORT CHAT Sport fixtures for the week are as follows: Monday evening lonighl) Grib-bage league: Klks vs. K. of C: U.W.V.A. vs. Dry Dock; I..O.I. vs. C.X Operating; P.H. Hotel vs. St. Andrews: C.X. Mechanical vs. Moose: S. of C. vs. Cold Storage. Tuesday pvening. Junior Ilil- liards: Orollo . O.W.WA. Thursday evening Men's Whist: Elks vs. S.O.E.; K. of C. vs. O.W.V.; Oddfellow vs. K. of P.; S. of C. vs. St. Andrews; Moose v. I..11.L. , Junior Milliard Cold Storage vs. Prince Hupert Fish Co. Friday evening. Ladies Whist: Moose. Indies vs. Orange Ladies; Pyllnan Sisters vs. D.O.K. Another fond sporting legend has been exploded. 'Hie word pig-skin"" is a misnomer, for n Ixiotball be it either Ihe oval-shaped Rugby ball, or the Dutrh-Cheese-Uko Soccer implement This was announced by certain manufacturing gentlemen inter- jesfed in running a leather-pro ducers exhibition. Originally it seems, the football was made from a pig's bladder. Then gradually because they did not last very long. Ibis was encased In Ihe sking of (he animal, but such a combination has been out of use fnr many years. late ly Ihe outer-covers of Ihe fool- balls have len made of cowhide and of the best double-grained quality. The old name however has been retained and nearly everybody attending or reading about a football game is convinced that it is correct. In The Letter Box P.R. MUSIC CLUB. 50-T Angus Ave Shauglmessy Heights, Vancouver, H.C Editor. Daily News. Through some misunderstand ing the organization of the Ladies' Musjenl Club of Prince Rupert has been credited toother narties. In 1915 when the Hie Ladies' Aid of the Pres- Ladies' Wednesday.. Music Clul ujirridu i,uumi neni u larewru was organized there was no ea on Satunlay afternoon in thejLndies' Music Club In Prinee Church Hall in lionOr of Mrs. H.lRubert. The Club was onranlzed 1 j- me alopg dlffercH line from ' an ii earlerde,(u?'5i elub. ''- The name was changed from the "Wednesday Music Club" to the "Ladies' Music Club" a few years later by vote of I ho club I was the firsl president of this club and continued lo lie Prrsl- Oeonge Rorie read an address ofident until 1921 when I resigned appreciation and Mrs. Fred herauc of an attempt by some Mork, on behalf of the LadiesMof Ihe members to change Ihe Aid of (he Church, presented policy and objects of (he club. Mrs. Oranl with a beautiful sler-j MRS. W. J. WILLIAMS. ling silver toilet and manicurej Mus. Hac set. Mrs. Oranl replied suitably (hanking (he ladies for Iheir. Hoy Lancaster arrived in Hie kindness and help and staling.cily on last evening's train from that she would always relain'Smlthers pleasant memories of her eleven years residence in Prince, Ru pert. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port a' 2:15 yesterday afternoon from Ihe south and sailed al 8 for Anyox, Alice Arm and Rtewarl. Among her passengers Ihe Car dena brought Ihe following: for Prince Ruperl IL II. Fuller, S. C. Thompson, W. P. Armour and! Mr. Roach : for siewan i . I'. I.arkin and R. ft. Holmes; for Anyox T. O'Hanley and Mrs. J. McKay. While going south lasl week, passengers, offirers atid member of (he crew of Ihe Cardena made a presentation to Ciipt. Dickson as a mark of appreciation of the services be ban rendered during bis long service at master of thip on (hit coait HuKt Tonight- Tomorrow Alright NRTtbUO ( tick hsadtchat, rtliav bilious attack, ten mmi rtfuUI th llmlaaUv arcana, "as yu laal naa. "taturTluii Pint far Uvar We" OKME8 LIMITED Wanted For Sale For Rent MKX and Women wanted lo learn barber Irade and 1eauty culture. Wonderful demand for barbers and lady hairdressers. Special low rate now on. Tool free. We have thirty-two school in Canada and U.S.A. Write or call Moler System of Colleire, In Hastings East, Vancouver, II. C. FOR SALE FOR SALE. Six falliac aw. five (Silchrisl jacks, peavie sledge, axes, blanket, one ton Font truck ami a lol of carpenters' tools. M. R. McIshL g30 Settmd Aveirtie. 2 IS FOUR roomed hotiM for sale on Eighth Avenue West, near Mr-Ilride. Apply (33 Eight! h Ave West after five o'clook. S7I FOR SALE. Edi..n Amlwrol. phunograph. ISfi records, ex cellent condition. Phone lllaek 319. 2(7 FOIl SALE. Ford Sedan and pleasure boat. Bargain. Phone Red 750. TO RENT TO REXT. Four roomed, fur nished, modern house, wi'h piano and large pantry. Also three room furnished, mod ern. Phone lilue 193. . tf FOIl REXT. Pianos, plnyer pianos, phonographs and sew ing machines. Walker Music Store. If FOR REXT. .New house at ISC Fifth Avenue West. Phone Red 720. LOST LOST. Siring of pearl, bend Je tween Section Two and Pres bylerian Church. Finder please return to Dally New offire or phone lilue C22. Reward. 265 MISCELLANEOUS 1110 PAY WORK FOR MEN. To the unemployed or men who work for labirer' pay when the world's greatest industry needs thousands of men al Gfc le fl.00 per hour, eily and country shops. We train yon for Jobs a iruok drivers auto-meclianic. ignition ex-perls, battery welding and vulcanising. We also teaet, bricklaying, tilesetling and plastering. Call or write for free catalogue. Hemphill Auto En gineering School, 10 Hustings Street East, Vancouver, H.c. BOARD HOARD The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. "Canada" a weekly Illustrated Journal .published in London, England, and devoted in the in terests of the Dominiou. has short stilislical article on fialiiny in this country with n spread of pictures from northern Hrlllsh Columbia including a picture of Halmoral Cannery, halibut mid salmon at Prince Rupert, and n fleet of salmon boats on I be JSkeena River. 19:'o Xash f've passenger By George McManus BRINGING UP FATHER Get You Your Had Name Better on our list Fr , jss llrcouLvJ I $S!d 1 1 1 r I NIP ! NOT HKVC HOW TO MrH-f TOLD TAXC TVMEa OU For Dry Kindling Kvery piece kiln dried and easily split. Large load $6.00 delivered, or 5 bundles already fplit for !M.OO delivered. "Tail" Call 112. Always open and ready lo give service all hours. One or two passengers anywhere 50c. Clean Sedans, polite drivers. COAL We have a new coal on hand 911.00 per Ion delivered. Xo dirl and very lijlle smoke. A perfect range coal, nul size and extremely hot. Order a ton now! Drayage of all kinds attended lo promptly. II. . I II "I 1 I H I II . I I'-.M III I X I S f i rr . fll I I f 111 "nLA-iMMFn I 11 I I R L 9 I H 111 IMt rtSPkM ITTTTi k.ilB II 'Hill I -XV l 11 1 M A , I I iyTV.sTtm W ' " i i j i ry ui i sni n . - ii i v u a r. . ii i i m.- .ww. i i i a im rciv i i touring tK50 l-ta.'l Overland SUn $700 1-1922 Fi.rd Sedan t(Sft I -I ton Ford truck, panel body .. IS75 1-1918 McLaughlin light C, S pa ' . lt0 l-l'onl light delivery rhasis rebuilt 1175 All ear guaranteed in good mechanical condition. Make your own term. KAIEN GARAGE Font and Chevrolet Server SU- tw,n. (iiNidyear Tirea, (Jan, Oil and Ureases. WRECKING SERVICE DAT OR MOHT. Phone St. tf CARPENTERS WHEN naving your house repair ed, see A. II. MaePheratMi. Phone lllark 487. If TAXI Tail C7 Phono (Call Ceurge, Paul or Oust) Special A and 7 passenger Slude- baker at your service day and, njglit. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block , Aeross from Empre-i Hotel. FURNITURE AND RANGES. Home Furniture and stiilnbli fr every CliriJmii good daily. Kvery time m ktore i-ul in. most welcome. A. Furniture llmne. Ranges home. arnv inu you pa You are Mackenzie, If FANCY NEEDLEWORK An Ideal Gift for Your Overseas Fr'.ends Always iitiri'rild and easy to mail. See display al Women's Exchange Place your order here for Private Xioms Card. THE DOLLAR STORE. KINDLING WOOD All dry inside wood, kindling and block mixed, (6 00 per load delivered. Out-id.) wood. ft. 50 per .load delivered. .Norwegian style Sail Alaska Herring in 30-lb. ami HO-lb. kegs. 1 0c per lb. Seal ISAACSON Cove. Phone Mlark HIK" 2:'jr, a.m. 20.2 1:15 p.m. 21.8 Enw R:2o a.m. o.l ?0:55 p.iu. s.5 ' Tuesday, November 3 Hlfili 3:07 a.m. 9.0 M:B0 p.m. 21.2 I'w H;5H a.m. 7.0 2i:3l p.m. 3.2 Wednesday, November 4 Wffli 3:IH a.m. ih.u 15:20 p.m. 20.3 Low 9:37 u.m. H.o 22:14 p.m. 4.1 101 PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. 303 Third Avenue Sole agent for Columbia Record We repair Phonographs, lliryele. Ituggies, Racquet ami Musical Instruments of nil kind. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. . We liuy. Sell and Hi. change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO, PAPADOPULI8, R.10 Third Ave Phne AIM PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Monday, November 2. ft. ft ft ie tY err DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED . ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taCen for lets than 50c WAMTKB OLD Artificial Teeth llought. any condition. Highest prices sent by re'urn mail. It. Dunslan, P.O. Hox 310. Vancouver. Il.C Established thirty three years. HELP WANTED. FEMALE FOIl 'SALE. Hoover Eleetrle Vacuum Cleaner, No. 5 U, with all attachments, almost new. Owner moving to count rv. Cash or exchange radio. Applr Hox 281, Daily News Office. ?5 CARS FOR SALE. Article Loit to j Found,4c ROTH WELL'S TRAHsrj Coal - Wood Furniture Moving lavr'.u Stand:!. title n 352 IU- I- CAMERON TRAUFtR Phone sagflaoe, Furniture Ho.loj If you want an s y. or delivered, ,;t P.O. Hoi CVJ MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-OOOtO. MmM), VVmitr Miurri) Ta Va saM) Tar mtmt rruaj . tirloisar tt MtaMjra WlilM ndai T . ert liaaiM tm I rxi . ibariUr Ta AUaaa Patata I til. tr.t Ta QH CharMIt lU r'Ji- raWr ii a Ta SiMrt.aMi ertmla '. safnrrtaj: laJOMINO. rrm tka tact Mae)a. VVdr.U) t: ' I II I rrm V i tHajri . WtaHiaiJirs - .... iM-liAav la pram !, aim ams, i t in ' TMuHa rrt Fraai Aafat, etrt Sc3 air Palata t SllaraMr . k rran lak paM ortnh. r n y Trm Qucaa afUlli lataM r- rUm ta 1 frvm timn aa er !' HwailtFc . mo COLLECTION I Qraium & AUia Ar IN l. A llh SI (lh Aa. k raium i lib t. i TIWflrt.,R lllh 4 ?htUr.. nm Ava a ounJ "L th ilia ota A-la liar Co rirn--Ith Avr a Cnidin -i lib Ave. a XUHMrte A) rtn. Oot. BM. era. Oast. Wl.arf . O.T.I' W'btrf o. T r. uiihi tnd Hti Are. t Irul S M Ave k riiliin S' ri va. I Mh l. ... - t ii o n I' STEAMSHIP MOVEMENT! Far Vaacauvcr Sundijr- erlnra ''ft TuMir ijinlt-na I'ridtf I'iiii t r ilutla aa. ;iui ' aa. rrlnr' ftv-oi-l. tS as. lTlii.. Frcm VancouTcr suikiir . '(ici' VVMiitfadar , I'Mni1'" I; Thursday- :ataia Sltsrriar -a. rrt"' ' ' 1 siltiKlw rrin-.-- ' Ort. M -at. rnnn-- l"af Pert Slmpaon s Thurwlav aa lalali . mlaf- rram part simpaen ana " sainrdiy at. laliu for Alaika Wrdiievlaj t'rln Oil. 10-. . I'flnrmi Mi' Prom Alaala nnnday a. Prlnra Chu Ort. !- . I'rlm r-- Mi rar.U-.rt. As,.. . ' sunitijr . Oram , wnliHadra- . I'rinir - , TliMHlijr - a. rjrrtrnl , ( f'rulaya . Prlm-r Urn Tar Anyoi ( Thurd.ri as. Calala From Anjroa i siliirdayii . ci(ull For Stawart t , sittirtlnya a. prlnre oiai From Stawart Simrtiiya aa. Prlnra Cliarh For Quaan Charlolla lalanda Or. II , Prlnrr John From Quaan Charlotta lalania On. iv ia Pritci Jobs . , t . .i i' r i ' It' II