v i ooc uiI&eiT. uj your send youTOfV Of PWUUIttl i'5. ...... 1 Distributors fori (foimm K9L9RED i 5 Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Slock your winler't supply ot Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal zziXEiSEEBmmsmz;. GIVE A PARTY Hallowe'en ' MtlJlJl I'l (lllllig mi lli.il in -tenon lllgllt nik uij goblin- g.illicr round. IK ou will 1 1 it t Hailnvvcdi. INVITATIONS, TABLE NOVELTIES, SEFWIETTES, CREPE PAPER, MASKS, HATS, PUMKIN HEADS, DEVILS HEADS And for that night of mystery OUIJA. to tell what fate has In. store for y2U, . . (yiiTLa&aros.cua Steamship and Train Service SS. PRINCt RUPIRT inl PRINCE CHARLES Will Iratr PRINCE UPIRT VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, 'lOy al S a.m. aiul SUNDAT, 11 p S. PRINCE RUPERT T t STEWART Sll ANVOX, WEONISDAT, 10 pjn. I S. PRINCE CHARLES fur STEWART, SATURDAY, 10 p m. I I. PRINCE JOHN f' rllillllll) fur VANCOUVER ll QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASS1NOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DULY aicapt Sunday II vi t.ni. WlNNiPEO, all xiiii laiinii i aitaila. I ihimI siair AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMIHIP LINES. CUy Tislat Offlea, S2S Third Aa Prlnco Ryptrl. Phona 280 Canadian i Canadian! B. C. HllV4Tj Sailings from Prince Rupert ' irrcn;u wimtfiL jusuu. site it ' UHCO'JYrt nnntli .J UiTTlf Si. rltWESS KATKICt '' Buuui, Swanaon , Eai alta Balta, Otun Fill. Nimu, Alard Bay, CantntiAil ni.. uArt.uka atarv Saturday 11 am. " for all Itaamihlp Lla. W. O. orchard Carnaf of 4 Mi Straal nd 3rd UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. 'Of ANVOV. MIT rn.m.n .-A u... f'f f OUT SIMPSON, ANYOX. ALICE ARM. STtWART, Sunday, S p.m. Zn Ataaua. J. Bariilai. Aaanl. Prima Ruaarl, B.O. nr.ncp nr. mi qtiirf uiuiiiiiii iiiu n ii ii w ii li HAS REMOVED to building next jouj. . Frizzell Hulrlicr Shop, across from Ihe Hmprcs Hold Wo carry full lino of IGAR5 THRAPrnQ FRUITS PANDIRS 80CIAL ROOM IN met Zarelll now McCaTery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 ft SEATTLE aM inlirmrdial polnya eacti m. r..r PRINCE OlOROC, EDMONTON, Pacific Railway Coast Services OnJw J, l. 30 Oritkr II 23. Ntwnkcr 3 Full Information from aanarai oni, Aanua, Prlnca Ruparl, B.C. Dl... ri.l.i ThunHli a.m. CONNECTION Proprietor Local and Personal H.O. Undertakers. Phone 41. Try Valentin Dairy. Phone C37. tf Will P. llaylon' call at Prince lluperl Music Store for parcel. 250 Walklns Products. Heprc-senlalive P. C. Miller, Itluo 2J3. tf Don't forBetl Minstrel Serenade, United Church, Thursday and Friday at 8 p.m. ..Admission SOc and 25c. S. C. Thompson, who has been on a Irlp In Vancouver and Vic toria, returned U (tic eily im the Cardena yesterday afternoon. A. A. Cox, Vancouver arcliilecl arm ed on I lie Prince Churle Saturday afternoon, hi visit here being in connect ion with local building project. J. I). Wclenhaver, after :t huHineit Inn lo Vancouver Scut lie and Spokane, returned It the uity un Hie Printe .Cliarlc Saturday afternoon. . Vauglun Kavfe. afle NpenduiK a monlli vi.'ilinr with Iiiu hrother at l Vancouver, reluriied to !h- city on the I'nncc Ghaile SatunJay after- inxin. .Mr. and Slr. Jhmic llauiptun ami (.unity, who Iiuh been on an ixliii.li-d irii to the prairie and I lie noriliw,irn Male, returned to the rily on Hie Prinee Chartei Salurday afternoon. In no- Mr hernia ill of Hie Paei- fie Stexe.KirinK Co. and party of lonifhoretueH returned to, the eity from Ocean Falls on the Prince Chartrn Saturday after noon afier loadink 2.000 Ion of paper for Australia. Dr. is. A. Petrie of Vancouver. wtio is lo relieve al Hie ilatellon lllilal while Dr. H. C. Wrinch i away allemlintr the session oi lie legislature, armed in tl4 city mi Hie Prince Charles Saturday afu-riioon and prticeedeti lo Hie interior on Ibis luoriiiiiM-" Iram. 4- ANNOUNCEMENTS K. " I1 win-! drive and dance, Xn ember 2. AoKlican Church llazaar No-veinlier 5. Minstrel Serenade. United Church, November 5 & fi. (id.tfellows' wtiist drive and danre, Noveinbar 10. Presbyterian Church llazaar November 12. HovrI Purple llazaar Novein-ierl3. Screamingly funny fare. ' Jane,'" Weslliolme. November 10 Moo.e llazaar November 17 and 18. Haplisl Chureh Ladies' Aid Itaaar, November 20. St. Andrew's Ladles' Auxiliary llazaar. December 2. ' 1. ul heraii Church Ladies' Aid lln-.ar Deeetnbfr 1 This Boy mm Gets Lesson For obvious reasons wo cannot pive the name of Ue niullier whose s.-n liroimht liome three cans uf an eastern canned milk when she had sent him to uel Pacific Milk. Tlie boy is IK and works in a local factory. She writes III a t "he made him Ko back mid change it because lie should realize (hat his own position depends upon others j using Maie-ln-H.C. produces). We admire this mother. I Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladnor and Abbotsfo.'d. B.C. Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Dreakfast. Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specialty is Homo Made Ice Cream and Confection-ery. Wholesale' or Ilctall. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS& CHRISTOPHER Phona 17 Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi. Phone 1 34. tf Mr. Fred lork will receive on Wednesday, November I, from 3 U 0. Frank Phffcator of Terrace aailed lat of slit on Hie Prince Cliarlen for Vtitieouver. Mr. X. M. McLean returned on the Prince Cliarlc Saturday af leriioon after a trip south. J. F. Iticliard-', jr. and John ltulger, Jr., sailed last nisht by the Cardena on a trip to Stewart. Mrs. OoldIOGiiiK sale has been postponed to (Wait the arrival of her daughter Mr, (jeschcitz from Vancouver. Failing lo appear in the city police court ltii nionn.ig on a! charge of inlojicalion. C. lioueiie forfeited if 25 ba(L L'nion freighter Chilliwack. Capl. C. I). Smith, was in port yesterday afternoon southlxiiind from Stewart to nneouver. Sidney llazzett-joues returned lo tlie city on tan mglii s train after a week's business trip lo Kinither and other Interiot points. 1 Howard Prlngte arrival in Ihc eily on last night s (rain from Francois Lake. He U lo be mar ried here this week In Miss Haze! Moreno. Wilier Smilh of Ihe CN.lt. city lickel office, who nast Keen holi daying in the Portage In Prhirie ilislrfel, relurneil to the city on Saturday afternoon's train. Charles Miller of Queen Charlotte City, aTler spending e couple of days in Ihe eily on business, relumed lo Ihe Islands on Ihe Prince John Salurday night. , Mrs. Home (I. Urnvvn of Minneapolis, inolher of Mrs. Knie! Hlue of llyder. who is viHing in Ihe rily. reached here yesterday afternoon and is registered a' the Prince lluperl Hold. Many p e r s n s attended anoi her succesrul Scandinavian dance which was held Sal unlay night in the Metropole Hall. C K. Ylreberg was master of cere- innies ami muic wh4 funiishej by Hans Liudseth'.- Orchestra. The fire deparlmeni responded to five fire alarms during tile month of October. Only in one case was damage done, that hie ing on October 15 when a coal oil healer exploded In the resi dence of Olof Hanson,' Taylor Street. There were few Hallowe'en prank Saturday night. Alex. Mackenzie's car was removed from in front of his store on Third Avenue ami lalce found with slight damage done,Mov- ahlc bnilJincs in ' Menivman Park were overturned. The presentation hty a testimonial' to Hev. Dr. Grant will Inke place in the Presbyterian Chureh tonight at 8 p.m. There will be a .musical program ami refreshment will be served in Ihe Chureh Hall afiwiiils. All friends will be welcome.' Louis F. Coles, piano luner, elc. for many years with Hrins-mead, Loudon. Kngland: Martin- Orme, Ollnwa, and Mason and Hisch, Toono; repairs uinl ad-mljiisliiieiils or Phiyer pianos mid (jranils a specially. Mr. Coles has Just returned from Prince (leorge and nil orders may be left at the Central Hotel. J. It. Mitchell, local contractor, failed on (he Prince John Saturday iil.'tit for Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Inlands. Farewell social lo the Key. Dr. (Irani in St. Andrew's Ilooing or Wednesday evening- All mem-herH and I.adic.t' Auxiliary are requested lo attend. Police Maxlttrale and Mrs. Tliomas McClymont, who have been on a' trip lo New York and points in Failern Canada, came as far as Jasper on the train which arrived here Saturday af ternoon and branched olT there for Vancouver. Mr. MeCIyiuonl will probably return to the city thix week while Mrs. McClymoiu will remain for a while longer vi.iifing with relatives in Van- couved. . W. P. Armour, who went south aboard the Prince Itupcrt Hoat llou.c power boat Pacheua which lowed the local halibut echooncr I.ysekil to Vancouver after she had sustained a broken crank shaft, returned to Ihc city aboard the Cardena yesterday afternoon Jus! after having set out from Vancouver bound home aboard the Pachcna, Mr. Armour fell in to the hatch and sustained two broken rib. This necessitated him going back to Vancouver and coming home by steamer while Capt. Henry Clifton and Kmie Dorreen are bringing the Pache- na back here. PRINCE GEORGE Pal Welch was found guilty last week of selling Ihjuor and was fined if'JUO by Police Mag is irate Moran. P. J. hurley, origanizcr of the Elks' Lodge, is a visitor in Prince (icorge with a -view lo es tabtisiiing a branch of the order here. Joe lloyd is lo operate a port able sawmill cutting lies in the Willow lliver section. Mrs. Nordeen. mother of Mrs Uauisland and Leonard Nordeen of Prince George, died in Ceil tral Prince George on Wednesday afternoon. She was 71 years of ape and eainc here from Saskatchewan a year ago. Provincial (Unstable Muirhead das Jpfl for Fort Grahame to serve Minimon-es on employees of (be Hudson Hay Co. required as wilnesses in the prosecution of Hugh Muir on a charge of Ihefl or 3.H00 from the company. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. DIGllY ISLAND. Cloudy, calm, barometer. 30.12: temperature. 10; sea smooth: 0:10 p.m. spoke slcamer Anyox lowing Griffnil. Anyox for Vancouver, 3H5 mile frtmi Vancouver at 8 p.m.: ! p.m. fpoke lug Lome, Lcvan In-'et for ' Captain's Cove: 10.10 p.m. spoke steamer Cardena, leri Prince lluperl 8 p.m. north bound: D:5(i p.m. spoke steamer Prince John left Massetl InleJ 'J:30 p.m. southbound: 1:30 a.m. poke steamer City of Vancouver. Vancouver for Yokohama, 06$ miles from Vancouver HULL HAHItOH. Pari cloudy, fresh southeast wind: barometer. 30.02; temperature. l3;vinoderalr swell: fi p.m. spoke steamer Victoria 278 miles south of Ketchikan northbound; C.30 p.m. spoke steamer Princes.- Healrice abeam Pine Island southbound: 6 p.m. spoke tug Cape Scoit at Tahoosh Harbor; 0 p.m. spoke steamer Canadian Hover, Ocean Falls for slorin, til miles from Astoria: 8:15 p.m. spoke steamer Gray left Hose Harbor for Naden Harbor. DKAD TllKC POINT. Clear, calm; barometer, :io.00; temper- ilure, 30; son smooth. Noon DIGhY ISLAND. Itaunntr. calm; barometer, 30.11; temper ature, 1(5; sea smooth. DI.AD THF.K POINT. Clear. calm; barometer. 30.02; temper ature 11; sea smooth. dverlie in Mio Dallv News SmneOmig elsetobe ThanMul ifaii!!!NHSB 2ih1 ShocftJish Treservtt Shati 4. PAQR THRU? SfBH A Novel k-!:?l JlsHn WISf tirftX iffiws 'Spy i'105' os-w i3B raua-r.-ui.ts, MlVKI NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C WICKER Chairs and Rockers - , Wicker Library Tables We must make room for Fall Goods and are selling off llns line of furniture at Reduced Prices BARRIE S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Sweetest JJaid fhocolates Assorted Fno-y Outres, per Full O' Xuls ami Fruits, pep Super A.-sorted, per box Ilanl ami Nut Centres, per box . . . Nuts from Ihe Orient, per box . . . Cherry Cocktails, per box Little Mils from (he I '.a si, per box Unusual Fancy Centres) Two New Lines Sweetest Mliid Fruit Drops, ussorlcd ami l.enion flavors, per II 40o Meltaway Mini--, per lb. & Safe Way Of Dealipg With ooueHs&oeLDS.' THERE is no safer treatment for colds, chills, ore throats and bad coughs than to take a few Peps tablets. . Peps soothe the tender.'hroat and air-tubes "ind remove mischievous germs. Tbey keep the delicate respiratory .organs healthy and protect .chest and luQgs from harm in this trying wintry weather. Sealed up in every Peps tablet are powerful medicinal fumes which are carried with the breath straight into chest and lunas. That is the secret of their valuable ' direct ' action NO HARMFUL DEUGS Fret from t um,thtmrm ther Harmful tug$. mvt tpUndtd tow Id Stab'tt and 0tkr emtnrnt muthorttt4$ mckn trtWjM flit's tk $mft und mol effftttv throat mnd chMt rtmcdf and - Phone 123. hox $1.00 box $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.50 $1.50 $1.75 ' f 50c Ormes Limited Wholosale and Retail Druggists The Uexall Store Pioneer Druggists Phones 82 and 200