'AO HtX tor cuily irrwa rt-i ..ii.nin.uut Ladies' Handbags Latest Designs Lowest Prices Eye Glasses Must fit perfect. Our Optician has had over "& years' experience in t lie larse centres lesling eyes and filtinj; glares. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of tho North Figured Chrystela Soinelhinip now in a figured Hayon and t'.oHon mixture for afternoon dresses or hlotiscs. 30 inches, per yard $1.75 West of England Store Third Ave. Phone 753 WHY NOT SAVE MONEY ? Visit or plume our sfore and see for yourself. AYc have a complete line of groceries, fruit and vego-lahles, fresh meat, candy, toys, dry goods and carpels. Our prices will satisfy you. ANYTHING YOU WANT WE HAVE IT Glvo Us A Trial Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phones 18 and S4 ROCHON'S Chocolates Wc are sole ugents in I'rlnce Huncrl for these delicious sweets. Hulk Creams, per lb. . . 75o ltulk Assorted Nuts and t'rennts, per Ui. ... $1.00 1-2 lb. Jtoxes Assorted Chocolates 60c 1 lb. 1 tuxes Assorted Choro-lulus $1.00 2 lb. Muxes Assorted Chocolates $2.00 Hoeliou'e famous Almond Crisp, per II) $1.00 The-sc goods are all specialities made from pure whipping cream and cream-cry hultcr. Phone 94 Rupert Pharmacy Third Avenue and 5th St. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Holgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Omco Hours 9 lo C. X-Ray Ssrvlce. Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday iind Saturday hveningi FURTHER LIST j NEW MEMBERS Results In Number of Close and Doubtful Seats Settled Since End of Week OTTAWA, Nov. 2. Final results in a number of close contests where uifaerlainty existed as lo tho winners until tho last polls were heard from has caused a few. alterations in the lists of new members of tho next parliament as issued at the! end of Hie week. Late rclurnssliov tho following as winners: Ontario Nipissing I'.. A. Lapierre, Liberal, instead of John Ferguson, Conservative, no cliaiugc- Hiuce North James Malcolm, Liberal, instead of Col. Hugh Clark, Conservative, no change. Huron North John W. King, Progressive, instead of (J. W. S p o 1 1 o n, Conservative, no change. Middlesex West J. C. Kllioll, Liberal, instead of A, L. Mc-' Dougall, Progressive, Progres sive loss. Quebeo Wright F. W. Perres, Liberal, instead of F. A. Labelle, Con servative, no change. Alberta MrLeod (5. O. Coole, Progres sive, no change. Peace Kivcr J, A. Collins, Conservative, Progressive loss. Athabasca ( W. Cross. Lib eral. Progressive loss. Camrose W. T. Lucas, Pro gressivc, new seat. Hed Deer A. Speaknian, Pro gressive, no change. vegreville A. M. Itoulillicr, Progressive, no chance. Hallle It Ivor Jl. 'F.. Spencer, NOTICE. I.N Till: MATTEIt of in annllralloii fur I he Issue of i'rovlsloiul CertUlcales of line for Lot 3. BI.H'k 2: Lots fi and lu. II lock 8; Uils 1 and , Block II: Lot- 6. 7 and 8. Blotk 12: Lot I and f. mots ia: Lots a aim 4. uiork 16: Lola 4. 7. 8. II and 12. Blork II: Lots li and 12, Blork 20; Lois and 10, II lock 21; Lois 10, II and 12. Block 22: Lot I. 3 and . Blork 21; and Lot 3. Blosk . all In the First Addition, Townslle ol l orl Simpson, Map 413; And. the Cast ball or part 12 acres or Lot S. Hang? 1, Coast District. alltrarlory nroor or ihe loss of the rtiflrales or Title roverlnr th atmvi. land" Jiavins; lieen produced to me. It I; my Intention lo issue, after the exnlratlon of one month front the first publication hereof. Provisional Certificates of Tltl ItlSCiC. Land llea-l.il v Offirp. Prltir B.C- 25111 September, lets. II. v MarLEOO. rteltrir or T-tle LAND ACT. 1 In the Atlln Land District or Casslar. TAKE NOTICE that I, Ellphlet .Noll otter, or .New York. .N.V.. I1.S.A wm. patlon tinker. Intends to apply for permission to, purchase the lolloping- described lands: Conimeuciiiir at a rmt nlantcil ilml ft. chains south of Koine a point on the west sine -ji tagisn Lane, about eleven miles south or the Yukon boundary line; thence west 20 chains: theure north to chains: Uicnre east 29 chains: thrnre souther! following a lour the shore line of Taalsh Lake lo nni or rommenrrmrnt. aaid parcel contalmna- no acres, more or less. r.LU'IILtr PIOTT rOTTEIt, Applicant Fred Lawson. Aaeni hauwl n-iut tnth. 'iota MINERAL ACT. Certificate of Imprortmenli Spokane Mineral Claim, situate In ttv Ainn Mininr uirision or i;air nistrlrt. on the west side or Blar Horn Itlver to the eat of and adjoining the r ow in .ninrrai oiaim. TAkE .NOTICE lhat I. Fred I aw sou arent for Ames S. lawson. Free Miner's :ertinrale .No. 70745C. Intends . alstv dayi from the date hereof, to apply to the .innini itrrortipr tor a niiirsie ot improvements, for the purpose of obtalnin Crown Oram of the abote rlalni. And rurlher take notice that action. nnntr section 37. must lie commenced te fore the Issue of auch Certificate or lm provemctist. oaten mis join oar or Vuiust. A.n LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Leese Land In Prince linpert Land liprordlnr Dlsirlct or i:osi nanre a. aim situate on South Barharl Island. TAkE NOTICE that Alfred Swanson. of I'liiire Itupert, orrnpitlon Mirlner., Intend to apply for a lease or the following described lan1s: i.ommenrlnr at a post Planted on th 'uiiilh point or South rtachai-l Island; then around hlrh water murk lo the point of rommencement, and rontalnlnir it) acre, more or less. ALFRED SWAXSOX. Applicant A. E. Wright, Arent. Dated Octolier 26lh. IBJi. I'rllice IPiru-rt. n.f.. Auditorium Will open for a month's Skating Beginning Tuesday Eve., Sept. 15. Afternoons . . . 2 lo i Hvcnings .... 8 to 10 Good Music both sessions Competent Instructors lo leach beginners. L. J. Warren - Prop. Phone Black 449. r jrjrlhis Recipe Then write for our latest Recipe Book free. It tells vou how CROWN BRAND-bestdes being delicious table syrup can be used in cooking to make many appetizing dishes. CORN GEMS t fin C artwrnal 1 III tt ru Bma. C-rftMarcH It cut Fhur I mhm Salt I U.k(MflM Bkif Pa-i 1 MIMM AO I I r P M fKKI.-riWIh IVKi.rm.lK Ji life AT ! Sift dry Ingredients together. Add Crown Brand Syrup and beaten egg to buttermilk and mla quickly with dry ingredients. Cut in the Maiola lait. Bake in gem pana eilcd with Mnola. Conservative, no change, EDWARDSBURG Saskatchewan Melfort Malcolm McLean, Liberal, new seat. Mackenzie M. Campbell, Progressive, no change. South Hattleford -J. Vallaucc Lrberal, Progressive loss. v..ii 1 1.. 1 1 1 ..e i i". . rt .mm in aicittieioni iiiiiejiii n Mplnlosli, Liberal, Progressive loss. Moose Jaw (J. Itoss, Liberal Progressive loss. Prince Albert Charles Mac- ilonald. Liberal, Progressive loss Kindersley A. M. Carmic Intel Progressive, no change. Humboldt F. Tolzkc, Lib eral. Progressive loss. Iloset own John Kvans, Pro gressive, no change. Assiniboia It. II. McKenzic, Liberal, Pwsrcssivc loss. Last Mountain W. It. Fnn- scher. Progressive, no change. Qu'Appelle John Millar, Pro- to me auove lanus in the name or ,,,.,!.. ,, i, lltn MS V. J(III1 Th mWmI rl,"or' u iimiinr ertlflrales of Tit are djlert the) atnl l.rniT r..ikn I !' l..l.nul.no AlllMI.I tOlfl lh. llninnf A.f .... v v... , the letti Moveiuuer. toi. reswrtlvriv. Progressive, no ehanse. and are numbered I835ic. iootl. and' t!..uin.n i a.-iinn"iu 1 l .1 Hberal. Progressive loss. TIMBER SALE, X7475. Mcfi Rupert., You njf. Liberal. Progressive loss. Maple Creek. (!eor?e Spenre. W. C. Orchard. C.P.It. agent, is on a trip lo Stewart. He le.fl for the north Saturday night and will return to the city tomorrow. Sealed Tenders will l- received by the Vllnlster or Lands at Vlrtorla IM4 laier ihan noon on the mh day or ovinler, tit!. for IIh purchase or Licence X7I71, l cut 2.3UA.MOII reel or Slirure. HrniUick and Cedar on an area situated on the oulh side or Tam Island, llicharusoni Inlet, Oueen tlharlolie Island. 1 Two I, jears will In- allowed ror re-iihihI or timls-r. Further particular or tip- Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C. or District Forester Prince lltiperl. B.Cj TIMBER SALE X7475. Sealed TemUrs will lie reeelvetl by the Minister or l.tM at Victoria not laler than noon mi the 12th day of .Soveti.bt r, IVK5. for the purchase of Licence X7475, to cut 2.3V,00 reel or spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an are'J Ituated on the south aide or Tanoo Islaiirl. Ilirliardson Inlet. Oueen Charlolle Itisnds. Two (2' years will be allowed ror re-luoval or timber. Further paill'-ular or Um- Chier Fun--ler, Vlrtona. B.C.. or Distrirt Foreater, I'rlnce .liuinrt. B.C. TIMBER SALE X7427 SEALED TKMlFIIS will Le received bv the Minister or Leads at Victoria not later tiisn noon on the tfl'i day or .November, I9JJ. for Die purchase of Licence X7I27. lo cut M4l,0ft0 reet or Spruce, Hemlock, and Cedir on IM UIO, I. Ids Island, Sklde-rale Inlet. Oueen Charlotte Islands Dla- trlct. ism ii jrir win ue enowru lor re-, moval or timber. Fiirlher particulars or the Chier For- esler, Vlrtorla, B.C., or District Forester, I'rtnre HupeM. II. C. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT Notice or Application for Bsar License. NOTICE IS IIKHKBY OIVKN that on tlie tfith day of October, the under- -ikned Intends to apply to the Liquor 1 oniroi Hoard ror a license in rrsnnci to premises, being part or. the bulldlor snown as skidet-ata noarainr House, no-ated at Skiderate. iiism the lands de scribed as Lot 10. Block 4. accordina' tn a rerlstered mar or plan dcvwied In tho Land ! Us try orrire at Hie city or I'rlnce liupcrt and numbnred (it, f,,r t to- aie or peer by the riasa or by the ofien iHime tor consumption on the premie. DatPd at Skldeitat. B.C., this J9Ui "ay of 8eplemler. I. EDM (1.1 D C. STEVENS. Owner Voniiesnt WATER ACT. . viticf. is iiliiuiv c.ivfs mat ma Honour, the l.leuicnsnt Hovcrnor or llrll- i.li 1 oliiinbis. by and Willi the advice or Ills Eieriitlve Council, lias been pleasnl to order: THAT pursuant to the provisions or fer-tlon lit). Iielnr Chsr.ier 7I if h lie-vised SlntiUe or ltd. the reserve or iiurtoHiled waler or Ibnina Blviir. flra- bam iisni llnd. Miami, In tn the the Prince I'rlnce ituH-rl lluts-rl wleri "ler Ili-Cooncll In. tno-fiviwl on (he I Kill day or erilemlHe. lona. be cancelled. HATED thi mill ilsv or Oriobee, 1 vis. CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP. Progressive, no change. Acadia- II. W . Oai'dincr A Friend qfth Ftxinily Pro- gressive, no change. Manitoba iNeepawa- - -!. U. Murphy, Conservative, instead of H. Milne, Progressive, Progressive losrf. STORK'S LEAD CB8, Nelson F. W. Itird, Progres- Surf Inlet Vote was Even and sive, instead of Joseph Myers.i morloetown Give's Nickerson HIs First Majority With all hut t-u small poll, nrfw having reportoil, Fre I Stork's majority over Ueorsre Kushliy in Skeen.i ruling stands 'today at 7IG. Several imIIs re- porting over the wi-ek-eiul considerably incrcH-'-.l the Liberal lead, liolh Surf Inlet noils were even and at Mono- "own the first majority for Nick'ion, the Progressive eaailidali'. was report e.l. Following are the returns to dale. Nick- Prinee lluperl4. Port Simpson.... intssey Plains Oolsa Lake Imthie Mines...:. (Ilenliiiina Houston Telkwa New llazelton ... Kilsumkalum Lai Alice Arm Horreen Inverness IIaysKrl .... Sinither! KleplOT Port Clements... Skidesato (J.G. CHy Tow Hill Masselt .1 ".. Lawn Hill Hums Lake . ltoe Iike Wistaria Southbank South Iltilkley.... Kitwnngu Sheraton Usk Premier Stewart Anynx Mine Anyox Heacli .... Huleda'le Sandspil r. Ocean Falls . Logan Inlel Forestdale Palling llazelton Francois Lake .. Ifincovery , Allin T.... Port Knsinglon.., Pacille Oona lliver ...... Oslainl .". Ilefuge May Hella Uotdit Hagensborg Kugineer Mints.. Flrvale Kvelyn Surf llilet Ilea Surf Inlet Mi Copper City Ktidako Tnpley Quick Arraiidale Woodcock .... Moricelovvn .. Kiliuianl Jtclla llulht .... Total 0 Hush- er- Stork by son 7ti0 331 1 1 3S i I LI 8 3 17 3 3 28 3 t IS 7 3 18 lt 13 Hi CO 13 50 i i 2 38 9 0 0 tl 17 5 II 135 25 135 10 ct 0 17 t 3 7 III 159 33 :r.-. 7 8 12 si S 17 5 8 13 SI 8 it . i 0 21 i is C 2 . fi si xc on 5 1 17 31 0 11 8 7 02 3 I : 7 5 C 0 0 10 13 3 38 10 8 03 ItVl .r0 &5 U2 7 83 a GO 10 257 30 2' 15 5 1 -17 26 30 203 13 5 IK 10 5 , 20 10 7 12 103 V. 75 15 5 20 7 3 18 35 I 117 31 1 20 fl 0 22 2 7 15 . 0 0 25 5 I 12 - 72 7 22 II 23 8 IG o 21 18 10 0 17 .' 0 1 J 10 ' ViniaVeVor fcnd.. luue Wafdoue. 15 3 17 0 7 0 I 1 32, 23 5 j: 21' 8 1 I I 31 11 13' .2810 712 3(510 Polls yet to bo beard from are .vjyttnsh, Ceilnrvafc, Colleyinounf, l.ocke)ort, Naiiiu, .Noitli Itulklv, Ileiuo, Hivers Inlet, Soileniian'e, Camp and Tclegratdt Creek. Al 0.30 last night lite fire de- ,,,.,,,,,, tllienl , .,. , (Mil -n (,, 10 ,n ii, District, established pursuant bi Oid-cj l"H lillil U extinguish a chimney ffru at the risiileiice of W. II. Tobey. Pacific Place. GHOST INDIAN OF PAWHUSKA Hormlt of Osages Was Once Burled and Then Came to Llfo but Is Shunned PAW1II.SKA, Okla., Nov. 2. living ghost among his own .teople is John Slink, liennlt.of lie Osages. lHniiHj.as dead ami ii-suriecled from the grave, ;he ives today alouo in a tepee, an itileast from his tribe, a spirit -.liumied. John is 02. He is wealthy, oi) oyaltiis iiloii'v (briugit4V him nine than 91,000 it month. Hill lie is shut off from almost all 'immuiii-alin, because he cannot speak F.ngislt ami none ot lis people dare talk with him. Twenty-one vears ago ft o-tali - moie, which was John's Indian lame, became ill of a ftver. He -wooncil ami in falling wits knocked uuroiischms. ,H the .Mli'liery or the Indian medicine man could not restore liiia to i -onsc iiniMieai. So lie wtis pro-loiuiced dead and a few hours ati r was buried with the tribal ilual. The ns;ge oiistom was lu bury Hie ilea, I in a shallow grave, the orpse in a silling ptwlure, wilh the heal alone uncovered. The c.miI earth ami few luuir' lime restored John. He worked his wny out of the grav ami craw bit In his tepee. It wa tight. John's) relatives' mistook 'he fiiuire 'at the tepee entrance for a ghost. And to them he has emained a wraith ever since. J For some yearn Ho-lah-moie kcil nut an existence in Pavvhm- kn. His only eornpaiiions were ligs. Wilh them at Ieat he ould coitfmiine. When oil came, n gtinrdian vas appointed and John was re moved to his own In ml near here. I'liere he lives, like nn Indian of old. tiunling-, fUhiitp and talking Ui his do. Miss Ithona Sautulers aited last niarhl on t If Prince Charles for Vniieiiuver on a vacation I Hp. ne'i In Oin Dllr Sow SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreervesl. surveyed Crown Inn-la' may b pre-mptt by rsrltlssh euljecta over IS year of . ml by aliens on deelurinx Intention to beeotna Urltieh subject a, tondl tlonal upon residence, occupation. Iniprovtment (or aa;rlrultura iuriorsi FHill Information concerning; rcu .Uona rrcardlnu pre-cmptlona It Tlven In Uulletln No. . Land Bertri. "Mow to lTe-empt Iwvntl," copie of tililch can be obtained fre of charge y adilreselng the Department of Uinda. Victoria, II.C or to any Uov trnmeait kent ltecords will be ajranteJ coverln only land aultable for agricultural puriiosea. and which la not timber-land. I.e.. carrying oyer I.Q0O boar) reet ter acre weat of the Coast Itanxe and S.OOo feet per acre east of that lUnge. Appllcatloni for pre-empllona are to be addreaaol to the Land Com mlsaloner of the Lnml Hecordlna; Division. In which the land applied for le situated, and are made en printed forms, copies of which can 'be ob-Ulned from the Ijind Commissioner. l're-emptionr must be occupied for five years and Improvements made to value of 110 kt acre. Including clearint: and cultivating: at least five acres, before a Crown Grant cm be revolved. Kor more detailed Information see the Uulletln "How to 1're-empt Land." PURCHA6E Apl-Ucntlona are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not bains; tlmberland. for agricultural purposes; minimum price for flrat-claae (arable) land Is tS per acre, and second-class (gnu ln) land I2.S0 er acre. Further Information regarding; purchase or lease of Crowr. lanJs is given In Uulletln No. JO, Lund Merles. 'Turehuee and Lease of Crown Lnnds." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites 09 timber land, not eaceedlng 40 acres, may bo purchased or leased, the con dltlona Including payment of ttumpsge. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not eiceedlng Jl acres, may be leased at homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and lm vrovement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed, LEASES For grazing and Industrial pur poaea areas not exceeding 140 acres may be leased by one person or a company, qraZINQ Under the Qraalng Act the Province Is divided Into grating districts end the range administered under a Orating Commissioner. Annual grating permits are Issued baaed on numbers ranged, priority being glvsn to established owners. Stock-owners may form aseiclatlons (or range management. Free, or partly free, permits axe available (or settlers, csrppere and travellers, up to lea e lese A lese Ta.f Ikls Nsallki le wlats'l Monday, November 2, g,j 50c 3tf AllOroyists To Quickly SOOTHE & HEAL all Chapped Hands, Cold-Sorcs, ' Chilblains. Frost Bites, etc. YOU JUST iEED ram-Buk GROWS NEW SKIN. WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 0 p.m. "THE AIR MAIL" The epi' mm.iurr o: lli m i liol new high ii:m'K ui tin ii'i'ijr fi't.-ti.iionirnl, cveiils ol in w .up! .iiii.iziiig kind. Tli I-' lias muttered Hie air and nunc should oti- (; flight (linnigli a raging lilnianl, the gff.it : r-llioiiHinl feet aloft mid the daring siniriitc i sorlniig love lnr with a great cunt. Warner Baxter, Blllle Dove, Guy Oliver, Lee Shun-way, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., George. Irving, Mary BrU. and olliers. FLYING FISTS" SERIES No. 4 BENNIE LEONAtlDI THE SUR-PniZE FIGHT." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. 35c and Ik Clearance : gALE Or Ladles' and Misses' Hals, Men's and Boy's Sweater, Ladles' and Men's Rubbers, Ladles' Hosiery and Woollen Coatings and Dress Material SALE STARTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31st, and continues till Wednesday, Nov. 4th II i iiiloiiriiry with every luiiue-. linn-. a flearanee ale, Iml Ihe.e Hrs dre iliimIIv h nary mid July at a tune when (hi- mmimiii i- itn or al a lime when vou an do without mu Ii jimm i We Iielieve in nfreruig ytm the good hi -eaMo lime when you need it rmt-l. IF YOU CAN BEAT THESE PRICE8 GO TO IT I.tiiliu.- llalo--Or all our lock ,,r Lading' I' dl 4 llaN we have only H Hal Pft. The.e are li very reduced price II Ladies' Hal, reg. M.r to 12..Vi: cleai aii. c 7 l.mlie Half, reg. Jfl,75 lo $S.tMI; al . . . IVIl llaU, reg. ..75; le ; . . . 10 Unix, valiiex tii lo SU.OII; In , ,.r at Moy..' I'ure Wind Hwenler. with a (am Hlrinc. 20, fur .... Hoysi'l'iire Wttol Sweater, wilh a ram y il'ripe. f-r ...... Men's, tfleeveleis-) Pullovers, reg. $0.r0; ale RUBBERS loo pair of Ladle' lluM.cr, low ami tuetlium h-iM.25; "le 15 UiHe,' high heel Miili'h'er,' hrtiken $l..ir; juile 75 .MenVnieiliiim tne lluldier!., It rienr 'ui . 0 Iair or l.ailie' Silver Piimje, reg. Jsl.7.-. lo 21 puir.-. of ImiUv' IVIl Slippers, Itrokcti line-. v.,i sale HO pairs of Ladies' lllack Satiii 'blimps ' uiul O.M ; JHH.oOi sale COATING AND DRESS MATERIALS kirk fircy ami Dark llrown Twot'ils, suitable ror H Men's Ti niters, peg. $,'1.25; sale per vanl . 2 pieces of Woollen Jersey f.lolh, reg. ijao.-.; sale :t lueces orchecke.l loiiiesiiin, r"viil. f.75 : ' 1 piece of Wnollun Checkril ('.Haling, reg. $.'1.50; - I itio nuns .Monarch Dove am) riusj., Wool, reg. Imll, slightly soiled, lo clear at I per jiall ... 100 halls or Monarch Dove ami Fin in, rul(ir lo he liliiied, reg-. :i0c, Mile Monarch Tins, wills exception or while, reg. !IOi halls for. 0: $4.85 $3.75 $2.50 51.00 $1.00 $1.50 $3.50 50c 50c $1.25 $4.75 $150 $1.00 $1.95 $1.75 $3.50 $2.25 i 10c 15 b ' $1.00 Jabour Bros., Ltd. f t ss ma a evih Phone 645. Cor. 3rd and 71"