Big Question Is King Or Meighen. What really counts in this election is whether the people of this constituency will send, to Ottawa a supporter of Premier' Mackenzie King or one who will hide in the cold shades of opposition beneath the high wall of protection as a .supporter ol 1 loir. Arthur Meighen. The third candidate,, according to what seems like reliable information, does not. cut a very wide swath outside of Prince Rupert, and even here there does not seem much to encourage the idea thai he has any shadow oT chance Uf being elected. In saying this we are not opposing Mr. ,iek- ersou but simply slating what seeinis to be a fact. j The contest is then between Stork and Bushby. The. latter is about as strong a candidate as the Conservatives could get, although he has not (he glamor of n Victoria Cross such as almost carried Colonel 'Peck to victory. Much was made durhig the last campaign of the fact that Peck had been a lifelong Liberal add as ,siich was deserving of Liberal support. This lime there is no such plea. Mr. Bushby is a clearcul Conservative, giving allegiance to lhj policy of high protective tariffs propoed by Mr. Meighen. '. ' , Fred Stork is a supporter of: the Liberal policies. His leader, Mackenzie King, is Ihe grandson of the Canadian palrio', William Lyon Mackenzie and thai probably account to a larg? extent for his intense Cauadiatiistu; lie studied at he feel uf SirtWtlrul lioif ier.- - While ',iiu fauajic, t Juj believed in low: tariffs so lliat'Olifidiiih people may be able turiurelrae 'he hcVes'-.ille.s of life at a reasonable price. At "(le viine lime he realizes thai money must be raised for the payment of the huge war and nfler-war. debt of Ihe country niid-llic niot feasible way of raising it is by way of moderate tariff on imported goods; Thai i really (he important iptesliou before' Ihe people of Canada today. Shall we raise the tariff higher so that Ihe big manufacturers may make fortunes nf the expense of the- common people or shall we keep it as low n Msible so. that Ihe cosl of living may not be too onernn? , '. , hood Beginning For Grain Movement. The joint committee of the city council ami the board of trade last night made a good beginning with a view to bringing about Ihe shipping of grain through Ibis port. It was decided to appoint a committee on which the city council will lie represented and, Ijie committee will employ some able man to go out arter the business, unit is me correct tiling to io ami ,u is satisfactory to think there vtis sjicli. unanimity at lh' meeting. All seemed auxioils lo see that the business was seed red. With such a spirit in the continitlee, success is insured The people of Prince Rnpcrl are .asked to stand bejiind Hie movemenl. to withhold their critici. njs and to do everything possible tit malic this movement a financial success. II mean everything to Prince Rupert. ..The future prugrj'-s of Ihe cily depends on the spirit of (lie citizens. , Parking Bylaw Is . , Sensible Enactment. ' ' . The new parkjtig bylaw, haying been shiirji'or all it teeth is iv a sensible enactment. f, It gives the police'certain powers, such us, Uijii.'.riglit lo keepcar from parking .opposjle theatres mid iuiblii' halls and aNd p'iKypriiers. U dealkiwilh the ncYes- rtry things and leaves ridl-filftythiiig w h ft-1 1 -iij j J J jti ( f 'P rj' I 1 as a petty annoyance. There is so far plenty of space on our streets but they are gelling busier all the tune. Only n few years ago there were hardly any -cars here but today there rs. practically no olhe jraffic As changes in the bylaw are required lo meel chang ing conditions lliey can be. made by succeeding councils. The police will dotildloss make recommendations for such changes 0s seem iicsii'nnie. ftmiW'll III uiahiaaaa-rrr i ! mm m Si . II I 4T A I 4 hZTuSmi II "TUT 4 hit TO. NIGHT" GRANT'S Best Procurable fTHt ODICtltxL) Pure Scotch Whisky richest in riNrsr HIGHLAND MALT lUtiU mnntf4 by W. Cnol Sox L,ma Cll.4dk U This advertisement Is tint puhlinhed or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by ihe Government of UriUsh Columbia. As silent evidence nf the city till committee is of the opinion that soiuetliiiiK re- iiiarkalilt1 oucu fall weather ex perienced this year many of tlc. flower gardens in the cily tell an I eloquent story. One of the prel-first gardens to bloom continu-1 nusly throughout lh- Aprinx and1 suiiiniQi'. and to "W blooming as1 fresli u ever lotlay, is thai of Mr. and Mrs. A. .1, tiatlaud, 1150 Ambrose Avenue. A profusion of flowers slill bloon in Ibis garden which, include shasla daises, rosnias. cornflowers, nasturtiums, cat-j liopses, calendula, clinrysanllie-i mums, aslers. roses, annual larkspur and dahlia of the. peony flowering variety, colli!-' lelle. decorative, show ami single varieties. LOCAL COMMITTEE TO QO AFTER GRAIN BUSINESS AND ENGAGE AN AGENT. (continued from page jne) aloiiK this line has got to be done immediately. Siipiilemi'iilinK the report which he. had written. Mr. Mc-Caffery said I. Howe, the en-uineer In charge of construction, had arranpcil for th" shipment through iliis port of one cargo of jiraiu but be believed one hundred boatloads rnulfl be secured if they 1 1 a 4 1 (be rfslil ninn lo ko out 'for Hi- business. If one huudreil boats came liere everyone would realize that we were on the map. Kvery person in Ihe city, he tliouplit, was in-leresle.l in jrt I ittsr grain llirough Hie port. It tias Iteen sngfeslel thai the Ity should do tie work, but he thousht it would he better if Ihey were fo appoint a committee of from five to seven businessmen Plan rwd we ti.iitSf Haws ltS Truly Satisfying "SALADA" H8 Always has the pure, delicious flavor that has earned for it the largest sale in North America. The Daily News PRINCE RlIPEHT - BMITIS1I COLU.MHIA Published Every Afternbim. except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $,0t By mail to all parts of Hie British Empire and (he United States, iii advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION $7.rn Wednesday. Oct. I I, 1925. REMARKABLE GARDEN. WHERE FLOWERS STILL SHOW OCTOBER BLOOM Large Variety Seen at Home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Qatland who had heavy stakes in I lie City. The city inijilil put up fifty per cent of the money tind the businessmen Ihe other fifty. Mr. McCaffery saiil this was a real opportunity fi.r ihf citizens to unite on a project uf real value to the port. They were now in a position where they miKlit be a eat rival to other Pacific ports it I hey f.rot down to business and Kot after it in the rilit way. J. 11. Pillsbury said it tool been fiKured that (5,ooil was spent on each ship exclusive of the money spenl by Ihe crew. A large vessel look from fifty to seventy thousand feel of lumber lo line ami too men employed 31) hours. Then there were 3 trimmers and there was the advantage lo be gained from the hauling of Ihe wheal over the railway. An 8,000 ton vessel carried about bushels of (train r ap proximately Id 7 cars, so (hat a carKo would consist of several train loads. According to reports rcrciwd here 1,000 cars of trajii are already on the way to Van couver but none is eoniiiiK here as yel. lie urged thai people here gel out after the business in a concerted way. They had been (given all the tools to build up the port. In Vancouver, Mr. . Pillsbury sajd. the jutrbor hoard gets afler the business but tliere is no liar bor board here so they must bave something n take its place. Mayor Newton Mayor Newton fluid that while he had not always been able to see eye to eye wjlh many of the efforts advanced by the board, if they 'sought the co-operation of the cily council for the welfare of the city they would gel every aid In llieir power. That was why he and members of tjic council were present, lie sug gested Hint no concrete pro posal bad been made by the committee and he could not pre sume to speak for the council a whole until such a proposal had been discussed, personally he was willing to tflve his cooperation if the welfare of Ihe cily demanded it. lie would like to listen (o suggestions so that her might tie in a belter position to Judge. Mr. Newton Ihen told of his recent trip ami of the conference lie hail with Mayor Taylor, Harry (ale. ami Mayor Hlalchfurd, all Of whom are Interested In an couver. They hail told him, the best thing to do was (o sit hack and wall and see what Ihe grain commissioners were ftoing lo do.) Mrs. He had sounded Mayor Illatch- Magar, ford In regnrd In the possibllilyerand, of his Interesting himself In Prince llupert. He had been dis- Do you take Yast for. your health? If so, use ROYAL YEAST CAKES the standard of quality for over 50 years. Soak a cake of Royal Yeast, with a little sugar, in tepid water over night. Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Flavor is improved by adding the juice of an orange. ROYAL YEAST CAKES aioinied and surprised vvhenj he Intd heard tin' gram board! lie was willing to en-operate with the idea of getting businesp. 1 1 w as explatueil by several speakers that it could not be I lie jl'alliol function or (lit; grain noun I or the railway to solicit business for one port as aiaiust another. The Vancouver men had probably been pulling the mayor's leg. A. S. Pant urged that a man be oppoinled to act for the oily. J. W. NictfOjIs brought ill" discussion to a head by moving a resolution which was seconded hv I). (S. Slewart wih Hie result LEOARD WAIDE IS I GUILTY OF CHARGE1 Prnm nsnt Labor Man Flnsa $300 or Six Months for Supplying Liquor o Indians Leonard Waide, found utility in Hie city police court yesterday afieinnon by Stipendiary Magistrate II. F. Me Lend on a charge or implying buor lo Indians, was fined 300 with Ihe option of six months' imprisonment, fp to Hits morning he was serving time, his fine money no1 having Immmi forthcoming. Waide look Ihe sentence with apparent indigiiiince and hint some rattier rauslfe criticisms to make B In Ihe administration of Jusllcr. Hecenlly tin hnx b''cn rather pro- jniiuenl with certain labor mow-iliienls. Winnie Walt. Indian girl, the star witness for the crown in Hie jeac. was round guilty of irunk 'eiiness and wa released on sii-'printed sentence. JTRAYEL and other j BOOKSjN LIBRARY Among Hie more recenl nd-di'ions to Ihe public library may tie ".-iinil a number of books on :rael. biograjilig, history anj . ui is. Here ate n. few: " 'Old Hnglisb Town," by An- idi ews. tirass." by Gooier. Hindu manners, culoin and were nut going to solicit busi- ceremonies, ' by Hess for the elevator. However.1 'Finland and that the reoort was received. tlie;hy I'yboski. Imbois. its People" by Medill. Cliez Nous," by lllvard. "New ((iirden of Canada' Vdvenlure of VA ranyrll conimillee discharged and au-j "Mussolini, a revealed in Iborily given for Hie appoinl- I'olilical Speeches." inenl of a new committee of! ancient warriors oi sien to take ils place nnd lo'Xorlh Pacific.' Harrison. act pertnuuenllv with the oliject oi raising niton ami cmpioyinc a man t" repii'senl the cily. CONCRETE BEACON IS ESTABLISHED AT ENTRANCETO HARBOR A eonerelr beacon supporlin-rj H white slat work cone with lan tern on too has been established on Oiimtslone Hcef. easterly en trance to Venn Passage. Prince llupert Harbor, showing a whit occulting light. The liejicon is located on i rfiek marked on I lie chart dryin-ten feel bul Hie reef extends approximately sevenly-five fee; northward of I lie beacon where it dries one fool. The red spar buoy will be re moved on or about 'November fi. CHIEF NEWINGTON WINNER OF WASHING MACHINE Ticket N". :i7. held by Tom Morrison, chief engineer of lb lighthouse lender Newingliiri, won Ihe 175 ctcclfie washing machine which was ' raffled in connection with the 'flyro Club's playground carnival.' The drawing took place last evenlns; about 11.30 with Milton fionzales in charge ami title .Miss Joan th-ew drawing Hie lucky ticket. The at tendance at the carnival last night was much better than the night preceding. This morn ing the committee expressed sat isfaction with the result of the affair although it will be a few day yel before vftll be poul hie to definitely announce the proceeds realized. The big affair closed at 2 o'clock Ibis morning. "Dad, what's the difference between news and gossip?" "Well, my son,-whenever your mother tells anything to any one It's news, bul wljen any one tells her ituytlilng l' gossip." HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert F. It, Magar and Porl tflmpsnn; l; Vancouver. Central Hob Miller, K. K. Suth- THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: JAKF. says Ibis election by l- land,' by Slefansn. "Alliens and its Monuments." by Weller. Biography "I'Jiarles Laiiib"' by Aingrr. "Seventy years of Life and Labor," lioinpers. "Jlobert Louis f"leeiMon. his Work and Personality." History. "Outlines of I'ollsh 'History" hi the something like shooting craps. I'hcre is a lot of nice talk bul nobody knows which is going to turn iiii a seven. IF you talk to fbe ijire ' Saying words that are nice' They will jurn up-(he ppmbers reju ireI Hut you must be endearing No ridicule fearing Or crap shooting 'II soon make you tlrel. WIIKN rldlny out to You And It's girl see your take the corners with whirl Jf your, bones are slightly haken not the only Jolt you've taken. ITS all right lo hold a glrl'1 hand 'but geMTn'iindet Iter Ihiimh. TIIH cost nf living would not be o very high If only fur coals were chenper. NOW that winter Is rnrninn on, it Is well to. avoid gelling Ihe cold shoulder. JAKK says he wenl In the Oyro carnival and won a thousand Iron men, hut It was a fairy story. I went In the same place and lost something rather less than a thousand, nnd vmi mn iVt your last dollar it was no fairy story. NOW Hint (he baseball series is over we shall be able lo return mice morn Jo a discussion of politics. SO.MK peope say they like the truth hut onlv Ihlnk what a fine old .flurry there would fie f everybody told nl the fruits Just for one jtay. IT gives a young sheik A great surprise To see his girl oit Wlh plier guys, . NONL of Hie electioneering people who have been here no far have mentioned that Ibis is a crisis iii the history of Canada. guilder j" Supplies Snid us you nflmo nnA uifl send )WiMKfet Hones Pislribulory fori (fDham K9L9RED -3HINGLE3. i Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert Lumber Octobsr 14, 1915. .St. Andrew's Hall was com-! forlnbly filled Insl nighl when Art Noble, Prince HuimtI s firs! , relumed soldier, delivrretl all; Interesting addres on the wurk oftbe lied t'.nis at Ihe Fron' Major J. II. McMullin presi.le. thej Fears an1 enlerlatnwl for safely of A. t". Oanle, local niln-; lug rngineor. whn wenl into the, Oardner i'-anal district with (wo! Iinllun gmdes a few weeks ago Anxiety Is fell a Hie parly hadl only food supplies enough fo. two weeks. W. A. Mallielsnn and Yelf. local sobllers. are in hospital in Lnglatid recovering from war In-! Juries. K. H. Shoekley, who engaged in airplane coul ruction In Hie Old, Country, (ells In a letter n-ceiveil here of having Kiel them. NOTICE. II TH: VATTIH ..f an tl'llrlh for Uoue t l'nllsnl rlirirai i , III fr IM S. tlUak I. LU S UmI 10. ilv ilnrk S iJ'l' 1 Mil , llliM-k II. L"l-, , T ind . Klnik U. Ihi I trxl r , ilurk II: ttill 1 tnd I, It. l.i.U-J. 4 ), . II ik! II, nWk II. U,u 1 1 iixl II. r)lirk 10; Ijul mnh l, UhM-k l; lx l. It nul II. PhM-k II; .. I. J itxl I, rilHk tt iihI Lot a. Shvk . Ill III 111 flm til.llOnti T..i.ali- ..t nrl SlnifK.i, Map 411; Ami. thr ).! half, f IX r l a(r of a, 9. luntf :. ! DIMrlrl. : llflf lurr linn.f nf lh i.t ih rllflrlra (if Tlllr n.ifrlnt Ihf atsur amli lutlnr rn rriKiurr-(1 lo tnr. II i ny liitriitlod lo lii, if.r llir rti'lrallmi t oih' iuah fntn Um Ural pulillriiloti irrMif. I'rurlOoii.l Crriiriratr-a nf Till '!..'.,f ..,,m "n " of -IMIUKS M. MIINSOV Tim orlrtiial lrllflraia i.f Title am rialr-d lh 411 Ihe lltth i.rrflil,r, ISSI, rrtf rly tos?r" n,""l,'r"1 :. sonti. ." rii-ri'tir otfirf. priw miMri, .: tiih siuihir. im il. f Mart.ron. Bflirar' f ti-, I StALID TtNOIRS I fitala William Murphy, Dtttaiad ( SKllMl TKNOFJlT mill Is- M-rrlvM b i -iuiiiimiiiriiir, rruirr luijirri. Ii.t.., Hit to t .frlork ii.-.ii in Misiday. Ilir Hli clay nr Sunnilr. 9I. for lltr fiillomnir Mininr Intrrrau: l-t Inlrrral In Hip !(.. rlnnr. OriMin nnllinr of "Velln'rntir." 'iiim" ail old Timir" Mliwral i:lalma twi 1 ' .rlcr a,iiun.n0, I liilrrr-.t In in "Ananinda nnrnp," l-inm iiif of Ihs Aiiar.iii.u," Uiansi.ia i?.'.-..V i-i.?i"! lhf "Aiii'mida trtfiioir J,"' ""f'M tn Hi", Payroll rtroup, n.n-alatliit of IIim "I'avn.ll , j ami 1 e.U. x loll ,u. 4" .Mineral i:laiina. I TIm' ahovs iiipniloned rlatin are all, rUiille In llie salmon lllvrr Seriioii ;,pv,,v"'.;J.z"x,,, 00 VtRNMINT UQUON acT Nolle of Apollcatlon far atr n..... o i!:!'. is in in hv oi f.f in,i n rlamil Iniciida In apply in the flnnor Control lloard Tor a' llrrn rVV.iV 1 1 In ,.lt IN. ail . V a '.'.a1.. aim al Sklilrjrale, iiihhi tin ani4 rt, lan f 'l,,i"PftVr". n"" I,'I""M l tlw !. il' ",,,,'ry Offlre al I he Cily of Crime liiiin ri ami iiimibeieit t, f "r u,L f"n.r,.lM"'r by "", '' T I.V he open,r.rTJ:,!""l?n J1'" tT'liilIe" nalril at Sklilernle, ,(, o.i. day or Sipieiiiler, l. "ln( tlJMUNU 0 HTKVKNS. Owner, Appticint, Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock jottr winttr't supply of Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. 'Phones fi ani 117 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. NlgM Phonei 687 539 Gr. 233 Black 735 Garss Mackinaw STAG I! Sits & Goals Pure Wool Ilea Prices ENGLISH TRENCH COATS Just Arrived Steve Kino Phone Qreen S5. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRV CEDAR Full load 16.00 Half Joad S3.00 Largo sack 60s DRY BIRCH I'er load $8.60 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 510 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Knpibijin Block or Fgr Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Go. Neil O.W.V.A. Tjilrd Ae FORD linprmril models will he on View this motilh. We have two present lT" dedans upon which wo are offering special induce menu. S. E. Parker Ltd.