w wmvar SPECIALS II, Australian Troaly , effective (III UpKHiPf Tlie general f fpcl I ho in cost on nil an I rieil Fruits. i'p Stork Im-piior In October 11 i kIi 3p per III. I" imported since, (orunnte in buy- u a few special w II w you money a; s I- f-onu. ri HflVTC DDIIUrC linn 1 1. in i i ..i 1925 Pack, Size 30-40 ::i V per III. . . 25c 45e m m a i Hi, uux . . . 20o 35e i III llOX . . . J.U r , .r ......llll... .T III. .'. 16c lx,X 53.50 6C-70, til . .I i um. per 85 ... $3 25 I'M!'"'!! Will keep ' . .i war. WV r buynw a 25 .....I. A Idhlla Tina nor 150 ' 400 . . $3.10 CANNED FRUITS o 'hup lo laiy -iiI. Here i - ivlli' tl Will be i days, liny a iv and ne I heny heaty Slired for ymp. . . 30o 13.25 jrip. .. 40o . $4.25 . 35c $1.SS d Pineapple, 30c $3.35 all Pine- 25c $2.90 K .. n 'enrlie, 25c $2.75 d Vi-m-U. 35c $"3.S5 Apru-oM. I'd. 20c $2.35 immfr Aprtooid. d 30c $3.45 I run Salad. S 40c $4.40 Try Our Assortment A $2.95 . Knnl. ?d A- Pcnrd. peached. P-noapple, AprL I'l ii in SI raw - Assortment B $4.25 I Fruit ?!;' - A- I Peached, pear. .,. Fruit I1 'apple. Royal SalAil. Anne ' ;rr"cd . FREE DEMONSTRATION of VEGEX la.i . . . iiy viiiui I vr i ii w i m day W Law will ilrn.nntrfi.o V V llm hIaIi.iuI 1fit..t-ri f J ... V.I 4.. II .... llm mi i it um mi mi Vie ronlliilly Invllr you end. Pllnftwl Tkllt Cllnnllf llUllrTi I I lllr i ill 1 1 III w , - ; 1 I J fnili. Dk.... . 1 1 u I u J f V. 210 - 211 . 212 . 298 Auditorium "VV ill open for a month's Skating Beginning Tuesday Eva.. Sept. 15. Aflornnona . , . 2 lo 4 Evenings .... H to 10 Good Music both sessions (oinpolciil inMructora lo leach beginners, L. J, Marrcn - Prop, Phone Black 449. SOVIET SNARE IS DISCUSSED Writer In London Times Criticizes British Trade Unionists , for Attitude LIBERTY DESTROYED ! Despised by Socialists and Laughed to Scorn by Working Men of America The following interoslinir let It recently mil.iii,.,i i u.' I.oiiioti Tliiind jzivn iho view-' point of il. .Tilli. f in Soviet' jii'dlnir in IttiMia. I'lirler tl,,.' lirH.iitiiK of "Tlii. Soviet Snare." j lie nay: ' il..!.. - .... . ",.,,i,uii may unrer a to tlie. Propriety f the .peirli ma.lo by, !M. Tmnoky. Hie lloMievit ilep-' ipale. I h. Trailed Union Con-J fnre at Srarlioronsh. tint few will ileny lid frankned. "They were not nhainei," he dald of their ilead." Il wa in I ho name of thone ilea Unit in Orlol.er, 1017, Ihey Kavo iii oiitiriilnjr t lit eapllnlM clad liV roMiliitinns nml Ikmii rrillrliihjf them hy nnn. In 1017 iney oi in.. i hi. tiankerd Ihe hiinlend from el free Ihe employee from the Imrilen of rondurllnp Ihe fnrlor-ie. Ihey del free Ihe landowner from Hie Imrilen of Ihe owner-dhip of Ihe land. Ihey had pet up a work i nut el.id Xalo. and now. after nearly oijrhl yeard of nower. 1 1 Ii e V daw on ru.nn rhr llmr i ' .... , iloild the Up I ho ien for whirh uiey iimi nnil lo HhIiI. Destruction All (hid id ipiilo I rue. Hie llul-lieiin did In'jrln "rritieiiinv hy arui.d" tind in the nirlill of Ihid ainialde iurime llioy de- trii)ed. illrorlly hy murder and indireelly by larval ion. million of lliiUo ainons whom th" al majority were working men ami Maant. Hiy did "del fro Ihe Imnkfrd from the bun I en of I ho hankd." and I ho rodiilt hod (teen Dial over dinot Ibo dawn of lhal (reodom waodorinc doletca Hon of l!olhevltd have boon tourinc Ihe world whlnin? fur almd and eredlt. They dii! "dfl free Ihe roiplovrrd from lite Inir-dn of oonduclinR Ihe factored, " ami ihey have had lo nitnmmi litem bark am! "Dio wamid la iriale induolry are ?5 per rent Inciter than in nalionallrd in-dnlry.'" while Iho general aor- nire of waue "wtn now lit bo approaching llireo-qtiarler ol pre-war rales" 'Traded Union llesHlod1 IteporP. Famine Chronic They did "oel froo the lanil- nmierd mini ihe burden of the ownerdhin of the land." and Hy koff. Ihe Itlular head of Ihe So- tiel. ia ul ii on record that "the landowner' land save a yield "f in, 15. and oven So iood kdND ACT. Ntk f lnldlln U dppl la Ourchttd In 1Im Una nnliii nwirtrl f Prtnre ..... . .iiu.i. .1 I h. imiilh ij nu nil i:irti MHi o-. ini ii" lr.UH liltrr Uxini l mnrm inn II. alwuilh TAkl: .MiIHK thai John A. dmllb of lMiw liunrri. Hi?. rrMthdi HmilK-r n.n lnli.n.1 M aimlv fi nrf1ilKM.ni Ui ....uh..- .lu. f..l I. .u l.a iImMIimI I. lwl . IKnmrnrinf 11 xl I'Unlril il Ih uihiIkv.i nmur elf I ul AIL: II1IIH" tour: Ihrurr 30 rlidln notllwrllTi Ihwird IV rhllu flrl. Iimtd of lrd, 14 the lt- ...1 I .. . . A pli.lN. kulh.lVf 1411 lll.rr, llirmr " M.'. llH-nr IS rlMlul etrrlX. 11)4 omuinmr til irr iiHr ur irF. . . JOHX A. dMITII. natfd Mml rr c. r. Ilth. till AntitlranL nicf. Arm MINIBAL ACT. Cirtirttdt t lrdiinfitt di.iiMi Mineral Claim. IMile In the Allin Mlninir iiio..n of niir hUlrlft. on IKe el t'l "f l" I'" lllirr l II"' "i "J"""" l.rtdln Mineral i.iaun. .-iiYii-i' .ti.t i rrMl Lawaou. atrnl n.r Ane . I.awaon, rrfe Mlner'a trlirirnid .No. MTIU:. inlrnrta IJl rial a fn'iH Ihe rfatf irri"if. u jily tu I Vlnliu lieetinier ir a i..r Iirevnnenla. rr Hie piUT"' fttalnlnt Cmwb Oram or Ihe rid m. 4ml furlhcr lake nalli-e that sellon. umltr ertlm IT, mii't lit rinnmpmeti i tori ihe h.iie c.i' am h Cerllfiriie Im l.ttiViweuM. . laieg inia jwm ui - ll I AND ACT. Nollct tf InlantloiTtt Apply lo Purchaa in the l.anl neeonllhlt nlatrlrt nr rrltjrj nuix-ii, ami inline """ dhlrh Mow Into t;etaii liner Id liillea inni n niram. . . , TAkE MITCK that Cllftim P. fllH M . . st a' Aitotitiaiiiran iiiiiiiirr p.iir'lia.e Hie foll.mlnr l""''!.! al ihi ' nmiiiiMirlnt It lot I'lanleil tl til i.utli.l wmer of let III, llielirt III rhdliid aninhrrly; Ihenrt Ttf iimind Tierlv; thence tn rham n? Ihenre 0 rhalna eaMrrly to point ,trro.nn.r?,rrinVnt. in,l conlalnlnl 40 icrf. innrt or lel. p nIf:li Appiirant n,t.,i 1 "" CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT. , cord In Dlatrlcl of Talaoraph Craaa that John JV.,1. I'''.ef' SiaffSj-Kaj-i ini'lirrineiii il. , . Dated l'J0V,y' c'oil fOWLER. fl,iuJ IF mro per ilesialioo than the lau.l if may ii lurn wHIi ol I lie 111 4tt. I'eriiatid Uim nam ami un-i-iy to Hir nresent lallure the iwudaiiU partly ordered slate .f soro-ty. When uatHHittt fur Iho fuel that einrc Innf il.'. i I the "New Krono- tue llUiirvitd itviini power mic Poliey"" ho admiltixl the ruin. (amine lu been ehrouic in whalfoinidoto and irretrievable, of Mforr IhHr advent wa llm' all hid Ihenried amr endeavored sirnnary of Kuroo. , In duide his final failure uti- In another part of hid Mocli ,or the cover of a phad. The M. i'omwky, amid eJieero, mihI "new" ecooomic policy wad just lhal "for Ihe firt tlmo in history a now ad Ihe first squirrel dimple worker and oaanl.d which laid by a store of nuld in had ihwti that Ihey could dtandjlhe firm aulumn for ltd winlerithe at I lie IiesM or me Main aui oun- dUdienanoo. aux Inil il." M. Tonidky would havel Barbarities In Georgia put himtelf in our debt if he had! IiM.ed and de.pide by Ihe oxplaineal who. if any, amoim Ihejsoeinlisld of Kuropo, lauphed to' gang of advenluror and fan-(!4P0rn by Ihe educaled worklnpr otle.d who "dlond al Ihe head of,ni of .morira, Ihe lloldhrvidls Ihe State and control it" ever, ,aVP found Ihoir dole allied for did a day work either ad work-;(le frilierance of their dicred-r or iwnnnl. Simple," at.jtoil idea, amonK Hip llrlttsh nay rale, id hardly Iho epithet trade unionidld. Are. tbere no which the iiidlrucled would Labor leaders in this coun-chooae to apply lo a'-ZlniivIoff, u jry v i,n can sw tho palpable TroUly, or oven, dhall we say, truth anil who have courage lo tu a Tontdky. The oralor might pcrhapd have found il difficult lo explain why, in a land of pendants and wnrk- rd. ledd than 2 per rent of llm words nt their face value with, out proper crillcism. The llus-slnn peasnnt or worker may havo less Influence upon Ihe government of the country llinn has nn oxpodo to their fellow' the great est imnoslure ever lOlsteil upon a pullible worlil? When will llrilish working men ask them- delved how the llolshevldt ly population will have anylhing to'rHn)1( anor crushing with fire do Willi Hie immunidi orvco, nn, Swor.l and all limir own 111-and why In Hie prosecution of isiilUlt barlwrilies Iho attempt Iheir beneflciMil rule Ihoso vhuir Ooorgia lo secure dflf-dcler- "slanil al Iho head of Ihe Stnte : initial Ion. have Ihe impudence lo0 have riitimi II nccodsary to oo-Mj, 0r "llrilish tmprialfsnV llhe de dlroy all liberty, all freedom df nn,t t(v secure the passago of nunileil speech ami 01 wniing, aim iui i-psoluinm condemning Ml at Wft dlb'iioe all oidlon"j also' Tnul's: l iiiuit Coitnwd? And why "lliero i ceflainiy nnen a low onsr will il be lieforo llrilish reltiplanee lo resisl eiiner men or measured. . . . that Is inspired mure by apprehension than affection." (Traded Union llcporl . Bolshevist Myth Some ilntf (osibly, alietWsl.s ifi.iv exnlain how llrilish I.nhor Mticcu tubed lo the obsession the llolshevlsl mylli. Probably i im emise will bo found In Ihe ceaseless reiteration by the So-, vel propagandists and .1 Iioir j hirelings in Jhls rounlry nr Ihe phruo "workers' and peasant s' Kovcrnmont." The liiherent r Ihe llrilish working' labor begins to wonder why Moscow reserves its most malignant hatred for Hie llrilish Km man i.redisnoses him lo lakelToronto Globe Takes Issue With Bourassa on Back Lord Atholslan. whose Ihe Montreal Star wns res inmalo of Hid llcllilrm Hospital ponsiblo for upon the clvio admlnislralion ofjlho articles London neither has any Infill-, Death" and once whatever; but because Newspaper Baron and Pats infinite Lord Alholslan's paper posed as ide publication of "The Whisper of is now backing a tliOanipaign lo elect Paleiinude, jn- parrot phrase is repealed llritldli'ilepenilenl Conservative, in Monl-LnbOMirecpts It ns a Irulh. Anil real, conies under the ban or Henri nppnrniilly If forinnl resolu- llonrassiv, editor of l.n Devoir, lions menn nnylhing Ihe llrll-iwlin claims lhal an efrort Is Im. Ish I rn de union machine U ready, it Ihe bidding of Ihe lied International, lo plunge Ihls country Inlo civil war, bloodshed, and Ihe high priest of national and Imperial unity, when il prated of Ihe larger patriotism. Hut now, pmoeedji Mr. Hourassa's paper, it does not hesitate lo row among the divers Canadian groups Ihe germs of profound discord"; il "conducts a violent provmcialisiic campaign. It ap peals solely or alone lo Quebci' lo the senlimenLs of Ouebec. lo loyal' Ouebeckers (aux loy-Oucbecois) ." Diverse Interests Anil llourassa condemns suc'i a campaign! "Thai Hie depulie (membersj from our Province guard particularly Ihe interests. of our Province; that Ihey be; concerned particularly to makej known lo their colleagues of the oilier Provinces Ihe interests and the sentiments of Ouebec thai," says Mr. llourassa through his journal "is natural and just; but all Ihe same we cannot build upon a quarrel between the Provinces a sound political program." Canada being what she is, continues i.o uevoir, a' nau-cnnlinenl peopled by fellow-citi-lens willi divers and diverse in terests, economic and political, it is the duly of those who desire perpetuatp Confederation by development of a strong and ion "to harmonize as ssible the interest of the different Provinces and lo reduce lo Ihe ntintniuni the in- haps serve Ihe purpose of some piro, and why all its sinister en-groiips; il would be disastrous to orgies are directed, from Sydney In Shanghai, to the destruction of llrilish trade and therefore of Ihe livelihood of Hritish work- ofers? ATHOLSTAN AND THE CAMPAIGN Ing tnade by the Slar to stir uplhavo found them a rather. decent sectionalism. The (Hobo says: II has fallen lo the lot or lite journalistic lunulhpicco or Henri terror. In order thai, like lliissla,:lourassa first lo .challenge. In Iho national unity. Bourassa's Position The (ilobe has not often seen eye lo eye with Mr. llourassa. Mr. Hourassa's past has not permitted it. jn common with tl)C vast majority 'of Canadians this newspaper has deplored repeatedly what it believed In bo tljo dangerous and disloyal sectionalism of the eloquent protagonist of so-called Salionajism. Hut none over doubled his ability, bis sincerity perhaps fanaticism would be the better word or his crusading power among his compatriots. Time works wonders. It may bo that the race and creed icnlol of yesteryear has mellowed - and broadened. Perhaps when bo visited Ontario recently on all entente mission and mingled willi his English- speaking Proleslant fellow-citi-zeiis ho learned that thfy wejre not the bigoted, evil ogres he had once imagined, instead ho may lot, nnllo egar lo know bojter, to understand more clearly and lo apnrceialn imno cordially their French-Canadian Catholic fel nfler passing through Iho nbomQiieboo Ibis sordidly selfish and lows In Ihe sister J'rovipco, for inallon of desolnlion, It or as disrupting sectional ctimpaign!, whom Ihey have much adniira. many of the population as sur-'l.o Devoir recall the days when Hon and regard. Uo that as U """iiim, ymr i)mrfa pjpe joiacco DLD CHUM , . . . . may, Mr. llourassa s warning to j Lord Atholslan and his schem-. ing associate lhal they "cannot' build upon a quarrel between the! Provinces a sound political plat-' fnHrt" Itna Hifk rirhl rirtfr nmll his counsel to oilier ciliiens to do their part to harmonize as far as possible Ihe interests of the different Provinces and I' reduce lo Ihe minimum Ihe inevitable collisions" is most en-, couraging. ! INTERESTING VIEYY OF AN ENGLISHMAN Letter to London Times Tells of! People of Victoria From Old Country Viewpoint 1 A letter in the London Times from an Hnglishman recuperating al Oak Hay, Victoria, in part follow: ' "I have fallen deeply in love with Victoria. It possesses won derful natural beauty with all its inlets and the ;rahd view of snow-capped mountains oppo site on Ihe American shore. 11 is luxuriantly wooded, and the licjien-covered rocks are a pic- jluresnup foreground and the nowers too lovety. r.very one hero works terribly hard and al most nil the women du their own cooking and housework. It has been an astonishing and some- evilable collisions. ... A quar-.,mP, pathetic revelation to us lo rel between Provinces might per-4ji!iCO,,r w,t surprising work gentlefolk can do. The trades peopje, are more than half of them public school boy, and one ceases to be surprised when one's chauffeur, or milkman, or Ihe man on the ferry addresses one jn the nnst charming and cullivnted of voices. Many of Ihepi are ex-army men, captains! chiefly, and all have been wounded. It would fbo immeasurably patietic wore it not for tho kindly air of friendly tolerance and good fellowship about the place. No one- minds jn the least what his neighbor, does, and all respect each other's foibles. It Is rather a wonderful atmosphere, on the whole." Advertise In Iho Daily News LAND ACT. Nolle of Inltntlon t Apply to Purchaa ban. In Ihe Land MeeoMliiir MMrtrt of Prince Ruifrl. ami belnr a nor I Inn or Lot twrnty-fonr (tl), llanrt fir U. Ovist IHMrlrt. TAKE MlTHK that Frlnrll'a Limit! of I'rlme lluvert, R.C inerrtiant. Intend to aiily for pei-mll"ii to iurclue the fullnwlnr (teaitlbpd lanJi: Cmiunenrlnir at a ihi.i planted it Ihe iwrtheat ririier of ln liity-four (14 rinre fire (S. Coal Mmrlrt; tlienre oiitn tnlrlv-twQ rhaln: thence vr forty rhaini lln-nee north etrht rhalna, more or leaa, lo hlth water marl) tlirne niflhea! almir Mali water mark to point of eidiiineiiri'iiieiit, anil runlalulnc rlality Viii, arrw!., lliurv nr iph, FHIZZELl'S LIMITfD. Dated Autuii tlia, a.D, tif,P'knl h the famous Vacuum(AirT$M)Tin j Through the use of the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tin 4 OLD CHUM SMOKING TOBACCO is preserved for you in perfect condition; it is always as fresh as when it was originally packed. v Alwaus ask for ihe Vacuum (Air-Mt) Tin Tobacco Co.of Cdndda,Limited BEST to buy Big Bens ind Baby Bens at Bulger's Big Little Jewelry Store We can repair them when necessary New Fall Coats DRESSES and MILLINERY "DEMERS" Phono 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S7S DENTIST