Kent a Remington Don't be without a typewriter just because you don't wish to buy one at present. Just phone and a machine in first class order will be delivered $5.00 per month $12.00 for 3 months We are prepared now, as never before, to clean, adjust, overhaul all makes of typewriters promptly and thoroughly a service that satisfies Wo are supporting Gyro Carnival NEW -:- SEASON'S I Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Ruffles! Ruffles! Ruffle Curtains are the vcry latest in window decorations; we have a wide rane of patterns and colors in stock; your choice, from $1.45 to $5.75 per pair W arc supporting Gyro Carnival BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. $1.50-.$1.00 apeiiai unci INTRODUCING. PARKE DAVIS & CO.'S TOILET CREAMS Mil' fiM fifl pun Iuim'i ml two "f any of (he follow-g ioli li will Im' trt'!"iiti'tl Willi "lie I n'e. I'll. (io. Tooth Pu-le. very hn'e lube 50o P l. I'm. VmUI Cream for ma.snge mid a cleanser . . 50c P l. c. (Jo. Vanishing I2renm, ii gien-Mess cream dial rubs iiHo (he Kkin utl ti -; f . .f;n-- j 1 1 - 50o P l. K (io. Almond Crt'Mm tor . Iuppt i li.ui.l- and roughness or (he -kin 50c P ll. v Co. SluiMiig C.ienm. ii germicidal Shaving Soup. lug Inlie. five nionlli of daih shaves 50c Ormes Limited The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggists ;inl Avenue ami Wit Street We are Supporting the Gyro Carnival, Oct. 12th and 13th. TUG BOATS Day Phones 423 530 Gr. 001 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Phone 123. Night Phones 687 530 Gr. 601 Black 735 Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Try Valentin Dairy. 057. Phone If Dance toniahl. 8.31) Huston Hall. Andersen's Accordeon music. 75c and 25c. C.p.H. steamer Princess Mary Capl. Arthur Slater, arrived from (ho south at C.30 last even nig and sailed ot 'J for Alaska ports. Theo Collart, who has been confined to Ills "home this week on account uf an attack of in flucnza, is able to he in office again. his The Liberal committee rooms eonier Second Ave. and Fourth Mre-t, next to the Walker's Music store art open every after noon and evening. 251 Mrs. Paul I'.ggerl, who has been pending some time-hi the south was a pastenicer on the Prin cci Mary hit evening boun fr her home in Atlin. Selection from the "Mikado Hid "II Trovalore." starrin Miss Adene Advent and S. Campbell, and a good miscellan "'Hi program. Wcl holme Thea ire, (lcli,r 111 and 20. Mrs. Y. II. Tomlin and child i.'- sailing lioiKirrow evening on i lie I'riucr Oeoi jre for Yanoou-' i- lo join Mr. Toinlin who re-'enily resigned from (he slafl f I lie Prince Itupert Spruce Mill. The ladie of Hie lloyal Purnl Mill liohl a silver tea at the home f Mrs. Arllidr I la i ley, 2H Fifth venue Wet on Thursday, Ocl- ober IS from 3 (o 6. The ladle of Prince Ilupert are cordially invited to attend. 23S The moM Iteverent A. N. Du I' mu i.t, D.D. will preach al both i-rfre at (he Church of Kiik land tomorrow. At 1 1 a.m. the Hev. Walter Allan. ILA. will I ordained and Miss Advent ha consented to sins a lo. Donald Hons, manual training mlrwtor in (he rily school li:s (aken (he rily house or 'ifahani Avenue formerly occu pied by li. A. Hunter. Mrs. Iloss and faiHily, who are at present in Vancouver, frill arrive in the near future (o reurue their ' residence here. llalph tpR-er. son of Hev. Dr. J. C. Spencer of Delia Delia, who attended High Srhool here a couple of years a?o, has been seriously ill in the Vancouver (ieneral Hopilal suffering from InfantM paralysis. His many local friend will (hi gratified (o know (hal his conditioti is some what improved. 111 uigh l someone removed Mrs. MrCarlhyn Fonl light Ue- Itl'Orv iBf fi-itm in fiuitit f itaf IHoral stioji on Third Avenue The police were notified and licit Duncan, a (axi driver 1'H-nted the missing car on Sixth vonnc near the skating rink I nl.iiiiagfd. it was returned lo i's owner, though no trace va tiomd r who had removed il. 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS (yro Carnival and Dance On-labor 12 and 13. Ilchcknh llaxaar Saturday, Oclober 17. Catholic Church Ilaiaar, UoUi-her 31 and it. Hospitnl Hallowe'en Hull, Oct ober SO. Hill Sixty Chapter I.O.IUl. Ilaiaar, Oclob9r 31. - Anglican Chutx'h Ilaiaar November 5. Presbyterian Church ltazaar November 12. lloyal Purple Ilaiaar .November 13. Moose Ilaiaar November and 18. HaplisL Church Ladles' llazaar, November 26. 17 THE DATLT fIBWl Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. llrcaltfasf, Lunches, After noon Tfias, Dinners and after Theatre Herreshmcnts Our Specialty Is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery, Wholesale or llelail. You will he pleased with our service. Let us please you. K1LLAS & CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Mooeicarl Day. Oclober 27. llik' dance Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi. Phone I34. tf Win. Italagno will resume vio lin lessons October 10. Phone lied 51 1. . 230 W. Cilchrist is booked lo sail im the Prince George tomorrow niKlil for Vancouver. Cinderella Dance tonight In Metropole Hall. Arthur's Orchestra. Gentelmen 75c, ladles free. Percy O. 'Tinker, who has been on a visit to the Old Country, is returning home this Harry Caslelou, on a charge of intoxication, forfeited 25 hail in the city police court this morning. James Turnbull arrived in the eily from Hazel ton yesterday af ternoon ami will return lo (he interior on today's train. Municipal . Chapter t.O.U.P. presents selection from the Mikado and II Trovalore, West holme Theatre, October ID and 0. The Liberal coinmUiee rooms, ofrner Second Ave. , and Fourth Street, next to 1tn- Walker's Music store are opeircvery after noon and evening. 251 TOW KL SPECIAL. Week-end only, on sate at reduced prices lo make room for winter and Christmas stoch. A Macktm zie Furniture House. 230 Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Vigarwil! sail for (he south next Thursday evening en route lo F.nghuid on a vacation trip. They will ail froui New York on the lenmei Celtic. Hecate Slraits 'Towing Co.'s lug Cape Scot I, CaptJ llrowu, is due in port tonight or tomorrow morning lo lake the floating cannery Laurel Whalon to Van couver. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. L'rell and family will sail tomorrow nigh' on (he Prince (Seorgo for (licit home in Astoria, Oregon. Mr. L'rell has been engaged in fish buying in the district during I In- past summer. P. S. Honney. dislriOt forester and II. II. I.eiglilon, fire in spector, left mi this uiorningS train for Alexa Lake, east o' Priiife (Seorse. where ho will 1 engtiged for I lie next w eek ii. giving Instruction . at fores rangers' classes. Mr. and Mrs. J.' S. Halls lefl hy lhs morning's (rahi for Win nipeg. Mr. Halls ,who has been engaged with Hie (larler-Hails- Mdlnger Co., Ltd. hero for the pas few iiKMitlio. will toks up work- with the company on an eastern contract. Delayed down the cffasl by fog. C..N.11. steamer Prince Oeorge. finpl. Harry Nedden, will not arrive until 5 o'clock this afternoon. The (rain for the Fast is nwnilHig the arrival of th' slimmer -which will leave for Slewarl at 10 o'clock tonight. C.P.H. sleainer Princess jlapt. Anderson, Is duo from iM'Uhv smith at 3 o'clock this arter-iiiioou sailing on her return (o Vancouver it I I o'clock. 'Tito fol- SI. Andrew' Ladies' Auxiliary! low ing are bonkftl lo go south Ihuaar. lU'ceinher 2. on Ihe vessel: 11. W. Nlekersnu, IP. Thompson and C. S. llappcll. Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid, for Ocean l ulls; Kd. Lurseti for liauar, jW.embfr 1. Yauoour. Church Notices Lutheran Church SI. Paul's English Lutheran Church, Metropole Hall, Third Avenue. Hev. P. K. Haisler, D.D., pastor. Morning service at 1 1 o'clock. Sermon topic: "Christ's Gospel: the world's greatest need." -Sunday school al 12.15. Kvenins service at 7.30. Sermon topic: "Christian Victory." Presbyterian Church Morning worship al 1 1 o'clock. Subject: "God's Balances." Sunday School at 12.30. Kvcn- ing services al 7.30. Subject: "The Call of Isaiah." Preacher, Hev. JI. II. Grant, D.D. United Church The Church of Service. Hev li. (i. Hacker, pastor. Miss Isa bcl Haddock, deaconess. Morn ing service at 1 1 o'clock, preach er Hev. G. G. Hacker. Sunday school at 2.30. Kvening service al 7.30. Hev. F.van Haker. Baptist Church Morning service at 11 o'clock Subject: "The Meek and the F.arth." Dible School at 12.15 Lveuiiiu vvorshio al 7.30. Sub ject: "A Cloiplet of (irace." very cordial invitation lo all. Salvation Army You will feel at home in lb" Army, enjoy the sintfins and your hearl will be blessed through '(Sod'! message. Saturday at 8.15 p.m. Praise. Sunday at II a.m. Subject: "A sanctified life." 2.30 p. in. Sunday School 7.30 p.m. "Popular Christianity versus Christ's Christianity. Scouts and Guards Tuesday and Friday. Ladies" Home League Thursday at 2.30. Come to these meetings. TREASON TO CANADA IN OPPOSING GRAIN RATES Vancouver Paper Urges Import ance of All-Canadian Route , Vancouver Sun. Those interests that have at tacked and are attacking the equalization of grain rales westward are guilty of treason lo Camula, because they are try- ins? to perpetuate a system of j rain transportation (hat en riches American industries, American railways and American . oris at the exense of Hie people of Canada. The Wslern (Srain Houte Is an -ill-Canadian route. Every cent f revenue derived from handling westbound grain Slot's into Canadian pockefs. The Eastern (Srain Houte involves a deflection of this rev-nue into American channels. Every bushel of Canadian -rain that travels over Anyricau railways, passes through American elevators or is shippeiKotil through American porta, is a reflection on the good business sensp of Canada and a reflection upon the integrity and patriotism of those politicians who oppose (he unrestricted use of he all-Canadian Western Houte Millions of American dollars re invested in Iluffalo in equipment to handle Canadian grain. Is (he influence of thoe Amer-can millions (o dictate the policy if the t'nnadian people or will bat policy be dictated by the "onnmic needs of Canada? ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED 'The engagement is announced :n Vancouver of Miss Ileal rieel Hose llrouse to William ii. Malison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Manson, formerly of Prmec Unpen ami now of Vancouver. I'he wedding will lake place next veek. (ieore W. Niekerson. Pro gressive candidate for Skeena in he federal election, sails this iflernoon on the Princess Heal-iee lo carry his campaign into Hie Ocean Falls and Holla Cooln lislrict. TOO. LATK TO CLASSIFY KOIl SALK. -Dintnt room sui!. I old F.nplish paMem. Applvi 915 llorden Sli-eel. 2:i Baby's restless nights 'might be avoided Scalded skin and other skin troubles are common causes of restlessness, and often could be avoided by careful bathing with Baby's Own Soap. Its frKrant luthrrclmntrs unit hols lUbv's skin, and prepares for restful sleep. "0tjr va ni Bh '" u-u cf PAOR THRKF rlfrmpiiiard 7nimrl and nMMjriotfiert A hot, well made cup of delicious BAKER'S COCOA will appease these keen appetites and also provide considerable nutrition. Dr. Louis Fischer, former instructor in Diy maa -el cases of Children at the New York Poet Graduate Medical School and Hospital, licta cocoa in diet for school children. WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited ESTABLISHED 1730 DORCHESTER. J.IA5S. CANADIAN MILLS AT MONTREAL Booklet of Choice Recipes sent free "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" Sang Marry Lauder, and on washday morning you probably feet like singing Ihe same thing. So why not end that ancient drudgery to-day? THRIF-T SERVICE Just call for our THHIFT-T SKHV1UB which will do every bit of the washing und iron the flat work loo. With Ihe wash out of wash day thai " hale to get up in the morning" feeling will be gone for good and all. THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and 1c a piece. Minimum Charge $1.00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnoers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo handle ali kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3 SI Sportsmen! We are lleadijuurlers for Sporting tioods or all kinds We carry the famous WESTERN SUPER "X" LONG RANGE SHOT SHELLS See us Tor Hand Logger's Supplies liilehrist Jacks and Paris Cable Axes Saws. etc. We are supporting Gyro Carnival STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 714 Second Avenue Phone 143 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Frizzcll Butcher Shop, across from Ihe Kmpress Hotel v We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor