T I 111 w- n M I . I WAIN Kill I I ll I ii m i nil i -ijiiiu 10 VANCOUVER nouiana iirt nave Mrnvecs Canadian National Line Alone So Far on H Vt II. UftUvVhiml j ward Mh pacific v Vancouver ehtva-niiii to feel lh f i vf a thousand unveil over the Cana- .il atone, iii addition Ii milled liv ilir i;.l.H. ml, wnil- iwue an ii ariii'il tin Mine - .If BOlllli Ii. Wlial 'dad Hre lireeily, i- on both Iln't are i illy ami otliV'r (rain ' n rout. nlmot a lo- I in ran aw;mmo- MINISTERS FOR CANADIAN WEST Four Slated for Prairie Provinces In Addition to One In B.C. ll':i. Oct. Id. ,1'remier 1 ' Kiiia in hi final ad ' a written! audience an t Mini if elect wl former N'orri of Manitoba ji' laki'ii llilu lhe cabinet. Mier iiilimaled (hat four t nit would no lo the pronren of western 1 a The men lo be ehoxen " in Nnrri of Manitoba. ' of Sa-kitlehewan. mid alrcnilv in the cabinet, a. ' and Molheiwell. ThU U i ildiii in to the I I.C. minister, h "a ol runt Koolenay. BAYCHIMO AT DUTCH HARBOR I'OUTI.VM). Ocl. 10. Tin ,! '' hi n May (.learner llaychinio il nl Dutch Harbor on ' fidavuifler a Irln front lhe Ii ''fiaul of Alaka wliVre he eepnrleil lacl lininlh ns fail He leg wllh llllle piospecl of ane bl-fore -H'ring. EIGHTEEN WERE KILLED ITALIAN FACTION FIGHT l'AIIIS. Ool. 10. Hepinif n-''eivi'd liere ntnlc that H perno'iin were killed In recent flghllng be-ween warring fncllonj at Flor-'ee, Italy. ! l".llsClnl lo -.ink in me minutes truck: Jaob ladder from UiH f I lie tug and over thi Uaplam riioniMMi, chief engineer Hubert otn. nm nine itfrniteri of the rew climbed In afeiy. The lus nank an (he lal huh elmtoreil ultoard. Dewey and Tean YelerUay f1ernoMi the teatMer Admiral Hewey and leiiin eollidmt in the n(rail id iimade Kui, three milen eanl of iMiiicueon. Only HkIi! damage a- ii. lamed by either nhi. lhe Admiral Oewey with freight .nd nannenaem wan en roule I mm Ihm Amtelen and the TeiiM oulbouml fr San l'nnieinco. Ihrce other ahl ammidcd. .ill (he canualtien leii due In ieay Tos. The lrincw Kalh-een failed lo arrive ami 1 re-i...ilrd having ffone aground al irtoria. lir.l.l.l.VOIIAM. Oct. 10. -Steamer 1'otlach went ahor Thursday near Anacrlen Hiid wan Una I iil Friday She nlruck head on mid wan leaking badly in lhe forward bold bill wan taken in tow for Seatlle by lhe log Sea KniK- GASBOAT WAS ADRIFT TWENTY-FOUR HOURS Man and Woman had Narrow Es cape Drifting Fifty Mllos In Juan de Fuoa Straits Yir.TnillA. Oct. 10 The ga boat . and V.. adrift all T'hurn-.lav niuhl Oie Strails of Juan de' l uca wilh Mr. I. 1 Awards anil Mr. Ynnce of Sooke aboard vviik localed near l'ort Henfrew wllh bolli oceiipanln .afo and well by the launch Sunbeam, nent to I heir reneue from sooke During lhe '.'t hours Ihcy were out Hie boal wan lielplenn. She drifted about 50 milen down lhe l niini-e of Vancouver In land and only lhe calm -ea naved lhe crafl from dentruellon. STOCK MARKET ll.C. Silver ... ,Daly Alankn Diinwell ' Iliuellou ... I.. & I.. I'reuiier . Sllvercrenl Terininu Urf Inlet Illil. 1 .0'.) .ir l.so . .02 .17 2.30 .07 .10 .07 M -She Anked. 1.15 1.70 S.35 .10 .08 Progressive Party Candidate Had hit Papers Filed With Returning Officer This Morning (eorge Watson Nickcrou, uianufuclurem' agent and Pro-grcnnlve candidate, in (he first to lhe Mft in I lie federal election! v..Cviiirri iui .TrT-im riuiit., uisi cattle and ahe (taper havin? been filed Ibis H..I , ... ".. . ..... rum ujc mjriimp wuii i-uwiiru u. .Mur-' nine he wan struck. Mie wa iim-i aiiiiiUliii. Ilic lug received no warning f I he approach of the Krnh eel. the iibilit being but 5U eel thmusli the f eurtnlo. laiitMHjialel' the wa timer, returning officer. I Mr. Xiekernoif n nominalor.l who nijinaturen vy'ere wituenne.li by (teonre II. Arnobl, bin official u petit, were an follown: ieor?e J. Prlnelt, Daniel .amon. Sam uel Wood. John D. Mel.eod. J. I'.. Mrllae. P. II. I.inzer. A. J. Vrud- Jr4ifiu was laoded n llja deekktAHHitr. M.;U J?Ui'ieM, NV. 11 Monlffiimery, J. 1). ITuirber. U. J.i llacrtn. Mm. J. A. Prince. Mm. II. A. Finnic. Mm. Mien Tail. A Murray, lloberl Murray, A. I.eai Iiink S. V. Taylor. Oeorpe t. Shaw, Oeorge U'addell. Joej llniwn. M. II. ..Mcl.eo-I, Mm. Joei Drown, I'. Thompson. I Nominiiiionn will clone next1 lhiirnday at n by which time lhe papetn of Fri'd Stork, Liberal. candidate, and OcorKc (i. Ilunh-, I... ...M .. I ...I. I. .1.1. l.,.Jtl Uy .Ul.t-l rti IV , wmi lime i..fc. filed. DR. H.R. GRANT ! LEAVING CITY Subject to Approval of Presby tery Will go to Fort William End of Month llev. II. II. (irunl. D.D.. will probably be leaving Prince llu-perl lo'taki charge uf a Presbyterian t'.huich at Foil William lo which lie recently received a call. It in expected lhal he will gel away about November I. At a joint meeting of the session and the hoard of mauaitcrs of the local I'reshyleian C.hurrh last iiIkIiI, Dr. (Irani laid the matter before them and npoke of bin benlUi having failed somewhat of lale. apparently from climatic reasons. He thouht lhe rJmiipo would be beneficial. Afler conniilVriuc the mailer at some length, lhe meeting panned a resolution reurettlntr the nccesnily of a change but approving lhe call. It will now have lo be nubmilled lo (he pres-bvlery al New Weslmitmler be fore going into effect. In lhe meantime il Is lakeu for lurrnnlrd thai approval will be given and thai Dr. and Mrs. Oraul and family will be leaving within lhe month for Foil William. Dr. ami Mrs. (Irani have been here for over eleven years, com-Injr Jiml before lhe oullueak of war and people of all rcliuiuiis deuomliialidim or of none will rcBrct exceedingly lhe necessity of their going. Dr. Oraiil followed F. W. Kerr and since eom-inir has ncen hundreds of members cnnie and go. While doubtless he will be replaced by an efficient man, he will be much missed. Advertise in the Dally New. FRED STORK OCEANFALLS Good Reception Given Him at Public Meeting' In- Paper Town Last Night OCEAN FALLS, OcL 10V Fred Stork had a bumper meeting last night In the publie hall here at which Malt Haslett presided. He outlined his policy In regard to local affairs and also epoke on the big questions of the day, particularly on the freight rates and got an excellent reception. CANADIAN MILLER ASHORE IN ALBERNI CANAL THIS MORNING YICrOMIA, Oct to. -Canadian uo eminent freighter Canadian Miller went a-diore in Alberni (anal below Franklin Light during a dene tact Ibis morning. No details arc available. FIFTEEN KILLED KOMI-'., Ocl. lo. Fifteen per sons were killed last nipht when u pasnetmer train in lhe province of Calabria fell through a hriitge whirh had been undermined by storms. KEEP AWAY FROM RUPERT Notice is hereby given lo all pcrons living oulside lhe city and who. at prc- nenl have iiileutiuun of 4 coming lo Prince Ituperl for the purponenif oblain- iiiig work I linl il Is adsis- able that they should give up their intention of t-o doing. The City Council has .le- rided that no doles are lo be given thin winter and (hat all cily work will be wlven to permanent resi dents of the City. Notice is further given thai so far as lhe labor market in Prince . Huperl is concerned il is fully supplied with labor and that Prince lluperl ' Is a very undesirable place for persons lo come lo al present for lhe purpose of obtaining work, V.. 1. .Hf.NF.s, 237 Cily Clerk. ; ! Mi 25 A'. Boston Grill .1.1... Large tpslair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Anywhera at 'a !.,... " floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, o,. a NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th 8t. , T ; n PRINCE RUPERT The latest and Lest for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phono 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOI XV., NO. 230. I'MIXCB III Pl'KT, H.C., HA'fLllDAY. OCTOHKlt 10. 1025. Yt.ur.,. cirtui.tion ieor Slrt.t (Im S03 PRICE FIVE GENTS. TUGSEA MONARCH SANK WHEN RUN DOWN rvnnn a i i n n fT i it nMATTn ... . VUMU Ur rlM mows HOW WASHING 1 ON WON BALL GAME BY 4 TO 3 Number of Vessels in Trouble as Result of Fog in South and Sea Monarch Sank in Collision Tug went to bottom off Port Townsend just as N(KIr0N IS larger Vessels Collide FIRST TO P0S1 HI UTLK. Ocl. 10. The fog Itu- plaved havoc Willi aliii. f ., 1i - jart of the roast during the pat Z hour. South I ifKrleu ami immlier of boats have gone aground K led (heir way through, i , rt unulenl wn that In (lit lug Sea Monarch; which i Mini witli I he French steamer .eimii in a heavy fog I' T wii-i'inl lat night. The m-w of lhe tog wu taken . nun which wa onllonml for Vancouver. - , The Sea .Mini ami wan towing u railway car barge t-' from ...... Port decera .S. I.dniioiul Ironside, of Kugland, u nil Lieul.-Col. MacKemiy. lulled Slides ntlarhe a lhe first log niuuoue-vre of 'he Polish army MRS. PHILLIPS DIED SUDDENLY Pioneer Resident of Prince Rupert Expired From Heart Failure Early This Morning Death came very suddenly I.niily Phillips, wife of having visited llochester, Minne sota, where she expected to re ceive ireaimnl tor tailing Hear ing. She.' was advised by specia lists there that nothing could be done for her and she was very disappointed. Since returning home she had been' feeling un well. ! Dr. I.. W. Kcrgin was called this morning but, on arrival, life was extinct . and nothiing r'ouhl be done. Mrs. Phillips, who was a of the Moosehearl Legion, came lo Prince Ituperl about six teen years ago and resided here Continuously since that time. nnUve of Yorkshire, F.nglaud, and It years of age, she came to Canada al the age of six and resided for many years at Montreal. Later she moved to F.d-niouton and came lo Prince lluperl from that city. As a practical nurse, she carried out work al l'.dmonlon and here. llesides the widower, Mrs. Phillips Is survived by a son, Arthur. Many local friends, deeply reiirrelling Mrs. Phillip' demise, will extend their deepest sympathy lo the mourning family. Announcement of funeral ar rangements, which are in the hands of lhe ll.C Undertakers' will be made faler. MEN WHO ESCAPED JAIL ARE CAPTURED Two Alleged Murderers and an Alleged Bandit Taken 40 Miles From Winnipeg Washington Won Today's Ball Game by Score of Four to Three in Third of the World Series i IMTT.SHl llli, Sept. 10. Things broke against the Pitts -jhurg Pii ale uuiay uipi the Washington Senators, baseball cham-j pious oi lhe. world, won the Ihird game of the world .eries by a , -.core of four to three. The wonderful and timely . fielding of j Hiee for Washington wan the feature ofthe game. In the sixlh ; inning he took a long hit of Traynor's which looked like a home run and, in lhe eighth, robbed Smith of n home run by making ! a spectacular cali h almost in lhe bleachers. In the ninth, with lhe score standing four to lliree against them, the Pirates filled the liae Iml luck was against them and Hie two batters folluw- iug failed lo even lhe score. . ! rrrm noose (ioslin, home run king run!S ,l( lits ,l0 ,.rror!. of lhe lal World Series, knocked. Sixth Inning , '.ut a circuil clout, the only one, pMnbur?. ' lllce took Tray-o: (lie game, for Washington in nor it un? uu w-hicli looked like the sixth with no men on. ja ,0I1,er. Peck threw wide to the bailie wns watched by a fjr!,t 0 Wright's grounder imparity crowd including l'resUloraritham fanned. Smith singled dent Coolidge. and many distin-jn rjght. Wright making 'gui.-he.l government officials' thii-.J. Wright scored on Kremer'-i ami members or Hie enate. jhjj which hopped by Harris. Washington made four runs,; Smith stopped at second. Moore len hits and one error. Pitts-'Wilked filfm2 the banc.n hut lung made Ihrce runs, eight hits and two errors. The Senators now have two games to their credit and the pirates, one. The fourth game will take place here tomorrow. The batteries were: Ferguson and lluel for Washington and Kremer and shfttlrfnr PiUsbrrrs First Inning Pillsburg. Moore walked. Carey hit by pitched ball. Cuyler rlie.1 out lo (ioslin. Harnhardl to liil iiiln limlili. nl:iv. n runs. A-! iiu hits, no errors. It. 1'hillips, local merchant, who Washington. Hire thrown out expired from heart failure at at first. Stan Harris flied oul. her home, III Ninth Avenue (ioslin went to rirsl on jiassed Fast, at I o'clock this moruinig. (all third slriVe. Judge grounded Only last Saturday, Mrs. l'liil-oul. No run, nb hits, no er- lips returned to the cily afterlrors Second Inning Pillsburg. Traynor lilt tinea bagger scoring on Wright's sac rifice fly lo (Joslin. Peck go (Jrantliam's pop fly. Smith flied oul to Peck. One run, one Iui, no errors. Washington. Joe Harris fan ned. Myer thrown out. uarrw dropped Peck's easy fly, runner going lo second, flucl walked. rcrguson fanned. No runs, no hits, one error. Third Inning Pillsburg. Kreiner fanned on four balls. Moore fouled out to lluel. Carried bunted, beiiu thrown oul at first. No runs no hits, no errors. Washington. Hire singbvl over second. Slan Harris sacrificed. (Ioslin flied oul to Cuyler. Mice going to third. Judse hit two bagger, scoring llice. Jo Harris thrown out al rirsl on grounder and Judge thrown out at plale tryiiig to score. Ono run, two hils, one error. Score one all. Fourth Inning Pillsburg. Cuyler gol base hit Into left centre. Iiar.lt singled into left, a two Carey slruck out. One run, two hits, one error. Washington (ioslin ;cracked (conunued on page nxi ASHORE IN FOG AT VICTORIA Princess Kathleen Ran on Hos pital Rock But Suffered Practically no Damage YICIOIUA, Ocl. 10. tiroping her way through one of the heaviest fogs in ears the Can adian Pacific steamship Princess Kathleen went aground in Victoria Harbor late yesterday af ternoon but pulled herself off five minutes later. Heading oul for Seattle the vessel slruck Hospital I'.ook bow on. She put back for survey and it was found thai she had suffered practically no damage but owing lo (he mishap the sailing was cancelled. PREPARATIONS NORTHFLIGHT Arrundsen In New York With Ellsworth Connection With Proposed Trip to Nome NF.W YOHK, Oct. ill. Captain lloald Amundsen arrived Thursday to begin preparations for resumption of the flight next summer from Home to Nome in a semi-rigid ballooji wilh Lincoln Fllsworlh who will head the parly of eighteen scientists and aeronautical experts lhal purpose making a geographical ex- scoring, liaruhardt going loiploraljon of the north country second on a throw in. Traynor walked. Peck threw Wright oul. (irantham popped lo Judge.Smilli walked. Kleiner fanned. One run, two hils, no errors. Washington. Myer walked. Peck forced Myer and was imf out on a Steal, lluel Hied oul. No runs, no hits, no errors. Score: Pittsburg, 2, t. Fifth Inning Pillsburg. Moore fanned WINNII'KO. Ocl. 10 Three of,Cary sjngled ONer second, going lhe men who. escaped from the lo second on lllce delayed Provincial jail early Tuesday throw. Myer Ihrew out Cuyler, morning were captured ,, lasl'Carey going lo Ihird. nlglil luilinig in a haystack 10 miles soulli of here. The. men captured were John Slanluu and Alex. Shupenick. alleged inur-ilerem and ficorgc I.abodiuk an alleged bandit. Iicruliar.lt fouled oul. No runs, no hils, no errors. Washington Ferguson fan- lied for the second lime. Hire heal oul a slow roller and Slan BRAZILIAN REBELS KILLED IN FIGHT WITH JSTATE TROOPS IIUFNOS, AIIIKS. Ocl. 10. Thirty llrazilian rebels .were killed and mauy wounded al Santa llita on Thursday in a clash with stale J roups. HALIBUT ARRIVALS Only three boals sold thru catches herp today. . They were Senator 15.000 lo Cold Storage at 1.1.00 and.0. . Sirius 8.000 ,Jo Gobi Storage at 15.30 and $... Wiius.SJ.OOO to Ilooih Finhcr- Hani- hit i;.!o a double play. No its m n.to and 0.