pAn5Tnro The Daily News FIUNCK RUl'EHT - nitlTlSIl COLUMHIA Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert Daily News, Li in i led, Third Avenue. II. F. I'ULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British, Empire and the United States, ii advance, per year $6,00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. . ,$t.i0 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page $2,80 per inch Local Headers, per insertion....'. 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion . 15c per agate line Contract Mates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 98 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Wednesday. Dec. Hi, 1925., Mining Development Interior B.C. The belated report received here of the bonding of tho Schufer claims on Hudson Hay .Mountain and iff other mining developments in Hint part or the country, indicate that the country is likely lo prove rich and give good retimi- to lhoe who have worked hard to prove the claims which they hold. According to report, there are plenty of oilier good properties on llud-oti Hay Mountain, but some of the owners bold them at such a high price that capitalist will not touch llieni. This is n niitakens it is better lo gel moderate returns in Ihe near future than for the grandchildren to reap rich rewards. Immigration Seems Likely To Be Active. Despatches received yesterday indicate that joint endea vors or the Canadian and Hritih (loverninents seem likelv to result to a large influx of Old Country settlers for the land during the coming year. If it should be derided lo npen the Peace Hiver vouptry Ibis year, doubtless Ibis Immigration would be greatly accelerated as Hie broad prairies and mixed farming land of the Peace country would prove unusually attractive to people who wthed lo make home in the country. It is lo be hoi'ed that, at any rale in the near future, ome mean will be found of putting a railway through that eouutrv. Whether it is done by the government or by a private corporation mailers little. In either cae we. should feel the impelii to business) Probably the privale building of th.e road would be Hie best as it would relieve the government of the necessity of piling up a greater debt. Good Example For Others To Follow. The new business building erected by Max lleilbroner into which he has removed Jus own jeweller)- store is a credit to the city. It is good enough for any place ami has set a pace which. it will Jie difficult for others lo follow. It is one more step iu the development of Prince Hupert and an important one. II i an example of a man earning bis money here and spending tt here, i II is to be hoped be will gel a good return on his investment, for by that means only can others be induced lo follow his excellent example. Wasting Money At Christmas. A great many. people think money is wasted nl Christina' and doubtless there is a lol of wild buying ami eare.les selection or presents. Hut. after all it is Ihe spirit of Chri-tnrt, (haj counts. The desire lo please our friends and lo make ourselves pleaaiil lit mr neighbors and to sacrifice ourselves in order thai we may make Ihem happy is what really counl. It is lli Christmas .Spirit, and whoever becomes enthused by it is lht belter throughout the year. Life is largely a matter of season. We ejijoy our Christr mas which, to young people at any rale, is (ne one, season thai is looked forward to above all others. We enjoy the spring, and young Injlietf look forward then to their new KnIer clothe. Summer and it holidays, its swimming and boating bring joyjj health, strength, development. Autumn brings with il lh change .to the winter recreations, the fireside reading, the nso cialion more closely with friends mid neighbors and leading, up once more to the joyful se;ion of Christina. I f Bui&evs Supplies JSfLA 111 V!P wuju? end we uU! send youXiliWr 41,:, .n..,il.i..AiS bookobeaubfuIV5 linnet. ...... ,vW- Distributors fori (fDham K9L9RED -3HINOLE3. Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply ot l Nanaimo-Welling- ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 ani 117 I NATIVE SONS ORGANIZATION FORMED HERE M. M. Stephens Is First President of Prince Rupert Assembly SONS OF CANADA GONE. Willi an initial enrolment of 83 members which it is expected! will increase lo several liuudre I in I lie very near future making the organization one of the strousesl in the city. Prince Hupert Assembly No. 50, XatlV Sons nf Canada, came into being, al an enthusiastic meeting- in the Melropole Hall last night. Th establishment of Ihe .Native Son of Canada, which is a national organization operating under Dominion charter, marks the din appearance of Hie Son of Can-ada, a" local and Independent ociely, wliich for many year has functioned effeelively In thf rity'and wliicli was inlrunienlHl in the organization of the iy,'to assembly liy wliich it lieeonieS. absorbed. " The Native Sons of Canada' headquarters.! in Victoria whew llicoelety was foundeii in 1921, Since il inception, il ha been marked with rapid prowl ti and, though slarted-in llritisli Columbia. Ihe organization has now sprcad throughout the province. over the iwairie and a, far eat as Toronto. An assembly . about Io'Im established in Monl-real, there already heiug a number uf prominent ineniiers in the east. A lirauch iu California i also tdanned. The organization is non-polil : iind non-sectarian and ils nhjrct are generally for the lietlermeut nf Canada and Canadians. Harmony with other organization for Hie puhlie and national welfare is also stressed in its constitution. The PsialiNsliment of a Canadian national spirit is one of the essential objects. Ilns he ing governed at all times, how ever, by n true Imperial spirit and fellowship with citizens of the Dominion from foreign shores, particularly those of Ki'ilih extraction. The ineiifhership of the .Native Sous of Canada, under the pre sent constitution, is routined to those of Canadian birth, over the age of t a ad otherwise duly qualified. Canadians wlto mar have.tieeu bora out of lheDoni in ion of Catiudiau parents but arrived ju this country Imfore the lize nf five are alo adtMitted to ineinhership. Officers Elected The proceedings at the meeU in? Ial night consisted of mak. lug Ihn neces'sary steps toward Organization. The meeting was in charge of Frank Cummins: l Vancouver, deputy or Hie lirainl President, who has been in the city for the past week. .Mr. Humming gave the new nent bly various instruction iu ihf work of the organization and in stalled the following charter officers who will function until liexl March: President, Aid. M. .M. Stephens, Past President, S. K. Parken. ' First VICHipresldenl, A. J, Pi udbiiiunic. . Second Vice-prestdenl, Hurrir Love. . Se:rlary, Jl. C. Jlensnn. Tieiisurer, J. D. McLeod. Chaplain, !eorpe Johnstone. Serjrpaiil-al-Arms, W. K. WIN liseroft. Inner Cuard, (ieorge II. Aruot.' (inter (iuard. Howland lloard. Historian, (. A. Hunter. Committees will be drafted later. Aid. Stephen acted as chairman during the organization proceeding and Xorri Pi-iiiade. as secretary-. ODDFELLOWS7 WHIsf . DRIVE AND DANCE Successful Affair Was Held Last Evening In Boston Hall The Oddfellow were hosts at a succenful whist drive and dance which was held last evening in the HoMon Hall. There were 21 table of whist and prize winners were a follow: Men's first, Jack McLean; men' consolation, Cap!. D. Cun-r iiirnistieu py Arthur Orchestra. A, It. Phillips was master of ceremonies and 1. J. Polem pre 72 r oArr.v ntrto IT 'til,, lee in cliarse eonsisteil nf P-"Jil Solem, S. V. Cox and Ceorge Mc-Auey. a committee from the Jte-lu'knh consislinc of Mrs. Jack Mcintosh. Mr. W. A. McLean and Mrs. s. V. Cox ailiiiK with refreshment. MANAGER OF UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY NO STRANGER HERE Harold Hi-owu. general mana-) ger of the I'nion Steainhip Co. of Hrltisli Coluudiia, spenl ye-j lerday in Hie city and was buyi lenewiny old aco.uaintances, Je- for the war, Mr. Hrown was foe' several years located in llti ei'v as chief clerk o' the U. T. P. freight department. From her he va transferred lit? Victoria. later joining t tit I'nion Sleanishi.t Co. and rapidly advancing him self in that company's service until now In- i in charge of alt its extensive operations on HiU coast. It wis Mr. Hrown s fir! visit tit Prlnre Hupert since ('.(la ami one of the uiosi interes'ling IhiiiKs he saw while here was that two small bouses he built ill Hie early day on the blulT overlooking" Hays Cove on I lie eal side were still in existence. Mr. Hrown, who wa making the round trip aboard the Car- dena, accompanied by Mr. Hrown, slated that hi viit was merely in he nature of a holiday in the course of which he was making' such general inspivtton as opportunity aiioucii. hp ii;iu no annoiiiK enien! to make a ta, service. THE MAN IN THE MOON ay a: SI'FNDIXli is order of l!ie I liHAItlti:it a thotisaiiil dollar bill And went down town lo spend it Hut very so'nn I met a pal Wlto askl if I would lend it I froe him void with agte eye , And frowned on iillnvho asketl. And though I nn-i h tot nf pal Most Ittirriedly I pa-ed. Hut then, alas, I mel ihv wife. She lifted all Ihe cash And one word only came to mind w hied meant the same im 'dash." I.VS I KAD iif (his annual ciii; for farm hand on the prairie why d not the farmers raise their own help on Hie fami" Till-: camel can go loncer than any other animal without n drink. Hul who would want to he humped up like tha? OXF. advantiije of the "d . without breakf.'t! movement" it that It is poHiI,to get abotii four hitur more sleep. IT takes four people at lenl lo make spicy goip. Tliere i-Ihe person who lelU il, the person who listen and Ihe two llic are talking about. T ueil to be Dial a uilab!e Chrinliua prcsVflt . w a gold Mtigse Pi W XwUlAbW 'ack o T H I! la H lies 1 1 f . sCjti I 'J b a gold 1 alino! worfh it weigfl' iu potatoes. IF ydii wish to be very abstruse ami incomprehensible t Ibe hoi poltoi, Just talk aiiou' psycho-analysts. IT was iplite evl'denl is ooi a the criiieisius began that Ihe Charleston would heroine pop ular. AXD after all, why nril dance the Charleston inead of alleml-ing Ihe gym cla.e or plnira bailmiulon. I HF.AD of mo; young lady who practiced the dance, before the mirror and it made Hie munttry behind the gin-crinkle. W1IHX for trot first became the vngui: The aucieiil one would mock, Mill now llieyee Ihe Charleston danced And scarcely feel a shock. low; ladies' first, Mrs. K. J. ; They walch Hie wiggle waggle Large; ladies' consolution, Mr. way, Herl Moivan. ( The Iwlslinjr langle turn, Itefreshmenls were served anil And then they Try In do it loo nancing followed, music being Hul very few can Jearn Il is reported that the pliilim. "Be It Ever So Humble" TJOME: What other word in the English language is so laden with sentiment and so .fraught with meaning. It is the sum and centre of all we hold most dear. It is the source and the goal of our noblest aspirations. No other spot in the world is so worthy of protection. Life Insurance is the guardian of the home. Even with your presence withdrawn, Life Insurance Service can preserve your home for the loved ones left behind. Remember it is home to them--and take steps now to protect its existence. Talk over the matter of ad equate Life Insurance with a representative to-day. to protect je njen's eyes. A SAD, sad tale I must unfold A tale Uial unlo me was told Of hurdslitp sore the men on dure From watching long Ihe wiggley lure. Of Charleston dancing eerv t i IIIKIIl. Their eye are in mn wretched! plight For as the piaidens wriggle there And show their form entrancing fair, Upon Hie Might the men would glue Their eye as you or I would d t. They look and then lliey look again, And on lb" slglil their eyes remain, And nnl a nioineul' repip they Can spiles give through night or day, Until 'II plain that limy mu' sutler Unless I hejr eyen from use grow laugher. So Just to save the men, 'tin xnld The Charleston dancer must to1 bed. j In the old days oij haled Ihe villain mid loved the hero, tint Ihropist are anxious to put a that was befor movie heroes sided at the door. The commit- ban on the Charleston In order! were invented. The Love that Aever Dies' 113 Steamship and Train - - - Service ..,!!:""" ""T will kvc riuNcc nurittT ' ' vncou VICTORIA, HATTLl ail liil.niM-iUit. l.liil ttrb rRIOAV . ri. mince rupint lor iTrnvAirr nui anyox, wto"Dtkio'u .. PRINCK 40HH lorlnnhlly lor VANCOUVER IK QOflN CM"t" IlkANPI. PAtttNOtR TRAINS LIAVI PRINCI Ur",I.,-- atoDOi. CVCRV MONDAY. WIDNIIOAv .n,i .1 III CDMONTON, WINNirtO, ijl miiit l.ftioU, rmn." i nii i - - WMCN NIMITTINa n...rfi. M.1I...I Viap.u Moni OMl.rl Fer.l.n Chuuii. wum tii.u.i i ino u Trf.Mr cni rur mio njr 1 lluillllt Xllmul MVS. TiikrJ .Im-lu'jr imi ' 7,1B,ii TUUN HIXT (XPRCtt SHIPMENT CANAOIn ni - AQENCV ALL OCEAN ITEAMIHIP LINtl Cltr TleHl Offlt., etc Ttilrd A. Prlnc Rurt. Ph.M ilCANADIANf Mcinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert lm lEICHJIAN. WMHttll, JUNUU. SUCWU Dw zi " u f YAJICOtirtl. VIOOItIA t4 SUTTLE V J"M" ' ii. MICKS ItAIWCl i.rt for ul.d.U, w.n.en Bt, IU B.ll, Oc.i Fill. N"nu' lncr lor til Lin... Full Mrm W. C. ORCHARD O.n.r.l Agtnt. 0 Cfn.p .1 4th an ti, Print Rupi