TAXI Boston Grill 25 and Ambulance mxm Large Lpslair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. SI, PRINCE RUPERT . The latest and best fur the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper V XV no PRINCE HLI'KHT. li.C WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10. I'JTo, u-mar cimii.tii. trt Btrrrl Sl. lit PRICE FIVE CENT8. GOVERNMENT PROPOSALS FOR P.G.E. RYL. WOULD EXTEND RAILWAY TO ALBERTA BOUNDARY FROM PRINCE GEORGE P.G.E. Policy by Premier Legislature Yesterday Hock of land to be set Government asked to Peace i I MMIA. Dim-. Hi. li timing I he GtnertHtieit - I' o i- . I astern jadiey m I Lcgndature veslerd. Premier on need tUul il is propoed to el aide IO.075 acres 1.1 udo iu a large block 0- a sobsid) to Hi-- r.olw.ix, ,. e urrd ji a Itomis in riMtNwtiou wild the -Hie of i imu) creule a revenue In aid in continued government fixation will lit' made to . 1 lie riuit i' ul ltrilih It INDIANS LOSE ; FISHING CASE;.;' the lure. Fine Imposed on Dominic Char-' ley for Oalflno Salmon In North Vancouver n Dec. 1C- Iu fu-iian must comply with . iiations of the dcart-luirinc autl liUerie, ae-! the flrl ruling ia ', -ituadu .in Ilie powers fHr.ii' .1. .Mii.irnUj ! iUe Cvi y made yea-! ' It rvtmi v nil . ie eawe before Hie Mirt on up""j "ic narlme ii from 'he de-llie HUIU'-1 !'! '""I ",r !lil oiiiiiiic Charley, roiiMclnl of tiaffina IjiplUnx r.ifwk. -w, iiiu-l pay n fin f unit lnrjtcr fine will ' 1 ,,, fi.iiir.- it iifcar)' ' (!(. 1 l.i' i"ii TAXATION ACT , TO BE CHANGED Amendment Introduced by Hon. J, D. Maclean In Lepla-lature Yesterday I'MIIV. Dec. Ml. Anieml-: tin; Tuxalnin Act werf ) ' il ylei.lny afterinMjj .. D. Maetein, inifl4r iice. Tin y laclilde a it-oi rift v pei .--. mi eroi t 1 iniher. ten net cent Ui -onal pri'ci ly lax. except v 1 lie lax 1- lc-! I linn S1. renin a Ion on ull f'!i - lioh nienl or fif-h "il mil pi'(w id''-I! for I lie iidni-per "f Hie two cent gold i ! 11X uiul t lie i'X'tiipiiin fur - 3.Hn 1 roilnied from 1'itnuin jirniei'lies. CROP REPORT FOR DOMINION "TT.WW. De. (i. Hlie lolal of Die pnnripnl field ertip "r 1 anada are etimated by the In ''-run of tdalistica lo be 1 '.'! I. (100. The lotui value oT the wheat r,'"l it 1(10,755.(10(1 which in Hito.lHO In excefH of Iho wheal ' ' '! of ll2t. I'he value f the f(v- principal f" ld eropn Jh llriltMli ('oluinliia I ' H'1,I07000. Outlined in Speech aside and the Federal to aid extension River Uie Dominion Government lo Columbia all unalienated lands Mollis ill tC Peace ItlVW UKJCK 'and further il will be retielcd li bonus Hie extension of Ike road iu the eastern boundary o province the hill () the IKiolu- Mi-l'itealKMi win ue iiiuik immediately ) 1 lie Federal Gv-j erniiwiit extend the In.- rr .i p.m.e (.conge to l-a-i m. d.oii.ojtt ATLIN MEMBER HAS LETTER OF REMINDER Mela Im Addreksed to Santa Clauai and will Reach that Wonderful Personage VliriOHIA I.h-. I6. In the. ffKilaluie the oilier day a letter appear! mi the d-k of tlci Herein. nieiulNr for Alim. au- rmiil lo Santa t'.tau. .North Pole'- and elviMHl "Leata." It a troni mi HHIe dauaiilvr at Alice Ann and read a fidlo: 'Plea.r drill? file a 111 tM? lahle mid rnu'r lo inati-li. I liiu elone now. Vonr lohK friend. Leah." It in urnl-r-loiHl I In; letter wil. i-earli anla (Smiik' and IIihI Hie lHlr mill cliMir are likely lo ,,oi' in I lie hW -leigti. driven lc ri-iinlee .Iiii'ltna- Ke. NATIVE WEDDING AT METHODIST CHURCH Miss E'dxabeth Martha Sampson Becomes 3rlde of Victor Lawrence Reece of Port Simpson A nalie vac.Mihj: lKk place al Uie MetUiMli-! taiturti yesterday flermion at i.3. "V. . 0. Haeker officiatintf, when KUia-liylh Marlha Sinn of l'orl Stinpon becanie Hie bride Of Victor Lawrence Iteece of Hurt- ley Day- . . The alltiiidanls 'f the prinel paU wer Harry II. nyun aim .1 r linnl Mr. Lmili'r SuUen noui m i uk Sitnpmwi. , ' A idiorl Imneyinoon is men'ti nl in Prince Hunert before Mr. anil Mm. Heere leaxe for Hartley Hay where I hey will live. Vancouver exchange Wheal H.C. Silver Dunwell iladlnne I.. A h Lucky .Dm Premier Porter Idaho Silver Crmt Surf Inlet llucllnn J.M inniit Hid. Asked. 1.50 1.57 1.00 1.37 1.1" .31 .30 Vi .llli .15 I3H -13 2.24 2.28 M .0Ufc .10 .Ott U .10 "The .Street Called Straight hi nuns alter the French Lumbar )tn u . Damascus, old world city. The ensomhip prevents full detail of the -he g available. RAIL TIE-UP First Train Will. Come Into Rupert That Day, It Is Announced The railway tie-up will be ended within forty-eight hours It wai definitely announced this morning at the office of the C.N.R. superintendent. No 3 train from the East will come through to Prince Rupert on Friday though It may be late, perhaps not arriving until the afternoon There will be a train for the East by the end of the week, the first scheduled after tonight be-,lng at 8 o'clock Saturday night RipJd progress has been made during the week by the crews working on the bridges, slides and washouts and today the outfits working from east and west were but five miles apart between Salvus and Kwlnltsa. CHRISTMAS DAY ARMYCITADEL Entertainment to be Provided for Those Without Home and Friends The Snlutioii Army, following iti uual cukIoiii will ini year prutidf a lUiri-lmu! Day hohio fur lho-e who are away from home and who do not get an invitation to fMnd the day with friend. They are Marling a fund for this nuipoe and the Daily News will gladly acknowledge any donations for IliN pur pose. Ill a city ueh as this there are alway a number of men who are lioinrlei. Some are new arri- al here and others have no made friends or otherwise are utinllitrlied. Last year 138 were eulerlalned al the citadel on Chrlslnius Day as guests of the people of the city through the Salvnion Army. This year there will be pii(e as many and many will need chauues of elolhes, which Hie Army will receive and pa's on if available. Subscriptions In Hie fund may be left al the Salvation Army rllinlel or al the Dally News business office. lieu Self sailed lat niylil on Hie flurrlenn for Vancouver on n bl'ief tiusinc trip. GYRO OFFICERS ARE NOMINATED I !; i.n CI11I1 .today noaiin-11 1 ml ffteiw frHie year IU20. Tlie ion will 'take place at he no-1 u. s ino iiiij; m January it lid installation al the open neetiiiK- Tin' following wen- nomiiialed' For l'n-i.i ul - L.(i Wauli. . K. Campbell ami Dr. L. W. vi'iyill. Secretary V. J. Nelson. Hoy N'b'hol. Norris Priusle. V. :i ink-liank and F. I.. HoIh-HsoiiJ Treasurer E. A. Maun, Sidney taietl -Jones Hint llowunl While. Directors Mirrecdiu? E. A. Maun ainf M. M. MaeLachlan C. C. Mills. Hoy Nichols. Harold MrEw S. W. Taylor. I". E. toher! son. Howard Frizzell. E. A. Mann. Lionel Dy and Douglas ilork. The present officers of the .dub are: President. Hoy Mr-SMujrhloii: secretary, Norris "liHSfte: lrea-urer. Sidney Datell-lones; ilin-clors. Joe (treer. Leo Waiigh. M. M. MarLaehlan and I". A. Maun, the laller two retiring Ihis year. . C.niiksliank ami deorge Wilkinson have beeti uppointei nnlilors for the yejir. The meel ns received a report from Norris Pringle who repre-enled the Prince IIujh-it and Vancouver liyro Clubs h! a recent district convention in Taeo- 11HI and who was also appointed a member of Hie t ran. portal iun committee for the International rimveiilioit lo be held iu Winnipeg next year. , The chrti has set January 28 as the date lor us annual nan, Joe (iii'er being appointed chairman of the 'tnmittec in charge. EMBARGO ON WHEAT AGAIN AT EDMONTON EDMONTON, Dec. 16. Owing to the clogging of the elevators by large shipments of wheat for the coast under the permit system, the embargo has again been placed on shipments to Edmonton by both railways. BIRTH A son was born at the Prince Huperl General Hospital nil December 1 1, lo Mr. and Mm. Jid.n ll:d!?;. Eolith Aveniv Fa-' HOCKEY GAME AT NEW YORK First Professional Game Ever Played In City Drew Crowd -of 19,000 NEW YORK, Dec. 16. Professional hockey was ushered In here last night before a crowd of 19,000 spectators, the Canadiens of Montreal defeating of the New York Americans by a score of 3 goals to 1. The spectators, many of whom had never seen a hockey game before, showed keen Interest and rooted lustily for their side and also at some of the clever plays of the visitors. Most of the members of the New York team are from Canada, having been Imported to make a team strong enough to compete with the other teams In the National League to which they belong. This victory gives the Canadiens the Prince of Wales cup to hold until the end of the season when it will be presented to the winning team either by the Prince in person or by his representative on this side of the Atlantic. EXPLOSION OF DUST KILLS 5 Dynamite Removes Rock and that Starts What Seemed 1 Like Terrific Storm SEATTLE, Dec. 10. Five miners were killed and six were severely burned in an explosion al the Wilkeson Coal Ounpauy mine, 31 miles from Tawuua. Thirty-two men were working in the mine when a charge of dynamite removed a large rock A dust explosion followed like a lerrific storm. C. E. Farrel. one "f I he survivors, slated. The iireidcnl occurred late Monday nijfhl hul I lie neVs just reached here !:tsi iukIiI. CRUSHED TO DEATH BENEATH A FALLING WALL SAN FRANCISCO! SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 'C Four men were crushed lo dead when Uie wall of a building, on! PARIS, Dec. Mission Street rnllapcl wllh-ithe resignation QUI warning into an exravallon!iler Lonelier vexerdiiv Senirn. where a mimber of men wej-e wirik. Details of Empire Settlement Act Show Very Low Rates are Provided to all Parts of Canada OTTAWA. Dee. Hi. Details of Hie Empire Settlement Act !how that if. offer- agriculturists and house worker Troni the I tu ' d K'-igdom, transportation lo Iheir destination in Canada al a lower rale than wa ever known for a general ifu, according lo Hie department of immigration and colonization. The rate- applicable from any port in the I'uiled Kingdom lo jKiints in Canada nut from about one quarter to one siNth of I he icgular rate-. To Vancouver the regular rate i 28 7. t)d. while the uew rale is 0. Court Had so Dec:ard Because of his Cont'nued Absence in Northern Wilds WINNIPEG. Dec. I0. Kiehard Inkster. nephew of Sheriff Colin Inksler, arrived in Winnipeg fi few days ago only I ii find on his arrival Hat he was officially' dead. He did not look il and lie suys he has lit intention of d- nx ju yet. Tbe dtf leully.was that he Ien civilization nearly thirty yearn .i?u acd had not bcu heard from I uiiTTl hi arrival htfme.vWieti his absence l,ecMt..e. o'petrae4ed " . ! that no one ever expected him to, eturu. I he court was asked lo leclare hint officially dead in order that ln estale m;lil Ij administered, Last May an order the court was secnreil u Judge Curran iu grant in;: the or der said lie knew the family and I would nol he surprised at hi turning uj yet. He did. and on liis arrival he explained thai he ad jus! wee 1 1 ''ii a hltle (rip. ANADIAN FARMER DUE HERE TOMORROW Will be Converted at Dry Dock! From Coal to Oil Burner I Three Other Vessels Later C.G.M.M. steamer Canadian Farmer, firsl or the four boats .... . -1. coming lo uie local ury noes iur conversion finm coal to oil burn- ers, is due from the south to - morrow evening, leaving Ocean Falls at midnight tonigliL It is expected that the work on the vessel will take about aithe morning, mlenuing lo visit month's tiin.-. The Canadian!!" brother at Chilliwaek. who Hover. Canadian Observer. and'ates lhat he carried eoiisider-Canadian Coaster will arrive'alile money on him. Foul play is later. W. E. Haillie. chief engineer off the strainer Prince Rupert, ar rived from Vancouver ibis morn - , int; Iu supervise the work on behalf of Iho i'.(. M M. TANKER IN TROUBLE 2,000 MILES AWAY WIRELESS REPORTED 1 VICTORIA. Dec. 10. The Standard Oil Tanker. II. T. Harper, bound lo San Francisco from Sydney. New South W ales, is in truulde, 2,000 miles from San Francisco, according to advices received hero. The vessel, il is reported, had her rudder smashed by heavy weather.' CABINET CHANGE IN FRANCE EFFECTIVE 10. Following of Fimiiiei. Min. utjl'aul Dmimer today accepted, the Ipnrtrnlio. IN IMlKtAL Two Lads on Way to England Get rnto Trouble and Christmas Visit is Off MONTH KAI Dec. 10. Samuel Harding. 22 years of age. and Samuel King, 18, who left Cal-ugij ary a week financed by six months savings lo spend Christmas with their families in England for the first lime in four years, uisieau 01 going oversea are struinled -rhejf.Jff " trrP?led ,on ,:a' of iV. k a -1 -( rt rw nut rdi un ia.'i I til I -a U"',C?''lllp IV illlVlt iicen-e and of assaulting a police officer. The youths, who are said to have resisted the detectives be- ........ 1iviu'r lliv vviii'A litfiin'r litlil no -r. .JIouay aiu itiey nau omferj ie tween inem auer paymw iiieir fines. DRYDOCK MAN DISAPPEARED Clarence Pcppard Head of BI3 Contracting worn cannot be Found n Vancouver VANCOl'VEH. Der. 10. Clarence Pcppard. general superin- teiulent or uarnaru anu .neyueeu 01 Winnipeg anu naniani ue- ....M.I 4.. .,r f tiiin.f.i.iili l.nililrtra "m elevators ami tUft Ury UocK llu". disai.peared lasl Thursday and the police are unable to IiinJ a trace of him. Peppard left the hotel during feared. DANISH I COLONY PEACE RIVER TORONTO. Dee. 10. Tll3 foundation in I he Peuce River district of Alberta of a Danish colony of some 800 families on. 50 acre farms is thu ptan of L. T. limner of Copenhagen, who is here on his way west 10 look over the around. The capitalization lf the pru-poed scheme to the extent of 300.00t ror the purchase or swamp land al l.23rnn acre, reclamation lo cost $.3 uii acre U part of I tie plan. SASKATOON BEAT 'EDMONTON AT HOCKEY EDMONTON. Dec. 10 Saskatoon took the hockey game here last nisHit irotn the home team by a safe margtn. The ncore at Hie rloe stood 5 to 2 ij fuvur of the ' visitor'.