ihree Big Specials FOR ONE WEEK ONLY in many voier. in. ful prie we are ..f-. i- envied liy many. Miiii'-nnng Moula . I I'BSil i nf l.ll- ., f. m iii... $1.75 and 25 Votts. lit, or Miii iiu in . for $1.25 and 10 Votes. . Imve a large aorl-.i Fancy Hosed cho-You are entitled to 0 Votes on any box over $1.00. Mate a deposit on your Turkey for Christmas and be credited with 25 Votes. B. C. Butchers and Grocers Ltd. Phones 45 and 574. Meat Specials ' ' i Si .. I" 35o steak .per II- . . 25c Mik. wr ll 25c .!'. our MM make. -' ;,.r 35c -' 111. per ll' ... 10 v ir slllpnienl of T'ir-. I Kick H'I'I ii arriving M"n i vmir rmi i rmfii I al price. -faction loiantlllced Hussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 5th Ave. East P.O. Box 575 Ladies' Shoe Specials ' -I it lew .if our 'illt- i miik Specials for IliU iy. V n,rn i patent LcalliT iil'in'r, Willi low mt'hci l.'-el. New tin. I reul "'appy. "nly .... S2.95 V inen n K J I'.vening Slip-p-r Willi Spanish Irallcr I I. Only $3.85 V men' l'alent Lent her mkle olrap 1'vrning slippers, nil xlrea. Only '. $4.45 W.imrn'a I'lnn Ounlly Htnck snlin Kvnins siiiipers. While tlicy lni culy ?5.45 Family Shoe Store Third Ave. Phone 357 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST I Xmas .Suggestions I wii-n Sfi i. -e! III ilM 1toe. Handkerchief, fur M.n. u.ler .md ttarter St. l': -n L' light In lloies Handkerchief in n..e. i 'iffy. Scarves. c. H.S. Wallace Co. Lid Phone 9, 3rd Ave. A Fulton MINE BONDED ATSITHERS B.C. Silver Takes Over Schufer Claims at Large Price and j Will Work Them I RICH ORE IN BABINES ! Work Being Done on Manson Creek li Northern Interior ; With Good Results Ht.-mi advice from tli in-nTH.r t linn wiiii li communi. a-lii'li liii- m'-h cut off tucept liy " "I Vancouver, itts dial iiiuii important annouiMatneirtH nai- made whirli seem tli in.li.-4lc (hitl in in mik ik l he the . Incf iiiIim-. i of Hip coming year. 'nc of thec announcement I- i ii.il I lie Schufer claim on Hudson Hay Mounlain have been .in liai-it under opUon terms by i In- J it 1 1 ih- iHiutiiian Silver (lor-; ...i;iti..o for Slto.noo. This i property examined during Mi.- .,i-i ummr liy C. A. IWjnk ai..i Major North. It is under- I Mini work on the claim I a hi iir commenced a early a i ii)lc in tin spring. ; P i- further announced Ay i .i l. I lligann. owner of Ihe Sil King, in 'i t' hi' property and opened up -one very hrh grade silver-lead e and the ore it a twenty foot MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table ( c am at lao for Half Pnt. Quality and service Valentin Dairy Phono G57 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupsrt, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Strvlos Phone 680. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday hveniiiKS Tongue Was Coated Bad Taste In Mouth Every Morning Mra, J. R. Adami, Aimimbola, Ba.1t, writf: ''For months I U troubled with a coated tongue, and LaJ a bad taste ia my mouth every morning. One day I law where your ftrlilbiirn's were adv.'rt.aeij for Jwt neh a eon-dition ai mioe, (0 I went at once and boobt three viali of them, but after uuog one-and-a-half, all my troublei diMppeared." I Tor 22 yean Lai Liter TUIi bar been pat up only by The T. Uilbnxs Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. TEA AND SALE OF WORK BY LADIES cetsful Affair at Home of Mrs. J. C. McLennan nur iu Ill'iin rtu ..... I . 1.......! i... I . it eun ha I uncy '.up- ar..l sanc-r in : Ve Hide Knpli-h and Limoges. A large election j to choo from, from ; 75c up l and Itnld China- ome- j thing parlicitlarly at- j tractive. You wilf appre- j riate its lau!y. Very ! suital'lc for Christmas j liifts. At mosl reason- j able prices. Inh Lmcn Handkerchiefs direct from Ilelfast. The I finest in the world. In j pretty boe. From 50c up j Incept ionally good value in ( ljadies' Silk Hose. Always ncceplahle. Tapetrics in heniitiful fancy hoe. Kroin 30c up Christmas Business Is ood-There's a reason Gordon's Grocery Sventh Avenue East Phone 447 held tenlerdav aflernoun hv the depth. married recently in uie soum. and a warm welcome is awaiting them at -Mice Arm where Mr. Hoe has been locate.! for several years and where he is deservedly popular. Mrs. Roe was formerly. a member of Hie Print unpen j General Hospital nwsing staff. ' H. II. l.iltle of the local taff !of Ihe lloyal Hank, who .lias ln relieving Mr. Hoc at Alice .rm, wl retnlgi to the rtljf first of next week. GETTING ACQUAINTED First I'mleslrian had iul humped Tlumv idiot!" In man who into him) s. id ditto Willi ready viF . (ilail to know yon. Mine's Iw-own." . CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Sort Finish, And Dry Cleaning. Wo are ready al any lime to receive your phone call, lo take your instructions, to take personal charge ol your Laundry nnd Dry Cleaning. REPORT MADE CASSIAR MINES Official of Geological Survey Announces $7,500 In Gold Produced During Season CRUDE METHODS USED (Official Itcporl, About $7,5110 iu gold wa jiro- itn. eiJ, apeerdin; to W. A. John- si on of the Oeotogieul SHrvey of ;nada, from placer on Ooblpan ic-k, t:aiar, J tiil ihU Columbia,' .luring I lie "iiiiimer uf ilJ'h. 11 v.i on Ooldpan l.rCrk that the find mi mailc hi I lie autumn of! I hat. let t I lie ruh into tin .lilriet in ttip ' eprinK of 1Hi'.. I'liii creek i a trilaitary of Little KatMe Hier. anil lies eleven mile in a direct line ilue eat of the hea.l of (lease Lake. All Hie mining was done ly hand a in the evcntis when Mo- C.aMiHr liinct wa. the cene of considerable atflivily. ANGLICAN CHURCHY tT: from Uie Dbcovei'y claim, one Sum of $70 was Realized at 3uc-Jouanl ft long, and from clsimf Ao. 1 above and No. 2 be low each iwn hundred and fifty feet long. Th creek wa mined In spite of weal her gondii ion '" for a length or live nun.ire.1 the Hsblne Range "," mrm"ZlT'T: turn ill 2? n H. -..I.. ,.r H...nir i MiKmuintr . . j , a. : in IUU"i lilt- i I'll aiiu ii ff'i -r"n ( IHIOV - ist a a. in ow kI found in Wnmcn't Aiitiliarv of St. An'dhe upiier parlx of the creek. . v. iu... .m... t. ... it., wiiii. i iu nui'iv imir lniitfAM uin u. AMtJuh l '"'"'e of Mr"- J- Mclennan. I ""'I " iU tril.ularies, bttt ap- Orill Vinil a , i. iinrmillv mil in Kiiffirietlt ouan- -r f" 'L. ,'":: . z : . i f work-n car loud of the or i to he '"" - : . 1 . affair, the um I in ?in iwnm re- lh wer- M'aUlj- I'r1- Lacked out. 7'm 'lrted for the m-casio. Reporl al.o arriving from MapwHl i.reefc inai n. n . rirnimi . . . , of Portland and VV. M. Ogilvie . . . . . "i fm - of Ollawa have met w.tl. en- . T Z"a "" l "'"'''"a", conraging iieceii in connection with Hi.r propertie which have 1""" 1 been worked this season. V. A. James, an Ontario man. has also slaked ground on Mnnn Credit and on Takla Lake which he intends to work. h Lock, a Ohinaman. is get-Iioie oni fr.tm I0 to lt a day in wold on Ocrmanfcen Creek. Advertise In he Os'tr Vews We Save You Money Christmas Goods I he ALICE ARM BANK MANAGER IS HERE TODAY WITH BRIDE Prospecting tjonviilerable. , prospeietiag done in oilier oart of the . . ... n i -1 It . HI mail' iiiqir. i u 1 1.. i -- " was re gion and extended as tar norm a Franc lke, east to Muddy; Mr. H. E. Treuiayna River and in w west on inc. nri lo.,e ailin in lhe:"rth fork of i.learwater Iliver. . ... . !.. i- - .. tea room were Mr. J. A. et.:"nc panj oi pr.iiernfr:- Mrs. A. E. Wrifht, Mr. C. V. hydroplane for moving from one Kvlil .ml MrV H VeJ. Mrs. C ! art of the region to another, as V Kenu. wa neneral convener well as for flying in ami oul of of the sale of ewin with Mrs. the country. M' in the autumn. H. T. Willeti and Mrs. O. A. a dicwrerjr of alaeer pokl intlow henchea in the canyon on of I ..Li.. .,,,1 Mr W allace C. the first north forkV Oarwater i i ....t Ui-. I'ni trt i ttiver. about twenty-five miles IIHIII Hi'il .ni"i .... l . ii.. ..it. t Ika (...-I w.irk. Mr. A. h. Hal- aie uir mmim .r I,.,,.- . a.lner. water, wa reported, and a num. her of nrosiiector1 went into Hie area. No information i avail able as to the importance to be attached to the. new discovery. Machinery Taken In Machinery including a drag- .. line scraper oiititt, over inirij Sumucl Frank .mo.1d ltoe.'ins of hydraulic pipe, and a Mr. H. Keystone drill ror mining am. ,., of Mr. and Oeorg- H ,f "lUnddnnagli, (dbom1 prop.iling on leac, 1 lubcrt and Meliatne creek, on which Ua. Victoria, and manager of the Noy.il liank at Alice Arm.' most or the mining was done n and his bride, who was formerly II"' early day, were taken into Mis VioU Catherine Cameron.! I he drsi rid lasi summer, so tha Neu allhough the t-asiar placer field .lau-hier of Mr. ami Mr. , i.r c.lo-.rv r nas i i an old ono, l Ik.. Itpinee Hu-iVCry and has produced little rold in recent year., -i n.i i ......i . . - - - - - - i , Alieethc past summer has witnessed a to perl today goi. through min iv .... inarked revival of mlerest in Ihe their residence. They were j possibiHIics of the region STEWART lixtensive development work : to be lindertaken in tb near future on the Lakeview property in In Olacier :reek district an nounced II. F. II ill, manager, who left loi wek for Itevoulnko whei-o lie will li char? of the 'liir.. rm Ik. HAriilAr e "I" ' ". nt 'tllW' ' Metals i.orporaHin, .. mi Plate concern. He has He-en re tained in a consulting capacity hy the Lakeview Aonipany and will visit ihe properly frequently as the need arises. The slewart Hoard of Trade after a conference lat week with Krnet Love, manager of Hi Stewart Lisht Co., tvasscd -id op- proprialion lo cover Iho intal laiion of street lights in lown. 1'lnns and speCificJit lions are being prepared hy ill federal dc nnrlmenl of public works for dock extensions here. An appro i.riation lo cover the work will jhe sought al the next session of pari i a men i. Mrs. T. It. Haokus has left for California where she will spend the winter visiting friends. The annual nubile school Christmas concert will take place here tonight. I lie pupils have. been under flic instruction of Mis. M. H. Henderson, principal of the High school, and L. M. Oordon, teacher of the inter mediate grades, Lee flnrdon of tUc public school " slalT will loavn' tlnA week .far Prince lluperl' where ho will spend the CUrUliuas holidays t f iiv. PfMItllXT 16. IC85. TTTl! TTXTTTT KHWB paor rrvn I mi I , Do Your Christmas Shopping Early and in Comfort It will soon be the last call for Christmas at Acme Importers town: Mrs. H. Orhson and J. M Sinlili. Port Kssinglon: Johu E. Calhoun, Minneapolis; l. C Mawhijiiley, t'sk; A. J. Hultimer ltalmor.il. LAND ACT. Nolle ef Inltnllon to Apply lo Ltst Land In QitM.0 Charlotte PUtrlrl Laml ! tordiiit Puirlcl or Prince Huwj anJ stiltiair aii J'""""" s-j. m- . a.- W.kVK'K U.itiAfl P fin iif Aab HIIH-r. toss r v. VtnaoilVrr. tt.f.., irruNiiiim rimrrisiii k ivvi kUhIaiI nta a. n julllllirnrLiia "iai " . " a iA do W It A nrr f Lot tm, Q.C.U Htnire I; thflir ..n.. ....ii.t.iilna nr a K.tM lln rT aa 111 iniium i list Mir-stmiv-s ni 'i v. lilaivl lu tntut or ciiniifmriiinU nvJ Aprltrint. Tcr Win. O. MlltluJl, Alu Dated October lift. till. Christmas TEMPT A TM SALE Here you will find Christmas Presents galore at a price to suit all pocket books. Fancy Christmas Boxes are given free with all Christmas Purchases. TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF THE FOLLOWING GIFTS SUITABLE FOR DAD AND THE' LAD. Suggestions for Men SCARFS Heal Silk, ill dclighlful coloring., in all 'af,e- ' $2 45 TB.MITAf IO.V SALE I'HICE .... Pure Wool, something different- in a smooth finish, in splendid color- "'fe- - S245 TEMPTATION SALE PMCB . . . . SILK SHIRTS Only a few lefL These are really wonderful Iwrgnins. "Arrow," "Tooke," and "Slnuid de Luxe" make. Not all sizes in lot. Itegular 7.:0 to y.0l). To clear 54 65 TEMPTATION SALE PMICE ENGLISH BROADCLOTH AND BOMBAY CORD SHIRTS In all sizes, shades and colors. These are beautifully made and would delight anv man on Christmas morning. Ilegnlar silno lo $-l.r0.- 9 5T TEMPTATION SALE PJ1ICE . . . .VUM,i NECKTIES A nice Necktie never fails to please. We have a .Necktie for everyone including knilled silk, silk and wool, pure silk, creje, etc., in all the latest stylVs and shades. Our Christmas slock lias just arrived. All come in fancy Christmas Imxes. TEMPTATION SAJ.B fa lo ALr. COMBINATION BOX Containing Suspenders, Garters, and Armbands, iu sets. A bos uf lhese useful arlicles will be appreciated by "llim." A real sensible gift. From DC up TEMPTATION SALE PIUCE .... CHRISTMAS COLLAR BOXES Useful al home and useful when travelling. These come in different colors nd ar eminently suitable for gift pur poses. Iu leather. TEMPTATION SALE PI1ICE Suggestions for the Boys ' SWEATERS St. Margaret's Pure WooJ Sweaters with Polo Collars and side bullous. These come iu lovely colors. Ilegulnr up to $3.50. 1 Qt TEMPTATION SALE. PIUCE ....1,w" "Universal" 100 per cent Pure Wool Jumbo" knit, with shawl collar. Regular up lo f..'0. t?0C TEMPTATION SALE PIUCE STOCKINGS SL Margaret's Ciuiff aid; variely. iu nil sizes. From. TEMPTATION SALE PIUCE $2.45 in a wide 65c w" Hoys' Suspenders, Ties, Caps, Suits, OvercoaK Hoots, elc, etc., all al Temptation Sale Prices. Here you will find a number of sensible Oifls for Ihe boy which will give him comfort and happiness. NO EXCHANGES. TERMS: STRICTLY CASH. NO CHARGE ACC0UNT8. Watch our Windows and Save Money "Mall Orders Promptly Attended to" P.O. Box 667. Acme Importers Third Avenue. Phone 359 with bis parents. , I H. McClvmonl has left for the Fraser Valley where he will spend the winter month. Operation are to be resumed at once on the I.. i.. niacier Creek property,' after a .shut down of several weeks, accord ing lo William Irwin who return ed last week from Vancouver and who has been appointed HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert. John Macdongall. Nelson; Mr, and Mrs. Ira A. Held, t.corge- II WARNING To Users of Radio AH Radio Receiving Sets MUST be Licensed Penally on summary conviction is a ftue not exceeding $50.00 License Fee $1.00 per annum Licenses, valid to :11st March, 1020, may be obtained from: Staff Post Orrices. Hadio Dealers, Hadio Inspectors, or from Hadio Hrnuch, Department of Marine nnd Fisheries, Ottawa The proceeds from, license lees are used to control broad-casting and to improve broadcast reception conditions. A. Johnston, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 7tt Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. Night Phone M7 839 Gr. 238 Black 78S