pace: TWO COM- Youll arfrcc that 'hase&Sanborns SEAL BRAND Builders Stud us yjurVi Coffee Is more Delicious than any other The Daily News PH1NCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.(10 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ,,, $7.r0 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephona - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday. Sep!. 17. 1925. Prize Winning Mothers Have Bobbed Hair. At the Toronto exhibition recently there was a baby show and it was noticeable that all the. prize winning babies were mothered by bobbed hair young women. Mot one hud long' tresses. It is not going to be argued here that the bobbed hair had anything to do with the prize winning mothers directly but the wearing of bobbed hair was an indication thai the girls were up to date and would likely be up to date in caring for their offspring. They were, indicative of a type. It is alo possible that if too much time is given to dressing the hair too little time may be given to the baby. Whatever niav be the connection the act remains that it was the flapper type of young woman that won out against the old-fashioned girls. High Flying Women In Old Country. In the Old Country women are often high flyers. They are as capable or going up lit nn Airplane and piloting the machine as men, just as they ran drive aenr as well if not belter than men. Sixteen years ago a Frenchwoman -Baroness de laroche secured. a pilots cerimcale ami olliers soon-followed. It i now announced f Ip t six of the first hundred members of the London aero uuii are women. Need Of More . ' . Boat Floats Hera. Ketchikan has been putting in more, floats on Iho waterfront and already there is considerable accommodation at tha; port. Here few changes have taken place since the provinria! government put in the float at Cow Bay. The matter .has been talked of a good deal but nothing has been done. The citizen-here have been turning all their attention to securing the elevator. - - Now that we have the elevator it will be time to gel bnsv on the floats. If there was a suitable place here lo keep the boats more fishermen would winter here instead of going south. The Cow Bay floats are much overcrowded and arc daugeruii to small boats. Also there is grave danger of fire breaking out and wiping out the whole fleet. Action is needed soon with i view t remedying the situation. ' i Radfo Becoming More , Popular Than Ever. Radio is becoming more !opul.1r here than ever before. It i not looked on as a fad but as n means of amusement and instruction. Already new instrument- are being installed and with some people are gelling excellent result. The two diffi culties are the operation of the jmvverftil station at Digby Hand and the squealing of the small sels. The former cannot be avoided but the latter may. Some action will have to be taken soon to give better control of radio operations for the large num ber of radio fans will demand consideration. Send wIh Cement this.tllustrdlfidVi. H w tobcfbeauufulY 'XS Lime Homes 1 Distributors for: (?0ham K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3. W f iimnit1 Brick f ... Supplies riaster n Stock your winter's tuppyof Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 ' .1 4 i WAITING FOR SKEENA MONEY Sharks In Vancouver Watching For Orientals Who Labored Here to Gamble Away Cash VAM'.Ol, Sept. 17 Money earned by Oriental on the Skecna Hiver and at oilier northern points will fill the coffers of local samlilers, unless more active steps are taken to prevent it. With the Shanghai strike and; oilier internal disorders in China effectually stopping the export or funds to" that country gani-j Iding house syndicate. In Van-i couver's Chinatown are reapinuj the richest harvest in years. i t'pstairs flats, formerly rented! to families at from s15 to .I0 per month, are hringing from 300 fo "1,0(10 per month .a' jsamldin? houses, with Hie result that Chinese families are Iwdnsr forced out among the white resi dents of Hie city. Police raid apparently have little or ho effort. The gamidiuc house proprietor, cation of the law, are, at the police station with bail money he To re Ho Black Maria arrives there, and the Kamhlers are at liberty before! they reach the celts. So regular is the routine that many of Hie gambling house keep (lie hail money in their safe at all hours of the day and niphl. ready lo he usl at a moment notlue. The system was in vogue Sun day ntjrlil when Inspector John Jackson and a raiding suuad swooped dovvn on 122 and 125 Pender Bast, arresting 35 Chin ese frequenters atpl two keeper. the men were bailed out imme diately anil forfeited their bail in police court Monday morning. Willi Hie cannery season the population of Chinatown is y row in jr. Authorities estimate that there will he from 12.noo lo 15.1)00 when the up-coasl activi ties close down, mid it is esli mated that there are :i,0(W professional ,gamhUjrs. waiting, in Vancouver' to entertain them! Although in the spring then1 wen 3o gambling houses oper- Mius for the rich syndicate con trolling Hiem, jiolicc raids cut these down lo less than half when the summer activities dr- pleteil Chinatown' population. Now How are oneiiinir uo a train. am) police Commissioner Hohcrt Mcl'herson. who made a personal inspection visit a few nights ago saw a dozen of I lie tiiggetl gamb ling houses assam in full tdat PARENT-TEACHERS ARE ADDRESSED BY PRINCIPAL J. C. BRADY First Meeting of Year Well At tended and Refreshments Served at Close An addres by J. C. Hrady. principal of the High 0 lino I, nil: How the Parent might co-oper ate with the child", wa the feat ure of the meeting of Ihe Prinre Ittiperl Parent -Teachers' Association in the llooth School Audi torium lasl evening al the first. meeting of Ihe yoar. Mrs. T.. M. 'PPfclteeft resident- of Hie associ l.lrlbii, was in the chair and there) was a good attendance, alioul (5 members being present. In his address Mr. Hrady pre sented new avenues for Hie further activities of the association in promoting the welfare and ad. vaneement of the association. Following the address members, adjourned lo Hie domestic science rooms where tea and cake were served. RUSHING WORK ON NEW CN. RAILWAYS Kamtoops-Kelowna Branch Opened For Freight Traffic Already WIXNIPKO. Sept. 17. -Steel on the KauiIoopH lo Kelown.i branch of Ihe Canadian National Itail-wavs has reached Kelowna, it was announced today by officials o,f Ihe company here, and n limited movement of freight from Hie area served by Ihe new branch line is already under way is ballasted and ready for regu lar operation an emergency sef- viee lo shippers is nl present be 7tl V- pAiLV Ncw3 Thousands of doctors have recommended Eaftt BrsnJ in difficult feeding cites because it is easily digest ed. Write us for freo Baby Books. TV MBDM CO, LWT VANCOUVER. (14-14 Hie marketing of fruit which is now being harvested. Other branch lines in prairie provinces are being rushed lo completion in-order lo provide sen ice for the movement or grain. THE MAN IN THE MOON ay a: K SOMK young folks are so old fashioned I hey nll work cross wo hi purzlcs. THK way to tie happy thnug' married is to go home KVKHY dog ha his day and every shhk his night. WHAT I iale about life Is Monday mornings, and then there are often other morning tor when Hie eyelids hang heavy. a she went off daekliilg and Hie little girl ran out In gel the eg? YOU can easily tell a reckless chaffeur but he 'never cares. JAKH says y,u ean never find a quiet snot to kiss a girl. The lips won't slay closed. CIlAl'KHANtiKHis may be all right in some towns, hut they are not needed here. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert ! 1 September 17, 1915. .Cap!. I'eie rtorvik received a telegram from Massctt ,lpday stating Hial the 1 (tie halibut schooner Myrtle Anderson had been burned at Sand-pil but Ilia! the crew was safe. O. Hernlioft has arrived In the city from Seallte to establish a branch of the National IndcpcmU cut rfshing Co. at this port. l'al I'hlllipson. Hominion con EXHIBITS WERE ON DOCK AT ISLANDS L. Dyson Left His Stuff Watting for Three Days Before Taking Them Homa Word was received from I'ort Clements yesterday that L, Dyson, Hie enperl gardener of I'ort Clements, had his exhibits for the Cerent fair wiiilintr nn the Ihe steel was laid into Kclownndock for three days hi readiness 011 Saturday and good progress; for a boat to call. Iln said lie had is now being made on Hie laying, been advised only n few days be. of yard farllltles. While annthori fore the fair that arranKemenls month will elapse before the line would be made lo collect his ex hibits and he bad done the best possible on such short nnltce, only In Hnd his efforts useless 'hospital deals WITH ROUTINE Board Weet!(nn Last Night Hears , Reports and Discusses i Minor Matters ! The regular monthly meeting 'of Hie hospital board was he'd last evening in Hie hospital j'Hioe president were president IS. K. Caniphell. llirertnrs J. II. Thompson. H. II- LiHIe. C. II Klkms, J. I.. Christie and iWutigh. Managing Secretary II. W. Hirch and Mis Jean llrn son. II. X, lady superintendent. I'llder the head of correspondence, a suggest mil for certain revisions in the salaries of Hie uraduale staff was made. After some discussion, the matter was referred lo the House Committee lo lie dealt willi. A flheek fropi Hi provincial secretary for SUHU.75, roverlng sliare of liquor profits for sit month, was received. .Mr. Jllrch reported that the amount was -IigUlly larger Hun for the corresponding rriod last year. Linen U be Secured The immediate need for a considerable supply or new linen and blankets was retried to the board by the Houe Committee and the lady superintendent and the finance committee was authorised to expend up lo 5o0 In augment (he supply. Willi winter coining on, Miss llarrl. son slated thai al least 35 pairs of blankets would be required. President Campbell reported that the finance fuiiniiltce was to have undertaken a revision of the laltoratory rates but, before this eould he done, there would have to be a further conference with the doctor. The house eoinuiittee was given (tower lo net in Hie matter of Inning new front doors installed at Hie hospital. II was reported that the present door had outlived ,lheir usefulness.' Donations Miss Harrison acknowledged the donation of flowers ty O. liletinfe, flowers and vegetable from the Kthibillon and f!h ITS useless lis eha. -Hanoi ! from the canneries. ties'. There are, hellee . n'l 'Hie. for Hie eEenutlV ratchliiL' her ' rommitlre, reported that l had , ItM'eii found neces.ary to enforce T1IK organ trlnde likes H.ei",r '"'' regulation regard- .... . tttir ooanaHnli Jf IliA - . company of Jiis monkey aiid,M" '"r ""- - -- i,,,af Mn" ''"b.ry. the many a girl likes, the eompany ..t t i:tit. 1 former lo be in charge of the in ii man ui rtj. imiio oie"' ri - development. jsecretary and , the latter of , the lecoiiiciau. iTiam uuaiisiaci- TIM.V.ji: are riever where n.i1' eoodition- had been brought hcn,i".lMM" h "", 'l'rtion of lays Uiem, philosophized the these facilities by outsiders. NEW LOG CARRYING BARGE TO ARRIVE AT END OF WEEK The Hecate Strati Towing Co.'s steel lot rarrving barge Drumrork. on board of which will be Capt. II. I.. Johnson, head of the company. Is due her?! about Ihr end of the week laden with logs for the Prince lluperl Hprure Mill from the Kelly ramp at Logan Inlet, Moresby Island. Tim lug le-irne. Capt. I.fwfs, which brought the Drumrock from Vanrouver to Logan InUt, was in port Tuesday uflcrnoon having hrought a raft arros .the . srai(s. The rsft, whhli is desllncl 'fpr 'Powell (liver, was left at Captain's Cove and Hie Come relumed lo Logan Inlet to pick up the barge and bring it here. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Uiase Land stable, is conducting a search ,n ,'aml Hecordlng District of around I'orf KssUiston for Kd-il'rincc Hupert. and situate at ward Musgrave, well kuown In.rerguon Hay, Massetl Inlet diau, who is believed In havn.Q.C. Islands, H.C. been drown d. Tako Notice that Cosse-MM- . 1 MAff.,1 T Itlllljijl nf 'n.inn..... II 1 in given to provido means forjand hu then look lliom home. ;M iimiii vu, ui 1 units 11 1 i;i , D.lj., occupation batmon Canners. In tends to apply for a lease of Ihr following described lands t Commencing al a post planted approximately 50 chains easl from northwest corner Lot 1571; Ihonre south 3 chains; (hence west 10 chains; thence noulh 2 chains; thence west to chains to west boundary of Lot 57; thence south 8 chains; thence west 10 chains; thence north 20 chains; thence east 2 chains, more or less, to beach; (hence following meandering of shore line to point of commencement, and containing 2? acres, more or loss. Gossi:-MiLLi:nn, ltd. Applicant. Per Wm. 0. Mitchell, Agent Dated Juna iCtu, 1023, Some Specials Pioneer Druggists rrlnrr llmi..l II r ....,..., in our big Clean-up Sale Rlgo Nurses' Facto Disinfectant, Meg. price Sale Price SANITARY NAPKINS 2 1 Lister s Napkins, Miioll, reg. price Mr. p, ,, ( 21 hitler's Napkins, medium, reg. price UOr. sj,. , , , in l,ler"s Napkin s, large, reg. price $1,0(1. Sale j, S Compressed Napkins, rcg. $1.20, Sale pro-e Porter's Food. Iteg. price title. Sale price Herbert's Barley, rcg. prirr ,i0c. s(1c pi e 10c 40c 45c 50c SOc 15e 15c ORMES LIMITED Third Avenue. Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE S.S. PRINCE NUetRT (ltd PNINCf OtOROI will ..r. n in rSllCl SUT (. VASCOOVIR, VICTORIA, SCSTTIE, six! Inlenwrtxlc - . tUHS.r (ml THUS. DAY ( 10.00 p.m. If ANTOX W4M4ir, ISM I. fr ITIWART Sttvff,,, )0M tm. S.S. PR1NCK .CMARLII t:t KtTCMISAN, WRSMOILL, USJtAU, IIAOsVAr, nrh wtontsoar, 4 pm. s.s. raises to r.imiuu tut vancouvcn quiid cmasiohi IlLANOS. PASKMOIR TRAOll tIAVS PRISCl RUPERT DAILT sittpt Slt l li m. I'J- PRINCE OtOROE, I00T0. WINNIPEO, (II point 4-ritl ns4l. imI !- ASINCY ALU OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City TMItt Offk, 2S 1H'4 Am, PHik Rrrt. eM, ttt WATER NOTICE. TV IE iTI I! tlMl J.m) II V-r f mi lr Ox L(liirr Ui.M Minr I UI . lsrM- iMrf.. 1. fufuim Vlltsr. Allla. will I14)' fur Itrnisr ! Uk (M t it rulsr frrl fwi KnM uf lli i ut Winn Iturr vtxrii rv ifii ud driu im.. Tfb IVr tb-sjl im, (Ml imr tulf HlK- -K!lll at the tllhw Mluv. 11m mtlrr mill t dltrrtnt tru Ibr ilrrtn) it a pmii tb-sit ! milr fnao tb IrmitRW 4 lb mwI ritrf mtu Ttrltb Mkr (Ml Kill tc uxd tt Ntdn etrrlrtr Iir parpusri un lb Rntiaer Vllw. kuMlai lt dsrntirt, rsrira r.runn irinlr) Vltwral i'Uinm. rtrred II I "At - IM. 11, t" , tJ. . tie. S3I ind lfs. Crv-up I, CuiUr tHllrWI. TM IKilIre isi tlir rtud i lb 1 1 ! dir '4 ilr4 ulf, ttti A rir -t Itu noltrv wxl P1JlrtMi irn,Hl Hwrn (Ml Ui ibr Water Art. Itll. in I tiled lo Itsf i.frr ( Um VVKt Iirnr0rr it AUlo. t Ob ' IWIW-m luljr b nlrd milk IfW MM U'llrt hi-nnlr ur lib ibc OmiriruiWr ut Wiur Uitiu. nriuiurnt imiMints. Viruiru, ii i .. itbi iMrtr a) 'ir tb iiii nrv if IMi iMillrr In lural iwMtr ', Ibr dlle lA Ibr firtt riMtrll.4i ct Ut' iiotir ii Ow tub dij uf varuii. itit MOIVLin OOl.ll MVM t.TIt- l I . Mwar M MoM. frtj ' LAND ACT. I NltsM ( lttM U Arpl; t Lmm U 1 ' In rnnrr nvpm LABd hfo-rdin Mi IMrt Cf Crlnre ftuprrt, llxt ltU thr irlhrt enl tA PrtilCl i.liin, I (ill. rurtliiMl Cnl, and Ixioi il IS I'tsnl, rwrtum) caul. id fcrarttl; nurtb nuiiwtlr tnu Trw Ciiimi. I'tarx IiUimL T Vkt .Villi that Aorsi arlll.b a tiinbla I'aikmc ri4iipnr UnuinJ, c. I Vinnsitrr, .C iwtumihsi l'arkr, in I lnl lo pfSir fiir i (ra of tbe faOon Mir AricrUi mll:- I (iiriwurlnr al a l plintrd il hltl iir nurt at spO CiSnl, rvriliiMl ijbiI, tbmrr Kwlbrnurljr aliwt biib n I mirk for fort rliht bumtrnl lrt in i mmi iiiarknl So t.l . ihrnra Malhrli IS rtuina, riK.r r lri, la a itn, nurk; ibsnr nrrthriitr ahmt km ilr mirk ffl)r-rlrSI tiurslmJ fret, nmrr or iotm- Dirtlrir n rnaln, mn or lri. Ui ikninl f miitnMirrnimt. iit ronlalnlpf i ar. ris.r ur aShi.o rniTMM com mpu rvrkivo o. ltd. Vt'pllrini rr Wilirr r.. Wilkr. Afnt nIM ImIi tIM. tfl. LAND ACT, Nallca at Intiatla la Aar la Purcba La4. In lua Ijd1 Hminilur lilortrt or rrlrm Itufrrt. tin twin portion if M immly.fuiir ttO. llBf flia (t . . Ouirlri; - "nki: Mair.K thit rrlniri l.lmllnli of rrlwa liufri, U x. ... inrrrhaoli, loliHli i'i iti i r vruiiniun in tiurrraia I lie folhilii dnrrlbrd Until: i'J4imiriulnr a (oil plintvd al Ibt nirtnral mrnrr of bt wmtr ruur II . rime fot Hi. aitt nuirlrl. tbMirt uub Ihlrl)' Iho rliilni; lbsor r forijr rhln; ibmrr tmrth elrbt rhilns or b-M, to hiah iwr mirk: ih-m n.riiii iiMir hjh mirr muk m r.ini f eouimrnrrmmi. nn mnlilnliiv lbljr (0i arm, bs ir r ln, t rnuiiwt uviiTr.n. rnxl Annut isihT ad, tttk. LAND ACT. Natka of IfiUMIan ta Apply la Purihiia Lm. In t Umi nminlinp lunrlri ef Prtix' luifrl, itxl uuit it the immlh uf jut Kill i:rrrk hiib flu Inbi II tc,un.nifr tb,m n ,ira fosa II llliSMIl. Tiki XIIII.'L aft.., fl..L . ... mm. JntrmU lii apply for iwnulHlun to .iirrtu.r ilia folnlii ilmrrild liudl ;.iiliirl mrnrr of Im , lunpr four; liN-tHfi 10 rhiiiu norllicrlv: itieiire 10 rhalii rlrHr. limra or lr, to lbs Era. 111 lUlsr lk.i... ii ihrnrr 10 rluiii raiicrly. and conlalninr 0 arrri, im,ri or l. ! JOII. A, SVITII. AIKHirini. n.,. . lr r.. r. mil. Aprni. ni.i iiiim, 4ih ,i,i LAND ACT. In h (His UmTuirtrlM ur Cauiir. T.u,: ."?Tirr itiit" I, riiphtai mi i. roller, of vr Turk. N.V., I ,s.. urni-palion tinikrr. IiiIppiI, in iily fr r lnln tn .i.rrtiM llif olio In- 'Ue-rrltird linti: f'jlllinilIM.ll a .w..l i.l.nU.1 luMil jfiAHia mum of Hirhir1! Total isi the writ !"".. TAflsIt l.ikr. alHiiit rlrvrn Inllr t. I'x ,h Vukmi lKmlrr llns, Un'iirr v"l 10 rliilni. tlirnrr mirth 10 rliilm: IIIMIIfM a . Aj, '...... u ruiiiil IIH'lir Mllllllff IT ,ii folio (lit im iliora Una of TlflOil " ennimrnrnnrnt, Mid lirrrl ronliininv an irm, rmirs r In. tl-lflll.KT .lOTT I'OTTKH, ArntlrmL . . rrrt l.i w ion, Airnt OtUd AUuit loth. Itll, Shoe fhoice is Easy whi-n von liiis ONYX UHxIels m f . cause Ihe llrs , I Ihe trend of ta!; tlirre are srioe f. r b - raon Ihal vvn- u i y onus women .c Our Kali ' ' rifiipl''le N f . -V A A widths. ! " Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Aysnus. Phons 357 Big Assortment of Flntit Quality Silk, Satin Velvet, Crepes, Taffeta, Flannels, Serges, etc., at reasonat' l (l' West of England Store Phone 753. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kiiiulsite St i. ' TriimnliiKS at ' ' i '" B. C. FUR Co. Next 0.W.V.A, Third A Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Halgerson Block, Prl" Rvipart, P.O. Office Hours 0 t0 4' X-ay Ssrvlcs Phopa G36. Open Tuesday, TlnirJ" and Sulurdny hvenms-