as Yet it whips easily and is delicious! r. 1 1 A favorite with British Columbia housewives I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors I" So oflen you hear that remark. It is only because those pco-" pie who make it, have hat (heir fill of waxes, oils and cheap varnishes. The man or woman who has used the right floor .varnish has no floor troubles. Try Ct Floor Varnish next time, we guarantee it to give satisfaction. Sold only, by Kaien Hardware Co. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Sort Finish, And Dry Cleaning. Wc arc ready at any time to receive your phone call, to take your instructions, to lake personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. FOR SALE GUARANTEED CARS USED Ford Coupe $400,00 . . . . Ford Redan .... 5500.00 Ford Trunk . . . . 5200..00 Chevrolet Delvy. . 5300.00 Terms if desired. See the Ford Marine Motor at our hop. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST J. L. BLAIN CONTRACTOR Agent for J. Ffya Smith Ltd. HARDWOODS Store and Office Fixtures. Hand. sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass, and Glazing, Bash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phona - - - Blue 268 Klizabelli ton. BRINGING UP FATHER r !-fy i By George McManui 7 U. HOW TIMCt) " OUT t0 I THINK. 1'l.L. tTAOi HOME WITH Mf FHiLV N 3Uwnir;t ' HE.M KNOW PVVS ,JW uv uone uone XME OME THEV THEV PRIZE WINNERS INDIAN SECTION Man Natives of District Were Given Awards at Exhibition Last Week Prize were awarded as fol lows at the Prince Ituperl Ex hibition last week lo exhibitors under the Indian section: Fancy Indian mot basket. I, Mrs. Klla Yeltatzie, Massed Cedar bark basket. I, Mrs. Eliza Edgar, Massett. Collection of root basketry. I, Mrs. Charles Edenshaw, Ma- sott; 2, Mrs. Eliza Edjrar, Mas-sett.' Native wood caning. 'l, Rob- erf Ridley, Massett. Native stone carving. I, An drew Rrown, Massett. Crochet work. I, Ada Dun can, Kiticnaat Home; 2, Mrs. M. Ingram, Massett. Choeheted doilies. 1, Florence Alexander, Massett. Towels with crochet work. I, Emily Wesley, Kitimaat Home. Haby's bonnet in crochet. 2, Kitimaat Home. Iioudoir cap. "t, Kitimaat Home; 2, Mrs. Charles Thompson. Massett. Tea cloth in rrorjwt. I, Cora William. Kitimaat Home., ; Sofa cushion in crochet. t. Mr. Alfred Adams, Massett; 2. Mrs. Efiiily Thompson, Massett. Knitted socks. 1, Mrs. Peter Haldane, Metlakatla. Ladies knitted sweater. I, Mrs. Ella YeJtatzic, Masselt. Potatoes. 1, Mrs. Peter Hal dane, Metlakatla. Jam. I, Mrs. Peter Haldane, Metlakatla. Pot of wild berries. 1, Mrs. Helcrca ah, Massett. Dried or smoked salmon. 1, Mrs. E. Edgar. Massett. Smoked or sun dried oolachans t. Mrs. Peter Haldane, Metla katla. Edible seaweed eaTie. t, Mrs. Eliza Edgar, MfsselLr 2, Mrs. Peter Haldane, Metlakatla. Native preserved shellfish. 1, Mrs. Peter Haldane, Metlakatla. School Exhibits Drawing from nature, colored 1. James Spalding, Port Es- smiMon: 2, Willie Spalding, Port Essington. Drawing, shaded. 1, Alice Robinson, firccnville;, 2, Dorothy Moody, lireeiiville. Writing, .under. lOr-It James Spalding, Port "rfssingto n -TJ. Holton, Port Ksslng- Writing under 15. Margaret Pieree, Port Essington; 2, Dor reen Hubert. Port Essington. Writing, under 13. I, Silas Lorkerby, Port Essington; 2, Alice I'ereival, Oillakdamiks. Writing, under II. Herbert Starr. Port Essington; 2, Leon urd Robinson, Oillakdaniiks. Writing, under 9. 1, Helen Starr, Port Essington; 2, Adeline, Derrick, (iillakilamiks. Pupils handiwork. 1, Dorothy Moody; 2, Alice Robinson, firecn- ville. Example of basketry. I, Lucy Adams, Oillakdimiks; 2, Winnie. Davis, Oitlakdamiks; 2, Adeline Smyihe, liitlakdatniks. Specials Woolen scarf. I, Mrs. Carrie Yeltatzie, Massed ; 2, Mrs. Peler Haldane, Massed. Haby set, woolen. 1, Mrs. El- PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 Friday, September -18 High 1:29 a.m. 10.8 ft 13:50 p.m. 10.7 " Low 7:18 a.m. 3.0 " 20:01 p.m. U " Saturday, September 19 High ?:0I a.m. 20.1 " It lJ p in. 20.0 " Low 8 19 a in. 3 7 " 20 37 p.m. 4 2 " . 1 ta rename, .uasseu. Nightgown. 1, Vcsla llegman. Massett. Table runners. I, Yesla Herman, Masselt; 3, Florence Alex ander, Masselt. Altar cloth. 2, Florence Alexander, Masselt. Ladies' petticoat." I, Miss Carrfe Yeltatzie, Mussel . Tray i4oh. I, Maude Yenn, Metlakatla. Crochet lace. I, Mrs. Mark Ingram, Massett, . Centrepiece. 2, Vesta llegman, Masaett. Chair haeJu I, Vesta llegman, Massett. Picture frame. 1, Charles Venn. Metlakatla.. How and arrow. ,1, Chief Harry Weah, Masselt. Tray clolh. l.Ednn Melvnr,' Kitimaat Horn, Crochet inset. , Ocorgini Paul, Kitimaat Home. Library scarf end. I, Kiti maat Home. Inset for dresser scarf. Emily Wesley, Kitimaat Home FORMER TEACHER HERE ENTERTAINS FRIENDS Advertise in th Dailr News row "Cholera Infantum" The Fatal Disease Of Children MOTHERS SHOULD UtC i. SHAUGHNESSY HEIGHTS Miss Irene Stewart Hostess to Number of Quests at Home of Her Uncle Miss Irene Stewart, who for merly taught at Seal One school in this city and lived in bachelor girl quarters with Miss n. R. Scott on Eighth Street, and who is now teaching in Point Grey schools, was hostess at a dance last week. Of it the Sunday Province says: Miss Irene Slewarl was hostess at a delightful dance on Friday evening at the home of her uncle. F. It. Stewart, Angus Avenue. The paeious rooms were beautifully decorated -with red and while lahlias, asters and gladioli. The invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cries, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Duff Stuart, Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Duff Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. James Lnngley, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Anderson, Mr. ami Mrs. Douglas Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Denny Crann, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Connelly, Miss- Gertrude Hickell, Miss Margaret Hickell, Miss Min nie Iteveridge, Mi; Margaret Tisdall, Miss Mary Duff Stuart. Mis Katie Duff Stuart, Miss Iso- bel Duff Stuart, Miss Kathleen j Clark, Miss Dorothy Itrenchley, Miss Freda Wilson, Miss Janice Davldsop, Miss .Aline, l.awrence of Victoria. Miss Eugenie Four- nier, Miss Izele Aconley, Miss Cracc Wilson, Mi9s Nellie Wilkinson, Mis Agnes Wilkinson, Miss Muriel Munroe, Miss Janet McTavish, Leslie Fournier, Harry l.ord, fleorge Clark, Charlie Itrenchley, Charlie Stewart, Albert Hicknell, Winston Duckworth, Monte Caple, Kenneth Cnple, Wallace Maker. Jack Carn-sew, James Lawrence, Frank Taylor. Orson lianfield, Percy Itucliun, Ernie Riddle, Nelson Clarke, Sydney Heveridae. Harry Dixon, Percy hrte. Wilsot Knowlton. Frank Hurnell. This valuable preptr&tion has been on the market for the pat eighty yesrs, and hu no equal for off-sctUng the vomiting, purging sod diarUta of cbolf ra infantum. T ,1'ut VP iJpnly by The T. Milburn Co-JimiUd, Teroato, OaU i iell. too that mn PRESENTATION MADE SHEFF THOMPSON BY YACHT CLUB MEMBERS Caretaker Who Is Leaving for Six Months Holiday In England Is Remembered At a wen attended meeting of the Prince Rupert arhl and Rowing Club, held last night in lieu. Horte's office. Hays Ituild iug, Sheff Thompson, who has acted as caretaker of the club premises for the past seventeen months and who is shortly leav ing on a six month vit to his old horn in Sheffield. England, was presented with a olid leather travelling valise bearing the monogram of the club, by Geo. Itorie, president, on behalf of the club members. In making: the presentation the president extolled the virtue ' Mr. Thompson, who had proved to be a valued member of the club and expressed the regret the members felt upon his defiarture. Mr. itorie, in a humorous vein. said it gave hun great pleasure to hand the bag over anil he hop ed it would erve to bring the recipient bark safe and sound t.o the memhotf- of the club, who would be tMigbted lo welcome him back. , Mr. Thoinpou replied suitably, and promised to return on the first "high tide4 after April I. 1026. Present m the meeting were George IUwfe, president; Alex. McRae, secretary; Alex. MacDn- ald, vice-president ; F. W. Chandler, Sid Webb. Chris Elklns, C G. Minns, M. M. Stephens, Jack Hulger. Geo. Hill. R. E. Henson. Dr. W. T. Kergin, Dr. J. P. Cade, Jack Lindsay, Dick Parkin, T. MrMeekin, Syd Thompson and Fred Scadden. YACHT CLUB FLOATS WILL BE REPAIRED At a meeting of the directors of the Prince Rupert Yacht and Rowing Club, held Inst night in the offices of Geo. Rorie, president, Hays Huilding. The names of Jack Harnsley, W. Halagno ani J. A. Donaldson, were added lo the Hwb's membership roll. The iiueiion of repairing the the float" n the southeast side of the Yacht Club's floats enrne up for discussion. Alex. McRae, ecretarv. exnlalned Unit the floats wcte fh'ffid dhaVe'and for I he protect i n of member's boats1 during the winter new logs should be installed and the whole put in a ound condition. After discussion the directors were empowered to proceed with the necessary repair work. SPORT CHAT NanamiM City football team once (lie proud holders of the Connauvlii Gup, Is no more, am; last week xt. Saviours mei Nn- naimo Yei.-rnns Instead of the city as originally platmod. In the veteran line-up was Dickenson and Hell, full backs who Jour neyed east with the City team when the much coveted silverware was ejiVjureil and Wilson the Indian who played such, a strong same against Ulster In Hie cup final this year. The only three remaining players of Hie City leant who have refused In transfer are RulleiRrc, Kenny and MaeDougall, and Ibey claim for them football is a dream of Hie past. Ylc Kiiit;. Australian bantam-wrlitlil champion, who lias been (clamoring tor another shot ut Vie Foley's crown since he lost to Hie Vancouver boy on n foul last month, will be acrommndal cd, The pair will mix H again Wanted For Sale For Rent. '!fcr. ii Ii ii IwT l rTuWI SfMH l U ' ' DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertiiement taken for leu than 50c WANTBB GIRL WANTF.D for ceneral housework. Apply to Mrs Frinell. at store. FOR SALE FOR SALF. Dining room suit. bedroom suites, Chesterfield suites, ranges, stoves, bed linen, towels, window hlind.t, inlaid linoleum and printeJ linoleumn, lounges, chairs, Chitfionieres, Dressers, lied steads, mattresses and springs. Dining tables, kitchen table, table oilcloth. A. Mackemie, Furniture House. Phone 773. FOR SALE Upholstering and furniture repairing done on the premises by expert workmen. Let us quote you on repairing your old furniture. Reasonable price. Call and inspect our workshop. Furniture bought, sold and exchanged. Agents for the PR It-Mi KH RANGK. Prince Rupert Hxehange, Phone Alt. If ALUMINIUM WARK AT COST. We are selling out our tork of Aluminium ware at rosl.ow-inc to discontinuing litis line. We build Cheotrrfield's to your order from llSO.flfl. Prince Rupert Kxcbanre. Phone 43. FOR SALK. Cheap. Chevrolet five paenger touring car. practically new. Apply K. II. Iomlin, tie MuMallem Apartments, fid FOR .LK.-Pmfoional and gymnasium punch bag stand with hag. One new Atwater-Kent coil. Real snap. Phone 572. . tf FOR SALK. Household furni ture. 510 Seventh Ave. Fji-I. Phone It.lue 5SH. 215 i.X HOLK KOOTKXAY RANGK for sale, slightly used. PboiiTn 777. S50 TO. RENT FOR RF.NT. First class apart ment. Monarch range and water free, Clapp block. West-enhnver Hros. tf FOR HUNT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sewing machines. Walkiir's .Muslo Slorc , , . . !' tf FOR RKNT Unfuriiisbetl room, 10x12; hot and cold water Apply Hox 271, Dally .News Office. x FOR HUNT. Two room furnish esl apartment by day, week or month. Phone Red C07. tf FOR RKNT Modem up-io-dale flat, Rand llloek. Apply Max Ilellltroner. tf FOR RKNT. Modern house, five rooms and balh. Mil tiro Hros on September 25, at the Vancou ver nrena. This announcement was made from the ring at the Vancouver arena last week, when both boys were introduced. The mulch was suddenly arranged and the news came as a surprise to all hands. Jack Allen, man. agr of the Caua'diun champion however, stipulates thai 9300 must be put up by both contestants In be retained by the winner should his opponent lol on a foul. This little detail, however, shouldn't prevent the mill ewn though it is suggested thai llio bank notes repose in Hie Jeans ofa news writer. The Somerville Gunnery tender V.N.T. was taken on dry dock , this morning for (mill repairs fol-, lowing the vessel having struck a Irock recently. FOUND FOUND. Karring and rosary. Owner can have same upon identifying at Geo. Kerr's, Itulkiey Market, and paying for lhi advertisement. FOUND. containing needlework. Owner may obtain same by identifvniy at the iNiib' New if office and paying for thU advert laement. Ztti BOARD HOARD The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 1ST. HOARD and Room or Hoard only, Phone Hed 7U7. i . . i WOMEN'S HOSPITAL Sursiral and oi..ictrira 3.';5 .'IV I b Avenue Wei Kerris-dale . Vancouver. II. C. Dr. Ernest Hall, uertntendent. CARS FOR SALE I tV?0 Nash, 5-passenver lourmic JS50 I IV2I (Herland 4. edan. 700 I I92t Ford Sedan 425 I ttttH McLauifhliii Light A. s-passeiiaer ...... 250 L Ford light delivery lorrie, rebuilt 175 KAIEN GARACC Ford and Chevrolet Service Station UfJODYKAK TIRES Wrecking Sen lee Day and Night Phone S2 KINDLINQ WOOD All dry inside wood, kintllingand blocks mixeil, e.oj per load delivered. Outid wonl, ItJM per load delivered. Norwegian style Salt Alaska Herring In au-lh. and Mo-lb. kegs, tor rver lb. ISAACSON Seal Cove. Phone Black 101 COLUMBIA RECORDS NKW Process Columbia Records no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest Foi Trots, Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists Call in and hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue , TAXI Taxi 67 Phono (Call (ieurge, Paul or Oust) Special 0 and 7 pnssenger Slude-bakcrs at your service day nnd night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Kmpre-e Hole!. BENSON BROTHERS HAZELTON, B C. Taxi Service CARS MF.KT ALL TRAINS. Tours acranaed. CAMERON TRANSFER Phono 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything senl for, or delivered, phone us. P.O, Hox C99. New and Secondhand 1'urnl. urn Store. Wn Ilnv. Hell and Kx- cbange New and Secondhand floods. FURNITURE. QEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Pboie 4A KEITH'S CAFE. When In Stewart visit Keilh's Cafe In King Kdwnrd Hold now re-modelled. Up-lo-dale Dining Room and Lunch Counter BOB KEITH - Manager. mkty. Articki Loit and Found, 4c MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-OOISO. TwiOr as sH T Asi, AIM Arm, tlt.trt A Trum Ai, AlUt 7 a a taaienkijt i 7 AUtka cim f fM rl I ,n. .-. T QS CAHiU UUa Ft- atl. . ii w T Aftl AlH Arm W win ' l4v ! iart rri in-coaiso, trm tM tMt- .... i i ftf H a Arm, lxan 4 rml frm Fftl Slr m4 tui C scianta). frn AUikt Ku . tf. h. n.t - tm. Tfm Qns CMrtotU M-4 fM SrfM ! mt ff frm Afi aa4 AN Arm Tknrtfi) tfm Strt n4 ttmb trntmUf . BOX COLLECTION AHkM k'AOm A IM A. A lk sr fta A, A miioe i UN Ae. A Th tlHi Wmtmu. M-Ota a. a i.imna i Al (a IHli li- Hh A Hf Out rirr. SttliArr A UHH -l ua m rtJ i ft. ft! A XrnrM l Oort Wbarf Witart . a.Tiv a.Tfv Wi a. i. e. SUUne tnd Ae A fnd si rl Mr A IMU1 M I Snl At A lb L auinia- -. Pr sept, is . rem"- for AlaUa WmliwMlay . I'rini Stpl. IS -m. PtHiri sil. ts - . rtnirt-.-from Alalia SiiimU)' erinT ' atii a PrliMr- r tt v . , , : m ut v : u, ut : 'i ' ii tii , : m in ' ' " " j , , ,.. i ti 2 i . i f v oil I . It l III lt . lit STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS 1r Vncwttr tHMtoJr Crim. ' Tllta I anlrin ttairlat K rnn.' i l" stnrnr . Cllata M l'rtee Vin SrjH f- w. rrlmr- i rrem Vicf suMlai' . Carina Wiaiiijll ITKiM Irtdai . -aiU atlay . I'rui" Mlf SrSC S . fnurf 1 ' ' For Pert Slmptos Ant ' R" rtiiiv u null Far Stt-art, An.i ana Aina frem Sliwart, A0i ana Alka TuMlay . canli-ii o h " - l ,.,,-rrl ni-nnMuoi from Anyoi friii" '"!n Tlitirrtt - for SlawarU Salunlar l'n" rrm Stawarl SuimUii -. I'rlii" i iai.ri LAND ACT. Ii from prt Slmptas an ",", H II a Notlca af Inunlktn M AP " !;, tsJ In Nine llliperl , .,, nr PrtlKh olimil.n. , h ! le iTK.ulh f, M-; " 3 rhalni norlb frn " . ... nrr . .f . Indian lie, rv v , jMfr TAV:nTICE thi.t : ,r $ m. or MMWti. nnicn f,i": ...... ...,Lr lnli.mll In II ' . I of lh! folliiwtnf de-r''" , ;,,i t''J rhimi north fr-im if' , ' ;Mfli 5 I ttirnn- nnrlherly I ''' .;, ... mti Ir hum. in a waters n li Mtlnl of """""U,. . jr,,.i...nln is 'k ,. sig Advcrllso In the Dally News. naiad Jun torn. - i