Thurjd'T, September 17. 19?5. ft tram y f v - ftWEfr !Ym1FF - w J Fyou pay each a count by cheque onthel Bank of Montreal the man who gets it automatically signj a receipt when lie endorses the cheque to get his money from the bank. He can not cash your cheque without fine signing his name on the back, thus acknowledging payment. It is because of this method of doing business that payment through pur bank is the sure, safe, economical way. You need not even call to pay a bilL Just mail your cheque to the person to be paid. Open a Giequing Account with us. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8lf Tool AjkU in excess of i 700.000.000 FOR SALE Halibut Gear MMSaSHMBMBBBBnnMM $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WEEK-END -:- SPECIAL niaii Linoleum blue nnd white tile pattern, . 57 yards at $1.55 sq. yard BARRIE'S Rome Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phono 123 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED l building, imxt dour ! Kn.. U l" sholl- across limn Ihe Kiure. Hotel We I'anv .1 Hill mi'' of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zerelll Proprietor The house committee-retried : the hospital board lasl nigh I thai 100 tuns of oea coal had been ordered from Puilpott & F.vill at 8.20 per Ion and 100 tons of lump from Albert & McCaffery at 1 1 .50. Heal Hawaiian Guitar Dance Orchestra at the lloston Hall on Thursday and Friday evenings front 8.30 lo 2 a.m. and Saturday from 8.30 to I midnight? Hen I lenient ?5r, ladies 50c. Kverybody welcome. 216 K.G.ii. radio station at Oakland will broadcast Channing Pollock's play "The Fool" tonight from the Oakland station. Sat urday night the Alenco Trio and company of about twenty singers will give the usual concert which should 1 heard here. Vmaletir nnd professional sing er and instrumentalists will he. included. - . r Mis Irene Moutice, Jt.Sc. of the botanical, branch of the fed- al department of agriculture sailed last night on the Prince John for Queen Charlotte Cily where, with A. T. Davidson, nisi of the same detriment, who I already there, she will undertake research work in vonucetfon with liseaes of trees particularly Sitka Spruce. Miss Moutice, who ondticted work at the local saw mill diirmjr her stay here, will return lo Prince Huperl in a fortnight and proceed to Van Oliver on her way to her head UUarieis in Ottawa. Moose and 18. ANNOUNCEMENTS Knijilils of Pythias Whist Drive and Dance. September 28 Gyro Carnival and Dance Oc tober 12 and 13. lleliekah Iluzaant Saturday, Oc tober 17. Catholic llhurcli Bazaar, Octo ber 21 and 22. Anglican Church Ulazaar 'o- veinner a. Presbyterian .N'ovelnber 12. ber Church llaznar Roval Purple llazaar Xovcim 13. llazaar. .November 17 llaplist Church Ladies' llazaar, .November 20. THR DAILT ITKW8 PAG THRItl u r - n i i E. H. Shockley Planing Mills ne-locatcd at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, Willi udditiunal machine- for tin nuniilaclunriir SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also earned in "vo bundling charges by lo.ymK dim-1 I'roui Hi" fuiirco of, supply. Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. 'phone 41. . . . y Try VilfetlLiil Dairv. Ihnni if Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur' Taxi, 50c. Phone 678. tf Two cars at your sprviee Sneddon Taxi, Phone" 134. tf Tor the busy man jr woman, a Hrown car saves money. Phone 80. tf (iuldbloom Is bringing bark fur coats. Wail- till you see ilicm! ir St. Andrew's Socielv reirulnr meeting Friday, September 1H, at 8.5o n.m. !J. I.. Christie sailed last nighl Mi Hie Prime Rupert for Anyox n a business trio. Our low rales nave been an "UlslandinK success and we shall 'onlinuc on this basis. Drown lasl. Phone 80. tf All member of Rupert Legion a. 10 are requested to attend meeting tomorrow night at o'clock in Mctropole Hall. Dan Archie of the forestry de partment was a passenger leav ing for the Uut'fii Charlotte Is lands on the Prince John lasl evening. A. Saunders, II. Cliupmon, 1 Howe, J. S. McAuley and . Howe local boys, will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert for Ksqulmall where they will take training un der the Ituyal Canadian Volunteer Naal Reserve. Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafo of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. llrcakfast, I.unclics, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Hefrcshmcnls Our Specialty is Home Made lee Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Retail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS & CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sneddon's Taxi the original jUc taxi. Phone 134. tf When back from the holidays, ry Valentin Dairy., Phone 057. tf R. Anderson was fined ,$25 In Ihe cily police courrfhis morning or intoxication. John Itulger sails tonight 011 ihe Prince llupcrt for Vancouver on a business trip4 Sweet melodious Hawaiian dance music at Hoston Hall. t'hursday, Friday and Saturday. If juu cannot aoine to Ihe Grocery Shower at the llidlev Home 011 Friday, give an order to your grocer. He will" attend to it. ' Scandinavian Dance in Metn Hall Saturday night, Sep tember ID, at 8 o'clock. Gentle men 5c. Ladies 25c. Scandi navian Glee Club. Women of Moosehcart Legion and Moose members are request il to meet at t o'eiock tomor row in Mrtropotfe- Hall to attend funeral of Itrother H. Jackson's little daughter. " (SHOCKRY SHOWER. The Ridley Home will tie open for m- !lcetioii ou Frid.ij September 18. Gifts of groceries wjll bo much appreciated. Tea will be ervcd from a to C. 216 Miss Ralphena Wrinch and Arthur Wriiieh will arrive in the city from the interior on this af ternoon's train and proceed to Vancouver where they will re- ume their school studies. The Paeific-Amcrlau Fisher ies Co.'s freighter Catherine p.. Having suffered a break down, is beiiiK takeu down the coast from Ketchikan to llelliugham in a crippled condition llumacoiinn. by the lug COAL! We are selling coal for SI 1.00 per ton delivered. It's a very hot, hard, clean, stove coal, nul 'sue. Try a ton iind you will order more from Rupert 1 niiirr ami lyiune io'. and 112. v 21 Chief . illiam SpJIIcr of Iho provincial police left" this mom- ing for Prince George, having in custody Mrs. Arthur, Uellos win was arrested here on a limior idling charge for the Prince George police. Mrs. George Freeman and her son, George, and daughter Constance, who arrived from Queen Charlotte City this weeJi on Ihe Prince John, left on This morn- luff's train for London, Knirlaud where Ihe children 'will enter school ami where Mrs. Freeman will pay an extended .visit. W., .M. lllaekslock, reliring manager of the Hank of Com merce nt Vanderhoof, .'accompan ied by Mrs, Hlackslock and family, will arrive from ,Mie interior on the train this afternoon and prdceed by the steamer Prluco Rupert to Vancouver where Mr. niaekstoek is to bo' altnched to head office staff. ' Leo Waugh, chairiuan of the Uhtldren's Ward commlllee. re- Ail ported lo Ihe hospital board last tilghl. .that expenditures in con- ' .iiecllou with Ihe establishment of SI. Andrew's Ladies Anxiliarv.tlie ward and. the moving of the Ilaxaar. December 2.- Lutheran Obureh Ladies' llaaai. Decciubrr t. I'niled Chur.di llainnr Decem ber 10. ease room had now reached I.- i7-.U( with A few more accounts possibly outstanding.' The work will be amply covered through Ihe collection campaign a few .months ago in which tf,?n.l5 230 was. realized. The H.C. Fur Company will be closed all day Saturday, it being the Jewish ew icar holiday. Eddie Zellcrman of Hie Royal Hank staff, who is at the oresent in the south 011 holiday,, has been transferred to Vancouver. Northbound from Vancouver. Union freighter Chilkool was in port this morning early unload ing powder for interior points. J. I). Macdonald, provincial veterinarian, returned yesterday from making an inspection of the dairy cattle at Port Clements and nearby points. He is going south tonight. C.G.M.M. 'freighter Canadian Coaster is making a special trip to the Queen Charlotte Island whaling stations, having left Hone Harbor northbound at 1 o' clock this morning. K. II. Mortimer sailed last nigh: by (lie Prince John for the Queen Charlotte Islands on business in connection with his office as returning officer for the forthcoming federal election. Sam Drooks of the Vancouver form of ISrooks-Scanlori Co., lumber operators, arrived in the city from the south onhe Prince Huperl yesterday and proceeded to Anyox going south tonight. Col. J. M. Holslon and A. W I)e Land of the Powell Iliver Paper Co., who returned tin? week from a trip lo the Queen Charlotte Island, left last nigh on I lie Prince Huperl for Anyox and will, go south tonight. They were met here by Sam Uruuks of Vancouver, a director of the Powell Iliver Co. BONFIRE PICNIC A pleasant bonfire picnic on Digby Island was enjoyed last nighl by a party of young people consisting of Mi.s Pearl Thump son. Miss Azsie Mackenzie. Mi. Mar)' Ihomnson, Miss Murie! Forsythe, Stanley Webb, Jim Martin, Clarence Curran, George Denton, Ted Howe, Jim Sims and George Howe. The parly, which was chaperoned by Mrs. Paul Armour, made the trip on Ted Howe's boat. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Digby Island Misty, calm; barometer. 2t,rt; temperaluic, i'J; sea smooth; 8 p.m. spoke lug tiumaeonna towing steamer Catherine D., Ketchikan for Hel-linghani 13tf miles from Ketchikan; 11.10 p.m. spoke steamer Mogul left Anyox for Stewart y p.m.; 10.30 p.m. steamer Prince John passed out southbound; S i.m. spoke lug Capo Scolt, Wat son Rock, northbound. Hull Harbor Clear, light oullieasl wind; barometer, 20.- 74; temperature, 53; sea smooth. 'Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; barometer 20.82; tcmper- alure, 41; sea smooth. Noon Digby Island Part cloudy, aim: barometer, 29.87; temperature. C2; sea smooth. Hull Harbor Cloudy, light northwest wind; barometer, 20.-70; temperature, fit); liht swell; 8 a.m. spoke lug Lome. 12 niilesl from Reef IsIamL bound Tor! Captain's Cove; 9.23 a.m. spokej Catala nl Delia Helta north-1 hoirtid: 9 a.m. spoke steamer 1 Canadian Coaster left Rose Jlar-j bor at 1 a.m. northbound. Dead T-ee Point Cloudy, calm: barometer, 20.81; temper-! mure, oj; sea smooth. CHANGE IN C.N.R. STEAMSHIP SAILINGS See display advertisement this paper Tor Fall Sleamship schedule effective September 17. Note that sailing of the Prince Charles southbound on Wednes day, September 1(5, has been can celled. Infective that date, this steamer will lake up her Alaska schedule, sailing from Priuen Rupert for Skagway each Wed nesday at t:00 p.m. lull particulars from Cilv Ticket Office. 528 Third Avenue. ! Phone 200. 210 BeaShiwngscholar 2n1 Shoe Polish Of Jg"' Aoa J n ilCANADIANj kMUO.TJ Big Boys-young and old never tire of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. It's the flavor that keeps them craving these hearts of corn. The flavor found only in Kellogg's. Have, Kellogg's Corn Flakes . ready-to-serve tomorrow. No cooking. Simply add milk or cream. Great with fresh or preserved fruit Sold by all grocers. Served by all hotels and restaurants. HUM CORN FLAKES Ovtn-lmh ALWAYS Kitleii" 1 Miflh wrapper (A. faernr mnj ?rutnrt W l ok toariv crsD. Tfiim Im mn ... tlmlm fallen tatunl Makt thii comparison! Try any nadf. c-ral. Youwon't find anothtr that Tn approaches th marvtloua flavor looad only la Kdlafi'i Cttu Flakti. 9n m -S 11 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Runprr fir inCHIUJI. WRAJCOL JUMUD. SUCWAt Srplembcr 7 IS 28 Far TANCOUVEK. ViaOlUA ini SEATTU Sn,Wr S ' li 22 si. rmass mart For BuWdalt, Sw.mon Bay, Eatt B.lla Batla, Ocean FilU, Namu. Alart Ba CampbaU'RIor, and Vancouvtr aitry Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all Steam.hlp Lln.. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Aenue, Prlnco Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Siilinri from I'rlDce Huprl. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, (waneon Bit. and Alert Bay, Tueaday, In or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Iwanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.m. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday, 8 P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naat RUer Cannerlea, Friday A.M. US End Aeue. 4. Barnaley, Aeenl Prince Rupert. 1.0. f'TRY A NIP TONIGHT." BEST PROCURABLE II ' Ucfici-7hj BOTTU0 6UARANTttOJSy r 0tul. oouei or SC0lSO a.ianouai uo a.i.vtc-ai.iiKMr put0M iunm The Original Label look for It at the Vendors and Insist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia