li M TAXI , jtrii i being made 'lartilicnln f Hie trilled mm according to re-iifiiilleil !( night al the autumn elii of the 't Ihe treasurer retried 14. OTTAWA. Sepl. 7. Showing thai Canadian biiiiie.. i improving, official relume stale that during Augul of Ibis year the Inerca-e of trade ill Augo! i nearly nix million dollar over, the -ante iiumiiIi of lasl yar. .arn. when report ervl , it wn iti.w n AUGUST WAS HEAVY ' ioiio iinil iwen larger summer than for iome t win linker or Kingston. pearling generally on liopi- and Itev. W. J. Parsons n, fjnafes. Mr. ClirUtie, nouneiHl that expend il lire for Ihe ' paslnr said he considered 1H(H,, ,a, ,e(ii 5,503.I5, of, loifi h wvuld b eredil l0. wliirh I.H5S.H(! was capital ex-'ngregatloi and to Prince." M,,iUre, and receipts had to-The outside color srlismf H., j.5,353.03. -Not Inking li stone hoily color witlij,, n(.riitinl the grant of S.500 in-wn Irinunings. while Ihe made by the provincial gov't m mi.. m ivorv nnd gray, .,-tllll,.i r Christie stated that v. h ilnrk celling beams. CHINESE OFFER $1,000 REWARD V Still Looking For Slayor of Wan Low Fong, Hoad of Hook Sin IN ALASKA REPORTED 8-.TT.l-:r Rrid. t7. Discov lry or oil mi Dm Arcllo slope id Alaska wits reported ),y flerabl J'U'werabl, who arrived here lo- lltlV lltlir. I. t .. i l ...I , the hopilal for the fir! eight months of Ihe year hud gone behind 7,300. Slricl economy would have to lie exercised for Ihe next tour months of Ihe year if the hospital was to break even. STOCK MARKET Tong iladlone 1.. and I. vnToniA, ?ept. jj. ..-iierusiiig!i--k" Jim ' D.'lieve that Wontr Chow, who, ' "M w found dead In n lumber! tl Tuesday, was tin- slayer of "ah ,,iw Fong Monday night, 'l" Hook Sin Tong Society, of wiiir'li Kong was president, of 'il"d I. Olio reward lor evidence ''mi would secure Ihe nnest and n'virtnm of the slayer. DISCOVERYOF OIL premier Silver Crest. ... SuiT Inlet Howe Sound .. Dunewll Cranb.v li.C. Silver . .. Ilarellnti poller bl.ibo Terminus Daly Alaska (llaeicr ... Silver Smith Hurus Indian Selkirk llayvlcw Hid. Asked. .SOU ,IH .23 .11 '.4 .10 , ' .10 .H- 2.1H .0(1 . M .00 ft .()7V 43.00 KtiO Id .60 .1)3 1.10 .02 .18 .21 .10 '. '.2ttJ4 .'in .' MY. .25 '4 .18 .01 .00 .01 .01 V, 05 .Wt Che Cniindinn halibut schooner si...,. ,;,r;; ' ,;; ::uu ...ken ...y .1 ..,1, ..d Noalak rlJcra sum- nmrnlnif for cleaning and paint I Capt. Burroughs of Butedale Delsel Craft Missed His Way In Woods of Price Island dipt. Burroughs, owner and nui'ler of the Huleilale deiscl boat Chasm, had the experience of lifing lost in the woods of Price Island near .Mi I bank Sound from Sunday until Wednesday night. The provincial police was asked ror assistance last niuht in making the search for the missing man but this morn ing word was received that bo bad been found. II is assumed that Cupt. Ilurroughs went ashore from his boat to hunt nnd lost his way In Ihe woods. NUMBER OF VESSELS IDLE IN AUSTRALIA lliver firiy miles from Chen Chowfu, Advertise In the Dally News 1 have been responsible for Hie working of the Canadian National Hallway- Mince the autumn ol l'J22. The people of Canada liave had amide opiiortunity since jlhat time to determine Ho- char- iacter of the service rendered by' ( llir system, the zeal and utli- gcuee of it's employees, the lalel- ity of UV of fleers and the xen- eral itdmtnislrntiou or i In eu- Ilerprise from IkiIIi a .finauci;-. ami oi-eruttng iwiini of view. j TI effort of the nuna-; inent ar suffieienlly abortcil m, attend Uik to their dui its and ii - my oinntou mat tr wmiiii m delrimentAl t the wel'are of .'m-eiilrrrie and likewise mirea-soiiatde lo expeet tin executive at I lie National llailways lo iIm wild aeiMisalions and statements MlMl ti AT HftCDITAI I'fade in the heal of an election IflUn 1 II Al IIUOlllAL ,.iiiiiili. In jeneral I have de- - .--- l.i.lnl tlitil II tvill ln hup nnlirr miial ineeane m Im.Hi en- n1umoer of Days Was Highest on to allow tlm people of Canadii to n general nnennns. i heeord Finance Chairman judge the value or sueh stal- uldiiiff iHimmltlee stated Preaches Economy ments from tneir knowledge of nli ileeoratioii of the, Lur nvnnl.' tt.mUl be completed in A far 9 a h.u uc,. ,0J9ibte! - . days and the Inside; o HMrUin from ,,Hst reeonis.! f ApTA M fV DfAT VJK ( he tmlshed next week. The , ,, llf .,,., . r,.-11r.l'l'ftr ltim ur DUrti "nJ in nlternlions ami panel-ifwr m,ml.r r ,wpuM ,jnys inj LOST FOR FOUR DAYS i eleaning nre makingi,, pPjIM.e U,crt (ieneral Ho-, Ipitnl. J. L. Christie, rhairman of -ments have ieMi made( ( tUxunee eommltlee, reported t..rmal re-openlng on t ,w,.,r(, jttH, ngl( ltial uu.ri. v I ir loiter I, while H' .,,1 peen I5y5 hospital days dur-i.i will have it bainpietjtJt ie ail0t( ts ami Ihe cost had lay evening. Ortwber 5.jlWH f3 0j h,,r ,juy tlc Jywesl inday speakers nre to be Pll.i h ,,,y ru far this year. RESULT OF STRIKE 'MULHOl-llNl; Sept. 17. riiil'ly-lhree overseas vessels are idle at Australian ports through a seaman's strike. II is report ed from F.ngland that the liners might cense running lo Australia its long as the strike continued. CROP ESTIMATE. F.DMONTON. Sept. 17. H. V Heal ly, president of Iho Cnnn- dinu Pacific llaihvay, estimates Hint I his year's crop will bo from 380 lo ;!( million bushels. VILLAGES FLOODED. PF.KIN. Sept. 17. Nine bun died Villages are surrounded by water as a conseinience of the breaking or dykes on Ihe Yellow I Bm&3MWXlMMf 4.. ...... omit the Liberal candidate in favor of T. S. MeHride. while another faction, headed by II. O. Perry, member of Ihe Legislature fur Prince (leorge, insisted on nominating a straight Liberal. Labor Choice The Canadian Labor Parly nominated candidates as follows Vancouver South Arthur Hurry, plasterer. llurrard J. Sidaway, street railwayman. Vancouver Centre W. W. Le- feux, barrister. COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. FHIl NIK, Sept. 17. -- Jesse Mansfield .charged wilh murder ing (leorge Whiting, road fore. man on August 10, was coinmit- ed for Irial last night. llecnle Slrails Towing Co.'s lug Cape Scott, Capt. Hrown. nr rived from Ocean Falls this morning and proceeded lo Cap-Iain's Cove them to pick up a Pavls van which she will take Inwards Powell lliver. The Cape" Scoll will be back at tlio end tr Ihe week lo take a scow from the Prince Hupcrl Spruce Mitl. laden wilh box lumber for New v i l minster delivery Boston Grill W nnd ' .ii.. Ml t-e Ambulance nil, ""'viry- Ice Cream goes with dinner Service Large Upstair Dining Hall, with laid dancing As. newly Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The Litest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper V H XV , NO, 210, PIUNCi: 111 PKllT. H.C, THITISDAY. SKPTKMIJKH 17. 1023. Clrculttlftn 1,660. Itrnt ! 41 a. PRICE FIVK CENTS. CANDIDATES FOR SOUTHERN SEATS NAMED WORLD COURT IDEA IS APPROVED AT MEMORIAL UNVEILING IN VANCOUVER Senator Willis Levels Attack Aeainst Senator w x Borah on League Policy YvNCOlVKIl. Sept. 17. In an addre-s yesterday at the "K 'lie ineriiuna! (u the lain President llurduig.'setiiilor member ol the foreign relations .ummillee of the 1'iiited! .Uu-ki'd Senator Iloi.ih. rhuirniaii of the .coinmillee. for THORNTON WILL NOT REPLY TO ANY CRITICISM Officers of Railway Too Busy to Deal With E ectlon Statements MONTHF.AL, Sepl. 17. .Wked ,Hk,-.Ihm, (.. the ei.lruii.c of the United Slates into the! . 7" ,, ' " f llailwuys made in political , ii i mm .... . ... imii i-iriif- iiiiriii in' wt-i-ik 1-1111. , ii. ...n. iiiiurvn f IIHUT 11 Mill." riHIKI! SHOO ll ourl. 1 1 'he li-lingiiiliel chairman, for whom 1 have great per-', Henry Thornton, on hi vtltmenUof hr Kng.ish speaking ,p,. parliru.arl, -j," , " J ..da ... Ihr ln.le.1 Sales he xv.ll fn. thai I.e.;.'0,, officer!l of ,, iimpany. ucu mcij t mni-'i on ni nanus, senator wuiis ue REOPENING OF UNITED CHURCH : -- ( Plans Laid Tor Formal Event Followdno thnovatlon of i Building CANADIAN TRADE IS INCREASING. Kir ie- vart- The iddest tipple tree in the uorMivvest. planted in 1820 at Fori Yatirotiver. Vah.. by Ir John M-Loiighlin or the Iludxin's Hay Uonrpany. The Hcitth flag is now flying over Ihe fori, in celebration of Ihe centennial Number of Nominations for Southern Constituencies in General Election Campaign H. H. Stevens Chosen for Vancouver Centre, Leon Ladner South Vancouver, and Leighton for Cariboo; Three Labor Men LEILA R. PURCHASED for VANCOL'VKIl, Sept. 17. Nominations look' place In a number of constituencies veslerday by several partie lit Vancouver -Centre II. II. Stevens was tiie nominee of Iho Conservatives. South Vancouver Inst uighl chose Leon Ladner. who 're considered his decision lo retire. In UicFraser Valley, II. J. llucber has been selected to airry the Conservative banner. Only one Liberal nomination was made 'yesterday. That was Itaymoud L. Leighton for the Cariboo constituency. The choice BY P.R. BOATHOUSE was made following a long dis " eusston. line ruction wanted io Will be Used to Take Tourists Fishing and Hunting The forestry patrol boat Leila IL, formerly skippered by Capl Pan Archie, has recently 'been purchased by the Prince Hupcrl lloathousc interests and will be ic-model led immediately by the boat house staff of mechanics. The Leila IL is a 58 root boat and is powered wilh 33 horse power Fnion engine. When Hie remod elling and overhauling has been onipleled this boat will be commissioned in the tourist, hunting and fishing business, which is rapidly increasing out of Prince Hupcrl. B.C. VICE-PRESIDENT ASSOCIATED CANADIAN CLUBS IS VICTORIAN POUT AltTIU'll. Sepl. 17. Ottawa was chosen a Hie meet ing place next year of the Asso ciated Canadian Clubs mid Mrs. .1. O. llyndinan nf Ihe Victoria Women's Canadian (Tub was e-i lertcd vie "oKmbia. -presidenl for lliillh Progressives out for Reform of Senate and Give Railways Chance WINNIPKO, Sepl. 17. Hohert Forke, leader of Ihe Progressive Party, in uu election manifesto issued yesterday, denied he absorption of the Progressives by the Liberals of Ihe prairie irovuices and luitned thai the aims and aspirations of the arly were as strong as ever. The leader was emphatic that, so far as his party was con-erned, the National llailways would be given a fair and full cnance. f Dealing with the Senate, Mr. Forke declared that body must te reformed and made uu elective body in order to bring it inlo me wilh modern democratic principles. ! WILL PAY DE3T FRANCE TO BRITAIN IN C2 INSTALMENTS ! night that France would pay off her debt to llrilain in instalments twelve and a INSTRUMENTS ARRIVE FOR BOYS' BAND AND Good Progress Being Mads Class Unicr Bandmaster Wilson meeting tonight 27 Instruments will be distributed. Of these twelve hae been purchased by ..onular ?ubcrioliou, two were purchased by individuals who are pi'Cseuling them' and one is donated. The others. are loaned by, the First li.C. ll.-jrimcnt. The boys are doing well under Hasdmaster Wilson and are tak ing a Keen interest in it. Now a1 number will be put on probation and IT H icy make good wiHi the instruments will be continued us members. Those tailing to make good will lie replaced. I HALIBUT ARRIVALS Halibut arrivals ("day follow: American Yellowstone, 13,000, to Storage at lt.3oc and 5c. I ltallic. 10.000. to Pacific Fisheries at ll.COe and 5c. Hilda, to Pacific Fisheries at 12.70o and 0c. F.tnblem., lo PaciHe Fisheries al I P.OOc and 5e. (Hacicr. 11.000. to Hoolh aLI1.50o and 5o. - Canadian Cape Spear. fi.OoO. lo Atlin Fisheries al 12.0q ami dc. Margaliee, 0,000. Allin Fish eries at 12.20c and 0c. Yule. 1.000, to Cold Slorugo al 1 2c and Be. S.A.. 2.300, to Hoyal Fish Co. al 12.20c and 0c. BASEBALL American League Cleveland 0-3. New York 8-1. Chicastn 1-0. Philadelphia 4-2 National Leaaue New York 2. Ciuriiinali I. lioslon 0-8. Chicago 3-d. Ilrooklvn i-,'. Pittsburg 5-0. Philadelphia A. S'. L u:- 5 : SUBSTANTIAL ! GRANT MADE HIIt.MINiillAM, Sept. 17. ! r I'hancclloi of the Kxcliemier Local Member of Legislature l.hurcllill aiinouiiceil last Successful In clti For Hospital i ne nosptiai uoaru received a hair million pounds yearly !,.. .... mm. . :asam Hllrri. surprise lu.i lust nini.i night a Tetter was read 'ffbniTIofl. T. P. : l attiillo. minister of lands and . ' local member of the legislature,. 4 r i kalin? that he had been success ful in arranging with Hon. William Sloan, provincial secretary', for a grant of 2,300 .16 be made to the local Institution'. TA PC P1VEM TflNIPUT! President Campbell expressed lUDLUlVEll 1 UMOn 1 gratification with the jrenerous i grant. Negotiations had. been ing on lor some time in order lo obtain what il was fell was x due the local hospital from the soveninient. He suggested Hint I Colonel Ntcholls, who has a h'lter of thanks be forwarded J sponsored the boys' band, which lo Mr. Pattullo. The suggestion i is being urrgani.ed here, reports was effected through a resolution dial fourteen new instruments moved by J. II. Thompson, have arrived and that at the seconded by Leo Waugh. NOT ALLOWED and INTO STATES ShapurJI Saklatvala, Communist Member of British Parliament Excluded WASHINGTON, Sept. 17. Sbapurji Sakalatvala, a communist member of the liritish parliament, has been refused admission to the Fuiti'd Slates, where he purposed going to attend the ititer-parliameulnry' union meeting here next month. Action lo prevent him coining ....... I..t II... i..t..w..l!.... i . , inU? MIAf-ll lllllll-l Till' IIIIIII1UI Ullllll Cold ,. .., ;..e. inn u it-uii in in- iiiiiiiniiiii- lory revolutionary speeches. VALUABLE FURS WERE SOLD YESTERDAY AT SEATTLE: GOOD PRICES SKATTLF.. Sept. 17. - Nearly 75.0(10 pells or Alaskan and Siberian fur valued at nearly 100,-000 were offered for sale hern by auction yesterday. Silver fox skin from Alaska brought 210. (nod prices ranged generally. WOODEN HULLS FOR CARRYING LOGS TO MILLS IN THE SOUTH VANCOl VKIt. Sept. 17. - The, Hritish Pacific Transport Company pueeha-ed sit more wooden hulls at Seallle lo carry logs from up the coast. Already four ure ''imnuk toned.