rAOE SEX THIS DAFLt rTKWB ExtraSpecials for Fair Week In Every Line Watches from $1.50 up. Chains from 25o up. Pocket Knives from 25c up. Jv'on-Dcslrucliblc . I carl Deads from $2.00 up. . Itracclets from 25c. up. Special Discount on Odd Cups and Saucers Real Money Savers Watch , the Windows Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North Coats! Ladies' and Children's Coats LATEST STYLES. REASONABLY PRICED. See Our Windows. H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9 Fruit Special Mackintosh Apples, box $3.50 Hartlett, Pears, doz... 40c crate $3.75 Peaches, doz 40c crate $1.90 Prunes, lb. 13c, crate S1.40 Watermelon, pound . . 6c, Canlilop, large 15c Hananas, per doz. 50c Take advantage of this Special. Mussallem Grocery Co. LH. 18 PHONES 84 417-423 Fifth Avenue East. Do Your Eyes Bother You? We have recently installed the most modern optical equipment. This, added to the yeat s of experience of John liulger, Sr., and with the assistance of Jack Itul-ger, who lias just graduated from Ihe 11.0. Optical College, Vancouver, places us in an exceptionally wood position to lake care of your eye troubles. W'e arc nrtNdllvo wo ran give you mi tplieal service which will assure you the utmost sailsnaciloM. Lonsos Ground on the Premises John Bulger Jeweller. in AIL BACKED UP RATES CAMPAIGN Oliver Particularly Pleased Result so Far Achieved In Matter Regardless of Politics VICTOIUA, Sept. 1G. To no one lias the recent decision of jtlie Railway Commission on (western rales for export grain and flour been more gratifying II hail to Premier Oliver. The Premier made his first move for lower rales seventeen years ago. when, as a private member, lie .Introduced in the LcglslaluiV a resolution calling the addition of the Dominion Government to Hie need for lower railway rales on goods to and from lliitisli 1923, there was a further reduc-! lion of ten per cent on rates on .'rain for export, ami now comes the order equalizing WEEK - END SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. Gravensteln for Per box ... . Sunktst Oranges, Apples, 5 lbs. 25c $1.75 13 for 25c Combination Vegetable Special ' 10 lbs. Terrace Turnips. 10 lbs. Terrace Carrots. 10 lbs. Cooking Onions. 6 lbs. (ireen Cabbage. Total atJ lb, for ... $1.00 Ribbon Mixed Candy, per lb. 25c Boneless Raw Ham, sliced. per lb 45c Gainer's Breakfast Bacon, sliced, per lb 50o Taking whole side, per lb 45o Ontario Stilton Cheese, tier lb 35c Taking whole cheese. 10 lbs., per lb 32c Del Monte Pork and Deans, 3 tins for 25c Snider' Tomato Soup, 3 tins for 25o Snider's Tomato Catsup 30c or 3 for 85o l'.lk 5 siring Drooms .. 45c California Asparagus Tips, '' for 45c Drokeu Shelled vWalmils, per lb 40c Del Monte DrI-Pak Prunes. 2's ... ;.. 35o l'.xtracts, all. flavors, 3 for 25c Jelly Powders, assld. flavors. I for 25c Sperry's Pancake Flour, larve pkir. ..... . , . . 35c Pure Haspberry Jam, 4 lb. pails . .'. 55o Candy W'liistfes, leg. 5c each, special H for . . 25o New Hulk Dales. I lbs. 35c Droken Pekoe Tea in bulk. per lb. 50o Sliced Pineapple, 2's, per tin 15o Canned Ilhubarb, 2's. 2 for 25o 15)25 Pack Mlnreineal, 12 Mi lb. pails ... .. . . . $1.95 Economy package Seedless Haisius, I lbs., each 45o Rupert Table Supply 4 Phones: Co. 210-211.212-298 ihlb II i Hi m i m M A handy size pack- V age for occasions ft when half a pound is ft Columbia. in llritish Columbia but from Al- For the last four years the berla also, and I hey arc the more Premier has campaigned assid- remarkable as being confined to uously to secure rates on grain no parlieualar political parly, moving westward oir a par per : mile with that moving eastward.' He has spoken frequently before the Hailway Commissioner and Hie Privy Council, and also ad-, dressed I lie Special Comniitrce o' l he House of Commons oni Crow'.- Nesl rates. In addition lo this he has spoken at public, meetings in the ast from Mont-) real to Fort William and has ad-j dressed many prairie gatherings with a view lo rallying public sentiment lo the Uritish Columbia standpoint. Not Political Step by step progress has been achieved. In Commission cut in half the ex cess of the mountain rales over l hose of the prairies to be fid lowed by a 20 per cent reduction on grain for export. In October AMALGAMATION OF ALL RAILWAY ORGANIZATIONS TO BE PROPOSED MONDAY Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees to Hold Biennial Convention Next Week TOIIONTO. Sept. 17. (Cana- dian Press Amalgamation of all railroad labor organizations into a composite industrial union Hailway1"1 of the important mat- 1923 the ;e bcrship. more expeditious melh Is liiilii'!? grievances, wage! -ehedules. working conditions, etc.. are other matters that will be considered. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUnllon to Apply to 1mm Ltn In Prince nujrt I.iw1 lirrnnllnT liii-: Irlrl if rnnr- lintrl, iixl rlinnlr M1 Hirtlrit I'otnl, WaW lUinl, llrttl.h TAKE MiTICE thai Anrlo nrlllnh Col itnliia I'arkinit rxnpiny l.lmiurt. iJ k'ni-oiittr. ll.C. orfiiiulhii pirkfr. In- immI lo ipply tnr a true ot tu follow- Ii ir clfi rllx-d larwi: - r.,,iniiunrlii l pl tlnl1 on lh nth nh'irr of lUrllfll Point. WIp l ind. it huh Miirr nirk; Ihrnre In in aUrlv ilin-rilnn ilonr lilth witcr mark f.,rt eirlit h'MHlrfd Tim-i. iiMirr or lo immi iiiirkrtl o. I K.: Ilirnrr tontn nv in rnaiin, rnorr or 10 low aicr mark: ilM-iirn in a cii-rly flirmion l'in low walrr mark roriy iunl hnnnrrn 'rrl. Ifwrr or M-: IiiMire norineriy iu. haiiis to najlnl f niinntenrrnimit, ami 'SOilamlinr Ii arrm. timrr or aolo nniTisu couiMnn PACklNO CO. I.TO . Apnlkaiil Pit Wallfr E. Walker. Arrnl nl1 July 1. ml. 1 i ' LAND ACT. Nolle of InUnllon to Apply to Purchai Hi ..ana. IIm Ijnd tipronlinr DUtrlrt of I'rlnre lniiMrt. and ulluate ai A worn lllvar. Attiiin Hay, MHI Inlet. Q.C. Islila. TAki: MiTICK Hut Mr. Jami ri'l.l Mir stranr, of smmyauir, SC orrupallon inirrico woman, iiiimmi to ape'y for per- inifion io purrnaoe ine loiiowinf oe .rrllMl lannt: Coiiimcni im at a twM planted at hlrh water mark. Awi'in lllver; ihenre t rhaln north; theiirp 10 !lialnf went, - more or lea lo northwet rorner IM I7; iliem-e mains amith: thi-nre is rhalna rat: ihenre 4n eliaina north; thenre t rhaln 't; I heme IS rhaln Kmih to point o.' roniiiienreineiit, and eonulninir to atrei. more or ie. MllS. JAMES FIF.I.IU10 STftO. Appllrant. rtr win. o, jiucneu. Arent tialed liilr ih. Ufa Auditorium Will open for a month's Skating Beginning Tuosday Eve., Sept. 15. Afternoons ... 2 to l lAeuings .... H lo III Good Music both sessions Competent instructors to teach beginners. J, Marren - Prop. Phone Black 449. LAND SEEKERS ON PRAIRIES TODAY IN SEARCH OF FARMS Party Represents 150 Perso'ns Who Propose to Move to Canada WINNIPKO, Sept. 1 7. One of the mosl important parlies of land seekers to visit the Canadian West since the pre-war days of extensive immigration irom united Stales to Canada, arrived in Winnipeg this morning under the direct ion of Captain I.. H. lloyd of the St. Paul office of the Canadian National llailways Agriculture and Colonization Depart ment. The parly comprises some i litrly "dirt farmers" from Nebraska, Wisconsin, anil iNorlli Dakota, all of'whom ar seeking farms in Western Canada and who will continue their journey westward tonight oer Canadian National lines: W ith but one un-' married man in the parly, those seeking farm cpresent in all I some 130 persons who will move to Canada between now and next spriest, if Ihey find satisfactory locations on Ihe prairies. BATTLE WITH BEAVERS superMsion ni local uivisions oi """j. he Hrotherhood to delve inlo; Tfl KEEP QllllfP flPPN Non, Price, flab; 1. II Ll UrL1 Drake and A. K. May. Kdm..iil..ii ; Mrs. C. H. tiowen and Mi Jean Little Engineers of Forest Carr.e t;OWrn, Chilliwark; Mr. and Mis Back Night After Night and j. .. (Wilis, Calgary f Mrs. W . C Tried to Stop Qap jSparke. Terrace; Mrs. P. It - Skinner, Isk; Mr. K. T. Ord. SAHANAC LA KM, N.Y., Sept. 1 7. Cociirat.c, Ont.; A. J. Milt Inner. The owners of a lyaet of land Italrnoral: A. Drown, i?unii)siib; ters for discussion at the biennial ' ",? ,,1,r mountain section j. ji. Merg, city; John A. i.taik, convention of the Canadian Itro- Ih c been put lo ii,, little exlra Claxlon; Mr. and Mrs. II. Chritt- .Iherhood of llailroad Kmployees 'ork as resiUl1 of :i ball,e opher.n. Ketchikan. which nneiiH her Momi.-iv n.u neacrs to Keep a siuice inwai -lep has been under consider.-!- "Ppn- ! A. H. Peter. Vancouver; D i lion bv railwav workers in Can- 1,e sluice was built to keep Ilarr. St. Thomas. Out.: T. an. adaiml the United Stales during Wiiler H'Vel or a pond down. Dyk. I'rmee iieorge; i . k. remr-the past two years and it is likely ,,ul ",e beavers who live in the sou, Siiiilhers; II. Woleotl, Kil- nui ii.. ii .i iMimi naie oilier mens. uiiiiiiiaii 1 1 rx vtiiiri iiinni - - raies on ..... , .. . ... , ;.i...,n.. r.. n. .i r n.a i; ... iiimiiv pniiLTMliil;il(rv (pliers :irnl lelegrains from peoole not only ' 1 . ' or Jiaiiway r:mniovees ' win " sane- "",r"i ,intl ernomie and social problems. is Mfll KhNSAI K A A N IN -i... I.. I I : .. ii.. : liiliAlWiwk I1UIIJO III Ml'O IIM IUIini III llll- Ctlllt Kill Hill emla. Unemployment, old ase nensions, insurance for the mem- PUBLIC EYE BECAUSE OF ANIMAL ODDITIES HAOKKXSACK. X.J.. spl. II.-Tlns city has a.lamci) souiewhal of a national name as the result of a popular souk extolling its in (lie woods, lo which the little birds enticed her. AGENCY COLLECTIONS Commission Amounting to $626,- ,t. I. I and 91 Charged for Securing $1,469.50 According to a statement sub mitted to the hospital board last night by Hie National Protective lliey moii.on: n. u. inner, ron u n- Agi'tiey. which was employed lo har! collect a number of outstanding! . hospital i.iVMunls, (he agency had been succcssful'ln collecling 81,- IG'J.50, leavinic net collections of 8 t'.ry hi Ibn board after de-dueling KlLMi.ttl for commission. The aucnry staled that ft bad actually paid out between fnO and sr.GO in making the Secretary Hindi reported collections wen sllll rnmlug in h a result of the ageney's ac livllles. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prlnco Rupert (I. Whilearrr. fi A Saundc s. I (i Doric W. ( Coon. Vancouver Joseph A 1-ox, Urau'ford, 1J. E.l II Ilennniff. rilv: I.. gram moving towards me l'aci-, ., . ,. 4.,i ttiii tu- . .. .i.Il dnrf. i:li- ll. Ki-H.er. liar- fie wit., those toward the Allan-! "l lulclFrt, nai , of lH nM to,. tic. Ihe Premier Jias received: .... ' .....i r..n. .i. k - : z 1 i lie co-onunaiion or me i.an- iaiit"- National ami Canadian hasten loMlie'Muioe an.i plug u WI1MAN AH K All) 10 Pacirie llailways, as suggested by siieK. piun. iocks ami :,,,.. the Senate eommillee.wilL be .lis- grass. The itext mornins a iiian ANY I IllflU i nssed but aceordins lo President H work done by, A. H. Mosher, pronouncement them. ; ... any 1 nrrH1, i1(.raiise ",rauiP I 1 undoubtedly will be from a dif- "lie liltle engineers of Ihe , ! V","1 .loinael, tmubb- af- Cn" ,"n rr-. back night after u,g e t that o ti e ratne .rd. Adlerika Senale "ight and ,. may be necessary to The -formation of sludy .roups' sUtion a watchman a. .he ' ; ""J A- throughon. Ihe eounlry under .he sluice after dark to keep the ani- J fj; ; !. and ifli'i : brings surprising relief (o the slotuaeli. Slops that full, bloat-ied feeling. Ilemovcg old waste 'mailer from Intestines and makes you feel happy and cirer-( r.xceiieni nr ousiuiaiei iiusiipaiioii. ii r in e s l.td.,' Druggists. UNEMPLOYMENT COUNCIL. Vliri'OltlA. S.p.. 17. i.eaiiues mil nun is not riionpn. Sin, deoiily minister J. D. Mc of labor,! ll is. now m tne lore witu io.ir . ,(.f 0,,.IW... , PH,r(M-n! oddities in bird and animal life, ii-iii-i, iduintiia i ihn hmi,iI A crane appeared on the banks m(.eli,ltt .r i,.- e,nnlovmeii.i of the reservoir of the Darken- sorvi..P iv.uhpII r r.n.i:. u.-i.i.t. , saeii water i.oinpany at uraueu wi j;,.,,,,.,,,,,,.,. ,D. Mr Mf. and nn elk i being huiilinl for Nivi.n wi )uv Mme u, confr. destroying farm produce along encv information regarding en-Spring Valley Hoad on the oul-,,,oyillcn, conditions in llritish skirts of llackftisaek. Co!iitulia and Ibe pndwble oon-j At pomp.on neflr here Charles ,Hlion next winter. Durling and lvildie Vnndoren, I while pirklng huckleberries, sayj PUBLISH NEW ORQAN an albino snake sal up near. . 1 where they stnpd and hummed a HoMli, Sei.t. 17. - A new mag ' song in a basso voice thai caused dl;in enlil'led "Mussoliniana."; .hem to hurry home to spread destined to spread the .Influence1 the news. At Newfoundland a ben f Fascism abroad, has been has abandoned her domestic life founded at Milan by s.veral pai.y, in Ihe coop and is raising a leaders. They will have the brood of iii'.ilierlcss pheasants collaboration of .be most Im. porlijnt l-'iiscisl and lascist-syiiipalhizing authors and publicists. SUPPLYINQ THE START. The auctioneer was holding tin a pair of uubue siher candle- slicks. "(live me a start," he cried, "Pourpence!" What?" "Ah," said Ihe bidder tlioiigni Hint would give you TAWK WATER NOTICC OIrtlon and Ui "t a Mifll.K Out meaner ConuJI I lilalisl Oold Mim-a. Limited, whoe addreaa lit Itii Yorkmire iiuildnu, Vanrouvnr, U.Cj. win "I'l" iiirinK io taan ami uel all or len jterolul feel of wair out of OleatM-r Creek, alo known at lluller Creek, wtilrh flow wruterly and ilrln' Into la Mi Arm aNiut lOo feel wiutli of, Knallieer Mine il.Mh. Tim water Will Mi diverted from the atrram at a ilni ahoiit' 400 fi-ei Miulhweni of tlm tiiirttieait ror- tier of tlm Myoaotla mineral rlalm. inn ii.nl o. SJ. and will lie uned for liilnlin pur- t I.I.M l,n Itl 111,.. lll.C I.... V.... I I I - , ; : , I ' i.oii .ion. aoo inn noure wat (Killed on the irroimd on the ird day of Aniil. !. A ropy of nut in, lire and an an. plleallon piiranant thereto and lo l ie Water Art. 1011," win pe riled in IliS1 orn- of the Water llerorder al Alllu ! oiiiectlona lo ihe applirallon may h fiiedi with the, mill Water llerorder or" wllhl the Oimptroller or Water lilahta, I'arlia liient llnlMllira. VlrUirla, U.C., within llilrly ilaya arier Hie fiyal appearanre of Oil. in. I in' in a loral new npaper The (Uli of Ihe flrxt piihllratlon i,t thu imii,-. Macilonald ' ' Annul ittn ! , uiMiani .Mill I V... nini'ii i-r. vuiu ii.. .. MI1E8. I.IMITUi. Armhranl hy 0, B, Snilttv Anui. Thundar. September 17 f(JJ RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1824. lias produced Minerals ns follows: Placer Hold, $77,;JS'J,tirj;l; Lode On j ins 173.100; Silver, $0.X.82 1.57U; Lead, $70,58,r.7H; Copper. $187,1X0,378; jr.,,,.' I7M07; Miscellaneous Minerals, $l,t;t,3ill; Coal and (kike, $2H0.S8O.(M8; Hi ,,i , ,n. Stone. Mrirk, Cement, etc., $12,225,81 ; making, its Mineral Production to the cud oi 1021 show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of tins Province arc inure liberal ami the fee lower than llu, ,. ,, any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the llhtikh l-Impiru Mineral locations are granted lo discoverers for nominal (ecu. Absolute Titles arc obtained hy developing such properties, the security of win h . guaranteed liy thrown Omuls. Full information together with Mining llcrl nd Maps, mny be obtained g ,,. i. addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. X.H. Praclieally all llrilish Coluinliia .Mineral Properties upon wlmli, dev. ;. ,r. j work lias been done are described in some one of the Annual llcpnrts of (lie M of Mines. Those tonsideriiif? mining imclmriits should refer to nri repop - "p,, are available without cliacge ' application to Hie Depurlitii'iil of Mine, V,, i , i lt(lorts of Hie (ieological Stirvry of Canada. Pacific llnibluig, Vancouver, nv r. mended a valuable sources of information. Srovil. Stewart; Mr. and Mrs. (i. WESTHOLME THEATRE Thursday Only, 7 and 0 p.m. "Cheaper to Marry lloltaiii and deiiii-iiiliuiid. Mi-lrc-- Love uinl l)iiuiei. Marriage and mortal- Tt life-long friend and agreed upon cery(liiug . , riniony. He didn't believe in UMrri.ige, Ihoiiftii - . a game of give and lake; give up ty treedom Ihe coiueiiieiice. She believrd in love, lie p n. i, jewels, flower and indulged lier cvei rx'nn lie wouldn't gie her that lillle. plain, gold band I happier married ot; living Willi In- w. rtie. T pro I tie in lw" oiig Imimiic' partner- fiirrd. s. . woiked out in wCI.eaer To Marry." Hoblh epeode-. and niliiation lo keep you gnping ' of favorite. Conrad Nagel, Lewis 8. Stone, Claude Gllllngwittr, Richard Wayne, Marguerite de la Motte, Louiie Fuem'i uid othcr- COMEOY "THE WILD GOOSE CHASER.'' PATHE REVIEW Admislon 35c and 10c. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry'Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmith, Palttrn makeri, Founders, Woodworker!, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDIMQ. Our plnul Is equipped to handle 1 kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Or. 001 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night phone 6S7 539 Or. 601 Black 735 HOUSE SLIPPERS For LADIES, MEN AND CHILDREN. ' Kvery lady, man or child needs n pair of conr" lo 1 1 or Kid Slippers lo pnl on when the day's work " Aflor being up nil day, your feel ore cnlilU'd t ' 1 rest ami ruiiiforl. Our Koscy Korner Slippers will give yon Mi.'' Mild rcsl. Kerylody likes Ihem and evcrylaidy '' Ihcin, W'e havo llioni in LM differenl styles ranK"lr Mil"''' I"'"' from- 85c to $3.00 Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phono 045. Cor. 3rd Ave. nnd ?1" 81 Agents for Holeproof Hosiery. Neiuu tiorst" 1 Heview Pallerus. Tiirnlniir nd W alsoii s I n" Arch licfender Hhoes and liontiiiMUi Hulibers