j-ic now a rajiio hh ami tne uroaUOwsimg stations are tin. proving sieauiry as iiiey adapt themselves to the new kind of worn.' vnM audiences are uuvy able to hear-those who sjieak or sing ai uie .owernii stations. And the number will increase. u",,u".' ' itcMinp oi ne improved, sialic and oilier m- lenerenre lie eliminated, and (he 'radio will become as common' in the home as (he Victrola or tie Brunswick. The radio has apparently ronie to slay and wiR steadily develop until it can be controlled easily by anyotie at any time. Concessions Necessary , France And United States. The failure of the Tniled State to reach an agreement with France.. produces widespread disappointment. ince there is now general appreciation of the necessity for. the return or France to a condition of financial stability, N1Vs the Rank letter. Whatever merit U .attached to the pfaus that France shall pav in,-000,000 a(yenr for five years with remission or further interest during the period, lies in the .suggestion that both countries are now more nearly r&idy to Tare jhe true situation. For France to reacli the point where she is prepared to recognize her debt as rar as her resources will permit, will constitute almost Hs much a step in advance as Tor the United Stales, posses-dup ,i(f the gold in the world, to rceosruize the real fondilion in t-'opMi... and the necessity for the adjustment necessary to permit her to begin lo receive the goods in wliich nllinnile paymenls must be made. Like the "Dawes Plan' this iuterim agreement bridges ....!. .. I . :i a i - . . . . ni iinsnmu souiiiioii, uiin pernio a lapse of time in which Imlli peoples may grow nccusjomed to the idea that further con-cessions are. necessary. smH"1 p.nit two 7H2 ilATTi? iBvt uedneidaV, Nuv. ,i,,.,. j Freshness Preserved "SALADA" Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation!. DAILY EDITION 98 86 Hsao is more rich drawing & delicious than ordinary tea since the freshness is preserved in the air-tight SALADA packet. The Daily News PRINCB RUPERT - RR1T1SH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince'-1 Rupert Daily News,- Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month , By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stales, in advance, per year .v To all other countries, in advance, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - $1.00' $0.00 $7. DO All advertising should be in The Daily News CHfioe before A p.m. on day preceding publication'. All advertising received subject to approval. Wednesday. Nov. 3, 1925. Good Times Here Say Financial Men. The good times are with us and are steadily improving according to our financial nien. The Royal Rank (if Canada issues n tm.f ....I:...:, i:,. ...... ...... .... ... w.iiiinui iriuii on roiiuiuuiis. ji ays inuii(ry is mi proving and everything looks like good times ahead. inis is not election talk. I he elections are over and theiv is nothing tu be gamed by o.timislic or pessimistic Uilk. We can lace conuuions as iiiey really are and they look verv Rood. Canada seems likely to come into her own and it will be difficult even for a change of government to slop her. Y devoutly hope that the financial men are right and that we are in for a period of prosperity. We need it. Listening In As t ' ' An Amusement. ' . . ... 1 Listening m is lieconnng a pupiilarvfttmisenient. Many pen-' That Prance's capacity to pajvmay lie even smaller than her own siaiesnien are willing to admit, constitutes one iosJbiIily wii(?h should be given earefiip consideration. So-general is the -. upuiiiuM ui.it .r ranee requires sinliilizutinii or her credit, that riimit.-. 1'nll .:. rl. ...,. I .....:.,ii. At: ' i .... "... ...v..f ..v .MM.niini in-iiiii? Hiiougiu inai sue might prnmii-c mre (haiushe could everjiimj- to perform in order In r-ertire a sruu-meiH logeiner wiin crews which AvuiildstabTlrzeie.r ffi ....... mm un iuoiie. .vt ine ial .Mr. Uaillaux offered much more than most Frenchmen felt Prance could pav, and it js quite possible 1hal the ultimate settlement will lie in some nr, terms as these which now seem loo large in Prance and loo Mium in me i. niicu niates. Y his Recipe ... CORN OEMS nd hZ..,''l'nM. lo,h"' M Crown Brand Syrup EDHARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP. ATtlttid rf$h TmHy Better Times in Sight Says I Royal Bank Report Giving in Detail Why Improvement Due Not since the beginning of the economic readjustment : period have- fundamental conditions been mure favorable to a healthy expansion of industry and trade, ay the Royal Rank I monthly letter. There are already signs of improvement in Hiei business situation, and while for the most purl they relate to si-asoual conditions, some of the changes are indicative "f Hie. gradual restoration of balanced relations which are so necessary to general prosperity. The maladjustment between indus i try' anil agriculture has during the pat twelve nmnlli be. n milipaled if notentirely and the lnjshly satisfactory er returns now indicate tlit Hie purchasing power of the farmiinr community will he greater than for Rip oast five years and more widely distributed. The yield for the three I'rairte Province us estimated by Ho Northwestern (train Dealers Vssocialiou in their nii.t October report, coin tare.l with the financial ellmn- tc, relieved. of I !?!,. are as fallows: lt25 JV2l Wheat .. 400.385.000 S.Ij.O'.H.OOii (lals .. 302,053.000 ?3.325,OoO Rarley .. f.5.355.000 70.030.000 llye .220.00(l It.lSO.nO.t I'iax ... fi.355.000 ti.577,000 Livestock Miwrkets showed a very encouraging tone during the month. .Supplies were heavy, hu' export ilejiiaml frmi !real Rri-lain and the I'niled States wa strong. Hops are lirinsrinp liixh Iriees, and this is likely In be the case for some iiftie lo come owing to short supplies. Industries Active The major industries of the country are generally more ar-tie. The irn and steel niilN are again operating closer to. eapanly. More than sixty thou-) sand Wms of rati business lin-' been placed, ami the demand for automobile and ncrirullural implement companies im een in larger volume. The important textile industry which in l!2t had one of Ihe worst years of it history, i feeling the stimulus of improved conditions, and Hie rNluelkn in primary rosl pive I lie trade hef trr prospeels ot Kiriiings. In woollen goods 1 li- situation is slightly better, and in sflks, including rayon, relative prosperity prevails. The ImwiI and Lshoe, industry has peen utisatis- faclory for some time, hul tliere is a general report of belter bus. ineist and leatlipr prices are firmor. Mineral Situation -Mineral production reeords for Canada show a steady growth. Production or metals ami. non-metals readied a tidal value of in.347.fif!8 as compared with fH4.307.3H5 in Ihe first half of t!2l. The output or gold for the six months was 911,500.210 a against 1 l.xin.nfio, and silver 5.G0I.8K3 nz. as compared with 5.008.256 or. for Ihe correspond ing period o: the previous year. In Rritish Columbia the production of uon-ferrnu metal, especially lead and inc, shows a large increase, and at present market price the total outturn for the first eight months of Ihe year i estimated u iH.0OO.O00 or (Oily 7.500,O00 short of the total value ror the whole of 11)21. The coal mining Industry, afler hem? completely disorgan ized by protracted strike, is making rapid recovery and u better feeling is in evidence. F.x- porl trade in lumber j quie. inj; jnarJllni. province fliwl i drfffeuri lo obtain salisfactorr business against huropean competition. The Australian market appear to be atlried. and the demand from Japan ha fallen olf. Tliere i a steady increase. however, in shipment from the Pacific Coast to Ihe Atlantic ports of the United Slate, and doineslir demand i. expected lo improve wild western conditions. In (lie pulp ami paper industry, production ami shlpmenl are ahead of last year. The produr - 'Km or newsprint rr the eight inonni ended Hie .jii Align l m i'88.7tn ton a compared with tn" .603 ton in 1021. . Bulldtjna Permits Ihe value or building permi's and eontrucl eiileied Upon for const ruction work in Western Canada for the first nine months or I lie year show an increase of 583.000 over the figure a year ago, although the figure for Hie Dominion for the same period are slightly lower. The usual statistic which re fleet Rie current volume of busi ne indicate a tendency to ex pansiuti. Carloading and hank iteiiit throughout Ihe pal two month have been well above the eorreponiling figures of Inn! year. Tim agricultural silualiou is contributing in no small de gree to larger and better halanc ed buying power. Wholesaler generally report increased turnovers, allhoug in all lines liuyin-is cautioil and ch'-ely con fine. I lo immediate need. Fewer Fal'urts Commercial failures for Hi" third .piarter of 1 025 show a distinct improvement both In liuinhrr and extent of liabilities. Our foreign trade continues lo show a growth thai i particu larly noteworthy. During Sep tember. exKirl amounted to Kl08.i07.yi J a eonsiderable in-rese over Hii,trto.7t for I lie eorresMndiug tnbnlh last year "flu represent' a record totai for I lie month since ti20. Pn the six months of the fiscal yea' ended September, total export-were S57 1,3151 id against flHJ.-001.054 for Hie same period ta1 .var. Ihe comfortable position id Ihe inouey market, the small fluctuation in commodity prire light stock of loer. liali.lise. Mir increae. purchasing mwer ba ed on food crop ami' a high state of employment are factors which collectively inspire greate: confidence in the lniine iiut lion. THE MAN IN THE MOON I ays: j a t: NOW Hint the Legislature in session in jrtoria we hal expect to hear some wont o wisdom that will .cause Solonno lo turn green with envy. ClIATTKIl. Chatter, Utile membe-You will talk till: mhl-Deremlwr And you'll be alxuit -as wie A a I roup of utoiiket in dm guise. Why not try Hie silent plan' On useless word just put it liar Lit Me member, little member You will drink till bleak Decern her Teil you clearer than 1 ran It i lime the liooze lo ban. Then go home and see vour wive Ami try to lead more seeml lives. IP curiosity killed the cat. there ought to be a lot or dead one around here. ITS a ad thing lo stale, bu! U.S. women have taken to drink. A story came over Hie wire ! many newpaper Hal week lei ling id a woman who fought with 140 rattlesnake and killed I hem all. Ye, nhe killed them ONCI', upon a tiuv there WAYKhaekfJiL d UlaLfr WhPn eleelioit t1 During over hair ii... .:vjr The people of thf huilliwick Thought they'd . elect a mule. They dressed him in men' clothing Clipped short hi ae ear And then I hey put him on the stump And bought the elector beers Then lo upon the morrow When the vole were counted o'er They found the mule had mad" the grade With a million vole or more. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert November 4, 1915. II. Ounii of Toronto, member or the famniiN flunn Llmiled, packing concern, i a visitor it Ihe cily. He ha been looking over the ilualiou in thl district hut ha nolhiiig derinlle in view. the past three days, a million pound of halibut has been landed in Prince Huperl. Till morning scvrnleen express refrigerator cars were despatched east, twelve by special train and five on Ihe regular pasenger. J'curs are entertained, fur the British Journalists Give Impressions of Canada HaUng cumi'lftcd n ten.th.iiiandudle tour f t'aiiuda frttm coast to const ami return nt tlie Imitation of K. V. Iteatt), chidriuan mid preshlriit of the CmiadUii TurlUc t!alls). ten i;ritili JouriiallsU rcpresentlnc vl'er from I.ndon, Oestrru Kugluiid, "airs t;iapn nod tlrlfast, now brendciist t t'iinJisit their f the p.tmlulon. lliec joiinialMs were aski-d to ronir to this w. ii. iu:to, Dttly ChrvBlelt, Uondon. I BBBBBBBBBBH 1L. Wetmlniitr ette, London. r 9 ajr mm WW BSSBBBBBBSv h VSSw! "Canada bus given me a true appreciation of what It wiiint by gruat opu ipacea. Tbc pocalblll-Ue ot thla vat country are nor moui, and )ou bate a yet barely fcratrhrd th surface ot Hi wealth. It la a land which oftm great opportunities to men of lb right Upe but thl gret IcmlnIon U obviously a young man's wuntry, and one hcre every inao. mutt work You ask no qur'tlons as to bis antecedents You merely ask him to carve out his own career. You take a man for hal H. A. coLvviix. be himself Is worth, not for what Western itornint his father was. In such a land a News, rijmouth. wan vio Is & man can ork and be happy." "Canada's supreme confidence In her future greaUiess has made a deep lmprevslon upon me. Only men KMsewed ot great vision and almost overpowering energy would have laid so soundly and on such comprehensive lines the foundations wbicb we have everywhere aero for the coming of a great civilization. The nobly planned parliament buildings the ambitious university Uutltutlons. the network ot ralfways. harbor facilities, vast water powers, electricity schemes. Irrigation works, and cities planned out on princely lines, bare been copcelved for a great to-morrow Canada Is shouldering financial and other burdens In this task ot Kmplre building which call for sympathy and -admiration. It Is the white man's burden In the world. One stands atnated that so leV people rtould have accomplished so much In so abort a time which encompajwed Canada's history." "Since I was here In 3911 there bas been great Improvement In the roads of Canadn. Ttioush the country la aatd to have passed through hard time recently the enormous number ot automobiles now in use appears to Indicate a return or rapidly returning proe-Irtty. Very many more trta are conserved on the nrairie land scape, the planting 'of which and tne more general use of paint for the decoration of dwellings suggests an Increasing desire to have r. CiiaiTKH, home rather than me houses. U This snlrlL it seems to rce mill do more for the consotldatlnr of Can ada as a nation than any great Increase If those wboee chief desire Is get rich quick ind Quit." - 1 -Am . - t J . , 1 1 1' Mtf" 1 Uon on tnroos lines v.rthy of I" f A la great future. C) Her wattlnr !aces and Ilrluln's need for mom with In the Empire for an overflowing population create a sew bond of union. (S) The future prosperity of Canada rests not only upon agricultural development but on increased employment of British labor In both countries for manufacturing her raw materials. (4) Misunderstanding of Old Country OUT. K. ALTllAM, conditions la being cauaed by mea-us E. gre, misleading, and even ronle-Morning roat. Tolent new t too often supplied from London. England to the Canadian Tress. (S) The Importance of a navy for Canada' growing exports end Imports Is becomlur better appreciated. (6) Canada la a land where men must be men Indeed, no wasters, agitators, or traitors to King, Hag and Empire, need apply. That is my predominant Impression." "At the end of a long Journey. In the course of which we have crossed the Dominion twice and travelled nearly ten thousand miles, we are returning to our homes deeply Im presses witn tne immense resources of Canada. We hare seen life and condltlona of labor In the Marl-times, In the Industrial centres of tbe East, on tbe prairies and at the i racinc coast we hare set ourselves to learn something of the twin problems pt men and markets which face tbe Canadian people and the experience which we hare K.a.n. riJTKno?r, thus gained will be of inestimable Times, London. tcrrantaire to us In the future. It will enable us to set the proper value on Items of news from the Dominion, to refute baseless charges against Its own good name, to make known to the young men of our own country the rp'endld opportunities that await tbem. In abort, so far as Ilea within our power, to tell the Motherland the troth about Canada," ufely or Hie schooner Chief Zibasa which i ten days overdue from Hie halibut filiiug bunks. PREMIER OF ALBERTA NOTIFIES GROUCHERS THEY ARE NOT WANTED KIl.HHiNTON, Nov. 1. The outlook in Alberta is brtRlit, and the clearer we jjcl our viHion Hie brlKhler it. wiH'nppenr," was the eniiballc declaration ol I'rcinler Hreenfield in an address before Hie iuauik'ural niccling of the Kd-nionton board (If trade for 1U25-:.'(!, held In Hie Macilonald. '"Ihe future or this province Is' what we ourselves make it," the .premier added. "If we approach our problems in a broiiil-iulndcd spirit of co-opcralioti and confidence, we cannot fail to pro-Kress." There is m room In Albertn ror the Kcoucber or Hie "calamity howler," Mr. flreetifield declared, No one who hag aludlcd country to study at find hand Ike eoosomlc, eoaim.r-j , iudiistrlnl and agricultural conditions ot the iKnatTi' slot to thus enable them to meet and re win t frum u i iiMti L mitt l.ltni II.H IMlttUu.lrktjtntlli.w & . iSflf .i'h m . "... - " . . " aiu, UU SI 1 II T. Ti tcnlatlou of Canada aud I anadlan (vndltlum that i iM-en prevalent In the Old Cuatry of Isle ttiontlm, tVj' trip wa an unqealltied survrss fruia every twist i Hen. The lmprcrsluus folium ' ii. s. man. South Wslee News, Cardiff. 1 1 JIU A. rit'lST, Olasgow ral(L Q MmW joiix saii:iis, nelfast Telegrspu. Hie leeloiincnt and progress liiinle in the years none by, nnd 1 prepared (o accept that pro- , preen as an indication or what lies ahead, could possibly have any doubts as to Alberta's future Kiealness. It was true Hint lbre had been handicaps to overcome ami bU probleuis to face, but ilespite all these the story or (III province bad been one of consistent prop res m and sustained development. LAND ACT. Nollct of Inttnllon to Apply to PurcKstt Land III I'HlMV lllllHTl I.SIIII Hffonlliir tl- trli-i of I'riio'e hiiMrl ami allium- m its esl slinre of IHrnmil oive, Crlni'.M ""i.1. .'"'i'"!:. ""' ,,",r' 'il nisltlel. r.tkh .orii:; ihiti si.iiirrville :aiiiirn' I. iHnpiniy l.linllfd i.r Vali.'oiiver. II. C . -iiil.ui n.'keri, lnl.'iiiU in riiiiIv f(-miioii.hi In iiiri-tiiiie llin rolliiMliis He rrllH'd UixU: i. o. ois t a hm pUniPd in hm- iHirllHSKl h.iii nf lUnmnl r.nve, I'rlni-eM II. 1.VMI IkIiiiiiI, luiii..- 4, r.iw.l IH.irlil. Ilieiiee fsnli-ily Iwenly ilmln.; Ilieme jiMilliiTlv sltly elmliin; tlhi'.. weKU-ily forty rim in.: lli.lnrr uiirllierly rim rlmint f..l ..wins In (li ,lrr iimca in VtMerly and iK.UIiei ly iliiertliin lo liulm .,f A. n- r;.:,;::;,;v. ,';m,,.s,,,u,,"" ,,,,e 1 rtr"' SOMKHVII.I.i; rAK.UIiY r.O. t.TP. Hated UiriikWtt1 - uaaaoa is not a country but . continent houodleas ta rich J source and richer suit la u IT whose most conspicuous XJ characteristics Is their devotluatt education and research & m fort-eight ot the future y ji! development the great reaulrem.it Is population, which cau btjt k, supplied by co-ot--rstlve actios at home and Dominion au m J, training would-be ImiuJ.anu. w agricultural work. Tratnlai li is essential requisition to resent sm and women from unw;itng 14, nesa In the Old Country and tut them within reach of the t opportunities of tbe New utd w transform them from conditions of iMury Into Umt of eihaustless Vrealtb. and in so doing to t 3tUnt the Empire. We are grtatly Indebted to the ntUitx Pacific Railway for their Invitation to make th torn' "Canada's need Is tbe 014 Con. try's opportunity. Kuua, em-aln'a la the new country s etw tunlty Krom the JiUan'lP ta tit Pacific seahowrds 1 hste beard tit cry. "Hrod us men send Ul. and have found coacto proof that once again the tit or Id has the power to redress the balance of the old bav aU have ycui tbe will to make UW power effective T Jt seems to at to be largely a matte of tn! standing and sympathy Psuto- Ism ts not enough, but t-tiUt4 11 t o 11 MAitrts, uno terms of mutual he p fee Dallr News, London j, capable of leading us toi Into a new promU-d lanl Ln h pull together." "Every province of Canada cliha that it la the land of cppor'EL. j I believe that ee-b Is re led u make that claim and that ihe se-pori unity ts for more peop'.t t are wilting to orh pr.sar",y at the land and are delerrrlsd Is succeed Tbe vast opa fmcm must he jpalate4 A.I a Stotcs-man bo has met many od coav trymen on this wondrrfut Urer to, tbe Canadian Parinc RtSety ar-OM the IKj.nlnka I iVc t Uti to see a large IfaXlus of hum f -na belonging to the race t!tl such a noble part tn ik,r pawr work In tbe land of p ror. lee tc. tt young and rigorous. The Old Country can at ?. due that tn- What prevjms tbrm frnm eomitf TLey tack the means, not tbe desire. t be leve ik If our home government aad the Doiuinloa Cc tmtt could agree to aaslat tbem to a neater esteat thaa a hilherto been done, the mala obsucle 10 tb 'le 4 Scottish Immigration Into Canada would be rtcerei The people must be found. If not from tbe Old uti then taken front elsewhere, hut I think yon would pre fer the old stock." t iis. j. j 11 nr. Dallir Telegraph. "I became more and more b pressed wltn Us hound.. ; puul buttles ot this great ftilW every 4ay of my tour Free Uu fax to Vancouver that usprcuaa grew from woader to aeiaitatet Surely for a man who J3 eft and for the woman who w,: him there Is no land so rich at resource, so full of opportaatUei All honor, then, to tbe brsvt aa who made this possible ta the pioneers Vbo biased a nation 1 T through brush and canyon. adventured over river and take prairie, and to the Canadian statesmen whose vision wat not tbst ot ordinary men." "Oanadn fills me with wonder aa admiration. That a compit. s'Jvtlf small population should bavt w rompllibed ro much In so tbor time Is msrrellous, and from sst I have seen I am convinced tbat the Lapping of the Dominions resources, particularly cf Alberta aw British Columbia, has only br-If the two urgent needs of n and capltaJ llrltiah If possible-can be supplied, there eem t no limit to the future of tb "' try I am Impressed hy U "fj atty. the beauty, and the ploci ' anada, and I take off my the courage of the early sxplorsri and settlers. They laid upon which It should be an honor to be Canada." NOTIOL IJI TIIK VVTTI.H of sn art' Hi lutue ut ITuvlitooil 1 rule for I J.I I, ill'K-k I "i KkH-k s: Imu ? and s, u . a , 6, T soil S, tiirk I l." Ilhrt-k l: L.US a ami I. ill-' I. 4, 7. It, ll snd l. riWk snd It, tilork f. I.otr an ft! Ui 0. II anil If. Ill I. 1 sod 4. HkHk tl: anil I S. all in IIm llrl Addition. ' I'orl Siiiipt.Hi, Mp 4 IS; And. f ln It scim if l..i .JMI41 lllalrlrt. SIMtury inf of Hie ' CcrttOraK r Till roVHrtnf i1: Hi" : 1 ,.m V li.irf ' ,t If tlw1 UiiiiIk iMvltisr liern .nlii.el t' my miration lo ouc. afler tin ' ' ., or one iimiiili fnnii tl.n Or-' ,' lM-rei.f, I'rovUl.iiMl Lertlflrali , 'rf to Ihe almvp land. In ttw r"".,nil riltlllKS M. JOIINSOI Tl w.7, Vi'tiriisle of Title are dH' il Ilia IKOi N.'.... I.. mm t j nil arf iiin.,i,.n.,i 'iaa-.-.l' :OI 4f!. jMa It lid Iti-flatry orrire. t'jiin """ lie., ttlh r.iiiiter, HM flrrlalrsr of WATCR ACT. mitick is iiKniiiv ntvi:v "?S i( lliiiiuiir, the l.isiii.-nsiit oovorii! n j lah Cilllllllllla, liy Slid Willi the t Ills Kfrutli- n.mni'11, lis liern plea" .ii iit: , oa( Til VT iliriiatit In tlie pniVlalulU , tlim n, iM'ins Chsiuer Ti f vlaod Slatiilra i,f u. the nr1, iinrrrnrdi'it wslae of llmin "'"f'-.i". Iium Inland, In Hie Prime lnw" "w IHairlrl. e)alillaln 1 pnranint "..' nil in Cniini'll Nn. RSS. annrovcil on ".' tin. ,,f rpi.mlr twos lie '' '.'it """ , i rn. I'l.r.ll una VVUI llflT nay .. or T. 0 . " i idiU