ne'day, November 4, 1825. I . - J Supplies &8S 1 r.lkv ancs. ,w . a t (foham K9L9RED auivr.l ca EX 1 -iaBB? Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your untdtr't supply or 1 NanaimO'Welling- ton Coal now JlfcCafcry, Lfrf. Phones 116 and 117 mm i i i LI weetest jyaid ( hocolates i y Centre. mt Imix $1.00 it Nut- utuJ Kmit, er box $1.25 S : - led. Her IMIS S1.25 t nl Centres, Kr box $1.25 ii Mm Orient, mt Imik $1.50 i I. " hluii. iHfr Ikx S1.50 II ir.ttn Ihe Bast, wr (mix $1.75 I miuI Fancy Centres) Two New Lines h Max! ritlll Irrtlli. assorted ami timiti flu. per ll 40c M ; MuiK per lb 50c Ormes Limited Wholesale and Retail Druggists ii "!-!' I'miiecr llruggisU Phones 82 and 200 ana 1 Poll lira Prince Rupert w m m. m m m mm urn. AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is ripnped to handle a I, kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and SSr E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, wmIIi additional niui liinic cor the mauuturtnre of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried ui stork. s-ve handling charges by luivuig direct from Hie source of supply. Canadian Pacific Railway 1 CANADIAN n r ri pi rlrir J' Vv. Vuuoi uci viwcs iv uii iu: bailincrs from r rince Rupert .it.iiikAn, WKANbtlL. JUPiUU. UAIWAI .KtnakM 16. iU DrnntH 14 VANCOUVER. VICTORIA ,i StATTU ,rt,tt i. 20, Vmwbt 4. IS i no turret? or ir birr '"r BUltdal. iMininn ( nii ft alia. Off in r1U. Nsmu. Alart Bav. -' in'i vsimvifvr ifii I fitviwi i st mm w. o. ORCHARD otntrai on. 0rnr of 4lh Slrttt ana 3rd Anu, Princ Ruprt, B.O. NION QTr amcuid rnMD a m v nc d n i tiv " wiitiui in vsivi l nil i W U. V, w Aalllii tMitn Prlnr IliiiiMrl -""OUVIR, VICTORIA, lrl a... n Swimon . Sturdl. 10 M "r SP1TOX, PORT HMSanN nH Dl... Thur.H.w i m. M,u. i, B(rnly, Prino Rum'I. a.O. tr g . Local and Personal U.C. Undertaker. Phone 41. Try Valentin Dairy. Phone Ui7. If Watk'in Products. Ilcpre-tentative 1. C. Miller, Uluo 293. tf Social and dance at the Regimental Armoury on Friday, Nov. 13. Gentlemen 50c, ladles free. 25U Hester Allen will appear in the Iff) I'lllfl I lit tt ft al.,..ia- to answer I a charge of intoxU canon Mr. ami Mrs. IM Carson and oii were iiasenser sailinc It the Cardena last eveuinif for Vancouver. J. It. I leal I y. tormerlv of this city, now located al WeaUin, Oiitariu, wiiert he U etablihed in the hardware buiiie8. (Seerye Woodland, local uiutia- pr of (he Imperial Oil Go., relumed on th lardeoa yeMerdav aflernoon from 1 l)uinemt 4rii U SleAvarl. Aiifru Mi-Leod. well known le Arm ir.f(potor, nrrived mi I lie clly on I lie (lardena ye terday afterainoii and will upend i lie winter here. .lame Calvin, pioneer Alice Arm ri!Htctoi. in the cilj for a few la liaviupr arrhlKl from Hip north on lh Curdena yelerday afternoon. Mrf. Ccorae Wohlehlecel arrniKl in the eily on the Car dena vil.-nlny afternoon from Premier and will jiend u while here mmIiiij with friends. ' .1. Hilliard. l .S. culm of. firer at Kagl, Alaska, andMri Milliard were paseiigt taunt the sleamer Prmcess Mary i nlay aflerniMin ttound nouth. Mrs. S. P. Mr.Mnrthe on the I'rince HuMii this momma from Hh south. Mm. .MeMordie ha leen visit nif in inut drought bark a four roon'h nl.l adopted son. Stewart. iei.rjre Cork I e; well , auown here in athletic rirrles fiw Vf4r- ao. w as a pa Meaner ?Or ing outh wn the Princess Mary e!rrday afternoon afler having spent the summer in the auipioy of the While I'aiis "Cb, in I be Yukon. With 17 jiassengers almard itii'liiilinn a large nuMtter o' m- ployecs of the White Pass Yukon Hallway and ' Xavbjral ion Co. itoing out for the winter. C.P.It. sleamer Prineoss Mary, Capl. Arthur Slalr, was in porl bound south from I o'elock tf 5:15 yeslertlay afternoon. This will he lh lat bi; boatload of AUskHns and Vukoners aoint "in inis laiu J. M. Morrison arrived in Ihe city on lite Cardena yestanlay af teinoon and will spend a fe day- nere on business. Me rv mg iiiKeii-oi In the I. a Hose uYififf on which work will Im' riHiUwuvl liii- winter with a view Irt sIaHH ing hiiiiny. The Devlin iihrV. iriiertv on Mcdralh .Mountair i iino'lici iroierty working h; Ho- Mice Arm diniricl now, crew mi Hie property. ANNOUNCEMENTS Anglican Church ltazaar No vember 5. Minstrel Serenade. Church, November 5 A 0. her la. United Oddfellows' whist drivo And dance, November 10. 11 oya I Purple llataar Xovem-J- Screaniliigly funny farce, 'Jane," Westliylme. November 10 Moose Marnur and IH. THE PAILT rTEWB Something elsetobe JTianhfuI fir 21 ShocMsh Ioiiiuiiow afternoon. 1 TreMtrvtt Shot! Jhm't forgel Anglican llazaar Two curs at yodr service Sheddon Taxi. I'hor.e 134. . tf Siiluiol IiiKiuiiiir II. C. l'rjiK''l morning. . fi7- ----- -. - . in on a Lnp to Hie iiurin Luke diflriet. There were no lialilml arriiil offered at the l'lili Exchange lliN Scottish Dance, Auditorium, Fr!day nlaht, Nov. 6. Gents $1.00, Ladles 50c. J. Mrl.ellan of Hlewail left on th i moriiiug'n train for lharlol- I r;l own. Prince Edwaiil Inland. See "B ack Blunders," Minstrel Serenade, United Church, Thurs day and Friday,-8 p.m. 50c and 25c. Albert Farrow, sleamboal In-sjeelor, arrived en tlie I'rineo Hupert this imjrntng from Mrs. lioldbhmm's -.ale has been poitlponeil iHilil Hie arrival of her daughter, Mr.-.. iershav, from Vancouver. V. it: Orclianl, local C.P.It. agent, returned un Hie Cardena yeslrrday afternoon from a bus-i iness trip to Stewart. Sale of hl"h class Ladles' strap and h"oh shoes continues at Mrs. Grahlman'si Third Ave Shoes selling below cost. 25 I'. Ikee, failing to appear in Ihe city poliee cmtrl this morning in answer lo chorge of iit- Uixicatiou. forfeited bail of g?5 Mrs. W. A. Pollen and family who have been visiting fur some months in the south, returned to jibe city on the 1'rmee Huierl this morning. . Air. and Mrs. .1 Slade Sleven. who Imve hern 1 1 1 li for saveral woeks on a varalion trip, return- rd lo Ihe eily on Hie Prince Hupert thi morning. Y. OUen, well known Anyox baseball umiire, reached fbe citv on the Cardena yesterday after noon and is registered al the I'rince Hupert Hotel. Farewell social to Dr. 11. It. llrant in St. Andrew- rooms t- nighl al 8 u'rlock. (iod iimsi- eal program. Memberck and Und ies Auxiliary are nskel lo be present. tS. K. Camidiell. Hoajrtns Slork H, F. MeNaiightou And W. J. Nelson were meinlierj of a hunting itarly winch left Inst night aboard the lat ila ft. poii dial supplies are new tr! for Ihe old llarily Ihiy dislricl. They will be away a Vvuek or ten day. Dale I.. Pill, manflgej- of Ihe I'Temier Mine, was a iwssengei going south on I lie.Gnrdena yesterday afteruiHin houml. fur Van- I in. n are driving a tuuuelfOouver. Mr. Pill reports -opera tions rout inning styiilUy at the Premier with new uxtension.4 made by the company this sea son aUnoai rouijleie. Mm. J. Jack. SJark Apart - ineuls. received n .wire thi-mertiiug announcing- (lie sudden death of her sisicr-te-Javv, Mrs. D. .vi-nislrong, nl Uvnebeach. California. The late Mr. Arm-wtWMig uften saiiii with her sis- tr, Miss .Nellie Hotliamav, for rvJJe, and has been hntwr ftiTaTly Mrn. J. A. Went wailed last niphl on the Cardena for Van couver. J. A. Smith arrived In the city' un Hie Prince Ilupcrt this morn itiK '"'uiii Vancouver. H. M. Stewart i a paKseiiKer froniK Hirough on the I'rince Itu-perl today hound ,fbr islewai l . J. C. K. Sealy, after spending a few' da in the cily.on iiumne, rcturneil un thH morning ' train to hi i audi near Smitlicrs. I. W. King, port Ml.-ward for eoat Bleameri, is making the round. Iri north on Ihe Hteainer I'rince Hupert Hii week. fc J. K. Miller, cihIoiii incpeclor, and liii asUtaul, T. Maxon, arrived in (In! city from Ihe contli on the Prince Hupct'l this morn ing un their way to Anjox. J. o. Trethcway of Ahliolnford. interested ill logging at Alice Arm, is a passenger going through today on the steamer I'rince Huperi euroiile north. ENGLISH WOMAN WINNER OF PRIZES TOHDNTO, Onl.. Nov. 4. Ily Canadian fl'ress , The "Clobe" sas editorially: II took only four months to make a prize-winning Canadian farm woman or Mrs. W. N. Smith, lately of Kngland, now of Hrilish Colombia. With her husband and six childreir she arrived in Canada last May. and this autumn she competed at the Milner, II C; Fall Fair, winning first prize in butter, fancy butter, and cream eheesc, and second for clotted cream, -vlrs. Mnilh made good butler and cheese on her husband's farm in I'.nglainl. and immediately they settled on their forty-acre farm al Fort Lancley she put her knowletge to CAILLMJX IS LEFT OUT BUT NOT DISAPPOINTED Kdmonlnn Journal M. Caillaux has been left out of the reorganized French cabinet, "bo! Ihe ehances are thai he will remain a very active Tigure in the public life oT this country. "I am never disappointed." he told a recent interviewer. He has had more ups and downs than most politicians and there are many in Canada today who would have saved themselves many heart-burnings if they had culti vated hi philosophical attitude II isn't easy "to meet with tri umph and disaster and treat these 'two impostors just the same." Hut the man who enters on a iMiljtiral career has especial need of .being able lo do so. STRESEMAN MAY GET NOBEL PRIZE nii:iwa I'.tlizein It has been proposed by admirers of Herr Slreseiuann, Hip Herman foreign minister, Ilia! iu1 he made, (be recipient of thfl Nobel peace prize for I lie current year, because llerr Stiesemann began the overtures which cul initiated in Ihe Locarno treaty. This is hut one indication of the importance which the people ol F.urope attach to the Locarno pact, which lo millions of heavil burden citizens brings a renewal of fervent hope thai al last the dawn of permaneni peace ha arrived. KNITTING SWEATERS Alaskan Women Helping Wa Veterans Who Are Now In Hospitals JUNKAU, Nov. 4. A call fur voluntfeY knitters to make Presbyterian Church lazaartTk funernl will ink.. ttli i : "uoatrrs for ex-service men in November IS: lcw WtUninsler on Sundav. hospitals -Is made in Juneau by . the Juneau Chapter, American Willi Alaid. Harry- Nislden on H,, The call is made in the bridge iu place nf QapL D.lconiplianee with a request from Donnld, "who is lakuiR hitlidayj",' ,,lt' ,l,,d Cross headquarters CNJl. steamer Prince Hdperl nr-l8"1 Francisco to all chapters. in rived from Ihe south al 11.30' A supply of sweaters for the Ibis morning. Purser .lack Grow- ex-service men who are confined November , I .ford and Assistant I'ursec Arnold' hospitals i necessary for Fvans have transferred .from Ihe: protection from the approaching Prince -iSenrge to Hie Prince Hu- vvinler Weather and it is urged Hnplist J.liurch Ladies' Aid perl ami Purser NoriiPan "Mel.ean! that they be sent in al as early u Uaznnr. November ?t. nml his assislani. T. u. (iillllanil.'dale as possible. Hequest is made '-. .will eome up this week on Ihe for sweaters bulb with and St. Andrew's Ladles' Auxlllurvll'rlnee Charles. liert Hol.son withoul sleeves. Ilazaar. December 2. 'regular purser of the Prince MrsMV. S. Pullen and Mrs. 11. m.- Chnrles, a,u assislaut, Faulkner, member of the Kxi au I.utlierun, Ulnirch Ladles Ald,ioolo. me laking holidays aMccntive Hoard cr the Juiea Uu'tar. Ueeeuiber 4. Vuncouver. 'chapter, are lu charge here. rnn tfrku Europe heckonsYou to a Winter Holiday 1 Hi Ban The Old Country, and Europe sparkle with life in the winter months. And how delightful is the ocean voyage on a CUNARD or ANCHOR-DONALDSON Liner. You have the freedom of the delightful drawing rooms and lounges, the libraryj writing rooms and the spacious covered decks. Concerts, dancing, and congenial companionships make time pass all ':oo quickly and how you enjoy the delicious meals. For those who wish, there is economical third cabin accommodation. Good service, splendid meals. Cosy staterooms and public rooms. Ask your local steamship agent for particulars or apply to: THE CUNARD STEAMSHIP CO., LIMITED, 622 Hastings Street, W. VANCOUVER, B.C. ANCHOR-DONALDSON CUNAM) CANADIAN SERVICES 135 NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & CoU Storage Co., Di PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WICKER Chairs and Rockers -and- Wicker Library Tables Vc must make room for FuU (Joods anil are selling off this line of furniture ut Reduced Prices BARRIE S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT ami PRINCE CHARLES will leave PRINCE RUPERT rui VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and niliTmciluti' uiuta eurh FRIDAY at 9 .m. mil SUNDAY, 11 p.m. 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT STEWART mil ANYOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 pjn. 8.8. PRINCE CHARLES rui STEWART, SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rurtnirhUy fur VANCOUVER Via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY tictpt Sunday ti:30 a.m. fur PRINCE GEORGE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern. Canada. I'nltPd State-. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Clly TIcMt Otflca, 528 Third Ana, Prlnca Rupart. Phona 260 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Fnzzell Hulchvr Shop, across from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor