The Dai.'y News IMIINCE HUPEH'I' BRITISH COLUMBIA .Published Every Afternopn, except Sunday, "the Prince Rupert Dailv New. Limili'd, Third Avenue. !!. P. PUIXRN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, hy mail or carrier, month By mail to all parts of the British E in pi re" and the United States, in advance, per year . . ; .;... To all other countries, in advance, per year Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - m IAVIHllliaaT--T- aUaZBoKLlV-Z 98 88 $1.00 $0.00 $7.50 All advertising slioiild lie in The Daily News Office before 1 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. daily rnmoif Tuesday, September I, Congratulations To Railway Company. . . The Canadian .National Railways steamship department is to be congratulated on its decision to. place the Prince Charles on the Prince llnpert-.laka !Hm. The development of the Alaskan business -dinuhl niqan ivol.Id Ihe'rsiilw-ay company and also to Ibfs port. With a vceJUy Venice there throughout the year business should gradually' ii)froat ami this hould benefit Alaska a'vell as the railway. 'iNVFfaAlaska iieed is what every country needs. TJial is good transportation. If the CN.H. can build up a steady htisjuos between' the big territory and this port it will have justified its existence. The -next step will be tu develop the Alaska lourist business through Prince Hij-pert. Swanson Bay' v Business Held Up. The riwanson Bay opuratioiis are still held up by the fad that the affairs of the Wlialon pulp and Paper Couiikiiiv are still in liquidation and (here are numerous delays over effecting a settlement. A special despatch to this paper yeterda told of a further delay. Everyone wants to ee the people who put money into the big company get all they cau out of it If there i a better offeri they want to secure it. At the same time it is to be hoped the affairs will be settled up soou so that the mill may beiperated nexl year. It is a pity thai any industry in the north should be held up as long as the products are in demand. Tropical Valley Is Not Tropical The so called tropica valley is not j-eally tropical. People here must not be misled by that, II i undoubtedly warmer than tne surroiiiidiug country', the warmth being caused bv hot springs which bubble from tlie-earth and by the clouds of vapor, formed from the heated earth. It is a very interesting place undoubtedly but whether it would be n good p)" fur human habitation is doubtful. ' " Art Department At The Fair. The fact (hat a number of 'pictures are to be shown thi year made by sonieif (he famous artist will be an art education to the people-nf Prince 'Mined. Often very crude efforts are seen in Ihc homes ami other places in all parts of Canada and the tundency of these exhibitions will be to Improve the taste of those who buy art products. It is hoped that in addition to the brush work shown, a number of local photographer will nut in samples of then work. For two years past there have been pretty fair exhibits of photography and it would be a pity for this branch of Die exhibition to be neglected. Varied Interests Of Different People. ' Different people have. different interests. H J impossible to find any one thing which will inlerel everyone. If this were possible the work of amusing or cn)crtainiiig,the public would be a simple .natter. The iiewiaper that can cater to evervbodv will niaRe a . fortune. The theatre that enn produce movies o-other forms of entertainment Unl appeal to every citizen will coin money. The difficulty is .thai people differ verv greallv -and also that while today a feature may be in favor the public quickly tiros of it and wants something new. So it goe. We are eternally changing and yet our basic tastes remain much the same. NOTE: If you take YEAST for your HEALTH, use Royal Yeast Cakes. Write for FREE BOOKLET, "ROYAL YEAST FOR BETTER HEALTH M. LOCAL DAIRIES QUITE HEALTHY osls has been Exterminated and Everything O.K. .1. 1. Macdonalil, provincial veterinary and inspector of dairies, who lias lieen in the cfty for several days teslimr the cows and Inspecting the premises of the Inch) dairies, reported before! leaving last evening that tuberculosis had been entirely exterminated here among the cattle arid that the dairies were in good onler. - N .Mr, .MacdnuaM was here in Juno, and at that time found a few tn-feeled cows, lie' discovered life one that was causing the mischief and the infected ones base been slatkgnlenii. Now, following a careful test, he announces that all are quite healthy. The inpeetnr says there is nothing about Prince II u port that would cause tuberculosis cattle. Probably the disease was 'brought in from the outside. Conditions here are perfectly all right for keeping cows a long a they are looked after well and kepi free from outside infection. Mr. Macdonald has trone to Port iMenienls fnjin here and will then return south. TROPICAL VALLEY OF LIARD RIVER FOUND AND DESCRIBED BY COL. WILLIAMS WHO RETURNED FROM THE NORTH. (Continued from Page One1 son. Finding the Valley After finding I he ines.Hge. the exploration parly pushed on by foot and, about a mile distant. was discoveretl Ihe first hot pring, also a seond cabin built bv Smith. This eabin was well furnished for that part of the country and even contained thf luxury of a gramophone and records. Hiving "further particulars of the valley which lies , thc llocky Mountain range, Cohuwl Williams sani thai Ihere were fsp"riMg-"HH .llinor.'li- it .fwr- a length of . iirolxtbly ill ., 50 nulles and a wblth of Hi' or 30 miles. Koiiing waler hulihleii up in the middle of the pools ami around the ed2es where the wa ter was tepid, bathing could be comfortably enjoyed. The heal given off by the springs, together with Hie mineral effect of Ihe fumes, seemed to have a very stimulating effect on the vegetation in Ihe valley. Fern reached a height of twelve feet. and birch and poplar tiVes wcro growing there to a diameter of eighteen inches, and there wore pausies anil violets around the pools. II seemd that almost uiythiiig would grow Mi ere if planted. The fact that potatoes, planted the year before, had reached maturity Iht.i year indi cated that Ihc winters were nol severe. Frank Perry, the pros pector who first brought word of the valley In the outside and who led Hie expedition to if this yuar, said that the growth this season had nol been as rank as he had seen II in the past. The valley- abounded In game and many white moose, hear and beaver , were secji in il by the party, .potatoes grow voiuuiar fW and there were hundreds of frogs. Purposes of Trip The visit to the "tropical Colonel Williams says, win 'only incidental to the oxplora lion of the country, which was conceived by Mr. Little, with the backing of Detroit capital, for Hie purpose of mineral investi gallon. Mr. Little is bringing out with him numerous samples and naturally Colonel Williams is not in a position to tell of impressions and findings along this line. It was the contract of file I.aurenttde Air Service, of j which he is general manager, to provide thc transportation, and Ibis was successfully done. Since leaving early in June, the big iVickers Viking flying boat engaged in ton flying hours cov ermg something over 0,000 miles .during its activity In the north The machine penetrated thc I Coast, Casslur and llocky Mount aln ranges working within a radius of 2.10 miles from Liard Post which was the base or opcr allons for part of llin lime. The Yukon boundary wan also crossed when Dm 300 mile flight from Deas'e Lake In Francois Lake was made, places were visited: where while men had never been before. Air Pioneering Of course us far as the work tion." Dames. n wilh the airplane was concerned. it was nir navigation pioneering in the first degree. During many or the flight. Hip parly liail no; I idea of . whal. wmild face lliem jlhe' nexl turn through 'he mighty mouulums of IT unai- miming Inspector Reports that Tubercul- facilities wmilil offer were Slmtlld inviliing have gone wrong with Hie macliine, there wen' pianos where il would have taken years, to find a way out l say nothing of the hardship and possible! death that would have to be faced! If stranded there, It is a wonderful Country con taining without a doubt marvel-) louspossihllilies. says Col. Wil-Hahis. '-However, traiinrtationj prices the oii-Iiik ihffjetilty hut) 11113 iiiuj "t ' ' i means. In fad i is an ideal' rou n try "for xaerial transporta Col. Williams then wrntt on loj give coiuparlsons as to the lime, talten for air tuns 'as Jigaiifsl trips hv foot or water. The flhsht. from Dease Lake t Francis Lake look three hours by air. My foot, n -r r iuip ho when lliey reacheil MeDamos" that they could ttol believe they wer Hie Liard Hirer in boats il would haw taken fiVe day. I Amazed Indians H was the first time that na tives in mat re mm e uisiriei nan ever seen an airplane. Their on ly ai 'iu.iinlanw with sneh thinvs as (rasolMM engines had bn the occasional gasttoats thai might Tin1 their way down In Liard Itiver. These nio-lly had out - board motors. S startled w ne Indian when the big plane reached Lianl PostUiat he tooi lo the bush and there viewed lh" lauding, lniufedialelf be vanished on a raft saying thai he was going to Fort iXefn t tell the big ehif. Howevw, lie tMuw bark in a day or so. The arrive! of (he big flying boat in the Cas-siftr wilderness probably had somewhat similar effect on the name mere as uni i jjiuiohm-. (,,) liinls when thev lautleil first iron, Spain to the eonslernattoii of t In- North American ulHirigines in the West Indies. The summer's adventures were not devoid of many amuniuw in cident. Une afternoon, tlald-vvell was bathing In one of the sky blue lakes when he spollel an animal close by mi the ntouul-ainside He nulled to Col. Williams, who was gngfiged In mak ing bannocks over a fire: "ei the gun. There's a moose." Itnt fool with visions of fresh steak. Col. William started in pursuit but to his constafualiou he found the moose was a bear a feroeiou one ami big "it seemed to me,' s a 1 1 1 uoi. wuiiams iciiing or inn incident, "as big a the Prtnr Itupert Hotel. When il howed its teeth and started a conver sation in growl, let me tell you I forgot alt about my gun and did not lakr mo long to get back to camp. That was the second lime UiMweii had Tooled me about moose so I informed him that from thai time on I was 'off his moose' good Speaking of the actual work. of flying in thai region Col. WJI- lianH aidjthf,iniacnint of the wift and VHryfiiff ' wYttees. the greatest' skill ami care was re quire in lapdiiM aiid. faking off l he machine must- drave good performance. The country flown over averaged 2500 feet above Ihr sea level ami many lime a firing altitude of 7.500 feet was reach ci. "Taking off and flying in such a eounlry require great power. Smaller power than our ISO h.p. engine would hnve been useless," declared Col. William. Pays Tribute Referring in (he success of Ihe season's opeiaiion in Hie course of which tin i wn nol n single l2,b A handy size pack' m M age lor occasions S when half a pound is M M "just nght." 4ld nol admit a llllieh. (l. W liains' nun ability a pilot uo- tliere and had to lie led nroun.l ''l,(,uj1,P,llv was ulo an important pmvc it to them, 'ltw fllffht had o fjpl(,r fi(p t. t a(.kl,0ve.lgl lake,, 45 minutes. H) mnis ii.,ke t))1(l (lf thc wW s Krw,,Nlj pilots. For siime time, he wrtsl in eoniinand or camp liorden, lliej big liauiiiv slalion of the llovttl r.anadian Air Force in Ontario,! and a sisnal honor vvn conferred on him when he was placed in rommund of Ihe ioHrt training esUblishntenl In I'ngland. It l -aid that lie is the best pilot in thf world of the'Avm iiHtrhinc. n nral plane used for irtiiHtiu iiiirnose. A one of the organ iter ami general mnaaner ,( the Notice of Intention to Apply to Leate Land In Land Recording Disfrlcl of h TVfcfi 8. p.mir two "Z. . Agent Agents s for for K SEE, z - V Prince Prince Rupert Rupert Spruce Spruce W. tfjham - K9L9RED and water it tak. s three monlh. j,IlNlllll o,t ,!.ams aid it was Two Indians were taken in the ..M ii( .,, plane irom i.iar.i n,l the skill of ChMmHI. Hi- uiey Mills Spruce'iShiplap, 5.06;W3Mll CedarVJo'mt Double Check CtJailRuslic Cedar Channel Rustic Cedar Boat Lumber Albert & McCaffery U Phones 116 and 117 tiuu your thix tHuitratoi cf beialihl Iiomw.i.- TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Gr. G01 Black 735 ud. Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. William adjuiani at Camp (r len in I Mr I. Co. William, who is an outspoken adviMWitp if mMir opM.i i by the gtiverumrtil fir rnniiiD-n inl a vial ton in Cjtnada, jnkuiKly re- fers to Hie suneriorilv .if bi Laiimdble Air Sirviee at HirwH mrlim to that or Hie ship ued Itivers. goelier. ld. William -jnprp in fheri. patrol. XaUiral- ler retiring from military avia lion, leVame one of Ihe organi-ualors of conuneri'ial aviation in Canada. I enough, Siiuadnw leader Tud-hope I readily on the ifpntve imt Col. William, in In genial manner. mnoth thing over tut. William aumincn mai, "nentember." I,e ays r not Hie was gMM to w back in lriMln.n nm talking about. There lluperl even though it was one of . wxrr ,tPr u,,, mllrh- ll,e most wonderful iimmer iMVunen," ever penl. "lor the .pa si Iwn ncntli we have lived on ban nock and beau ami slept a good LABOR COURTS pan oi ll.e lime on ,wisi,, j,t!K.OS ,IIIFA Sepl. I.. " . .... i.i l. .ill! iMHigns. ue remnrK, as nr Alvear ha, sent In pulle.1 im the tnisly pie which, I H WM nrwp4tnp the perforce, bad lo lake Ihe plant of ,,!,, jn r ubr P(,uru in the" Ihe more luvurlous ehrnr-i andlri(v f nueno Aires. The pm-etgarelle' In Ihe north. "Ha1(1,.m PO,irt wonl.1 deal will, all another fill of my cheap tbae-,,i4H,M rnthr to M,larie. ami r(f'- 'tMOioioii. while le-istons from Iler.ire finishing up llielt nylngtrnr,Mlllin ttn,, .rburwiio,, llrilish I'duiuWa. Col. Wil-,,,UI1H,4 wmUi ,.rMe. by up-liains and Mechanic Caldwell plaii:l4,at i i,ee courts on making a non-sloji flight - - i'rom here to Vaneouver. If II l land act. successful it will be the first aeikt r imhiIm i u pii u iwi u lime that the distance between, Prince Rupert and Vancouver ha been covered ill one hop thought the American world flyer flew! from Seattle to Prince Rupert in rritwt import tMt in 1 Irtrl bt rrla- llutwrt, 4 oml ui iiw nrihi n.i uf nnni uowu i Ml. I-Mlltwl (iiiil. iml win t e riSel. I'm11m1 UmI, and bronf i! h nuianir mn Trr Is. .Hi,; rtiru mui " " o'" ntMt l,llnr I4nf4igr l.tlHUlsl. their ureal adventure last year, The take-off lo Vaneouver i planned for tomorrow morning. At Vancouver. Ihe big .Vlcker. V'tamairr. H.C. nrrupslina I'trkM, nr aenimi umh - nf III fnlfc.w Commarlnr il imii hUiiImI it hlth tls- nuik al ri Pini. l'fnliKl url;i trprr M.Nllmirrl M.Niimirri li ki nidi tlrr fnr iir iivtif riitlT 'Viini rltht BtlMlrM wiim lrl In .... . . . i mil i viKing pinna, which na given mm, markrd $ i.s.r inrnr snhn soeli ice since beina ' " r n-r yeoman eonnin sen erv ire smre nroix mrk. ihrnrt! nof Okmim l in( !..! aembled at the dry dock here. nr nurk rnrijr hi kiindrnt fi, mnrr i. i ... i i ..i i. i'r 's; Ui'iM nrllwrl H rinmi. m-.rr 1 , win i"ii or Hi pnlSt ammfir liwnl lwl shipped lo the heaibpiarler of the Laurenlide Air Service at Three River. Quebec. A Happy Reunion Last evening there was a happy reunion between Col. William and Squadron Leader Tudhope, in command of the Royal Canadian Axni.o nfUTiu l Oi.t-vuiH I'M kl0 Cii. I.TO.. VM-llrirtl Prr VVtlir r Vnir. An-ni t (os IhIv tr.l. 1fV WATie HOTICt. TAkK ?IOTIC: Uil M.IV II vi.r. irftfll rr U blflltrr Onhl Vlli,.. d. wltixw lfltt l InMiHs r Vln,-. Allm .:.. lll HM'1 tt t Wrrnf i. Iikr in.l r III MiBfr fr jst n--nil nf Un iir niwii rm ! Air Force detachment here, nndi wiinn hir aiarii ram mim I'light Lieutenanl Mawdsley. The!: .VXu'A I iiftiiif.r three were well nctiliainleil in Ihe! H.'?': .J1! tUr !' 'r ion-i ohh Cast, Mawdsley having been Col. LAND ACT. the it rum it fsiinl ilsno ! inilr from Ilis irimluu nf ttw mmI rtvrr niini lx MliM', mum', mIiimh' wiiihh' hnfcllnii iimainii irr irr r Misririr imwisr fnri-iv iirsin His lnnifs-f ',rven c.nen Dnntnl Vlrnril i:tilm. nrtryisl mi im i. tn, inn. fu7. ". vip. wt7, bap, w;n, t;t tiil lfi, Hr..iiii, oMirirt. Tai imr Prince Rupert, and silunle at! vv'nr am. irii. iii tw rni m itw "fru-r Ferguson Hay, Maelt Inlet, O.C. Islands, H.C. Take Nollco (hat Coc-Mil-Icrd, Limited, of Vancouver, H.C. occupation Salmon Canner, In lends to apply for a leaxe of the following described lands: Commencing nl a post planted approximately 20 chains east from northwest corner Lot 1571; thence soulli 3 chains; thence west 10 chains; thence south 2 chains; thence west 10 chains to west iiouiidary of Lot 1671; thence south 8 chains; thence west 10 chains; thence north 20 chains; llicnco cast 2 chains, moro or less, t0 beach; thence following meandering of shore line to point of commencement, ami, containing 22 acres, more or less. fJOSSfUMlLLFRI), LTD, i:ni'r rsmlisl 141 thr trmttx! no Ihr flat d) of July, UTS. A r.i) nf Oil. null'.' pint ai'pHi-dinn isirxian) tlirrriii aixl In tlir if tlw Wilrr lirrnnlrr al lllin II r Oil lrl..iM ma) I ntil vi llh lh.- ul1 Walir llwiMer r llh ih Conit'lMiiirr nf Wanr aivhta, Parllamrnt Puibliiir. Vlrtmia, ii. i... n tinin thirty diyi iUrr llf a'H-ar we of till nolifo in l.wal nviiiaH-r Ihv 1,uo nf Hh- firai isilillralKm nf thla nulirr l tin- fllh day nr Aiirnl. IVI&. OOl.ll Ml. MS I.TO.. IVC. Appllraiit. ,mmmmm Mcini- il. Mnorr, .trrni. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intuition to Applf lo Laaia Lanl In Prlnre liut'fil Lund llinsinlln W-irlti or rrlnrr liuprrl. ai1 iltualr eh llin aiiUini-t almrr of Wila It-Intnl. Mi:., M-inv iinrlh tuarnrllr frmn llayalark liUml, and Irnr mt from llnd fninl, Sllklan IIihI. , TAKE .NOTICK lliat Amlo -lirlllah Cl.l Unitili I'arkliir Cniiipaiiy I lmlH-1, "f yanniuvi'r, ii.r, iwrnraiiun farkcra, lie Un.ia to aiipiy fur a li ut Hie fol'i.w Hit ilKirnlii-d landai- - Ciiiniiii-nriiir it a mi nlanlril at tilih waUr mark wi llir aniiuovral tlinrr of Wtloa Itlaml In liltlnii lirarlnv imrlh tnnmrtlr rrm llavaluk llanj itid trn in. ii loaiul I'oini, sitkimi lomnii: llifiire anuuirailrrlv llnnv lilktl walir nark tony riilit luindrrd frt, inure, nri ra. In ImiiI niarkril Mo, t.F. . ttn-nro ..... iij ,1111111., ' 'r water mark-, ihrnro norihwrnrly limit Inw uairr mark forty rlplil liimdrrd frri, nmro nr Uu, thpneo tmrlherly 1 1) rhalm, Afinllonnl Irmro nr wn' i tu.lni nf rfiiiiiniiiriiiniti(. ii I'er Wrn w n tlii.n i""1 ciilalnliir Jt arri-a, moro nr loai -r m. u, .Mitchell, AMii.n nnmii coi i miiia Agen" ci i.ti. Dated Juno 20th, 1023, ' I Vr W.ll.r f. WalfcerTOal Baled July lltti, it, Night Phonei 687 S3) Gr. 601 Black 735 S Kindling! Wh.-n- ill.lllli,' w Ihlng (ha) in a hor: ' the be.t 'li s Dry Kiln OHd Should '. Hti you k- ' i Full la $C00 or nicely tied bund's 5 for $1.00. Our Tail to rewenii.. Senlre" i )U Use our . will uV Hi. m, Sc our tun ! ' "all Ihe time lfy alenle I,. SUnd 34S Third ' Also Seat Con The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones 183, 112. Dig Assortment of Fla Quality Silk, Satin Velvet, Crepes, Taffeta, Flannels, Serges, etc., at rM- West of England Store Phone 753. HAVE YOUR F REMODELLED AND REPAIRED l B. C. FUR Co. Third Avenue Phonos Day, Crosn Night, Black Phrenology MAY LEE, the great lady c ' from Jerusalem, v your head like an l' Hho will tell y ' your pint lion't miss this i porluntiy. ,.,1. ma ti. I .l Auanua VV' OIU lllliu nw"-- 4 ('' at P' i