will always taste better creamed with fr.. A 71 J I wish 1 Amt? it Canada 'From Contented Cows' I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors!" So of! en you hoar Hint remark. It is only because those people who make it, Iiavc had their fill of waxes, oils anJ cheap varnishes. The man or woman who has used the right floor varnish has no floor troubles. Try Ci Floor Varnish next time, wo guarantee it to Rive satisfaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. J. L. Blain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Moulding. P.O. Box 179. Phono - - - Blue 26S FOR SALE GUARANTEED CARS USED Ford Coupe $400,00 . . . . FonI Sedan .... $500.00 Ford Truck . . . . S200..00 Chevrolet Delvy. . $300.00 Terms if desired. See Hie Ford Marine Molor at our hop. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 57S DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phons it. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or. Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel Wa Specialize In Piano and Furnltura RJovlnfl. BRINGING UP FATHER $ t By George McMinus C6ffee.( r j cyy CO.ui-MA,c.c.t At, tTTlN ( nRtlTKd CHILOVOH0 7 i iT't nan tkikvi T I V.tJJ.OtM-x VvA-1 HOME iW IS rdS a' BOARD GETS $6jXr GRANTS City Council Not Unanimous as' to Vote for Publicity Pur.rtbses Difference of opinion as a of discussion having been 'solved to ' unanimity, the city council last night decided to nay the Hoard of Trade it usual grant of ICOo this year, this In hein addition to Hie navnienl of some 35o wliich was made y me city to cover half Hie cost of a publicity booklet re cenlly issued by the hoard. i ne. matter was referred to the council by the finance committee without recommendation. It was pointed out by Aid. Casey that the council had borne half the cost of the booklet. The question arose as to whether this $350 should be deducted from the annual grant to the hoard or whether (he full IfiOO should still be paid. His mind was open on the nuestinn I hough, in streaking of the work carried out by the Iward this yar he was inclined to think that its urging on the mailer of closing I lie port to U.S. fishermen had been directly at variance with the expressed wishes of the majority of the citizens. Me thought thai the city might Have n publicity organization ot its own if grants as high as !(! were to be paid annually to the Hoard of Trade. Effective Booklet Aid. Larson, while of the opinion that it. was rather sleep to pay the Hoard of Trade an annual grant of $000, defended the effectiveness of the booklet even if it had cost ?00. Aid. J trow n, seconded by Aid. McKechnie, moved that the bal ance of 000 be paid over to the Hoard of Trade afler the cilyV share for the booklet had been deducted. Aid. .MeMordie fell ihat, in view of the fact that it had lii-en at first 'decided In grant the Hoard of Trade tGOll for the year, and aubscijuently at the suggestion of a committee of 'the city council the booklet had W i fn n til till i c li iA I it a nr 4 r ti,ti I tioiNiniiiiif ii ujf HI 111 'council to live up to its contract latid pay the ?C0( over and above the booklet. Tfie board should i not be called upon to pay the have been different if the hook let had at first been included in the 6f0. As far as the booklet was concerned, he thought il was the host publicity effort that had ever been undertaken foV the cily. "I am not a mem ber of the Hoard of Trade and I am not attempting to defend the board, but I feel that credit should be given where credit is due. It may' have been a gen-lletnen's agreement, but. I think it should be as binding as if it had been a written one." Slating that, he had been con vinced by the argument of AM, Mc.Mnrdio and Aid. Stephens that it was the duty of. the city to pay the full if'fitlO, Aid. Casey asked Aid. Hrown and Aid. Mc-Kcchnie to change their resolu tion accordingly. This was done and a resolution to pay the full FOOD was unanimously passed, The usual annual bylaw pro viding for the exemption of crown binds from (ax sale was given ils rirM reading- at last I nights meeting of the cilyi council, COMiMC, IN M .Tmt MOOS' For Colic And Cramps Pains In The Stomach THERE'S NOTHING- TO EQUAL A. It has born in use for the pa.t eighty vara; its action u pkajcuit. raiul, re- JiaLle ar.d effectual, tiA m-Iicf colors promptly. Be sure that you grt "Dr. Fowler'" when you alc for it. Iut up only by The T. Milbura Co., Limited. Toronto. Oct. WEDDING OF MUCH LOCAL INTEREST Sister of Mrs. Joe Jack Marries Cloverdale Man A wedding of much interest locally was solemnized yester day afternoon in the Presbyter-tan Church, Kamloops, n. C, when Miss Margaret Armstrong, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. .1. Armstrong of Cloverdale, H.C., and sister of Mrs. Joe lack. Stork Apartments, was united in marriage to F. (I. While, member of the firm of Armstrong & While, Cloverdale, H.C.. by Jlev. II. It. McUill. Mr. and Mrs. White will sfiWH thefr honeymoon a I Itanff and" Niag ara Falls and will lake up their residence in Cloverdale. Il.fi, Mrs. White made many friends in the city while visitAiff with her Msler, Mrs. Jack, last MUSICAL ECKARDTS GAYtAGOOD SHOW Proved Themselves Accomplish ed Musicians and Clever Entertainers Here Tonight When the curtain went down at the close of the entertain ment given last night by the Musical Kckhardtft at the West-holme Theatre there were insistent demands for more and prolonged applause from the large audience. The program was an excellent one and was highly appreciated by those present. So seldom does n good entire cost of . something hatl?n,nrta'n,,nt eome .to this city I had been suggested hy the city, Not a Member Aid. Stephens was inclined to take a view similar In that of Aid. MeMordie. A grant of fi00 had been, promised the Hoard of 'J'rade and he thought I he coun cil was' in honor bound to carry mil Ihat promise. It would that low! peirnje opnfwjiale good show, and they were nof disappointed Inst night. The Fckhardls were first rale. They played all kinds of instru ments. In addition to the Swiss Hells, Which they feature, they also proved themselves well able to play thf xylnplmne, saxophone, trombone, chimes, musi cal glassr-. flute, piccolo and MmMtan I KILLS 1 EDI I -aeolvir, HJES, MOTHS H I InJuMrUl KtMRh I 1 "TJB' irwiiut.. will not aHaBa I tln. llMantaVir. ml tnknml. I . Ibiirfiir I -tfi.'?: cmuo THAT W0i UJpT' I TOOK. HCW. TO Th;eH I L.OCS.VCO MCt. 7K ft he F.nglish cnnrertltwt. and thev vm'ii extracted music from a hand-saw and sweeping broom. Vocal selections both popular ui'd comic wciv enjoyed by the audience mid t In monologue' kept lli'Mii vei much alive. The music tlo- Strain sisters proved one of b important features of the eveninc and motion pictun- wound up an unusually gnu.l eiitcrtainmenl. The show will ! repenli'il tonight. 'SUCCESSFUL WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE i Knights of Pyth'as and Pythian 1 Sisters Responsible for Af fair In Boston Hall Last Evening A very successful whist drive and dance was held last evening in. the I Inst on Hall by the Knights of Pythias. There were 16 tables of Cards and some 160 lersons wet in attendance at the dance following. Priie winners at whist were: Ladies' fir, Mrs. Fred Wermtor; ladies' second, Mrs. J. T. Hal-linger; men j first, J. Donohtie; men's secomt) .1. McLeod. A'ter cards, refreshments were served and the dance commenced, concluding at i o'clock. Mu sic was furnished by an orches tra consisting, of Kenny Hood. Miss Irene 'Morrison and W. Powell. Fred Weseft was master of ceremonies: Jack Hulger was on the door, and the committee, be sides these, included II. Hlake, Mr. George Leek, Mrs. John Hulger and Mrs. I. MeColloeh. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Olnf A. Lundberg. .1. W. Schoonover, M. Silverky and A. H. (lordon. Vancouver: C. W. Maker, MaU; T. D. Ilees. Powell River; Mrs. A. A. Duval, Queen Charlotte City; Miss Mar garet M. Gillati. Miss Dorothy G. Thompson ami Mrs. .1. II. Gil- latt. Sandspit; Miss Camille M. Peters, George McAfee, Mrs. Ira A. Heid and Mrs. W. It. McAfee, Georgetown Mills; II. p. Smith and family. Los Angeles; F. F.lls, Gueen Charlotte Islands; J. Scoli Williams and C. S. Caldwell, .Montreal;. W. F. Ilinns. Halmorul; Me. ,and Mr. A. J. Malheson and family, 'orl Hd-ward: Mrs. II. .Mh! hM, daughter. And A. GIIbttttfj Permec; J. F. P.llis, Sunnyside; Allan It. Hull, Casey Gove; W. Cooper tnd F.d. Lindsol. city. ' Central Charles Keneb. Mnsselt; II. MeKarnice. Meriimn. Husk.; J Swann, Terrace; Donald MeF.w-an and I'eier MnP.wan. Land, Sask.; S. Shefskey, S. Hudson and T. II. Ilalcbard. C.N.Il. Sport Chat The In. i scheduled (iilhulv up fool toil l game between the Sons of Finland and Cullies will itake place tiii evening. If the i allies win or draw, the trophy will be theirs. Should the Sons win, a play-off will be neces ary lo t ole the ownership. I I cams wi ) uike the field as fid lows: Sons of Hnglatul Howlell, ,goal; G. Howe and O. Wntigh, full backs; a, Dickens, A. S. i Hales arid Jl. Hanson, half (hacks; i... Fanpihar, .. . Ourvich, John i l, uiisseil HIHI tiling. (.allies- k. McLean, goal; II. i Hamilton and J. Ilarrie, full backs; George Mllchell, S. Cttr- rte imd II. Woods, half banks A. Mllchell, U. McDolignll, D. u....ti tt' . . . .1, . . ... ., "lam, . miiciicii nun v . ituin- 1 1 1 on. The NewrrAleiiakalla baseball vyncrv I TO LUKvf. tvO HM TO VvMT 0VTlU SUtL VeLU AtLCEC N HCR MOTMCR't AH.). f. . ' V . VO'L I.avX Wanted For Sale For Rent WAN'IT.D- A man of charaMer and Ability, whole or part time, who will find this op- portitnlly a sound ba-is for a successful career. Contract harked by liberal Commission terms with a strong progressive company. Non-metlleal examination policies issueil in addition In- other roiiitetilie features. Apply giving full particular. Northern Life Assurance Co., (HO Haalings HI. Wesl, Vancouver, H.C. g03 WANTKD A gmsl hoina offered lo Public or High Sebtwl girl in return for light service. Mrs. H. O. Crewe, p. (I. Hox 705. Prince Ituperl, H.C. 20.1 WANTKD. General servant. Ap ply Mrs. Hesner, 303 Fourth Ave. F.at. If WAXTHD. Plain dresanialiln. Reasonable rates. 718. Fraer Street. tf WILL CXCHANGE Will exchange tn acres Lulu Island, close to Vancouver, for Prince Itupei t p r o p cr t y. Weatenhaver Hro. if AUCTION SALE An Auction Sale will be held n' Pacific Rooms, 218 Seeond Avenue West, on Thursday. Sept. 3( at 2:30 p.m., consisting of Dining Table. Chairs, Double anil Single lied, I lures ut, Wash Stands, Carpets, Uno, Healers, Waler Healer. Cook Stove, Range, Cheat of I )rawers, T o w e I a. Sheets, Illankels, Plants, Table, etc. Philplt-FviH A Co. Ltd.. Auctioneers. jot TO RENT FOR RP.NT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sew-Ing machines. Walker's Music Store. tf FOR RH.VIV-Two room furnish ml apartment by day, week or month. Phone Red fl()7. tf FOR RI'.XT Four-roomed fur. nlshed flat, close in. Phone .113. tf FOR RK.NT. Modern house, five room and hath. Munro Hros. FOR RF.NT. Clapp aparlmenl Wcstcnhavcr Hro. j tf KINDLING WOOD AH dry inside woimI. kindling and blocks mixed, 0.no pPr delivered. Outside wo4td, $.no Ier load dellvetvd. .Norwegian style Salt Alaskn Herring in 30-lh. Hn, 80-. kegs. 1 0c per lb. ISAACSON Seal Cove. Phone lllaek in I leant will arrive here from the north tomorrow for a series of two games with local teams. The first match will luke nir.n. i,. morrow afternoon and the serum! on Thursday. The follow ing ijaycrs havr been seleeled lo represent Prince lim.nKi i,. this series with New Metlakalla nnd also In the KxhlblMon games the week following! D. Uairour and G, Riiblde.it), pnlchprs; p, Schlenker, D. l.ldMiine, . ,. lona ami j. Ttllli.eft, plleliers-V. Melules, S. Mnran, J. Vnl-lance, J. Fnruuhar. II M,n,.i.... mid G. Mitchell, Inriciders; ' Mllchell, II. Frlzzell, 8. Mazelt Jones, C. Smitli m,d W. Latuble, iniuieniers. rrs. .lame, Irvine, who h,., been oil II ho Inlay visit t 'l, race, rclun.., t(i ,u, t.)lv last night a iram. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c WANTED FOR SALE I'GIl SAI.K. Dimihh i-ooiii lute, bedroom suite., Che ir'iei! suites, ranges, stoves, bed linen,' towel, window blind, inlaid linoleum and printed linolenmn. lounges, chairs. ChifTiiinleres. Dreer. Iled-sleads, madreso and springs. Dining tables, kitchen table, table oilcloth. A. Mackenzie, Furniture House. Phone 77S. PGR SALR ITpholsleriiig and furniture repairing done on the premises by expert workmen. Let us quote you on repairing your old f n nn lure Reasonable price. Cill nnd in -I ic-1 o,ir work-hop Furniture hoiiutit. sold and exchanged. uent tor tits I'llK-MIF.lt ItANiiK. Prince Huperl Fjirhnnge. Phone (158. tf FOR SAL!'- Chnp. L.omotltr 42 Due 33 h p. boiler; I to Ida. pressure; vertical t e i m pump, about 10 bjj).. PMntp intake H" ; 3iU fe-t M-inch iron pipe. liglitly lii-l. I ime.iat piM- noiie. AppLv in ti Dally New Uftice, iOH ItlR SLK. At Anv.u. AM speedy runahoiil "Kagle;" SO x rt; -'a li p. v-rle four cv-liinfer engine a good a n-w. Apply Captain .Veddcn, bare-JMlranco." Anyox. H.C. 2Wt PGR SAI.K nil RK.NT. - Jevn roomed fully modern bouan. 750 Player piano for 9rHn with 3d music rolls. Apply Mrs. Atkins, Phone 338. If I'OR SAI.K--Household furniture and lUtlson cabinet phonograph. 51 U Hevetilh Avenue lUsl. Phone Hlue :i. 203 PGR SALIU llnusehold effect.. must he sold immediately. Parly leaving cily on Saturday. "$31 Fraser St. 2M BOARD HOARD The Inlander. 80 Second Avenue. Phone 137. IMIARD and Room or Hoard only, Phone Red 707. , COLUMBIA RECORDS NF.W Process Columbia Roeord no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest Fox Trots, Songs and Instrumental music hy world ramed artists. Call in nnd hear them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIO STORE, Third Avenue TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or GuM) Special fi and 7 passenger Slude- hakers til your service day and night. nOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from F.mpre-N Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER ' Phone 177 Bagrjage, Furniture Moving, If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone us. P.O. Hox GUI). FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Fiiml lite Store. Wo liny. Hell and Fx. chnnge New and Secondhand Goods. QCO. PAHADOPULI5. 3 Third Ave. Pbmo rtlrt KEITH'S CAFE. When In Slewnrt vMt Keith's t'-afn In Mug I'd wan I Hold now rn-iundclled, Up-to-date Dining Itoom and Lunch Caunler BOB KEITH - Manager. Article Lotttrtd FoaaJ,4c WSTIS hOTICt WM TVM VMM Uaui l.M M ,. I fit V.-fl-M... I VIII f t , 4ll ! i li m-i .1. i lciv r i . k. . ! k fc III' II f. liii i ifc)i vim I Him .T Ml Mr ,. k an. ii, a r- in n . . Kill Irrt ..)Ol. : twr ..I ih. vi. i flV 111,1 ,l !. . .r t,n tf i.ia.. 111. tt" (Ml Ml ii hi Ihr (K.oad is, ii a . . . . nfr "i HMatl-s ror.iuot i w i r n, it 1 1. v i i STnVr ! liw VV. i tUrrO-ii I" It- ' ; alls ll M V.i . . fhr .4ii.l' llrr v. ii i iim.: inr thirl 1 ,ia . mtu i i tU'r ll ir-i j I. l .'Id! Ill MM R I .. IAS0 ACT Nolk llt)M U Apt tf I. I'm La la m-rr Mr ii. win r rmwr i Tiki: intur Mt Viiarr. H . - MSM H-fMf I . mt i- a ii".. 4n i. ii i -sub .! . i r . ii-l. si I, all . r.ir, it air. r ii i , f.lr MM II.. i,l . r- : ii: i: . "flT ll ' 111 'If. Hi Hurt ItW-n - ii. hmi m a ,irr nit feel. tm-'t , l. . "win I .ln t ' I ratalamisir n vi. A WH Sin- Pit lal fpr Win. I I i UNO ACT. Katie f lataallas l Aaalf U f" ka4. M nw .mk a. NllprM awl Aai.m It! v. . tHag ViTli I r . UMT siraiif, ,,r " ' Bairnm 4ta IHIS'l-41 In pur-Unl. i nwiwi m nil ti ' 1 lr wart (mo i Ktrta. ihrnr i" nmm in rvrtiiiattxt t. VS HMirX -lh. i Ihrnm 4 rlaiin i. t !; t rtiiM north, m. an. i . Mas j4i- itr Dilisl I ii It --r VVii! "th. H'V LAND ACT, Notlta Ol InUnlltn It April nl1 is enay asin i . , l.f IIHll.h i . ' . , Ma MVHilh i.r m , rfmim- annh n ptr linliin hi Isl ml TVKI V.TIi I On mW, .if M.-H-ll M ' ll-in i ki r IMi li. I I nf Ilk r..r ui( ! ... r.aniiiM in 'i i i rhln in. nn ft.in of IrHlMII III m nr v. lararr i.'.i ilM-rl 1 1 Ikntrr r..ii..win i.. rhalrn in u i"i ami I If ft; t rfwun- rlitlaa. to fx 'in I nvnlainln IS n- ' ' r.i lit.u: It LAND ACT. u i-. ..lt tt t la um Mad li"-"' .-jl Hiliirri. ami -ii"." Illrli fS.- h i buiu IN nn ' TAKK Miller: I'm vim., i.in.ii. hi. '.r i . ll,ilt li,i.l...r lillilinl I ' aefill fi r i nai- i ' 1 Niwint iii -i run'" i i" CiamtH in in ii i rMln rviii iimi iv ri ist itf Uii ii- rti.irs fSlflllorl . II" " Iw L.iu- Jii ,.iaiii. .1-1,-. A.alMrl. Iii 1. ill IliiHIl, lint runUllililH I ..wri iii'i.i i t 'I. re i rariiterytusii, ittf -! 1 ' toll In purr 11.1 n II" ' lill'l: - ... , j. rMmnr-nrinir m a i" - smith Sftifer. ', , UMllm-l ffirniM' til I ...... i. ii l..l.,. Ihrll S' ill ,i" ,nn',,-. . 4 n 1 r. v . ; r R ' " Illl....r. Hill". I I 1 ISl 1. . in fmirii viii-iit ,.m- LAND ACT, w P"" Netltt of Inltnllen lo App'f Land. ... Iii Crlnce Imiwi t I ' ' ' m s twin ii hi Kio l' Tilt: .MITIl'r "", tvr Sunlii'iili !- n'l ' lIK mire "r h-ai. l","11' ,,. ...II.... I... n,.iml.rilll ' ' . II 1 nf riniiiiiM liirnl, unit j "",r" "r JAS. ririwWT?' Piled July JtU.