I Tuesday September l I9?5, A WONDERFUL SKIN SPECIALIST" V A Two NCttBox f-figihland jnen Note Paper WHEN YOU nEPLY TO A LETTER. OR. INVITATION Y r neiid- will ndiiiuv your a-U il niir liil loncry i" si.e -mart. new. .HIGHLAND LINEN i irreproai-halilv i llu' Miiarlc-t -Imili'. i i-olur Violet, Old Hum Ii l- llluc uml While and with deckle edge in grey mid while. 65c. per box T X he right t.ili..i..-, .-k lor HIGHLAND LINEN or whiii i- n tit IN- heller. Crane's Kid Finish $ 1 .35 box FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per slcatc including hangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ld. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. IQlt Ur DiaPCry 5ItL Department! We have a fine assortment of CRETONNES, SHADOW and CASEMENT CLOTH and CURTAIN MATERIALS BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenuo. Phono 123. One Door Lav laity N'vv Ol'fii'f 'LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED lu building next dour to Kn.i.i; Itni h r Hhop. neruss from the KmjiiT- Motel' We eurrv a lull line of JIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jnmoi Zarelll Proprietor E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Ro-locatcd nt 230 Central Slrcot, Vancouver, with nddihonal niu. lime- tor Hie niainii.i.'lnre l,r SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER jiKo iii'i'ied ill -lock. svo hamluig charge l hming dirc.-i from ic source of supply. Local and Personal li.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's Taxi, 50c. l'hone 078. ti Two ears at your service. Sheddou Taxi, l'hone 131. tf l oolliall tonight, at Acropolis Hill, at 0:30. ts.O.U. s. Callics. l'or Ihe busy man or woman, a llrown car saves money, l'hone 80. tf Westholme tonight The Mu sical Eckardts In High -Class Novelty Musical Show. Comedy nciures. 203 Mrs. J. H. Thompson and son Areltio nailed last evening on i lie I'riuee Oeorge for Victoria, where they will spend the win ter. Accounts for the week ending August M totalling gl.O'Jl.i? were pasted for payment at the meWing of the city council last evening. Does l'rince ltnpert need a farming industry to iusure its progress 7 11 ha It. See the liulkley Valley Fair, Sniithers, '! 3 ami I. The music clashes will reopen it SI. Jooepti' Aeadeiny on Sept 8. The Commercial class on Monday, Sept. It, and the Kin I .ik art en the first Monday in 'iclolier. 201 Mi. and Mjr. (ieorgo Wilson Hid family returned on, Usl ughl's Irain from South Haiel ion. Mr. WiUun and family nave heeu spending; the summer vacation there. Mi. and Mrs. William Millar relumed on lust evening's Irain from llaielton, where they have boen visiting for the past fort night with Indian Agent and Mr. F.d. Hyde. A. A. Connon, who has' been manager of Cunningham4 store .it 1 1 ail-It on, wtiicb is being clo I out, arrived In the city on last night's train to take a posi- iiou on Ike staff of i U. lswT oii Co. Ltd. A court of revision oh various UchI iinproveimmi uweosiuem rolls will sit on October 30. The court will consist of Aid. llrown Aid. l.arM-n, Aid. l'erry, Aid Mr.Mnrdie, Aid. Stephens and Mayor Newton. II you are a doubter about th 'ii hi re of l'rince lliiperl, visit -tint hoi? al the time of the fnjr lii-re Sept. 3 and t anil hear Alia i Ihe interior folks have Ii -ay about it, and sc what the llolklny Valley can produce. 1 I.. W. I'atmc-re returned on Ut night's Irain froni Lake l.akeNi'. where he spent the week end vlsilili? with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fulton at their sum mer home. Mr. ami Mrs. Fulton uml family will be returning to the city shortly. Announcement c anls have been ivoetved in Hie city from Mr. and Mrs. II. . Harding of Olds. ' Alberta, telling of the wedding of their daughter Flsie Mary to F.. 1'. Jenner of l'rince lluperl. Ihey wen- married oil Tuesday laM August 25) and will be at home in the Hesncr Apuriuii'iiK Prince lluperl. af-!.-r Senli'inber Hi. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hulkley Valley Fair nt Smilh-ers. September 3 and t. Anglican Church .lhunur November 5, . llaptist Church Ladies' llauar, November 2(1. Celebrate LABOR DAY tna Self respecting-WAY b SHOES SHINED with 9iu1 mmm - Jem i Ail SI. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiliary llazaur. December 2. Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid Ilaniat. December . THIS DAILY NEWS PAOM THRKf Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Hreakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre llcfrcshments Our Specialty is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Ilelall. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sheddon'8 Taxi the original 00c. taxi, l'hone 134. tf When hae'k from the holidays try Valei.Un Dairy, l'hone 657 Meeting of Labor Day Sports Committee tonight at 8:30 o'clock. It J. I.. Christie returned o'n lasl night's train from a business trip to Hazellpu. Heopeniug SepL I Studio of Itaitjo, Mandolin and Guitar. Harla S. Hryant, 112 Fourth Avenue West. Our low rales have been an outstanding sueetss and we shall continue on this basis, llrown Taxi. Phone 80. tf A. U. Howie, relief operator for Ihe Government Telegraphs, arrived in the city on lat night's train from Terrace and will remain here on duly for a 'iine. ' n -if-i Mrs. G. A. McMillan and con returned on last night's train from Hanall, where they have been visiting with Mrs. McMil lan's parents, Mr. and -Mrs. 11 R. Allen. Mr. J. O. Vierte and Mrs. C O.' Smith and families are camp- iiiv il Tiuru-fll Nluml. Ml Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Malheson and family, who arrived iiv Ihe oily lasl night from Port F.d-ward, will sail this aflerninui on the Cardena for ?.Vneouver, Where Ihe family will spend the winter, .Mr. Matheson expecting to return north shortly. Tea, Sale of Homo Cooking and Hafflcs will bo held at the home of Mrs. Simon -,V. Swan-sou, Firili Avenue Kusl? oppo-sile. Hoolh School, toinoirow af-lernoon riom 3 to - for the Daughters, of Kngland, proceeds going towards Hid Soldiers' Memorial. Kverybody welcome. Jlcv. Dr. H. It. flrant left on this morning's train for Minn Lorna Tile lefl on Sat urday for Toronto to resume her studies at the Conservatory of Music. i Mr. apd Mrs. J. Sladc Stevens and family will sail this after noon on I lie Cardena to spend a few weeks visiting in Vancouver and Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jlenning and Mrs. Ilenuing, Sr., sailed last night on the l'rince George fori Vancouver en route to Chi cago, where il is Mr. lleruiiiig's intention to set up in business. During the mouth of August the fire department responded to four alarms two chimney fire. one a gasboal fire and the fourth an auto fire. Damage, which will be slight, has not Vet been assessed. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. West and daughter Joan will sail on 'he Cardena this afternoon on a two weeks' holiday in southern eilics. Miss Joan will take up her residence at Miss (Jordon's boarding school in Vancouver. Miss Charlotte Jaynes, principal of the public school at Krcchin, near Nanaimo, will arrive on tomorrow afternoon's Irain from Ilazellon, where she has been visiting her auuls. Mrs. Turn bul I and Mrs. Ander son, and proceed south on the steamer Prince Charles. Passengers booked to sail this afternoon for Vancouver on the steamer Cardena include Mrs. II Mist, Mrs. I.. Wood, Mrs. A Krickson, Mr.. K. C. Cook,' Mr" .Mo ran and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Slade Stevens and fam- ly, Miss West, Mrs. J. N. Cor- iler and family and Mr. and Mrs . J. Mathesou and family. bel Vierick relur I from there Jj,g flarj ,e ftQm oil ounuiiy hiiu nil' ii-!uuirii nci i At.li in Ikm nrri..u ..I II... oilul YSf engineer. Mr. and Mrs. It. Jones and daughter, Miss Catherine Jones, will leave on tomorrow morning's train en route lo Jasper Park, Vancouver, Seattle and southern cities on an extended holiday visit. SI. Andrew's Anglican Wo men's Auxiliary will hold a Tea and Sale of Home Cooking and Fancy Articles at the home of Mrs. J. C. Mel. en nan, The Ce dars, 1 lord en Street, tomorrow afternoon from 3 to C. Due lo a short clrcuil in the ignition system, one Of the Joe 11 r o w ti taxis got- on fire a!out 8 o'clock last nlghl on Sixth Avenue Fast. The fire de partment was willed and the flames were put out with an ex tinguisher. Hulkley Valley fwlks ure plan ning a big tiufr at Hie annual fall fair on Sent. 3 ami 1 in Sniithers. The exhibits will be bigger and belter than ever but this year Ihe spbrls and amuse ment program will no increased over all previous years. .Coastwise Steamship & Ilargi" Co.s freighlcr Anyox, Capl Prince, arrived yesterday after noon at I o'clock from the south and, after discharging cement al the elevalor wharf, cleared for the north. II was Hie" Anyox which rammed and sank the tug Hndiu al the First Narrows in Vancouver Harbor lasl week. WHAT with Sniithers fair. Telkwa barbecue, and Prince Hu pert fair all within- a few- days, there should he plenty of opportunity for spending a Tew gf (hose carelully hoarded spun- ducles. MEN are just one of Ihe Iwo sexes that seem terribly stupid.: HACKHONH Is all right, but bead-boue is rather a disadvantage. IF you want lo listen to a real nole of triumph, get a woman lo tell you how she took off that ten pounds. WU.MF.N oflen marry lo gel homes Tor themselves. Men marry because Ihey are crazy. Till: great thing about vacation is Ihe enjoyment one gels Troiii going back lo work. ONF. man tells us there's plenty of gold in Cassiar and Ihe next says there's none. You can believe any slory you like. I don't care. Till', best thing (o .drown a gi-l's sorrow is an ice ot the very latest name and most complicated make. AN agnostic Is a person who n-ruses lo believe anything he can't eat or drink. SALT LAKES J3ERV1CE Launch "23" will ieave the Prince lluperl Hoalhouse on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday artcrnoous every half hour from 1 p.m. and on other week days ecry hour from 2 p.m. Launches, row boats and canoes i . . I fur sale "r hire. .mis. i.. j( oou in i.onuoti, piuncf. m I'F.tlT HOATTIOUSH l.nglaud, who has been visiting! Phone 381. here tor the past two: monllisl. ., with her slsler, Mrs. J II. Mir -1 chell, sillied' lust iilVit on the1 ! l'rince (leorge Tor Vaiieouver en J route 'o I .us Angeles,- where she' will spend three weeks visiling1 with her lirolheis. Mrsv Wood will Iheii jt'luiii Miis way aga ul eu route lo the Uld Cuuutry. 0 11 - - - mm mis In, la TiW-Owk H Rm , CATARRH k of (ha BLADDER ith, tmun 'Each Cannula fumvt baanrania MT' Rrunra ofeminirrjlttt Ride in Comfort 'on Balloons DUNLOP BALLOON TIRES "pave the way" mi- aa f 'I'M a'n m WW M III! I A SPECIAL : TRAIN Telkwa Barbecue, Sept. 7 Standard Sleeping Cars and Day Coaches Leaves Prime Rupert ...11:30 p.m. Sep. 0 Arrive Telkwa 8:i0 a.m. Sept. 7 Heliiriiing Leave Telkwa 11:30 p.m. Sep. 7 Arrive Prince ltnpert 8:30 u.m. Sep. 8 Stops made at all stations en route. FARE AND ONE THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP. Make Your Reservations Marly. C.N.R. Ticket Office. ....... .-. . . .- ... .Third Avenuo. Or Local Agent at Your Station. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prince George Princo Charles Sailings from Prince ltnpert For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and intermediate ports, Monday, al 4.00 p.m., and Wednesday and Saturday, at (LOO p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Monday and Friday, -i p. in. Fop Skagway and Alaska Ports. Wednesday, -1. 00 p.m. S.S. Prince John for Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver, Fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCS RUPERT DAILY tictpt Sunday 11.30 tJu. fur ITIiirf Gcorje. EDMONTON, WINNIPtO, (II .iiil LasITU Canada, Uulliil Slates. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cllr Tick at Of flea, 521 Third Ata, Prlnca Ruparu Phona 2M. CANADIAN PACiro lll.WT Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Tar lETCHIIAN, WUXCELL JUXUU. SIACWAT F TAXCOUYER. VICTORIA i SUTT1I Si. PRINCESS 1ART Aatct 7, 10. 17, 21, 28, 31 Jtatet S. 8. 12. IS. 22. 26 For Butadala, Swanaon Bay, Eait Balla Balla, Ocaan Falls, Namu, Alart Bay, Campball Rltar, and Vncour atary Saturday 11 a.m. Agancy for all Slaamahlp Llnaa. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Ganaral Agant. Ccrnar of 4th Straat and 3rd Annua, Prlnca Rupart, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailiiifs from rnnce Hupert. 'or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanaon Ba. and Alart Bay, Tuatday, 6 P.M. 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Atart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.B For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlar Cannarlaa. Friday A.M. 123 2nd Aianua. 4. Barnalay, AfanL Prlnca Ruaart. 10 rr a Nir to.nicht" GRANT'S Best Procurable lacrTuvU (THC MICINALI Pure Scolch Whisky RICHEST IN FINfST HIGHLAND MALT Ratllnl .rJ ananalMj Ly WJIuin CtI ii Smi ljmld. CienlMjaitk inj lw-4i CU.fow, ScaiUM. tit This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Coutrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia.