TAXI Boston Grill 25 and Ambulance to Ice Cream goes with dinner .A Large I pstalr Dining 1 1 all, ' Service with newly laid dicing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for Ihe MATT VIDECK, Prop. "lo least. Phone 457. Mr.. II,... i. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper" "'"'((II ..""' . II VH) XV NO, ()3 PIUNCK HUI'KHT, M.C., TUHSIUY, HKPTK.MHKR 1, 11)25. VUr4r'( Circulation 1S7S Strut 8l 521 PRICE FIVE CENTS. i TROPICAL ., . . VALLEY . IN NORTH IS DESCRIBED AVIATORS Tropical Found TOO BIG A JOB imaer Barrow Save No Other Club Wou d Want Him, But Is Willing to Talk Bui'ness i VltK, I One.. -ttlMig I hi suggestion l llulli be ld or trad- f i wit ii. narrow, limine f i ln Yanki, nid lo-I l us a customer .Mill CUII t.lA' rail of ' a I mill upkeep. In liair. rar toil unit we might talk i'. vnii think uf an . wire wmiH to iimler '" u J 'll I . .. j Tears of Age, Does Eighteen Holes In 71 VKM nT. Prnn., Sept. I - ' M Knuie, H years of v. ' iilinn the star (Mlur'l "nl In Itie firt 'In' national amateur i yesterday, turnim 1 of 71. Hobby Jones. u;. lecoiid, did Hie 18 . while Jesse Ouihl-it .1 strokes to make il-taiire. Play is roil- iCAnc niiiTV LliAUO TO AN OFFENSE . . .1 I m m -m. 11..- 1 iuiiimliip n anwn i.iiii ai. wmi" couver Is to be Sentenced Tomorrbw VNt:otVi;H. Sepl. I.- John I 1 inn tllnrke. whose aclivltles 'i iihhshniB n "love cult" herei li pulire i laiin were nipped in li hud. oli'iiili'.l irnillv to a 'ii'ittory ofrence ill Hi police ' 'oduy and was remanded 1 1 tomorrow for sentence. aiKe adverlised for sleno-aidiers iimi rj,., () t n up- join hiM.cull. iliMINulUN ANU PITTSBURG LEAD nn end of Season Now In Sight, American and National Longuo Contosts Wax Warm rilli .(o. Se. !.- Washing- riM Knnal.,., ...11 .. ii I .. " ' muHin, wiiii it iiirri 111111 i "ill wiitiiu lead, will meet 1'blla- loii. 1 1... ,.. .. 1 1 mi funnevs-un 1 uuuevs-nii, 111 11. l l" il conlcsl Tor Ihe American '""goc peumiiil Imlay and lo- iiorrow. Tlie Piltshurg Pirales, ilcfealimr Plilladelphia Iu the in 11111111 ... 1 1.... nriiui ii vesieii i ''clcheil their lead lo seven and liulf games out the (Hauls who M''e idle HAD ADVENTUROUS SEASON? IN Valley of Hard River and Described by Colohel Williams, Returned from North Directions contained in or tree were followed oy explorers TRAVELLERS IN WARM WATERS Intrepid flying men had interesting experiences in their search for gold duiing past summer Tin tropical valley said to exist in the Liard llivcr district ti arcoijtilftt) fur through the effect of hot springs which huh Hie up Ihe'j ear around 'over a fairly wide area and cause vege lion ! gmw to u height mid niiiknes ultogelhcr pecnliur ti the Mrticular region iu which the spriygs are loralcd stale Col. J. Scolt WiHiiiriis, pilot of life 1cker Viking; airplane, which rcliirunl here yesterday afternoon after having spent Um (summer in the north. Ferns 'height iiihI mupberrie and oilier There lire also minimis living there that are not usually found in tin- north. The aerial parly ate potato? there lhi summer thai were planted lust year. Itii itiili.-iilmv Hint the weather in i in it iinrs nui Hr' '" n (0 ju (l0 ,N. These part if 11- liar HlatiM were planted hy a inrnsncelor named Tom Smith wlio. having had trouble with t,p ,jtanj,( cfl for I.iard Post, j t-l ivil thai on Ihe way iiicre he was drowned. n,, (. railed tropical valley ,,ari ui.oul a mile north nf Ihe I.ianl Hiver. at a loinl 200 miles down the rixer from I.iard Pout. II lakes 12 days lo make Ihe round triji lo it from I.iard Post by boal, whereas I lie round trip by plane liok only three hours. The story Of Ibis val ley is only one of 'Ihe inleresl-uit thiiius that till parly of, aerial iiOf.jMetors has lo tell; iiiiiitit after ils three monlh in ihis remote seelion of nrtrlhern Itnli-li Columbia. Dig for Nlossage C. H. Caldwell, ineehanic of Ihe expedition, told how the "tropical valley" was lound. After flying- the 200 miles from I.iard P''. ,M' l,,nn" w,,! ,a"" 0,1 ii, the Uard Ilivor just to uie west of Kevil's Canyon and Pmi.iue. Near the shore was found the 'r1 oall,ln r ,,,c .erloi- Suiilli. t'asleiied lo a lire beside Ihe cabin was a roush siKU bearing a messaao In -M. roile wnicn uimn-u the first white man reaching the spot to AIR al the base or the lice for a bottle containing iinoflier messasre. This message was unear d and il gave he .lirreUmi,. iu which to find lh; tropical valley." It nUi said 1 mniih ami his daujihleP, having been bothered by hostile ,,,, I,,,,! decided lo Icavo fp Foil I.iard, Ihore l pend do winter trapping. The uwW ' ' ' " had apparenl , 1 .1 1 1 f .ill Tlir I MM II cmnii ' .... n Inlended relunmig lo 11 y ... i,,iv. ,.r lis year. Ilowevci, in i".' .. 11 ..i.neared liiromj" wind re- ,. 1 n... ....11,.,. reived from Hie uoji " " m..: 1 Put re. imii - oi iliMoug Journey .low.. Hie l.liiril i,,. .,, ii.e way lo l orl I.iard, drowned, Ihoiinh Ihe Simlh was Ihnuiiih 10 i on .-imp ui, not ootiniiU'Hi on pae two bottle hidden at base BATHED reach an almost iiuhelievahli fruit grow to ;i liisctoii size NON-STOP FLIOT TO HONOLULU IS QOINQ ON TODAY SAX FItAXi:iSt'.0. Sept. I. Favorable weather, including 10 lo 20 mile winds from the northeast Is -Hit? forecast for an al-lempled non-stop flight from Honolulu by I wo naval planes which bopped off shortly before thrre o'clock yesterday afternoon. The flight is expected to lake about 21 hours. FREAK SCHEME New oYrkers to Construct Skyscraper as Means of Expressing Qratltude NIAV YOIIK, Sept. 1. - Oscar I'.konkle In gratitude for the re covery Of his 'son from a serious illness, plans lo construct a 05 slorey skyscraper with n lower 800 feet above llroadwny. The building will be devoted to hotel purposes. The use of tobacco, intoxiiNinls and Suuiy papers I will not be permilted on tho premises. CLERICSRELEASED Chinese Bandits Qlve Up Bishop Mowll and H'vs Coltoagues, Whom They Captured SIIANOIIAI, Sept. I.- llisliop II.- W. K. Mowll aiul six other members of Ihe Church Mission aiy Society recently ruptured by Chinese bamllls near t.iicnu have been released. ' POSTPONED A MONTH. YA.NCDL'VI'.lt. Sepl. 1. - The sale of the properly of Ihe bankrupt Wlm lc 11 pulp mills, which was offlfiully set for yesterday, was-postponed for one month by. Mr. Justice Murphy in order to consider higher bids mndu by astern syndicates. AtVAL PLANE FORCED DOWN Crew Is Picked Up After Four Hours In Water Good Progress In Race SAN FllA.TCISCO, Sepl. I. Ihe naval airplane PN-l Xo 3 was forced down 300 miles off the coast on an- attempted fliah; with P.X-y No. I lo Hawaii eurly last uighl, when the oil pressure lines to both engines were broken. The crew, was picked up after four hours in Ihe water. .At U o'clock this morning uti- itlier machine had covered 1.200 aiiles of tin jonrnly. BOTH SUNSHINE AND RAIN DURING AUGUST Maximum Temperature for the Month Was 78 Degrees, and Minimum 44 No High Winds Though there was 8.51 inches of rain recorded by S. C. Jack son, Dominion meleoroloyisl al Uigby Island, during Ihe month if August, Ihere were only tJ7 lioilrs of bright sunshine. Wind velocity during the mouth was not high, Ihe maximum beins; ibout 30 miles an hour. Weather figures . for the monlli are as follows: Mean temperature, 58. Maximum temperature, 8, on v August 17 and 18. Minimum temperature, li, on August 22. llaiurall, 8.51 inches. Sunshine, 127 hours. BIG EARNINGS FROM LIZZIES Income Tax Paid on More Than $21,000,000 by Company and Individual DFTIUHT, Sept. I. Henry Ford, F.dsel Ford, together with he Ford Motor Company, paid income tax in IV24 on earnings itfKxegating more than 2I,0()0, 000. The father accounted for 2.t508,808: Kdse! 2.l 58,005 and Ihe Ford Company for $10, IU3,I50. THINKS MONSTERS TO BE ONLY STURGEON YICTOIHA, Sepl. 1. The long-necked rough skinned inou slears reported lo have been siKhter In Okanagau Lake by residents iu the Okanagau Yat ley aro believed by Deputy fish cries comniissionec Habcook tn he only sturgeon. SUBMARINE DISAPPEARS HOME, Sepl. I. An Italian submarine disappeared off the Sicilian coast last week with a crew of 50 and Is still unac 'ountiHl for. SEARCH FOR GOLD BY ALL RECORDS ARE BROKEN FOR HALIBUT Sales Here During August Amounted to Over Four Million Pounds The month of August 1925, closing yesterday,-set up a ro- cord tor volume of halibut , inrotgn mis pori. rue total was 4,0bC,900 pounds as compared with 3,842,000 pounds in August 1924 which j was the prenlous high record 'in month. Another high month J was March of this year during which 3,811,030 .pounds .was handled at this port. In July jor last the toUl was 3,041,0:0. Good weather prevailed generally or on the banks during August I accounting for the large catclls. .At the sarre t!me, 1 prices were fairly good and the month Is regarded as having been a profitable one for the fishermen. Of the total of 4,060.900 pounds during the past month, 3,106,000 pounds was from American boats and549Q0. pounds from Canada. BABE RUTH TO APOLOGIZE FOR BEARISH ACTION NEW YOIIK. Sent. I. More penitent than belligerent, Habe Ruth returned bore today and immediately extended the olive .branch lo the Yankee officials after a conference wilh Colonel Jacob Rupert, owner of Ihe team. The home-run king announced Mini he would publicly apologize for derogatory statements he made concerning Manager Hugins. IALIBUT MARKET AVERAGE TODAY Septembor Opened with Sale of 180,000 Pounds of Which , 49,000 Were Canadian September stalled off this morning wilh a total or 180,000 pounds of halibut marketed a Ihe Exchange. Four Canadian boats sold -19.000 pounds, - the balance being from seven Amer ican boats. Arrivals and sales were us follows: American Scandiu. 07.000 pounds, al 10.2c and 5c, to the Booth Fish eries Co. ileliaiice, 5.000 pounds, " al 10.0c and 0.5c; Rambler, 0,000 pounds, al 1 1. 1 and 0.5e: Ingur, 3,500 pounds, at 10.7c and G.5c, and Chelsea, 27,000 pounds, al 1 0.5c and 5c, lo the Canadian Fish & Cold Slorago Co. '!" Clacier, 12,000 pounds, at tic and Oc, to Ihe Royal Fish Co. Vesta, 0,500 pounds, al and 0.5c, to Ihe Pacific lish cries. Canadian Margalice, 8,000 pounds, al lOo and 0c, lo the Royal F'ish Co. Pair of Jacks, 10,000 pounds, and Cape Spear, 10.000 pounds, al 1 0o and Oc, to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Tramp, 21.000 pounds, nl tOo iuid If, :o the Atlm Fisheries. Latest Arrival from Gold Pan Says Plenty Yellow Metal and a Little Dash of Platinum there Prospectors who .went into the Gold Pan Creek district early this season were disappointed because they did not find gold "hanging from the trees" but those who remained are now cleaning tip and will make fortunes declared J. O. (Jerry) Calvin, well known pioneer mining man of Ihe Wrangell district, who was a passenger going soulh tjn the Prince; (ieorge yesterday afternoon to secure a quartz mining outfit which he will operate in bed rock on Hold Me for j,ie tu!einenl that there !.v.,ri, ,,f gold in sight there now. Mr. lUalvin (old an almost un believable slory of Ihe richness the ir ravel and dei-omposed bed-rock around Cold Pan even jberore solid bed-rock had been reached. He said that about 40 50 prospectors were now iplacer mining there in some ten Iwelva outfits. When Mr. Calvin left Hold . ail KIl tiv iiiui m 1 r linn; outfits engaged in sluicing, (iiaily A Ford, on the lower end of their di.-covery, bad cleaned up 6,000 to date. Hesidrs this tiiuilv liad at least 2,000 in ui2el, the pieces rausrlnpl from 2 to 50 in value. Munn and iiarUwta on Xo. S - claTVn hetow - so a'WKl wifir Preimrr- (frechfletd to that In Ihe meantime the C. ago Sunday cleaned u liiirf jeffecl. ounces in coarse gold as a re- suit of three days' work. This; in value wouiu ream auoui 60o. Yickory had five feet of gravel aeragiug from 5c to 50c a pan and had hot yet reached bed rock in Xo. 21 claim above; lirady's discovery. This pay was found in a waste ditch iOO eet from the creek. When Mr. Calvin left Cold! Pan five outfits jvere whipsaw- ing and paeking lumber a dis-lance of one and a half miles to their discoveries. By now. be said, they would be sluicing on Dome Creek and oa upper Cold Pan Creek above the discovery. Pans were averaging, Mr. Calvin said, from "5c to 80c and on a high cliaunel on the lower end of his discovery about 12 feet above Ihe creek, Crady had found a run averaging: I -00 to the pan. Platinum is also being found iu coarse pieces like gold nug-aels. Mr. tialvin said. Mr. Calvin bad witli iiunsomej very high grade samples taken out or the ipjartz and in open pits around Crady' discovery. He has already been in liolu ran twice Ibis season and he intends to tin hi there again with his outfit and a crew of men before the season ends. STOCK MARKET Bid Asked B. C. Silver . .80 1. 10 Dunwell . . 2.00 2.25 Clacier . . . .10 .15 llazellou . . - p .01 .02 L, and L. . .28 Premier . . ,.......... -- 2.30 Surf Inlet .. -Cranhy Jt., .00 Vi .07 . . . 4 . 10.00' Purler Idaho . . . .17 .20 Teriiilnus . . . .10 Daly Alaska . .25 Silvcrcresl . . . .15 Cladslone .23 .27 Howe Sound 10.00 Indian .01 .05 Marmot Metals .15 Rufus 4 .18 Selkirk .01 .01 Bayvicw .05 .00 H Mrs. Ceorgo McAfee and daughter and Miss Munn and Miss Taylor, who have been vis iting al Ceorgetown, sailed night on the Prince tioorge Vancouver.- AIRPLANE Pan. Mr. (lalvin was icspoii' is at least two million dollars LOWER RATES PEACE RIVER C.P.R. to Give Farmers Crow's Nest Tariff After September 10 KOMONTOX. Sept. I. Beginning on the tenth of this monlli Ihe farmers on the Peace Hiver railways will set Ihe regular prairie rate on shipments of grain and oilier products to the Eastern market. This js the much tjilked-of Crow's Xesl rate. vn arrangemem nas neea mane -"n'mties 10 operaie me railways SHIP STRIKE IS SPREADING Liverpool Beginning to Feel Pressure and Liners are -Delayed LONDON. Sept. 1. The possibility of ftrave dislocation; of British shipping througiTuul the world as the result of the unofficial strike of seamen as a protest against a wage decrease is seen in constantly arriving reports that the strike Is spreading lo ports and lines hitherto unaffected. Liverpool is hesinning lo feol Ihe pressure, Ihe liner Majestic being delayed in sailing for New York. FISHERMEN ON LAKE WINNIPEG DROWNED Scventy-Ycar-Old Captain Clings to Wreckage In Terrific Storm lsSaved CRAXD BEACH, Man., Sept. 1. Two fishermen were drowned in Lake Winnipeg yesterday when their boat capsized in a terrific storm. Capt. L. X. Berg-slrom. aged 70, after clinging to the wreckage for four hours, was saved. ASSAILANTS OF CITY POLICEMAN SENTENCED John Tartanvllle Gets Twelve Months and A. Esselln S'pt, In Jud;e Young's Court John Turlativillc and' A. Fs- selin, pleading guilty before Judge Young in the Counly Coin-1 this arternoon on charges of having assaulted Cljy Pol.Cf Sergeant A. II. Baileyv were re last for spectively sentenced lo twelve and six months' imprisonment. BASEBALL National Lsague Pittsburgh 10. Philadelphia 3. Cuicago i, Bos, on 5.