We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Trices nro no higher than' any other slorc in Canada. Goods marked in plain figures according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS; Eto. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner Tho Diamond Merchant of the North Last Call for PRESERVING PEACHES fiet your requirements while they lust Peaches, per crale. $2.00 Prunes, per crale.. $1.45 Harllctt Pears for preserving, per liox. $3.00 KaJing Pears, per cae $3.75 Haling Apples, U llis. 25c Hating Apples per box $3.50 Cooking Apples, box $2.50 Mussallem's 417, 423-Sth Avenue E. Phones 18 and 84 P.O. Box 575 SPECIAL for Tuesday and Wednesday Only J8.50 Silk Jlloomers for , .. .. .. $6.00 $5.00 Silk Woornera for $3.00 'Demers' P.O. Box 327. Phone 27. DANCING At tho Auditorium TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, 8 to 11 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS from 8 to 12 midnight. 5 Piece Orchestra. 1 Dance 10c 3 for 5e Tree Admission. L. J, MARREN, Prop. Phono Black 449. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Hclgorson Block, Prince flu pert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to C. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Kvcnlngs P.O. Box 235. Phono 209 Richard Garreti representing W. H. M. ROLSTON & CO. Specialising- in Portland, Cauul Mining Slocks. Portor Idaho-Marmot Metali AUGUST BUILDING PERMITS $16,750 New Residences, and Repairs to Existing Structures Provided for In Last Month's List Uuilding permits issued at the, city engineer's, offico during the inonlh of August totalled $1(3,750 in value. A few new- residences' were provided for but the most of.' the items were for repairs to existing structures. . ' The list follows: U. Suga, repairs to house on Sixth Avenue West, SI 50. Mrs. L. S. Clark, addition (o residence on Ninth Avenue, $50. J. U McLennan, repairs to foundation of Commercial Hole), $2,000. I 1'. Hruiid, residence on Fifth; Avenue .West near Dunsmuir Street, $3,500. D. Oerar, repairs to Inlander boarding house, $500. (3. McAuley, residence on Fifth West at Grant Place, $1,000. i 1'. Camilla, residence on F.ng- lish Hill, $3,500. J. (iarou, garage on Second Avenue,. $250. ' Salvation Army, repairs to enll. Avenue Fast. 12.000. ,, ... . n. ....- I. Hyrne. glass veranda lm S" house on Weslview. $200. ;""CV "uu,u uc PLAYGROUND WANTED ACROSS HAYS CREEK Petition Presented to City Coun cil and Is Referred to Board of Works for Report A petition signed by 7U per sons was presented to the city council last night asking that a Dated f3rd July. ICtt. MINERAL ACT. Cartlflcata of Imcronamanta. ii.L.i.. .t I .... I J ' I .... . .1 In . ti Aiim .Mimnr uiri!hni or UMMrnic iiisiriui I R. I I 1 i man 1 FREE-St.Charlcs I Recipe Book I Send today for thi collection I of tciled recipe (or Soupa, I Bread, Entree. FIh, Vege- table, Salad and Dreuinga, ua-ei ana i.ooxie, i iimti, m i j Dcert, Ice Cream, Sher. I bet, Candies and Beverage. I It will be aent to you tree. V I The Borden. Co. Limited H Vancouver H laWPaBWaBVaaWi W foundation of citadel, $(500. ! . ... F. J. Fuller, residence on Sev- , l"" , , ' u . , , Uieill. It was decided to refer the pot it ion to the Hoard of Works lor report. EXHIBITION JUDGES' NAMES ARE ANNOUNCED ' of Adjudicators to Fair Board playground be put in for the benefit or the many children The 1'air Hoard lias been nd- living beyond Hays Greek brid?e. ied by the Department of Agri- Aid. McMordie staled thai ho culture (hat llw following havo in.lni.uiA,l it t.-wl II. - i ..I .... I tn lakfii firmninl.xt fiii1-A fnt Mm V?t LAND ACT. Notlct of Inltntlon to AddIv to Ltai Land In I'rmrp IIU-rt Laud ili-rtrdniK DUIrir ur l'riii-e mitx-ri. and uuaie at lis Ullnii Bay. .Marlt Inlrt. T.AkK (TI(.K tlut EUKFiir II. SlinpMin. if Msfll. lie.. iHtruinlinn ('niirrinian. KitrniH to iii'ly for a leae nf the fol-lnvilnr drurribml, lands: CfHiniiPurlnit at a lnt Planted tlxiut WATER SITUATION ON ELEVENTH AVENUE IS l rhiins wralrrty fnn tli; .. ronier i. r:iv .nllri ai nilil lliil l"t- C,,J WJUIiril, last Illrflll 111.11 nr li.t liill llmri. i. l-jiant Iil.lrlrl- iiwnre pi i rhaim; thfiiw north three lie water situation on Kleventh rhaliK, nmr or les. lo lilKh water mark; , .... . . . lltenre ratlrrly alontr hlti waler mirk w Aveifue Was becoming seriOUS ?"I'iJ.,r 'iT??rr,'."t' ,nd m,llnin;and somelhins should be done to elgle u. siMrsn. i improve me ervice. tie sain ll,.l- u-o-o ririn l.r,.K.a (here which were now binsr np-plhl with a one-inch main. This was hardly adeiKale lo supply I'he matter was !:!r::'V:.V!Ll!::.rr.V!l' referre.1 to Mm Hoard of Works Kd In Mineral :lalnu I for eon'i'lf ralloil. i Aki. Miint imi i. rrra i.'wkxi. aariit fur Arnea S. I.awwjn, Free .Miner' Ortirirale o. 707IM:. Intend . lity d'V frmii the date hereof, to apply to the uiimir itentrder tor a certlileale or lin-pniviinint. for the purpose ofxittalulna a l.n.wii Oriut of the ahove rUlin. And further take notice tint aelhrn, under erllun 37. titust tie mtninenred tie-fore tlie Imue of uih Ortlflrale of fin -proveinen! luted tliM :mih day or A u just, A.I) l5 SAVE on Your Meats and Provisions Cash and Carry Hoiling Heef, per lb.. . .6c Pot Huast, per lb 10c. Pound Hleuk, per lb. . .20c Shoulder Million, roast 22 ' (Jaiuur's Hacuii Ntine Heller, per lb. sliced 45c Up River Kggs, fresh, ler tloz 45c Gainor's Lard, 1 lb. brieks 25c Phone 178. Bulkley Market (Jeo. V. Kerr, manager. Fall Millinery COATS and DRESSES Bent's Third Ave. Phono 651 LAND ACT. IJotlca of Intention to Apply to PurthaM Lana. In the Land Hn-ortllnr Irinlrtrl of I'rtnce Hiierl, and heinir a Mirtton of Cot miiuy ii.nr ill,, nanne nve ( i.oat ItlHlrtet. TAkE NOTICE that Krliiella l.liBllel if I'rut'-e Miifurl, H O., luerrhaufa, tittenii to apply fur penuiMloii i putrliate tie- ihiiiiu inif ni-'irriiM-ii laiHi: Miiineiii-inv at a porl planled at the ooriiHai i-onwr or 101 iweniy-roar (it mini- rive c. , Coast lllrn t; tlience ".nth thirl) -two rhsln; tlience we. I fnrt lulu-; tlx lire hurlh euhl ebaliii. nun' or e, in liirh uater mark; tlwnre iiorlheat alonr lUrti vtater iitatk to imtni r r'.innieiireiiietilr.-aiwl rMililnlnr eiyhty mi arr-K, more nr leaa. IRlZZELL'S IJMITKD it ten Arui inn, nil, iw. LAND ACT. Appllranl In the At hn I iihI' llUtrlrl .f rj,,lr TAkE X'TK K t-iat I, Eilptilet Xotl Potter, of " York. S.V.. U.S.A.. orru patmii Lrker. Iiileml to apply for l-r ml io iMirrhaf the follow Inr de ii-riiieo iaiHi: - I'liii.inenriiir at a pt Hunted about su . n.iin- M.uih or lianine'a rolnl on iiie e-t Irti' or Trl-h l ake,- ilKitlt eleven tnllei. -omh or tlw Yukon rjonrulary line; llienre w.-l In (IuOik: IIhimi- iiorlh 40 fhalin; 'lu'in-e eat ffl eliain : lis lire Miulherly i r..n.,winic alona ttie thore linn or Tarmi t :ike to iHiini or roniiiH-iH-rinent, aaid i-ontiiliiiiiir mi arre. tni.rr or leim !irii-l EI.IPIII.ET SUTT PMTTEH. Appliraiit , Fred Lafrvjii. Arenl bated Auriil t'lth. tH.'.. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $0.00 Half load $3.00 Litrg" sacks BOo DRY BIRCH Per load ., $0.D0 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avonuo Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Tuesday. AOE SIX ALEX GALLAGHER TO I HAVE JTUAL BY JURY Stewart Man Commjttod for Trial on Charge of Taking Stolen Boat to Allco Arm Goesvto Assizes The first case for the next session of the Supreme Hour! Assizes to be helil here, arose Ibis afternoon when Alex (iallagher of Stewart, committed for trial on a charge of having taken a stolen lmal from Hyiler I" Alaska, elected for jury trial. I DUNWELL MINE TO BE PLACED ON SHIPPING ! BASIS NEAR FUTURE YIITOIUA, Sept. I The him-! w il I mine of Sn-warl is to be tinn ed under (he management of a capable engineer and the work of reorganization and development will proceed as rapidly as possible. It is planned to put in an aerial tramway and commence the shipment of ore. The low grade ore will be ronreulralcd at Hie mine. ROAD TO ELEYATOR" ISJEING MOOTED City Council Askln- Canadian National Railways for Cooperation on Project The city council now has consideration tin- matter of budding a road to the elevator.1 A report from the Itoard ! - Works recommending that tin' Provincial Government Sends List co-operation of the Canadian "V ""... , ":it 1 4 1 1 ia I Itfiilu-'iVk. mi that rai-ii-jf V ho nought wuh al"i)ti'd by l!o l I III III I 1 .'it I Uf fi I f ll f 'at ft lata I I 1 1 , IRISH BATTALIONS umici .-jiuuu it vta'Miiu iiii villi i-ii ' m vj v j of the Gyro Club' to put in a hibilion here next week: - ' playground in that, district nest fruit, vegetables, fete.- P. C PATRIOTIC NAMES year. Hlack of (rand Porkif. Stale Army Iia-a7 trrttlalrons of . . ... - ..I H....II II t l . . . I aiu. uasey was oi iiie opin- i-uuurj, vv. u. ihmh. rnyr- miuuir, una u is now propose ion that, even if the CSyro Club ia. that they shall ln tiatued a f i ! did put in the playground, Hie Domestic Seicnre, Mrs.' the most famou- nf tin- Iri!i ( eily would have to pay a good V. Lindsay. llr ntwiod. V.I. elans, O'Hyrtu -. MaeMulion, Noikt of Inumita to.ppi ta ryrwaia portion of the cost. In t'.rit Manuel Training--- John Kyle, O'Neills and ollni. ; (ll tm inu H,.ri.ii wutrin irf rnmr ase, tne Hoard or works might eionu. nsi as well take the matter in- I There an cnoiili clan naim' ito go round, ami it is urgd tl.al PRINCE RUPLRT TIDES Tuesday, September 1 High I-:-. P - J bow 6:.'l a.m. I " l;.Jt p.m. 'M " Wednesday, Sept. 2 i llifclt .. . 0:31 a.m. 21.0 U ' t3:IH p.m. -i5 Low .... ' j l?2t p.m. 3.H " LAND ACT. ...rt .) .iiii.ii al Mia tall t rek, hirh 'n-i l-Mall irr 4-" in mil. tr-Hii it- ne.iiih. (In- new lilies would oiirinirngi' .rtBl, 'Hufrri. B . m.nxt.m luun- r , p.iii n.itiKilie iouc ideals lur.iis anion-- dinmio 1111 llu soi- sol. '. iihw" i" w f',r rTr,!"'''?, U'i "' ltuM. tM! r,. iB, -.rril-.l iIhms. It in aUo proposed that r aiwnr.ai a: a ti at tt, VOLUNTEER RESERVH Lieut. R. 1 Orders fur Si'pletiilM'r. I'J25. Iirills Mmidays, H h. y ji.tn ; Ihursilays, H to y p.m. Training ing periods a follows: Si-ptem-j noon by lhe Cardena on a trip lo Vancouver. Mrfr I'red Mathers and on .lohii sailed it. cveuiux on 'be Prlnee Oeorgn for Yanotiver. Proviueial Constable Markland and Speoial Coiislalilf Mel.eod are arriving in the eily on the i i M.: .... r........ ijiinirnii iihk iilicriiioiii iiinii siewarl, liavni;.'. in I heir cliar ze vmUiwtMit nrfnrr f lt !- f'"'r Minn 1 1 m ! I n in 1 1. 1 inr r 11 n : . : . . . . u BROUGHT TO COUNCIL r g,ea, , of &jtt&xr.m& . past from Sarsficbl lo Collins. if nmmtnrrmnn. awl ruiniir to rc. i rtwire nr In. ... Aid. McKeelmie reported to' r- 1 . KUlAL UWAUlAn WAVAL i mi .ut LAND ACT. NtU of lnltntltB to Asplr to Porthata ... i I. ii.i.ma- luktelrl of Prinrr ponder CnnmanditiK Ruperi. and nutate at Hw nxwih Bla rail r.reoa wnir iwn ;elalt ler about l mile fro. tnt"""tlVl: that Jot V . rihn Itiuvrl III - orrUMllon IJ""' There are W rai.i- 'r VX&"SZ, ijunmrwmr al t"i ptaoied al Hb oathel n.rner or IJ iwnar i"" her 21 IIIKl llrl.tirr . Ilalltlgs ,Z1, ,... ,rihriv Ihrmr i ''Min-ir mama frttotty. Bre nr le-. to lf ' who havo iLl aitoiid raining ni 1 ;...u ii.i . ....i"s imi. . ill j.siuiiiiiii mis i-ui iiiiii K'fiiiHmre an ruam wwny. ... on on of Ihi'-e dates. Names are to be Kivi-n In the first liott-leiuiiit by the 15th insl. IteeruiU- Applietl(it may lie made at naval headquarters any; drill nitfhl. Tli'-re are vaeaneies for teleri'iipliMts, shipwriKhl, inolor iiiei'liaini' and stokers. to anra, iMurt or W- a violently in-ane man. Angus' ) . . MeI.eaii, Who will be taken on ) f GSl-llinStCr lo tne aijjiuin at ew estiiiin-sler 1n custody of Goiistablee Ketich and MuiU'l'i. There were nine cases before Magistrate Mi'iMymiinl in Hie city police court Ibis juornitiK. all chaw bi'iiiif In connection with the liquor laws. Charles Melulosh and Katu Kulal were i-arh fined i'i 0(1 for Miniplyimc liiiuor lo tlm . Indians; Vil-, liam II. Italliin and MiiKum Carlson wi-re filled '5 Tor in-loxlealiou; Albert IrFuihiiiNl, N Itobinsou ami fieorKo Hunt, churned Willi intoxication, failed to appear -find Jiall of 25 was! estreated in eiieh case; lleslorl Kick, Indian, was flm-d $10 and, cnsls fur drunkenness, and n similar chaifi' against W. John-j ityn wi: wniulrrfwn. i Miss Lee at Prince Rupert JMin A WTH. I'er r.. V lliel. Aenl MnroL ' J 2L IN PROBATE. Msdlraiil IN THE SUPRIBIC COURT Of BftlTUM COlumBin. In the Matter or tho AdmiMMraUon Art awl . . . , In the Walter of the Emalu of Jtek 1 hrl ...rr h.rM.l InlMlale. Tail--' MiTICi: that Mr order f lll lloltor F. Men. Vf. IMOIe th t IW na t . ii i..i I ... antMrfnletl Ad LOCAL NEWS NOTES r i-,'ir ,.r i- etir of Jk Clirt.loff. A4.4.x lrteeea"-il. and all lrlie haln rtalm i ...... . ..ui ..tate are liereUv re Miss West satis litis lifter- "nutn d lo fnrnLli aame pnH-rl verified - " - I.- ., 1 1... lill Ii ila a- j.l I'i Inr .n "r lrore me 311111 o oi -i'ibii-. 1 fi and all inrti. " Ifxlrhled lo Ita r-lli- ax- required II -ai the mount i' their inilrljlrdiir-. I" ni- nir:niin. NnIMN A WATT. (ifli.Hl Adniltllnlnilor Pi lure Plliert II.C Ii.i. i tw lh ' lll !:. .tVhTf At the Nivv Westminsli-r Hxliibition Miss b'o will iik-ain be In nllenda;iee In dl"iiss conking Willi iinyone interest ed. Miss I.ei' is a Uomostir Science iiistiurlor of wide reputation in her work. Al the Vancouver Fair II was tnifnihli' to , tjniiaulj wiiii an wiin wituien iier ad vice, ho iiie lias eonsented to help out al W'i'stiiiinlser. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouvor Factories; Ladnor and Abbotsford, B.O. Annual Exhibition SEPTEMBER 8 to 12, 1925 THE BIG TIME IN THE NORTH More and better exhibits than ever and more attractions than ever! It will be a big time and you will enjoy it. The first Art Gallery to be seen here. District Championship Football and Baseball games. Two bands in Constant attendance. Captain Ash, the world famous sharpshooter. Platform entertainment dances and everything else to make you happy. $500 SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST You can help the students in this contest by purchasing your tickets in advance. And besides you may win a valuable prize. Get your tickets now and you will help your own candidate and may profit yourself, also. Fair Office City Hall, Prince Rupert, British Columbia WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY, TUESDAY 8 P.M. iUSICAL ECKaXRDTS SWISS BELL RINGERS : i With a comp&ny of Verscviilerieiyfnieriwncr Zylophoncs, Saxaphones, Musical Glasses, Monologues The STRAIN SISTERS in Comedy Numbers PICTURES The Go-Gcttcrs Scries No.8-Gco. O'Hnra and Alberta Vaughn in "Whose Hooligan" International Nows. Admission $1.00 and 75c. Ile-rye Your Seal- al Ortne- LmHei Ladies' New Fall Coats One or lhe iiiikI inipoiiaiil pun lni-es a w Hie course of a year is Iier fall coal. Ilealu UK we alwiiys emleiivor In -eriire piirmeiil- I Ii t Hie tniiiiile and tnioreil In rill Hie demand of pr styles. If you have occasion lo buy tur coal now it sileuiliil clioice here. All Hie new similes al moderate price- r ig !' $15.00 to $65.00 Jabour Bros. Ltd. Awnl- for llnlepriMif iiMer. Nenin (ioA-el- h ' lleview alenis. Tiirnbilll"H r. Vnliu't 'i'" An li Defeiiiler -Slious mid Dtnniiiloii nunm