i mu.’ Ss nl” LOOT. Reaanem sae. cm EE | oe PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M."DAY PREVIOUS +g: | Classified Rates Closure time 4:30 p.m. day pre- vious to publication. Classified, 3 cents per word per insertion; minimum charge 50| tractors’ Equipment. Enquir- cents r ies invited. Granville Island. Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards) Vancouver 1, B.C. 3 (tf) of Thanks, Death Notices, por SALE—Used electric wash- Funeral Notices, Marriage and er—2 years old. Simplicity Engagement Announcements, machine. 141 Wantage Road. $2.00. What offers? (222p) Special Display double price. /FOR SALE—New lumber 2,000 Sn ee —_ f.b.m. 2 x 12. Phone Blue 954.. ANNOUNCEMENTS (222) "First Alaska Music Trail con BATTERY SERVICE cert, Civic Centre. Sept an’ vio. RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East Pa ere, OF es 3rd Ave. Phone Blue 126. Re- eee eee SONS pee ; pairs, recharging and rebuild- "©. W. L. rummage sale Satur-| ig. Work guaranted. (e) day, September ] m. Store CARS FOR SALE next Royal Ba ‘ ‘ esas iil ne FOR SALE—Good ‘48 Chev.— ™ : - radio, heater and new motor. “SON Lit $1295. Apply King George Oct 3. Rooms (222p) | Se nae a FOR SALE—1950 Chey. Pick-up. Rebekah Bazaar, October + Phone Green 338. (221p) image Sale §& Andrew's roae oo Poe mnie ge igs Tele WANTED TO RENT F iral. WA Afternoon Branch Saturday, October 4, in wanyEpD TO RENT—2- or 3- Church Hall Coffee 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. FOR SALE NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim- ited, Distributors for: Mining, 3a ll. Logging and Con- room suite or house for couple Coffee and sandwiches for sale. with 10 month-old- baby. Phone Catholic Fai Bazaar, Oct. 8 _Red 215. wen aa (225p) and 9 FOR RENT Over 70 Bang Tea, Civic FOR RENT —Light housekeep- Centre, Octobe ing room, 221 5th East. (222) Ladies the Order of t sania cia Royal Purple Bazaar, Oct. 18. ROOM FOR RENT—722 Thomp- ; Hospital son Street (222p) Auxiliary Hallowe'en -~- Tea, home of Mrs, G. C. Mills, FOR RENT — Sleeping room. Oct. 31. Blue 602. (127) Canadian Lesion Fall Bazaar, FOR RENT—Large room for two Novem gentlemen. 937 Ambrose Ave. cca (223p) Cathedral Fall Bazaar, No- vember 15 1.0.D.E. Fall Bazaar, Novem- ber’ , bicycles, opportunity for ad- oe _— een with vancement, free transporta- oil range. Full plumbing, on tion privileges, holidays with sewer Full price $2,500 pay. Must have Grade 10 edu rerms if required cation, typing knowledge Ca- nadian National 526 3rd Ave. West. HELP WANTED, MALE FEMALE, : | EXTRA CASH FOR YOU. Sell} and | Earn | highest commissions. Over 60 Christmas assortments Name-On Everyday outstanding terrific sales appeal. values luxe items, including Christmas assortment Christmas card boxes include | Telegraphs, (222) R. E. MORTIMER Real Estate and Insurance 353 3rd Ave. Phone 88. (223) Tremendous FOR SALE—4-room home with| 25 card De- finished room I , a Today’s Stocks (Courtesy & D. Johnston. Co, Lea.) VANCOUVER ee ee em Many people get well paid for teaching, Others| —especially bridge players—seem willing .to pay for South dealer North-South vulnerable North (Mr, Champion 8—-A 6 H-—8 7 4 D—Q 10 8 6 3 C—K 6 4 West bast (Mr. Date) (Mrs, Keen) B-K J8732 B-—-Q 3 H---Q 6 2 HJ 10 6 3 D—A 2 D-~O 7 5 c 19 C6 73 32 south (Mr Muzzy) » 10 9g > 4 H—A K 9 D—-K J 4 C--A Q@ 10 The bidding South West North East 1 NT Pass 2 Ni Pass 3 NT All Piss Keen's honor, she could not return the suit Mr. Champion explained all this in detail, but Mr. Muzzy finally saw a way to stop the} flow of words I meant to play spades, the out the six spot 8 ie 8 y ivey %, 19o2 BLACKWOOD on Bridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD he lied, Fine 654 Cr) Se per dozen paid tor empties. Please Pe ee ee ee GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Holdup Play Is Robbery When Mr. Muzzy Uses It Phone Black 846 and Red 127 | the ace of} and I pulled y mistake.” advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Beord a by the Government Columbia, pcehiliinipepesinelles irdi Schedule STANDARD TIME | For the East— Daily except Sunday..? p. From the Bast— Daily except Monday 9:50 p.n John F. L. Hughes, D.C. | CHIROPRACTOR Hrs, 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Ceinent For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING i | Lawn Mowers Sharpened | | | 215—I1st Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 HELEN’S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beuuty Culture in all its branches 204—4th Street Phone 655 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heeis and Wurn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Bie enn Business ey Profi Se Ea aah HANDYMAy GENERAL C Bullding eat kinds ROOPFs ~ CHY OIL BURNER ne, PHON' P.O. Box 167 . FRED E. pg OPTOM . » Room 10 Stone 2 Phone Blye 5a | Open Friday Bye te cn, H. G. HELGERY LIMITED REAL ESTATE & Ingy Phone 96, Evenings 8 LING THE TAI Tailoring - Al and Clothes Made-to 220 Sixth &t, Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Sterage Complete, Reliable and Effi- client Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd, for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies, LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est, 1910. Phones 60 and 68 PORTRAITS Films Developed and PROMPT SERVI CHANDLER'S 8Ty] 216—4th Street Phone Green Prince Rup SCOTT Me CHARTERED A James Block 608d Prince Rupert, Bi Phone 347 PO, Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE pAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service Photo Finishing 6 ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phoné Gfeen 186 WRATHALL'S DF-VELOPING, PRINTING Box 478 For Reservations | Write or Call | OITY OR DEPOT | OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, | BC. 7 IY NATIONAL Lenailienliiniiaiihdeial “— } | 1 WINDOWS & SASH Reduce cost of heating and eliminate draughts by installing STORM WINDOWS—now. ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS AND SASH MADE ‘TO ORDER American Standard 061% Bralorne 6.00 BRX 0314 aaa eee eae eae eee Cariboo Quartz 1.35 1240 Kilocycles| Congress ... 06% i Cronin Babine 29 C F p e RADIO DIAL Giant Mascot 91 (Subject to Change) ne ene oan | PARE MMNM pioneer 2.00 FRIDAY Premier Border 20 P.M. : Privateer 05% 3:39 Bill Good Sports Reno < 041, 5:45 CBC News; Weather; Int. - ‘ . 2 6:00 “Canada at Work” Sheep Creek 1.38 6:15 Piano Stylings Silbak Premier 43 rt waa Vananda 02% the privilege. 7:15 CBC News Ro Salmon Gold 023, ; : : 7:30 miekaTaemoniee Spud Valley 05 Teaching Mr. Muzzy is not 8:00 Music From Manit Silver Standard 1.81 nly expensive It is also frus- | S 30 Song Time Western Uranium 4.00 trating. It takes a long time to : 00 Piano Playhouse : get him started using a valu 9:30 J. b. Priestiey Oils— : 9:45 Fun With Dwarf Fruit Trees Anglo Canadian 7.50 able device—like the hold-up 10:00 CBC News A P Con 43 play, for example. And when} 10:10 CBC News ‘ioe 5 he does begin to use it, it’s mur 10:15 Britain’s Voice Caimon 1.35 |10:30 Recital Gentra] Ledue 400 = e! jit 00 Weather and Sign-off Home Oil 14.00 In today’s deal, Mr Dale ae SATURDAY Mercury ciate 27 opened the seven of spades 700. Marine Weather Forecast Okalta 3.55 igainst Mr. Muzzy’s three no 7:05 Musical Clock Royal Canadian 21 trump contract. This was no 7:30 BBC News, Weather Report TORONTO place for the hold-up play. But 8:00 CBC News Athona 44._Mr. Muzzy thought it was 8:10 Here’s Bill Good Aumaque 17 They weren't going to catch an aes cape _— Bevcourt 1.22 winning the first trick with Sak SE aes Buffalo Canadian ” 22 he ace of spades. No, he played 9:00 BBC News and Cmty Consol. Smelters 35.25 the six from dummy, nodding 9:15 Saddle Serenade ‘onwest 3.55 his head sagely as ne 1eW : Pe eee eee. aoe ace a — ian all the cards aoe . 9:45 Songs of the West nite wet 5:59 Time Signal Eldona 17 Mrs. Keen won with the ar ee East Sullivan 7.50 queen and returned the suit 10.45 ee ee Giant Yellowknife 8.7 Dummy’s lone ace won and now 110:55 God's Lake 60 there was no play for nine pen Hardrock 11% ‘tricks without getting into the 11:31 Harricana 09 Yo 10nd = suit Mr. Dale won 11:33 Heva OT¥2\ the first diamond and = ran 1:45 Duvex 64 enough spades to defeat P.M Joliet Quebec 40 ontract 12 25 Pr enn Souae or Long Lac 7 As Mr. Champion pointed out 12:30 by Mozart . ¢ ae th Ce 7 > > ; he rar 1:00 and Madsen Red Lake 1.89 sin® “al pag “ed pol os e 30 ay Serenade McKenzie Red Lake 40 re " If ‘is Dale had Ka okndt co eee McLeod Cockshutt 2.85 ae a . ae 3:00 This Week : as ap1,/ With four spades, there is no 3:15 CBC News Moneta 38% problem, as the opponents can 3:25 Rec. Int | Negus 2 Ci ; ; el hae a : lohan ouiliciennsotin | oe S then win just three spades and Noranda 78.50 diamond. If Mr. Dale had ‘ Louvicourt 22% | iy ain . ie . > five spades, then Mrs. Keen Red Shield Pickle Crow 1.65 ce i have only two | Petrol Oil & Gas 1.10 waren: See y . | Senator Rouyn 14 And one of those two is al- Campaign | Sherrit Gordon 499 (most certain to be an honor Steep Rock 6.70 The reason is that if Mr. Dale Nears End | Silver Miller 1.49 had held king, queen and jack, Sweet Grass Oils 1.06 (he would have led the king, not } i a small spade. With a new total added . Playing the ace at trick one, to the Red Shield campaign do- Tourists To See then, leaves Mrs. Keen with a nations, $1,140.55 remains to be} ; singleton honor—which blocks collected to reach this year’s . the suit. In other words, when objective of $3,500. Following are | Kalahari Desert |Mr. Dale is in with the ace of more donors i | diamonds he cannot lay down Stork Shoppe $10.00 | , the king of spades, dropping Thompson's Hardware 10.00 ame anctuary j}his partner's. honor, as_ that Dr. W. S. Kergin ; 10.00 ~would give Mr. Muzzy a stopper Drygoods & Novelty Shop. 10.00| PRETORIA, South Africa with his 10 spot. And if he Mr. and Mrs. T, Black 5.00 | Attractions rivalling those of the|/!eads a low spade to Mrs Rupert Radio & Electric 9.00|famed Kruger National Park = a i es red Jerry's Beauty a 5.00 | await the tourist in the arid TO ADVERTISE Jerry’s Bagber Shop 5.00 |sand-duned Kalahari Desert of 5-10-and Up Store 5.00 | Southe Africa IT PAYS Mrs, M. R. Hill 5.00/ The National Parks Board of | Mrs. W. Spark 5.00 | Trustees has decided to open to IER EE CD Mrs. S. Hammond 400 | the public—probably next yea Mrs, H. Wait ; 3.00 the Kalahari National Park Mrs. E. Dockendort 3.00 The park, constituted in 1931, Bill Noble 3.00 | has so far remained inaccessible Electrolux 2.00 | to the public. About 8,000 square | Canon Prockter 2.00| miles in area, it lies half in| Mrs. C. K. Abercrombie 2.00! northwest Cape province and} Mrs. E. Johnson 2.00 half in Bechuanaland Protect- | ; Mrs. T. Moore 2.00 | orate, bordered on the west by | onsale Mrs. A. Leighton 2.00 | south-west Africa DINING = aes ae The park is rich in animal life Mrs F Ericksen 200 It contains thousands of gems- PLEASURE | Miss Mates ’ 2.00 bok, a fine species of buck, in ree A. W. Henry 2.00 their natural home, as well as IN UF WH Afaiin Eynptoeees: “ large numbers of springbok, wil- rp — wearer . debeest and red hartebeest, Wild SPARKLING NEW Bert og i. ostrich, the kalahari lion, legp- SURROUNDINGS ae Biadienes aa ard, hyena, cheetah, jackal, wild ae c ao i st tS dog ang:other animals are also F Commodore ; Cafe: Sibb Printkhe — we : 5 00 found .. There are’ also birds ii / Me | /Ray, Frasér & Hogarth 16.00 nun eros: FACIE EA. 2.2 a me | Northern Distributors 5.00 BIG ATTRACTIONS z ee W. Seuby Furs 500; Many of these animals are E. Boulter 5.00;found in the Kruger National E. A. More 3.00 | Park, but there are no springbok |G. T. Bradley 2.00 ee eee —_ a , ae ; tawny, golden-maned animal, is A. D. Waterman 2.00 slightly smaller than the Kruger | J. T. Geddes 2.50 | park lion | Other Can. Bank of Dr, Theophilus G. Nel, national | Commerce Employees 3.00 | parks biologist, describes the bird | Social Crediter | Catches CCFer | Eavesdropping NANAIMO ()—An official of in basement.| the Social Credit party claimed Concrete foundation. 8th Ave.| today that a “CCF Peeping East. Terms. Apply to 247 East |Tom’ tried to overhear Sociai life as “magnificent.” In addition, there are the Bushmen, remnants of the ab- original race of South Africa, Yellow-skinned and small, they are nomads, without social or religious institutions as their forbears did. j The bushmen are a dwindling race—there are only 22,000. But in Kalahari they will be em- ployed as guides and tourists wil} be able to see several small set- 1 tlements of bushmen living in | their natural environment | transport prob- | \lems, the board of trustees is planning to use camels and light | Phone 909 215 Ist Ave. West Greer & Bridden Ltd. P.O. Box 721 USED CARS 1951 PREFECT SEDAN The real 54285 economy car . 1950 MONARCH SEDAN Ride like 54995 a King 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN Radio, heater, 54295 Seat Covers, Only SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Seventy-four camels are ’\ being trained to serve as mounts Meteks | Wage Boosted — ®—Five hund- Velvetone, Holly Box, Star- ; m : thi Brite metallics, Christmas| —" PHone Blue 884. (222) | Credit, policy secrets while} To overcome Capers, Beloved Authors, Ca-|FOR QUICK SALE — 5 room/}Perched on a ladder. nadian Winter and Mountain} house with bath. Two unfin-| Ed Brewster, president of the | Seaeeb cer te - | een na ais men Mull | Nanaimo constituency Social | 01s zeant assortments. Every-| asement wi urnace, n- | adj ssociatio j caught | ****: day, religious, personal hum-| cluding oil kitchen stove ana |CT°: Ba 7a Se oe , : parda ae ; | : : ja “leading CCFer in Nanaimo orous cards. Personalized| automatic washing machine. | ' ‘ te | , : } cards, ribbon, napkins, sta-| House in excellent repair— ceouching aS lace under his | for touriste. tionery. Gift wraps, Kiddie’s} mew foundation, duroid roof,| Window early Wednesday “in an} Christmas stockings, Books,|) cedar shakes etc. Centrally | attempt to hear valuable Social cut-outs. Write for catalogue| located with harbor view.|Credit information being dis- ee oe oe pose a terms. Call or| cussed” by himself and his wife. ept. i oom F, onge| phone H. G. Helgerson .Ltd., , rT has Street Arcade, Toronto. (H)’ 96 or evenings Black xy | etpooe 2 =e —_ ~~ Stationery Company Limited, | (223) |™man and cornered him but let) VANCOUVER ‘aie cn si pick A alii sincnen tie __.| him go after identifying him. | THER chance to increase | He said he had turned over your revenue by or part time our daily nece sities, cosmetics; farm pro f pets mos sengmet ae eee i. wheat yield in this Bed-/| ficient identification, contract. It pré aes ee ena t have the answer '|fordshire district. The British) Brewster sai ieee | ‘s vides Tor rates o Sed ; i said the snooper “was ; money Problems ane rll | average is 21 hundredweight | definitely on political sco ranging from $2.10 an hour for guide you to success a Bel ner acre, but Talbott obtained | o earnings. lars to Familex, orimier, Montreal. selling fuil| i ;.| LEIGHTON BUZZARD, Enc.,| Write for particu- HIGH YIELD d-\(CP\—T. L. Talbott \the matter to the RCMP bu | the Mounties said they had drop claimed a|ped the case because of insuf- | 1600 G. Del- 45 hundredweight per acre from | red cooks, waiters and mess hall | t | attendants working at the Alum- - \inum Company project in nor- thern B.C. have first cooks to $1.30 for bull cooks. (it) |}ome field, and 52 from another. iTry Daily News Want Ads | Twelve camps operate on the | | big northern. project. FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE Fo: the MEAL that REFRESHES One Only— 1950 MONARCH Convertible Every extra, $9975 a dream car . When shopping for a GOOD USED CAR—try “The Home of Friendly Service” Bob Parker Ltd. WN) tir (All Times Daylight VANCOUVER and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8 FRIDAY 88 Coquitlam 6 ALICE ARM, STEWAR PORT SIMPSO Friday, Camosun, It FOR NORTH 4 CHARLOTTE & Sept, 24, Oct 8a 8S Coquitlam, @ FOR SOUTH @ CHARLOTEE & gs Coquitlam Oct. 1, Oct. 15 andd FRANK J, SHIM Prince Rupet Third Avenue... i t Phone 93 Chinese L Chop Suey - Chal Open 6 pan ‘f HOLLYWOOD For Outside orden JOHN 4 BULGE Optoma John Bulget Third AV ADVERTISING BLONDIE Why Mailmen Retire —_—_— 10 Coser) STAND TO ONE SIDE-+), HE'S DUE \ v 4 IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS 8 By CHIC