— | Terrace Plans | Trap Shooting | Championships | upert Vol sepbeiiber ui A northern B.C. trap shooting /championship contest will be held by the Terrace Red and | Gun Club Sept. 28 and an invi- | tation has gone out to all per- sons interested in competing Two trophies will be at stake: one for individual championship and, second, for club champion- ship & Gun Club and the Port Ead- | ward Club. In charge of arrange- | ments here are Jim Bacon and | George Rorvik, president and | secretary respectively of the city | club. All sharp-shooters inter- ested in joining a Prince Rupert | team are asked to contact them Alberta Men Praise Heart Operation By identified Edmonton Eskimo throws a quarterback Joe Zaleski as the Esk on rea Blue Bombers 11-9 at Winnipeg. Referee { | § g | his whistle while another Eskimo ur con | | MONTREAL © —Three Alberta | heart sufferers, who owe their | lives to a unique heart operation developed and performed at the | (CP PHOTO) | ORTS ROUND-UP | OSSINGER, N.Y. (AP)—Charlie Goldman, little man who trains Rocky Mar- Royal Victoria Hospital here, now are writing to their doctors elling of their wonderful im- provement The three, all middle-aged men Who suffered from coronary thrombosis, were the first suc- cessful eases in the placing of | me K » ‘ae ‘ ; ‘cs third artery into the heart as holding forth on his favorite topic whlie| The operation was performed by 1} . : Art ry YW Shyer ne "t hyweight challenger took a sound afternoon} 2!.A*mur Vineberg of the Royal Victoria Hospital in the room above, The operation made headlines on ide when|-——— }revently when it was described him in 1948." Gold-| waik, I find out later he did ‘4 oe oe eae but he also W4S eight or 10 miles plese edhe, Bom, Pye taat west fighter I ever ia ternational college of surgeons di wan The only reason Hocky cah| in Chicago nro. |Cat the way the does is because | YEARS OF RESEARCH y 4 he’s able to work it right off. I It is the result of several years never saw the fighter who could! of research carried out from 1946 , ever|°# with him. Take this morn-jat McGill. University’s Depart- they | ine at breakfast. Tali glass of|ment of Experimental Surgery way | range juice, then three poach-|and later at the Department of 8 ed eggs With plenty of toast| Surgery at Royal Victoria Hos- and three thick lamb chops. Oh,| pital under the direction of Dr " (¥es, then a big: bow! of break-|Grvin Miller in tl fust food and fruit. He does; This is what it nas done for hangéiies better than that, of course, at| Douglas Machon, 54-year-old ; his big meal. He's always eatin’) Calgary oilman, who “came to ag told Me | something.” | Montreal to die.” : ea Tighter out ‘ “At that time I could only eat Ei ale Sonu intl | liquids,” says Machon “a couldn’t b that — fined Chu k i walk more than half a block oa : " C OSs er without pain. I could not work. 7 oe |I came to Montreal against a ” ne r Wi everyone's advice.” : Né ins errace Although he was warned that He the operation had only been per- , pun formed once before and that the still Golf Tourne patient, a desperate case, had hen died, he was eager for the risky : Special to The Dally News honor of being the first man to re survive the ‘third artery” graft TERRACE Chuck Foster, a Machon was out of bed four ERATES member of the staff of the Home | weeks after the operation. He Rows sok th for the Aged here, led a field of | flew home to Calgary a week “| 22 players in the annual tourna- | later. Today he reports he has ; | beINE | ment at Thornhill Golf Club for | gained 20 pounds, can walk five | ; : oa be | first-year golfers miles through the bush, eats a ro He wus presented with the anything he likes, and: is now | then vo S@frace Motel trophy working on the production of 11} : ouple of Four Prince Rupert golfers new oil wells ! tly that) Ralph Smith, Don MacDonald, ALL IMPROVING | him on! Ralph Hoed end A. FE. (Ted)| wachon was operated on by u after he | Smith took part in the event Dr. Vineberg in November, 1950. iship from Me] Peeke-Voute, another Two other Alberta men, Arthur Mt im some- | Terrace resident, copped the A. | Manes, 55, and S. A. Emerson, 57, ti nd I want E, Smith Handicap when he de- flew here in June, 1951, and training again,|feated popular club manager | March, 1952, for the operation Ist Say ‘Okay, Char- | Bob Grabler in a closely-contest- | Today both are showing similar : b be there, jed.game, . gQ0d progress. be gad are t trutie * He he sumhime? Schedule winds up } tA, eons “st off and trained | this week-end with the mixed | who have? the opera- Oheymoon. Some-| two-ball tournament ‘in which | tion is seven. Of these, four are : on me.) anyone may enter working again and feel no pain . 1 work-out he’ll Grabler predicts the weather One still suffers pain and two t me he| wl} be fine and points out that cases both at death s door a little | non-members may compete in When accepted died. ‘Now the \ the tourney. hospital will not accept cases for operation if the patient can- not walk The operation, first tried out on dogs here, has been success- fully performed on humans in Hoop to Hold! Baseball Scores PCL—Sacramento 3, Los An- ° geles 4; SanFrancisco 1, Seattle} Montreal and more recently in Meetin 8; San Diego 3, Ooakiand 6;| Toronto and in the United g Hollywood 6, Portland 2 States Blot sia inelastic daaeioeivacin ans will he VAST WASTELAND ANCIENT LAND by R night,| The Sahara Desert, largest in| Ceylon was settled by Sinhal- of Pr H. Davidson, the world, covers about 3,500,000| ese Colonists from India about Backer . Rupert) square miles. 1545 B.C, bcon'e en, ASsoclation | - $$ $$$ Nt dismrcer ene fy MRA ENTE, She oe Oe ee > an} ‘ wh Host certain to a ee or not a city an entered in GE DeLuxe Push Button Range only $459 ttition s OLher ama- bas GE Standard DeLuxe Range _ only $389 of * players also lined GE Floor Polisher only $64.50 only $414.50 only $484.00 only $494.00 Northern B.C. Power C 0. Ltd. Besner Block — Phone‘ 210 Prince Rupert, B.C. GE Tank Cleaner GE Washer : GE Washer with Pump / oS SLIVE ELECTRICALLY” : t : Stewart, B.C 1 is nop b Bubl + Ublithed oy displayed y ead gy by the Government of Special invitation has been re- | J ceived by the Prince Rupert Rod | age At a meeting in the Legion, —— _ —_—— | | Hall last night, Ned McNeil was radio publicity. Canvassers will | appointed adjutant, Bill Bry-' cover the city for funds from} ant, supply officer, Dr. A. W. Sept. 29 to Oct. 4 Others pres- | Large, medical officer; Father | ent last night included Jim) Rayner, O.M.1, Roman Catholic taylor, Archie Gordon, Roy | Chaplain, and Rev. L. G. Sie-| Brown. Dr. W. R. S. Wilson, ber, Protestant Chaplain. George Kearley and John Mac- Commanding officer of the ponaid. squadron is Dick Garrett. siisticpekcilaeoia ane The new adjutant, Mr. Me- Neil, said recruiting is pro- l - | ebanon Chief — dad sini ee it hunter's boon but a farmer’s bane. HARVEST .« . FOR DUCKS—Harvest time in Alberta also means bumper meals for ducks. Migrating ducks are leaving a swath of ruined grain fields in their wake throughout southern — Alberta and farmers say their losses will run into many thousands of dollars. A typical big flight is shown in a field a few miles from Lethbridze after feeding on the swathed crops. It’s a . Court Hears Pica (Continued from Page i) ;eral windows. Evidence disclosed that after Miss White and her friends | left, Byrne went to sleep on the | chesterfield and did not wake up until “about 10:30.” Under questioning by prose- (CP PHOTO) Air Cadets Hold First Parade 222, 9.0% | many other foods. Sept. 29th at City Armories _ Date for the first parade of the new 559 Prince! Rupert Air Cadet Squadron has been set for Sep-| tember 29 in the Armories. The sponsoring com-| mittee will visit the boys on opening night. gressing favorably and “boys at the high keen on being squadron.” e An equipment officer is ex- pected to arrive here next week. F. E. Anfield, Boy Scout Com- missioner in Prince Rupert, and one of the strong supporters of the squadron, and Jack Laurie, submitted a list of names to school are very | ee + im the test Official Quits BEIRUT. Lebanon @-—Leban- ‘on’s president, Bechara El Khoury, resigned yesterday and the army's commander Gen. ‘Fuad Shebeb, took over presi- dential functions pending elec- tion of a new chief executive by Commanding Officer Garrett as probable instructors. INSTRUCTION The boys will receive 200 hours instruction during the year coupled with considerable rec- reational activity. Air Commodore R. G. Gordon, OBE, CD, who spoke here last week, said an RCAF Canso will come to Rupert to give the Parliament. Khoury’s resignation came after a three-day general strike * in Beirut, called by opposition | groups pressing for a clean-up | of government “corruption.” i Presiaent El Khoury, first and | | thus far only president of Leb- | anon, was elected in 1943 after | France ended its League of Na- tions mandate over the country. cadets flights for map reading | He Was re-elected for six-year | and navigational instruction | tii 1+ 1548. after the squadron is well under Ce SRS ae way BIG BRIDGE | Murray Johnston and Norm The George Washington i> idge Haywood were appointed by over the Hudson at New York chairman Jim Taylor to handle City has a span of 3,500 feet. waa Grain Handlers Settle Dispute | } In Night-Long Final Session — PORT ARTHUR @—A strike that would have halted | shipment of a large part of Western Canada’s huge grain crop | | was called off early today, barely three hours before the | | deadline for a walkout. | i Representatives of 15 elevator companies and union | | Officials for 1,500 Lakehead grain handlers met all night with | Deputy Labor Minister Arthur MacNamara, chief conciliator, | to reach an agreement in wage dispute. MacNamara announced a settlement acceptable to both parties had been reached. No details were immediately disclosed, AUTOMATIC GAS COOKING WITH - MOFFAT | FEATURES— Moffat “X-Ray Oven.” Roomy broiler with smoke- less broiling pan and grill. Handy minute-minder. Automatic clock to turn oven on or off while you a ‘ ey are absent. ve 2 3 sete. - Uses Rock-Gas which is non-poisonous, Clean, soot-free operation. McRAE BROS. | VITAL FOOD The protein content of fish i i Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business * Did it ever occur to you that you need’ distinctive printed |’ blended to satisfy the taste of outstanding distinctiveness — and these can he supplied by our modern printing depart- ment. Dibb Printing Co. matter for your particular British Cotuaiitens Tv kk business? | i ee ; hres Sora ai | you'll Like Captain Morgan i Black Label Rum. e : { . nype ‘aces owe you ens Captain Morgan RUM Fully Aged in Small Oak Casks the living room, breaking sev- | It’s richer, robust, full-bodied... THIS ADVERTISEMENT 1S NOT PUBLISHED OR DISPLAYED BY THE LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD OR BY THE GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ycutor Gilbert Hogg te sami asc | did not Know how a knife, sub- mitted as evidence, got under- neath Mrs. Beynon’s bed nor did he remember talking with any other members of the party after he was struck with” a bottle. Angelo Branca, Vancouver lawyer, defended Byrne. F ayigizz:| i # ts, WS AULV for com + wit For Fall Changeover | For your Fall Changeover, avoid repair bill risk with Heavy Duty High- Detergency Marvelube that stops sludge better ; ; ; and with Imperial Esso Specialized Lubrication (every point serviced by chart to manufacturers’ re- quirements). Now’s the time to make a date for this “Care Saves Wear” service. ‘Glad | switched — X Marvelube IMPERIAL fort, and long life... fe ‘elelelale Winkle exacting comfort : 327 Third Avenue ies is Pres econ “RIP long recognized as one of the most comfortable, long lived mattresses for the money available—the Rip Van omy VAN WINKLE” is made to the same standards of slumber as all the other fine Restmore mattresses. yi A. Mackenzie Furniture Ltd. “A Good Place to Buy—-For Over a Quarter Century” Phone