TRY RE-JUR THE NEW PERFUMED CO IMPACT r t in hand) taming (hi ..w'ti-i .r-r ii tiifil fo!i-Memoire lifforrnl form to $3.00 EVERYONE LIKES IT John Bulger Jeweller Nou Had Better fcet Your Name on our Hit For Dry Kindling kiln dried and 1 jrn load (6.00 5 Dandle al-r. fljfHt dft- TiH Call 112. , awl raftdr to all hMM. (IBS 'iiHf any- COAL , ;iew coat on $11.00 ;-r ton deltv-' and wry little irfsl ranao ' and strmdy n new! ' Mil kind at- nptlr. Stand 345 Third Are. Alto Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Iransfer&Taxi Co. Phonea; 189, 112, Carss Mackinaw "STAG" iris 8 Goats W -l ftnasonahle Prices ENGLISH TRENCH COATS Jutt Arrived We are Supporting Gyro Carnival ateve King Phone Green 85. I wish I knfew "I with I knew what to on these floors!" go you honr tlml remark, unly because ihoso peo-who ninke II, luivo had fill of waxes, oils and c!" np varnishes. Tlie man : woman who has used Hie ' rionr varnish has no J"iur trouble Try 01 Moor Varnish next 'mm. wo guarantee It to Rvn sol Inaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. .not In n position in judge f th moriU or demerit of the cm. 'The tlovernineiit with hII the ! In formal h.n ui its disposal, ur-; rounded hy experts, ought to make up its own mind in regard to tho iuellons and a: "We, ja jour (iovernmenl propoc this uml no and (he rWn we ask iou Irt emlor-e ii i u,Hf W(. n.w) i)Mir approval or otherwise of ouf nrllon. They arc the people to make up ibetr mind for Iho electors; Mr. Sievens then plunged into the protectionist policy f Hie ttinsenrfjlve party to whom U-devoled Ihr remainder or hlo speech. He Maid in part: "The NStional deht (if Canada is 00,o6o,ooo greater than it was in IVti. You cannot escape ii urn in oiriee we paid the deficits of the railway out of tin, revenue of the country. Yon cannot endorse a bond or mortgage without being responsible for the eridoral inn of the bond. Mr. Mafkemie King and his government are railed upon to explain how a deht ha increased tl'OO.IOA.ftdo when every oilier country in the world including tireat Itrilain, Fiance uml (ice-many are lowering their debt. I think this great country with ii .'great podililie and ac lought lo be bringing every con ceivable etrort to bear on th .reduction or it public debt. Mr. ; K 1 1 1 t says we have lowered Mn ' mr It i (ma II, .,1 il.- 'tax produced about S.' !e. ia.f year than the precediny year, hut did he lower the se jiaxr When f left office the Jale tax rate was i per rent twlule the rale today is S per rent. J Hi I the eale droppud nme 70l,mKl.WHt. Why? Ite. cause the peitple were not buy ing (he gtM. I i teat the sign of proMrtty? Itoeause a man rannwt Ihi) a sail of eiotb i that any satisfarllon lo U4I aim he i pay is; no Uxe? Out of Work "Would you rather have a o and have the money to htty tlM pools ami pay the taxes or be without the pool and wttHMCrt YKP. nAILT ikwv PAflR WW POLICY OF PROTECTION EX- bAllunffn mis ww..u.u ei STEVENS AT BIO THEATRE MEETING. (continued Trom jmge jne) the raxes As a direct reU of the fi.eal policy of idle g9vrn-nient lens of thoiMind of Cm adian have been Jarown out of work, that tltr Borebaaini; power ot I be people it being lesxtned and Ute recorl show less pr-rhaina done as a direct rwull of their flM-al iijoliey. What is the et eoHre for us lo pur-ue? We don't believe In bleb tariff in jtmtect bonpry and u recti r manufacturers nor do we ielieve in Fie Trade. Mr. Nle jerson is jfoinp lo have owM time j if he Sets lo Ottawa and mixes, Willi me iree iricr. Mr. Markentie Kmc says Ibftt, we advocate hixh tariffs to protect the rrasHHK manufacturer. It is a plav upon the passions of the people. Protective tarift i not to protect the bloated manufacturer. The projective, tariff is tor this purpose, lo protect the standard of living Ni Canada commenurale with the liviiiK condition of the ciliieni The woollen manufacturer in Mriluh Olumhia Is compelled lo pay a minimum waire of 1 I consider Hint a sound ukd fiond law. You compel lht niau ufaclurer In pay a mlnlmu'nt wiipe of lft per wek, but if you follow Mr. Markentie hlng ot Mr. Nickerion's jMilicy you can pay from one hair In the cue of (ireat llrllatii or In th case or (jcrmatty one thiisl Ihr wnpe you compel our manufacturers to pay maklnj? your uon1 I lint mum cheaper to send them over hrre and we will buy them in preference In our own pond. Give Manufacturer Chanoe "If you are poinu to miiitttcln a Htven standard or living' then you have pol lo give to the Cnt.-adiuii nianufarlurer a protection to tnaiiMiiln that standard of Ilvinjr. fllve the Oanmliun mun-ufacturcr a fair rhance. When we w'rrn in orflce we put on a business profits tux. It H'y talk about fair profits Ihry never did what wp did. lax Hie profiteers. If Mr. Klnjr is serious on litis point of prolrclinp Ihe manufacturers why has ho not from aflrr some of tliem. How tiro wc jrolng lo prevent Iho pro- frnm urn fileerimr? We . ....... . - - , recojrnlre Ihcrn may ho a possia-, llily of some of Hie manufacturers tukiiiR advnnlaKC of the tart IT by raising t ho prices of t lie products. In Iho last four year's upwards fiT 000.000 Canadians huvo Knur, lo the United Slules. Mr. Ilttshliy mentioned In mo Iho rase ut several fiinietlles, numbering somo 00 nouU, lliut had MEN Accept this Gift from dealers listed below all week Full 25c Size Palm-olive After Shaving Talc with a tube Here it a remcrkable offer we are making. An offer to cottly to ut that in a few days we must withdrew it. To wharc in it, you must act at once. For not only it there a time limit, but your dealer hat been limited to a certain quantity. When it runt out, he can get no more for you. Don't wait to come till after hit stock it gone. We nuke it to attract men who are wedded to other shaving creams to give Palmolive Shaving Cream a fcir trial. And to give regular users of Palmolive Shaving Cream another Palmolive comfort. An After Shaving Talc Which awldt that "tHudered" look Now we have created Palmolive After Shaving Talc A powder made especially for men with many advantages youll delight in. A powder that takes away that after-shave shine ; yet that's invisible on the face. A powder that avoids that "powdered" look. Not an ordinary talc But a talc that matches lefl a little spot outside Prince Hupert. Families are constantly potHR out, thousand, yes ten or thousands which are being replaced by roreigners. The besl blood in the country is being replaced with peple frnm Oetttral Europe. Is it wit, lo bring in people rrom countries like Checkn-SInvnkia, Austria, and Poland? Countries that know nothing about a cclllcd government and democracy, people who raised among revolution and chaos. Is it u wise tiling to do? Not that 1 am against Iho people who come rrom Central Kuropc bul in comparison to our own people. That Is what Canada Is precisely doing. Tho olher dav (he Province had mention ot n Wlllluril Thompson who hiui secured a big Job in w York. Ho Is only one. of thousands. Within the last Ihreo yearn something like 300 graduates of the University of Ilritlsh Columbia have passed over to th? oilier sldo lo gel work. Timber and Pulp One third of our pulp limber went out as pulp, last year ami one third went out us paper. For that puper wo got ten times the money you got for the oilier. us take these assets. Iheso raw niulcriuU, hook them up with the pi wer that iod gave us, and let the young men work on Ihem and semi them to the markets of the world in a manufactured state. What chance has the Canadian nianufarlurer f What chunoc has he to compete against the mauufaclurer of the U.S. entrenched behind a high tariff wull f What ehaneo have you golf As an UlUsirtition. You have n main thoroughfar in Prince II u perl. Suppose you say to Iho business man on lhi side, you must deal with the man on your side bul the.dlher shle or the street can ileal with the men on bolh sides, which are going to prosper? Why the man who ran deal on both sides. We say to the Yiinks you can have our market and, your own but they miy you can deal with you' K.000,000 population when we gel Ihrough with it. "IT Princo Hupert, U Vancouver. Fklinoulon ami Calgary and olher places are going to prosper, urn going lo Iivt, wo have got to see that Ihey are business cenlrcs and not Spokane, Seattle and olher points below tho line. How nre you going to bring if about? Wo will bring It about by Iho soma ntiMlinds us the Yankees brought about their prosperity, lly putting up a the excellence of Palmolive Shaving Cream. That meets gentlemen's ideals of good grooming; that combats skin roughness and leaves the skin both smooth and fresh. An amazing shaving cream Palmolive Shaving Cream, as you know, is a unique creation an amazing shaving cream. We started by asking 1000 men what they most desired in a shaving cream. Then step by step by making and testing 130 formulas we met their desires to the utmost. The result is a new attainment, superior we believe in 5 important ways to any shaving cream you have ever known. It will give you a new conception of what shaving cream can do. Men have welcomed it as they have never welcomed anything in this field. Millions have changed from old-type shaving creams. 80 of the men who use it were won from rival makes. Palmolive Shaving Cream, in a few years, has become the leader of the world. W. J. McCutcheon Second Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. protective tariff wall that wilt slop Hie inroads of the American manufactured goods wo can manufacture here. That is how wo will succeed here. "Listen friends. Last year you shipped 88 per cent of your copper lo the United Stales unrc-rined, mostly ore, some mallo. It went to the United Slates. Tho United Slates supplied over CO per cent to England and 8t per cent ot the Herman supply. Whv In Iho name, or common sense oan't wo refine, that copper in Cnnada? Tho ttnio has come when Canada is waking .up and must address itself to these groat eeonomlo particulars and do something for itself In the way of manufacturing. Iron and Steel Tho iron and leel industry i the barometer of (he condition of Iho country wherever it may be. In Canada in tho last normal year before the war, Canada produced I, 800,000 tons, in the year 1023, after tampering with tho tariff In iron and steel this was 588,000 tons. Twelve years of Canadian progress, twelve years of Canadian expansion and Cattails has only about 55 per cent of the Iron and steel she produced twelve years ago. In the same period Palitaolive Sliaving Creat to give you the SUPREME in shaving comfort Limit of one to a customer 60c value 35c 5 Unique Features 1 It multiplies itself In lather 250 times. 2 It softens the beard in one minute. 3 The lather maintains its creamy fullness for 10 minutes on the face. 4 Extra. strong bubbles that support the hairs for cutting, where weak bubbles let them fall down. 5 Olive and palm oil content has a lotion, like effect on the skin. For a FEW days only Now we offer you both Palmolive Shaving Cream and Palmolive After Shaving Talc at the price of the shaving cream alone. That gives you a 60c value for 35c It gives you a can of Palmolive After Shaving Talc without cost. Go today don't wait to any of these stores. Find out how fine your morning shave can be made. Ormes Ltd. Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. our purchases abroad have gone up. We purchased 119,000,000 worth of steel ot which $128.-; 000,000 wortli came from the United States. It is not that wei are not buying the stulT that we uro not producing, we are get-1 ting il, bul we are buying it; from abroad. Il means that thej protective tariff which they broke down. in 1931 has simply allowed the Yankee to pour in this prolfl. The mills are in the Untied Stales while tin- dealers aro In Canada. Let us wake up and turn our attention lo Iho creat assets that arc ours. Canada is capable, if given the proper lead, to meet tho U.S. dollar for dollar and article for article in the markets of the Stales. Nlckerson Speaks fleorgo Nlckerson. who was In vited to the platform spoke for firieen minutes. Much or what he said was a repetition or his previous speech, lie assured the Conservative candidate that he would not he elected, lie admired the none ot Mr. Sloven coming to Prince Hupert. Ho was a representative of what was once a great party hut which was rast passing into tho discard. He admired Mr. Hushby and hated to (continued on page six), LAND ACT. Notlc of InWntlon lo Apply to Lou Land In Trlnre Rupert Land Herordlnr Dl-met or I'rinee Hupert, kud (limit on the iuiulhwrt.1 lmre or Wile Island, B.C.. bring norm nittnetle rrom llyUiK Island, ind true east rruiu Island I'nliil. siuian Inland. TAKE .NOTICE that Anlo-British Columbia rarloii( Ciipany Limited, r Vanouuver, u.c, nrrupalion rarkeraj Intends lo apply tor kae ct the follow-nir descrilK-tl lands: dmunem in at a post planted at hlih water mark un the KuuthwesI stiure or Wales Inland in a position beartnt norin marnetlr rrom llaystark Inland and true al fnun Islund I'utnt, Sltklan Island; itwnte southeasterly along high water mark rorly-elrht 'hundred reel, more or It, to a tst marked So. I.E.) tbenee southerly lw chains, more or les. to low water mark; thence aorthwrslerfy along low water mark rnrty-elrht hundred reel, more or less; thence northerly 10 chains, mora sr less, lo point or commencement, ami cumalnlnr 7& acres, more or less. AMUt.O MtlTISH COLUMBIA I'ACkl.V'O CO. LTD. Applicant - rer Waller E, Walker, Sgent. Dtled July Uh. tt. N 0 T 1 0 C. IX THE MATTED Or "THE COMPAMES ACT," and ix the matter of ixvestmext company or momtiierx british Columbia, limiteh, TAKE NOTICE that the above Company, whose registered orrtce l at Prince Hu-pert, B.C., wlllNpply to HI Honor Judite Young. Local ludge r the Supreme Court r British Columbia at Prince Huper, B.C., on Thursday, the 15th day or October, IVfS, at the hour or eleven o'clock In the forenoon, at the Law Courts, Court House, Prince tluperl, B.C.. rur an Order restoring the said Comiiany to th register or Companies In the orrice or the Registrar or Jntui stork Dinipantes. Victoria. B.C., under Section IDS of the Comtumtea Art ot British Columbia, IHTED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this nth day or Srptcrnlir. a.D. lets, M. nostZALES. . Solicitor tot Ceiosaar