Ye it whips easily and is delicious! 1 A favorite with British Columbia housewives I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors I So often you hear that remark. It is only because thoe people who make it, have bad tbeir fill of waxes, oils and cheap varnishes. The man or woman who has used the righl floor vamLsh lias no floor trouble. Try 61 Floor Varnish next time, we guarantee it lo give sat is fat-lion. Sold onlv by Kaien Hardware Co. New Fall Coats DRESSES and MILLINERY "DFMERS" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Ford Cars NEW AND USED hasy f d sired. SPECIAL BARGAINS for he -ilar f f September. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST J. L. BLAIN CONTRACTOR Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. HARDWOODS Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Class and mating. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 LINDSAY'S . Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing, and Mlnlriluititig Team or Motor Borvlre. Coal Sand and Gravel We SpocUllie In Piano and Furniture Hovlnfl. BRINGING UP FATHER TERC TWO TMOMCb I 1 ? IT 'i' 'crr eOrj r oO oOtT E. BQTM OF 'CM BEARS STEAL- TERRACE FRUIT Pull Down Ten Year Old Apple Tree and Consume Duchess Apples . l TKHRACE. Sent. TV mute evidence of the fart thai i-ears are fond of apple and will go to considerable trouble to pet them is to be found in the or chard of S. Sjtrand in the LakeUe Valley. On Wednesday a.m. wbn Mr. Sjostrand ea into hi orchard, which i near1 the hank of the Skeeaa. one ofj hi het apple tm, a ten-year old Ihiehe. of Oldenburg, wa prartirally broken to hit! and the aiDle all cme. The foot print., of a large bear were di- .-ernable all around the tree. Friday morning Jar. fcjoirana -aw a bear rub near ne orchard' ba been spending a hort holiday al tbe Lake tail for home on Sunday. Oeorpe Little and Ted John-Jfor -ome lisne. rwivM noi. ton pet the week end al Mrj lranfer lo Stratfonl, tint. hut before he could return o tbediftrirl for several year oreur-houe for hi pun it had diap-rel on Sunday evening abnit iared into th tbiek :inher a'jll o'rlock. 'he river edge. Nothing fur-j iher ha been seen of the bip, ' In the aWnre of Rev. T. J. hear aitbougn several local. Marsh, who oerupied tbe pulpit sportsmen have been hunting the in ueishtKrliowl mee tbe depreda-on ious wre first reported. Idian the QUIET WEDDING AT a.m. F. SMITHERS SATURDAY , wins r lurcntc wmpocu owgiw nn Bride of A. F. Dickson a the SMITHERS. Sept. 22. A quiet Wfdding was oJennUei in In Smilher on Saturday evening! hi when Mi Florence CampMl. eldest daughter of Mr. Stuart ''amphell. beeanf Ihe lrile of A. F. Iiirkson. the Rev. fi. Turpin oer officiating. Ilotb the contracting parlie have re-idel in Smither for several year, and are popu live lar members of the younger et. After tb ceremony tbe younjr couple with relative. and a num-ber of friend at do-n lo a of dainty supper at Shield' Cnfe, sen following which they were e day rorted to lhir future h me on Railway Ave. by a crowd Of yotinsr folk armel with wd pan and other noise making iiistrumeni-i. TERRACE NOTES nin tal, Tbe local echool leaebers wetttl mountain climbing oji Satuplaj ami arrived bark on Sunday evening. Tliev climbed lo Ihe top of Thornhill mountain and had a wonderful view of the whole country. They also lagi in ged a few on their way down. on Mr. Griffith returned lo her home in Prince Rupert on Satur day aftrr having spent a few" on ifnvtt al hr n liwr Willi (here she took in the Terrace. Fair. The Reading Club has again ben organized for the coming S. winter and as soon a Ihe new- hook arrive they will lie started in circulation. This has proved lor several years to be a very effective way of providing good reading for nil who wish lo enter Ihe rluh al n cost of only ons new book each. The cemetery board has had a much needed Lilch gale bull! at the entrance to the local ecme tery. Wm. Forr had Ihe" con tract for the work. Mrs. W. C. - Spnrke and .,., hrr.W. ... i : . . . . I f ...rr-iii-iuw .Mr, urn or iwn - rnnc, urn., are spending a holl - nay in rnnce nupert. I I. Ilmilt. Lakelse who ! ociii wommg wiui I' M Monc- ton, B.C.L.S , in Ihe Naas dli. trie! was in town on Saturday. 11. C Crawfortl. manager of the Sluart Lake Hatchery. who ta spent over a week at the Lakelse Hatchery, returned hots? on Sal unlay. W. J. Campbell, A. Y. Hissoa.j and F. W. A Ilea. Vancouver rat HI is ir men. ware in town this week. J. II. Well. Seattle, who ha latere! is the niaek Wolf mm okaim. Kalum Lake, and wbejaad a jolly time wa spent a Utile' ramn in il,- hill helwml Lot Lake. What wa prAbahiy the jt demHilralkn al Ihe wm- ner oi ine Aurora iwean orj Northern Liclit een in tbi- the Rupert Anglican imrli nrxlay. Rev. J. II. Yonnsr. In- miionary. prenebeI in Angliean ehurcb on Snntay The ervire were read byi Fowler. John Ie Kergommaux arrived) borne from the Hatellon Hopitalj UVHBlar flf hn-Hr ha palienl in that institution ton last three month. He left later in tbe week for Vancouver recoil e further treatment on injure! thigh. Mr. R. P. Pender of PHboH Ruiiert was a visitor in town the week end. Mr. fSeorge Hushby, Conserva candidate for Ibis eoaslitu ency in Ihe forthcoming feeral eleclion, arrived in town on Sal unlay ami addreo a meeting Ihe m'emlier of the local Con alive Assoeiation on Satnr evening. Constable J. It. Rgglesbav aH Mr. Kggehaw arrived homei from the south i Saturday. They have leen gone for over two mouth most of wbiah time Mr. Kggleshaw has spent Miauglinessy Military Hospi Vancouver. flafiti J. Wiilman, 1sk;' was. in town on Sunday. W. Laen. Kalum Lake, wa lown al the week end. Wrn. Klli. Vancouver, arrived Sunday and left the same afternoon to investigate the mining claims of hell A Turner Williams Creek. Mr. Ellis i here in Ihe. interests of Vaneoii r cn,"",, Miss Kathleen Creel man, whal has peni the last year In Ter race at Ihe home of her uncle II. Creelman. lefl on Saturday for her home in Nova Scotia. W. J. Klmondoff, Seattle. mining engineer, who accom panted O. p. I trow n lo Ihe Iron lint Claim on Thornhill Moun lain lat week, arrhed hack In town on Saturday. SMITHERS Afler a couple of days spent on the million Hay Mountain examining the Schufer mine. R ... Ill-M. Rea. aeohurisl iCfMIIOKIRL wilh Willi II the Tt.C jSHver Mining Co. Jefl for Slew. iarl on Friday morning laking with him a number of samples from Ihe mine. V. Crockett, hiich .chool leel. cr and principal of the Smitheri ehosd i a patient at the aoaital last week, bavins hi slight operation lo hi arm I Hiring he illness the Rev. O Turnin look .-barge of the ansa school. The hntwe, of Mr. Frtterby on Third Av. wa tb Mie of a mni aaUrrtnr on Thnr4av evening when her (Unphter Xan Felterly and Mi Mary Faweetl gave a farewell party to Wilfrid tiofcer Nearlr two .oeore of yoansr pe.i.le were rrent dancing al muir. Mr. Cotter wbo ha been re- leivinz dipat.-)ier at Snulherii re of and left on Krhlav rush! to 4ame duties in '-a'ern rily. rfDDflWC III? AHC UlDDUilL) HijiliU BADMINTON CLUB New Set of Officers Chosen For For Local Organization at Meeting Last Night K. C. Cibbon was lat nitrht! ebosn iirsi.tnt of the Prince1 Rupert Badminton 3ub for tbe fortbrosnmg easofl and he ft supported by an able set of of ficers. Tb meeting wa a larger one. presided ver by H. F. I Allien, the retiring prei.tent Treasurer farsnichaH reported !hat there wa tl in the treas ury ten over from last season. the season last year havins been commenced with Si in IhH reasury. Fees for pits year war C atj ?io for the eaon. payable in advance, ami the memharship N liBUted to stily. The new- executive will seeureJ a suitable halt, probably the one! ued last year, and will snake ar ratvement for Ihe early openinsr of Ihe rourls. Officer eleetedl for this year were; President K. C. Oihbons. Vire-pre ideal F. I'. Hoberl-I son. Secretary -J. L. W. Wyles. Treasurer Harry Thompson Member of executive hi addi tion to she .if fleers Mr. Oeorge Itryant s-d Mr J r McLennan n SPORT CHAT 5 Thft only outdoor , sport aelivi- ties still hi progress in tbe city. are the games of the Junior Football Le;Ur. The lads arri pullioz up trood soeeer but. fni the point of view of attendant; at their games, are not being given the siihport that Iher should receive. If the parent do not evince enough interest in Ihe doings of their boy lo walcl Iliem play. ihet i little w-ondei 'bat (be publie at large does not nllend. A treod deal of iateresl ouui ie wnneti op la these uapie and this woaM help the boy in more ways that ne. The next game wfll he this evening Mween the I Ion) en Stirel and High School and J here w ill be unolher inaleh SaluMar afler. tKKin. rrt. itt . . . . me i;isier looibnll team o Toronto, holders of the Con naught Cup, are planning an invasion of ihe Old Country this winter if alisfcicry arrange- rnenls can lie made for Ihe trip It is the intention lo leave Can ada about Iiceemhrr in and games will he played only with the best I cam in the Old Couu try. The Canadians Intend to slarl their games in Ireland, Hake in Scotland next and leav Kngland for Ihe last. The trip will probably Ins! six weeks giv ing them a month for lliei games I hey might even -rosslwo Will play over to the continent All play-:hird. eKr-at, For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in ad WARTY B WAXTFJi. lMstrirt aenl. capable of food business production, appoint ins ami super- vtotnr sub-arent for Prtnee Huprt and district. K-Jeetlei: contract with ei4ense allow -anc given rtffht man. Send full particular. Norlberr Life Assurance Co. IM Hat-in Street. V Vaneouver, It.C. tf WANTED. Yountf man wtlb knowledg of Menoamphy to work in railway office. Apply in seroa t C.N.R. tuperta-tendunL StO WAXTKII. To purchase isn-mediately, Kvinroae motor, twr cylitMler preferred. Slate price to tins Ht, iHMty News office. ttt KITCHEN wtimaa wanted far out of Iowa. Phone 6-H. zti FOR SALE FOR SALE, I sin in room suites. bedroom suit. Chesterfield suites, ranavs, stoves, bed linen, level, window Minds, inlaid linoleum aad printed linoleuam, loan res, eaatrs. ChiaTumiere. frrr. Had. steads, mattresses and springs. Isining table, kitchen table, table oilcloth. A. Maekatuie. Furniture House. Pboee 775 AI.L.MI.MLM WARK AT OOST-! We are selHenr out our stork Of AluntahuH ware al easLow. iag to dfeeenf inning this line. We build CbedlerfmM's to your order from 9!&tVoe. Prince Rapert Bwhaaga. Phaae 6M. FOR SALF ! H.P. Guarantee marine eoyine in first rlas ehape. Clslch. propeller and blab tension Rosea magneto Reason for eiling. putting in more power. A snap at ttii llox tit Anyoi. II.C. 519 FOR SAI.K. One heater and Winnipeg couch with mat Ires Both nearly new. Snap for cab. Phone Blue IIS. SIX HOLF. KOOTKNAY RA.M iF for sate, slinhtry wsed. Phans FOR SALR. Itatffel and china cabinet. Phone SH. tf TO RENT FOR RUNT. First class apart ment. Monarch range and water free. Clapp block. West enhaver Hros. tf FOR RlINT. Pianos, player pianos, phonograph ami sew ing machines. Walker's Music Store. tf FOR RKNT. Five roomed suite in Levine Apartments. Appl Percy Tinker, Hays Iluiblinf FOR RKNT. Modern house, five rooms and bath. Munro Ilros er I have rerefvetl iirumise ol leave of absence from their oo Mipations in onler to make Ihe trip. Results in Ihe third round n the M. Amlrew- s Sotiely iuoitinir louriiamenl were as follows : M. Andrews. fi; h. halgarno, 12. J. Walson 15. J. Dick 13. I). Clennie 15, 11. Sleen 7, The fourth round will he a follows: !. Clennie Vs. R. Onmron. M. Andrews vs. o. Abboll. J. Watson vs. J Maelean. Tlie winner of the glrst game will play Ihe winner or (he second and ihe winner of 1 !. the winner of the mi ''3 1 By George McMnut I iiaiM,i-,az.'i . ? NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. ranee. No AdrertitemetU taken FOUND Fol'Xll. Fjirrine and r'ar. (earner can have same opni leVatifyinjr at ier Kerr's Hulk ley Market, and paying for this advr-rtiemeni. Fl M -Live pet rabbit n Fifth Avenue. Phoae ilrccn 7 IS. BOARD IKARI The Inlander. S30 Second Avenue. Phaaa 117. IH1AHI) and Room or Board only Phoae Red 707. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL Surgical and i.t. viral - JtSS 3lb Avenue Vej Krri"-dale , Yam-outer, H. C. Dr. Ernest Hall, uM-riniendeat. CARS FOR SALC tT0 Nash, i -passe njrer lourhMf . MSO Ittl (Keriand I. Sedan.. 700 itt Feed Saaaa..- 2S II8 McLauchtin Light -paetier . 250 Ford lisbt delivery lome, rebuilt 175 KAIEN OARAGE Ford aad Chevrolet rWvice hlaiion (KMHKll TIRKii Wrecking Service y and Xbjht Phont 52 KINDLINQ WOOD All dry inside wood, kindlinsjand Moeaa mixed. f.(Hi par load delivered Outside wwd. I tJ par load delivered. Norwegian style Ssll Alaska Her-rins; in JO-lb. aad H-lh. kct. 10c par lb. ISAACSON Seal Cove. Phone Black Itt COLUMBIA RECORDS NKW Process Columbia Record ae scratching. Finest reproductions jt latest Fat Trots, Songs and Instrument! music by world famed artist Call in and hear ib4m. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third vvenue TAXI Tail S7 Phona (Call Course. Paul or Oust) Special 6 and 7 passenger Slede- Uakers at ur service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Kmpre-s Hotel. BENSON BROTHERS HAZELTON, B, C. Tail Ssrvloe CARS MI.I.T M l. TRAINS. Tours arrangel. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for. or delivered, phone us. P.O. Itox C9V. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Hoy. Sell and Hi. change New and Secondhand Ooodi. QCO. PAFAD0PULIS. 830 Third Ave, Phone Un VStS PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Tuesday, September 22 High :t:52 a.m. IH.fl ft. 15:50 p.m. 10.8 how 0:511 a.m. 5.7 25:33 p.m. 1.5 Wednesday, September 23 High t:.1rt a.m. 17 5 lJ:38 p.m 19.? I-ow 10 an 11 in 0 8 23 33 5.1 .Artide, Lost Fad,&t for less than 50c warta aorict, taae oti iiei'OI t-r IS. it, ISMkuar lliln .. x. mm n) r J -vt r. . .! Jt W , , M u- : , Mhk T . . . ' Ik. .tr. M.. , -lr. Mr l. u . Trf i . I ri. trw 4.ii-f .'-' m:r. .' t . i - m f wn . ti. . t, ' UMt I. .f tHt IV it Jui. it; i Wat i I t,. a . r IV- w .f i.r.Vr iS ) . , ltm . C I . .nu :. rt I..' - Ik- 4i I'm : axtir. I - 1 llti . t V.l f K U-'.l U1D SCT assw t Mink i tti-f ta en.. aavi as. c- i . er t-'iAd Tact v.-ti t o j IMS 'I I', I Wmd ! f IS Srwflt- I.! lt is rt ' S SB.' I' I l Hank. t astca. it-. . '! Ulrt f--U T Ims. u-t a, r Imm. r m I V!' . SI I t - w l0 SCT MMlW at l nw M4ffi irvl f-fi: a Ih p ISM. N . Hoot i ru lost . 1 . at. -Tsll: tilI oi 11 ii.i. ransiii S te 1. n ' r . Mb .1 1t SIM S-i't I. 1 r- i Hi --( tp-W l-.'1Ml ' . I.O" r. 'u r m ' I 1 mi rt) I. ln Mrk tk ae tri ' sse r I"- rfc" 1 MIStUI SCT cnrksi 1 tliir m Mt.r OMin 1 h ntrt-r !! cm se TVW V..IHI te rr rHUValr v... On resa me au 1 aiasaa lsV.r,r r- twmli i w i IMS Ors'il ' see ftvr foe ua as "f nie II I (Lis I IS 225 LSNO SCT I ! eiser, m - paixw brsi' HO. assisssf 1 sertasd Iss'i catt3as?seU) tt. rf 1H I I l weMl "f Hr Tul -w4t SS rMIS: Uwao M r ''" mOowMHr tines- -Uke in seWI ' wnat enatsleinr .. Clrui LAND CT Hoiks sf ististws 1 're1' w i la PHees aspert 1 1 f nmtni Ike mnnlh ' rtitss nerlk " Wit Sf hktl t most. T.Uf. VOTp r I' mi. r HI llisv pstker. lei'"''-mt l! rHftt" CSSMIMiKHIS 1 rtisHi leiHk nt ladisa Re"-" N , tlwnes esrlheelif thence fnlkmr ' V rMin is s sniiiherlr rtn.- - K rhta I Poinl T .-.iiiiiiimit 11 " .r u r s DileJ JU04 101b. "I.