Tuesdar September ??, 10?5 IL 3MZ1 n. i 10 N 211 N HO . N 1 ' -1 - THIS UA1X.I HCVVB fflillrtlif- - "Tr H" to''cht ' ll ' J. L ,. M jsesir rocuraoie' (Till ORICINAll Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINrST HICHLAND MALT Ww.CWM, DilW. Dull. 1 This advertisement is n.t pMhi ,) ,jr played by the Liquor Control ltoar! nr bv th.- Gnvcrtitiieiit of llriliih fVilnmhia. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! All Models VICTOR VICTROLAS On Sale at Approximately One Third Off ltg. pl ll C. Itt (lllc I'll (I! . C Ul:io.oo Sl.'io.oo $1:15.00 2tM.oo $;i2r,(K $ 97.50 $107.50 $ 07.50 SI 37.50 $225.00 1 P'-ilablc $ 07.r, 5. 47.50 !i other model reduced proHrlii!iiatci. TERMS IF DESIRED. T Tli'' n-.tn. t;-.ii ..ir hi force (ink nnlil tm k i i- !p (.! ...,! I-. i.i . tj, iiifi-;ny of iniliM'ili.i!c i-i iIm , ,i t of, i'irr. eMaAsJti TWO CARPET SPECIALS Brussels 9x9 $19.60 Axminster 9 x 10J $29.70 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" H- B Hairy L.iilder, alKl on w I . I -1 iiM.nniiK "i in nimbly feet like j-mgiMK tin- ti' thing. So why not end dial ancient drudgery to-day? THRIF-T SERVICE Ji l . nil for our TlllUIT-T SF.IIN U.K which will. do every lnl r Jho washing mid iron the ll 'l w..ik h". Willi the wash on) hi wali ilny lhat " half I" "P ni'irn-Ulg" feeling will lie gull- I.'i' K"d and nil. THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and 1c a piece. Minimum Chargo $1.00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phono 8. E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Ro-locatcd at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with ndditionul tna. hme- i"i li.f niiiaeture or SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMDER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER uImj em Tied ill slork. vo handling charges liy tnomg dn-eet from Hi wirco u' sulkily. Local and Personal ll.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. 057 Try Valentin Dairy. tNMOUN CEDENTS l'liotic If B.A. Festival "auction sale Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi.' I'hone 134. If For the busy man jr woman, a Drown car saves money. I'lione 80. tf (oldblooui Is bringing back lur coals. Wait till you see Hiem! tf Hazel Martin will appear in ttm 1 -Hy police court this afternoon 'ii a charge of allowing drunken ii'" on her premise, 817 Third Avenue. Arthur Lewis Indian, on -har? of drunkenness, appeared in I In- city police court yesterday afternoon and was remanded for ' iKht days. Ihr Conservative Committee ItouiiiM are now open at CIO, Hind Ave, Vt. All wishing in t'H inalion or desiring to Rive any iilaiice are invited to call or n in in., i nit. I lancing School S S7 Hays lllock. Mrs. II. O. Crewe, Pri vate lemons any time hy ap liuinuneiii. ah classes com mence first week in October I'hone ait. 220 io (ii-l, Indian, fa lbs I to ap pear in Ihe city police court .yesterday afternoon in answer to p charge of consuming liquor In i imiilic place and his bail of (50 was entreated. I'ri'sbyterian Ladies' Aid will hold a Tea and Sale of Home Cookinp at the home of Mrs. ieo. Ilorir, Fourth A. Went, on Thursday afternoon from 3 to 6. Everybody welcome. . t- i . ii. :iieriiian presented 'o City Police Chief Vickers this morning a beautiful sample of 'ilic nittcd JapaiiPKC lily which Tf. thriving in his ganien this year. The flowers are about the Ifjfifsl thai hae tH-eu at-tn here. Mr. John Harn-ley of Van- i-oumt. after ipenling a cnuple Vf days iH're viiling with her on and Uu?hler-in-law. .Mr. and MAi. Jark Itarnsley, will return soitlh on the .Cahletia this tftiutnJieciHniiahfed by her son, Frank, who has been hen since Friday last. Thomas A. Kelley, well known Oueen Chariot le Island logging operator, and A. T. Davidson, who has been engaged in re search work on the Oueen Char iot lc Nlnnds for Ihe federal gov ernment, arrived in Ihe city from l.ogan Inlet aboard the new- lot, carrying barge Drumrock yester day afternoon. Kmglii of Pythias Whit (Drive and Dance, September 2. iy.ro Carnival and Dance October 12 and 13. Ilebekah llniaar Saturday, October 17. Catholic Church Iiainnr, 21 and 22. Anglican Church Ilazaar Vo-vember 5. Presbyterian November 12. Church Ilazaar lloyal Purple Ilazaar 13. Moose and 18. Ilazaar November 17 Ilaplist Church Ladies Ilazaar, November 20. All SI. Andrew's Ladles' Aiixillarv (lazaar. December 2. Lutheran Church Ladies' Itaaar. December t. Aid United Church Ilazaar Docom I lie- to 230 ftT It Tnhf-Uwf d N Rrfctn CATARRH el the BLADDER wk Snananl Rich Cannula futrivl brtrme IXx InmrvoreoNnforWtj Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe xf .Distinction. Open day and niqht. Ilreakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specialty is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Retail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. K1LLAS& CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sheddon's Taxi the original jOc. taxi. I'hone I3i. tf Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's taxi, 50c. I'hone 678. tf Fancy China cilps and saucers, 25c each, bee window. Denny Allen Co. 220 Our low rates have been ' an jutslanding success and .we shall ontinuc on this basis. Drown I'axi. I'hone 80. tf Hlwood Hard, charged with theft from the person of Huckin Singh, Hindu, will appear in the Oounly Court beiore Judge Younj tomorrow afternoon for election. Arthur Cnllison, Indian, failing io aooear in the city police court yesterday afternoon in answer tr. a charge of driving a motor vehicle without a license, forfeited bail in the sum of $15. Harlan I. Smith, Dominion archaeologist, who is enraged in work for Ihe department at Ki1.- wanga this summer, returned to the interior this innniing afler spending the week-end in the city. Mis.- Helen Ilandui, H.N. of Vancouver, registrar "f the lirad-uate Nurses 'Assocrai '6n and inspector of hoii!u1 training .chooK i visiting 'the Hazeltoi. Hospital today ni l will return! to the city from lie interior on Wednesday aflennMin's train. Samuel Morrison, C.N.ll. dis trict engineer for llrillsh Columbia with headquarters at Vancouver, will arrive it the city on the Prince lliipert tomorrow on a trip of inspection. Ii is understood that he has (jerlain business to take up relalho to the establishment of the federal biological board here. . mining engineer of .Seattle who was interested in Stewart camp in Ihe early days, returned lo tin city lasl night from Terrace where he made an examination of the Iron Hat miniug property on Thornhill mountain. O. P. Drown, manager of the property, accompanied him to town. Mr. it row n Koes south this afteruo.on on Ihe Cardena wjiile Mr. F.lmendorf will proceed Id' Ketchikan on (he Prince Charles tomorrow WIRELESS REPORT from Honolulu S a.m. Hull Harbor Ovc'iVasL light southeast wind; barometer, 30.-OJ?; temperature, 53; light swell; i. IB p.m. spoke steamer Cana dian Coaster left Ocean Falls at 5 p.m. bound for Astoria; 8 p.m. spoke tanker Mina Urea, Prince lluperl for Los Aiugelcs, in Queen Ulmrlollo Sound southbound: 7.30 p.m. spoke steamer Princess Port Alexander Dead Tree J'oint - Overcast, cairn; barometer, 30,18; temperature, 5(i; sea smooth. Noon Digby Island- Part cloudy. 23 1 calm: barometer, 30.2ii tcmper- iiinre, on; sea smooth. - Hull Harbor Cloudy, fresh north wesl ind barometer, 30.-05; temperature, 58; moderate swell. Dead Tree point - Cloudy, enitu: barometer, 30.22; temper ature, tj-?;- sea smooth. City Council Notes The formal annual bylaw ex empting crown lands from . tax sale was given its final readings at the meeting of the city council last night. Accounts up to September Ifi totalling $51,155.31 and includ ing 818,000 covering bond repayment to the lloyal Hank of Canada were passed for payment by the city council las' night. Frank Vickers will be acting city treasurer during the absence of I). J. Malheson who is in Vic toria attending the convention of the Union of ll.C. Municipali ties convention it was decided by the council last night. A bylaw providing that the city solicitor may collect costs in cases of legal action against thfc city was given its final readings at last night's meeting of the city council. The bylaw puts in to effect an" agreement made with Mr. Jones when he accepted Ihe post of city solicitor here. In answer to a request sub milted by the council to the pro vincial government that the plans for the beautification of the court house grounds be pro eeeded with, a letter was received by the council last night from Hon. T. I). Pattullo announcing thai arrangement were bein made to have the grounds put in better shape next year than thev had been this. Without discussion, the citv Council lasl n'sht passed a res olution urging upon the Union of ll.C. Municipalities the advisa lillily of having the Municipal Act changed so that penalties for non-payment of municipal taxe be abolished and rebates fo prompt payment be substituted The city treasurer, who is at tending Ihe convention, will be advised to this effect. There were four fire alarm" during the month of August damage lolalliifc 210. accord ing lo report of the fire chief for the month presented to the city council last night. The otilv damage was done when a gas- lioal eauylil ' fire a! Ihe Imperial Oil wharf. Expenditure of the department for the month had been $l,l(St.lU. Equipment wa reported lo be in good order. A petition sifyied by some 75 persons requesting thai the roadway from Sixlh Avenue al Hays Creek bridse lo the dry- dock be repaired was presented to llio city council last night The petition was filed when Aid Perry, chairman of the board of works, staled lhat instructions had been already issued to the W. J. F.lmendorf. well knovn',lt'l,ur"nel't that the work neces sary lo making the roadway passable be done, Ihe cost being estimated at $10, A report from the finance committee recommending that the sum or 250 be paid on account of Oke Jackson who lost part of his hand in a celebration I in 1021 through the explosion of I a fire cracker wis adopted by I be city council last night. This payment will complete the ctt"s liability in connection with the accident. The arrangement was that the city would pay dollar for dollar with the Sons of Canada Diaby Island Clear, calm;jup 0 1,000. The agreement, n barometer. 30.28; temperature.rar u, the city is concerned, U ; sea smooth; p.m. spoke) now complete, steamer Oduna, Cordova for Ta-i cojivi. 0IS miles from Tacoma; . report from the finance com- 12.15 a.m. spoke steamer Mognlliiiittee recommending that an left Stewart for Auyox; 3 a.m.' advance of 250 be made lo Ci! spoke steamer City of Vancouver, Constable Alex Maedouald on nc- iionolutu for Astoria, 250 miles;count of his little ftirl who ac- cidentally drank poison in the police station and for the past) few months has been under1 treatment at the hands of spec-j ialists in Vancouver was adopted) by the city council last night.! The arrangement is lhat the advance shall bo made on a monthly basis without interest, the members of the council to be personally responsible in ease of F.na. Vancouver for Skagway, mlnon-payment. Aid. Stephens waj in favor of giving assistance bu' voted against the recommenda lion on the grounds that, as far as the council was concerned, it was not legal. NOT SO SLOW. Younst City Miss.- There isn't much pen lo Ihe girls uul here, Is there? rainier Jlnisun l'epl Wahl, I .dutum 'bout Unit, lady. Nint dis niawnin' oilr uul Sarah milk- 'ed fifieen cows befoh breakfast. Send us youry name and u'M send you Supplies this iflustraUdYS.' h boobofbe2ulifuJV Hemes Distributors for: cfDImm . K9L9RED -3HINOLE3. PAG THRBI Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply of Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Pk -'..If,.':" Phones 116 and 117 1 ::.a Mvwv'waT'Tr, vmiA WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED AGENTS FOR Sweetest jjjaid fhocolates "The Candy of Better Quality" which are made with fresh dairy cream and are guaranteed lo give satisfaction to the most critical. There are no conditions attached to our guarantee, your money back or a new box. You must be satisfied. Assorted Fancy Centres I lb. box $1.00 Assorted Fancy Centres 2 lb. box $2.00 Nuts and Fruits I lb. box $1.20 Nuts and Hard Centres 1 lb. box $1.25 Cherry Cocktails 1 lb. box $1.25 Little Bits from the East ... Hi lb. box $1.75 Peppermint Wafers Vi lb. box 50c Ormes Limited The Pioneer Druggists. Hexall Store. 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phone 82 and 200 Wholesale and Retail Druggists Sportsmen! Wc arc Headquarters for Sporting Goods of all kinds Wo carry the famous WESTERN SUPER "X" LONG RANGE SHOT SHELLS See us ror Hand Logger's Supplies-r-Gilchrist Jacks and Parts Cable Axes Saws. etc. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 714 Second Avenue Phone 143 Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT mil PRINCE QIORQE will sail ft-mil PRINCE nUPCRT Tur VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, 111J Intermediate ihiIiii- each SUNDAY and THURSDAY at 10.00 p.m. For AN VOX Wtdnttday, 10.00 p.m. For STEWART Saturday, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES Tor KETCHIKAN, WRANQELL, JUNEAU, 8KA0WAY, raH WEDNESDAY, 4 p.m. 8.S. PRINCE JOHN rurtmituly fur VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY tictpt Sunday II ui a.m. fur PRINCE QEORQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all poluli- Kasli-rn ' ainila, I'uttnl Stairs. AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktl Offka, B2S Third An, Prlnct Ruptrt. Phona 260 IicanadianT PACinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert fr irfCHII AM. WRANGELL. JUNEAU, SUGWAY F VANCOUVER. VICTORIA taJ SEATTLE 5.5. PRINCESS HART Stilxr 7, IS. 28. UtfttAn i, 12, 22. For Butadala, Swanaon Bay, Eaat Batla Bella. Ocaan Fallt, Namu, Atari Bay, Campbali Rliar, and Vncour aary Saturday 11 a.m. Agancy (or alt Staamahlp Llnai. Full Information from W. 0. ORCHARD Oanaral Agant. Cornar of 4th Strtat and 3rd Aanua, Prlnca Rupirl, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Saiimn from rrinca Rupert. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swanaon Ba, and AUrt Bay, Tuaaday, P.M. or VANCOUVER, VIOTORIA. Atari Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A M For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rliar Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. 124 2nd Aianua. i. Barnaiay, nt. rrtnaa nupart, m o.