IN A FURNACE !! There While Yet Alive But Uncontcloue W VUlK, Hc.l. 22. The o d.iier-il the body; ainislere,! by Poleakl, he woman threaleiwl on. MUCH RAIN AT WEST ALASKA: Thlrtocn Inches Fell In 43 Hour at Cordova Causing Out Wash- ' 1 UlMiVA. Alaska. Sept. 22 II inches or rain has fal-te in the laul H hours. I have been wnshouU aloiiK "i.per Itlvor an.l Norlhwesl-Holii.nd ami (inrner Parks maroonml nl Chilina after a ! " the lllchanlson IhkIi- the railway In nn effort to r i. re to alien. the laying "f . .iiht ntone oT Ihe new M i '.nn tetniile. VOMENACTIVE MICKEY WALKER IS STILL CHAMPION IN WELTERWEIGHT CLASS; NI.W YOIIK, Sept. "2. Mickey Walker retained the wel-'"rweiifht chamnlonshlii of Iho world in a boxing match last "iKlit wilh Dave Shade. Ihe ''liamplmi gelling Ihe decision nl he end of fifteen rounds. lirllllng rally in Ihe final rtm.l won the verdict for Wnlk- cr- who had been absorbing Plenly of punishnienl from hade in tlio early round. BEARS PROMENADED oliwre where she was beached, Py thi tint" Ihe Sentinel was al- mt sunk being buoyed un only hy her air tank. Thin morning preparation I u luino Iila.ln tu .ulu jll Ihl .phie Poleski. a young ep(lbCf ,lt,r. ! ! FRENCH CANADA Proposal to Unite Partlos Montreal to Elect Lady Member In MO.MULAL, Sept. 22-j-I'rench W'.men are taking au active part " Mie election campaign and H likely the women's Liberal ft'i'l Conservative clubs will unite 'i"il nominate a woman can.ll date. ."II. !. I. t ' .... but .aUtrrwt appear, lo have or the mmuer aru ...... M(Hn w w ln "'rw,r,L- V.i f).r nofni.w.n.1 of tl.r lle.Miblic ami In Ihe fur- i-k.wfo Sunderland was In the woman wh yei s.n(ltl4.l. of h, iiconrinun from a CIVIL. WAR SEEMS IMMINENT IN CHINA SIIAMIIIAI. Sept. 22.-Ilu'ly military precau-l ii. ns and slraleair ni"e-inents of trooiis in sexeral Chinese jimvinees have miieH'Cil Hie fear Ihat coil war is iininiuenl. TOWN'S MAIN STREET People of Swanson Bay Watch Visitors from Sate ncrugo of Their Homes The donen or so residents of Swanson May. Ihe inactive pulp town down the const, remained safely in their houses one day h,M week while a big inolher bear nnd her two rubs serenelv paraded the main street in thr Dunwrll llnzcllou L. & L. premier ., porter Idaho. Silver Crest Oranby Marmot Ulmlslone Silversttillli Surf Inlet Lucky Jim Daly Alaska H owe Sound I Hurler lliirus Indian Selkirk Hay v lew lilt.. I.huI IIM tries. One man was a ume m' ii.i.n the rest, however, ami n climbed lo the mill lower where in. ,.lmi..m aiihed I lie wild Visitor r ,. i.o.utit. The exciletnenl was nil over when Mrs. Hruin and ....iiiineii In the wood i in. I.... whence Hiev had come. STOCK MARKET Hid. Asked. ..... 1.25 l.0 02 .IS .20 .. 2.2S 2.35 ,21 ' 0(131 .00 "5 .1)3 l0 .... 10.00 .10 .2 (Mi .284 .21 .24 .00 Vi .07 I Hi .10 2a.O0 20 Vi .2K .18 .01 .00 .Ot .01H ... .05 .00 H Wmm J. J. Johnson of New Westmln-sUr Is President for7 Coming Year. VICIOHIA. Sept. 2. Nine" even delegitn;.- attended tin ool lloads convenlion here yes-erday anil decided lo send a lelegHto to meet Ihe (iovernniMil o urge n number of Improvements tn the roads of the cons' lislrict. They will meel the ablnet Thursday morning. Officers elected for the tiood lloads .eague for lt26 lollow: President. J. J. Johnson, New W'eslminsler. Vice-President. Mayor J. C I'cndniy. Vicloria. Secretary, 11. Frank Dud, Van-oiner. Treasurer. It. A. Huidiison. Vancouver. It was announced to 1 1 galh-ering hy Hon. Dr. SoUn'rland t h (iov. nn. ten! 1 n ' del to a bill at tlie tortii- oinnis session of the Leaisla me dosivne.l to limil the -ii.' ol rucks ami omnibuses. PLANE WAS DAMAGED DURING HEAVY GALE Wins of Flylna Boat GA snai- tered as Result or Contact with Scow at Bella Coola I.asl Wednesday morning while moored at Delia Coola. trying boal OA of the Hoy a I Canadian Air Force, engaged in fisheries patrol, came in contact wilh a aeon- w .1 e a heavy sine was blowing and the wing was shal lere.l. The machine was llius mil out of commission ami is bo Ing shipped hack lo .lertetio Uracil slut ion. Vancouver. Flight Liulfunnt F-'i"l MacLeod, who was pilot of (he slnpi is expect ed back here tomorrow. CHINESE MERCHANTS PAY MILITARY MAN OUST CANTON REDS CANTON. cpl. 22- Merchants of Swittow have given ten mil-1 lion dollars lo the mililury leader Ceiiernl Cheng with which to oust Ihe lleds from Canton. A. E. Bryan In Vancouver From Shanghai Where he Spent Nine Years i Pacific empire for British Col ombia nilehard fertiliser. I 1 mmmmmmammmmitmm i W. A. KINQSLAND. (ieneral Manager oT Western lines, Canadian National Hadways, Winnipeg. SUICIDES PLOTS FOR TAX Boston Grill 25 nnd Ice Cream goes with dinner Ambula'. Large Upstair Dining Hall, Servloi ''uflvp l.lUv ry with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Anywhere at Anytlni J''irli,-iijlc... J; NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd The latest and beat for the and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT least. Phone 457. MATT VIDECK, Prop J! Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper vol XV. NO, (). '1085. vtmrdiyt cirtuution, iw StMtt Salt 378 PRICE FIVK CENTS. PItlNCi: HtPKHT. H.O., Tl'KSDAY. HKPTBMHKH 22. GRAIN TO BE HERE FOR ELEVATOR NOV. 1 1 TWO FISHING SCHOONERS COLLIDE AND ONE HAS BAD WILE IN HER SIDE Schooners Collided and One Now on Beach at Digby with Hole in Side Willi u gupmg hole forward on her jmh'I side, ihe 27 to '.hi'hiil schooner Sentinel I if- on the beach of Digb ) with the water running through V-r as (he tide rises und . u rc-ult of u collision -Imrtly before niidiiighl last uiglH he 5 1 ton American schooner llrpuhlic near Cacy Point. Tto wjs apparently a confusion of lights and signals us . In. . I - were ;irr'cdiilg along ut ginid jure, the Ilepublir; ' and (he Senliuel inbound Willi 11,000 IkiiiihN of liali board. The larger boat cruhcd into Ihe smaller and, WOMAN'S BODY Ihe latter, with a In? hole! pierced in tier hull, immcdiulelyj began to Mnk. The llep.iblic to ami look (tie crew off the eulinel at once hut not before Hie niHuel had thrown two ol Hum into Ihe water. Then the , llrpuhlic put a line on the sluk- iunnH lo Hiva Been Placed inu vessel and lowed her to The parly ol I oited States agro ullurul editor? and Mieir wives who are touring wet-ern Canada as the guests of the government, the (IN. ami the CP. railroads. They are shown at Winnipeg. n NEW OFFICERS !W,,DiH COMMONWEALTH ROADS LEAGUE WENT ASHORE ;BVj American Halibut Schooner Rhe PortAfter'HIUIng Setf: VANCOUVLIL 2-Dri..g-l ins wor.1 of incr.ase.1 opporluiii-; Ros on Dunias Island lies for Canadian trade in Japan,, A. K. Hryaii. the newly iiipoiii(ed At l.3 yesterday morning in a insMclor of foreign conimis- very thick fog, the American -ions, arrived here today en halibut schooner Commonwealth. route lo Ottawa from Japati.towued by the Doolh Fisheries where lie nent nine years. He Co. but being otierate.l in inde- n.H.ilii'liil n lnrae demand in the netidenl fishius wilh Capl. Join ttergman in comni.iud, ran on to he rocks on Holiday Island to lie north of Ihe Dun. las group The tide was dropping at lb 1 in.' ami the Commonwealth wa bli'.f.l lo remain ashore unlit ; lie incoming lido floated her about noon. The vessel then pro ceeded lo this port ui der her iwn steam, arriving here at 7.30 .ust evening. The keel of the Common wealth is damaged lo some ex cut and she is leaking slightly in disposing of 18,000 pound of halibut here today, ihe vesse will be taken on dry dock for "xa.nmatioit and probable re pairs. NO ANNEXATION FOR AUSTRIANS Will be Gradually Released From Control But Must Not Join Germany (iHNF.VA, Sept. 22. A veiled yet strong warnins lo Austria that she must abandon hope of Timor llflin run Ilirrc annexation 10 nerniany was tie lnUJL nnU LIW LUGO liverc.l at Ihe League of Ovations I Assembly by Dr. Vester-Ka SALONIKA. Sept. 22. To dis- Cxectto Slovakian minister to courage self-destruction follow-; Switzerland. ing many suicides in Oreecc. an1 The Assembly formally ap order has been issued providing proved the council s decision to 11 burial place for persons who release Austria gradually from n,l their own lives. .11 M.nlrol. Nickerson Announces He Will Be a Candidate in Election as Representing Progressive Party O. W. Nickerson. president of the board of trade, tin notmccd llils morning that he will be n ciindidule in this riding nl the Federal election, running tis 11 Progressive. He has the endorsement or Iho Progressive Party. Mr. Nickerson is well known here, where he has lived for John Dvbhnvn was the speaker tunny years, lie lias Inken n prominent part in board or trade at Iho luncheon of Ihe Oyro Cluhjnml olher activities and is connected wilh u number of illffer-Ihis ntlernnon. He spoke of the1 enl businesses in lowu. particularly ship chandlery through V work or tlie federal biologieu' K. Hunt Ltd.. Ihe LacaVse Hakcry, nnd Ihe brokerage business board of which lt is a member 'carried 011 by himself on Second Ave. Ten Carloads of Grain to go Through Elevator About November 11th The terminal grain elevator being built here by Curler-llnlls-Alduiger Ho. Ltd. ol Winnipeg lor the Department or nadt and Commerce will he completed on schedule time and about November 11 ten carloads or grain will come heie to be out through the plant as a lest before the contractors are re-.ea-eil. 'Ibis, infoimatiuii was given the city council last night 'by Aid. Perry who staled that the government engineer had re-! quested him'to take up the matter of power wilh the city. Aid. McMordie, chairman of the utilities committee, . tell thai the committee should have been informed oT such an im-l n 1 MIMA A TP IP porlanl matter by formal letter! I A l 1 1 1 1 1 i iitit agreed to lake the matter on w power up at I UP next nifnuis of the committee. Aid. Perry also informed Ihe ouncil that Ihe work of pulling 11 three lines of trackage to the levator was about to commence. litis would mean thai the piles f Cie iM garbage wharf would lies! toyed and he fell Ihat the ity miglil prolUittiiy dispose oi I hem. It was denulei! lo icitve Ihe mailer of disposing of the nib'- in the hands of the board of works. STRAWBERRIES ON SALE SEPTEMBER 21 Strawberries were sold on the retail market here yesterday afternoon. A shipment of the luscious fruit was- received from Vapar.-dol and they were rapidly snatched up. Strawberries for sale on September 21 constitutes somewhat of a record. They were in perfect condition and the taste as fine as in the height of tlie regular season. DRUMROCK IS BEING 1 UNLOADED AT MILL1 Big Log Carrier, After Finishing Here, Will Return to Islands for Powell River Cargo Unloading of the Hecate SI raits lowing Co.'s los carrying barge hrumrock, which arrived lien- yesterday arternoou from Logan Inlet on her maiden I rip with million feel of logs for the Prince Itupert Spruce Mills, com nienced today at the null booming ground. The bis vessel will lake a day or so to discharge, 11 is exnected, and she will then re turn to Logan Inlet to load .mother cats.' for the Powt lltver paper mill. MILLION DOLLAR FIRE T1A JUANA IN COLLISION Enters Convention Hall at Kam- loops With Black Eyes and Broken Nose CONSERVATIVE NOMINEE KAMLUQPS, Sept. 22. J. J. Fraser of.(Juesnel was nominated by the Conservatives of CuruVu cttnstiiMiicyt4fuiti?t': Hie riding in their interests, lie was chosen candidate (;rt, party convention here yesterday1. When Mr. Fraser entered the contention hall he brought with him a broken nose and two black eyes, injuries sunere.i wniie driving from his home "to Kam- lo'ops when Ihe ear was in collision wilh another car near Cache ('reek. He eanie from the hospital here lo the convenlion. TURKS HOSTILE TO NEIGHBORS Believe They Intend to Make Forcible Attempt to Seize Mcul LONDON. Sept. 22. A West- ' minster (iazctle despatch from Oeneva says the IruK government has asked Hrilain to scud u division of troops to protect it against increasing hostility of the turks. The correspondent declares grave importance is attached to the request as pointing lo a belief Ihat the Turks intend to make a forcible attempt to seize Mosul. McGEER WILL BE CANDIDATE Is Chosen by Liberals to Oppove H. H. Stevens In Vancouver Centra VANCOUVF.ll. Sept. (5. O McCeer. counsel for the province Blaze Started In the Vernon Club, ju die freight rates equalization and Swept Entire Block In Mexican Town SAN DIF.CO. Cut.. Sept. 2 Flames starling from Hie Vernon) Club in Tin Juana today swer the entire block including some or the best known resorts in the border cily. The loss Is estimated at a million dollars. LEAGUOASEBALL American League Detroit 7. Philadelphia 10. National League Philadelphia 7. Pittsburg 0. Drooklyii .'. Chicago 'S 1 Do -ton , cm mna 0. right, was last night .choeu by the Liberals or Vundmiver Centre to contest tlie riding against 11. II. Stevens. J! NEGRO BEATEN TO DEATH FOR HAYING KILLED WHITE GIRL MII.LFDCYILLF.. (leorgla. Sep 22. -W illie Dixon, a negro In-male or an asylum near here, who last week killed Mi Amy Oxford, a nurse, was 'Sunday night Inkcii from the liirfliltillon. chained to a tree and henien leath.