Just Arrived Silk Brocaded Morocain DressLengths $7.75 Color in Mark, Navy, Cuckoo, League Green, H. S. Wallace Co Ltd. Phone 9 Vegetable Special 3 DAYS ONLY Lot 1 8 lb. Heino Turnips. 8 lbs. Itemo Carrots. 8 lbs. Reino Cabbage. 8 lbs. Memo Potato. C lbs. B.C. Onion. 38 lbs. for $1.00. Lot 2.. 1 Basket HoUmusc Tomatoes. I Large Cauliflower. 1 Large Vegetable Marrow. 2 Large Ileaii Letlaee. Special 51. CO. Here is a chance for you to sa- money on your vegetables. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84. 417-423 Fifth Ate. East. Fine Value $50 Diamond Ring c have just set up our special value l)iamniU Hings which are beaui-s. The stones are blue white and erfect and of a good color. The selling is (he new slyle pierced white gold and makes a nire lillle engagement ring. Made to fit any finger or set in a different slyloii srtting if desired. " ! John Bulger ! Jeweller i ical European literature at Into much interested a any or oar allies. It would W a fmeefui, art. he added, "if the United Slates cancelled these debts fori . . . i : i a i i. . ii : a 5 sin ii aruun nvwa uwivwinn eteran professor declared. ""Soiner or later we must go in for the United Slates i keenly interested in the stabilization of Ihe world. Besideh the idea or- LAND ACT. Krtlc f Uuatiea U Appif LteS. la U Parthut rtulCM iwrUTijr In Uw vaartivaK I hence hark In the rhurrh for re- B. Vance, L. Thnrber. B flat tenor. Heggie son. E. Elliott, H. Wilson. Eopnneium J. MiM-tallem. Trombone. S. Ialby. tieorne Inna, U. Colli on. M. Lnrfcin an.! (i. MeKechnie. B flat basses.- E. Uudetna, C. Barllett. j t. uai Ms-es. Marvey uac and J. Veireck. Bass drum. Willie Murray. ll nn-nnl ..ill I I.. I .1.1 . . Europe By enlenng Lwgue lns, , ,neir wwl, we could help to achieve that end as we are the riches; country in or obtaining such will be entitlr.l 10 tuition in the tianJ. Tir,Vt MRS. CONDON MARRIES mainly the personal hatred which Senator Lodee bad for the 'ate Presiient Wilson. that M.wked it." LEO CONNOR AND WILL MAKE HOME IN NELSON A iiet rtnim tnrutmr. tbm is rStaiaa rir-1 point Mr. mnr has recently rhaiaa ikrii u. mm f om.ii.irin iransierreo. nwaii. saa rnauauax la atre. mare m leff. PRIXCE M-rEST SCKCtX HILI.. UMITEIi. AroftnM rr C P. KL Atwil Oalnl larao ih ttn WSTEa SOTICC DittralM t4 lit TAKE "T1X Uni Glraaer CDOHk Oltrd OoM Xar. UwlUaL Sm a4Srea hMnn TV ai riifwrrr xw ooca. I wr m fcrr nui iriona. mru-a rrun la uaa ai a ratal auiMi ; rrt olhmi at Uw arUV.ttt car- HaajOt. B.I.. vr ..r lh Stwi BMrra rlaim. MAT CffCEK xi. im ! D7 ttssd lr BMaair Mr I ff TIMBER SALE X7399. mill ve rrenved lMer a4 Uirr Utaa Stow tmi tar iMttnel lwvlrr. STflOICATE. ! ua U liturr pruertr. LoU X ViTKj: IS UEkEBI GfVC5 I, it. im ,1. I miM ma. rtftfl: . iM . ...... . k - la ike Caapirr of Wtlrr RUSK. prlu I t,B-itrBMl. Uar Mtauirr v4 Mlae. rk. SMiit Bai:iiar. Vlrw.ru. B.C. vlltN! ..si wrUsaM. in samilli .IS inj in? aurr w iiisi afaxeanser im bwiif m a ioral amirr. Thr "ll' of Hi flrM poWtritc nt tkH BnUte thr th my "t Inru.i. ISIS. Gi.EV.vER r.oxsoi iiutkd oiiji ants, unitm. Anllranl Bt ft R mltlL rri Auditorium W ill op :i f r a month's Skating Beginning Tuesday Ee., SepL 15. AftiTiMioiis ... S to 4. F.veiuiiKs .... 8 to 10 Good Music both sessions tkuii-tent instructors lo traeli beginners. L. J. Macro n - Prop. Phone Black 449. Fall Millinery COATS and DRESSES Bens Third Ave. Phone G51 shui It uf tae Hi ami Srry aad UrvehMbTirt Art. i.bapter ISO. B.i:, il. bmS aauai bi .u-lrurtkaaw bt tar A' u heHSi Xminc Uni. aaalsiaa l i.SSrr IB-J-r-!'jr uf Sort, find II u-r -try u prrx-ni tm)nn lo tare tor lu rur Uar follu me MiMir aatlre IrMI ISr MmUM. m-m a nrrawal uf :hr 0. 'ihomiI muuimiir Uar Mtrrtiaea ur liriuss alr of harm. natt thai Uw uiranmtt nttuuf A .r arr nMMm a rrrtaw Ulrr hi shlHl thr alr of .harr. in Uar Hal i rres amI I ttMKd, I' I. It jllrttrl im brh trtlrr Nr. (.n, u be Uronl b thr Hat trrrk 3jr UK-alr. V Iraditiff parsnavh uf taw MM iHtrr .ral -VmarJiua; u rt-luWr rtswrl. Ihr S. nr4Mi drills aum uurraus at Uar Mtl rrrk lirld bar prut, a a Ixsl; uf rual imi ri.irr. ru Mitjarr uii a sul uaur ti it ait tuilr. Mioarr but II ha bra prra ii uar a orpia mrr nt aanirue ten i.r it i. rtiaMlri I (Ml ttm woe bastk cus- 'in. yv.iiaa.a(iii Ua of Mib rUnr trrttaa- lutuMlaxot rsval Thai, at a resuli r Uar Mid rarr.uta noii. llir said A' llnr fcldnt EoBrer riMHwutr tar lun.jruasc a fuousa-"It ti- it.. I brra peovaa thai Ihr dr l-rst rmiuiur .11 square Miles (nr fit sum Miuarr . r r.i wttb a detaa uf rrrl. Mjr MltrsUsaUnai ituvi UMI. at Uar prrM-ol uir tt Uar VrlNrWl ' ' wvuni ine mail nwa nsu ri rlulr r shal) i.l. due. ajaS rlned it.mw.nuv The nrsrv o Sos.sss. own b4i lr thrrrf.rr MMradlar.'' Tlir Mid IrUrr .41 lbs putal of thr quail I) 01 uar r.l. tUIX: von .ww.aau Usui f sub bOniMiM hrl) rrriur mi. tHUHmnuua rnal. Thr mM ArlISS llesldrM Inrlhrrr (MiiK-t.tmt- i tbr furernisr tatr.. fbr aarrar if n aaalyar (j burr n-.i .-..rr. ana imu Innarl rrn un in- r..ai by thr rnolarlal Ovartwami A.-rrr ! Wirf.tnre ialrr IS.S'S V..UIir niJn.iUlr tmltrr .. l' l"l arb 4I. " ie.t Thr avrratr l.,rlfir valur. an dr- i. nnw-f1 .hi rlrhi it.r. by lln- I'mvln j ... ....imnnii ..-sarrr 1. , uriti.B Ttarroial I nil. Bv rslMar O'.almr S.Im Votalllr luthi lo ibr alsii" ami). i- itw tiiinwriral kaiur 'it tbr rauu t, (mt thr "xl i- thrn-r..rr rla.srd a a limit. 1r tl I'lioirai aif-araiMr ihi. n 1. a l(Mial in. ii rii- uu-nimt thai 11 1. .,b ImHiiiiioi' - ..r i..rli vrriina .41 lulu Miiikmi?. i tbrn'T. ini.lra'liur Seine Fishing In District No. 2 will End Early In October In the Bella Coola district thire are still four canneries itperat-mt. Tallbeo. Kinissjuii. Helta rVwUm ! AI..-0..., ...I 1 1., mk rd. The boys lined Bp at ? " "w a a.- ti i ; . k . K . r-naai College, boston. Na, who re-,"' ' .l? drtU h, f wVre bev ,,r- ' " recent.y passed throng Winni-M , . "j'Sr. Ab hiM ... hn ed the instruments ani pe?. He was returning: from bi: , . ' more than twice what il was four twenty-seventh visit to the (Can- Allien U vaft ti.f hears.l. I in arrival at the church J W,r so . t:? n . ' . mil ..t a.v - - I--. , . . . . "I am unreservedly in favor of washin; tne slate clean, asserted the professor. "The money loaned was mostly spent in our . a - , I country ami a u-en in w: prosecution of the war in which IKa 1'nifawl 'sllsl.w av ittl - itanuinasier vv uson i oesiejfTO with application from other boy desirous of joining the or ganization. Satisfaction with pmjrrees made after (be Iirsl niht with the instrument was teipressed this mom ins by lwnd- sler Wilson who is strict on the mailer of harm? njrid dis cipline in the band. Instrument were distributed follows: Cornet M. Ttussantcb. ti. Mr- iKInhsy, J. liawthorn ... , , ... 111 I inn hi on -a nv nff I tiLA 1 'urm K. Iierry. II. , ... .... Cavenaile, T. Busnanich, W . Bn- :wan countries. If cancellation, . . ' .. .. .anieh, T. ilson, P. v acctaer i.u. r -. -ti- f war debts is found impossible,. , ,ann i. ureen. . : i i. .. j ' T a " i AHos-M. Catenaile. W. Fnl- n miuriHW an aruvBU. i. Ti r t- : . k. i iui rr" r j is m lira it" never in the League of. Nations and considers it a calamity that the United States still decline to enter the League. "It is my profound belief thai the European problem will not e solved until toe United Slates is included in the League." the Coul-i and H. nins in lainy gixm iiuaniiurs, although for the "AGE SEC THE DAILY TUMfJiy. Srp'rrr .... Watch Sale FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Eilra Special Reduction on all LADIES' WRIST WATCHES l-arpc assortment to choo-r from Eye Glasses Mt;f fit perfect. ur Optician has liaJ over ?j years" riperienee in I he large centres testing eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction puaranlre.1. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the Worth WOULD CANCEL INSTRUMENTS ISALMON FISHING AUWAR DEBTS; DISTRIBUTED SOUTHOF HERE American Visitor to Winnipeg Great Interest Preva'ttd at First Cohoes and Chums Now Running Also Favor of League of Nations WINMPEti. Sept. 22. A general cancellation of war debt owing the United Slates is strongly urged fey Charles E. Fay. eminent literalenr and for the past 57 jear professor of elas-j Actual Rehearsal of Nc Organization Last Night Instruments for the recently br-?anited Hey' Hand were distributed last evening by Wilson much the interest f.t:rly yond al-:.i lha! of last week ending September IV the catch was a little low owing to heavy gales' 'thai prevailed on Tuesday and Wednesday, gome ' Ihe -ine! fishermen in the Bella Coola area are now- rtni!ied but ai number of gill net u-tirrmen are still fishing and will continue until Ihe season closes early in Mirlober. In the Central iHvtsioo setainit has been poor but the pack for that district, althoush do-k from last year, i just a good an was anticipated. Butedale, Belli Bella. Namu anil the floatinn cannery at Baroird tivr are stii' packing. Lowe Inlet closed rw rtJ . i Colli-'iovim i Throughout lntrict No. ?. eoaoes and ennm are toe n'v varieties that are now running. eine risning mav continue n the district untt! ttetober 9. except n Ihe Oueen Charlotte Islands wbrc it wil! continue uriti' October 16 or' t:t. the dale le-lending largelt on condition prevailing. RHODES SCHOLARS GET HARDLY ENOUGH TO KEEP THEM WELL Amount Now Advanced to $1750 a Year but is Still Inadequate XFBI, Sept. r2. It of Kngllsh ml lege scholarships' ti. i and thus lead to envy and dis-lrti content. It is now common fori I lr niiklie.snirilmt tatn nt weallh in I 1 . -. ....... v. ....W.VH ."1 s . .. ..... m thm around ua llw Ird Liv sX AimLu Misrsi srt iMsirirt. Brtuk jilmu ! t hp llnminion to provide H bodes ; I'lnwa punum uimn aaa 10 w ! aa xanva ai awier la a; .Knurn irifHi " inrir ifisinriii " wairr Art. isji." tll Se nird la tar, certain mm'tmy. ru Thr MM i iwi o, mre r nv water Hrrnntr al AIM : .... u ..i-.i. imnw a fej-ita u tke aapUralhia oar b nird' .-rav.. 4 ia rrwnuare tia Oar arlaal uii Ike MitJ water arnrdrr r faru ma evman ha anUfMd whh 'jlbe additional mone regtiired by aij present eondit!.ne in F.iiKland. FISH ARRIVALS Nine Halibut Boats Marketed Catches ToUllin? 182,500 Pounds at Eichange this Mornlno Nine haliimt boats marketed catches totalling IM3,S9 pounds at the Fish Kxrhnnjre this morn inp. .tneriean boats bad 160.000 pounils and three llnn-- adians, 16,50" pounds. Prices were about leef for both Amer ican and Caiin.ttan fish. Arrivals and sales were a fol lows : American Commonwealth, 18,000 pounds, al Mr and 5c. to the 1 tooth Foremost, tS.OUO pounds, al I l.tr and 5 pounds, al t:.ic and 6c, to the Canadian Fi-h & Cold Slorace Co. Chelsea. l.'.'iOO (hiuihIs. at 11 1 iiml 5r, to tin- Allin Fisheries. . I.ituya, n.imo jMjuuils, al ll ami 5c, and Kennebec, 7.000 pounds at l? :ie and 6c. lo lloyal Fish Co Canadian lliuyo, C.'infi Hiunds, al II.Jc .m.l Gr, lo tin- Wl'iii Fisheries. Koyuusu, JZQ0 pound, al 1 1 .Sc and Gr, to the lloyal Fisr Co. Caypi'on. 5 500 pounj. at II- (lltil 0i-. '.. !li I Jtii;tdi.i'i F"sl ti BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1924. IIa rrodiieed Minerals as follows: Placer Gold. 77.;i8'J,r:: ; I.,m,. i, b 3 47:i.I"; Silver. tUS.82l.u7lt. Iad. $7t.r8.:i7K: Copper, $l87.l.v.i.:i;x 171. H7: Miscellaneous Minerals, !l.tul.:ittt; lkal and LVke. $2tH.XKn,uiK j( Stone, Brick. Cemenl, el-., $ l2,22i.Sl i ; making its Mineral Production' to ti,. . IV? I show an zsi Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 I he Mming .av of thi Pruvmre are more liberal and Ute fee lower than , .-iiiv Ui.-r I'niviiice tn (he tMimiiiion, or at.j colon) hi llir llritili KiuHre .MiiiTbl localiops are gran led lu dicoerers for noiiisnal tecs. Absolute Titles are olilanicd by dcvclojung sm h projertie. Ilie ernnt) .if tt gu.iranleeil by Oown Grants. , Full inftirmalii.n together v.i(h Mining Bcjrt a d Mnp. may l.c obtained addrosing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF Mlts Victoria. British Columbia. N H. Practically all KriLafc Odombia Mineral Proeriie ummi w hi. h .!- . . work ha leen done are described in Mime-our of the Annual IlejB.rts of tt . M of Miue. Those considering mining ui.citmeiiL 'booUl refer to n h rciT . are a.aiNM w ithout charge on apiii .iti.oi to the IleMrtrueut of Mine.. . IU-rts .r the (ieologiral Survj of Canada. Pacific iimlding. Yam oiuer. ,;. tnciKb-d ;i- v lu.iliie wiun-M of infornialion. SALVATION ARMY HAS A HARVEST FESTIVAL Sum of $CG Secured as Result of Auction Sale and $100 House to Housa Collection There was a gAod attendance tat tb- saivatii harvest fetial tri,i.ii wiien a iiuantity of of- irrii;K were sold by Cptata Kea a?'t-ted b.v Ihe irl guides, the amount ecured being It is rrporfed that the house lo bouse collect too will amount to approkimately two. FACE OF PROVIDENCE 'Have you heard Ihe latest iMr. Fisher walks in her sleep." "Hww perfectly abaurd . . . aben !b'-v have three cars far Pa-sng Show. t iiion steamer is eii-K. A., iurkson. i wtt or lUnlena. Ca! due back Ir-'in wr.Mn t.k i-la-c n'e.i that the average cost vf;Anyox, Alice Arm and Jtr yester.iav a' Hir Vrestl. rian " "ioro eoucanon is somewaaijAt i-k thi-nflrrtioon.iii.il-manse. Hex. H. R. lirant. Il.Ii.. n,or' T'ar. For'mg for the south at S clock. ie mm hmrtar WtfK-i al mate f fieiatinc. when Ixsi Connor.' American the cost is higher, as The vessel is late in gelling ba. i. htrs rk,a imo taw LruH Rmr well known here a a rattwaj-mau. ",r r'" unable to pend the va-iihi. trip on account of bavin,- ti iwaji i e dmm irwi k in is TALE vTlot ifeai enare Hasn nn Milh. UmiuA. ot Prtate liepm. tmma- Ilia twin r lniMif.i l.i.. . - - was Mrs. united in ntarriaKe Ktbe Condon. al? mwI fur unsuiM lo mksim u M-iritr. Mr. and Mrs. Ivter with canon cneapiy ai aome. J're- aiake a call at Sunnyatde Ihi- costs are nearly double nery with a naiptueul of ran. Blark f f pre-war years. Wnen TbOM booked, to sail from here b.stnr Orrmd Ub4: . .. u. .. i. ths HhMles kalariliiiis uvrv . v.,,Vav M ik .tMmr , . CMBserar M a l pUMed ibxMI IS ""viiit-". w'V" - - - .T Z . T. VI . " 'They will live at Nelson to which slituted their suspend of 1,00 alulr Mrs. John BarnsJey. Frank year was most ample, and "oase! Barn !,, W. Willis and O !., sebolars managed to save enounn from il darinjr Ibejr three years of reantenee to. finance a fourth year either in Oxford or abroad. An increase of $2S9 ha been adiled to the eeholarship, but they are still iaanauate. Further increases have been ttrl proponed, but nave been voted MA. a , . at., i. k. , . , Hrovni Captain Wafsm thin morning took a drink from a Jsottlr of lysol at thfe- Jtaeon Fisherirs plant and bad to be taken to the hospital. lilt I 1 II I I k.lM . ltJi I . . . .u . . . st s..rtw.r kaiMMr. viKuof. BcJVtM .i i, .Jt Mar j. down by the Rhode Irustaes on ' . "T.- ? .r ill 4T tur s iKear lo ukr and mi tm.ttt tm bard aaaauaifc lt ik. i l.. .k. ' - - - M .k- wa rvud ttt ot aur ml Usarar. mr. vm tm .. ' l"Z' . . 1 5 JSr oteaarr Cmk. alw tmnm as Katkri f v $, i.ae ul Sr aMam4 tar rr i the DOsilion of a Rnode scholar! tm a. tm tk. i.rrw. . ... iJTH.r ?;?.'"! "heller lk.n that nt th. lU.l.r,- -TassSm lor -- sssa-ss .wsaai aaaasa ev scw-a snsnsui an r S'sii il lu anif pinira Mrumlart aau s ua taw inn raara t ----- . - l Mls ffnvsi a t ' Lr.ll.k. it a.. t .41 eaiacc RuetRT. TVersda) aew t. r -4 JoXES, CM CI TIMBER SALE X 7420 Sralrd SrsSrr i be rr4d b Ihr Ih.uwi I .. jmn lalrr Uaaai d K3' ftb Oay aaiiihatar. itH. tut Dir rrlaasc I rar Jtu. rw4 idr 4 aVai. sndai trta. i a i rui ;. a frrl at suror. iar. Maalo.i aul Uf I ; rrii a:C U- ailamrd fur ir v.rai r rufhrr rU'Klara laaU'tflar -f .f u tit- i.harf harr I'.M-r.i rrr.i Uaabrr. ' . or pairtrl I urrMrr. By j rr. V if, B m l nar HaprrS. rt. TIMBER SALE X7106 There will b ..ffrird fur Ml al rbf AarlLQ. lrr. lfJ. im wu uar lal aaji ( rt n rfkr C Uar l I sup rliwir, MMIbn. BT. . . . ! ... , ,b AAA rdar Kate aari iMin i an Ihr Ml Ia if, nurth Srsl uf ot.irtri l.trrti'r rrrt adPHii Halrll'Si. rarrr (j- rr- iii be sacmad rnmded Uwt u. r uiiaM t aiirtwi thr u-una ( prrsuai naai .uSswi a ralr.l MhSrr to Be snm al ihr a-Mar of aarit-, and irrsted a uar bad rarthrr partt-tar .4 ihr cjsef rami I rr Vlrt-M. B of ui.irtet roecaler, e.f- Ruh-rt, gx.. , TIMBER SALE, X7051. Thrre iD hr uffrrrd t- rale at f.rf ruriK, mtf-u . ine rstB asr sr SrMtSSavr, lIl as Uar rffM ttm and jtA s!u.-an bwan ? MOO I r Msrt Balaerr. Burn. Lahr. Uar Jrajra1 i 'n '.i.' iptJrZTvt ares niuana airsi 1 naoer .Vnetli ut' hrrkrr I -ale slalksi. Ranee , CtMill IMrlrlM J Tfcrrr -r. aid U allamad far ra-l Bisl irf lUmUrr. ! -rrmidml aso nmbw- allaax) tbsl aarin lu rn bm wkaSMl aeatrd' naurr . ur "" " .1 utr nnajf uf atir-1 Via and. trealrd a ar bid " rsrUarV naiellriitan ..f Ihr CaSef r.ieral er. Vlrlorta. II ... ur Ol.triri -... I he i WW"- , ' TIMBER SALE X2S93. rlfi TR.VIHTRS MM l- i- I M'lil'ter l ands, al VlrVieU. hot' i Utrr than hhi tbr tlth da ttt sm-l ii.l.r li -I. ttur.hara if jajri t.. mi i., ',... rri c turr IIH4-'. and .rr -n an area nilrd 'J1 "T t?"1 T" l'J nrar M ,r i.tand. Oixm ha Hour ItUlMl hi.t'lrt Threr 1 rai. all"rd f.T r , r .!Irr part" ' r- V I) I .'i-.a .-e ttuirt, B . "f Oie iT,i, f r.,r. . r l'l-t.Kt IV,.. )e- WESTHOLME THEATRE Tuesday Only, 7 and 8 p.m. CT00 MANY PSES" lliehanl Ih; in a !.v l low jkt . t-t:i i t.'-comedy. A Jn!l (dioto-pUv of laughs m l conldn t mike his Iir. lrlie , hi r. h ..: I erf htm off lo Smiii and ifU n diuv nitnt kis-e and fun. Iiix there arc .7 van-'i. He knows them ail. Kisse. from llnluiiir girls, flappers and e i. . . (lollies and Follies girl. Monde s and bnif ; Hisses from niJMinh giri. warm hearted S; The.e are a few of Ihr many Ih. irrts. s Richard Dlx, Frances Howard, Frank Currier, Paul Pan:t-William Powell, Alyce Mills hrrs. THE "CO CETTEnS- SERIES No. II.-QE0RQE 0'HARA AND ALBERTA VAUGHN in MAINT LOVE CRAN3." INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35c and 10c Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYD0CK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Doc Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pstttrs makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. (ur plant is equipped to handle al kinds ot MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 33 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Or. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Phonii 6S7 Qr. Ml Blsck 7SS HOUSE SLIPPERS For LADIES, MEN AND CHILDREN. Kvery lady, man or child needs a pair ol Fell ur Kid Slippers to put tin when Ihe da - Afler iicitiff tip ail daj, your feel are enltil- rest ami cotiiforL Our Kosey Kontrr Sltjipcr will give you tli and rest. Kveryhotly likes them and eeijlMnl Ih cm. We have llietn in -'1 tliffcrenl sljle rangi: fnirn 85c lo $1.85 for Children. $1.50 to $3.00 for Ladles. $1.G5 to $2.75 for Men. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone C45. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7f Affcols for Holeproof Hosier. Xrtmi ' Ilevirw Iallerns. TnilitiU"s and W (ils - l Ar.'h Hvfeodcr Shwcs and llontiiuuii llutbc