Kills Flies aud In BO. Ytrur Ontcrr Taxi 75 Taxi ' e lo liave the best Phone 75. a''r Hudson Super-i liH.lge... First and . i jfMiirer .ednn in I i '' A clotted cam. RATES i ! .- nirer . . $1.00 ; (i Pascfiiicr . . 51.50 - --i-iniert . . $2.00 ' ! Sedan, per $4.00 n-er Heilon, per $5.00 To Cold Storage and Acrosi Hays Crsek Bridge, I r ? gv- $1.00 a ! ii' i.n:il pas-rnger SOo each, TAXI 75 TAXI Phone US i ' r. prr lb. . . Co i-r Ih 10c k. per 111. . . 20c ;irnw I. anil'. 250 ' iiik l.amh. per 35c Qalner'a Hami and Bacons None Bettor Ih 40o e.-.l, per Ih. . . 45c ' 1 i -ken-, per lb. 35c t Pay Ho- .lner. Bulkley Market W K"it Phone 178. Shoe Choice is Easy j ' you look over Hie , ONYX models for Tall, be-- 'tie styles antlripale j r ni of fashion and j ' are nhoes for eflch oc-ion that women aiid women w'nnt. ' Our I all slock is now midi le. We slork A and V vi.Ubs, also wide widths, j Family Shoe Store; Ltd. Third Avenuo. Phono 357 ! Wood! Wood! Now Is your cbanco DRY CEDAR l,vull load $6.00 "nlf load $3.00 I'rgo sacks r BOo DRY BIRCH J'cr load $0,50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenuo Phono 580 Night or Day t but BOTTLES. i i. raiituio Hint the govern- 'MH'Ilt did HOI Consider ,,. iln( opporitine 0 sell the fortneri government square on MI Second Ceriinil rn.B,,. as wen ne a Urjf, nmpnik NOTIOI, I.N TIIF VUTKlfoK "TltK COMI'ANIKS i',.i I'mii " Krt "f nrlllKli Coliiinlila, ''VItm, it rrlnrf tuirfrt, n,r.., ttiln Uil, nay cf septemtier ; .IK s. Solicitor for Company, 1 i Pf.tember ?3, 1025 pm-ip. rrvri KILLS fUES.W0TH8 8&ACWES.FUAS JULBUGSJUns Nromwt ihlcnciAa InJuatUl !arch lortituta. Will nut lain, limn oliv. FORMER COURT , HOUSE GROUNDS Government to bo Asked to Give I Property to City For Park Purposes i Having been advised by Hon. Farther Prohibition Data as Result of Investigations in United States by Researchers WASHINGTON, Sept. 22. A collection ot varied informa- tion .is to the effect of prohibition on economic conditions and! health wa made public by the Research and Kdiuvition Depart-1 meiil of the redernl Council of Churches as a part of it report on the prohibition question. No, definite conclusions were slated. liuUH was remarked In the report that in general the number of deaths from 'discae .ii. ... ..... . . I Avvtiue a requested by the cit r'm lli"-lriiKiiifr showed a drop in 11)20, early tie -..uiipiI la.l niui.i nn.n.i !'" 1111 I'coiumuon regime, inn an increase in tne years mere- resolution on niolinn of AM 1 ' ey. seconded by AM. prrv .after. This was one of the tab- l mat ton oil wnicu i ne iirst sec- hat the government he remies - "',' " "'VPori. ma. pubie; od o deed the properly over to ,n,,,, &"' l,,al Mi eily fr c nl f park purpose.. , , ' ' be"" I- Bering the resolution, " ' ''b Wbirli had been M.' Mnl by ' f ur',ln- M-iV,. v..... ma . V " Hie economic side of the " .mi. i.Hii-y nam was iiu-liiiril tn airree that the 'itne wa inopportune frotn a really sUin.lnoliil in ill ., , , , ...... .. . , "",,te saWion lias not affected a 1 "m iiuiHr .in iiinui aru sue.' Opposed to Park AM Stephens was agreeable to raiM I he idea of having lb properly IlirtlPlt over Irk Mm oil... I...I ami already cut -ectjon in two. .Mayor NeuUw fell the lninies that the these observations: Probably no careful obser- 'A- ...III II. .1 ..III! . he nroiiertv. He r.,.,.M4.r.i ." w"' """ "'" I very substantial amelioration of. large numbers of the working. Data Unreliable . ..... ... ..... iiiji ,,,,, . . t n the condition that it should . Al ll"T ,,,.e .appfal U H s park site. Th city,'" m- a ri-ai v tin. I nm.,,l, f ' hiii- "J. )4iu- of property. He doubled the wis.!!' "f1'' eli0'-l l"m0, " "" f " ' in1 ,m' !...,. of estnblishin,: a park n"": .. . . '".Im iiiailo mre iron v All nl-! l menda.ion of the board of works .TZ .Hi Tn 7,ion '-npts to meaiuhc this increase! las, bul d . 15 1 ! . 1 'nJl quantitative terms are fi-aURh.i-eed nah.ta due to other causes. In addition , ' . i . throughout the eountry. hi im ii i- 3-r hiiii tmrn unnrp . . n Notlc of Inttntlon to Apply to ltt Lino lurllcit I'lilul, WliU'i IslaiKl. Uritlsb rui 'mVTtVh OK INVESTMENT COM-1 TAKB .NOTICK that AntlO-KrltUU Col. i'lV ll" NOI1TIIKIIM lUllTISIl! linihU Parklim (UaniMiiiy Llinll.'it, nf biii'Mim. I-Imit-- Tiki' NOTICK llil Hie tnv,, Cominny, ,,r li.c." will awl? U is..!!.w '!; Ctillll Voiiiii lis-Ol JiKtK ' O'" or i rill r C.'luiiihla at . lrlm lluperl, c . Thur-.M.v. Ih Hlh .My t.r ocio-hVr tv. at ih r if lvii o'rlurk ' ,..r II " i"r "inei H''1. fr rL . i hi. nl Cnniiwnv tn III vinrouvcr. u.u., nt-rnetikiu I'otkvri. t.MiiH to nppty for i h'e of lira roiiow-i Inv ilrxrllii-.l lan.lH: ( Ciiionii-nrliiir it ixnt nlmilrd on th toiitli hurr uf liarllrll Ivini. Walt-a l-lan.l, at hirh wairr mark) thenre In an utterly ilirrrllun alonir hiirh watrr mark rurly-clrlit liinutrr.l li'ii. mnrv or li, la i it markrd .No. t.K.t llwura aonth-rrly to rhains, imir or m, in low water mark: lawe In a wntorly illrcliun alniig low vxater mark r.irly rlthl hintdrcd Ir i fr nl i:imiiif tm orrn or the frtl, more or tlirmo norllwrly tn SlAuirr of J'l (i,M'k C.iiinmulp. Vie rlmlin la point or roinliirnrrairnl, tin) ronlainlnr 1& arrra. mnro op AMlUI-HKITtSII COl.llVRIV PAI.KINU CO. LTIl , . . Applicant Datad July 11, m. lull one cannot with certainly assign to ije prohibition regime more than a moderate influence in bringing about the reduction. It is probable that when-ver there has been an improvement in economic staluta.lhe tendency is toward a higher standard of living and thus naturally lowardj improved neaiia an i increases WILL BUILD ROAD TO GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Government Is Paying $200 Toward Work Which Is Estimated to Cost $350 The city council, on recomT he government would be willing jM1l,ion ,hal rcu.Uion has!rarri ot" " P,an 'f beautify. to put it on tbe market. s one of the originators Hint city. Mayor .Vwlon referred to the old court house site in CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Nona: i iuhuiy given iht tn iymtW rlum uir Lot liu. ltnt 4 i...l Pl.lrltl, l riurflM. SU)EN ii'luty MliiliOer uf UihI ijttMls irirtiurnt. Virion. it 'l.. IQtft. LAND SOT, to Hip increase in money wages we mut consider Ihe extensive carried on Hut ii 'been a factor, and an important OI ...... in tnAiiini, uni'lnfu lmnall the idea dial tb government be (in fl ,ijrh l4Vff, ,.ke. to sell Ibe pmperty, Aid ..,.,, nuthori,y can aUo be - e.diens sa d It had been his foum fnr sta,I1PI. ,haf in. ul-jert l (be of relMvf taxpayers duslry ha, profl4,, lapr. he my by having this valuable iM lhrouR heighten morale. l.wjTty removH from the han.s .., js no,wvorlhy lliat a ques-..r the gvernmnt o that it too ,1Mlnairo ,onl M part of iM might pay laws. The city would i1IVetl.ttlon to a thousand or be no belter .off .f the proerty ,,U!in.l,H directors in turned over lo it as a park itl,,,(,r,ant convorations selcetid i nl rnnilnm tifcatlnt-v fnr Hi dip Ar. Md. McMordie did not approve t,,p, 0!4 ,usni.,,MI,rn u,,nn pro of ne mea oi naving ine imvk hibltmn. rleldM a nredoininantly made into a park. Then the city,.Wet' result not. apparently so would lose ue neai improve- nil.-. i..,,,.- nf observed ef- ment tainlion already paid by upn ,uiness or industry I he government. No one could ,, because of strong personal pre-seriously think that the govern-, imifee and dissatisfarlion will) menl would male a present loji,,, goeial and political results oi be city of a properly worth prohibition as they saw them." lliywhere from $100,000 to, of Information ?00.0M) and be did not think Hi VnHos. sources were drawn was reasonable lo make such n ,n i.-nin, -intuiies re.piesi. He had no "Wectlonl,,,,,, , .lhp r(,ll0r, X,1P ttf making Ihe renesl bul be, i,.,reau fiaures were uuol- ihoughl if would he only wasting on (1,atiM froIll alcoholism time. Detroit Example Aid. (laey referred lo the iraml tlirciis Park in the heart of the business section of Ie- and cirrhosis of the liver, and Ihe report observes that Ihey showed a drop in IVi, and a isc Ihen'tfler except for a drop for cirrhosis in l'J3. Officials of troll which be did not think im-el,evuo Hospii,,!, .cw York, paired the business facilities of were ijuoled ns saying that while more acute and fewer chronic caes proportionately result ing Vancouver which had been turn- froI1 aPi,i were bandied just over to the city ror park pur- Mf,pP roi,ibiliou hecame effect imses. After further discussion, the resolution asking Dial the property be turned oyer to the city for park purpoes was passed. Md. Stephens and Aid. Smith voting against. ive, there is a unit nacK io preprohibilion conditions in Ibo tyin of alcoholism that prevails." A compilation of figures on alcoholic insanity and intemperate use ot alcohol showed a drop In 191? o I'l, lid an increase since. Tlu ..repijrl added tliat figures ns to Ihe number of alcoholics discharged from New York hospital "show in genera! Ihe same trend that we have been noting but with this important feature, that the year It):' I shows a slight decrease," Official figures on Ihe number of alcoholic cases per 1000 enlisted men in Ihe army showed a low water mark of I.Ofi in IHI8, a Nolle f MUntlon to ppl U rurch Jump to 11.18 in 1 and. tin III LmI nerriii.if lUslrlrl nf turnlt four . ninic io ii,i . . . i.i.i.iii , 1022, 8.82 In Prime Prime ,,Ji3. "" U l3 ' ,,J21- Insurance Statistics Much has been said of Ihe T.?.h?.-V.m!,''- inns' ur innamj.inifiu!1 falling dcalh late during the of rnnif ii)t:. tr iMriiinsKiii w iurrne in a f0W y,.Hri, as U!t evidence ot anlineii?inVr't,r,i 'iSi' pianiwl n n.c the effects of prohibition," said SSTitt. ,TMAtrUi(.nrf!lho reporl. "It is Irue that this imih tinny i niin; '" .?'. decline iVre er ! 1" vT '""rk; Uene "r rirninViwiiM-nt. u.l r..nllulii elibiy ((,0, arres. more wLfa UMITMi. Apiillnol. tt.l Aiini M hL V P. IW. ami I lie increaseit ex peclatton of lifo have greatly Impressed insurance actuaries, LAND ACT. foot roadway from Mcltride street lo Ihe kurt House. The cost of. the road will he $350 of which Ihe government has un7 dertaken to pay $200. Aid. Stephens was opposed to iMiibling the road for' the gov ern men t when it bail rmt even ing the grounds. . If citizens wanted such a roal they would have to pay Ihe vvlmle cost. Mayor New Ion was inclined to agree wilh Aid. Stephens except for the fact that he thought it desirable lo have unsuitable en trance for one of the few fine buildings the Vlly. could boast of. If the city bull! the road it might encourage the government to proceed with the grounds. ' Aid. I'erry staled. Ihat the! road was altrarijr , pretty well built. All thai" wat, needed was light surfacing vvhirh. would not exceiNl the eslimale of $350. A'ler some further discussion, Ihe reeommendalion was adopted with Aid. Stephens voting against. SURPLUSES SHOWN BY UTILITIES OF CITY Electric Light Department Made 759.03 during August and Telephones, $325.24 The electric light department during Ihe month of August showed a surplus of $759.03 ami Ihe telephone department a surplus of $325.2 according to re ports of the superintendent ot utilities submitted to the council last night. Figures for Ihe operation of Ihe tw department wore as follows: Electric Light Kslimaled revenue $0,877.6 Kxpense 0,118.50 Surplus 759.0.1 rjipilal .expenditure- ' ), 163.00 w'v v Telephones Kslimaled revenue ... $3,585.00 Surplus. 325.21 i-.Tiiense j.ov.tii Capital expenditure .. 1.502.01 WILL INVESTIGATE NEW WATER BYLAW The utilities committee at its nexl meet Ing will go fully into the recently enacted now water bylaw against which there hav been n number of complaints Aid. .McMordie. chairman of th" ulilitics committee, informed tin council Ihat Ihe attendance of nil the aldermen was desired at the meeting of Ihe committee. Aid inasey suggested that persons wiui comptatuis agaiusi inn ry- law be also ndmilled to the meet ing bul it was the general opin ion of the council that nothing In I'rlnre nunm l.tud lurontiuir nn- would be trained "'mii Iherebv nnnii), Mavoi ,muoi irlrl or Crime Hiiikti. md mum to at BcaSWningscbolar 2 1 Shoe Polish On shot pour Are You Strictly Up-to-Date? CVERY day new inventions appear to save 1 you time, money and effort. All the time new comforts, new conveniences and new pleasures are being thought out for your individual benefit. Do you know about them? Are you up to the minute on this vital news? The advertisements bring you information of all this progress. 'Read them and you will know about the very things that concern you most things that have a very direct influence on your life and that of your family. The. advertisements tell you where to get these things, how to get them and how much to pay: For advertising is a daily directory to wise buying. Don't rob yourself of the benefits that come from regular and systematic reading of the advertising columns. Advertising is altogether too important to be missed. Read it every day. Newton and Aid. McMordie ex plained that, as Ihe water de triment, bad been operating at t loss for many years, certain increases in charges were warranted hut the desire was thai Iho charges should bn eiptitable. tl was pointed out that, even un der the new bylaw, the charges were not excessive as compared wilh other places. PLEASANT SURPRISE PARTY LAST NIGHT .Miss Muriel Forsyth Presented With Ring by Friends on Occasion of Her Birthday. A surprise party look place last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Thompson, 82 1 llorden St. in honor of Miss Muriel For syth, whose birthday it was, (tames and dancing were enjoyed and some step dancing by 11. Van Muster was much appreciated. Refreshments were served at midnight and a presentation of a ring was made to Miss Forsyth by Mr. Van Muster on behalf of Ihe company. I hose present were Mrs. llyrne, Miss Aggie McKcnzie, Miss llella McKemie, Mrs. Knox, Miss Muriel Forsyth, Miss Mao Thompson, Miss l.lziie Currie, Miss Florence Thompson, Miss F.dith Thompson, Mrs. DuU Ion, Mrs. Thompson, Harold Van Busier, Stanley Webb, Han Chrislmason, Mack Smith, Jim Knox, Jim Martin, Klmer Thomp son and V. Thompson. CULINARY ARITHMETIC. The teacher was bearing a Mass in mental arlilhmetic. It was Ihe first lesson In fraellnns "Now." said Ihe teacher, "Mary had cighl eggs. Afler using four for her cake, what part was loft? Lulu waved her band frantically. "What is il. Lulu1" asked the teacher "F.ggshells," was the prompt reply It's a profitable practise HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert Mrs. V. llussell, Skeena City; T. A. Sandison, Haysport; Victor Hagberg, Edmonton; A., Prince (leorge; V. J. Klmendorf and (). P. llrown, Seattlo; Mr. and Mrs. (i. G. Sessions, Pacific; A. T. Havidson, Thomas A. Kelley, Charles Mackenzie and William N. Kelty, Vancouver; A. tood enough, Sniilhers. Central John Tevcner, C.3.H.; M. Con .Ion, city. IANO ACT. Notlca of Inttntlon to Apply to Purchat Land.. In the Land necui-uiu District of rrim-e Huperl. and situate al Ml rail Crrfk which flow Into Ki-Mall luver about lit mill's rrotu Us mouth. TAkK .VOICE that Clirton I'. Hid or Prince- lluiwrt. B.C.. occupation lumber man. IniemU to apply for permission to purenase tne rouowwr aescrinca linns: c.oniiiienrinir at a iisl plantotl at the Koutkwot corner or Lot 633, llawce four; llienre !i chains aoiitherly: thence SO chain westerly: thence to chains northerly: thence 90 chains- easterly to point of cuiiunencrinent, and containing 40 acres. nioro or less. . C. rf KIEL. . Applicant Paled nnil 1 4th. ti - LAND ACT. Notlc ot Inttntlon to Apply to Laaa Land In I'rlnre Itupert l.aqd Itrcorilmr Itlstrle or I'rlnre Itupert. and situate at Yes talbin n. IV. Massett Inlet. TAVK MITKK that Euin-ne II. Simpson, of Unset!, li.C, oreiiiatkn raniieryin;in. Intends to apply for a lease ur the rul- lowlnr rteribcd linrt. toinineiir nr at a nisi nianiea amiui no chain westerly mm the .w.E. corner or Lot 15J0, Ilanre &. Coast District; tnenrn west tn enains; tnence norm inree chains, more or less, tn hla-ft water mark; lheiM-e easterly aroni high water mark ti' point or rcimmrn.f me nt, and containing aen-s. more or less. EUGENE It. SIMPSON, Applicant nat tM tnl o!i LAND ACT. Notk of Intiotlon to Apply to Purchait Uind. tn the Land llecordina Olstrlrt or prince lliipert, ant annate at the month f BIk Calls Creek which flows Into the Kcslall lllver about It miles from lis rinsith. TAkK .NOTICE thai John A. Smith U Trliice lliiiierl. H.t'. occuiUlnn lumber Intends tit apply fur permission to nurchase tU rollowlnr described UikIs: Cnmnienrtur at a post Mantett al the southwest corner or Lot 135; Hi tire four; thiMM-e SO rhalns northerlv: thencs 30 chains westerly, maris or less, to th Er Mali lllver; thence 30 chains southerly theitre 30 t lialiis easterly, ami contiiuilnr . vu acres, more sir less. I JOtn A. SMITH. I Applicant. I eer v. v iui, Aircoi. 1 Baud Autuit Win, Utl. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrift-T-Servlce, Sort Finish, 'And Dry Cleaning. Wo are ready at any lime to receive your phono call, to take your instructions, to lake personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Kxquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. RJR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave, Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 la G. X-Ray Service Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thuriday and Saturday hvenlngi